Research-De Blas Michael Sample

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Crownlink Center 1 Fairview Quezon City Philippines

Awareness for the Inadequate Expenses to the Grade 12 HUMSS at

South East Asia Institute of Trade and Technology

A Research
Presented to the Faculty of
South East Asia Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink Center 1 Fairview Quezon City Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Grade 12 Humanities and Social Science
Practical Research 2

Cabael, Joshua
Codilla, Janvier
Dabocol, John Emiel
De Blas, Rachelle
Realina, Eistein
Seguin, Melissa

Submitted to: Lyra Almeria

S.Y 2019

Crownlink Center 1 Fairview Quezon City Philippines



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Chapter 1
In school the common problems of students in Grade 12 HUMSS are the
simultaneous tasks, projects and performances. But not every issues are about projects,
but the costs behind them that needs to end before reaching the deadline. The common
ones entering the have no enough money or might be a working student while studying.
Every student must be aware on how to handle their budget without getting tedious on
Despite the National attention focused on student debt, how students cope
finances and even debt while in senior high school. his, remains poorly understood. The
presentation of finding describes student’s expenses predictors of debt. Developing an
annual budget can be pairs taking process, ticking to it can get even more difficult.
However, it’s also rewarding if you have already studied or learn to focus on necessities
instead of spending money on unnecessary thing you might not needed.

Background of the study

Financial literacy has become one of the most concerned issues in
developed countries in recent years especially after the economic crisis of 2008.Since the
effect of personal finance are significant for societies prior to economic crisis of 2005.
Studies on financial literacy were scarce in academic journal. But governments of many
developed countries. However, gave the needed attention to the issue of financial literacy
after the crisis, for instance, there was an advisory committee on personal finance which
was put on place to encourage financial literacy Awareness among Americans after the
economic crisis. The idea of personal finance has been described in literature as the
awareness and use of financial knowledge and terminologies by individual in order to
make rational decision. Many academic researchers in the field of personal finance have
chosen to define the concept. The ability to make informed and efficient judgement
regarding the line of management of money (Schagen and Lines)

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1996 Personal Finance Literacy is however conceptualized on certain critical areas in

finance such as saving and borrowing interacts rate, budgeting is financial knowledge
(Chen and Volfc1996, Remund,2010).

Significance of the study

This study conducted to benefit the following:

Students - This foremost directly for students who can’t bear their finances of the early
stages of their youth.

Teachers - Teachers can be aware of each student’s condition, if they can fill in the deficit
for payment.

Parents/Guardians - Student’s guardians can be guaranteed to notice their child school

finances. Hence, are being aware if they are financially stable for the child’s necessities.

Researchers – As a Researcher who also studied at South East Asia Institute of Trade
and Technology Were also a beneficiary of this study because of the information that we
can get.

School - School can be guaranteed to notice their students about the expenses that their
students had.

Statement of the Problem

Students are in debt and borrowing too much money to get through their finances.
Everyone should be simply aware of finances the teachers and the school should notice
the whole within each students and understand that each of them are not capable of
giving and taking care financial issues. The benefits of these solutions will positively affect
the student’s they might be more efficient and focus on their study if these issues in
financial budgeting will have a solution.

1. What is the Demographic Profile of the Respondents?

1.1 Age

Crownlink Center 1 Fairview Quezon City Philippines

2. Are Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences Student aware on their

3. Are grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students are capable to pay their

Scope and Delimitation

The focus of study is to conduct an overview of financial literacy among Senior
High School students how can we effectively deal with budget and their personal debt for
school necessities. This study is limited only to 201 Grade 12 Humanities and social
sciences students of South East Asia Institute of Trade and Technology. Determining the
percentage of students who have a capability to pay their school expenses and the
percentage of student who don’t have a capability to pay their school expenses.

Null Hypothesis: Not all the of the Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences Students
are capable to pay their expenses.
Alternative Hypothesis: All of the Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences Students
are aware iterms of inadequate expenses.

Definition of Terms

Inadequate Expenses- Lacking the quality or quantity required, insufficient for a purpose
these labels prove to be wholly inadequate.
Awareness- Having knowledge or perception of a situation of fact.
Financial Literacy-it is the education and understanding of various financial areas
including topics related to managing personal finance, money and investing finance.
Necessities- Something that you must have or do or the quality or state of being need.
Debt-The state of owning money.

Crownlink Center 1 Fairview Quezon City Philippines

Review of Related Literature and Studies
Local Studies:
There are several factors as to why some parents choose not to enroll their
children, or why children drop out of school. In a 2012 paper from the Philippine institute
for development studies. It was revealed that most critical factors that determine a child’s
schooling include parental and teacher perceptions on school, educational attainment of
the child’s parents and varying expectations on boys and girls. But the most common
problem is poverty.
Philippine public schools do not charge tuition fees, but it’s not the only financial
consideration. School supplies, uniform costs, meals and transportation add up to the
costs as well. When an emergency occurs, such as family member falling ill as a parent
losing his job. It also usually forces the child to drop out of school.
Not having access to education will affect a child’s ability to get ahead in life and contribute
to his family’s betterment. That is the real cost of missing out an education.
Foreign studies:
One of the most difficult and stressful parts of studying internationally is trying to
find the financial resources to fund your studies abroad. Before you can gather funding
you first must know exactly how much money you will need during your time overseas
and use the information to then create a budget you can stick to.
This can be difficult especially when you are dealing with a new currency, but a
little effort and planning will go a long way in helping you create and manage a reasonable
Evaluating program cost:
During the initial stages of choosing a college or university you will need to figure
out the cost of the program you are interested in and then be realistic about your ability
to school in the US varies greatly at each institution and from one location to the next. To

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give you an idea of what you can expect here are the 2016/2017 estimated international
student budgets at 3 schools. Harvard law school (88,380) the university of Washington
(51,821) and west Texas A&M University (25,103)

Local Literature:
Beyond the tuition fee and miscellaneous fees that come with enrollment, students
usually incur a variety of financial costs in the fulfillment of academic requirements. Many
expenses are expected parts of the educational process. Whether involving buying a
textbook or paying for the printing costs a short paper.
However certain instances inherently incur much larger costs, for an output like
thesis certain groups of students may incur larger costs from printing alone in addition to
the other expenses related to the research process itself, likewise, class projects, group
reports and excursion are among some of the academic activities that students engage
in which sometimes tend to incur large costs in the process.
As a research oriented University, DLSU currently aids its students mainly through
its faculty members and free access to academic literature in the library’s physical and
online facilities nonetheless a large bulk of research-related costs remain shouldered by

Foreign Literature:
The estimate that appear on the 1-20 or ISAP-66 are usually accurate and
International students are expected to have funds to cover the amount shown. It is not
possible to arrange for more financial aid once you arrive at a school. If you are a graduate
student and are awarded an assistantship be sure that you understand what it will include
and what you will be expected to pay far out at your own budget. If you will receive a
scholarship or fellowship, determine a head of time what portion is taxable and include
the necessary taxes in your budget.
Tuition rates tremendously from school to school. Public schools also called state
colleges or universities are generally, but not always less expensive then private
institutions. Some private schools however may be able to offer school cannot two year
or community colleges and universities offering bachelor’s and graduate degree.

Crownlink Center 1 Fairview Quezon City Philippines

Conceptual Method
It shows the Awareness for the Inadequate Expenses to the Grade 12 HUMSS
Student It is a presumption that there is a relationship between the variables of the study.
based on the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model. It shows the Inputs of the
respondents, the process of conducting research, and the expected outputs of this study

Input Process Output

Handling First figure out every For this reason, we will have
Expenses student’s opinion about an idea of how responsible
in School. expenses in school. or irresponsible are the
modern students about

Secondly how
handling allowance
for a week.

It will be a piece of cake to

Third is, how they can take their ideas, to help
handle the necessary others on how to handle this
expenses. budget

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This is to Improve skills in
handling budget

Thus, might help more

students to pay for their
current expenses in school
more over, a good extra
money will prepare them for
future expenses

Synthesis: (Summary)

The analysis of local and foreign are almost the same. Most common problems is
both local and foreign students are expenses and poverty. Same issues are he resource
and where to find budget for their studies (2012) the cause of drop is poverty, and
children are not having enough care and a provider, budget for their class. School
supplies and uniform costs is the most common problem, transportation and location is
the second.
Same as the budget of united states, some
students school are not having enough capacities of Help your self to endure the
money for their classes. The program costs will be the temptation of spending your
main issue, the consequence of choosing any program money to necessary stuffs
will cost you much, no matter what course you choose.

Crownlink Center 1 Fairview Quezon City Philippines

Chapter 3
Research Methodology
Source of Data
The researcher source of data are primary because the researcher found out
their source of data from internet websites and it is unpublished.
According to (Schagen and Lines) 1996 Personal Finance Literacy on the researcher
Backgroud of the study,The idea of personal finance has been described in literature as
the awareness and use of financial knowledge and terminologies by individual in order to
make rational decision.

According to 1-20 ISAP-66 on the researcher’s Foreign Literature, it is not possible to

arrange for more financial aid once you arrive at school. If you are a graduate student
and are awarded an assistantship be sure that you understand what it will include and
what you will be expected to pay far out at your own budget.

Research Locale
The venue for this research is South East Asia Institute of Trade and
Technology, this school was chosen because it is capable of providing the number of
respondents. Also for safety purposes for everyone these facilities where the chosen
location of the researcher since their population is capable of providing the needed
number of respondents.
Data-gathering Instruments
The researchers use survey forms to gather data to the respondents to know if
they they are capable to pay their expenses. The first part of the respondent’s
questionnaire was the demographic profile of the student in terms of age, grade and

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section and about Awareness for the Inadequate Expenses to the Grade 12
HUMSS.Researchers make an own questionnaire for the assessment of the Grade 12
HUMSS students’. The questionnaire cmposed of 10 items. The respondents were
instructed to use a three-point Likert Scale for each item.
Likert Scale Interpretation
3 Always
2 Sometimes
1 Never

Data-Gathering Procedure
Data were gathered during the 1st semester of the Academic Year, 2019. A request
letter was prepared by the researcher and noted by the thesis adviser of the school. An
inform consent was given to the respondents of the locale before the execution of the
questionnaire. Upon the approval of the respondents, questionnaires were given to the
respondents which are grade 12 HUMSS student. The respondents were asked to answer
certain questions with regard to their awareness for the inadequate expenses to the grade
12 HUMSS. Questions were written in English Language.
Data Gathering techniques
To quantify the data in the study, the following statistical measurements
were utilized and computed with the use of the following formulav such as frequency
count, mean, percent and rank are considered.
To know if there is a Descriptive between the independent and dependent
variables Awareness for the Inadequate Expenses to the Grade 12 HUMSS. Percentage
Used to determine the percentage usually for data on profile, such as age and
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 (𝑃) = × 100%
f=frequency n=sample size

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Chapter 4
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
This chapter presents the data gathered together with the statistical analysis and its
Table 1.1
Profile of Respondents in Terms of Age

Age Frequency Percent (%) Rank

17 99 49% 1st
18 66 33% 2nd
19 28 14% 3rd
20 6 3% 4th
21 2 1% 5th
Total 201 100%
As shown in Table 1.1 forty-nine or 49% are belong to 17 age, Thirty-three or 33%
are belong to the 18 age, forth teen or 14 % are belong to the age of 19 age, Three or 3%
are belong to the 20 age, one or 1 % are belong to the 21 age, which implies that the
most respondent fall to 17 years old and lowest percentage fall to 21 years old.
It shows that does age are the one of most affected of individual differences. It
means that in that age, students are more awareness for the inadequate expenses to
the grade 12 HUMSS student of South East Asia Institute of Trade and Technology S. Y
Table 1.2
Profile of Respondents in Terms of Grade & Strand

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Grade and Section Frequency Percent (%)

12 HUMMS 201 100%
Total 201 100%

Table 1.2 shows about the frequency and percentage of the respondents in
terms of Strand. We Focus the Study only in Grade 12 HUMSS at South East Asia
Institute of trade and technology and the table shows that the 100% of the Researcher’s
respondents are came from Humanities and Social Sciences Strand.

Table 1.3
Profile of Respondents in terms of Sex
Sex Frequency Percent Rank
Male 86 57% 2nd
Female 115 43% 1st
Total 201 100%

Table 1.1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents in terms
of gender. Majority of the respondents were female with a frequency of a hundred
fifteen (115) and percentage of 57% while male respondents were eighty-six (86) or the
percentage of 43%. Meaningfully more on the respondent who cooperate in survey are
male from Grade 12 HUMSS in the South east Asia institute of trade and technology.

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Table 2
Awareness for the Inadequate Expenses


3 2 1
1. Does school 117 61 23 446 2.22 Sometimes
experiences make you
lend money from
2. As a student, is it 108 84 9 501 2.41 Sometimes
difficult to spend money
to your projects?
3. As a student is your 167 33 1 568 2.83 Always
allowance suitable for
the whole week
4. Does it bother you if 99 75 27 474 2.36 Sometimes
the uniform is
expensive enough yet
you can pay for it?
5. As a student is it 104 67 30 476 2.37 Sometimes
possible for you to pay
your expenses within a
6. Do you have a part 41 55 105 338 1.68 Sometimes
time job?

7. Do you have a 111 77 13 500 2.49 Sometimes

parents or guardian that
sustain your expenses
in school?

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8. If you were to sustain 134 57 10 526 2.62 Always

yourself in school, will it
be difficult for you to
9. Does your school 114 72 15 551 2.74 Always
expenses affects your
personal budgets?
10. Do you often lose 118 73 10 510 2.54 Always
money for school

Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendation References
This chapter focuses on the summary of the research and findings of the study are
discussed and interpreted. Generalizations and other inferences would be seen on the
conclusion while the recommendation of the researchers to the beneficiaries of this study
can be seen in this chapter. The learning technique and its effect to the academic
achievement of the students. Awareness for The Inadequate Expenses to The Grade 12
HUMSS Student of South East Asia Institute of Trade and Technology.
This study was conducted by the students in Grade 12 HUMSS MA3 from South
east Asia institute of trade and technology, with a total of two hundred one respondents.
Descriptive method was used. In this study. The research used a checklist-questionnaire
method in order to reveal the relationship of the variables. The special techniques were
conducted to know and to apply it by individuals even not students to. Aware for The
Inadequate Expenses to The Grade 12 HUMSS Student of South East Asia Institute of
Trade and Technology. It aims to find out the appropriate answers to the following
questions. What is the extent of being aware in expenses of being student in SEAITT the
Researcher evaluate the students one by one students of using corresponding questions?
 The respondents with the age of seventeen (17) got the highest
percentage taking forty-nine percentages (49%) of the subjects’
population. Those who aged at nineteen (21) had the least percentage
having five (2) respondents with the equivalent of one percentage (1%).
 In terms of gender, the female respondents show dominance who
constitute one hundred-fifteen (115) respondents with the equivalent of
fifty-seven percentages (57%) over the male respondents who constitute
of eighty-six (86) respondents with the equivalent of forty-three
percentages (43%).

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 The composition mean for the Table 2 is 2.44 so in verbal interpretation

the respondents response is Sometimes.
 The composition mean for the Table 3 is 2.41 so in verbal interpretation
the respondents response is Sometimes.

For future research related to this topic, it is recommended that the researchers
use a bigger sample in order to acquire more reliable, informative and better results. This
is because present study was restricted to 201 Grade 12 HUMMS students only. Thus
this can be considered imperative that a similar research should be done with a larger
sample to augment the generalization of the findings. As a consideration, a study with a
sample from different form or school is also recommended to compare whether the result
is similar or different as compared to the one obtained from the present study.

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