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I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, 80% of the pupils should be able to:

a .Appreciate the importance of Mother Earth.

b. Give examples how to take care Mother Earth.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Care about Mother Earth

Reference: English II, pp. 486-495

Materials: Pictures, Bondpapers, Marker, Chart, Chalk.

Values: Taking care

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Rules and regulations
 Review

B. Motivation

The teacher will introduce a game called Puzzle game. There should be two volunteers to complete the
puzzle. They will be given time to solve the puzzle.

C. Presentation

Put the three pictures to the board and show to the pupils. Let them analyse the picture.

D. Modelling

The teacher will present the chart and show to the class. Let the pupils identify each pictures.

E. Guided Practice

Connect the Column A to Column B on its correct scenario.

Column A Column B

a. Tree planting

b. Cleaning the river

c. Segregation
F. Values Integration: Taking Care

Show different scenario to the class and if the scenario shows proper ways of taking care to mother
earth and sad face if it is not.

G. Generalization

Is Mother Earth important? Why?

Why do we need to take care our surroundings?

Give me an example of how to take care of Mother Earth?

H. Post Activity

Divide the class into four groups and facilitate the following activities.

Group 1: Draw Mother earth.

Group 2: Give tree examples of how to take care Mother earth.

Group 3: Write tree example that can harm Mother earth.

IV. Evaluation

Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is not.

___1. Earth is where people live.

___2. Cutting trees can harm Mother earth.

___3. We should take care of Mother earth.

___4. Throwing garbage in the sea.

___5. We can avoid floods if we keep on cutting trees.

V. Assignment

Write the importance of taking care of Mother earth.

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