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(HTTPS://CRUNCHPREP.COM/PLANS ) FEATURES HTTPSLICRUNCHPRERCOWFEATURES) TESTIMONIALS TTPS/ICRUNCHPRERCOWTESTIMONIALS) Study Like a Superhero! + Track your strengths and weaknesses + Study only what you really need. Anytime. Anywhere + Learn from expert tutors whe are just a phone call away Loin over 92,586 students who are studying the smart way! 21 Killer GRE Essay Quotes You Should Be Using Right Now 2d 18h 54m 225 Valentine's Day BOGO Sale - Buy one and get another subscription free. (only 9 lft) by sta Raghavender Rao fitesiicrunchprep com/abouy GRE Writng (rtpsifrunchprep.comigreicategonyfge-wnting| 15 Comments + Last upcated January 8, 2019, “{A] quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself, always a laborious business." — AA, Milne ‘Chances are you too know a few famous quotes, but you probably don't use them. know s0, because I'm guity of neglecting quotes on the GRE, ‘So, why should you use essay quotes on the GRE? To start with the right use of quotes In essays augments the power of your arguments and makes your essays appear more convincing. Plus, essays with quotes tend to score better than essays without them, because ofthe intial impact the use of quotes create on the reader, and help strengthen 02d 18hYBEROBLs Valentine's Day BOGO Sale - Buy one and get another subscription free. (only 9 left) eatounaprpeomgn20 hires es But we need to exerelse priteniq FIRS CRUNCHPRERCOM/PLANSGnVinced that v paraphrasing would lower the impact or change the meaning of the original author's words or when the argument could not be better expressed of sald more succinelly, Here is how you make sure you are doing It right How do I incorporate quotes into my essay? /Attimes, an essay can appear poinfuly discarded the quotations are aut of place orf the essay is too stuffed with quotes. So, what should you do to avofd this? A great quote plays one or more roles from the following + creates the initial impact on the essay grader ‘+ makes your essay look more promising and interesting + establishes credibility + concludes the essay with a point to contemplate Ifthe quote doesr't serve any of the above then you are forcing it Into the essay and this could do more harm than good. You should start writing your essay with a quote that lays foundation to the main idea behind the essay. This can have a major impact on the evaluator. You can also comment Con the quotation in this introductory paragraph if you wish. Either way, to get a perfect score on the GRE essay, use a relevant quote strategically but don't force it into the 02d 18hesity 225 Valentine's Day BOGO Sale - Buy one and get another subscription free. (only 9 left) Can | alter the structute BEtneUyHORatICNPLANs ) v Using the exact words from the original source Is called quoting. You should quote when you believe that the way the original author exoresses an idea is the most effective way to communicate the point you wish to make, I’ you want to borrow an idea from the ‘author but don’t put the idea in thelr exact words, then i's called paraphrasing, (but remember that you still have to cite the original author even when you are paraphrasing) For example, Ronald Reagan said, “Trust, but verify" You can alter the quotation on your ‘own according to the passage, by saying: Te paraphrase Ronald Reagan's famous quote, “itis easier to trust when you can verify" By doing this, you are net anly citing the criginal author, but also gaining extre points fer using your own version of the quote. How many quotes should | use? Iyou deploy a lot of quotations in your essay, it appears as though several people are talking about the topic apart from yourself. This would downplay your own voice and leaves litle room for your own ideas. tis your essay and it should be your voice that needs to be heard, not some notable/famous person's. Quote as infrequently as possible. So, don't cram every quote you know into the essay. As a rule of thumb, refrain from using more than 2 quotes in any essay. (One in the Introductory paragraph and the other if necessary in the conclusion} How do | introduce the quote in my own words? 02d 18h 54m 22s Valentine's Day BOGO Sale - Buy one and get another subscription free. (only 9 left) The last thing you Would Wants QETFRSYGRUNCHBRECOMIPLANS pf plagiarism. I's highly recommended that you cite the author of the quotation, you don't cite, you may sive the impression that you claim to be the original author ane that coule result in plagiarism, You should place the quote in double quotation marks. Here is an example usage citing the author: ‘Thomas Jefferson once said “The will ofthe people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our frst object.” Categorization of GRE Essay Topics The fascinating thing about the GRE essay topics is that they're already published on the official ETS website. This may sound crazy because giving ou snot normal. Now use this to your advantage. You can find all the GRE essay topics on the official ETS website 1e questions in advance {https:/ But there's a catch! You were expecting @ few, right? ‘Well there are close to 200 topics in all ~ far too many to practice responses in advance. Also, practicing each of these topies is not advisable as it is going to take alot oftime and effort and there is no point in mugging them up. You could as well spend this time con learning some math. However, there's a good news. Just scanning through these two lists will give you an excellent idea of the types of issues and arguments that show up on test day, | Just mace things a bit easy for you, though. Most ofthe topics that show up on the GRE 02d 1shesSémnseaton MakintibeteOinBOSE.Sale fBuysinganehget another subscription free. (only 9 left) + Education (HTTPSi/CRUNCHPREP.COM/PLANS ) v + Ants + GovernmentiPolitics *+ Philosophy + Sciences and Technology So, next time when you practice writing an essay response, make sure you write at least lone essay from each of these categories. And memorize a few quotes related to each lone of these topies, as they will be handy. and cy CO (nttossinstagram com/erunchorep) Follow us on Instagram 02d 18h 54m 22s Valentine's Day BOGO Sale - Buy one and get another subscription free. (only 9 left) List of most useful'essayrquetescHPRer.comPLans ) v lve complied a ist of easy-to-digest quotes that should help you write the perfect essay. Bookmark this page NOW for future reference. The following quotes from great thinkers have been selected based on their relevance to commen GRE essay topics and for their ease of usage, 1 The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance Socrates 2.A people that value its privileges above its principles soon loses both ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower 3. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is ~ Yogi Berra 4, Atle inaccuracy can sometimes save a ton of explanation - HH Munro 5. Any Intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex and more violent It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage ~ to move in the opposite direction — E.F. Schumacher 6.A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually — Abba Eban 7. Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good — Mohandas Gandhi 8 Whatever government is not a government of laws, is a despotism, let it be called what it may — Daniel Webster 9. Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will 02d 18h Sérindaevayanentnve's OleyBOEDSale - Buy one and get another subscription free. (only 9 left) 10, Far and away the best prie(WTERPSd/GRUNGHRRERCOMIBLARE jar at work worth . doing ~ Theodore Roosevelt 11 tis dangerous to be right, when the government is wrong — Voltaire 12. The will of the people s the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object - Thomas Jefferson 13, No nation is fitto sit in judgment upon any other nation — Woodrow Wilson (28th US President) 14. The atisis nothing without the gi, but the gift is nothing without work — Emile Zola 15. The world is fl of eclucated dereliets ~ Calvin Coolidge 16 A lie gets halfway around the worls before the truth has a change to get its pants ‘on ~ Winston Churchill 17. ts not the size ofthe dog inthe fight, it's the size ofthe fight in the dog ~ Mark Twain desire, the other is to 18. Life contains but two tragedies. One is not to get your heart get it~ Socrates 19. women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning ~ Aristotle Onasis 20. Men are not disturbed by things, but the view they take of things ~ Epictetus 21. As a ule, men worry more about what they can't see than about what they can — Jullus Caesar 02d 18h 54m 22s Valentine's Day BOGO Sale - Buy one and get another subscription free. (only 9 left) Now, these are a handlful ofquot#STTRE:{GSUNCHRRER.CONVPLANS your favorite v quotes s0 you'll be able to contextually fit one into the essay on the test day. While practicing, you may look atthe list of quotes found above however, if you can remember a specific quote apposite to your essay topic, try to use it — one quote for every essay, For those avid writers, who believe the number of quotes above are too low, we have the right tool for you. Elipsoid created a random quote generator tool (ntto:t/ww ellipsoid org/gmiirandom-quote-generator) that draws 5 famous quotes from Goodreads every time you reload the page. The good news is these § quotes are always theme based so you know where to use them. Conclusion Writing essays isn't all about the substance. i's the basies that many of us forget. you are going to put in the time to practice writing essays, might as well maximize the score you could get by deploying a quote In your essays. So, what's your favorite quote? About Latest Posts Ttta Raghavender Rao (Https://Crunchprep.Com) oad 18h SIRF2E8"URIEHRY Day BOGO Sale -Buy one and get another subscription free. (only 9 left)

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