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Load up TorchED (usually X:\program files\Runic Games\Torchlight\editor.exe).

1) Select the Options panel from the tabs in the bottom right corner.
2) Under Project->PATH in the Options panel, select your Mod directory. Under Vista/Windows 7, it
should look like C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Roaming\runic games\torchlight\mods\YOURMOD. In XP
it should look like C:\Documents and Settings\Matt\Local Settings\Application Data\runic
games\torchlight\mods\YOURMOD. (You can type %appdata% in Start->Run to see the exact path)

3) Create that directory in your application data folder (\Application Data\Runic


Any references to \Torchlight\X will refer to the actual game directory (X:\program files\runic
games\Torchlight\), and references to \YOURMOD\X will refer to the Application Data directory.

Your mod directory will mirror the base structure found in the Torchlight directory, and any items found
in your directory will overwrite the default Torchlight ones. For example, putting a “Crypt.ogg” in
\YOURMOD\music\ will cause your Crypt.ogg to play in place of the Torchlight one in

You are now ready to mod!

As a note, assets other than music are compressed into a media zip in the torchlight base folder. The
structure inside the zip (open with any zip software) is the structure your mod will need to mirror.
II. TorchEd

Note - The “File”-type options are on the upper left of the left side panel and are dependent on which
tab is selected on the bottom left.

The center area is your work space when crafting levels, particle systems, missiles, spawns, other in-
world positioned objects, and for mesh viewing.

To create a simple test level when testing, clear out the current layout by selecting new if necessary.
Make sure the workspace is active (click inside or on work space tab), and hit space bar to place the
default level object (if this is your first time, you may have to use the palette to grab an object first).
Deselect the default group it created by clicking off of the piece. Select the new floor piece by clicking it.
Clone the floor piece by holding shift and hitting the arrow keys.
Hit the play button in the top left to drop into the level and test out your changes!

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