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In July 2, 1984 sprouted a home for unveiling and shaping the potentials of young minds, hearts and
souls in the soil of Agoo. It was a time for persons behind the silhouettes of building Agoo Montessori
Learning Center and High School Inc. to rejoice an wipe their sweats after all the toilsome days they had
gone through. At last, success was reaped from the hardships they have sown. It was also a time when
Agoo heard a hymn… a hymn of joy tuned with tears.

After long years of battle in achieving and aiming for a school that will be able to give quality education,
Agoo Montessori has now reached its 34th year. It is no doubt that this is a symbol of triumph and glory
to the entire Agoo Montessori family. The school travelled through narrow trails before finally
transforming into, as what everybody knows, a more solid and firm institution upholding quality learning
and moral virtues. The little hope for a classroom that can hold a handful of students way back to its
lowly beginning has now grown into a bigger home.

Behind the struggles, Montessori still remained unshaken and was able to produce successful persons in
all the fields. These persons turned out to be part of the whole country’s assets and even in abroad. The
prints of success are now waving across the fields of learning.

After 34 years of unceasingly honing young learners, the school served as a place where young pilgtimss
quench their thirst for wisdom. But wisdom is not what it all takes. Students shall also be equipped with
moral virtues. And that’s what Montessori constantly plants to the minds of every student. It never
missed to seize any moment bringing students to a state of well-being. Mind. Heart. Soul.

For all the teachers who have worked well and spent sleepless nights to achieve this radiance at 34 of a
school so dear to me, thank you for making Agoo Montessori more than a school. You have already built
a home for students who do not merely need knowledge but love, care and inspiration. Students have
bonded inseparable ties with their friends and teachers. If only the walls and corridors of this institution
could talk, they would speak of these unbreakable bonds, the sincerest of smiles and the sweetest of

For all our former students, I hoped that you have already reached your goals. Success might have been
chasing you now but along your path to your dreams, Agoo Montessori had set up a road less
wearisome for you to traverse.

Thirty-four years of educating and producing professionals. Thirty-four years of spreading its name with
pride and dignity. Together for 34 years and more, let us celebrate for a banner raised…waving higher
than it ever did!

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