Bringing Asha Home Lesson Plan

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Bringing Asha Home

By Uma Krishnaswami
Book Activity
Presented by Renee Hernandez, Cynthia Nieto and Mayra Santiesteban
December 2, 2018
University of Texas at El Paso

Book Title: Bringing Home Asha by Uma Krishnaswami

Topic: Family Diversity
Prepared by: Renee Hernandez, Cynthia Nieto and Mayra Santiesteban
Grade level: 2nd
Content Standards:
History TEKS 2.16: The student understand ethnic and/or cultural celebrations. a. identify the
significance of various ethnic and/or cultural celebrations and b. compare ethnic and/or cultural
Art TEKS 2.2.A: The student is expected to: express ideas and feelings in artworks, using a
variety of colors, forms, and lines.
Art TEKS 2.3.B: The student is expected to compare ways individuals and families and depicted
in different artworks.
Fulfilling Professional Roles and Responsibilities: Domain I, Competency 002: The teacher
understand student diversity and knows how to plan learning experiences and design assessments
that are responsive to differences among students and that promote all student’s learning.
Vocabulary Words: Rakhi, adoption, government, permissions, referral, paperwork
Lesson Objective: At the end of the Book Activity/Presentation students will be able to:
1. Understand the meaning of Rakhi, where this holiday comes from and the reason for it in
the book.
2. Understand the concept of adoption.
3. Compare the differences between their families and that of the book. As well as compare
different cultures and holidays.
4. Express themselves through the work of art.
Before the book is presented we will pre-teach selected vocabulary from the book in order to
increase student comprehension. We will activate prior knowledge with a class discussion on
different cultures, holidays and ethnicities. We will also discuss the definition of family and what
it means to be a family. Immediately before reading the book, we will look at the pictures and
have students predict what the story is about.
1. Have students draw a picture of their own family.
2. Students will share their pictures with their groups and discuss differences and
similarities between each of their families.
3. Read or discuss the book.
4. Group discussion about their thoughts on adoption.
1. Book: Bringing Asha Home by Uma Krishnaswami
2. Markers
3. Colored pencils
4. Paper
Formative informal: Class discussion about adoption.
Summative formal: Students will write/discuss answers on the following questions:
1. What are your thoughts about adoption?
2. How would you feel if your family decided to adopt?
3. Would you celebrate this holiday with your siblings/family/friends?
4. Does your culture have a similar holiday?
Step 4 Anticipatory Critical Reflection
A possible barrier of the book activity and presentation may pertain to students’ comprehension
of the English language. To ensure understanding, we will read out loud and show the colorful
pictures on the book. During group discussion, peers will translate or reword what the questions
are asking, for full group participation. Another barrier may be for students with special needs. In
order to accommodate them, we will summarize the information in big chunks using graphic
organizers. One last barrier may occur during the first part of the activity: drawing their family.
Some students may not have a family or have a complicated home life that we do not know of.
Complications can arise if the student is not able to participate because the activity is not
applicable to them. If this problem occurs during the activity, as an alternative, we will ask the
students to draw a picture of the family from the book.

1. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. TEA.
2. Krishnaswami, Uma (2005) Bringing Home Asha.Lee & Low Books Publishing.

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