Waste Water Introduction

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Introduction: Water Engineering

(Session 1)
Written by: CM
Highest Qualification: MEngSc
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

Learning Outcomes
• Able to describe the development of the water resources
in Malaysia
• Able to describe the water quality and general water
treatment stages

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 Rainfall is the only source of freshwater, especially during the wet monsoon seasons.
 The annual downpour amounts to above 900 billion m3, of which 566 billion m3 is in form
of surface runoff, 360 billion m3 is lost through evaporation, and 64 billion m3 is trapped in
aquifers (Govt. of Malaysia, 1982).
 The volume of groundwater resources stored in aquifers is estimated at 5000 billion m3.
 Even though groundwater accounts for 90 per cent of total freshwater resources, 97 per
cent of the national water supply for domestic, agricultural, and industrial use originates
from surface runoffs.
 Surface water resources are trapped mainly in dams or reservoirs at water catchment
areas, chlorinated, and channelled through pipes to the end-users. Some rural folks
living in squatter settlements and villages along riverbanks utilize surface runoffs directly
from the rivers.


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 Water-Wastewater Cycle
See attachment

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 Sources of water may be:
 Direct runoff from rivers;
 Supply from rivers after the development of headworks. Example
impounding reservoirs, tidal or diversion barrages, storage
 Groundwater; and
 Conjunctive use of ground and surface derived waters.
 The optimal choice of sources and headworks
development depends on the reliability of forecast yields,
water quality and an economic analysis of capital and
operating costs.
Source: MWA Design Guidelines For Water Supply Systems, PZK Sdn Bhd

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 Status and trend of groundwater over exploitation
 Catchment areas gradually reduced for economic development
and with an abundance of groundwater resources, efforts must be
made to explore and map out the viable.
 In Malaysia, groundwater is the next most important water
resource after surface water.

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 Status and trend of groundwater over exploitation
 Potential aquifers may be found in the following forms.
 (1)Alluvium (Unconsolidated sediment) – In this geologic formation, the
aquifer occurs in layers of sand gravel. A good aquifer is capable of
supplying more than 45m3 of water/hour/well. In some parts of Malaysia,
there are aquifers capable of producing as much as 100m3/hr/well.
 (2)Hard Rock
 Consolidate Sediment
 (i) Limestone/Dolomite – The aquifer in this type of formation occurs in
openings form as a result of chemical dissolution and in factures in rock
body. A good aquifer of this type is capable of producing more than 30
 (ii) Sandstone/siltstone/conglomerate shale and their metamorphic
equivalent rocks – The aquifer occurs in rock fractures, bedding and
voids between grains. A good aquifer is capable to produce more than
20 m3/hour/well.

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 Status and trend of groundwater over exploitation
 Potential aquifers may be found in the following forms.
(iii) Igneous Rock (mainly granite) - The aquifer in this type of formation
occurs in rock fractures including joints and faults. It is not considered a
good aquifer and the discharge rate seldom exceeds 10 m3/hr/well.
(iv) Volcanic Rock – As in the igneous rock, it is the secondary porosity
in the form of joints fractures and faults that constitutes the aquifer.
Discharge rates seldom exceed 10 m3/hr/well.

 Refer to Fig 4.1, A simplified hydrogeological map of west Malaysia (After Chong F.S. 1975), pg 4/3
 Systematic groundwater Resources Investigation – refer section 4.2, pg 4/2

Source: MWA Design Guidelines For Water Supply Systems, PZK Sdn Bhd

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

 Groundwater at the state of Kelantan is fully developed for potable
use since 1935.
 The public water supply in Kelantan is handled by Air Kelantan Sdn.
Bhd. (AKSB).
 The demand on groundwater for potable use has risen steadily over
the last 30 years.
 Presently, fresh groundwater supply is obtained from 82 numbers of
production wells located at 13 well-fields at North Kelantan.
 Groundwater for these all well-fields is drawn from shallow aquifer
system except in Tanjung Mas and new wells at Pintu Geng.
 At present the total groundwater consumption is 134Ml/d, which
constitutes about 41% of the total water production in AKSB’s water
treatment plants.
 The demand of groundwater for potable use is estimated to be
165Ml/d in 2010 and will increase at a pace of 2.5% per year.

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

Introduction – Surface Water

 The national demand for water is expected to grow at a
rate of about 4 per cent annually, and projected to be
almost 20 billion m3 by 2020.
 Of this, 5.8 billion m3 is for annual domestic and
industrial water demand and the remainder for irrigation
purposes(Keizrul, 1998).
 On the , especially in Penang, Selangor and Malacca,
the domestic and commercial demand for water is
expected to increase further given the current pace of
urbanisation and industrial growth.


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Introduction – Surface Water

 Domestic and Industrial Water Demand, (million m3)


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Introduction – Surface Water

 On the supply side, the availability of water has also
increased from 9.5mn m3 per day in 1995 to 12.8mn m3
in 2000.
 Under the Water Resource Master Plan (till 2050), an
allocation of RM52 billion has been made for 62 water
projects, including 47 dams.
 Recently, another RM 3.4 billion has been set aside
under the 8th Malaysia Plan (2001-2004) to fund
ongoing projects, upgrade the distribution network, and
repair existing infrastructure.


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 Domestic supply

Source: SPAN Malaysia

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Factors- Affective water quality

 Catchment/source - dam/river
 Natural
 Climate (temperature)
 Rainfall, run-off, flooding
 Soil, rock types
 Vegetation cover
 Slope of catchment
 Erosion
 Native Fauna
 Natural ecosystem activities
 Eg. Photosynthesis, aeration in water, cycling of nutrients, microbial growth/algae
 Tidal effects – saltwater intrusion
 Thermal stratification of reservoirs/turnover

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Factors- Affective water quality

 Catchment/source - dam/river
 Human-Related
 Urbanization, development, towns
 Farming – erosion, chemicals, fertilizers
 Grazing – animal wastes
 Stormwater run-off
 Sewage/wastewater discharges
 Air pollution eg acid rain
 Mining, quarrying, extractive industry
 Construction works
 Irrigation of farms
 Dredging of river
 Land use planning
 Protection of catchment
 Recreation – swimming
 Landfills – leachates
 Chemical spills/release

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 To assess raw water, treatment operation and test
quality of final water
 Physical
 Colour
 Turbidity
 Hardness
 TDS total dissolved solids
 pH
 Temperature
 Taste & Odour
 Dissolved oxygen
 NOM (Natural organic materials)

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 To assess raw water, treatment operation and test
quality of final water
 Chemical (Range of substances)
 Inorganics eg Fe, Mn, Pb, Hg, Al, sulphates, fluorides, carbonates, chlorides
 Organic compounds
 Often cause taste, odour, disinfection by products, pesticides, herbicides,
industrial chemicals, oils, hydrocarbons etc.

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 To assess raw water, treatment operation and test
quality of final water
 Microbiological
 Indicator organisms
 Eg Total coliforms, E.coli, colony counts, cysts, ova etc.
 Radiological
 Alpha, beta emitters. Radium, Uranium, Radon

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 Organic Constituents
 Organic compounds from three major sources:
 The breakdown of naturally occurring organic materials
 Man-made chemicals from domestic and commercial activities
 Treatment additives and chemicals formed during reactions occur
during water treatment and transmission.

Source: SPAN Malaysia

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

 Organic Constituents
 Volatile organic chemical (VOC) – characteristic evaporative
properties (or vapor pressure) of these compounds.
 Slightly water soluble, and three broad groups of VOCs
 Petroleum products include aromatics such as Benzene, Toluene,
ehylbenze and xylenes and additives such as methyl-tert-butyl-ether
(MTBE). Source – leaking fuel oil and gasoline tanks.
 Halogenated VOCs – solvents and degreasers in industrial and
commercial include dry cleaners and automobile repair garages. (E.g.
ethylene dibromide, dichloropropanes, and 1,2,3 trichloropropane) used
as pesticide fumigants.
 Chlorinated organic DBPs, particularly THMs. Some THMs entered
groundwater through industrial contamination.
 VOCs cause toxicity to the liver an kidney after chronic exposure.


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 Organic Constituents
 Drinking water concentration of 0.6-2.2 µg/L Benzene, in an
excess lifetime cancer risk of 1 in 1,000,000. Federal MCL of 5
µg/L for benzene is based on carcinogenic potential.
 Ethylbenzene is also used ass a solvent. It is treated as a
noncarcinogen. MCL and MCLG of 0.7 mg/L.
 Toluene is part of the aromatic faction in gasoline. It is not
considered a carcinogen. MCL and MCLG of 1mg/L.
 Xylenes occur in three isomers, ortho-, meta-, and para-. Used in
gasoline. MCL and MCLG of 10 mg/L.


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 Organic Constituents
Chlorinated Volatile Organic Chemicals.
 Carbon Tetrachloride – used as dry cleaning agent, solvent,
reagent in chemical synthesis, fire extinguisher fluid and
chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) production.
 Dichlorobenzenes is used primarily in the production of organic
chemicals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and dyes and as a
deodorant in industrial wastewater treatment.
 Others are 1,2 Dichloroethane, 1,1-Dichloroethylene, 1,2
Dichloroethylenes, Methylene Chloride, Tetrachloroethylene,
1,1,1 Trichloroethane.


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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

 Organic Constituents
Chlorinated Volatile Organic Chemicals.
 Carbon Tetrachloride– used as dry cleaning agent, solvent, reagent in
Methyl-Tert-Butyl-Ether and other gasoline oxygenates
 Is an oxygenate that has been widely used both as gasoline octane
enchancer and for meeting USEPA Clean Air Act oxyfuel requirements.
Gasoline contained 5-8 percent MTBE to boost octane.
 MTBE is one of the most commonly detected groundwater contaminations
and its use in gasoline. Now being phased out in many states because of its
potential contaminate water supplies. 20% of the public water supplies
contaminated with MTBE.
 MTBE is more resistant to degradation and moves through the soil to
groundwater much faster than the other common groundwater contaminants
from gasoline such as BTEX. Source of MTBE in groundwater from leaking
underground storage tanks, pipelines and accidental spills, storm runoff,
gasoline engines in boats and air deposition.


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 Pesticides
 Wide range of compounds such as insecticides, herbicides,
nematicides, rodenticides and fungicides.
 Display wide range of solubility in water, organic material in soil
particles, slowing entry into surface and groundwater.
Chlorinated, increasing their persistence for agricultural uses.


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 Organic disinfection by product
 Trihalomethanes
 Primary THMs include chloroform, dibromochloromethane,
dichlorobromomethane and bromoform. All THMs are volatile,
inhalation exposure occurs during showering. Chloroform is most
prevalent but higher bromide conc in the water supply can shift the
relative proportions of THMs. MCL for TTHM is 80 µg/L.


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Aesthetic Quality
 Aesthetic
 Taste and Odor
 Taste – inorganic (influence by temperature and pH); Odor – organic
 Taste problems in water derive in part from salts, total dissolved solids
(TDS) and the presence of specific metals such as iron, copper,
manganese and zinc. USEPA SMCL for TDS is 500 mg/L.Sulfate taste
above 300 mg/L to 400 mg/L and chloride above 250 mg/L. Fluoride
cause distinct taste about 2.4 mg/L.
 Odor thresholds


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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

Unit Operation and Processes

 Applicability of Unit Treatment Processes for Removal of
Contaminant- Refer to pg 5.30 table 5-1
 High quality Reservoir Supply refer to Figure 5-2
▫ The membrane filtration (MF) treatment process is required
▫ Treatment of high quality reservoir sources with little or no iron
and manganese, low to moderate levels of turbidity and TOC, low
DBP potential and no history of algal blooms and T&O.
▫ MF does not remove dissolve organic material, adding coagulant
ahead of MF/UF. The need of flocculation and sedimentation
preceding MF is site specific.
▫ Direct filtration does not provide high levels of microbial pathogen
(crytosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts) removal that MF/UF
processes routinely achieved. Post UV disinfection may required.
Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

Unit Operation and Processes

 Applicability of Unit Treatment Processes for Removal of
Contaminant- Refer to pg 5.30 table 5-1

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Unit Operation and Processes

 Source: Figure 5-2

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

Unit Operation and Processes

 Reservoir with Algae and color/TOC
 Refer to Fig 5-3, pg 5.33, the treatment process train is
appropriate for a reservoir supply to address the following water
quality conditions:
 Low to moderate levels of non-mineral turbidity (turbidity caused by
organic compounds like algae)
 Moderate to high levels of algae
 Low to high color/TOC
 Provision of high levels of pathogen removal
 Iron and manganese may or may not present

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

Unit Operation and Processes

 Reservoir with Algae and color/TOC
 DAF effectively to remove color and TOC
 Ensure acceptable filter run times and productivities when the
algae is high
 Filter could be chemically conditioned to establish a manganese
oxide coasting on the media – high Mn removal with free chlorine

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Unit Operation and Processes

 Source: Figure 5-3, pg 5.33 (Water Quality& Treatment,
6th, James K.Edzwald)

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Unit Operation and Processes

 River or Reservoir with low to moderate hardness
 Refer to Fig 5-4, pg 5.34 for the treatment process train when
hardness reduction is not required.
 This process is appropriate to address the following water quality
 Moderate to high levels of mineral turbidity (turbidity caused by silts
and clays)
 Low to moderate levels of color/TOC
 Provision of high levels of pathogen removal

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

Unit Operation and Processes

 River or Reservoir with low to moderate hardness
 Refer to Fig 5-4, pg 5.34 for the treatment process train when
hardness reduction is not required.
 This process is appropriate to address the following water quality
 Moderate to high levels of mineral turbidity (turbidity caused by silts
and clays)
 Low to moderate levels of color/TOC
 Provision of high levels of pathogen removal

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Unit Operation and Processes

 River or Reservoir with low to moderate hardness
 Using high rate clarification with inclined plate sedimentation to
reduce space and cost.
 Optimization of coagulation pH through the addition of acid or
base for post-filtration adjustment of finished water pH using
sodium hydroxide.
 Post UV disinfection is required when concerns of pathogen
levels exist or regulation requirement.
 For low turbidity, high color or high algae concentrations that may
detrimental to granular filter performance, DAF could be replaced
for sedimentation because DAF better cope with high color and
algae conditions

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

Unit Operation and Processes

 Source: Figure 5-4, pg 5.34

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Unit Operation and Processes

 River supply with hardness
 Refer to Fig 5-5, pg 5.34 for the treatment process train when both
clarification and softening of a river supply with highly variable
turbidity and high hardness levels are required.
 Treatment processes
 High rate presedimentation with inclined plate sedimentation basins to
reduce turbidity and color before softening
 Two stage lime softening/recarbonation with upflow solids contact
clarifiers to achieve high lime-soda ash utilization efficiencies and
softening performance.
 Provisions for recycling a portion of solids removed from the secondary
softening basins to the secondary basin influent rapid mix to minimize
encrustation of mixer impellers and basin influent piping
 Post filtration UV disinfection to comply with Cryptosporidium removal.

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

Unit Operation and Processes

 Source: Figure 5-5, pg 5.34

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

Unit Operation and Processes

 Groundwater with Iron and Manganese
 Refer to Fig 5-6, pg 5.33 for the treatment process train appropriate
for a groundwater supply to address the following water quality
 Iron and/or manganese at concentrations that must be reduced to
acceptable treated water quality
 Hydrogen sulfate and/or radon
 Hardness at levels that do not warrant softening treatment
 Forced or induced draft cascade aeration is provided to initiate the
oxidation of iron and manganese and to remove hydrogen sulfide,
radon and other dissolved gases.
 Oxidation of manganese to insoluble/filterable form is relatively slow
under typical GW pH conditions, provision for maintaining a free
chlorine residual across the filters would be included to ensure the
effective manganese oxide coatings are maintained on filter media,
ensuring high manganese removal.

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

Unit Operation and Processes

 Source: Figure 5-6, pg 5.33

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

Unit Operation and Processes

 Groundwater with Iron and Manganese
 When removal of hydrogen sulfide or other dissolved gases is not
required, aeration may be eliminated, chemical oxidation of iron
and Mn preceding filtration can be employed. Use high rate
pressure filtration is commonly used.
 When radon is the only contaminant present, aeration and
disinfection would be the only unit processes needed.
 When arsenic is the only contaminant, aeration is not provided,
chlorine addition for oxidation and a ferric coagulant could be
used followed by granular media filtration.

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

Unit Operation and Processes

 Groundwater with Hardness
 Refer to fig 5-7, pg 5.36 – typical process for groundwater supply with the
following treatment requirements:
 Removal of iron and/or manganese
 Removal of hydrogen sulfide and/or radon
 Reduction of harness to meet customer expectations
 In addition to stripping sulfide and radon, aeration also reduces carbon
dioxide concentrations, reducing both the lime dosage and the chemical
solids production.
 Following single stage lime softening, a recarbonation basin with a detention
time of at least 20min is typically provided to ensure adequate stabilization of
softened water pH before filtration and provisions for adding antiscalant at
the filter inlet – to minimize encrustation of filter media by calcium carbonate.
 Membrane softening using NF or RO membranes also could be used to
treat the source. Pretreatment required to maintain membrane fouling rates.

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Unit Operation and Processes

 Source: Figure 5-7, pg 5.36

Source: Water Quality& Treatment, 6th, James K.Edzwald)

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2013

PROGRAMME By Ishak Haji Omar
 MWA Design Guidelines For Water Supply Systems,
PZK Sdn. Bhd.
 http://www.span.gov.my
 American Water Works Association (2000), Water
Quality and Treatment Handbook, 5th ed. McGraw-Hill.

© I-Station Solutions Sdn Bhd 45

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