Reviews of Related Literature

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Reviews of Related Literature

This chapter contains related researches about our topic. Those topics that were

included in this chapter can help finding out the reasons on why students are lacking on

participation on recitation in Science subject.

Some of the problems that G10 Rizal students encounter are lack of sleep and

skipping breakfast. The respondents are still online even if it’s already midnight and the

respondents are also skipping breakfast because they wake-up late. According to

Hackman (2014), the reasons for non-participation are lack of sleep, skipping breakfast

feeling unwelcomed, and preoccupation with other matters.

According to Kelly (2018), classes have distinctive personality or "climate" which

influences the learning ability of their members. Moreover, no one wants to enter a room

where they don't feel welcomed. Students should feel like they are part of the class so

that their confidence to recite and to share their thoughts can be boosted. Furthermore,

students should get first a proper breakfast for them to have a good start in the morning.

Without a breakfast, many children lose concentration mid-morning and resort to

quick calories at break. The slump that follows the calorie high is worse than the original

tiredness. Breakfast clubs have done a lot to support those who come to school hungry.

The clubs give them a sense of being cared for as well as stamina for the day.

Despite the importance often assign to participation in classroom, Mustapha

(2010) stated that it has been repeatedly reported that most students remain passive in

class. Even though Science is a major subject, there are still G10 Rizal students who

are stay inactive.



This chapter describes the research design, population of the study, the

instrument used and the statistical treatment of the study.

Research Design

The research design in study is non-experimental descriptive design.

Non-experimental research designs are carried out in natural settings; it does not

involve manipulation of the situation, event, circumstances or people. Survey, case

studies, correlational studies comparative studies and descriptive studies are some of

the examples of non-experimental research design. Longitudinal studies are also non-

experimental research and the purpose of these studies is to study a situation, people

or phenomenon over a period of time to observe the change.

In a non-experimental research, the researcher does not manipulate the

variables to be tested and therefore he cannot ascertain the effect of the independent

variable on the dependent variable. Causation is established in some of the non-

experimental studies but not in all of them. The causation is established by determining

that a certain variable has an impact on another variable. It can also compare the

results of two or more groups or people on one or more variables.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before conducting a survey, the researchers followed an organized procedure in

gathering desired data. This procedure includes the following:

(1) A letter of request asking permission to conduct study was presented to the teacher

responsible for that particular time; (2) After the letter of request were approved, the

researchers selected respondents from G10-Rizal; (3) The researchers informed the

respondents about the purpose of the study and explained the procedures to them; and

(4) The researchers arrange the gathered data and a Math teacher was the one to


Statistical Treatment

The following statistical treatments were used by the researchers to answer the

specific problems and the hypotheses of the study.

1. In determining the profile of the respondents according to their level in Science:

percentage distribution was used.

%= x 100


f= frequency

N= population
2. In determining the rank based on the result of the standard difference of the

variables of the students’ background. Ranking was used.

3. In determining the # of samples. Slovin’s formula was used.

Slovin's Formula - is used to calculate the sample size (n) given the population

size (N) and a margin of error (e)

It is computed as n =
1+𝑁𝑒 2


n= sample

N= population

e= error
Scope and Delimitation

The study focuses on lack of participation on recitation in Science subject. Our

main objective is to know the reasons why students are afraid to recite in Science class.

The reason why researchers chose G10-Rizal’s students as their participants is

because of their being classmates, the researchers are aware of what is happening

during Science class. The researchers are also aware of those students who are

inactive in Science class. The research will be held at Dasmariñas North National High

School, Room #10 at AM shift.

Significance of the Study

The study will benefit the following for reliable and convenient way of identifying

the information that are necessary for education:

Students – This study will benefit the students to identify their strengths and

weaknesses in Science subject. They can also determine the effects of not reciting in

Science class.

Teachers – This study will benefit the teachers by giving those ideas why students are

not reciting in Science class to come up with better teaching strategies. It is essential to

find out the reason why they are having hard time to recite in this subject so that the

teacher would understand their students and have a solution.

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