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short notes of business ethics

business ethics: ( social responsibility)
the term ethics commonly refer to rules and principal that define right and wrong conduct

Business ethics is concerned with truth fair justice and has a variety of aspects sach as expectation of society .

approach of business ethics:


if they reflect a person’s values and those of society


if they go against person or society’s values


( Toward customers)

prof.maria liaqat

Best college gujrat

I. adulteration

II. duplicates

III. spurious ( fake) product

IV. injurious products

V. Deceptive advertisment

VI. Deceptive packing and container’s∴


I. low salaries

II. giving low wages after getting discharge of higher amount

Ethics is defined as the discipline with is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation.
The word Ethics originated from the “Greek” word Ethos meaning character manners.
Types of Ethics;

prof.maria liaqat

Best college gujrat

following are types of ethics ...

 Individual /personal Ethics

 Professional Ethics

 Business/ corporate

Although ethics is a normative study of ethics, the social sciences engage in a descriptive study
of ethics other fields, such as the social sciences, also study ethics; but they do so descriptively,
not normatively. That is, they explain the world but without reaching conclusions about
whether it ought to be the way it is. Ethics itself, on the other hand, being normative, attempts
to determine whether or not standards are correct.
A normative study is an investigation that attempts to reach normative conclusions—that is,
conclusions about what things are good or bad or about what actions are right or wrong. In
short, a normative study aims to discover what should be.
A descriptive study is one that does not try to reach any conclusions about what things are
truly good or bad or right or wrong. Instead, a descriptive study attempts to describe or explain

prof.maria liaqat

Best college gujrat

the world without reaching any conclusions about whether the world is as it should be.

prof.maria liaqat

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