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Alien? 1.


KYLE has just been caught by the FBI, he claims to have been
abducted by aliens, but how reliable is his story? After all,
he is a cocky stoner teen. He is tied up to a chair after
being knocked out by the FBI and sent to a secret location.
He is just waking up, feeling dazed and still a little bit
KYLE tries to open his eyes under a harsh bright light
dangling from the ceiling.
huh? Wh-where am I, man?
Sitting in the shadows are two FBI agents, watching him
blankly, they seem to be expressionless: they are used to
dealing with people who know too much.
We heard you've been quite vocal
about some sort of...
he intimidatingly walks towards KYLE.

...'alien abduction', so we thought

we'd bring you to one of our
hideouts to...
he stands behind his chair and grabs it.
...discuss it.
KYLE shifts in his seat and starts to sweat. He looks up at
the agent behind him then the one in front of him. AGENT 2
leans forward in a chair so that the light from the grate
above shows his face.
So, Kyle. Tell us what you thought
you saw.
He smiles eerily. KYLE, still feeling quite intoxicated by
drugs, smirks and starts to get cocky.
Alien? 2.

What does it have to do with you,

dickhead? I saw what I saw.

There is a pause. The two agents look at each other,

irritated by this guys cockiness, he clearly doesn't know the
dirty tricks the FBI has up their sleeve. AGENT 1 pushes the
chair over, causing KYLE to fall to the ground with it. KYLE
breaks and his bravery is thrown out of the window.
(stuttering with nerves)
Okay, okay! Look in my pocket, I
took a photo of it. God, that hurt.
AGENT 2, walks over and searches his pocket. He pulls out a
polaroid picture. AGENT 1 walks over and looks over AGENT 2's
shoulder. Their face turns form smirks to cold and
huh, looks like you have some solid
proof here...
AGENT 1 stops looking at the picture and looks at KYLE.

...some really solid proof.

Yup. Once I get out of here, I'm
taking it right to the press, I'm
gonna be famous.
AGENT 2 picks up the chair with KYLE in it and gets really up
close to his face. He cunningly smiles.

We'll see about that.
AGENT 2 turns around and walks over to AGENT 1, who is
sparking a match and lighting the picture. He throws it in a
metal bin and the flame illuminates their faces. KYLE is in
the background shouting at them to stop. AGENT 1 grabs some
tape and tapes his mouth shut. The agents leave him and walk
out of the room, causing KYLE to be alone in darkness,
muffled screaming.

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