How Can I Unreserved Quantity

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How can I unreserved quantity, Reserved against a closed / canceled

sale order


In one of my operating unit sale officer enter order and released to ware house, after that
sale officer cancel that sale order. Now it showing me quantity reserved for that sale order
in system but actually order is canceled how can I unreserved this quantity


For 11i – 11.5.7 / INV.G and above


Download and review Patch.3170660 “script i2471362.sql not correcting orders for
cancelled qty”

Run i2471362.sql to remove any old reservations

To delete a reservation manually

NAVIGATE to INV/On hand Availability/ Reservations Query up the item and find the
associated row for the order Place cursor on the row to be deleted and click on delete icon
and save icon.


Metalink Note Id 150081.1

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