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Date: 07/10/2019

Shri Piyush Goyal
Hon’ble Minister of Commerce
Udyog Bhavan
Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi

Subject: Opposing lowering of import duty of milk and milk products in RCEP Negotiation

Respected sir,

It has come to our attention that Commerce Ministry of India is negotiating on lowering
import duty on milk and milk products from countries affiliated with Association of South East
Asian Nations as well as from nations such as Australia, New Zealand and other countries with
whom we are negotiating a Free Trade Agreement under the supervision of Regional
Comprehensive Economic Partnership (R.C.E.P.). Many Cooperative Societies associated with
dairy Industries are in a heavy opposition towards this step. Also, there is a great deal of
apprehension spread across the Animal Harvesters in the nation of being unemployed. In
opposition, we are writing this letter to address this dreadful reality which requires your
immediate attention and top most priority.

Scientists have divided the milk into two categories: A1 and A2. The breed of cows known
as Kankrej, Sahiwal, Malvi, Nagori, Tharparkar, etc. produce A2 type of milk. The breed of cows
born abroad such as Holstein, Friesian, Jersey, Ayrshire, Shorthorn, Guernsey, etc. produce A1
type of milk. The breeds of cows abroad are produced by selective breeding. These cows are
famous for producing over excessive amount of milk. One European cow gives an average of 315
liters of milk daily and a record has been noted that in a span of 9 years, a single cow produced
10 lakh liters of milk.

Keith Woodford, a well recognized Professor of Farm Management and Agri-business at

Lincoln University in New Zealand has done an extensive research which lucidly reveals the
controversies hidden behind milk in his book called “Devil in the Milk”. He has clearly stated in
his book that consumption of A1 milk causes serious and major illnesses. A1 milk’s consumption
has increased the number of deaths caused by Heart Diseases (see appendix-1). Also it has
increased the number of Type-1 Diabetes patients (see appendix-2). The mental development and
growth of children is also endangered by a disease called Autism caused by consuming A1 milk
(see appendix-3). He has mentioned in his book that these health problems are linked to a tiny protein
fragment formed when we digest A1 beta-casein, a milk protein found in A1 types of milk. The
only difference between A1 and A2 beta-casein is the amino acid at position 67. In the case of A1
beta-casein, the amino acid at position 67 is Histidine (which is a weak link) and a primary reason
for health issues. Whereas in A2, it’s the amino acid Proline at position 67 (see appendix-4). This book
has brought major awareness in European countries as well as other nations consuming A1 type
of milk. Thorough research presented in “Devil in the Milk” has proven to be authentic. Also, one
should not forget the heavy production of A1 type of milk in these countries.

In India, only A2 milk producing cows existed. However, in 1970’s underneath the banner
of “Operation Flood”, India began importing cows from abroad. This was an inappropriate step
taken by the Government. Regardless, India is still not heavily influenced by A1 type of milk sales
because Buffalo milk is excessively consumed all over the country.

If the Government of India will approve foreign milk and its products with low import
duty, then it’s natural for countries such as New Zealand, Australia and others to begin exporting
excessive amount of A1 milk to India. These countries prefer A2 type of milk and are searching
ways to dump their A1 milk somewhere. Considering the heavy population of India, they won’t
find a bigger market than this country for disposal of their waste product of A1 milk. This will
cause major health issues for the citizens of this country.

By taking this matter into serious consideration, the Government of India should not
permit the import of foreign milk and its products with low import duty at any cost. Also, the
Government should declare A1 milk and its products to be ‘Strictly Prohibited.’

Also, they should inform and guide the Animal Harvesters and Milk Dairies to reduce the
production of A1 milk and eventually stop it.

Once again, in the long run it will not benefit the country to import foreign milk and its
products. Hence, the excise should not be completely cancelled and import should be completely
prohibited. The future generation’s health and welfare resides in your capable hands. We humbly
urge you to make the right decision.

Yours Sincerely,
Copy to:
Shri Narendrabhai Modi
Hon’ble Primeminister
South Block
New Delhi

Shri Amit Shah

Hon’ble Home Minister
North Block
New Delhi

Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman

Hon’ble Minister of Finance
North Block
New Delhi

Shri Purushottam Rupala

Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture (State)
Shashtri Bhavan
Central Secretariat
New Delhi

Shri Anup Wadhavan

Commerce Secretary
Udyog Bhavan
Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi

Shri B. S. Swain
Director General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhavan
Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi

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