CVS Reporting Final Project Report: Doc. No.: 4

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CVS Reporting

Final Project Report

Version 1.0

Doc. No.: 4
CVS Report Version: 1.0
Final Project Report Date: 2005-01-20

Revision History
Date Version Description Author
2005-01-17 0.01 Initial Draft DV
2005-01-18 0,012 Added more chapters, vent over text to find DV
grammatical errors, filled some tables with
2005-01-20 1.0 Changed amount of hours worked on akm DV
changed final project cost, set a
requirement to yes

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CVS Report Version: 1.0
Final Project Report Date: 2005-01-20

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 4
1.1 Purpose of this document 4
1.2 Intended Audience 4
1.3 Scope 4
1.4 Definitions and acronyms 4
1.4.1 Definitions 4
1.4.2 Acronyms and abbreviations 4
1.5 References 4

2. Background and Objectives 5

3. Organization 5
3.1 Project Manager 5
3.2 Project Group 5
3.3 Steering Group 5
3.4 Customer 5
3.5 Others 5

4. Milestones 6

5. Project Results 6
5.1 Requirements 6
5.1.1 Requirement Compliance Matrix 6
5.1.2 Requirements Compliance Summary 7
5.2 Work Products and Deliverables 7

6. Project Experiences 7
6.1 Positive Experiences 7
6.1.1 E-mail 7
6.1.2 Videoconferencing 7
6.1.3 IM Clients 7
6.1.4 Cultural exchange 8
6.2 Improvement Possibilities 8

7. Financials 8
7.1 Project Cost Summary 8
7.2 Work per Member 8

8. Metrics 8
8.1 Milestone Metrics 8
8.2 Effort Metrics 9

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CVS Report Version: 1.0
Final Project Report Date: 2005-01-20

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of this document

The purpose of this document is to give the intended readers a view of how the project was conducted
which requirements where fulfilled or not and the reason for not fulfilling the requirement.
This document will be a composite of certain project documents which have been written during the
project phase.
The second purpose of the document is that it is a receipt of what our project group will deliver to our
customer, which means by reading the requirements which have or have not been fulfilled the customer
may understand how the final product will be.

1.2 Intended Audience

Intended audience is;
 Steering group
 Customer
 Project members

1.3 Scope

1.4 Definitions and acronyms

1.4.1 Definitions

Keyword Definitions
Eclipse-IDE A java IDE which is modular built in which modules can be added
Tomcat A freeware servlet container from the apache fondation
Itext A free library to construct pdf and html dynamcly
JDOM A freeware library for XML manipulation
Mysql A database engine which can be used freely

1.4.2 Acronyms and abbreviations

Acronym or
IDE Integrated Development Enviroment
SQL Structured Query Language
XML eXtended Markup Language
PDF Portable Document Format
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
CVS Concurrent Version System
WB Web Site
EC Eclipse
IM Instant Message

1.5 References

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CVS Report Version: 1.0
Final Project Report Date: 2005-01-20

Document File Name

Project Description Project description[1].doc
Design Description Design_Description_cvsreport.doc
Requirement definition Requirements_Definition_cvsReport.doc

2. Background and Objectives

Our customer wanted a way to construct reports in the format of PDF and HTML which would contain
information from projects which stored there files on CVS servers to construct a better view of the
work of individual projects as well as developers.

The purpose of this project was to create a two applications; first a plug in to the eclipse-IDE which
could generate templates with a graphical interface. These templates could be used to generate reports
through embedded SQL queries and information about the user and his/her project.
The SQL queries would be sent to the CVSQL application which would connect to a given CVS server
and retrieve the information specified in the SQL query. The information pulled from the CVS server
and certain static information specified by the user will be put in a PDF or HTML page which is
presented to the user.

3. Organization
3.1 Project Manager
Daniel Vikström

3.2 Project Group

Name Responsibility
Protano Carmine Lead developer and design of Webb application
Severoni Francesco design, developer, documenter of Webb application
Ahmed Kamran Developer of Webb application
Aleta Mladen Lead xml file design & tester
Mikulaj Mario Developer of eclipse & documenter
Tre¹èec Ivan Lead developer of reporter & eclipse plug in

3.3 Steering Group

Rikard Land

3.4 Customer
Rikard Land

3.5 Others

 Igor Čavrak
 Ivica Crnković
 Mario Žagar

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CVS Report Version: 1.0
Final Project Report Date: 2005-01-20

4. Milestones

Finished week
Milestone Responsible
Id Forecast Metr Rem
Description Dept./Initials Plan Actual
Week +/-
M-001 Project Description DV 46 46 0 46 0
M-002 Interface specification formDV 47 47 0 47 0
M-003 Design Approved PC,SF,TI,AKM,M 48 50 2 51 +3
M-004 Implementation Complete ALL 01 03 0 03 +2

5. Project Results

5.1 Requirements

5.1.1 Requirement Compliance Matrix

Id completed Rem
WB-001 It shall be possible to login into the webpage Yes
WB-002 it shall be possible to register a new user Yes
WB-003 It shall be possible to generate PDF or html page from report Yes

WB-004 It shall be possible to choose one query from x query’s in the Yes
users report template

WB-005 It shall be possible for the user to dynamically specify certain No

criteria’s for the SQL query’s
WB-006 It shall be possible for an admin to manage the website, i.e. Dropped
delete users.

WB-007 It shall be possible for the user to store an xml file with Dropped
predefined values

EC-001 It shall be possible to construct SQL query’s by a simple user Yes


EC-002 It shall be possible to store report templates in the form of Yes

xml files.

EC-003 It shall be possible to generate a PDF and html page from a Yes
report template

Completed: Yes (completely implemented)

No (not implemented at all)

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CVS Report Version: 1.0
Final Project Report Date: 2005-01-20

Partially (partially implemented, more description under Remarks subsection)

Unknown (completion status not known)
Dropped (requirement was dropped during the course of the project)

5.1.2 Requirements Compliance Summary

Total number of requirements 10

Number of requirements implemented 7
Requirements partially fulfilled 0
Requirements not fulfilled 1
Requirements dropped 2

5.2 Work Products and Deliverables

Planned Promised Late Delivered

To Output Rem
week week +/- week
Distributio Project description & project plan 47 47 0 47
n list
Group XML file Specification 48 48 +2 50
Distributio Design Report 48 48 0 48
ns list
Customer Final Implementation 01 01 2 03
Steering System test document 03 03 0 03

6. Project Experiences

6.1 Positive Experiences

6.1.1 E-mail
Because the project was conducted in two separate countries and there was not viable solution to
collecting all the developers in one office we had a great need to communicate over different mediums.
E-mail was one that was chosen this because it is very easy to use and all project members have one or
several e-mail addresses.
Through e-mail we could also exchange files which could be stored on different storage servers such as
school accounts, this made it easy for all project members to exchange files with each other without
any difficulties.
6.1.2 Videoconferencing
In a room on MDH and FER there was a several cameras and microphones the video and audio was
then streamed between both sites so that we could see and talk to each other in real time with a
acceptable delay.
This medium was very good since the feedback was direct from the ideas that that we discussed which
reduced the amount of e-mail and other communication means.
6.1.3 IM Clients
With the use of IM clients such as MSN messenger project members could discuss exchange files
through that medium. It was a great tool in the project, since we could save the discussion and post it
on the project page so that the entire project group could see certain discussions.

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CVS Report Version: 1.0
Final Project Report Date: 2005-01-20

6.1.4 Cultural exchange

With working in a distributed environment we where subjected to a cultural exchange between the
Swedish and Croatian team.
In our team we had four nationalities which proved to be an excellent mix, they where;
 Swedish
 Croatian
 Italian
 Pakistani an
The Italians where impassioned in there discussions which was pleasant break from discussions with
other Swedish people.
The Croatians where very hardworking and similar to the Swedish side in that they where not as
impassioned in the discussions as the Italians, but very dependable.

6.2 Improvement Possibilities

7. Financials

7.1 Project Cost Summary

Planned Cost 390000

Actual Cost 816000

7.2 Work per Member

Member W47 W48 W49 W50 W51 W52 W53 W01 W02 W03 Total
Daniel Vikström 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50
Protano Carmine 5 5 7 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 97
Severoni Francesco 3 5 7 3 3 3 5 5 10 10 52
Ahmed Kamran 5 2 2 0 0 5 36
Mahmood 5 5 8 3
Aleta Mladen 5 5 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 45
Mikulaj Mario 5 10 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50
Tre¹èec Ivan 5 5 0 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 78
Total 31 40 27 36 41 40 42 45 50 52 408

8. Metrics

8.1 Milestone Metrics

Completed as planned or earlier Total Timeliness

2 4 50%

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CVS Report Version: 1.0
Final Project Report Date: 2005-01-20

8.2 Effort Metrics

Activity Actual Effort Planned Effort Deviation (%)

Project Management 10 10 000%
Documentation 10 10 000%
Requirement specification 20 20 00%
Design specification 20 20 000%
Implementation 337.5 122,5 +175%
Testing 12.5 12,5 000%

Effort estimation accuracy (%)

(100*(1 - abs(Actual – Planned)/Actual)) 47%

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