Reading Reflection 5

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Grace Ronnebeck

October 23rd, 2019

Reading Reflection #5

On October 14th, 2019 our class watched a documentary about bullying in a public

school. This documentary followed a student who was openly gay who was constantly harassed

and abused by his classmates over the course of his middle and high school years. I found this

film to be very powerful and shocking to see how school administrators were willing to let the

harassment of an individual go on for so long and just push it under the rug. The film discussed

how much of an emotional toll this experience took on not only the child but also his parents. It

is important for all students to feel safe when they are at school. As administrators and teachers,

we have to be strict about anti-bullying rules within our schools because if we let one thing go

for some kids it will make it okay for all kids to make fun of a kid. It also sends a message to the

students being bullied that educators do not care about their safety.

Not only does this film cover bullying, it also covers LGBTQ+. I can guarantee you that

when I am a teacher, I will have at least one LGBTQ student in my class at one point in my

career. This means that I have to know how to be an ally for this student and their identity. I have

to be aware of who they identify as and respect it. I should teach my students about being an ally

instead of fearing this kind of lifestyle. I should teach not only my students but also their parents

about acceptance. Acceptance is the best thing for those students because if we can show the

student that they are accepted in their school community, they will feel safer.

I will not tolerate bullying of any kind in my students. If I see a student is being bullied, I

will make sure that there is an appropriate consequence for their actions. After that, I will offer

emotional support to my student that is being bullied and I will let them know that I hear them
and I see them. I will then help give those students resources to find more support in the

classroom and outside of the classroom.

It is very important for teachers and administrators to create a safe environment for ALL

students. If we tolerate bullying of any kind, that sends a message that we might not care about

the well being of ALL students and only care about some. This is not the message we want to


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