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Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis


The fading role of triple therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation

and acute coronary syndrome: a Bayesian network meta‑analysis
Mohammed Osman1 · Babikir Kheiri2 · Muhammad Bilal Munir1 · Jason A. Moreland1 · Sudarshan Balla1 ·
Samir Kapadia3

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

The management of patients with concomitant atrial fibril- statistically significant difference in the rate of bleeding
lation (AF) and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or percu- among DT groups (Fig. 1a). Moreover, there was no statis-
taneous coronary intervention (PCI) represents a medical tically significance difference in the rate of major adverse
dilemma. Recent US guidelines recommend dual therapy cardiovascular events (MACE) in apixaban, rivaroxaban,
(DT) with non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants dabigatran and warfarin dual therapies compared to warfa-
(NOACs) and P2Y12 inhibitor instead of triple therapy (TT) rin TT (OR 0.83, 95% Cr.I 0.03–38.02), (OR 0.84, 95% Cr.I
which includes aspirin [1]. To date there is no head-to-head 0.07–11.94),(OR 1.02, 95% Cr.I 0.07–14.82) and (OR 0.47,
comparison among NOACs with respect to bleeding and 95% Cr.I 0.03–6.48), respectively. There was no statistically
ischemic events when utilized in AF patients with ACS and/ significant difference in the rate of MACE outcome among
or PCI. We used the advanced meta-analytic properties of DT groups (Fig. 1b).
Bayesian analysis to compare different dual therapy regi- The main findings from our current investigation are:
men including apixaban, rivaroxaban, dabigatran, warfarin [1] DT is superior in terms of bleeding when compared to
among each other and to TT with warfarin. We used study TT and within DT group no agent is superior over another
level data and pooled the primary safety outcome of bleed- [2]. No difference is noted with respect to MACE outcome
ing (as defined by the included trial) and the primary efficacy among different agents utilized in DT group compared to
outcome of major adverse cardiovascular events (composite warfarin TT group.
of cardiac death, stent thrombosis, stroke and myocardial The management of AF patients with associated ACS
infarction) from available published randomized controlled and/or PCI is fraught with uncertainty. While there is a
trials (RCTs). Analysis was performed using NetMetaXL contemporary trend of utilizing TT in AF patients at least
version 1.6.1 and WinBUGS version 1.4.3. initially after ACS or PCI, this practice is often associated
Four RCTs comparing different NOACs DT regimen with significant bleeding complications resulting in signifi-
to warfarin TT were included [2–5]. A significant reduc- cant patient morbidity. There is no real-life data on head-
tion in bleeding was seen in apixaban, rivaroxaban, dabi- to-head comparison of various NOACs agents with respect
gatran and warfarin dual therapies compared to warfarin to bleeding and MACE in patients who have indications for
TT (OR 0.49, 95% Cr.I 0.31–0.78, ­I2 = 13%), (OR 0.59, anti-platelet and anti-thrombotic therapy. Our analysis has
95% Cr.I 0.38–0.95), (OR 0.44, 95% Cr.I 0.26–0.74) and shown that as a class effect, NOACs (as utilized in DT) are
(OR 0.46, 95% Cr.I 0.32–0.63), respectively. There was no significantly better than warfarin TT in minimizing bleeding
complications but within themselves, no significant differ-
ence was noted. Additionally, warfarin DT was also safer
* Mohammed Osman with respect to bleeding when compared to warfarin TT.
While TT is losing ground slowly, all the current avail-
Division of Cardiology, West Virginia University School able RCTs on NOACs DT excluded patients with mechanical
of Medicine, 1 Medical Center Drive, Morgantown, heart valves, severe renal insufficiently and patients with a
WV 26506, USA diagnosis of hypercoagulable status, in these cases the effi-
Hurley Medical Center, Michigan State University, Flint, MI, cacy of dual therapy with one of the NOACs is yet to be
USA established and warfarin DT or TT is still considered a valid
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Heart and Vascular option. The recently published AUGUSTUS trial utilized
Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA

M. Osman et al.

Fig. 1  Forest plot comparing:

a bleeding events between dif-
ferent regimens of dual therapy
and triple therapy. b Major
adverse cardiovascular events
(MACE) between different
regimens of dual therapy and
triple therapy

The fading role of triple therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation and acute coronary…

2 × 2 factorial randomization and comparisons were done References

among patients taking either apixaban or warfarin and aspi-
rin or P2Y12 therapy. This unique design which is different 1. January CT, Wann LS, Calkins H, Chen LY, Cigarroa JE, Cleve-
than the other trials allowed the comparison of DT versus land JC, Ellinor PT, Ezekowitz MD, Field ME, Furie KL, Hei-
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TT and on top of that the comparison of aspirin vs placebo. AHA/ACC/HRS guideline for the management of patients with
At 6 months follow up, about 10.5% of patients receiving atrial fibrillation: a report of the american college of Cardiology/
apixaban therapy witnessed major bleeding event when com- American heart association task force on clinical practice guide-
pared to 14.7% of patients on warfarin (HR 0.69, 95% CI lines and the heart rhythm society. J Am Coll Cardiol. https​://doi.
0.58–0.81) [5]. Our analysis, however, showed that apixaban 2. Cannon CP, Bhatt DL, Oldgren J, Lip GYH, Ellis SG, Kimura T
dual therapy is similar in terms of bleeding complications et al (2017) Dual antithrombotic therapy with dabigatran after PCI
when compared to warfarin dual therapy (OR 0.94, 95% CI in atrial fibrillation. N Engl J Med 377(16):1513–1524
0.50–1.58, see Fig. 1) [5]. In our current study, we have also 3. Dewilde WJ, Oirbans T, Verheugt FW, Kelder JC, De Smet BJ,
Herrman JP et al (2013) Use of clopidogrel with or without aspi-
pooled data from WOEST trial that compared warfarin TT rin in patients taking oral anticoagulant therapy and undergoing
group to warfarin DT group and found less prevalence of percutaneous coronary intervention: an open-label, randomised,
bleeding in DT group when compared to TT group (19.4% controlled trial. Lancet (London, England) 381(9872):1107–1115
vs 44.4%, HR 0.36, 95% CI 0.26–0.50) [3]. Since WOEST 4. Gibson CM, Mehran R, Bode C, Halperin J, Verheugt F, Wild-
goose P et al (2015) An open-label, randomized, controlled, mul-
trial showed significantly improved bleeding outcomes in ticenter study exploring two treatment strategies of rivaroxaban
patients on warfarin DT group when compared to TT group, and a dose-adjusted oral vitamin K antagonist treatment strategy
it seems likely that the effect of improved bleeding outcomes in subjects with atrial fibrillation who undergo percutaneous coro-
in apixaban group as shown in AUGUSTUS trial was diluted nary intervention (PIONEER AF-PCI). Am Heart J 169(4):472-8.
in our meta-analysis due to pooling of this data. It is impor- 5. Lopes RD, Heizer G, Aronson R, Vora AN, Massaro T, Mehran
tant to note that in the AUGUSTUS trial the addition of R, Goodman SG, Windecker S, Darius H, Li J, Averkov O Bahit
aspirin to DT (Coumadin or DAOC based) increased the risk MC, Berwanger O, Budaj A, Hijazi Z, Parkhomenko A, Sinnaeve
of bleeding without any benefits in reduction of ischemic P, Storey RF, Thiele H, Vinereanu D, Granger CB, Alexander JH
(2019) Antithrombotic therapy after acute coronary syndrome or
events. In line with all these accumulated evidence the recent PCI in atrial fibrillation. New Engl J Med 380(16):1509–1524
focused update of atrial fibrillation guidelines in US recom- 6. Lip GY, Collet JP, Haude M, Byrne R, Chung EH, Fauchier
mended DT in patients with atrial fibrillation who received L, Halvorsen S, Lau D, Lopez-Cabanillas N, Lettino M, Marin
coronary artery stenting (COR IIa, B-R) [1]. In contrast the (2019) 2018 joint European consensus document on the man-
agement of antithrombotic therapy in atrial fibrillation patients
European guidelines continue to endorse TT for a minimum presenting with acute coronary syndrome and/or undergoing
duration of 4 weeks post stent placement in all patients with percutaneous cardiovascular interventions: a joint consensus
atrial fibrillation after that period the regimen could be document of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA),
downgraded to DT [6]. Given the current available evidence European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Thrombosis,
European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interven-
we believe that an approach of DT with one of the NOACs tions (EAPCI), and European Association of Acute Cardiac Care
and P2Y12 inhibitor should be the default strategy in the (ACCA) endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), Asia-
majority of patients with atrial fibrillation with ACS and/or Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS), Latin America Heart
PCI. However, in high-risk patients with stent thrombosis Rhythm Society (LAHRS), and Cardiac Arrhythmia Society of
Southern Africa (CASSA). Europace 21(2):192–193
or complex percutaneous intervention who are deemed to
be high risk for thrombosis and low bleeding risk a regimen Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
of TT for no longer than 4 weeks followed by dropping the jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
aspirin after that is a reasonable alternative [1, 6]. There is
still a need for more large RCTs comparing various NOACs
among each other and to warfarin DT in AF patients with
ACS and/or PCI who are taking anti-platelet agents.


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