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Title of the Project Social awareness for Pollution , Study , Child Marriage and Child Labor Submitted by Name :Avinash Kumar Registration Number : 11811655 Name of the Program “Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)” Course code : P132 Lovely Professional University Phagwara , Punjab Introduction : Social Awareness is the ability to take the perspective of empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures. To understand social and ethical norms for behavior and to recognize family , school , and community resources and supports. What we know about Social Awareness comes from multiple strands of research on concepts like emotional intelligence, social capital, social perspective taking, and cultural competency. How do these relate? Being socially aware means having the ability to: e Recognize one's own emotions and other people's emotions e Use information about emotions to guide thinking and behavior Discern the thoughts, feelings, and motivations of others e Understand how others view a particular situation e Understand social and ethical norms for behavior Recognize and use family, school, and community resources and supports e Be aware of one's own cultural identity and views about differences of culture Problem identification and the cause of the problem : | have identify the problem in my village by thinking of what's more needed to develop our society and what things can help to solve this problem . | observed and pick up the main problem of our society about social awareness to school aware students to about these things . The basic cause of these problem are lack of awareness to school students and village’s people. Objective to be achieved : My objective through this project is to aware student , from our environment and from our society .| help them to know about what are the wrong things going in our environment and society and how together we can fix this things for developing our environment and our society. And also objective to know what more thing is needed which are not available in society . To know what people of society thinking of these problem. Various steps taken to achieve the objectives : After finding the problem .Firstly | went to nearest government school of my area and | met principle of that school . | introduce myself and then | told him about my project and selected topic details Then he asked me about how | work in this project . Then | told them about my working details .They liked my project topic and agreed to work in his school to complete the project .Then at first day of starting of project principle of school interacted me with school teacher and he says school teachers to help me for my project then | interacted with school students in assembly .Then another day | interact with students class by class and tell them about social awareness for pollution , study , child marriage and child labor in details .| used to interact with student two to three classes in 1 day. It took 10 days to finish interaction with all classes .After 10 days | interacted with all students and tell them whoever wants to share their views what | taught topics they can share their views .| gave them 2 days to think and prepare After 2 days some students came they are interested to share their views | noted their name and asked them to come another day with good preparation . Another day interested students share their views in assembly and | was happy to hear the students views and got more energy to do this project . One Day we make a group to do something for environment we planted trees . and then | interacted with all teachers of school and tell them about all reason why these things going and they said that they take care about these things in future .After this | have also taken survey from some people of society that what else they more needed and what they think about their government and what else is needed for development. They given the positive response of survey and make my survey successful. By the help of school principal , teacher and people of society my project is completed. Effectiveness of the Project : | saw positive response from principle so with help of principle | completed the project . when | first interact with student they are not much aware about these things . But after completing my project they came to know about all problem which are going in our society & environment and how to improve it. A good energy from teacher side impressed me .These things made me more interested to do this project . Conclusion : This project has concentrated on the question of how social issues are socially constructed. It has done so not because this is the only form of analysis in the social sciences. There are many different approaches, theories and perspectives that bear upon social problems, patterns of social differentiation and the organization of social welfare. Nevertheless, all of them have to operate in a social world where the meaning of things shapes how we act. The main problem or challenges faced by Indian democracy are inequality , poverty , ignorance , unemployment, illiteracy , population explosion , mainly corruption and some other as well. In order to overcome these challenges India needs to develop new proposals to reform democracy ,it has to emphasis on corruption which is the basic problem particularly in India and by providing basic rights to its citizens without any discrimination looking mainly to the weaker sections of the society.

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