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Complete the sentences with the correct verb tense:

a)They_________________________________________since 1980. (be married)


c)How many people_______________________to this class yesterday?

d)Where____________you_____________? (work)


f)I______________________________to Korea (never,be)

g)What_________________________after the concerst last night? (happen)

h)I____________________________on the sofa when Paul_______________________with

Mary. (sit, arrive)

i)When she___________________to Paris last year she_______________________in a

wonderful hotel (go, stay)

j)I´m hungry! I____________________you a sandwich (make)

k)She___________________________________before. (never, fly)

l)______________________you _______________________yoyur homework yet? (finish)

m)Who__________________________the game last Saturday? (win)

n)I________________________________Tom tonight. (see)

0)It______________________________, the sky is totally blue! (not, rain)

p)She_____________________________(not, smoke)

q)She______________________-when we_______________________________. (arrive, have


r)What_________________they usually_____________________on weekends? (do)

s)I_____________________________________at Toyota for 10 years. (work)

t)These bags are very heavy! I__________________________them for you (carry)

u)_________________it_______________________when you left? (rain)

v)______________________you__________________________a famous person? (ever, meet)

x)What_________________you_________________here? I________________Liz


y)I________________________________this movie three times. (already, see)

w)When I_________________________home, I_________________________to

____________ some champagne (come,stop,buy)

z)Sorry, I´m late! That´s ok, I____________________________________ (just, arrive)

z)We___________________________________anything yesterday. (not,do)

z) How long____________you___________working in this company? (work)

For about 10 years now.

Write 3 sentences for each verb tense ( an affirmative, a negative, a question)

Present simple


Present Continuous


Simple Past


Past Continuous



Present Perfect


Write something about your life using present, past, future and the present perfect:


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