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Vedic Remedies in Astrology Sanjay Rath [Author of Upadesa Sutra of Maharishi Jaimini (1997), Crux of Vedic Astrology (1998)] SAGAR PUBLICATIONS path, Ved Mansio New Dethi-110 001 Tel. : 3320648, 3328245 E-mail: sagarpub@de.vsninetin SAGAR PUBLICATIONS Sanjay Rath his book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent esol, hited out, oF otherwise circulated without the authors prior written Consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which itis published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed onthe subsequent and without lining the rights under copyright served above, no part of this publicatio red in oF introduced into retrieval system, produced ranemited in mechanical, photocopying, recording 0 rior written permission of the copyright holder ofthis form or by ar WRAVER A api sereet aa Ha Sanjay Rath the Jyotish, prostrate at the lotus feet ri Krishna, the Lord ofthe Universe [and offer th BEAICATION tthe Lotus feet of Sri Sri Ch ahaprabhu and his ardent disciple Sri Achyuta Dasa PREFACE here was a felt ned to consolidate the various types of remedial measures available in Vedi astrology. The scope fof remedial measures available's verytvast and asystem of Classification has been attempted based on the predomi rant una (nature) ofthe remesy. The ist chapter explains this classification and cautions the astrologer against in dulging in black magic and ather forms of black hat willonly destroy is good karma, VEDIC ASTROLOGY face, hands, eyes, nose and ears Chin dds that respectively Harthara author of Prana Nak nee otsh (Astrology) isthe the highest pedestal Thus, there is no further doubt thet Jyonish isa ven nt forms in various nations around the globe. The term Vedic Astrology” refers to Jy ud tice in then band pra rnsub-continentItiscomposed of sx pa ‘ommon house lizard on different parts of the body At different times) or Stupna Shasta (Dreamalogy) ‘Those have not been covered inthis book forthe present a Birth Horoscopy. The Birth chart provides the Aetalsof Karma inhented fom past birthand gives is theindications ofthe suflering due Prasna: Horary astrology based on the ime of query. ‘The Prasna orhorary chart san portant tool or Jyotshto determine whether he sufferings ducto the Karma of past trthor ofthe presenttartht the Prasna CChartalone shows the suffering while the Birth Ch isindicatng others, then infer thatthe sufferings Alu to the ad karma fn this birth If both the Prana Sid the Birth char indicate the suffering i surly te tothetad karma ofthe past. Therecohmendation freed measures requires an ntligon application Stmund onthe pat of te Astrologer. Mulurtha: Determining auspicious time for initiating Important activities ike religious ceremonies et Th by set san important remedial mesure. Ifthe Bath Charthas negative indications then the Dest remedy is fostatthe concerned activity atamost auspicious date nd time, Ts eel canchecksome of he negative in. dications inthe Birth chart provided remedies are also ‘arid out for alleviating the negative indication Reseeotat Measures When an error or evil planetary combination is no ed, i causes hindrances and can even deny frucifien on of otherwise good combination inthe horoscope. Ved remedies refertoall the methods of overcoming these hi {rances/obstacles and helps in achieving the desired o jective. These remedies are normally found in books itera mh ers the important and effective rem es The firs four chapters deal with the rem thods and the principles snvolved, theft cha sa Compendium ofth ent Mantra wile the st chapter shows the a sinthetrth Shae The seventh chapter deals with Gemology. The Fre (Gueniy Asked Questions have een sted at Appendix V ‘Sn Mais Vistu Sincetisestablished tat yous they ofthe Vedas, than in what form should one aspiring for knowledge of Serology worshipthe Almighty? : aegis eT * (Rig Veda 1.22.20) ‘Veda explains that ord Vishnwis the ultimate ram pain) He preserves and pots als {o the Lord asthe harbinger of day/ ight nthe physical aspect refers tothe Sun whereas in he tetaphsical aspect if refers to enlightenment He ithe Soulflitéoreeoltheeves (Chats eyes) Jupiter wil nly this metaphysial aspect. Ths, the Sun and Jup Ercome the two important signfictor for Dharma’ and Lord Naha Vishnu isthe presiding deity of Jyotish, The detaed procedure forthe spiritual development and cor rectintuton foran astrologer hasbeen given in Appendix I The views of Maharshi Parasaracartbe understood in the Chaper titled Astrology & Det. Vaastu de Onin Pas Silly, the Vaast’ Flaws can ead to considerable trouble. Tis should also be indicate in the Birth Chart or Prasna Chart The recilication ofthese laws can be dane ihe through the costly methods ke making complet changes in the architecture or by applying simple Vaast orectives like antea eta the appropriste place. This ery exhaustive and has been kept out ofthe preview 0 tis etl remedies for the Dasa Shak iyeen theextentof the problem and the faith of the Jyotish Ths for effective remedial measures the jyotish must have Lnlinching faith in the Lord and should himself set an ex Ample of a pre and simple life. With these words, I wish theleamed readers well nd offer this book for the wean ofthe world Trasas Givine {Lam indebted to the inspiration ofan eer Jytisha wwhohasbeentheGuru guiding ths pen cannot mention same as pers desie for aronyimty) Such great souls Contnueto guide hespirtual drechonof many Wes Once gains Narinder Sagar as come forward tosuppen this work asthe mantle of yotsh Publications of-Sagar Publ tlons is passed on tothe next generation; St Saurabh ‘Spar continues inthe footprints of his llustious elders. Thank you one and al, especially Manprect, Ravi Narasria, Ashok, Dinanath anal my yous siya, Sanjay Rath B-59Sekhar Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, ‘New Delhi 110091 INDIA E-mall:ath@vsal com Chapter! Chapter I Chapter tt Chapter Vv Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VI Appendict Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix ya aw CONTENTS introduction Astrology & Deity Astrological Principles Mantra Shastra Compendiumot Mantra Comology Spiritual discipline Yantra Awakening the Kundalini Nakshatra & Syllables Frequently asked Questions Rudraksha & Rosa

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