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Lesson Test

Matching Type: On the line provided before each item number, write the letter (of the match on the
right-hand column) corresponding to the correct definition.

1. UN Prime a. an increase in the amount of heat trapped in

the earth’s atmosphere due to an increase in
the levels of carbon dioxide in the
2. Responsible Management Education b. the effect of a human activity on a natural
3. Humanistic management c. ability to manage the resource base such that
the quality of life we ensure ourselves does
not jeopardize that of future generations
4. Environmental impact d. business education that includes values of
corporate citizenship, corporate social
responsibility, and sustainability
5. Ecological impact e. a global initiative with the mission to inspire
and champion good business education,
research and thought leadership.
6. Renewable resource f. a non-living finite resource that once
exhausted cannot be made again
7. Greenhouse effect g. a balance between the level of production
and use of a resource that can be maintained
8. Non-renewable resources h. an approach to management theory based on
the idea of human needs and human values
9. Sustainable yield i. a living resource that can be produced again
10. Sustainability j. the amount of land necessary to produce and
maintain enough food and water, shelter,
energy, and waste for an organism

Responsible Management Education

The United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRIME) is a global call to
embed business education in international values such as those portrayed in the Global Compact
framework on Human Rights, Labour, Anti-Corruption and the Environment. This Initiative is an urgent
call to modify business education in light of changing ideas about corporate citizenship, corporate social
responsibility and sustainability. It aims to provide the framework required to adapt management
education to the new after-crisis realities – in terms of curriculum, research and learning methodologies.
The main aim of the PRIME is to develop the capabilities of students to be future generators of
sustainable value for business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable value for
business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy. It encourages
educational institutions and associations to incorporate into academic activities and curricula the values
of global social responsibility.

Source: Alcaraz J.M. & Thiruvattal, E. (2010). The United Nations’ Principles for Responsible for Responsible Management
Education. A Global Call for Sustainability, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Vol. 9, No. 3, 542 – 550.

Answer the following questions:

1. Based on the reading above and the material in this lesson, how would you define global social
responsibility? Explain, using illustrations and examples.
2. Based on the reading above and the material in this lesson, how would you define corporate
citizenship? Explain, using illustrations and examples.
3. Based on the reading above and the material in this lesson, how would you define
sustainability? Explain, using illustrations and examples.
Lesson Test

Matching Type: On the line provided before each item number, write the letter (of the match on the
right-hand column) corresponding to the correct definition.

11. UN Prime a. a balance between the level of production

and use of a resource that can be maintained
12. Responsible Management Education b. a non-living finite resource that once
exhausted cannot be made again
13. Humanistic management c. the amount of land necessary to produce and
maintain enough food and water, shelter,
energy, and waste for an organism
14. Environmental impact d. a living resource that can be produced again
15. Ecological impact e. an approach to management theory based on
the idea of human needs and human values
16. Renewable resource f. an increase in the amount of heat trapped in
the earth’s atmosphere due to an increase in
the levels of carbon dioxide in the
17. Greenhouse effect g. the effect of a human activity on a natural
18. Non-renewable resources h. a global initiative with the mission to inspire
and champion good business education,
research and thought leadership.
19. Sustainable yield i. business education that includes values of
corporate citizenship, corporate social
responsibility, and sustainability
20. Sustainability j. ability to manage the resource base such that
the quality of life we ensure ourselves does
not jeopardize that of future generations

a. an increase in the amount of heat trapped in the earth’s atmosphere due to an increase in the
levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

b. the effect of a human activity on a natural environment

c. ability to manage the resource base such that the quality of life we ensure ourselves does not
jeopardize that of future generations

d. business education that includes values of corporate citizenship, corporate social responsibility,
and sustainability

e. a global initiative with the mission to inspire and champion good business education, research
and thought leadership.

a. a non-living finite resource that once exhausted cannot be made again

b. a balance between the level of production and use of a resource that can be maintained

c. an approach to management theory based on the idea of human needs and human values

d. a living resource that can be produced again

e. the amount of land necessary to produce and maintain enough food and water, shelter, energy,
and waste for an organism

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