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Manage and integrate views Given prior experiences as Vice

4 Premier in charge of finance and

from non-CCP social influencers
Chen Xi into policymaking, including Wang Yang Wang Qishan trade, possibly providing advice on
Secretary, CCP-CC Secretariat; Chair, CPPCC 1 Former PSC Member; international economic relations
Director, CCP-CC Organization
from private businesses, to
ensure “united front”
XI JINPING Vice President, PRC and financial risk mitigation
Department General Secretary, CCP-CC
Oversees the appointment of all President, PRC,
5 3
Mu Hong officials vice-minister rank and Chairman, CMC Manages the drafting and
Executive Vice above, including key SOE executives, Top level design of reform policies; Wang Huning R E A
Li Zhanshu passage of relevant legislations
Director, Office of the university presidents etc. control over the propaganda 1st Ranked Secretary, Chair, NPC-SC
CCP-CC Deepening Note: reports directly to Xi Jinping apparatus to enforce censorship CCP-CC Secretariat;
Reform Commission and promote policy Director, CCP-CC 6
(minister-rank); Executive Policy Research Office Supervision of personnel (anti-
Vice Minister, NDRC Zhao Leji corruption and enforcement of
Note: Reports to R E Secretary, CCDI political discipline) and auditing
Wang Huning 2 A of major projects
Li Keqiang Han Zheng
Premier, State 1st Ranked Vice
Council Premier
Yi Gang R E
Governor, People’s Bank FINANCIAL RISK “DOUBLE FIRST CLASS Chen Baosheng
Minister of Education

Liu He Sun Chunlan

Guo Shuqing 4th Ranked Vice Premier 2nd Ranked Vice Premier
PS, People’s Bank of China*;
Chair, China Banking and MAJOR INT’L R E
PS of key localities with PB seats;
Gou Zhongwen
Insurance Regulatory ECONOMIC RELATIONS also report to other leaders on
Director, General
Administration of Sport
Commission other matters

Li Qiang
Hu Chunhua Cai Qi
3rd Ranked Vice Premier
PS Beijing PS Shanghai 2030”
Li Xi Ma Xiaowei
Minister of Industry and INDUSTRIAL POLICY Chen Min’er Minister of the National
Information Technology PS Guangdong PS Chongqing
e.g. Made in China 2025 Health Commission

Li Hongzhong
Wang Zhigang Chen Quanguo PS Tianjin
Minister of Science and SOE REFORM PS Xinjiang
POLLUTION Sun Shaocheng
Minister of Veterans

Li Xiaopeng POVERTY
Minister of REGIONAL
Transportation* ALLEVIATION Han Zheng in overall DEVELOPMENT
charge of Belt and Road “BELT AND PROJECTS Lu Hao
Initiative; Hu Chunhua in
Wang Yong charge of trade aspects ROAD” Minister of Natural
State Councilor E.g. Jing-Jin-Ji, Greater Bay Resources
Note: reports to Liu for SOE reform Area, etc.
and industrial safety; to Hu for natural
disaster management; oversees
Wang Menghui Li Ganjie
officials below Minister of Ecology and
Minister of Housing
and Urban-Rural Environment

Xiao Yaqing Huang Shuxian Development

Minister of Civil Affairs Liu Kun
Chair, State Council Zhang Jinan Minister of Finance
State-Owned Asset Do not report to a particular He Lifeng
Supervision and
Minister of Human Zhong Shan Vice Premier
Resources and Social Minister of Commerce Vice Chair, CPPCC;
Administration Security Minister of the National
Commission (SASAC)* Development and Reform
Xiao Jie Hu Zejun Commission
State Councilor, Auditor General of
Zhang Mao Wang Yupu Secretary General of the State Council
Director, State Minister of Emergency
the State Council
Administration of Market Management* Han Changfu E Jingping A
Regulation Minister of Agriculture Minister of Water
and Rural Work Resources
Provincial PS
and Governors


“The Core” of the Leadership
Name and position of leader 1 Official order of PSC members CPPCC Chinese People’s Political
Consultative Conference

GOVERNANCE Members of the CCP-CC Politburo Standing

R CCP-CC Commission on
“Three Tough Battles” declared by Xi
CCDI CCP Central Commission for
Discipline Inspection
Committee (PSC) and other national-rank * PS of the organ is different from the


Comprehensively Deepening Reform
leaders not in retirement minister
E CCP-CC Finance and Economics
PS CCP Party Secretary
Members of the CCP-CC Politburo (PB) PRC People’s Republic of China

(vice-national rank) and key projects overseen
by State Council Vice Premiers Central Committee of the Chinese
PSC Politburo Standing Committee
A CCP-CC Audit Commission CCP-CC
Communist Party
Key economic officials minister-rank and above
assigned to each vice premier; many ministers Source: Chinese government
Chair Office Director CMC Central Military Commission
NOVEMBER 2018 work in supporting roles on multiple initiatives announcements on coordinating
including on those under other VPs; names in red Vice Chair Member National People’s Congress group leadership, meeting
INFOGRAPHIC BY YUANZHUO WANG AND JAMES EVANS indicate vice-national rank NPC-SC Standing Committee attendance, and inspection visits

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