Complex Numbers Problems Advanced

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COMPLEX NUMBERS QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW Introduction Q Consider a simple quadratic equation x? + 4 = 0. Clearly there is no solution of this equation in the set 0 real numbers. To permit the solution of such equations the set of complex numbers is introduced, ‘The solutions of the above equation are given by x2 = —4 => X = 4V4 = + 2/71 = £2i, We assume that the positive square root of -1 is denoted by 1, called imaginary unit. Now for any two real numbers x and y, we can form a new number x + iy. This number X + iy. This number x + iy called a complex number. The set C of complex number is therefore defined by C= (X+ iy Xe R, y € Rj. The extension of concept of numbers from real numbers to complex numbers enabled us to solve any polynomial equation. QA complex number is denoted by a single letter such as z, w ete. Given a complex number % =X + iy, vis called its Real Part and y its Imaginary Part and we denote X = Re(2) and y = Im(@) If y = 0, then 2 = xis a purely real number. tx ‘The complex number 0 0, then 2 = iy is aginary number. a purel real as well as pur 0 i, is both purel y imaginary. Q Two complex numbers Z; = x;+ iy; and Z,= x, + ivy are said to be equal if and only if 4, = ay and yy = yy Q Ifz=-x+ iy then the complex number x ~ iy is called the Complex Conjugate of 2 = x + iy and denoted by? or 2*. Thus, Re(2) Z and -Im(2) = -Im@) Axiomatic Approach Towards the Complex Number System Q A complex number is defined as an ordered pair (x, y) of real numbers x and y. Thus, C=(%)IXe Rye RB O Ifz =, ») then x = Re(z) and y = Im(@), z = (x, »)id equivalent to z = x + iy. Thus, I is equivalent to (0,1) and 2 = (x,-y), 1 Maths IMPORTANT RESULTS TO BE MEMORISED ABOUT I i (greek letter iota) represent positive square root of —1, s0 i = 1. It is called imaginary unit. ‘e have 1 -L ®=-Lit=1%8 ete, ‘Thus for any integer k, je= 1, pit te 7, jet 2= 4, jake ‘That is if power of J is m, me N, then divide m by 4 and find the remainder. If the remainder is zero, then i" = 1 If the remainder is one, then i" =i If the remainder is two, then i” = -1 If the remainder is three, then i” = —i 2. The sum of four consecutive powers of I is zero, for example, i!? + i+ it + j= 0 3. For any two real numbers a and b, Ya X vb = ab is true only if at least one number is non negative. If both a and b are negative then X Operations on Complex Numbers Suppose That Z, = (X;, ¥;) and Z, = (X,, ¥,) Be Two Complex Umbers, that is, 2, = Xy+ iy And Z, = X, + ivy 1. Equality : 2yif x, = x, and y, = 9, I. Addition : ate (xy + xy 3, + ¥3) or equivalently 2, + @, + 4) iG, + 9.) II, Subtraction 2; ~ 2) = (x; ~ x, 9 ~ 94) or equivalently 1~ %y) + 1) 9 (,%)— IIe, Hy + Hy) oF equivalently ae IV. Multiplication : 2,2, 2 Xp — IY.) + ley + xD V. Division: if z, 4 0 then or equivalently VI. Multiplication by a real number : If 2 =(x, y) and m ¢ R then mz = (ma, my) or equivalently if z= x + iy then mz = mx + imy Algebra of Operations If z,, z, and 2, belong to set c of complex numbers, then following properties hold. 1. Closure Property : 2 #0 alll also belong to C. 2 Maths Commutative Property a +, and 2,245 2, 2 Associative Property : z,(z, + z,) = (@; + %)) + 2 and 2,(2,2,) = @2) 2 Cancellation Property : 2, + 25 = 2+ 2) 9% = % and 4425 = 22, 3 2 =0 or 2) = % Distributive Property : 2,(2, + 2,) = 21%) + 2:25 Existence of Identity : 0 = (0, 0) is additive identity, ie. 0 +2=2+0=2 ¥z2eC 1 = (1, 0) is multiplicative identity, ie, 1@) = @1 =z vz eC Existence of Inverse : For every complex number 2 = (x, 9), we may get a unique number x, =y) such that 2 + C2) = 2) + z= 0, C2) is Additive Inverse. For every complex number z = (x, ) we may get a unique number such that (2) 5 (2). = u(2}is multiplicative inverse. z z) [Note : A set with two operations on it satisfying all above properties is called Field.] 8. The order relations ‘greater than’ and ‘less’ than are not defined for non real complex numbers : The inequalities like ~2i < 0; 1 + 2i > 1; i= 1 a is a unimodular complex number (z, #0) + 2Ro(5%) laf + aif + lal’ ~2Re (az) tha ), where a,b © R if z,, 2 # 0 then|z, + 29f is purely imaginary. 4 Maths Polar Form (or Trigonometrical Form) of Complex Numbers Let P represents the nonzero complex number z = x + iy. Let the directed line regment OP be of length r and makes an angel @ with the positive direction of the x-axis (® in the radians) The point P is uniquely determined by the ordered pair of real numbers (r, 8) called the polar coordinates of the point P. Clearly, x =r cos 6, y = sin 6, —_ +9? tan@ rey Thus z= r (cos @ + sin 0 is the poar from of z. r is the modulus of the number z and 6 is called the Argument ( or Amplitude) of the number z, denoted by arg (2) or amp(z) Hence, 2 vet +9 and 0 = arg(z) = tant 2 z= r(cos 6 + i sin 8) is also written as r cos (@) G Note that @ is not defined uniquely, In fact 0 is the solution of simultaneous equations cos 8 ind sin @ if z=ltLr= ery & 4 Polar from of | = = 2 (cos +i sin®) Clearly the possible arguments of the number z = 1 + i are the following angles : Fey 2h, sae + Bh, eT a4 4 Any two arguments of a complex number differ by a number which is a multiple of 2m. y Pe) ‘The unique value of 6, such that ~x < @ < ris called the principal value of the Argument, ding Principal Argument Working Rule for Fi Let 2 x + iy has image P on the argand plane and : 2 Following cases may arise Case I: If x > 0, y > 0, then the point P lies in the first quadrant and then arg z= a 5 Maths For example, if 2= 1+ i, then arg(z) = © Case II : If x <0, y > 0, then the point P lis in the second quadrant and the y @=argz=n For example if == then tana = an ae arg (z) = -% Case IV : If x > 0, y <0 then the point P lies in the fourth quadrant and then @ = arg z= -@ For example, if 2 = J3—i, then tana Fal 80 arg (z) = Case V : If Y - 0, then z is purely real and P lies on real axis, and z = so arg (2) = 0 if x> 0; arg @) nif <0 For example arg (8) = 0 and arg (-3) =n Case VI : If x = 0, then z= iy is a purely imaginary number and P lies on imaginary axis so,arg (z) = © ify > 0 andarg(z) = -= ify <0 For example arg (v2) x & and axg (-1003) 6 Maths IMPORTANT RESULTS ABOUT ARGUMENT -arg @ = arg(z,) + arg(z,) + ke 3 ara Zi ) = arg (2) — arg (zy) + 2ke 4. arg(=) = 2are() + 2ke arg (2") = n arg (2) + 2kn where k = 0, -1 or 1 would be taken so hat the value comes out into the principal value region. 6. If arg the ore(2) = 0 the ova(2.) = 2kn Oke T 7 a 7. argle) ~ arg(-2) = + x 8. arg (iz) = et arg (2) 9. Ja +4, sa] 69 arg (1) — are (22) = W/2 ) 10. fa, +22] = |e + |e] are (=) — are (=e Euler’s Notation It can be shown that e= cos @+isin@ e!= cos 0—isin® a @settivset, dr = ot (cos y+ isin y) Also r (cos @ + i sin 6) = re Again, cos0 —**— and sin Logarithm of Complex Number Let iy = r(cos @ + sin @) = re? ‘Then log,(2) = log,(re®) = logyr + 10 So log, (z) = log, |z| + iarg (2) As such the argument of a complex number is not unique, the log of a complex number cannot be unique. In general, log, (2) = log, |2| + i [2kn + arg(@)s ke 1 x ) 7 Maths For example log (i) = log e”” i( ae + 80, one of the values of logti) Also log (log i) = ogi) = logi + toe (2) = i% + we(3 De Moivretheorem 1. cos @ + i sin 6" = cos nO +i sin none T ifne Qin= a g#0pae 1 ten cos n6 + I sin n® is one of the values of (cos 0 + i sin 6)" IMPORTANT RESULTS 1. Take care that (sin @ + i cos 8)" # (sin n@ + i cos n@) in fact (sin0 + ios)" = [om(3 ~ 0) +iain( -9)] = oof) 8] 2. (cos @ + i sin a) (cos B + i sin B) (cos y+ i sin 7. cos(at B+ yt...) +isin (a+ Bt yt...) cosa. + isin cos B + isin cos (a — B) + isin (a — B) Roots of a Complex Number 1 1 If z = r(cos @ + i sin 8) and n is a positive integer, then (z)n = [r(cos@ + isin @))™ 7 [cos (2hn + 6) + isin (2ke + 8)Jr k = 0,1, 2 »a-1 ; [o( 8 8) iain 2 ‘| Putting k = 0, 1, 2, .... n— 1, we get n values which represent n' roots of complex number 2. 1 (z)n Properties 1. These roots always form a G.P. with common ratio ¢i2*" 2. ‘Their images on argon diagram lie on a circle of radius r'!" Pry and centre origin. 3. The points representing these roots from the vertices of a regular polygon of n sides. Cube Roots of Unity 2kn 2 = (1)! = [eos 2kx + isin 2x]! 8 Maths on. s0, three cube roots of unity are cos == isin 2 and eos Me iain ®® ce a- 1+ is ats a 3 3 3 a Algebraic Method Let 2 ~ (1)! => 23 -1=0 = @~1) @ +2 +1) =0, which gives the roots of z as z= 1, the Lt id 2 real root andZ = ~=*, the non-real roots, ie. @ and o Clearly, we can always write @-)=@-)e-we-o IMPORTANT CHARACTERISTICS OF @ 1 a: 8 Qn 2) 4x 2n 4. are (w) = and arg (o*) or and = 5. For nay positive integer k, 0 = 1, o%* 1 = @ and o! *? = o. x 6. For any real a, be; +b +c I 7. The cube roots of unity lie on a unit circle and divide the circumference into three equal parts. 8. The points represented by cube roots of unity form the vertices of an equilateral triangle. 9. |eo2| = lol|el = lel an 10. arg (ez) + arg (z) Some Useful Identities L (x + iy) (wip) u. (t+ y) (+ ay) (+ wy) (x + y) Gw + 30%) (co? + yo) 11. x = 9) (x= ay) ( - 0) 9 Maths W. Stayt+y +a+ 1 = (eo) (x - wy (x yo) (x - yo"), in particular, ( + yo) (@ — yo?) in particular, (& + 0) @& + 0%) VL. xy — x2 —y2 = (e+ 0 + 204) (x + yo? + 20) vu. 2 2— Bayz wt yt Gt sete xy ~ yz — 2x) (x + y + 2) (e+ yw + 20) (x + yo? + zw) nth Roots of Unity Since 1 = cos 0 + i sin 0, therefore Q) (os 0 + i sin 0)!" = (cos 2ke + i sin km cos 2H 4 j vo (n=1) 0,1, 2, ....(n — 1) = 1, lize), twin), i2tn—Daln] =Laa,a Square Roots of a Complex Number Let z = x + iy and let the square roots of z be the complex number a + ib. Then /x + iy = a + ib or (x + iy) = (@ + ib)? = (a? — by? + (2ab)i Equating real and imaginary part, we get = at be 2ab and ’ Now a? +. 6 = ya" 2) + da? bt = fat + 9? --@) Solving the equations (1) and (3), we get 10 Maths If ab < 0, then +iy (EF) FZ Ea 2 Thus, square roots of z = a + ib are -|[ S +52 Je b>a [FE anes 1>0and [i] =1 He and For Example 4. Square root of 1 ~ V3i is Geometry of Complex Number As in vectors, we represent a point by the position vector of point —z,—> = F with respect to origin O. Similarly the point P can be represented by a complex number 2, such that length OP = |z| and ZXOP = arg(z). The points P is called the IMAGE of the complex number z and z is said to be AFFIX or complex coordinate of the point P. Distance Between Two Points If two points P and @ have affices z, and 2, respectively then PQ = |z, — %|——>p—> = 2 — % = Affix of Q-Affix of P. Section Formula Re) Qe.) 11 Maths If a point R(@) divides the join of two points P(z,) and Qt in ratio m:n, then = M2 +" (Intemally) and # = "2 —" (externally) a ath Q Mid point of PQ is given by Angle Between Two Lines (Concept of Rotation) (Consider three pints P(z,), Q@,) and R(z,) Then angle between Ree) Q) PQ an PR (counter clockwise) ee rt Pe) @ = 8, ~ 6, = arg (PR) ~ arg (PQ) arg@, - 2,) - arg, - 2) 0 = arg 41 4% If Pe), Q@,) and RG) be collinear Points, then @ = 0 or x ie, " ° (A complex number 2 is purely real if z =2 if PR is perpendicular to PQ. Then —#1 is purely imaginary that is =! = 3 —4 4-5 2 Bm %-% (A complex number z is purely imaginary if z = - z) Rte) (i) Consider Four Points P, Q, R and S with affices respectively 2, 2» % and z,, As in () the angle between SR and QP ‘Plz,) Qe) Se) If SR and QP be perpendicular, 0 = + - is purely imaginary = ‘Then ar%4_ 4-4 A-% yne HH or alternatively ik, for some ke R — {0} a > 2-2, = ike, - 2) (i) Multiplying a complex number 2 by i is equivalent to rotating the image of zin Argand plane by for |2| = liz| and arg 90° about origin, anticlockwise 12 Maths (2) -ae@ -%. (iv) Multiplying a complex number z by is equivalent to rotating the image of z in Argand plane by 120° about origin anticlockwise, for |iz| = |we! (lw! = 1) andare (=) = on ay (tw) = (#). Angles of a Triangle Ce) if 242) and 2, be the affices of vertices A, B and C of a triangle BE) ABC described in counterclockwise sense. Then “71 a (cos 2% Be 4-4 AG) A +i sin A) or Similarly relations with other 2% vertical angles can be given. IMPORTANT RESULTS ABOUT TRIANGLES If 2,, 2, 2, are the vertices of a triangle then a 4m + 2 1. Centroid z is given by = 1 +b: a+bte + 2. Incenter I(2) of the AABC is given by = =“ 3. Circumcentre O() of the AABC is given by a (si 13 Maths 4. Orthocentre H() of given by ay ai, 3% 1 » Y es 4% 1 z 3 or Gt = lzz 2 | lea 2 | (tan A), + (tan B)z, + (tan C) 2, tan A+ tan B+ tan€ _ _ (asec A)z, + (b see B)z, + (cseeC) 2 ~ asec A +bsec B+ csecC 5, The centroid G lies on the segment joining the orthocenter H and the circumcentre O of the triangle and divides internally in ratio 2:1, ie HE = 2 6. Area of the AABC is given by the modulus of mY 3 % Triangle ABC is equilateral if and only if 1 1 Boa Ae 0 Lay z% @ g+dedennrayatay afl 2 a/=0 1 4% Equation of Straight line through Two Points Z,, and Z, Let variable points z be a point on this line then @ +4 -g)i+2(4-a)i+ Let (z, — %)) i = a, a constant complex number then~(2, ~ 3) = @ a Alsoi (2,2 ~ 2,22) is purely real constant number, say 6 then the above equationaz + az + b = 0 is it is called the general equation of a straight line 14 Maths IL. The complex equation za + 2a + b = 0 represents a straight line in complex plane here ‘a’ is a complex number and ‘b’ is real | number. ‘The complex slope of the line is given by — IIL. The equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the pints A(z,) and Be,) (4 - %) +2 (4 -%) = lal — lel? IMPORTANT RESULTS ane 1. The complex slope of line joining points A(@,) and BG) is define as # = 7— a 2 2. Two line with complex j1, and p, are parallel if w, =, and perpendicular if p, + ny 0. 3. The length of perpendicular from a point A(@) to the line Gz + az +b = 0 is given by la + act + 6] 2ial Equation of a Circle 1. Consider a circle with centre C having affix z, and radius r. For any point P(2) on this circle CP=r ie, |2—%] =r (1) where, r is a positive real number |z~ 2) r represents the region inside the cirele given by (1) 2. General equation of a circle Consider the equation of a cirele |z~ z)| = (2-a)@-%)=7 = 2 - ez - 2 +|a[- 7 =0 Let ~z, =a, a constant complex number and|z9[" — r® = lal” — b, a constant real number then the above equation becomes zz + az + az +b = 0 It is called the general equation of circle. Hence, the complex equation zz + az + az + b = 0 represents a circle in complex plane where ‘a’ is a real number. The centre of the circle is a point with affix —o' and the radius is given by Vial? — 6. For the existence of the circle |al’ — b > 0. (=~) (2- =) + (2-4) = 0 represents a circle in the complex plane which is described on a line as diameter having extremities 2, and 2. Some Loci in Complex Plane 1. arg()= a, «© R represents a line starting from the origin (excluding origin ) and making an angle o with real axis. 15 Maths fo. (0 Arg @—%) a, Ge R represents a line starting form the point z, (excluding the point z,) and making an angle « with real axis. x COMPLEX NUMBERS. QUESTION FOR TEACHERS 1, The curve represented by Im (2) K, where K is a non-uro real number, is (a) pair of straight line (®)an ellipse © a parabola (@) 9 hyperbola If Z, and Z, are any two complex numbers then i — 23] is equal to () |z0| © @ |ataltia 3. ‘The argument of the complex number 1 + Sin « ~ i cos « is ~_k z @ 5-4 oF © $+4 @ $+ {ein 28 + ioe 2A 4. The value of (sin at icos 2H) is oa @ i Oy 1 @ A If 2+ 2 + 1 = 0, where z is a complex number, then the value of Oo leeBy leat eet 16 Maths @ 6 @) 12 © 18 @ oA 6. If the roots of Z° + i Z2 + 2 i= 0 represent the vertices A4BC of a in the Argand plane, then the area of the triangle is ® @ 2 @ 7. The value of # is @ ) w © Oe 8. The number of solutions of the equation z* + |z|* = 0 where z€ ¢ is (a) one &) two (©) three @_ infinitely many 9. If |z+4|, <8, then the maximum value of |z +| is @ 6 0 © 4 @ 10 10. If 4 = ¥3+iV3 and 2, +1, then the complex umber 3.) lies in the % (@) First quadrant (®) Second quadrant © Third quadrant @ Fourth quadrant HINTS AND ANSWERS (for Teachers) Ld Let Z=X + iy then 2 = x? — y+ Dixy 2 Im @) = k=> 2ay = hap ay = 4, whieh is a hyperbola ad jy tal +l —al =a (lal + laf) we have (lz? + Jef — 2 +| 17 Maths alle? + lal) + 2k - ln tal +l -af +2l4 ~ alla ~ al = (ln +al+la- all 3.a Let 1 + sin + ~ i cos + = r (cos 6 + i sin 6) ‘Then r cos @ = 1+ sin + and r sin @ = — cos 2 24 2ein + 2( aos + sin) V2 cos + sin) = 200s(¥ - 2) 2 42 1? = (1+ sin 4)’ + (—cos Also tan @ wry 2 3 (sin 2 + eo + « the given sums = 1+14+4+1+14+4=12 6c B+ ik+ B= @-) E+ iz-2=0 = z ©), B=, 0, C= C4, - ota AABC Te waz = > ma-iort]--2 = aed Bd Letz=x+ iy, then 2+ |z/2=0 => (+ iy? + lat iyi =o = dx! + Bixy Clearly =0 = 2x°=0 and 2xy=0 = x=Oand y=0 yy can be any real number hence, use will get infinitely many solutions. 18 9a |ztll=lz+4-3l slzt+41+ 1/31 sal +l-31 = let+1ls6 10. « QUESTIONS FOR STUDENTS 1. The ast positive integer n such that (74) is a positive integer is +i @ 2 m4 8 @ 6 . 344i ‘The Multiplicative inverse of [—5> is ® @ 3. : (a) xtiy ) x-iy © ytix @ y-ix @ ® © @ « 5. If [BI = 1, then |>—"F) is equal to @ 0 wt ©. @ 2 6. Tf 8 is real, then the modulus of (ayy ian 1 8 @ 5sec5 o 8 (©) sees @ es5 19 Maths Gr nah ,, ‘The Argument of the complex number 2 = ai (i — iv3) x x @ | oT x x OF @ 5 atbo+ co a+ bot co* 8. If is a complex cube root of unity, then the value of ctao+ba® ceo tae @ -1 oO. (@ atbte @ 0 ‘The points z,, zy, z, 2, are the vertices of a parallelogram (in a complex plane) taken in order in order if and only if @ 4ty4=H+% ® z4ty=Rt%y © atQrAty (@ None 10. The complex number z = x + iy which satisfy the equation 1 uses on. + (a) the xaxis () the straight line » (©) a circle passing through the origin (d) None raid LL. If 3°], "7, ave in AP, + line + key lie on a (a) Circle () Square (©) Straight line (@)_ Parabola 12. The locus of the point % in the Argand plane for which |Z+ 1|?+ |Z-1|2=4is a (a) Straight Line (®) pair of straight line (© circle @_ Parabola 13, 1¢|2=4| 21, then locus of Z is +i @ x-axis ) Y-axis 0 © x @ x+y 14, Let Z be a complex number of maximum modulus such that |z + @ Ime () Re=0 @ =n @ None of these 15. If z,, and 2, be n* roots of unity which subtract a right angle at the origin. Then n must be of the from 20 Maths (@) 4k+1 (b) 4k +2 (ec) 4k+3 @ 4k x 16. The complex number Z,, Z,, and Z, Satisfying 3 ] are the Vertices of a triangle Which is (@) of area Zero (®) right — angled isoceles (c) equilateral (d) obtuse — angle isosceles 17. If Z, and Z, are two non-Zero complex number such that Z, + %| = |%| + 1Z,l, then arg Z, - arg Z, is equal to (@) 0 oF © - @ -3 18, If |Z] =1and w= 2= ii Tay Where Z # -1), then Re(w) is (a) 0 (b) © (4 @ 19. For all complex number Z,, Z, satisfying 1Z,| = 12 and [|Z — 3 — 4i = 5, the minimum value of |Z, - Zyl is (@) 0 (b) 2 ) 7 @ 7 20. 1+ )+-J (a) -8 (b) Bi () 8 @ 32 21, If i= 1-1 and n is a positive integer, then i et dy td 4 yard (@) 1 @) i « @ 0 22. If the roots of (z ~ 1)" = i( + 1)" are plotted in the Argand plane, they are (@) ona parabola (© collinear (@)_ The vertices of a triangle 23. Let % and W be two complex numbers such that |zI£1, |WI£| and |Z + iw| = |z— iw () coneyelic = 2. Then z equals 21 Maths (@) lori @) ior (© Lor-1 @ ior 24, ‘The aystem of equations Re(z’) = 0; [21 = 2 has (a) 4 solutions (&) 3 solutions (©) 2 solutions @ 1 solutions 25. If z is a complex number such that z + 0 and Re(2) = 0, then @ = @) Ime) = 0 (©) Re(Z?) = Ime) (@) None 26. ‘The complex number ( lies in the (a) Ist quadrant (®) I quadrant (©) I quadrant @_ I quadrant 27. If (Cos @ + isin @) (cos 20 + i sin 26) ... (cos nO + i sin 6) = 1, then the value of @ is 2m 4 2a ee ma+D Amn mr ——_| (@) © T+ @ Ta+D 28. If |2,1 = lay = 2p] and x + % + 2)= 0, then %, 2, 2 are vertices of (a) isosceles triangle (b) scalene triangle (©) a right angled triangle (@) an equilateral triangle 29. ifm (2 + 1) -2, then locus of 2 is +1 (a) a circle (b) a parabola (c) a straight line (@ a pair of straight lines 30. For any two complex numbers 2;, 2, we have Lay + 2y1? = lel? + [zg1?, Then = (b) © Ree, 2%) =0 @ ANSWERS: 1. @8 2. 3. (a) x+ iy 4. 22 Maths 5. 1 6. (@ 400% 2 oF} 8. @-1 ate 10. (@) the x-axis (@) cirele 12. (©) circle @xty=0 14. (a) None @ Ak 16. (€) equilateral @0o 18. @ 0 2 20. (a) -8 @0 22. (B) coneyelic (© 1or-1 24. (@) 4 solutions (b) Im@) = 0 26. (b) I quadrant a 28. (d) an equilateral triangle (@) a circle 30. @ ne 2) =0 QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW DEFINITION Page No. - 19 An arrangement of numbers < X,, X,X. - x, yy seemed according to definite rule or a set of rules is called a Sequence. The various numbers occurring in a sequence are called its terms. ‘The nt term of the sequence is denote by x,. The n'® term is also called the General Term of the sequence. For example, L. ‘The number (1, 4, 9, 16, neN. .) represent a sequence written according to the rule x, = 2, ‘The number represent a sequence written according to the rule m= apne W. ‘The number <1, 3, 5, 7, > represent a sequence written according to the rule Qn-1ne N. ‘The number <1, 3, 7, 18, 21, wu... represent a sequence written according to the rule x, =nt-n+lneN, ‘Phe number (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ....0) Tepresent a sequence written according to the following set of rules 2n>2neN ga +X, 23 Maths ‘This sequence of number is called the Fibonacci sequence. 6. ‘The numbers (1.4, 141, 1414, 1.4142, .....) represent a sequence of number successive approximations to the irrational number V2. ‘The number (2.3, 2.30, 2.3.2, 2.3026, .....) represent a sequence of successive approxima- tions to the irrational number log, 10. 8. The number (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, .) represent a sequence of prime numbers. In every sequence it is not always possible to write a specific formula as in examples (6), and 8), Sequence as a Function on the Set of Natural Numbers We may define a sequence as a function whose domain is some subset of set of natural numbers N of the type (1, 2, 3, n) = X (ay) to other set of number ¥.f-X + Y The ordered set of image in Y given by {/(1), fl), f(8)....... flm)} is the sequence. Q Sequence containing finite number of term is called a Finite Sequence and it is Infinite Sequence if contain infinite number of terms. In the above function representation, the sequence {/(1), (2), /(8). Sequence if Y = R, i.e., f(1), f2), f() .} is called a Real are real numbers and it is called a Complex Sequence if ¥ = C, i.e., fl), (2), f(8), ....... are complex numbers. ‘The terms of the sequence 10), f2), @)...... are respectively called the first, second term, third term and alternatively may be denote by X,, X, OF ty fay tay senny OF yy yy yy sees @C. Method of Describing Sequence (A sequence may be describe by writing first few terms till the rule for writing down the other term is evident, fi) A sequence m ay be described by giving 2 form ula for its general term (the n*® term) ht (iii) a sequence may be described by specifying first few terms and a formula (or a set of formulae) giving relation between successive terms. Such a formula is called Recursive Formula (or Recurrence Relation) see the example 5. (iv) Some sequence may not be describe by any rule. Series If (X,) = X,, Xo, Xy, ...) is a sequence, then the expression X, + X, +X, +... is called the Series associated with the given sequence. Progression A sequence is said to be a Progression if its terms numerically increase (or numerically decrease) continuously, ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION (A.P.) The sequence (X,, Xp, Xp, Nyy) is called an arithmetic progression (A.P) if 24 Maths in Xu In general X,,, ;~X,, = Constant (say, d) n ¢ N (The difference of successive term is constant). The constant different d is called the common difference of the A.P. if the first term X, of the A.P. be taken a. Then the standard form of A.P. is < a, a + d, a + 2d, > Formula for General Term of an A.P. The n** term of the A.P. written in standard form is given by X,sat@-Dd.neN Formula for Sum to N Terms of an A.P. ‘The Sum to first n terms of the Arithmetic series a + (a + d) + (a + 2d) + fa+@-Dq is given by 2a + (n-1)d] = 2[X, + X,] IMPORTANT CHARACTERISTIC OF A.P. - S,- 1, n> Land X=, 2. If n** term of any sequence is a liner in n, then the sequence is an A.P. If X, is of the form A, + B, then the common difference is A. 3. If Sum of n term of any sequence is quadratic in n of the form An 2 + Bn then the sequence is an A.P. and the common difference is 24. 4. I< Xy Xp Xy - (@)_ n'® term X, is called the last term of A.P. and denote by / also, (0) X,+X,=%,4+X,_,= X, > is an AP. Then ‘That is the sum of terms equidistant from beginning and end is constant © (X, +k, X, +k, X, +k...) is an AP where k is constant (2) (key. key...) is an AP where k is non zero constant. fay my 35 Vek QO is an AP for any p and q. (@) The k th term from end of an AP. = (» + 1 — * term from beginning (nb) d. Alternate, # term from end of an A.P. = 1 + (le — 1) Cd) where / is the last term, © ) is an AP where k is non zero constant. - gtk (i) X,, = Sah met meh where 0 Sk and <¥,, Ya Yy snus be two different A.P ‘s then 25 Maths is an AP. apa Vay on 6. If three terms to be selected in A.P., choose them a - d, a, a +d. isan AP. 7. If four terms to be selected in A.P choose them a - 3d, a -d,a+d,a+ 3d 8. Three numbers a, b, ¢ are in A-P if and only if b - a = ¢ ~ b, ie., and only if a +, ¢ = 2b Arithmetic Mean (A.M.) of Two Terms A & B a+b 2 Ifa, A, b are in AP, then A is called Arithmetic Mean of numbers a and b, we get A Interesting n Arithmetic Means between two terms a and b Let Ay, Ay Ay soecoy An be such that a Aj, Ayan. Ay bis AP. bea nel Thus the n arithmetic means between a and b are as follow: Clearly b= X,,,=a4+in+2-1 > d b- nel Aa+d+ We have Ay + Ay vnc +A, = 1 - That is, Sum of n A.M, terms between a and b =n x AM, of a and 6. 2. Geometric Progression (G.P) The sequence is called a geometric progression (G.P.) if , where is non of X,, Xy, . .. is zero. Xa Xpor In general = constant (say, r), n¢ N x, [The ratio of successive terms is constant] ‘The constant ratio r is called the common ratio of the G.P. If the first term X, of the G. taken as a, a then the standard form of G.P. is . Formula for General Term of a G.P. ‘The n'* term of the G.P written in standard from is given by X, = ar"“!, ne N. Formula for Sum of n Terms of a G.P. ‘The sum of first n terms of the geometric series a + ar + 7? + ..... + artis given by 26 Maths if |r| > 1 Note 1. When r=1,S,=a+a+a+...... upton terms = na 2. If/ is the last terms of the G.P. then Formula for the Sum of Infinite Terms of a G.P If |r| <1, the sum of infinite terms (S) of the G.P. a + ar + ar? + to infinity is IMPORTANT CHARACTERISTICS OF G.P. 1. No terms of a G.P. can be zero. = 8, - Sy n> Land X, = a, kx, X 4. @ X,X,=X,X,,= 1 X,> is GP of n terms, then ‘Phat is the product of terms equidistant from beginning and end is constant (0) isa GP. (4% Xs GP, k (Gb eens) isa GP, ke #0 @ > isa GP. a oO AX, Hx) ae O is a GP. for any p and q. (@) The At term from end of a G.P. = (n + 1 — A)tM term from beginning = ar" ~ i ) [X,|=VXn = hinen OSE n-m A TEE XX, Xyy cee > and < and <¥;, Yy, ¥yo soe > be two different G.P.’s then is a GP. of positive terms then < log Xj, log X,, log Xp ceo. > is an A.P. and vice versa. 6. If is an AP. then is a GP. for some a > 0, #1. 7. If three terms to be selected in G.P. Choose then ©, a, ar. a 8. If four terms to be selected in G.P. choosen then sar, ar? ae Pr 9. Three numbers a, b, ¢ are in G.P. if and only if b F ovifand only if6* = ac. Geometric Mean (G.M.) of Two Terms a and b If a, G, b are in G.P (a and } are positive), Then G is the Geometric Mean of number a and b, We get G = vab. Inserting n Geometric Mean between Two Terms a and b Let a and b be positive numbers. Let Gy, Gyy nmi G, be such that a Gy, Gy. a GP. eo Then b= X,,,= ar"! = or (eh @ ‘Thus the n geometric means between a and b are as follows + Gy G, (aby? = ylaby" = G" ‘That is product of n geometric mean terms between a and b = n'" power of G.M. between a and b, We have, Gy, G. Arithmetico-Geomerie Sequence Consider an AP. Consider a G.P. This sequence is called an arithmetic-geometric sequence (A.G.S.) ‘The general term of this sequence is given by X, = [a + (u ~ 1) d] br 28 ‘Maths Summation of n term of an A.G.S. ab + (a+ d) br + (a+ 2d) br? + vane + [a + (n ~ Id] br" Let abr + (a+ A) BPE + cosaon + [a+ (2d) br [a + (n — 1dr” Subtract (=) S, 0b + [abr + ABP + neces + AbP™Y = [a + (n= 1) a] br" -1 rs, = ab+ SPA) 1g s(n aor" = 1-7 ab dbr(i~r") _ [a+ (n~Vd]adbr" (1-r} a Summation of Infinite terms of an AGS. If |r| <1, then the sum S of infinite terms of the A.G.S. given in standard from can be obtained as following : S= lim §, = tin [ ab abr(t=r"!) {a + (n ~ 1d} B® an Se = aon Tor =e woe [Hm 2" = 0, iflrll] Sum to n terms of Special Sequence 1. Sum of first n natural numbers Yin = 142434... tno a 2. Sum of squares of the first n natural numbers 24?” = 27 = 1? +2? + BP + nan n(n + Dn +0) - 6 3. Sum of cubes of the first natural number 9y?° = Dn =P +2) +3° +. ra _ eo + uf ~ 6 4. Sum of sequence using Sigma Notation If 2 sequence is characterize by ‘Then S,=X,+X,+. +X,=EX, If the general term X, is given by X, = an + bn? + en + d + k*, where a, b, c, d, k, are constants Then S, = YX, = lan +5 cn +d +k") 29 Maths n+ dyn +cyn+dyi+ > Kk" = o[niesvr : ‘|e {alee Utne) = ues = »} + (nee »| +dn+ (b+ WR +. ‘The last bracket being a G-P whose sum can be found using standard formula. Different Series Consider § = X, + X, +X, + +X, and let X, - X,1 Tf ty, ty onsen ty in an AP or GP the series X, + X, + X, +... Difference Series. +X, is termed as ‘To evaluate sum, we proceed as follow : +X, +X, at Xe bX + (%, — Xpa)]- Xe SEER tT tht thy yl PX =X +S, 4 1} which is AP or G.P. Hence X, may be evaluated and then the sum $ may be calculated by S = EX, 6. Method of Difference Where S,_, is the sum of series {t, + t, + Consider the series S, =X, + Xp + Xy tect Xy Suppose the general term X, can be expressed as X, fe) - fk # ‘Then by putting k = 1, 2, 3... n we get G2 yt Het Ky ta. 1K, = (Q) ~ A) + f2) ~ fA) + 7B) - 12) + .. + fla) = flr = 1) = (a) = fO) or S, = f) ~ 2) + (2) ~ (8) + 8) ~ fA) * sae + flr) = fla + 1) = fA) ~ flv + 1) Hence, the desired sum can be obtained by putting the values of /(n) and f(0) or f(1) and fn + V. Mlustrative Examples 1, The sum to infinite terms of the series 1+ (+ dr + 4b + by? +. b and r are proper fractions is — — © G—na>m~ ® Tna-8 — © Gsnasor) (d@) None of these Solution : [See the difference Series | Let S=1+0t br t+ bt byt, 30 ‘Maths Sr = r+ (1+ b)r? + S(L-r)=1+ br+ br" +...... to infinity 1 1 sti-r) S=____.. Answer "Sie 7 a=na=br) ewer ic) 2. The sum of the following series P P+ P+ 2 +3? a ee 1* 143 * T+346 upto 16 terms is (a) 456 (b) 446 (©) 452 @ 444 Solution : Here, — X, eee 14+34+5+ to n terms mene we (n sd)? _ nt sang 4 oan? 4 Bfa+(n-0 x2} 8, = DX, =t Yee yart yi , ri : 1 n(n+I(Qn41) 1 altn+1) 1 an +1, thin 4 6 2 2 Sig = 1 201788 , 1 1617, 1g = 448 Answer (b) 6 3. If Z, and Z, are two fixed points then locus of Z, satisfying |Z - Z,| = |Z —Zo| is the perpendicular bisector of the segment joining A(@,) and B(e,) 4. The complex equation |Z ~ Z| + |Z—Z,| = 2a where 2a > |Z, ~ Z|, a’ is positive, real number represent an ellipse in complex plane, Z, and Z, are offices of two foreing ellipse. If 2a = |Z, ~ Z,|, then |Z —Z,| + |Z — Z| represent the line segment joining Z, and Z, If 2a < |Z,~ Z|, then the equation does not represent any curve 5. The complex equation |Z ~ Z| —|Z, ~ Z,[|2a, where 2a < |Z, — Z|, and is positive real number, represent a hyperbola in complex plane, Z, and Z, are affices of two foci of hyperbola. If 2a = |Z, ~ Z,||Z - Z,|-|Z - Z,| = 2a represents the straight line joining A(Z,) and B(Z,) but excluding the segment AB. ee es Az.) BY.) 31 Maths The com plex equation K=1 ‘The complex equation |Z ~ Z,|* + |Z ~ Z,| K 12, ~ 2, .k veal number. K represent a circle if k # 1 and a straight line if = K represent a circle if Let Z, and Z, be two fixed point and a be a real number such that 0 < o < then (a) arg Z-% Z— through A(Z,) and B@,). PZ) B (A x G0 represent a segment of the circle passing PQ © represent the line segment joining A(Z,) and B(Z,). 4 B Zz (a) arg |7—z"| = represent the straight line joining A(Z,) and BZ,). But excluding the segment of AB. a zB SEQUENCES AND SERIES QUESTIONS (for Teachers) 1 ‘The P+ R, 9% and r** terms of an AP. are respective @-1) + yr — p) + Zp - 9) is 2 y and z, then the value of x 32 Maths @ xtytz @® ptatr (©) pxtaqytre @ 0 2. If m arithmetic means are inserted between 1 and 31 so that the ratio of the 7" and (m — 1)" means is 5 : 9, then the value of m is @ 9 ou Ou @u 3. ILS, S, are the sums of infinite geometric series whose first terms are 1, rid 1 2, 3, -4 P and whose common ratios are > TT respectively, Then S, + S, +84 et = @ P+ @ pip +s) 2 2 Pp © P @ 2 and x, y, z are in G.P. then what is the value of x y* 27? Ifa, b,c are in @ 1 @) -1 ) 0 @ 2 5. Ifthe non ~ uro numbers x, y, are in A.P. and tan“! x, tan y, tan” z are also in A.P. then @ «x ® x22 © 2 6. The sum to n terms of the series % is z Bn @ n+1 on © n+ 7. If, = np + 4 (v—1)@ whore S, denotes the sum of the first n terms of an A.P., then the common difference is (@) P+@Q ©) +39 © @ @ @-P 8. The value of 0.423 is 419 419 (a) —— b) ®) 999 ® 990 423 — Nong o @ None Th f th ease 9. The sum of n terms of the series $+ 4 24 3 is 33 Maths (@) #-n-1 @ 1-2" @ w-1 10. ‘The product of n geometric means between two given numbers a and 6 is () nt 2"- (@) (a- oy © (abe © (by @ (aby HINTS AND ANSWERS (for Teachers) 1 @ x= p™ term = a + (P- Dd y= term =a + (q—- 1d ** term = a + (r = Id then proceeds: Pespry Pera 4. @1 Hint : Ifa, b,c are in AP, = 2b=ate xy, zareinGP. y= x2 OP =1 then she yea rh xte 3) = y'=x2 > 2,5, 2 are in GP. (ii) from (i) and (ii), use get x = y = 34 Maths so required sum = ), 7 = 6 ( 7 ©@ Let an be the n‘ term of the A.P. then an=S,-S,,=p+(-DQ =an-an-1=Q 0.423. Then S = 0.4: 0.4 + 0.028 + 0.00023 0.4 + 23X10 + 23X10 +... 323, 23X10% _ 419 = 044 990 9% Onto Hint : sum = (1 = to n terms 1- 1- n 10. © (ab) QUESTIONS FOR STUDENTS . BED atta @ m+DQn+1) w natn 6 (w+) @ wns Dln+2) 2 6 35 Maths In a GP. the (P + q)"* term is a and (p — q) term is b, then the pt® term is (a) a+b © vab If abe are in G.P. then abc? ( a @ @+b+e @) at bre © atbte @ ab+be+ea 4, If one geometric mean G and two arithmetic means P and q be inserted between two numbers, then G? is equal to (a) (8q ~ 48a - p) @) @P-@eP-P) (©) (P—4) 4q- P) @ None 5. If the P** term of an A.P. is q and the 9" term is P, then its (P + g)'* term is @ Pta @) P+atl ( P+tq-1 @ 0 6, ‘The ratio of the sum of n terms of two A.P. S is (8n — 13) : (Gn + 21), ‘he ratio of 24% te ms of the two progressions is @ 1:2 @) 2:3 @ n an in A.P. where ai > 0 for all i, then 1 L Yer + Jap” fap + Ja,” Jan—1+ Jon @ n+l ® —"_ Yor + oy va, + Va, @ @ 0 we + day 8. 100" terms of the series L + 3+ 7 + 15 + wes (a) 2-1 (oy) 2-1 20 @ 9. If P and q are positive real numbers such that P? + (P+ gis 1, then the maximum value of @) © 2 @ 36 Maths 10. u 12. 13. uu. 15. In a geometric progres next two terms. Then the common ratio of its progression equals ion consisting of positive terms, each term equals the sum of the (@) 15 45-1) © ta-v) @ 25 +1) sou be terms of AP. If 272 *~* % - P2 g og then “© equals a +a+.+a, a2 @ @) © If x le] <1 then x, y, z are in (a) AP. (6) GP. (©) Arithmetic - Geometric progression (d) None If in A.P. the Pth term is ey and 9" term is ay then the sum of pg terms is P @ + o 144 ” pa i= pq +1 © (o+a(4+4) @ po 2 If 1, m, n are the pt, 9t and r** term of a G.P. all positive, then log! p 1 Ogm q 1|= Wgn rd (a) -1 () 0 @ 1 @ 2 Suppose a, b, ¢ are in A.P. and a®, 6%, c? are in @P. ifa

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