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Polyhedron 25 (2006) 1215–1222

Coordination polymers constructed from o-phthalic acid and

diamines: Syntheses and crystal structures of the
phthalate-imidazole complexes {[Cu(Pht)(Im)2] Æ 1.5H2O}n
and [Co(Pht)(Im)2]n and their application in oxidation catalysis
Svetlana G. Baca a,*, Manfred T. Reetz b, Richard Goddard b, Irina G. Filippova c,
Yurii A. Simonov c, Maria Gdaniec d, Nicolae Gerbeleu a
Institute of Chemistry, Moldova Academy of Sciences of RM, Academiei 3, MD-2028 Chisinau, R. Moldova
Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Institute of Applied Physics, Moldova Academy of Sciences of RM, Academiei 3, MD-2028 Chisinau, R. Moldova
Faculty of Chemistry, A. Mickiewicz University, 60-780 Poznan, Poland

Received 16 July 2005; accepted 2 September 2005

Available online 11 October 2005


Two new copper(II) and cobalt(II) coordination polymers, {[Cu(Pht)(Im)2] Æ 1.5H2O}n (1) and [Co(Pht)(Im)2]n (2) (where
Pht2 = dianion of o-phthalic acid; Im = imidazole) have been synthesized and their crystal structures determined by X-ray crystallog-
raphy. The structures of 1 and 2 comprise, respectively, [Cu(Im)2] and [Co(Im)2] units linked by bridging 1,6-phthalate ions to form infi-
nite chains. Although there are two independent Cu atoms in the structure of 1, each copper(II) center adopts an approximately square
planar coordination mode with two O atoms from different phthalate ions and two N atoms of Im. In complex 2, cobalt(II) atoms are
tetrahedrally coordinated. Extended hydrogen bonding networks stabilize the three-dimensional structures in both complexes. Prelimin-
ary results show that 1 and 2 exhibit catalytic activity on the oxidation of cyclohexene using hydrogen peroxide as oxidant under aerobic
conditions at ambient temperature.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Copper(II) complex; Cobalt(II) complex; Phthalate compounds; Coordination polymers; Crystal structures; Catalysis

1. Introduction lability are also efficient catalysts in a vast range of chem-

ical and biochemical processes [2].
Coordination polymers or hybrid inorganic–organic Our investigations [3–10] into the synthesis of new coor-
materials composed of metal centers bridged by organic dination polymers using dicarboxylic acid as the spacer as
connectors are currently under active investigation, and well as other studies [11–48] show that o-phthalic acid
for recent reviews see [1]. Much of the interest centers on (H2Pht) is a useful building block for the creation of such
their potential applications such in gas adsorption, molec- systems. H2Pht and its anions, HPht and Pht2 can adopt
ular recognition, magnetism, and photochemistry. The a wide variety of coordination modes with metal centers,
coordination polymers with moderate stability and high and the observed architecture is the result of a subtle inter-
play between steric hindrance resulting from the close
proximity of the two ortho-carboxylic groups and the ten-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +373 22 72 5490/73 9611; fax: +373 22 73
dency of phthalates to form the greatest possible number
9954/73 9611. of metal–oxygen bonds upon complexation. So far 26 dif-
E-mail address: (S.G. Baca). ferent coordination types have been observed in crystal

0277-5387/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1216 S.G. Baca et al. / Polyhedron 25 (2006) 1215–1222

structures containing this ligand [7]. Of these the 1,6-bridg- but catalytic oxidation catalyzed by copper complexes is
ing mode, which favors the formation of the coordination comparatively rare. Recently, a series of reports have been
polymers, is the most common. The phthalate ligand can published showing that b-carbonylenolate, b-diketonate
also take part in additional weak hydrogen bonding, which and b-ketamidate copper(II) complexes [51,52] and
stabilizes the polymeric structures by forming two- and mixed-ligand salicylaldehyde copper(II) complex [53] can
three-dimensional networks. We have shown that a suc- be used for catalytic oxidation cyclohexene under Mukaiy-
cessful preparation of coordination polymers is based on amas conditions. Some copper-based catalysts have also
a suitable choice of combinations of the phthalate bridging been reported to be active in the presence of H2O2 [54,55].
ligand and different amines, such as pyridine, imidazole The present work reports the synthesis of two phthalate
and its derivatives, 2,2 0 -bipyridine, and 1,10-phenanthro- based copper(II) and cobalt(II) coordination polymers
line, which act as terminal ligands. Depending on both using imidazole (Im) as the amine, {[Cu(Pht)(Im)2] Æ
the nature of the amines and the stoichiometric ratio meta- 1.5H2O}n (1) and [Co(Pht)(Im)2]n (2), their crystal structures
l:acid:amines, infinite linear [4], zigzag [5,6] or helical [8,10] and presents a preliminary investigation into the catalytic
chains are formed. activity of 1 and 2 towards the oxidation of cyclohexene
Oxidation reactions have synthetic applications in both using hydrogen peroxide as oxidant under aerobic conditions.
the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The catalytic
oxidation of alkenes has potentially important industrial 2. Experimental
applications since the selective oxidation products serve
as starting materials for the production of many fine chem- 2.1. Materials and methods
icals. Oxidation can be carried out with many different oxi-
dants, but from an economic point of view H2O2 is ideally All the starting materials were reagent grade and used as
suitable. It is cheap, readily available and environmentally purchased. Hydrogen peroxide (30% aqueous solution) was
benign. A large effort is thus currently in progress to try to used as received from Acros. The infrared spectra were re-
find active catalysts for the oxidation reactions using this corded on a Perkin–Elmer Spectrum One spectrometer
oxidant. Several families of catalysts are known, mainly using KBr pellets in the region 4000–400 cm1. Gas chro-
based on various transition-metal complexes as titanium, matographic analyses were carried out with a HP 5890
vanadium, molybdenum, manganese, tungsten and rhe- instrument on a RTX-5 column 30 m · 0.25 mm · 0.5 lm
nium complexes [49]. The cobalt-catalyzed decomposition fitted with a flame ionization detector, and hydrogen gas
of hydroperoxides has also been extensively studied [50], pressure was 0.4 bar.

Table 1
Crystal data and structure refinement
1 2
Empirical formula C28H30Cu2N8O11 C14H12CoN4O4
Formula weight 781.68 359.21
Temperature (K) 100 293(2)
Wavelength (Å) 0.71073 0.71073
Crystal size (mm) 0.38 · 0.11 · 0.02 0.3 · 0.2 · 0.5
Crystal system orthorhombic monoclinic
Space group Pbca (No. 61) Pn (No. 7)
a (Å) 19.6319(3) 8.399(2)
b (Å) 13.6365(3) 9.978(2)
c (Å) 23.4334(4) 10.011(2)
a () 90 90
b () 90 104.43(3)
c () 90 90
V (Å3) 6273.4(2) 812.5(3)
Z 8 2
Dc (g cm3) 1.655 1.468
l (mm1) 1.430 1.080
F(0 0 0) 3200 366
h Range for data collection () 4.59–32.56 3.65–29.18
Index ranges 23 6 h 6 29; 10 6 k 6 20; 31 6 l 6 35 10 6 h 6 11; 13 6 k 6 13; 13 6 l 6 13
Reflections collected 37 115 4912
Reflections unique (Rint) 11 244 (0.1058) 2425 (0.0206)
Completeness to hmax 98.6 90.5
Data/restraints/parameters 11 244/0/452 2425/2/208
Final R indices [I > 2r(I)] R1 = 0.0620, wR2 = 0.1176 R1 = 0.0281, wR2 = 0.0740
R indices (all data) R1 = 0.1305, wR2 = 0.1408 R1 = 0.0315, wR2 = 0.0787
Goodness-of-fit on F2 1.008 0.939
Largest difference peak and hole (e Å3) 0.662 and 0.654 0.645 and 0.377
S.G. Baca et al. / Polyhedron 25 (2006) 1215–1222 1217

2.2. Synthesis of complexes SAINT program from Bruker-Nonius (Madison, USA) and
KUMA diffraction (Wroclaw, Poland) software. Crystal
2.2.1. Synthesis of {[Cu(Pht)(Im)2] Æ 1.5H2O}n (1) data, details of data collections and refinement for 1 and
Method A. To a hot suspension of o-phthalic acid 2 are given in Table 1. The structures were solved by direct
(0.66 g, 4 mmol) and CuCO3 Æ Cu(OH)2 (0.44 g, 2 mmol) methods (SHELXS-97 [56]) and refined on F2 (SHELXL-97 [57])
in 40 ml H2O was added Im (0.55 g, 8 mmol). The resulting using anisotropic displacement parameters for non-H
blue mixture was stirred and refluxed for 30 min and then atoms. Except for the solute water molecules in 1, H atoms
filtered. The filtrate was allowed to stand at room temper- were located from difference electron density syntheses and
ature. Blue crystals, suitable for X-ray analysis, were fil- refined using a riding model. Selected bond distances and
tered off the next day, washed with water, ethanol and angles are listed in Table 2.
acetone, and dried in air. Yield: 0.87 g (56%). Anal. Calc.
for C28H26Cu2O11N8: C, 43.02; H, 3.87; N, 14.33; Cu, 3. Results and discussion
16.26. Found: C, 43.09; H, 3.71; N, 14.08; Cu, 16.20%.
IR data (KBr, cm1): 3479m, 3380m, 3137s, 3067m, 3.1. Crystal structures
2959m, 2871m, 1616vs, 1587vs, 1570vs, 1539sh, 1506sh,
1485m, 1443m, 1385vs, 1370vs, 1330m, 1263w, 1182w, 3.1.1. The structure of {[Cu(Pht)(Im)2] Æ 1.5H2O}n (1)
1148w, 1071s, 955w, 859m, 829m, 750s, 719m, 705m. The Fig. 1 shows a view of crystallographically independent
compound is insoluble in alcohol, acetone, acetonitrile, structure fragment of complex 1. The crystal structure of 1
chloroform, and poorly soluble in water. is characterized by [Cu(Im)2] entities linked into infinited
Method B. To a hot solution of o-phthalic acid (0.83 g, chains by bridging phthalate anions. The observed chain
5 mmol) and Im (0.69 g, 10 mmol) in 20 ml H2O was added structure (Fig. 2) is not unusual and has been found in
Cu(CH3COO)2 Æ H2O (0.99 g, 5 mmol). The resulting blue the crystal structures of the catenates (l2-o-phthalato)-
solution was heated for 10 min and allowed to stand at bis(pyridine)-copper(II) [16], ethylenediamine-(l2-o-phtha-
room temperature. Blue crystals formed after 1–2 days.
They were filtered off, washed with water, ethanol and ace-
Table 2
tone, and dried in air. Yield: 0.82 g (42%). It was identified Selected bond distances (Å) and bond angles () for compounds 1 and 2
by comparing its IR spectrum with the crystallographically
characterized precipitate from Method A, and elemental Cu(1)–N(1) 1.956(3)
analysis. Anal. Found for the title compound: C, 42.69; Cu(1)–N(3) 1.980(2)
H, 3.77; N, 13.80; Cu, 15.72%. Cu(2)–O(4) 1.971(2)
Cu(2)–O(7)* 1.972(2)
Cu(1)–O(5) 1.965(2)
2.2.2. Synthesis of [Co(Pht)(Im)2]n (2)
Cu(1)–O(1) 1.999(2)
To a hot solution of H2Pht (0.83 g, 5 mmol) and Im Cu(2)–N(5) 1.972(3)
(0.69 g, 10 mmol) in water (15 ml) Co(O2CMe)2 Æ 4H2O Cu(2)–N(7) 1.978(3)
(1.25 g, 5 mmol) was added. The resulting mixture was stir- N(1)–Cu(1)–O(5) 90.50(9)
red and heated for 20 min. The lilac precipitate so formed O(5)–Cu(1)–N(3) 91.31(9)
was filtered off from hot solution, washed with hot water, O(5)–Cu(1)–O(1) 167.34(9)
ethanol and acetone and dried in air. Yield: 0.84 g O(4)–Cu(2)–N(5) 89.38(10)
(46.8%). Anal. Calc. for C14H12CoN4O4: C, 46.81; H, N(5)–Cu(2)–O(7)* 91.64(10)
N(5)–Cu(2)–N(7) 168.69(12)
3.37; N, 15.60; Co, 16.41. Found: C, 46.72; H, 3.32; N, N(1)–Cu(1)–N(3) 171.56(11)
15.49; Co, 16.33%. IR data (KBr, cm1): 3137s, 3062m, N(1)–Cu(1)–O(1) 89.32(9)
2970m, 2880m, 1612s, 1589vs, 1579sh, 1486m, 1460m, N(3)–Cu(1)–O(1) 90.72(9)
1444m, 1394s, 1373vs, 1329m, 1267m, 1144m, 1107m, O(4)–Cu(2)–O(7)* 176.25(10)
1075vs, 957m, 914w, 840m, 752s, 702m, 656vs, 620m, O(4)–Cu(2)–N(7) 91.11(10)
O(7)*–Cu(2)–N(7) 88.60(10)
606w, 573w, 482m. Single crystals suitable for diffraction
studies were obtained by recrystallization of 2 from hot 2
aqueous solution. Co(1)–O(4) 1.952(2)
Co(1)–N(1A) 2.002(3)
2.3. Crystal structure determinations Co(1)–O(1)** 1.980(2)
Co(1)–N(1B) 2.001(2)

Experimental data were collected on Bruker-Nonius O(4)–Co(1)–O(1)** 92.8(1)

O(1)*–Co(1)–N(1B) 116.5(1)
KappaCCD and KUMA KM4CCD-j-axis diffractometers
O(1)*–Co(1)–N(1A) 108.4(1)
using graphite monochromated Mo Ka radiation at 100 K O(4)–Co(1)–N(1B) 108.9(1)
for 1 and 293 K for2. The crystals were located 40 mm (1)/ O(4)–Co(1)–N(1A) 121.7(1)
60 mm (2) from the CCD camera. 446/444 Frames were N(1B)–Co(1)–N(1A) 108.3(1)
collected in 2/4 runs with a 0.5/0.5 scan width and Symmetry transformations used to generate equivalent atoms: * x, y + 3/2,
150 s/10 s per frame. The data were processed using the z + 1/2; ** x + 1/2, y + 1, z + 1/2.
1218 S.G. Baca et al. / Polyhedron 25 (2006) 1215–1222

Fig. 1. Crystallographically independent structure fragment in compound 1. Hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity and long contacts Cu(1)–O and
Cu(2)–O are indicated by double dotted lines. Atomic displacement ellipsoids are shown at the 50% probability level.

Fig. 2. The fragments of two polymeric chains in compound 1. Hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity. Hydrogen bonds are indicated by dotted lines and
long contacts Cu–O are indicated by double dotted lines.

lato)-copper(II) [17], aqua-(1,10-phenanthroline)-(l2-o- imately square-planar N2O2 coordination. The O–Cu–O

phthalato)-copper(II) [18], (l2-o-phthalato)-bis(piperidine)- angles range from 167.3(1) (O(1)–Cu(1)–O(5)) to
copper(II) [20], bis(l2-o-phthalato)-aqua-tetrakis(4-meth- 176.3(1) (O(4)–Cu(2)–O(7)) and the N–Cu–N angles vary
ylpyridine)-di-copper(II) [2], diammine-(l2-o-phthalato)- from 168.7(1) (N(5)–Cu(2)–N(7)) to 171.6(1) (N(1)–
copper(II) [8], and (1-methylimidazole)-(l2-o-phthalato)- Cu(1)–N(3)). The different arrangement of the C@O bonds
copper(II) [6] and aqua-(4-methylimidazole)-(l2-o-phtha- of the carboxylic acid groups relative to the coordination
lato)-copper(II) [7] among others. The mode of attachment planes of the two independent Cu atoms indicate that the
of the phthalate dianion to the metal is not always the chain is relatively flexible and successive Cu  Cu distances
same. In some cases, the carboxylic acid groups are at- in the chain are 6.045(1) and 6.468(1) Å. Whereas the Cu–
tached by both oxygen atoms and in others by one oxygen X distances vary significantly for Cu(1) [Cu(1)–N(1)
atom. 1.956(3), Cu(1)–N(3) 1.980(2), Cu(1)–O(1) 1.999(2),
There are two crystallographically independent Cu(II) Cu(1)–O(5) 1.965(2) Å], this is not the case for Cu(2)
centers within chains and both Cu(II) atoms have approx- [Cu(2)–N(5) 1.972(3), Cu(2)–N(7) 1.978(3) Å, Cu(2)–O(4)
S.G. Baca et al. / Polyhedron 25 (2006) 1215–1222 1219

1.971(2), Cu(2)–O(7)* 1.972(2) Å]. Note, the Cu(1) and O(1)* = 1.980(2) and Co(1)–O(4) = 1.952(2) Å]. The bond
Cu(2) atoms additionally form two long contacts: Cu(1)– angles at Co(1) atom range from 92.8(1) to 121.7(1)
O(2) 2.559(2), Cu(1)–O(6) 2.894(2) Å with uncoordinated (Table 2). As expected, distances and angles in coordina-
oxygen atoms of both carboxylic groups; Cu(2)–O(1w) is tion polyhedron agree well with those in [Zn(Pht)(Im)2]n
2.644 and Cu(2)–O(3) is 2.861 Å. Consequently, the coordi- [6]. The nearest Co  Co distances in the chain are at
nation of both Cu atoms can be described as 4 + 1 + 1. 6.017(2) Å. The dihedral angles between the planes
All of the four independent imidazole ligands in 1 are in- through the carboxylate groups [O(1)C(11)O(2) and
volved in N–H  O hydrogen bonding interactions, of O(3)C(22)O(4)] and the aromatic ring are 61.9(2) and
which only one is intramolecular. Thus, N(6) forms an 33.7(2), respectively. For Pht ligand, the C–C bonds
intramolecular H bonding interaction with the free car- within the aromatic ring range from 1.373(5) to
bonyl O atom of a phthalate ligand further along the chain. 1.404(4) Å and are similar to those in complex 1 and other
The distance N(6)  O(2) is 2.793(4) Å and this is compara- Cu(II) phthalate complexes [3,7,8]. The bond distances
ble to the distance N(8)  O(2w) (2.787(4) Å) between the and angles of the imidazole molecules also fall in the range
trans imidazole group N–H group and a solute water mol- of values found in other complexes, containing the coordi-
ecule. There is also an additional intermolecular contact nated imidazole [58,59].
between N(2) and the water molecule O(1w) of The chains lie parallel along the [1 0 1] direction. The
3.040(4) Å such that N(2) forms a bifurcated hydrogen N(3b)–H(3b)  O(2) [x, y + 1, z] = 2.754(4) Å hydrogen
bond to O(7) and O(1w). The remaining two independent bonds connect the chains into layers (Fig. 4) and N(3a)–
imidazole groups, both of which are attached to Cu(1), H(3a)  O(1) [x + 1, y, z] = 2.812(4) Å interactions com-
form direct interchain N–H  O–Cu hydrogen bonds to bine neighboring layers into a 3D network. Interestingly,
the O atoms of the phthalate groups bonded to the Cu in contrast to 1, the crystal structure of 2 contains no solute
atoms in neighboring chains. The corresponding inter- water, even though the crystals of 2 were grown from hot
atomic distances are N(4)  O(4) = 2.785(3) and aqueous solution.
N(2)  O(7) = 3.109(4) Å. This extended hydrogen bond-
ing network stabilizes a 3D structure in complexes 1. 3.2. Spectroscopic properties
Fig. 2 presents a fragment of packing arrangement in 1.
IR spectra of compounds 1 and 2 showed absorptions
3.1.2. The structure of [Co(Pht)(Im)2]n (2) due to N–H bond stretching of imidazole ligands and C–
The structure of 2 comprises [Co(Im)2] units linked into H bonds of aromatic rings in the range 3380–2871 cm1.
zigzag polymeric chains by bridging phthalate anions. Strong bands in the 1616–1570 and 1385–1370 cm1 re-
Fig. 3 shows a fragment of the chain in compound 2, to- gions were assigned to the asymmetric and symmetric
gether with the atomic labeling scheme. The crystals are stretching modes of carboxylate groups, respectively
isostructural with the analogous Zn(II) complex [6]. Each [60,61]. The separations between the asymmetric and sym-
Co atom adopts a tetrahedral N2O2 geometry, being metric stretching frequencies, Dm (masym–msym ranges from
coordinated by a pair of imidazole ligands [Co(1)– 246 to 185 cm1), are indicative of the fact that COO
N(1a) = 2.002(3) and Co(1)–N(1b) = 2.001(2) Å] and a groups from phthalate groups have bridging O atoms
pair of monodentate carboxylate groups [Co(1)– [62]. Such absorptions have already been reported for other
phthalate complexes with aromatic amines (1620–
1520 cm1) [21,22]. IR spectrum of complex 1 also showed
a strong and broad m(O–H) stretching band around
3479 cm1 confirming the presence of the water solute

3.3. Catalytic oxidation of cyclohexene

Choosing cyclohexene as a model substrate, oxidation

reactions were carried out in acetone at room temperature
under magnetic stirring in the presence of 1 and 2 as the
catalyst using 30% H2O2. The evolution of the reactions
was monitored by GC analysis of solution samples taken
periodically to determine the concentrations of the various
oxidation products. In a typical experiment, 1 ml of hydro-
gen peroxide (30%) was added to the reaction mixture con-
taining cyclohexene (1 ml) and catalyst (39 mg) in 1 ml
acetone. The results of the investigations are summarized
Fig. 3. Polymeric chain in compound 2 with numbering scheme. The in Table 3. In the case of 1 the distribution of the products
atomic displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 50% probability level. was strongly dependent on the ratio of [C6H10] to [H2O2].
1220 S.G. Baca et al. / Polyhedron 25 (2006) 1215–1222

Fig. 4. Fragment of the layer formed through N–H  O interactions in structure 2. Hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity and hydrogen bonds are
indicated by dotted lines.

Table 3
Catalytic oxidation of cyclohexene with H2O2a
Catalyst Run Ratio C6H10:H2O2 Products (%)b
Alkene Epoxide Alcohol Ketone
1 1c 1:12 0.76 0.49 5.32 93.4
2c 1:9 6.13 1.49 6.78 85.6
3c 1:4.5 40.5 4.67 11.4 43.4
4d 1:9 0.85 8.39 3.06 87.7
5e 1:9 2.01 11.3 11.5 75.2
2 6e 1:9 38.8 1.94 18.7 40.6
Reaction conditions: substrate (1 mmol), catalyst (0.1 mmol), temperature (22 C).
Ratio of the different products in the reaction was determined by GC analysis. Products were identified by GC–MS.
Acetone – 1 ml, 48 h.
Acetone – 0.5 ml, 1 h.
Acetone – 1 ml, 1 h.

The largest specificity was obtained using catalyst 1 and a metal atoms linked by 1,6-bridging Pht2 ligands. Preli-
concentration ratio of 1:12. Under these experimental con- minary catalytic investigations of the complexes for the
ditions the allylic hydrogen is more reactive than the C@C oxidation of cyclohexene with H2O2 have been undertaken.
double bond, and the reaction proceeds to give mainly the The major oxidation product is 2-cyclohexen-1-one with
2-cyclohexen-1-one as the main product and cyclohexene appreciable amounts of 2-cyclohexen-1-ol depending on
epoxide with the lowest yield (entry 1, Table 3). In control the reaction conditions. The yield of ketone is higher in
experiments, using cyclohexene under identical experimen- the case of the copper complex. A systematic investigation
tal conditions, but excluding metal complex, or in the pres- on the use of the phthalate linker in the synthesis of 3d-me-
ence of Cu(CH3COO)2 Æ H2O, did not give any oxidation tal coordination polymers and their magnetic and catalytic
products. properties is currently underway.

cat. 5. Supplementary material

+ H2O2 O + +
Crystallographic data for the structural analyses have
been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data
4. Conclusion Centre, CCDC Nos. 271720 (1) and 275123 (2). Copies of
this information may be obtained from The Director,
Two new copper(II) and cobalt(II) coordination poly- CCDC, 12 Union Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EZ, UK (fax:
mers based on o-phthalic acid and imidazole have been +44 1233 336033; e-mail: or
synthesized and characterized by X-ray crystallography. Structure factors for 1 and 2
The compounds have a polymeric chain structure with are available from the authors on request.
S.G. Baca et al. / Polyhedron 25 (2006) 1215–1222 1221

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