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§pu6fic of tfie Pfiifippines

r.Rsgion 02

No.'-"~ , s. 2017

To: Public Schools District Superviors

Principals lncharge of the District
Secondary and Elementary School Heads (Public and Private Schools)


OIC - Schools Division Superintendentt

Date: August30,2017


1. In compliance to DepEd Order No. 93, s. 2011 entitled Mandated Programs, Projects and
Activities, Various Forms and Targets Pertinent to the Youth for the Environment in Schools (YES) Program,
DepEd Order No. 52, s. 2011 (Strengthening Environmental Education in Pubiic and Private Schoois), and
the Science Month Celebration in September, the Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya will conduct the 2017
DIVISION SCIENCE FAIR CUM ENVIRONMENT CAMP for the elementary and secondary schools in three
clusters scheduled as follows:


I Bagabag Facility, Lantap, Bagabag, September 29-0ctober 1,
I Secondary Northern Cluster Nueva Vizcaya 2017
Bagabag Facility, Lantap, Bagabag,
I Secondary Southern Cluster 1I
Nueva Vizcaya October 6-8, 2017

Elementary Northern and Southern Bagabag Facility, Lantap, Bagabag,

October 13-15,2017
Clusters Nueva Vizcaya
Bagabag Facility, Lantap, Bagabag,
Culminating Activity Octob3er 20, 2017
Nueva Vizcaya

2. The activity with the theme: "Kabataang Novo Vizcayano: Kapit Bisig Tungo sa Pagkalinga ng lnang
Kalikasan" seeks to achieve the following objectives:

a. Learn more about Climate Change and Global Warming and the various mitigation and
adaptation efforts in reducing carbon footprints;
b. Inculcate among pupils, students and teachers the importance and relevance of reducing the carbon
footprints as a doalble and practical way to mitigate and adapt to the changing world;
c. Develop pupils' and students' deeper awareness on the state of the environment focusing on significant
issues and concerns;
d. Encourage pupils' and students' active participation and determine concrete action in the protection,
preservation and rehabilitation of the environment;
e. Instill environmental values in every pupil and student to motivate actual involvement in worthwhile
programs, projects and activities for the environment; and
Pro~ontthrounh ~l"'ionco Qo~o~rch Droiol"'tflnves+in~torv Drniect lo~mor~· ~\AI~rene~~ and conl"'orn are
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beneficial to the community.

3. Activities include parallel sessions, plenary sessions, outdoor activities such as tree planting, march for the
environment and various contests such as Investigatory Projects, Speech Choir, Environmental Quiz,
Science Olympics, Sayaw at Awit para sa Kalikasan (SAYAWIT), On-the-Spot Poster Making, Search for
Lakambini and Lakan ng Kalikasan, Exhibit and Spotlight featuring school's success stories on
environmental actions and initiatives. !t also features the Kabataang Bayani ng Kalikasan Awards and
Environment Program Awards.

4. Participants to the fair and camp are the officers, members and teacher-advisers of the YES-0, Science
Clubs, Supreme Student Government (SSG)iSupreme Pupil Government (SPG), other interested students
and teacher-advisers of other school-based organizations implementing environmental programs, projects
and activities in both public and private schools.

5. Participation is voluntary. Any award received in this camp shall be included in the Special Recognition of
the students for School Year 2017-2018. Attendance of teacher-advisers and facilitators of this camp will
be granted service credit upon submission of their Daily Time Record.

6. A registration fee of five hundred fifty pesos (P550.00) shall be charged each participant to cover meals and
snacks, use of light, electricity and sound system services, certificates, medals, trophies, honoraria of
speakers, board of judges and monitoring team, supplies and materials and other incidental expenses
relative to the conduct of the activity.

7. Participants are advised to bring their own beddings, tent, raincoat or umbrella, contest materials, eating
~shI I 'i~h~
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8. Schedule of Activities and Contest Guidelines and Mechanics are contained in the Enclosures together with
the other templates to be accomplished and submitted.

9. An accomplished preregistration form is required to be submitted on or before September 15,2017

to the Division Office: Attention: Marice/ S. Franco, Education Program Supervisor- Science.
(For elementary, the District Science Coordinators are requested to submit a consolidated preregistration

10.lmmediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.

Enclosure No. 1 to Division Memorandum No. lf.'2 , s. 2017 (Schedule of Activities)


Elementary Level

7:00-9:00 Arrival, Billeting, Tent Pitching
9:00-10:00 Opening Program and Orientation
10:00-12:00 • Plenary Session
• Viewing and Preliminary Judging oflnvestigatory
• Environment-Science Quiz
1:00-4:30 Speech Choir
Oral Presentation of Investigatory Project
4:30-6:00 Early Dinner
6:00-9:00 1 Search for Munting Lakan at Lakambini ng Kalikasan (Talent

5:00-5:30 Morning Fitness Activity
5:30-7:00 Breakfast
7:30-12:00 • Plenary Session I
• Science Skills Olympics
I • Essay Writing Contest I
• On the Spot Poster-'tv1aking Contest
I • Slogan Contest
12:00-1:30 Lunch Break
1:00-4:00 • Sayawit para sa Kalikasan
4:00-5:00 Early Dinner
5:00-8:00 Search for Munting Lakan at Lakambini ng Kalikasan (Final
uay 03
5:00-5:30 Morning Fitness Activity
5:30-7:00 Breakfast
7:30-9:00 Simultaneous March for the Environment and Tree Planting
9:30-10:00 Plenary Session (DRRM by Red Cross-NV Chapter)
10:00-12:00 Awarding Ceremonies and Closing Program
Day04 Culminating Activity I

Enclosures - Elementary
Endosure No. 2 to Division .Memorandum No. f(.9 ,s. 2017 (Guidelines)

Elementary Level

General Guidelines

1. The contests are open to winning participants in the districts for public and schools
for private and officiaiiy registered participants to the 2017 Science Fair and
Environment Camp.
2. There shall be a fifteen ( 15) minute briefing prior to the conduct of any contest or
3. Decisions of the Board of Judges are final.

Guidelines for the Activities

A. SPEECH CHOIR (Dramatic)

1. Only one entry per district and schooi for private schoois shaH participate.
2. Eight learners shall compose a group.
3. The contest piece shall be provided by the management.
4. Accompaniment and props of any kind are not allowed.
5. Participants should be in their school uniform. Simple head dress may be allowed. No other props
are allowed.
6. Judging shall be based on the following parameters:
• Clarity and Delivery of the Piece 30%)
• Mastery 40%
• Precision of Movements 20%
• Projection and Overall Impact 10%
TOTAL 100%


1. Two contestants shall come from grades 4-6 per district and one ( 1) from private schools shall
2. English shall be used as the official language in the conduct of the quiz.
3. Questions shaH focus on science and environ_mental facts, trivia, laws, current events, initiatives,
and other media sources pertaining to environment and ecology.
4. A forty (40) item written questions shall be provided to each contestant. Contestants shall be
given one (I) hour to answer the questions.
5. The contestants shaH bring their own pens; answer sheets shail be provided by the management.
Should a contestant decide to change an answer, he/she shall cross out the answer written with
only one (1) horizontal line and the answer shall be written legibly beside the crossed out answer.
6. The contestants with the highest scores (top five) shall be declared winners.


1. Three contestants shall come from grades 4-6 per district/school.

2. Materials and procedme will be provided by the organizer.
3. The contestants will create their own title of the experiment and problem/s, conduct the
experiment, make their own conclusions/generalizations and defend to the panel of judges.

Enclosures - Elementary
4. Judging shall be based on the following:

Preparation of the write up (problem, conclusion/generalization) 35%

Actual conduct of the experiment 35%
Oral defense 20%
Teamwork/Collaboration 10%
TOTAL 100%

D. INVESTIGATORY PROJECT (Preliminary Judging)

1. Three contestants shall come from grades 4-6 per district/school.

2. There will only be one category- PhysicaliApplied Team category
3. Submit three copies of the manuscripts, fastened on the left side.
4. Use illustration boards in the exhibit. Strictly no use of tarpaulins, no accessories/decorations, no
school name/logo, and exhibits should be simple.
5. Since the judging is preliminary, the judges will not rank the winning projects but wiJI come up
with a list of all qualified projects for the final judging during the culminating activity.
6. Judging shall be based on the following:

Research Question 10%

Design and Methodology 15%
Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation 20 °/o
Creativity 20%
Presentation 35%
a. Poster/Display Exhibit 10%
b. Interview 25%
TOTAL 100%


I. Only one (1) contestant per district for public and one (l) for private school shaH participate in
the contest.
2. The poster should revolve around the theme which will be announced by the contest
administrator during the contest proper.
3. The medium for visual artistry shall be oil pastel crayon only. The required base paper to be
used during the contest is an illustration board (liz size).
4. Illustration boards will be provided by the management while all other materials to be used
shall be borne by the participant.
5. The allotted time for the contest is two hours, after which all entties shall be submitted to the
contest administrator. Contestants may decide to submit his/her poster earlier without waiting
for the lapse of two hours.
6. Each poster shall be identified by a number that corresponds to the number and identify the
contestant for the judging process.
7. Judging shall be based on the following criteria

Originality of Idea 40%

Relevance to the Theme 40%
Overall Impact 20%
Total 100%


1. Only one (1) contestant per district and one (1) per private schools shall participate in the
2. The slogan shall revolve around the theme which will be announced later by the contest
3. White cartolina (1/2 cross wise) shall be provided by the management and all other materials
to be used shall be borne by the participants.
4. The slogan shall not be more than twelve (12) words and no border.
5. English shall be the medium.

Enclosures - Elementary
6. The allotted time frame for the activity is one (1) hour only, after \vhich an entries finished or
unfinished shall be submitted to the administrator of the activity. Contestants may decide to submit
his/her poster earlier without waiting for the lapse of one hour.
7. Each poster shall bear a number but not necessarily the identity of the contestant to eliminate
as much as possible subjectivity in judging.
8. Judging shall be based on the following parameters:

Visual Impact 20%

Relevance to the theme 40&
Neatness 20%
Originality 20%
TOTAL 100%


1. Only one (1) contestant per district and one (l) per private schools shall participate in the
2. The essay should be written in English not be more than 300 words.
3. The participants are given one hour to write.
4. The essay shall revolve around the theme which will be announced later by the contest
5. Management will provide the paper to be used.
6. Judging shall be based on the following parameters:

Organization 35%
Content 35%
Mechanics 30%
TOTAL 100%

Sayaw at Awit (SAYAWIT) Para sa Kalikasan

1. A minimum of five (5) and a maximum of ten ( 10) participants shall perform during the contest
2. Dancers and singers shall be considered as performers.
3. The performance must consist of a song and a dance presentation on the environment. Participants
must actually sing and dance at the same time. Any song in English, Filipino or any dialect maybe used
or a combination thereof may be utilized.
4. Five (5) copies of the song shall be submitted for the judges. Do not write the name of school.
5. The presentation should last for a maximum of five (5) minutes, in which period shall be included the
introduction and the exit of the performers.
6. The presentation shall be stopped when time is up.
7. Musical accompaniment for the presentation should be compact disc-generated only. No live
accompaniment shall be allowed.
8. The presentation must have environmental relevance and significance.
9. No props shall be allowed. Simple costume and head dress may be allowed.
10. Only one (1) group shall represent a school/district.
11. Judging shall be based on the following criteria:

Environmental Relevance/Message 30%

Voice Quality 20%
Quality/Precision of Choreography 20%
Originality 20%
Projection and Overall Impact 10%
Total 100%

Enclosures - Elementary
Munting Lakambini and Lakan ng Kalikasan

1. Only one contestant per district is allowed.

2. The candidates must be registered camp participants.
3. The pageant shall consist of three (3) portions, namely;
a) Kalikasan Attire Competition
(Contestants shall wear cocktail/semi-formal costumes using recycled papers only)
b) Talent Show
(Talent to be presented must be relevant to environmental awareness or cause. The
presentation must not exceed five minutes. Only minimum props and costumes are allowed.)
c) Question and Answer
(The questions to be answered must have relevance to environment)
4. Only one (1) official coach is allowed to enter the dressing room. Make up artists are not allowed.
5. The candidates shall wear white shirt and denims during the production number
6. Specific rules and regulations, including schedules, shall be administered by the Contest
Administrators. Failure to comply shall amount to automatic disqualification.
7. Judging shall be based on the following criteria:

Jeans Wear I Production No. Talent (25) Kalikasan Attire Wit (30) Total (100)
(20) (25)
Attire- 5 Relevance 15 Attire -10
Beauty- 5
Projection & Poise - 5
I Exooution - 10 Beauty- 5
\ Poise & Carriage-
Performance - 5 110

Enclosures - Elementary
Enclosure No.3 to Division 1\'Iemorandum No. !fi_ s. 2017 (Pre-Registration Form)


DISTRICT/SCHOOL:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CLUSTER: __________

• II No l i' Ul.\,..' H. J. ~ 0
.LJ ""'~~\.- '-'V..l...L
(Please check if
Quiz I

Science Skills Olympics

Investigatory Project
Speech Choir
Sayawit para sa Kalikasan

-- -~---1


-~' I
I Total No. of Pupils/Students I

Total No. of

GR.Al'-JD TOTl•..L
?vote. . -lvorth or South
' Cluster

Prepared b y : - - - - - - - - - - Noted:
PSDS/OIC /School Head for Secondary

Enclosm·es - Elementary
Enclosure No.4 to Division .Memorandum No. ~t:Dlf , s. 2017 (Parent's Consent Template)

School/District Heading

_ _ _ _ _ (date)

(parent'slgua;dian's name
and address)

Greetings from (school/district)

We are pleased to inform you that our school/district will join the

(complete title of the activity) with

the theme "___________________________ ,(if any) on
- - - - - - - - - ( d a t e ) a t - - - - - - - - - - - (complete venue and address)
A reg:l>:lUCII
/"'\ ...~~"'t:onII ~"e
It; of +:IIV..e h""'Ar .... A f:u
UIIUICU .. n~""""
lilLY jJt;;::,U;:o \rpkc:o (\(\\ sha
vv .VVJ
"'ha~~ . . . A ea"'"'
1\::lt;U Clllii.J jJCII l t"
IJII P"'ri;,,l"'"'nj. U

cover meals and snacks, certificates, medals, trophies, honoraria of speakers and board of judges, light
and sound system, supplies, handouts, materials and other incidental expenses.

Kindly sign the Return Slip below to signify your permission.

Thank you very much!

Very truly yours, Approved:

Science Teacher/Coach School Principal


Dear Sir/ Madam:

This is to inform you that permit my
son/ daughter/ ward
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,(name of pupil)tO participate in
---------------- (title of activity) O n - - - - - - - - - - - (date)
and that his/ her participation is VOLUNTARY,
I have consideied the benefits that my son/ daughtei/ waid will deiive from his/ hei participation
in the said activity.

Parents' Complete Address: Very truly yours,

(Parent's signature over printed name)

Contact No., ________

NB: This Return Slip must be kept at the office of the principal.

Enclosures - Elementary
Enclosure No. 5 to Division l\1emorandum No. 4-CCf ,, s. 2017 (Certification)

School/District Heading



OIC ~Schools Division Superintendent
Schools Division Office ofNueva Vizcaya


This is to certify that all pupil/student participants to the 2017 Division Science Fair

Cum Environment Camp to be held on at

- - - - - - - - - - - ' have submitted their signed PARENTAL CONSENT prior

to the conduct of the said activity.

This certification is issued as a requirement of our participation to the said activity

and which will redound to the welfare of our learners.

Printed Name and Signature

of School Head

NB: This Certification must be submitted to the Division Office

Enclosures - Elementary
Enclosure No.6 to Division Memorandum No. ~ ,, s. 2017 (Certification)

Elementary Level

Leonida H. Canayan
2. Dionisia De Leon
3. Marilyn A. Serapon
4. Eduardo Lejao
5. Jacqueline Larida
6. Rosemarie Guzman
7. Jessica Corazon Calub
8. Arthur Antonio
9. Belinda Dulay
10. Marlyn Ringor
11. Elvira Soto
12. Monaliza Nuestro
....I.:>. Jennifer B. Tagure
14. Nerio Badua
15. Alfredo B. Panhon
16. Maria Olivia Brazil
17. Elsa L. Pantaleon
18. Martina Bugnay
19. Sandra S. Dela Cruz
20. Ernesto Valida
21. Adelina Julian
22. Cecille Latumbo
23. Carlina B. Alayu
24. Avigayle O!aya
25 Dolores Baguidudol

Enclosures - Elementary
Enclosure No.1.__ to Division Memorandum No.~ s., 2017 (Schedule)



7:00-9:00 Arrival and Billeting
9:00-10:00 Opening Program and Orientation
10:00-12:00 Plenary Session 1
Putting up of Exhibit
1:00-3:00 • Preliminary Judging of Investigatory Project
• Essay Writing Contest
• YES-0 Exhibit
• On-the-Spot Poster-Making Contest
3:00-6:00 Talent Show, Lakan and Lakambini Candidates
6:00-7:00 Supper
7:00-9:00 Film Viewing
5:00-5:30 Morning Fitness Activity
5:30-7:00 Breakfast
7:00-9:00 Environmental Parade/March
9:00-12:00 • SAYA WIT Para sa Kalikasan
1:00-5:00 • Plenary Session 2
• Kabataang Bayani ng Kalikasan (Heroism and
• Environment-Science Quiz
• Spotlight
5:00-6:00 • Supper
• Search for Lakan and Lakambini ng Kalikasan (Final Round)
5:00-5:30 Morning Fitness Activity
5:30-7:00 Breakfast
7:30-10:00 Tree Planting, Clean Up Drive
10:00-12:00 Awarding Ceremonies and Closing Program

Enclosures - Secondary
Enclosure No. _JL_ to Division Memorandum No. f'-7 , s. 2017(Guidelines)
General Guidelines:
1. The contests are open to only registered participants to this Science Fair and YES-0 Camp.
2. There shall be a contest briefing of 15 minutes before the contest proper.
3. Only the official/registered coaches are allowed to clarify re contest guidelines.
4. Decisions of the Board of Judges are final.
A.On-the-Spot Poster-Making Contest (Grade 7-12)
1. Only one (1) contestant per school shall participate in the contest.
2. The poster should revolve around the theme which will be announced by the contest administrator
during the contest proper.
3. The medium for visual artistry shall be oil pastel only, open color. The required base paper to be used
during the contest is an illustration board (1/4 ).
4. Materials will be brought by the contestants. Borrowing of materials from other contestants shall not be
5. The allotted time for the contest is two hours, after which all entries shall be submitted to the contest
administrator. Contestants may decide to submit his/her poster earlier without waiting for the lapse of
two hours.
6. Each poster shall be identified by a number that corresponds to the number and identifY the contestant
for the judging process.
7. Judging shall be based on the following criteria
Originality of Idea 40%
Relevance to the Theme 40%
Overall Impact 20%
Total 100%

B. Environmental and Science Quiz (Grade 7-10)

l. Only one (1) contestant per grade level per school shall participate.
2. English shall be used as the official language in the conduct of the quiz.
3. Questions shall focus on science and environmental facts, trivia, laws, current events, initiatives, and
other media sources pertaining to environment and ecology.
4. A forty (40) item written questions shall be provided to each contestant. Contestants shall be given one
(1) hour to answer the questions.
5. The contestants shall bring their own pens; answer sheets shall be provided by the management. Should
a contestant decide to change an answer, he/she shall cross out the answer written with only one (l)
horizontal line and the answer shall be written legibly beside the crossed out answer.
6. The contestants with the highest scores (top five) shall be declared winners.
A. YES-0 Exhibits (3 Participants per School) (Grade 7-12)
1. The exhibit shall touch on the school-based implementation of environmental projects as mandated in
the constitution and by-laws. It shall also feature the organization's plans and success stories on
environmental action and initiative.
2. The exhibits shall consist of pictures appropriately labeled, certifications, approved and implemented
project proposals, publications, reports, write-ups and other materials that comply with number 1.
3. The exhibits shall be mounted on two manila papers (either portrait or landscape), which will be
provided by the contest administrators. Violation of this rule shall mean automatic disqualification.
4. Other materials shall be provided by the contestants.
5. The exhibits shall be displayed during the contest proper. Only those registered and members of the
school YES-0 delegation are allowed to display the exhibits.
6. Participants shall inform the organizers in advance of their interest to join the contest.
I. Judging shall be based on the following criteria:
Compliance with YES-0 Mandate 80%
Design/Appearance of Exhibits 20%
Total 100%

Enclosures - Secondary
F. YES-0 Spotlight (3 Participants Per School) (Grade 7-12)

1. The YES-0 Spotlight shall touch on the school YES-O's implementation of environmental projects as
mandated in the YES-O's constitution and by-laws. It shall also feature the organization's plans and
success stories on environmental action and initiative.
2. The Spotlight shall consist of pictures appropriately labeled, certificates or reports, write-ups and other
materials that comply with number 1.
3. The spotlight must be presented using MS Power-Point Presentation only.
4. The presentation must be saved in a CD or USB.
5. The organizers shall only provide an LCD Projector and a computer to be used during the actual
6. Only those registered and who are members of the school YES-0 delegation are allowed to present the
Spotlight for a maximum of eight (8) minutes. No time extension shaH be ailowed. Once the time has
lapsed, the presentation will be stopped. The presenter shall be subjected to question by the Board of
7. Judging will be based on the following criteria:
Compliance with YES-0 Mandate 60%
Design ofPowerPoint Presentation 20%
Actual Presentation 20%
Total 100%

G. Sayawit Para sa Kalikasan (Group Contest)

l. A minimum of five (5) and a maximum of twenty (20) participants shall perform during the contest
2. Dancers and singers shall be considered as performers.
3. The performance must consist of a song and a dance presentation on the environment. Participants
must actually sing and dance at the same time. Any song in English, Filipino or any dialect maybe used
or a combination thereof may be utilized. The name of the school should not be mentioned in any
manner in the presentation.
4. Five (5) copies of the song shall be submitted for the judges. Do not write the name of school.
5. The presentation shouid iast for a maximum of five (5) minutes, ln which period shall be included the
introduction and the exit of the performers.
6. The presentation shall be stopped when time is up.
7. Musical accompaniment for the presentation should be compact disc-generated only. No live
accompaniment shall be allowed. Only one is allowed (original or adapted). Remixed music
is not allowed.
8. The presentation must have environmental relevance and significance.
9. No props shall be allowed.
10. Only one (I) group shall represent a school/district.
11. Judging shall be based on the following criteria:
Environmental Relevance/Message 30%
Voice Quality 20%
Quality/Precision of Choreography 20%
Originality 20%
Projection and Overall Impact 10%
Total 100%

H. Lakambini and Lakan ng Kalikasan (Individual Contest of Grade 7-12

1. The candidates must be registered camp participants.
2. Only one contestant (llakan and 1 lakambini) per school is allowed.
3. The pageant shaH consist of three (3) portions, namely;
a) Kalikasan Attire Competition
(Contestants shall wear wholesome/decent cocktail/semi-formal costumes using recycled
plastics only- plastic bottle, plastic cup, straw, plastic bag, junk food foil, tetra pack, sack).
No st)To, No spray paint. No head dress, No wings
b) Talent Show
(Talent to be presented must be relevant to environmental awareness or cause. The
presentation must not exceed three minutes. Only minimum props and costumes are allowed.
Only one talent should be showcased. Combination of several/varying talents is not allowed)

Enclosures - Secondary
Note: LCD projectors are NOT allowed in the talent execution

c) Question and Answer

(The questions to be answered have relevance to environment protection)

4. The candidates shall wear white shirt (tucked in) and denims during the production number.
5. All costumes/attire and talent presentations must be decent/wholesome. (No ripped jeans)
6. Specific rules and regulations. including schedules, shall be administered by the Contest
Administrators. Failure to comply shall amount to automatic disqualification.
7. Only the officiaVregistered coaches (one for Lakan and one for Lakambini) are allowed in the dressing
room to assist their candidates.
8. Judging shall be based on the following criteria:

I Jeans Wear I Production No. Talent (25) Kalikasan Attire Wit (30) Total (100)
(20) (25)
Attire- 5 Relevance - 15 Attire -10
Beauty- 5 Execution - 10 Beauty- 5
Projection & Poise - 5 Poise & Carriage-
Performance - 5 10

I. Kabataang Bayani ng Kalikasan Awards (Individual Contest)

Environmental Leadership Category (Grade 7-12)

1. Only one contestant per school shall participate.

2. Upon registration, applicants for the awards shall submit three copies of an essay on why he/she
deserves to be included in the roster of this category. The essay (at least 300 words) must be supported
by properly labeled evidences such as appropriate and duly authenticated certificates, pictures, audio-
visual presentations, news clippings and others). The documents should be ring bound.
3. The applicant shall be subjected to a panei interview.
4. Judging shall be based on the following:

Essay/Supporting Evidence 40%

Panel Interview 40%
Overall Impact 20%
Total 100%

Environmental Heroism Act Category (Grade 7-12)

1. Only one contestant per school shall participate.

2. Upon registration, applicants for the awards shall submit an essay on why he/she deserves to be
included on the roster of this category. The essay (at least 300 words) must be supported by properly
labeled evidences such as appropriate and duly authenticated cettificates, pictures, audio-visual
presentations, news clippings and others. The documents should be ring bound.
3. The applicant shall be subjected to a panel interview,
4. Judging shall be based on the following:
Essay/Supporting Evidence 40%
Panel Interview 40%
Overall Impact 20%
Total 100%

J. Sci Dama (To be conducted during the culminating activity)

1. Only one ( 1) contestant per grade level shall participate:

Grade 7 - Electro SciDama
Grade 8 -Notation Dama
Grade 9 - Thi Sci Dama
Grade 10- Thermo Sci Dama
2. Participants per grade level will be grouped into three. Round robin competition per group.

Enclosures - Secondary
3. The best two per group will compete in the finals. Round robin competition will be done to
determine the top five.

K. Science Research/Investigatory Project Contest (7-12)

1. There will only be four categories namely:

Life Science -Individual Category
Life Science- Team Category (3 students only)
Applied/Physical Science - Individual Category
Applied/Physical Science- Team Category (3 students only)
2. Submit one copy of the research proposal (Chapter l-3). (Title and Contents only- No name of
school and researchers). Write the category at the upper right of the cover.
3. Research should be presented in a Y2 illustration paper. (Title and Contents only- No name of
school and researchers)
4. Since the judging is preliminary, the judges will not rank the winning projects but will come up
with a list of all qualified projects for the final judging on a date that will be announced later.
5. Judging shall be based on the following:
Research Question 10%
Design and Methodology 15%
Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation 20%
Creativity 20%
Presentation 35%
a. Poster/Display Exhibit 10%
b. Interview 25%
TOTAL 100%


1. Only one (1) contestant per school shall participate in the activity.
2. The essay should be written in English not more than 300 words.
3. The participants are given one hour to write.
4. The essay shall revolve around the theme which will be announced later by the contest
5. Management will provide the paper to be used.
6. Judging shall be based on the following parameters:
Organization 35%
Content 35%
Mechanics 30%
TOTAL 100%

Enclosures - Secondary
Enclosure No. _9:..__ to Division Memorandum No~! 2017 (Pre-Registration Form)


SCHOOL:. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CLUSTER: ___________

\,..J. I,VV.l
• IN" I Parental ..,.
"' H .L .L

.vI Consent
(Please check if

Total No. of Students


Total No. of

Note: Cluster- North or South

Enclosures - Secondary
Enclosure No. JQ_ to Division Memorandum No. 1/-'-'1 , s. 2017 (Parent's Consent


- - - - - (date)

(parent'slguardian's name
and address)

Greetings from (school/district)

We are pleased to inform you that our school will join the

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (complete title of the activity) with

the theme "____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ( i f any) on
- - - - - - - - - ( d a t e ) a t - - - - - - - - - - - (complete venue and address)

A registration fee of five hundred fifty pesos (P550.00) shall be charged each participant to
cover meals and snacks, certificates, trophies, honoraria of speakers and board of judges, light and
sound system, supplies, handouts, materials and other incidental expenses.
Kindly sign the Return Slip below to signify your permission.
Thank you very much!

Very truly yours, Approved:

Science Teacher/Coach School Principal


Dear Sir/ Madam:

This is to inform you that permit my son/ daughter/ ward
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,(name of pupil)tO participate in
- - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - (title of activity) On _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (date)
and that his/ her participation is VOLUNTARY,
I have considered the benefits that my son/ daughter/ ward will derive from his/ her participation
in the said activity.

Parents' Complete Address: Very truly yours,

(Parent's signature over printed name)

Contact No. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

NB: This Return Slip must be kept at the office of the principal.

Enclosures - Secondary
Enclosure No fI :to Division Memorandum No. 1<;,9 , s. 2017 (Certification)

School Heading



OIC- Schools Division Superintendent
Schools Division Office ofNueva Vizcaya


This is to certify that all student participants to the 2017 Division Science and Fair

Cum Environment Camp to be held on

------------------------' m
_____________, have submitted their signed PARENTAL CONSENT prior·

to the conduct of the said activity.

This certification is issued as a requirement of our participation to the said activity

and which will redound to the welfare of our learners.

Printed Name and Signature

of School Head

Note: Submit this to the division office

Enclosures - Secondary
Enclosure No. E_ to Division Memorandum No. !J:!:.3_ s., 2017 (Schedule)


No. Northern
1 Ana Marie Jasmin
2 Aloyda Calangan
3 Susana Agader
4 Heidi Domingo
5 Rosario Sarmiento
6 Eddie Villena
7 Danilo Reyes
8 Ronnie tlibas
9 Leah Gay Valdez
10 Divina Gracia Jazareno
11 Leah Gay Valdez
12 Roselle Mendoza
13 Jonathan Pamittan
14 Mark Daniel Atabay
15 Leonora Cortado
16 Divina Gracia Jazareno
17 Gilbert Migano
18 Aloyda Calangan
19 Maria Leonora Cortado
20 Teresita Taboy
21 Gilbert Migano
22 Elenalyn Taleon
23 Mariza Toralba
24 Merly Fernandez
25 Arsenia Dulawan
26 Florabel Mutia
27 Mickael Raymundo
28 Fely Alfredo

Enclosures - Secondary

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