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You’re not going to believe this.

This trick actually works.

Trust me—I’m not joking.

I’ve tested this trick on 10 students and it worked every time.


Step one: place your smartphone out of reach.

Step two: change all devices to airplane mode, or otherwise disable wi-fi.

Step three: stare at the wall for 30 seconds and imagine that you have
completed all of your studies. Imagine what it feels like to have completed your

Step four: you have now TRICKED your brain into forming a plan to complete
your studies.

Step five: complete your studies, following your brain’s instructions.

Step six: re-load the wi-fi, grab your smartphone, and celebrate. :D

Good code is like a joke. If it has to be explained, it is not a good


The second you start relying on others to deliver what you want,
you lose. This is on you, my friends. Live a life with zero
expectations and you’ll never get hurt. Live a life knowing that
your happiness and success are fully reliant on your actions and
mindset, and you will win. Got it?
Infinite possibilities all at your fingertips, puzzles to solve and only limited by your creativity

“Forget mistakes. Forget failure. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do
it.” — Will Durant

"gorgeous enough to enjoy staring at"


Hard Work:
The only thing we can control.
You may not be the smartest, the fastest, or the most
well-rounded, but you have the same hours in the day as
anybody else. You really want it that bad? Then you’ll put
in the hours to get there. And if for whatever reason you
don’t get what you initially set out to get, I promise you
will still be better off for it. You’ll either stumble on
something new that you didn’t initially think of, or, you’ll
realize that what you originally wanted wasn’t actually
what was going to make you happy. But there’s only one
way to find out. WORK.

Be grateful. You’re here. It’s another day.
All the information in the world is at your fingertips. You
want to learn something new? Cool. Go do it. You want to
reach out to that person you admire? Great. Go hit them
up directly. You want to escape from your reality and be
entertained. Have at it. We’re living through the greatest
era of all time and for whatever reason, there’s just far
too many of you wasting time and complaining with your
head down.
Everybody has ‘something’ so before you judge or spew hate, realize that
that we’re all living the same life, just in different bodies. We’re all the
same, doing our best to navigate the world that we’ve been thrown into.
And so, if there’s one thing I can entirely get rid of, it’s the negativity that
so many of us default to. It’s only a reflection of you and your inner
turmoil, so if you really want to leave a mark on this world, think before
you leave that negative comment or talk behind that person’s back. Spread
the love because karma is fucking practical. Do good and good will come
back to you. Make positivity louder and begin to see the results.

of course, there’s people in this world that are going through some horrific
shit, but if you’re reading this article right now, I’m almost certain you don’t
fall into that category, so please stop complaining. If you’re truly unhappy,
then figure it the fuck out. Remove money from the equation and understand
what makes you tick. Go all in on that and unlock the happiness you seek.
Take advantage of all the resources we have out our disposal and put in the
fucking work to make something happen. You have to be practical and you
have to work your ass off to get there
They will be written about, talked about, and examined by their peers in numerous ways. The
world will then pass judgment upon them as being “lucky” in some way, and will be unaware of
the agony and loneliness that each one experienced before they began their march upward
toward accomplishment.

So, foolish as it may sound, thank God for your present limitations or failure, for you now
occupy a status from which nearly all success stories originate. You can go where you want to
go, do what you want to do, and become what you want to become ... right from where you

The world will willingly stand by and let you feel sorry for yourself—until you finally die broke
and alone—if that’s what you want. It will also stand aside for you once you firmly decide that
your present situation is only temporary, and that you will get back up and go on to make your
mark. The world doesn’t really have time to care which choice you make, so for yourself at
least, give a run at adventure, with your eyes firmly set on achievement, not merely existence
and self-pity.

From this moment on, and for what remains of the balance of your life, make your commitment
to excellence, remembering that it is your challenge to succeed. After all, you only have one
life! Let’s do something remarkable!


Gross form of rationalization used by the lazy and bastardly to justify their voluntary lack of human
progress. And by lazy and bastardly I clearly include those who give up in the face of difficulty—even
severe difficulty; those who make less than a total commitment to any cause, calling, or occupation—
and I most definitely include those who never even try to advance their situation in life through effort.

The only limitation placed on our abilities is our inability to easily recognize our unlimited nature. It
takes effort to become aware of our staggering and limitless abilities. It takes effort to become
enthusiastic over a cause, or an occupation. It takes effort to continue when our results—as well as our
friends—tell us to give up trying. It takes effort to feel right about everything that happens— the joy as
well as the sorrows of life. And it also takes effort to learn to love ourselves above all others, especially
when we are so consciously aware of our failures, doubts and tragedies. It does not, however, take
effort to fail. It requires little else than a slowly deteriorating attitude about our present, our future, and
about ourselves. It is ironic that one of the few things in this life over which we have
total control is our own attitudes, and yet most of us live our entire life
behaving as though we had no control whatsoever

By our attitude, we decide to read, or not to read. By our attitude, we decide to try or give up. By our
attitude, we blame ourselves for our failure, or we foolishly blame others. Our attitude determines
whether we love or hate, tell the truth or lie, act or procrastinate.

At this very moment in time, as you read these words, your attitude has determined what you are.
Your enthusiasms, intensity, faith in yourself, patience with yourself and others, and childish excitement
about your boundless future is a result of that single word—attitude. The work of God is finished, but
the work of creating your better future has just begun. For as long as you continue to draw breath, you
have the chance to finish that work, and in so doing, complete the work in and for the earth and for
yourself that God has left undone. In the cycles and seasons of life, attitude is everything
Spring is the time for entering the bleak, empty fields given to us as a new chance.

Some will work only a little—enough to give to themselves excuses for the meager
results come the fall.

The catalyst that produces the final result is intense, honest, and consistent human effort, and therein
lies the problem. As humans, we are given free agency—the right to choose; the right to use discipline,
or not use it; the choice to act with courage, or huddle in fear; the choice to think, or respond out of
habit. Choose action, not rest. Choose truth, not fantasy. Choose a smile, not a frown. Choose love, not
animosity. Choose the good in life in all things, and choose the opportunity as well as the chance to work
when springtime smiles on your life

It is the promise of spring that as we sow, so shall we also reap. Sow lies, reap lies; sow greed, reap
poverty; sow inactivity, reap an empty storehouse; choose to procrastinate, and surely an infant giant
will grow to become a monster rendering your future action ineffective.

The act of planting during the warm breezes of spring requires that we exert the pain of human
discipline, and being unwilling to do so assures that in the coming fall, we shall surely experience the
greater pain of regret—the difference is that the pain of discipline weighs ounces, and the
pain of regret weighs tons. We must either plant during the springtime of life, or beg
from others during the fall

The price or effort of thinking thoughts of love, prosperity, or self-confidence is no greater than the price
given to thoughts of hate, poverty, or self-doubt. Only the rewards are different.

Each day is given to us as a new season of spring. The thoughts, deeds, dreams, and efforts of today will
provide tomorrow’s harvest. To neglect the opportunity given to us this day is to delay our better future.
Do not use today to mentally re-live yesterday or to await the arrival of tomorrow, for tomorrow—
when it arrives—will be called today. There will be no better day.

the seasons will neither speed up nor slow down because of our needs. The springtime will only appear,
but it will not wait, nor will it transform seed into harvest. As always, the seed as well as our needs must
await the changing seasons. We cannot ask nature for an advance. Talent, need, desire, and prayer are
meaningless to those suffering the painful consequences of earlier neglect—and with empty stomachs,
barren storehouse, and great regret we must enter the fields during this spring, for
to neglect
once again because of our demeaning circumstances is to assure a
continuance of the current conditions.
Seize the moments as you find them and mold them into your own better future. Today’s
procrastination will surely be tomorrow’s regret

The opportunity to walk a beach with someone you love; the opportunity to absorb the value of a good
Life is truly a constant beginning, a constant opportunity, and a constant springtime. We need only to
learn to look once again at life as we did as children, letting fascination and curiosity give us welcome
cause for taking a second look, rather than taking for granted. Fortune, happiness, and peace of mind
await those who learn to look for the miraculous hidden among the common. The unique blending of
sun, soil, and seed at the springtime of seasons will provide predictable and miraculous results for those
who will learn to take full and complete advantage of the spring.

You cannot plant one crop and expect to reap another just because you change your mind during

In the fall, we either enjoy, or we excuse. For those who failed to take full advantage of the spring, who
failed to guard their crops carefully throughout the heat of summer, there can be no legitimate
reasons… only excuses, and excuses are merely apologetic attempts to place blame on circumstances
rather than on ourselves.

The difference between an inadequate apartment and a mansion on the hill is the same as the
difference between average effort in the spring and massive effort in the spring. Nature always promises
that a cup produces a bushel… that we will receive more than we plant. Knowing this, as all of us do, we
forget that to reap many bushels, which is the measure of success, we still must plant many cups.

And while there is great difficulty involved in changing one field for another more fertile field, that
difficulty is insignificant compared to the ultimate difficulty that comes from not changing.

Much of life is in learning to always remain part of the solution rather than allowing ourselves to become
part of the problem.

Neglect is always costly, and winter is merely a circumstance—an effect brought on by some earlier

To blame outside influences for the circumstance of winter is a convenient excuse for misplacing
responsibility. It is the normal human tendency to place blame for a winter of life on someone else,
which is why most humans reap the result of mediocrity that accompanies such behavior.

For things or circumstances to change, human attitudes, opinions, and habits must change.
Conversation on how things ought to be… on why things aren’t fair… is just that —conversation!
Unproductive conversation is what the lazy and unambitious engage in during the winters of life, for
there is a certain euphoria that such empty conversation produces which dulls the senses from the
harsh reality of how “things” really are

The same euphoria is found in television and those who use it as an escape from their own empty life.

Let winter find you planning for the arrival of spring, not contemplating the errors of commission and
omission of last year.

Let winter find you with a joyful countenance and a happy heart…

with a good word for all those around you; with confidence in the future, not apprehension; with
appreciation of the past, not regret; and finally, with gratitude for your achievements, adversities, and
uncertainties of life, for each is a form of blessing which removes all limitations from the future
possibilities of life.

let winter find you laughing more, even though the winds blow cold, and the snows cover the soil which
will soon bring new life.



It does not work out to say: the right or wrong choice.

Choice is choice - as a circle is a circle.

The circle is true or not true?

You make a choice and grow it, become what you choose and voila! ... ^ _ ^


Communication builds trust, and this is invaluable. If you can make your boss and customers
feel warm and fuzzy inside by expertly explaining your solution, and then build that solution,
the sky is the limit in every conceivable way. You become the go-to guy for large (and lucrative
and career enhancing...) projects because you make people feel good just by being involved. \

All of these make your code better. Yes you can learn different algorithms and design clean
code, but it won't matter a damn if you can't communicate.

Shift your mind from potential to results. Have you ever thought: "Once I achieve this and that,
I will do this step next, and then you fantasize about how all of these dots will connect in the
end". Life usually has other plans for you.

Stop with the mental excitation. A lot of people practice proactive procrastination by watching
videos, doing tutorials, reading books. They seem like they know so much and they feel like
they are almost "experts" and so much more enlightened than everyone else. But the only thing
that they actually miss is taking action and falling flat on their faces on the first try. If you want
to be good, you need to increase your input.

You will never be ready and the most prepared you will ever be will be today. Learning never
stops, do it on the move. Start even though you feel like you are not ready yet. But don't get
discouraged and half ass it either. "Sucking at something is the first step to becoming sorta
good at something" - Jake the Dog (Adventure Time) <3

mistake n8 - Learning for the sake of learning

While you learn to program, remember: it is not just for passing a test and empty your brain
after it. Well, for passing a test too, but first it is for your future. So relax and … prepare for
endless absorption of information and even more endless coding.

mistake n9- tried to solve the task once and didn’t get the right answer. I should ask Google
… or my tutor … or that software developer I met recently.”

Stop, stop, stop. You haven’t even tried yet!

Of course, it is hard to estimate the right time to ask for help. However, first ask yourself why
you want to get help right now. Probably, it is just your laziness or that you want to go through
the task faster. If that is the case, don’t do it. — This is your learning we are talking about here,
not a speed competition.


You’re not going to believe this.

This trick actually works.

Trust me—I’m not joking.

I’ve tested this trick on 10 students and it worked every time.


Step one: place your smartphone out of reach.

Step two: change all devices to airplane mode, or otherwise disable wi-fi.

Step three: stare at the wall for 30 seconds and imagine that you have
completed all of your studies. Imagine what it feels like to have completed
your studies.
Step four: you have now TRICKED your brain into forming a plan to complete
your studies.

Step five: complete your studies, following your brain’s instructions.

Step six: re-load the wi-fi, grab your smartphone, and celebrate. :D


The fall tells us if we have really done that which is required, or if we have fooled ourselves
through the temporary anesthetic of conversation and pretense… of telling ourselves we’ve
worked when we haven’t.

The physically inactive season of winter is a time for adding to our storehouse of
knowledge through continued education, which in truth does not mean learning
things that we do not know, but in learning to behave as we do not
now behave.

Winter can be yet another season of opportunity. It can be a time for reading, a time
for planning, a time for gathering our strength for the coming spring, and a time for
taking comfortable shelter. It can be a time of great enjoyment, a time to be shared
with those we love. It is a time of thanksgiving, and a time for the sharing of life’s
bounteous gifts. Winter is a time for being grateful, both for what we have, as well as
for what we can yet achieve. Winter is a time for rest, but not excessive rest. It is a
time to enjoy the fruits of our labors, but not a time for gluttony. It is a time for
warm conversations, but not a time for gossip. It is a time of gratitude, but not a time
for complacency. It is a time to be proud, but not a time to be egotistical.

To those who are prepared for winter’s arrival, let them use winter as they would use
spring… to take advantage. For things or circumstances to change, human attitudes,
opinions, and habits must change. Conversation on how things ought to be… on why
things aren’t fair… is just that —conversation! Unproductive conversation is what the
lazy and unambitious engage in during the winters of life, for there is a certain
euphoria that such empty conversation produces which dulls the senses from the harsh
reality of how “things” really are

The same euphoria is found in television and those who use it as an escape from
their own empty life.

Let winter find you planning for the arrival of spring, not contemplating the errors of
commission and omission of last year.
Let winter find you with a joyful countenance and a happy heart… winter is a time for
being sincere with ourselves, about ourselves, when the tendency is to fool ourselves.

The wisdom that comes with the careful use of winter teaches us also that evolution is
merely revolution at a slower pace, and that constant gradual change is the order of
the universe. Only those worthy human attributes of honesty, loyalty, love, and trust in
God and in our fellow man are meant to remain constant. Winter is a time for being
grateful for our achievements, or for having endured our lack of achievement.


One sure formula for bitterness and resentment is to give to other people, when you

are lacking. Put your own oxygen mask on before you help someone else with theirs.

it’s your choice—and bringing it back to seasons—there are going to be different

choices you make at different seasons of your life, based on your goals in life.

Just try to avoid self-deception, telling yourself that you don’t have a choice—as if it’s
out of your control .




Working hard feels good. Of course it’s exhausting and stressful and causes you to miss a party or two,
but at the end of the day it is so rewarding. One of the best feelings in the world is when you know that
luck didn’t play a role in your success. Doing work eliminates the need for luck. I’m not lucky.

You’re not a parking ticket. Don’t get so easily validated.

if someone is no longer in your life by choice, then they are not right for you.

It is your job, solely yours, to create the best possible environment for yourself. It’s not your parents’
job. It’s your life, your goals, your ambitions, and therefore your task.

Time can be your friend if used wisely.--

Until we reach them, all goals do is exert
pressure from afar. Even worse, when we
finally do achieve them, they disappear.
At the end of the day, what you want is happiness. But
happiness is fuzzy and hard to measure — a
spontaneous byproduct of the moment. There’s never a clear
path to it. While goals can drive you forward, they can never
make you enjoy the drive itself.

A theme might be a single word — a verb, a noun, or an

adjective. “Commit,” “growth,” and “healthy” are all valid
themes. So are “invest,” “help,” “kindness,” and “gratitude.”

If you want to be kind, be kind today. If you want to be rich,

commit today. If you want to be healthy, choose health today.
If you want to be grateful, say “thank you” today.
A goal asks “what do I want?” but a theme
asks “who am I?”
Themes are immune to anxiety about tomorrow. They are
indifferent to your regrets about yesterday. All that matters is
what you do today, who you are in this second, and how you
choose to live right now. With a theme, happiness becomes
more about how you behave rather than what you achieve. Life
is not a series of wins and losses. Though our highs and lows
may shock us, lift us up, and forever shape our memories,
they do not define us. Most of life happens in the in-between,
and what we want in life must be found there.

Your potential for happiness is spread across time. It may not

be spread equally, but themes make the most use of that
potential. Themes make your goals a byproduct of your
happiness instead of letting your happiness become a
byproduct of your goals.

A goal needs constant visualization for it to materialize. A

theme can be internalized whenever life prompts you to reflect
on it.

A goal splits your actions into good and bad. A theme makes
every action part of a masterpiece.

A goal is an external constant you can’t control. A theme is an

internal variable you can.

A goal condemns you to order the chaos of life or deem

yourself a failure. A theme provides room to succeed amid
that chaos.
A goal asks “where did we get today?” A theme asks “what
went well today?” Goals are sticky. They’re clunky armor,
weighing you down. A theme is fluid. It sinks in, becoming part
of who you are. It flows from the inside out, allowing you to
change as you go.

When we use goals as our primary means of attaining

happiness, we trade long-term life satisfaction for short-term
motivation and reassurance. A theme gives you a meaningful,
achievable standard to live up to. Not once in a while but every
day. It’s a way of being content with who you’re becoming,
choice by choice, one act at a time, and finding peace in that.

No more waiting. Just decide who you want to be, then be that

A theme will bring something to your life no goal ever can: the
feeling that who you are today — right here, right now — is

The Creation IS whole, and the mark of wholeness is holiness. The Soul is therefore
unalterable because it is ALREADY perfect, but the mind can elect the level it chooses
to serve.

The miracle thus has the unique property of shortening time

by rendering the space of time it occupies unnecessary. There

is NO relationship between the time a miracle TAKES and the

time it COVERS. It substitutes for learning that might have

taken thousands of years. It does this by the underlying

recognition of perfect equality and holiness between the doer

and the receiver on which the miracle rests.


Love is a choice, not an emotion. Love is an action, not a feeling. Love is

deliberate, not passive. Love is not something that happens “to you;” love is
something you do.
This mindset isn’t healthy.

Personal trainer Max Posternak says, regarding anyone who feels “too lazy” to
adopt or maintain a fitness routine:
“It all starts with your mental disposition… You have to take responsibility… Nobody
will take responsibility for you… Nobody can make the decision for you… You have
to take full responsibility…
Every time you stop, no matter what reason you come up with, you are refusing to
take responsibility. And then you fall down this slippery slope and make it harder
and harder to take that responsibility.”

If you’re waiting for a clearcut, definite, black and white, concrete “sign” that they’re
“the one,” you’re gonna be waiting forever. Love doesn’t work like that.

The “knowing” in love is inherently abstract and amorphous. You can fight this,
pushing for more clarity, but the “certainty” in love is not concrete — there will never
be anything to point to, touch, or measure.

So if you’re not open to “abstract certainty,” you will never, ever experience love.
You’ll be too distracted looking for “concrete signs” that, by nature, will never
appear. Instead, you’ll probably latch onto concrete signs that have nothing at all to
do with love, and end up disappointed in other ways.

The thing that should be at the top of your checklist is “emotional stability and
self-sufficiency.” And it should be the top thing you cultivate in yourself as well.

When we talk about “actively ensuring your own needs are met,” we do not mean
“actively asking others to meet them.” We mean “actively working to meet
them yourself.” Healthy relationships do not start from a standpoint of “scarcity,”
“shortage,” or “something missing.” Contrary to popular cliches, they are not about
finding our “other half,” or someone to “complete” us. Healthy relationships are built
only with people who are already complete going in.
And even the other biggies — communication, trust, respect, etc. — will come along
afterwards, fluidly and organically, if emotional stability is well-nurtured and in place
by each individual (regarding their own, not each others’) going in. You will foster
good values — and find partners who mirror them — if you have emotional
self-sufficiency, and solid self-respect.

 Sit by yourself. Sit “without a device or distraction, for a few minutes. Look
inside. Notice your thoughts as they come up. Get to know your mind.” — Leo

 Learn to fix your own problems. “If you are bored, fix it. If you are lonely or hurt,
comfort yourself. If you are jealous, don’t hope that someone will reassure
you … reassure yourself.” — Leo Babauta

 Take responsibility. We only control ourselves — we do not control other people,

or the environment. Figure out what falls within your real control (yourself) and
focus on that.

We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in

one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We
are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The
past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix
us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.


Be proud of the little things you accomplish each day. There are days where going

up the stairs leaves you breatheless and gets y heart pounding – in a not so cute


Eliminate the concept of perfection from your world. Delete all social media apps

and disconnect.
“Everything you do matters. Everything you don’t do also matters.” -Amy Kaur

Remember the bigger picture.

You are always enough.

You can’t mess up the right thing

“Let it hurt, then let it go.” -r.h. Sin

You’re not ready to face the sun for a reason and it’s a valid one.

Remember that you will love the sun again. And it will continue to love you back

when you’re ready because it never stopped.

When you’re in a dark place, you sometimes tend to think you’ve been buried.

Perhaps you’ve been planted. Bloom.

You are stronger than you know.

You deserve a whole sheet of gold stars for getting out of bed today.

Happier times are coming.

When you are filled with self-love you make better choices.

You are brave.

Your mental health is your biggest priority.

What’s coming is better than what you may have lost.

Fall in love with taking care of yourself.

Don’t be in such a rush to figure everything out. Embrace the unknown and let life

surprise you.

Calm is your superpower.

Its’ ok to grow slow.

Give yourself more credit. You’re doing your best and that’s all you can do.

Think about all that you are instead of all that you are not.

“Write hard and clear about what hurts.” – Ernest Hemingway

Become more aware of what’s actually worth your energy.

The key is to catch yourself at the start of a negative thought session. Then

immediately redirect your mind towards something you appreciate, learned, or look

forward to as a result.

“All that makes you fragile and fierce and clever and powerful and wounded and

creative and layered and thoughtful and moody and insightful and wild and

damaged, can be described in one sing world: lovely.” – Beau Taplin – Lovely

Stay close to people who feel like sunlight.

Wake up and do what you can. Then be proud of that.

“One day you will look back and see that all along you were blooming” -Morgan
Harper Nichols

You might just need some time in a beautiful place to clear your head. No

screens, noise or distractions.

You are still young and the universe is endless. Somehow everything will be ok.

“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you.

And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you that the side

you are used to is better than the one to come?” – Rumi

You are soft, strong, and smart. Soft enough to care, strong enough to handle it,

and smart enough to know when to walk away.

You aren’t a failure for feeling the way you do.

You are not your thoughts.

You have the freedom and power to reinvent yourself over and over again.

Seeking help and advice makes you wise, strong, and empowered- not needy or


You are strong. Even if you don’t feel that way right now, you are tough as nails

and soon you’ll see it too. I promise.


Instead of fucking left and right or being imprisoned by a cliché pair of

metaphorical handcuffs and empty promises, go, live and explore. Don’t imprison
yourself just yet — the routine, most likely, will one day make a grand
appearance on stage accompanied with a mini van, school lunches, and
miscellaneous hustle.

The time will come when you will truly and genuinely fall in love. But for now,
don’t force it. Instead, become worthy, intriguing, begin to love yourself, study,
explore, breathe, travel, laugh. You attract what you are.

Obtain, consume, gather knowledge as much as you can. Instead of watching

stupid telenovelas, read. Instead of falling into the famous YouTube black hole,
learn how to code in JS or how to draw or go to the gym or learn Calculus
on your own. For employers: you are your skills. Your skills get paid. Increase
your “worthiness.”

Acquire skills, which you can convert into money in 1, 2, 3. For example:
coding, fixing cars, stock investments with payoff, hacking, marketing drawing —
anything that will give you a reassurance that you won’t starve when shit hits
the fan.

Major in something that makes money. I understand that you may be full of
noble aspirations, be chivalric and be the next Jesus. However, help yourself
first. The world comes second. You don’t have to take my advice but from what
I learned, majoring in psychology and at the age of 22 searching for a job will
not be fruitful due to poor credentials.

Yes, most likely all your friends are getting laid, getting drunk, and flying to the
Caribbean Islands for Easter because they’ve got rich parents. But all of this
doesn’t matter. Your circumstances, burdens, and responsibilities do not define
you. You are not a loser. In 2 years, you'll get into law school, or start a
Master's in Mathematics, or establish a billion dollar company because right
now, you are investing in yourself and investment in knowledge always pays the
best interest. "He who laughs last, laughs best."

3. If you stick to it. If you persist. If you continue to exhibit passion, intitative,
and ambition. If you continue to put in smart work. If you get yourself together
for a couple of hours and complete whatever needs to be done, your future
self will thank you. The best way to relax is to take care of the thing that’s on
your mind ASAP and only then go chill. You can't properly chill if that
malignant spirit, called unfinished work, is haunting 24/7. It’s all a matter of
perception. Think about yourself in 5 years. Where will you be? With whom?
With what? Your current self is responsible for your future.

Always prioritize and understand what’s important and what’s less important.
Write a 1 year plan, know what you want, break it up into small chunks, and
religiously every day follow the path to the final achievement.

You’re 1 decision away from totally different life

Learn with a teaching intention

Your question can tell much more

Outthink outfocus

Self discipline is doing something whether you feel like it or not.

Self-discipline requires effort and, for some people, huge amounts of self control. What this young
man suggests is to not leave yourself the choice of doing otherwise. That would mean you don't
even need discipline, you just have to do what you have to do, like your life depends on it, like you
would need that to survive. You wouldn't need self-discipline to survive.

If you don't read fast enough, and not give your mind a stimula it needs, it will entertain
itself by mindwandering, by distracting itself. Jim Kwik

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