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“Although in the Personnel Manual of the

. WENPHIL CORPORATION, petitioner, it states that an erring employee
vs. must request for an investigation it does not
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION AND thereby mean that petitioner is thereby relieved
ROBERTO MALLARE of the duty to conduct an investigation before
(G.R. No. 80587, February 8, 1989) dismissing private respondent. Indeed said
provision of the Personnel Manual of petitioner
FACTS: Respondent was hired by Petitioner first, which may effectively deprive its employees of
as a crew member, then as Assistant Head of the the right to due process is clearly against the law
Backroom in its Cubao branch. On May 29, 1985, and hence null and void. The security of tenure
the Respondent got into an altercation with his of a laborer or employee is enshrined in the
coworker, Job Barrameda which resulted in Constitution, the Labor Code and other related
Barrameda’s suspension while respondent was laws.
dismissed from work.
“Under Section 1, Rule XIV of the Implementing
His dismissal prompted the Respondent to file a Regulations of the Labor Code, it is provided that
complaint for illegal suspension, illegal dismissal "No worker shall be dismissed except for just or
and unfair labor practices before the Labor authorized cause provided by law and after due
Arbiter. The Labor Arbiter, however, dismissed process." Sections 2, 5, 6, and 7 of the same
the complaint. But upon appeal to the NLRC, the rules require that before an employer may
said tribunal reversed the decision of the Labor dismiss an employee the latter must be given a
Arbiter. written notice stating the particular act or
omission constituting the grounds thereof; that
Petitioner cried foul imputing to the NLRC the employee may answer the allegations within
committed grave abuse of discretion, a reasonable period; that the employer shall
contending that the decision of Petitioner to afford him ample opportunity to be heard and
dismiss Respondent was justified. In support of to defend himself with the assistance of his
his contention, Petitioner cited a provision in the representative, if he so desires; and that it is
“Personnel Manual” which states that if an only then that the employer may dismiss the
employee commits an offense punishable with employee by notifying him of the decision in
suspension of more than 15 days, an writing stating clearly the reasons therefor.
investigation may be conducted at the request
of the concerned employee. In this case, said “The failure of petitioner to give private
Petitioner, Respondent did not request for an respondent the benefit of a hearing before he
investigation, therefore, Respondent’s right to was dismissed constitutes an infringement of his
invoke said provision should be deemed waived. constitutional right to due process of law and
equal protection of the laws.
ISSUE: Whether or not Respondent’s right to due
process was violated. “The rule is explicit as above discussed. The
dismissal of an employee must be for just or
HELD: “The incident happened on May 20, 1985 authorized cause and after due
and right then and there as afore repeated on process. Petitioner committed an infraction of
the following day private respondent was the second requirement. Thus, it must be
suspended in the morning and was dismissed imposed a sanction for its failure to give a formal
from the service in the afternoon. He received notice and conduct an investigation as required
an official notice of his termination four (4) days by law before dismissing petitioner from
later. employment. Considering the circumstances of
this case petitioner must indemnify the private Whether or not the hiring of
respondent the amount of P1,000.00. The independent security agency by Isetann to
measure of this award depends on the facts of replace the Security Checkers Section a valid
each case and the gravity of the omission ground for the termination of Ruben Serrano
committed by the employer. Whether or not the non-compliance of
Isetann of the 30-day written notice
requirement in Art 283 (old) of the Labor Code
G.R. No. 117040 January 27, constituted a denial of due process
RUBEN SERRANO, petitioner Article 283 of the Labor Code provides
vs that the employer may also terminate the
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION and employment of any employee due to the
ISETANN DEPARTMENT STORE, respondents installation of labor-saving devices, redundancy,
retrenchment to prevent losses or the closing or
cessation of operations of the establishment or
Facts: undertaking unless the closing is for the purpose
Sometime in1991, Isetann Department of circumventing the provisions of this Title, by
Store (Isetann) instituted a retrenchment serving a written notice on the workers and the
program which abolished its Security Checkers Department of Labor and Employment at least
Section. Isetann engaged the services of an one month before the intended date thereof. In
independent security agency. On October 11, case of termination due to the installation of
1991, Ruben Serrano, the head of Isetann’s labor-saving devices or redundancy, the worker
Security Checkers Section received a letter from affected thereby shall be entitled to a separation
the Human Resources Department of Isetann pay equivalent to at least one month pay or to at
terminating his services effective the same day. least one month pay for every year of service,
Because of loss of employment, Ruben whichever is higher. In case of retrenchment to
Serrano filed a complaint for illegal dismissal and prevent losses and in cases of closure or
monetary claims. cessation of operations of establishment or
Labor Arbiter rendered judgement undertaking not due to serious business losses
finding the dismissal of Ruben Serrano illegal or financial reverses, the separation pay shall be
and that Isetann failed to accord due process to equivalent to at least one month pay or at least
the petitioner. Isetann was ordered to pay one-half month pay for every year of service,
Ruben Serrano full backwages from the time of whichever is higher. A fraction of at least six
his dismissal until reinstatement. months shall be considered as one whole year.
Isetann appealed to National Labor Supreme Court held that Management
Relations Commission (NLRC) which, reversed cannot be denied the faculty of promoting
the decisionof the Labor Arbiter and ordered efficiency and attaining economy by a study of
Ruben Serrano to be given separation pay what units are essential for its preparation. To it
equivalent to one month pay for every year of belongs the ultimate determination of whether
service. NLRC held that the abolition of the services should be performed by its personnel or
Security Checkers and hiring of an independent contracted to outside agencies. While there
security agency constituted an exercise by should be mutual consultation, eventually
Isetann of its legitimate business decision. deference is to be paid to what management
Petitioner appealed to the Supreme decides. Consequently, absent proof that
Court. management acted in a malicious or arbitrary
manner, the Court will not interfere with the
Issue: exercise of judgement by an employer. The
termination of petitioner’s services was for an informing him that his region is the lowest
authorized cause. performer in terms of recruiting. As a result,
Supreme Court also held that not all meetings were held to tackle on issues and
notice requirements are requirements of due
Tongko was provided with directives as part of
process. Some are simply part of a procedure to
be followed before a right granted to a party can the changes needed to meet the goal.
be exercised. With respect to Art 283 of the Subsequently, Tongko received a notice of
Labor Code, the employer’s failure to comply termination with 15-day effectivity from receipt
with the notice of requirement does not of such letter.
constitute a denial of due process but a mere
failure to observe a procedure for the ISSUES:
termination of employment which makes the
1. Was there an employer-employee
termination merely ineffectual.
In sum, if in proceedings for relationship between Manulife and Tongko?
reinstatement under Art. 283, it is shown that 2. If yes, was Manulife guilty of illegal
the termination of employment was due to an dismissal?
authorized cause, then the employee should not
be ordered reinstated even though there is RULING:
failure to comply with the 30-day notice 1. “Thus, with the company regulations
requirement. Instead, he must be granted
and requirements alone, the fact that Tongko
separation pay in accordance with Art. 283.
If employee’s separation is without was an employee of Manulife may already be
cause, instead of being given separation pay, he established. Certainly, these requirements
should be reinstated. In either case, whether he controlled the means and methods by which
is reinstated or only granted separation pay, he Tongko was to achieve the company's goals.”
should be paid full backwages if he has been laid
off without written notice at least 30 days in
“Additionally, it must be pointed out that the
Petition granted and the resolution the fact that Tongko was tasked with recruiting a
NLRC is modifies by ordering Isetann to pay certain number of agents, in addition to his
petitioner separation pay equivalent to one other administrative functions, leads to no other
month pay for every year of service and full conclusion that he was an employee of
backwages from the time his employment was Manulife.”
terminated up to the time decision becomes
2. “Manulife did not even point out which
order or rule that Tongko disobeyed. More
TONGKO vs. MANULIFE importantly, Manulife did not point out the
specific acts that Tongko was guilty of that
FACTS: would constitute gross and habitual neglect of
Tongko started working at Manulife by virtue of duty or disobedience. Manulife merely cited
a Career Agent’s Agreement. He was first named Tongko's alleged ‘laggard performance,’ without
as Unit Manager in Manulife’s Sales Agency substantiating such claim, and equated the same
Organization and later on as Branch Manager. to disobedience and neglect of duty.”
When Manulife instituted manpower
development programs in the regional sales “Here, Manulife failed to overcome such burden
management level, he received a letter of proof. It must be reiterated that Manulife
even failed to identify the specific acts by which as of that date owing to his “non-satisfactory
Tongko's employment was terminated much less performance”.
support the same with substantial evidence. To
repeat, mere conjectures cannot work to Issue/s: Whether or not Aliling was illegally
deprive employees of their means of livelihood. terminated by reason of violation of due process
Thus, it must be concluded that Tongko was requirement.
illegally dismissed.”
Held: YES, Aliling was illegally terminated. As a
“Moreover, as to Manulife's failure to comply rule to effect a legal dismissal the employer
with the twin notice rule, it reasons that must show not only a valid ground therefor but
Tongko not being its employee is not entitled to also procedural due process should properly be
such notices. Since we have ruled that observed. When the Labor Code speaks of
Tongko is its employee, however, Manulife procedural due process, the reference is usually
clearly failed to afford Tongko said notices. to the two (2) notice rule, envisaged in Section 2
Thus, on this ground too, Manulife is guilty of (III), Rule XXIII, Book V of the Omnibus Rules of
illegal dismissal.” Implementing the Labor Code which provides:

“Section 2. Standard of due process:

ARMANDO ALILING, petitioner, vs. JOSE B. requirements of notice
FELICIANO, MANUEL F. SAN MATEO III, JOSEPH R. I. For termination of Employment base on just
LARIOSA AND WIDE WIDE WORLD EXPRESS causes as defined in Article 282 of the Coode:
CORPORATION, respondents. (a) A written notice served on the
employee specifying the ground or grounds of
Facts: Aliling was an employee of Wide Wide termination, and giving the said employee
World Express Corporation (WWWEC) who was reasonable opportunity to explain his side;
tasked to handle the company’s Ground Express (b) A hearing or conference during
(GX) involving domestic cargo forwarding
which the employee concerned, with the
services. Barely a month after, the company sent assistance of counsel if the employee so desires,
an email to the petitioner to express is given the opportunity to respond to the
dissatisfaction with the latter’s performance. On charge, present his evidence or rebut the
September 20, 2004 respondent through its evidence presented against him; and
memo asked Aliling to explain why he should not (c) A written notice [of] termination
be terminated for failure to meet expected job served on the employee indicating that upon due
performance (This letter was later denied to consideration of all the circumstance, grounds
have been received by the petitioner, thus he have been established to justify his termination.
was not able to explain). Thereafter, on a letter
dated October 1, 2004, respondent informed As to the first written notice, WWWEC did not
petitioner that his case was still in the process of adduce proof to show that a copy of the letter
being evaluated. On October 6, 2004, was duly served upon Aliling. Clearly enough,
respondent again wrote, this time to advise WWWEC did not comply with the first notice
Aliling of the termination of his services effective requirement. Lastly, the termination letter did
not specifically state Aliling’s “non-satisfactory
performance,” or that Aliling’s termination was Respondents then filed Civil Case No. 69294 for
by reason of his failure to achieve his set quota. Temporary Restraining Order (TRO), Injunction
In other words, the written notice of and Annulment of Extrajudicial Foreclosure Sale.
termination itself did not indicate all the They imputed bad faith on the part of petitioner
circumstances involving the charge to justify who did not officially inform them of the denial
severance of employment. or disapproval of their proposal to settle the
loan obligation by dacion via assignment of a
Here, the first and second notice requirements commercial property. The trial court granted a
have not been properly observed, thus tainting TRO effective for twenty (20) days.
petitioner’s dismissal with illegality.
Petitioner questioned the issuance of
preliminary injunction before the CA arguing
EQUITABLE PCI BANK, INC. vs. OJ-MARK that the respondents are not entitled to
TRADING, INC. and SPOUSES OSCAR AND injunctive relief after having admitted that they
EVANGELINE MARTINEZ were unable to settle their loan obligations. By
Decision dated October 29, 2004, the appellate
G.R. No. 165950 (August 11, 2010)
court sustained the assailed orders.

FACTS: Whether or not the respondents have shown a
Respondent-spouses Oscar and Evangeline clear legal right to enjoin the foreclosure and
Martinez obtained loans from petitioner public auction of the third-party mortgagors
Equitable PCI Bank, Inc. in the aggregate amount property while the case for annulment of REM
of P 4,048,800.00. As security for the said on said property is being tried.
amount, a Real Estate Mortgage (REM) was HELD:
executed over a condominium unit in San
Miguel Court, Valle Verde 5, Pasig City, Metro NO. The Supreme Court held that the
Manila where the spouses are residing. respondent spouses have not shown a clear
legal right to enjoin the foreclosure. According
Respondent-spouses defaulted in the payment to the SC:
of their outstanding loan obligation, they offered
to settle their indebtedness with the assignment 1. It is not sufficient for the respondents to
to the Bank of a commercial lot of simply harp on the serious damage they
corresponding value and also requested for stand to suffer if the foreclosure sale is
not stayed. They must establish such
recomputation at a lower interest rate and
clear and unmistakable right to the
condonation of penalties. The respondents injunction. Injunction is not a remedy to
failed to submit the required documents such as protect or enforce contingent, abstract,
certificates of title and tax declarations so that or future rights; it will not issue to
the bank can evaluate his proposal to pay the protect a right not in esse and which
mortgage debt via dacion en pago. The may never arise, or to restrain an action
petitioner initiated the extrajudicial foreclosure which did not give rise to a cause of
of the real estate mortgage.
action. There must be an existence of to sign the documents and demanded to be paid
an actual right. their benefits and separation pay. Labor Arbiter
2. Respondents failed to show that they ruled in favour of Petitioner. NLRC affirmed. CA
have a right to be protected and that ruled in favour of Solid Mills.
the acts against which the writ is to be
directed are violative of the said right. ISSUE:
On the face of their clear admission that
WON Solid Mills Inc, can withhold the
they were unable to settle their
payment of vacation and sick leave benefits, 13
obligations which were secured by the
month pay and separation pay.
mortgage, petitioner has a clear right to
foreclose the mortgage. Foreclosure is HELD:
but a necessary consequence of non-
payment of a mortgage indebtedness. Our law supports the employers’
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. institution of clearance procedures before the
The Decision dated October 29, 2004 of release of wages. As an exception to the general
the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. rule that wages may not be withheld and
77703 is hereby REVERSED and SET benefits may not be diminished, the Labor Code
ASIDE. Respondents application for a writ provides:
of preliminary injunction is DENIED.
Art. 113. Wage deduction. No employer, in his
own behalf or in behalf of any person, shall
EMER MILAN, RANDY MASANGKAY, WILFREDO make any deduction from the wages of his
MATUNDAN, NORA MENDOZA, ET AL., 1. In cases where the worker is insured with his
Petitioners, v. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS consent by the employer, and the deduction is
COMMISSION, SOLID MILLS, INC., AND/OR PHILIP to recompense the employer for the amount
ANG, Respondents. paid by him as premium on the insurance
2. For union dues, in cases where the right of
FACTS: the worker or his union to check-off has been
recognized by the employer or authorized in
Petitioners are employees of Solid Mills,
writing by the individual worker concerned; and
Inc. Petitioners were allowed by Solid Mills, Inc.
3. In cases where the employer is authorized by
to occupy a property owned by the latter known
law or regulations issued by the Secretary of
as the SMI Village. This was granted by the
Labor and Employment. (Emphasis supplied)
respondents to the petitioners out of liberality
and for convenience of the latter. Solid Mills
The Civil Code provides that the employer is
experience a serious financial losses to which
authorized to withhold wages for debts due:
had force its operation to ceased. The
petitioners then were required to sign a Article 1706. Withholding of the wages, except
memorandum of agreement with release and for a debt due, shall not be made by the
quitclaim before their vacation and sick leave employer.d
benefits, 13th month pay, and separation pay
would be released. Employees who signed the “Debt” in this case refers to any obligation due
memorandum of agreement were considered to from the employee to the employer. It includes
have agreed to vacate SMI Village, and to the any accountability that the employee may have
demolition of the constructed houses inside as to the employer. There is no reason to limit its
condition for the release of their termination scope to uniforms and equipment, as petitioners
benefits and separation pay. Petitioners refused would argue. Petitioners do not categorically
deny respondent Solid Mills’ ownership of the ruled that respondents were not illegally
property, and they do not claim superior right to dismissed.
it. What can be gathered from the findings of
the Labor Arbiter, National Labor Relations The NLRC affirmed the Labor Arbiter, finding
Commission, and the Court of Appeals is that that respondents’ separation from Zytron was
respondent Solid Mills allowed the use of its brought about by the execution of the contract
property for the benefit of petitioners as its between Fonterra and A.C. Sicat where the
employees. Petitioners were merely allowed to parties agreed to absorb Zytron’s personnel,
possess and use it out of respondent Solid Mills’ including respondents.
liberality. The employer may, therefore,
demand the property at will. The NLRC decision was assailed in a petition
under Rule 65 before the CA.
G.R. No. 205300, March 18, 2015
CA held that respondents were illegally
FONTERRA BRANDS PHILS., dismissed since Fonterra itself failed to prove
INC., Petitioner, v. LEONARDO LARGADO AND that their dismissal is lawful. However, the illegal
TEOTIMO ESTRELLADO, Respondents. dismissal should be reckoned from the
termination of their supposed employment with
Facts: Zytron on June 6, 2006. Furthermore,
respondents’ transfer to A.C. Sicat is tantamount
Petitioner Fonterra Brands Phils., Inc. (Fonterra) to a completely new engagement by another
contracted the services of Zytron Marketing and employer. Lastly, the termination of their
Promotions Corp. (Zytron) for the marketing and contract with A.C. Sicat arose from the
promotion of its milk and dairy products. expiration of their respective contracts with the
Pursuant to the contract, Zytron provided latter. The CA, thus, ruled that Fonterra is liable
Fonterra with trade merchandising to respondents and ordered the reinstatement
representatives (TMRs), including respondents of respondents without loss of seniority rights,
Leonardo Largado (Largado) and with full backwages, and other benefits from the
TeotimoEstrellado (Estrellado). time of their illegal dismissal up to the time of
their actual reinstatement.
Fonterra sent Zytron a letter terminating its
promotions contract. Fonterra then entered into Zytron and Fonterra moved for reconsideration,
an agreement for manpower supply with A.C. but to no avail. Hence, this petition.
Sicat Marketing and Promotional Services (A.C.
Sicat). Desirous of continuing their work as Issue:whether or not respondents were illegally
TMRs, respondents submitted their job dismissed. (By zytron and A.C. Sicat)
applications with A.C. Sicat, which hired them
for a term of five (5) months. Held: No.

When respondents’ 5-month contracts with A.C. We do not agree with the CA that respondents’
Sicat were about to expire, they allegedly sought employment with Zytron was illegally
renewal thereof, but were allegedly refused. terminated.
This prompted respondents to file complaints
for illegal dismissal against petitioner, Zytron,
As correctly held by the Labor Arbiter and the
and A.C. Sicat.
NLRC, the termination of respondents’
The Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint and employment with Zytron was brought about by
the cessation of their contracts with the latter.
We give credence to the Labor Arbiter’s latter, applying with A.C. Sicat, and working as
conclusion that respondents were the ones who the latter’s employees, thereby abandoning
refused to renew their contracts with Zytron, their previous employment with Zytron. Too, it is
and the NLRC’s finding that they themselves well to mention that for obvious reasons,
acquiesced to their transfer to A.C. Sicat. resignation is inconsistent with illegal dismissal.
This being the case, Zytron cannot be said to
By refusing to renew their contracts with Zytron, have illegally dismissed respondents, contrary to
respondents effectively resigned from the latter. the findings of the CA.
Resignation is the voluntary act of employees
who are compelled by personal reasons to whether the termination of respondents’
dissociate themselves from their employment, employment with A.C. Sicat is valid?
done with the intention of relinquishing an We agree with the findings of the CA that the
office, accompanied by the act of abandonment. termination of respondents’ employment with
the latter was simply brought about by the
Here, it is obvious that respondents were no expiration of their employment contracts.
longer interested in continuing their
employment with Zytron. Their voluntary refusal Foremost, respondents were fixed-term
to renew their contracts was brought about by employees. As previously held by this Court,
their desire to continue their assignment in fixed-term employment contracts are not
Fonterra which could not happen in view of the limited, as they are under the present Labor
conclusion of Zytron’s contract with Fonterra. Code, to those by nature seasonal or for specific
Hence, to be able to continue with their projects with predetermined dates of
assignment, they applied for work with A.C. Sicat completion; they also include those to which the
with the hope that they will be able to continue parties by free choice have assigned a specific
rendering services as TMRs at Fonterra since date of termination.11 The determining factor of
A.C. Sicat is Fonterra’s new manpower supplier. such contracts is not the duty of the employee
This fact is even acknowledged by the CA in the but the day certain agreed upon by the parties
assailed Decision where it recognized the reason for the commencement and termination of the
why respondents applied for work at A.C. Sicat. employment relationship.
The CA stated that “[t]o continuously work as
merchandisers of Fonterra products, In the case at bar, it is clear that respondents
[respondents] submitted their job applications were employed by A.C. Sicat as project
to A.C. Sicat xxx.” This is further bolstered by the employees. In their employment contract with
fact that respondents voluntarily complied with the latter, it is clearly stated that “[A.C. Sicat is]
the requirements for them to claim their temporarily employing [respondents] as TMR[s]
corresponding monetary benefits in relation to effective June 6[, 2006] under the following
the cessation of their employment contract with terms and conditions: The need for your service
Zytron. being only for a specific project, your temporary
employment will be for the duration only of said
In short, respondents voluntarily terminated project of our client, namely to promote
their employment with Zytron by refusing to FONTERRA BRANDS products xxx which is
renew their employment contracts with the
expected to be finished on or before Nov. 06, was justified. The LA finds Quiñanola was
2006.” illegally dismissed and orders Philippine Japan
Active Carbon Corporation and/or Tokuichi
Satofuka to reinstate her with backwages and
Respondents, by accepting the conditions of the
contract with A.C. Sicat, were well aware of and
even acceded to the condition that their Upon appeal to the NLRC, the
Commission approved the Labor Arbiter's
employment thereat will end on said pre-
determined date of termination. They cannot
now argue that they were illegally dismissed by
the latter when it refused to renew their ISSUE
contracts after its expiration. This is so since the Was there a constructive dismissal?
non-renewal of their contracts by A.C. Sicat is a
management prerogative, and failure of
respondents to prove that such was done in bad HELD
faith militates against their contention that they The Supreme Court rules that there was
were illegally dismissed. The expiration of their NO constructive dismissal.
contract with A.C. Sicat simply caused the A constructive discharge is defined as: "A
natural cessation of their fixed-term quitting because continued employment is
employment there at. rendered impossible, unreasonable or unlikely;
as, an offer involving a demotion in rank and a
diminution in pay." (Alia vs. Salani Una
PHIL. JAPAN ACTIVE CARBON CORP. and Transportation Co., January 29, 1971)
SATOFUKA v. NLRC and QUIÑANOLA In this case, Quiñanola's assignment as
G.R. No. 83239, 08 March 1989, FIRST DIVISION Production Secretary of the Production
(Griño-Aquino, J.) Department was not unreasonable as it did not
involve a demotion in rank (her rank was still
that of a department secretary) nor a change in
FACTS her place of work (the office is in the same
building), nor a diminution in pay, benefits, and
Olga S. Quiñanola employed as Assistant
privileges. It did not constitute a constructive
Secretary/Export Coordinator, was promoted to
the position of Executive Secretary to the
Executive Vice President and General Manager. It is the employer's prerogative, based
For no apparent reason at all and without prior on its assessment and perception of its
notice to her, she was transferred to the employees' qualifications, aptitudes, and
Production Department as Production Secretary. competence, to move them around in the
Although the transfer did not amount to a various areas of its business operations in order
demotion because her salary and workload to "ascertain where they will function with
remained the same, she believed otherwise so maximum benefit to the company." When an
she rejected the assignment and filed a employee's transfer is not unreasonable, nor
complaint for illegal dismissal. inconvenient, nor prejudicial to him, and it does
not involve a demotion in rank or a diminution
The Labor Arbiter found that the
of his salaries, benefits, and other privileges, the
transfer would amount to constructive dismissal
employee may not complain that it amounts to a
("she was dismissed for unjustified causes")
constructive dismissal.
hence, her refusal to obey the transfer order
NLRC's decision is affirmed insofar as it Minterbro's inaction on what they allege
orders herein petitioners to reinstate Quiñanola, to be the unexplained abandonment by Del
but she shall be reinstated to her position as Monte of its obligations under the Contract for
Production Secretary of the Production the Use of Pier coupled with petitioners’ belated
Department without loss of seniority rights and action on the damaged condition of the pier
other privileges. caused the absence of available work for the
union members. As Minterbro was responsible
for the lack of work at the pier and,
MINTERBRO, INC. and/or DE CASTRO v. consequently, the layoff of the union members,
NAGKAHIUSANG MAMUMUO SA MINTERBRO– it is liable for the separation from employment
SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES FEDERATION OF LABOR of the union members on a ground similar to
and/or ABELLANA, et al. retrenchment. This Court has ruled:

G.R. No. 174300, 05 December 2012, FIRST "A lay-off, used interchangeably with
DIVISION (Leonardo-De Castro, J.) "retrenchment," is a recognized
prerogative of management. It is an act
FACTS of the employer of dismissing
Mindanao Terminal and Brokerage employees because of losses in
Service, Inc. (Minterbro) is a domestic operation of a business, lack of work,
corporation managed by De Castro and engaged and considerable reduction on the
in the business of providing arrastre and volume of his business, a right
stevedoring services to its clientele at Port Area, consistently recognized and affirmed by
Sasa, Davao City. Del Monte is their exclusive this Court. The requisites of a valid
client. retrenchment are covered by Article 283
of the Labor Code."
Davao Pilots' Association, Inc. (DPAI)
informed Minterbro of its intention to refrain When a lay-off is temporary, the
from docking vessels at Minterbro’s pier for employment status of the employee is not
security and safety reasons until its docks are deemed terminated, but merely suspended.
repaired or rehabilitated. Minterbro decided to Article 286 of the Labor Code provides, in part,
rehabilitate the pier and on the same day, sent a that the bona fide suspension of the operation
letter to the Department of Labor and of the business or undertaking for a period not
Employment (DOLE) to inform DOLE of exceeding six months does not terminate
Minterbro’s intention to temporarily suspend employment.
arrastre and stevedoring operations. When Minterbro failed to make work
The Union composed of respondents available to the union members for a period of
Manuel Abellana, et al., employees of more than six months by failing to call the
Minterbro, filed a complaint for payment of attention of Del Monte on the latter’s
separation pay against Minterbro and De Castro. obligations under the Contract of Use of Pier
and to undertake a timely rehabilitation of the
ISSUE pier, they are deemed to have constructively
Whether or not the union members/employees dismissed the union members.
were deprived of gainful employment making
Minterbro liable for separation pay
HELD Begino et. al. Vs ABS-CBN Corporation and Amala
The Supreme Court finds Minterbro
liable to its employees. FACTS:
Respondent ABS-CBN Corporation (ABS- to some degree of control, the same was
CBN) employed respondent Villafuerte as allegedly limited to the imposition of general
Manager. Thru Villafuerte, ABS-CBN engaged the guidelines on conduct and performance, simply
services of petitioners Begino and Del Valle as for the purpose of upholding the standards of
Cameramen/Editors for TV Broadcasting, the company and the strictures of the industry.
Petitioners Sumayao and Llorin were likewise
similarly engaged as reporters. Petitioners were ISSUE: Whether or not there exist an employer-
tasked with coverage of news items for employee relationship.
subsequent daily airings in respondents’ TV RULING:
Patrol Bicol Program.
Yes, there exist an employer-employee
Claiming that they were regular relationship.
employees of ABS-CBN, petitioners filed a
complaint against before the NLRC. In support of “ART. 280. Regular and Casual Employment.—
their claims for regularization, underpayment of The provisions of written agreement to the
overtime pay, holiday pay, 13th month pay, contrary notwithstanding and regardless of the
service incentive leave pay, damages and oral agreement of the parties, an employment
attorney's fees, petitioners alleged that they shall be deemed to be regular where the
performed functions necessary and desirable in employee has been engaged to perform
ABS-CBN's business. They averred that they activities which are usually necessary or
were repeatedly hired by respondents for desirable in the usual business or trade of the
ostensible fixed periods and this situation had employer, except where the employment has
hone on for years since TV Patrol Bicol has been fixed for a specific project or undertaking
continuously aired from 1996 onwards. the completion or termination of which has
been determined at the time of the engagement
Respondents argued that, although it of the employee or where the work or service to
occasionally engages in production and be performed is seasonal in nature and the
generates programs thru various means, the employment is for the duration of the season.”
company had allegedly resorted to engaging
independent contractors who offered their An employment shall be deemed to be
services in relation to a particular program, such casual if it is not covered by the preceding
independent contractors were required to paragraph: Provided, That, any employee who
accomplish Talent Information Forms to has rendered at least one year of service,
facilitate their engagement for and appearance whether such service is continuous or broken,
on designated project days. Respondents argued shall be considered a regular employee with
that the company cannot afford to provide respect to the activity in which he is employed
regular work for talents given the and his employment shall continue while such
unpredictability of viewer. actually exists.

Respondents insisted that, petitioners The Court finds that, notwithstanding

were hired as talents, to act as reporters and/or the nomenclature of their Talent Contracts,
cameramen for designated periods and rates. petitioners are regular employees of ABS-CBN.
Although petitioners were inevitably subjected Time and again, it has been ruled that the test to
determine whether employment is regular or 4. Casual employees or those who are not
not is the reasonable connection between the regular, project, or seasonal employees.
activity performed by the employee in relation
to the business or trade of the employer. As • To determine the existence of said
relation, case law has consistently applied the
cameramen/editors and reporters, petitioners
were undoubtedly performing functions four-fold test, to wit:
necessary and essential to ABS-CBN’s business (a) the selection and engagement of the
of broadcasting television and radio content. employee;
Aside from the fact that said program is a
regular weekday fare of the ABS-CBN the record (b) the payment of wages;
shows that, petitioners were continuously re-
(c) the power of dismissal; and
hired by respondents over the years.
(d) the employer's power to control the
It is evident from the foregoing
employee on the means and methods by which
disquisition that petitioners are regular
the work is accomplished.
employees of ABS-CBN. This conclusion is borne
out by the ineluctable showing that petitioners Of these criteria, the so-called "control test" is
perform functions necessary and essential to the generally regarded as the most crucial and
business of ABS-CBN which repeatedly determinative indicator of the presence or
employed them for a long-running news absence of an employer-employee relationship.

Star Paper Corporation, Josephine Ongsitco &
• 4 kinds of employees contemplated in Sebastian Chua, Petitioners vs. Ronaldo D.
Art. 280 of the Labor Code: Simbol, Wilfreda N. Comia & Lorna A. Estrella,
1. Regular employees or those who have
been engaged to perform activities which are Facts: Petitioner Corporation has a company
policy promulgated in 1995, viz.
usually necessary or desirable in the usual
business or trade of the employer; 1. New applicants will not be allowed to be hired
if in case he/she has [a] relative, up to [the] 3rd
2. Project employees or those whose degree of relationship, already employed by the
employment has been fixed for a specific project company.
or undertaking, the completion or termination
2. In case of two of our employees (both singles
of which has been determined at the time of the
[sic], one male and another female) developed a
engagement of the employee; friendly relationship during the course of their
employment and then decided to get married,
3. Seasonal employees or those who work
one of them should resign to preserve the policy
or perform services which are seasonal in stated above.
nature, and the employment is for the duration
of the season; and Respondents herein were all regular employees
of the company. Simbol was employed by the
company. He met Alma Dayrit, also an employee
of the company, whom he married. On the other it creates a disproportionate effect and under
hand, Comia also married a co-employee, while the disparate impact theory, the only way it
Estrella had an affair with her co- employee. could pass judicial scrutiny is a showing that it is
reasonable despite the discriminatory, albeit
Respondents were all dismissed. disproportionate, effect.
Issue: Whether the policy of the employer Thus, for failure of petitioners to present
banning spouses from working in the same undisputed proof of a reasonable business
company violates the rights of the employee necessity, we rule that the questioned policy is
under the Constitution and the Labor Code or is an invalid exercise of management prerogative.
a valid exercise of management prerogative.

Ruling: The policy violates the rights of the

employee. To justify a bona fide occupational G.R. No. 124208 January 28,
qualification, the employer must prove two
factors: (1) that the employment qualification is
reasonably related to the essential operation of SYSTEM (GSIS), petitioner,
the job involved; and, (2) that there is a factual APPEALS and HEIRS OF ABRAHAM CATE,
basis for believing that all or substantially all represented by DOROTHY CATE,
persons meeting the qualification would be
unable to properly perform the duties of the job. respondents.
The concept of a bona fide occupational ---- X
 G.R. No. 124275 January 28,
qualification is not foreign in our jurisdiction. We
employ the standard of reasonableness of the
company policy which is parallel to the bona fide COMMISSION and PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE,
occupational qualification requirement. The petitioner,
cases of Duncan and PT&T instruct us that the APPEALS and HEIRS OF ABRAHAM CATE,
requirement of reasonableness must be clearly represented by DOROTHY CATE, respondents.
established to uphold the questioned
employment policy. The employer has the Facts:
burden to prove the existence of a reasonable
business necessity. Abraham Cate(Abraham) was a Rifleman of
We do not find a reasonable business necessity Philippine Navy before joining the Philippine
in the case at bar. National Police(PNP). During his service with the
PNP, he noticed a mass on his left cheek which
Petitioners’ sole contention that "the company after a series of tests turned out to be an
did not just want to have two (2) or more of its Osteoblastic Osteosarcoma, which is one of the
employees related between the third degree by
most aggressive primary bone cancer. He
affinity and/or consanguinity" is lame. That the
underwent a series of surgeries and
second paragraph was meant to give teeth to
the first paragraph of the questioned rule is radiotherapy, however, he died and was
evidently not the valid reasonable business survived by his wife and children.
necessity required by the law. It is significant to
note that in the case at bar, respondents were His wife filed a claim for income benefits with
hired after they were found fit for the job, but the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
were asked to resign when they married a co- under PD No. 626, as amended. The GSIS denied
employee. The questioned policy may not the claim on the ground that osteosarcoma is
facially violate Article 136 of the Labor Code but not considered an occupational disease under
PD No. 626 therefore there must be sufficient late Abraham, private respondents would not be
proof that Abraham had an increased risk of entitled to compensation.
contracting said ailment.
It is practically undisputed that under the
The decision of GSIS was affirmed by the present state of science, the proof referred by
Employees Compensation Commission(ECC), the law to be presented by the deceased private
however, the Court of Appeals reversed the respondent claimant was unavailable and
decision and declared that Abraham’s disease is impossible to comply with, the condition must
compensable on the ground that the Employees be deemed as not imposed.
Compensation Act is basically a social legislation
designed to afford relief to our working men, In the specific case of respondent, the
and should, therefore, be liberally construed in requirement is impossible to comply with, given
favor of the applicant. Hence, this petition for the present state of scientific knowledge. The
review. obligation to present such as an impossible
evidence must, therefore, be deemed void.
Respondent, therefore, is entitled to
compensation, consistent with the social
Issue: legislation’s intended beneficial purpose.
Whether or not the CA erred in ruling that the
ailment of the late Abraham is compensable
under the present law on employees’ “WHEREFORE, the petitions are DENIED.”


C. PAÑAFIEL Respondent, GR No. 192406,
In this case, Osteosarcoma is not listed as an January 21, 20015
occupational disease in the Amended Rules on
Employees’ Compensation. Hence, it is supposed
to be upon the claimant or private respondents
to prove by substantial evidence that the risk of FACTS:
contracting Osteosarcoma was increased by the
Ildefonso Pañafiel, the husband of the
working conditions of the late Abraham.
respondent Imelda Pañafiel, was hired by One
Substantial evidence means such relevant
Shipping Corp. for and in behalf of the principal
evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as
One Shipping Kabushiki Kaisha/Japan as second
adequate to support a conclusion.
engineer on board vessel MV/ACX Magnolia.
The rule is that awards of compensation cannot Respondent alleged that while on board the
rest on speculations and presumptions as the vessel, her husband experienced chest pain and
claimant must prove a positive thing. The difficulty in breathing which he reported to his
application of the rules would mean that absent superior, but was ignored. He returned to the
any proof that the risk of contracting the ailment Philippines on May 21, 2005 and sought for post
was increased by the working conditions of the medical examination from the petitioners but
was not heeded. Ildefonso suddenly collapsed or by the highest court of the land, as what
and died on July 2, 2005. Due to this incident, remains to be done is the purely ministerial
respondent filed for monetary claims against the enforcement or execution of the judgment.

The only exceptions to the rule on the

Petitioners, on the other hand, denied immutability of final judgments are (1) the
the monetary claims arguing that Ildefonso was correction of clerical errors, (2) the so-called
no longer their employee when the incident nunc pro tunc entries which cause no prejudice
occurred. to any party, and (3) void judgments. Nunc pro
tunc judgment does not pertain to rendering
new judgment; rather, it is one that places the
Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint previous judgment in proper form on the record
for lack of merit which the NLRC affirmed on to make it speak of the truth as to make it show
appeal. The issue was raised to CA through what the judicial action really was.
petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of Revised
Rules of Court. CA granted the petition and
reversed the resolution of NLRC. 2. Respondent is not entitled to avail death
benefits. In order to avail of death benefits, the
death of the employee should occur during the
ISSUES: affectivity of the employment contract. The
death of a seaman during the term of
1. W/N CA has jurisdiction over present employment makes the employer liable to his
case after the Resolutions of Labor Arbiter and heirs for death compensation benefits. Once it is
NLRC became final and executory established that the seaman died during the
effectivity of his employment contract, the
2. W/N Respondent is entitled to avail
employer is liable. In the present case, Ildefonso
death benefits
died after he pre-terminated the contract of
employment. That alone would have sufficed for
his heirs not to be entitled for death
HELD: compensation benefits. Furthermore, there is no
evidence to show that Ildefonso's illness was
1. CA has no jurisdiction on the case
acquired during the term of his employment
after the resolutions of NLRC became final and
with petitioners. Petition is GRANTED.
executory. It is a hornbook rule that once a
judgment has become final and executory, it
may no longer be modified in any respect, even
if the modification is meant to correct an Maersk-Filipinas Crewing, Inc. v. Avestruz GR
erroneous conclusion of fact or law, and 207010 Feb. 18, 2015
regardless of whether the modification is
attempted to be made by the court rendering it Facts: Toribio Avestruz was hired by Maersk-
Filipinas as Chief Cook on board the vessel M/V
Nedlloyd Drake for a period of six months. In the messman who witnessed the same. Apart from
course of Avestruz’s work, he had an argument Captain Woodward’s e-mails, no other evidence
with the ship’s captain, Charles C. Woodward. was presented by the petitioners to support
This argument resulted in Captain Woodward their claims. While rules of evidence are not
summoning and requiring Avestruz to write a strictly observed in proceedings before
statement regarding the incident. Captain administrative bodies, petitioners should have
Woodward likewise asked Messman Jomilyn P. offered additional proof to corroborate the
Kong to submit his own written statement statements described therein.
regarding the incident. On the very same day of
the incident, Captain Woodward informed It was incumbent upon the petitioners
Avestruz that he would be dismissed from to present other substantial evidence to bolster
service. After Avestruz’ return to the Philippines, their claim that Avestruz committed acts that
he filed a complaint for illegal dismissal, constitute insubordination as would warrant his
payment for the unexpired portion of his dismissal. At the least, they could have offered
contract, damages, and attorney’s fees against in evidence entries in the ship’s official logbook
Maersk. Maersk alleged that Avestruz has been showing the infractions or acts of
lawfully dismissed due to insubordination. insubordination purportedly committed by
Avestruz, the ship’s logbook being the official
Issue: Whether or not Avestruz is illegally repository of the day-to-day transactions and
dismissed by his employee Maersk due to occurrences on board the vessel. Having failed
insubordination. to do so, their position that Avestruz was
lawfully dismissed cannot be sustained.
Ruling: Yes.
The Supreme Court also affirmed the
Insubordination, as a just cause for the finding of the CA that Avestruz was not accorded
dismissal of an employee, necessitates the procedural due process, there being no
concurrence of at least two requisites: (1) the compliance with the provisions of Section 17 of
employee’s assailed conduct must have been the POEA-SEC which requires the “two-notice
willful, that is, characterized by a wrongful and rule.”
perverse attitude; and (2) the order violated
must have been reasonable, lawful, made
known to the employee, and must pertain to the G.R. No. 196357 April 20, 2015
The Heirs of the late Delfin Dela Cruz vs.
duties which he had been engaged to discharge.
Philippine Transmarine Carriers

In this case, the contents of Captain

Woodward’s e-mails do not establish that FACTS:
Avestruz’s conduct had been willful, or
characterized by a wrongful and perverse The late Delfin Dela Cruz was contracted by
Philippine Transmarine carriers for the position
attitude. The Court concurs with the CA’s
of Oiler. He left the Philippines and embarked on
observation that Avestruz’s statement regarding August 17, 2000. While performing regular
the incident in the galley deserves more duties,, he was hit by a metal on his back. He
credence, being corroborated by Kong, a requested medical attention and was advised to
be given light duties. Upon the vessel’s arrival at petitioners failed to show the steps supposedly
a convenient port on August 16, 2001, his undertaken by Delfin to comply with the
contract expired and was signed off from the mandatory reporting requirement. To the
vessel. He also sought medical assistance but Court’s mind, this lapse on petitioners’ part only
was not extended such. Afterwards, he was not demonstrates that Delfin did not comply with
employed because he was already incapacitated what was incumbent upon him. The reasonable
to engage in his customary work. On November conclusion is that at the time of his repatriation,
13, 2003, he went to De Los Santos Medical Delfin was not suffering from any physical
Center and underwent X-Ray and MRI of the disability requiring immediate medical
Spine. He filed his claim for sickness allowance attendance.
but was not granted. His condition deteriorated Wherefore, the Petition is hereby
and thereafter, he was admitted at St. Luke’s DENIED.
Medical Center where he was diagnosed of
MPNST, a malignant peripheral nerve sheath
tumor. Marcopper Mining Corporation vs National Labor
Relations commission and National Mines and
On December 4, 2003, he filed a complaint Allied Workers’ Union G.R. No. 103525 March
before the NLRC, claiming a payment for 29, 1996
sickness allowance and disability compensation
in which it was moved to dismiss by the Facts: Marcopper mining corporation entered
Philippine Transmarine carriers on the ground of into a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the
prescription, the claim having filed beyond one National Mines and Allied Workers Union
year from the date of the termination of the effective from May 1, 1984 until April 1987.
contract. On May 6, 2005 Delfin passed away. Before the expiration of the CBA, they executed
a memorandum of agreement modifying the
CBA by adding wage increase 5% of the basic
ISSUES: rate, to be effective May 1, 1987. On June 1,
1987 Executive Order no. 178 was promulgated
Whether the heirs of the late Delfin Dela Cruz and it mandated the integration of the cost of
are entitled to permanent disability benefits and living allowance into the basic wage of the
sickness allowance. workers, its effectivity retroacts to May 1, 1987.
Petitioner implemented it by increasing first by
5% the basic rate base on the CBA and then
HELD: integrating the cost of living allowance to the
basic wage, the respondents assailed such
The 1996 POEA SEC concerning disability claims manner of increase and argued that cost of
and sickness allowance applies to the case living allowance should first be integrated before
where it states on Section 20 (3) that upon sign the 5% increase of the CBA is computed.
off for the purpose for medical treatment, the
seafarer shall submit himself to a post- Issue: Whether or not E.O. No. 178 should take
employment medical examination within three effect before computing the CBA increase?
working days upon his return except when he is
physically incapacitated to do so, in which case, Ruling: The Supreme Court ruled, “We rule for
a written notice to the agency within the same the respondents..
period is deemed as compliance. Furthermore,
failure to do such mandatory reporting The principle that the CBA is the law between
requirements shall result in his forfeiture of the the contracting parties stands strong and true.
right to claim the benefits. Unfortunately, the However, the present controversy involves not
merely an interpretation of CBA provisions. justice to labor, a policy, we are, likewise, sworn
More importantly, it requires a determination of to uphold.”
the effect of an executive order on the terms
and the conditions of the CBA. This is, and Philippine Airlines, Inc. (PAL) vs. National Labor
should be, the focus of the instant case. It is Relations Commision, Labor Arbiter Isabel P.
unnecessary to delve too much on the intention Ortiguerra, and Philippine Airlines Employees
of the parties as to what they allegedly meant by Association (PALEA), G.R. No. 85985 (August 13,
the term "basic wage" at the time the CBA and 1993)
MOA were executed because there is no
question that as of 1 May 1987, as mandated by Facts: In 1985, Philippine Airlines, Inc. (PAL)
E.O. No. 178, the basic wage of workers, or the completely revised its 1966 Code of Discipline
statutory minimum wage, was increased with
which was circulated among the employees and
the integration of the COLA. As of said date,
then, the term "basic wage" includes the COLA. was immediately implemented. In effect, some
This is what the law ordains and to which the employees were subjected to the disciplinary
collective bargaining agreement of the parties measures embodied therein. On August, the
must conform. same year, the Philippine Airlines Employees
Association (PALEA) filed a complaint before the
Petitioner's arguments eventually lose steam in National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) for
the light of the fact that compliance with the law
unfair labor practice, alleging that PAL violated
is mandatory and beyond contractual stipulation
by and between the parties; consequently, paragraphs E and G of Article 249 and Article
whether or not petitioner intended the basic 253 of the Labor Code, because the
wage to include the COLA becomes immaterial. implementation of the Code of Discipline was
There is evidently nothing to construe and unilaterally implemented without notice and
interpret because the law is clear and prior discussion with the Union. Also, some
unambiguous. Unfortunately for petitioner, said
provisions of the Code run counter to the
law, by some uncanny coincidence, retroactively
took effect on the same date the CBA increase construction of penal laws and making
became effective. Therefore, there cannot be punishable any offense within PAL’s
any doubt that the computation of the CBA contemplation. Lastly, PALEA alleged that copies
increase on the basis of the "integrated" wage of the Code had been circulated in limited
does not constitute a violation of the CBA. numbers.

Finally, petitioner misinterprets the declaration

PAL, on the other had asserts its prerogative as
of the Labor Arbiter in the assailed decision that
"when the pendulum of judgment swings to and an employer to prescribe rules and regulations
fro and the forces are equal on both sides, the regarding employees’ conduct in carrying out
same must be stilled in favor of labor." While their duties and functions, and alleging that by
petitioner acknowledges that all doubts in the implementing the Code, it had not violated the
interpretation of the Labor Code shall be collective bargaining agreement or any provision
resolved in favor of labor, it insists that what is of the Labor Code. PAL maintained that Article
involved here is the amended CBA which is
253 cited by PALEA referred to the requirement
essentially a contract between private persons.
What petitioner has lost sight of is the avowed for negotiating a CBA which was inapplicable in
policy of the State, enshrined in our this case.
Constitution, to accord utmost protection and
The Labor Arbiter Isabel Ortiguerra found that
there was no bad faith on the part of PAL in
adopting the Code and ruled that there was no
unfair labor practice. However, PAL was not
totally fault free. Management prerogative must
meet reasonableness, propriety and fairness.
Also, PAL failed to prove that the new Code was
amply circulated. Thus, PAL was ordered to
furnish all employees with the new Code, to
reconsider the cases of employees meted with
penalties under the new Code and discuss with
PALEA the objected provisions. NLRC affirms.

Issue/s: Whether the formulation of a Code of

Discipline among employees is a shared
responsibility of the employer and the

Ruling:The petition is DISMISSED and the

questioned decision AFFIRMED.

The exercise by management of its prerogative

shall be done in a just, reasonable, humane
and/or lawful manner.

Petitioner's assertion that it needed the

implementation of a new Code of Discipline
considering the nature of its business cannot be
overemphasized. Nonetheless, whatever
disciplinary measures are adopted cannot be
properly implemented in the absence of full
cooperation of the employees. Such cooperation
cannot be attained if the employees are restive
on account of their being left out in the
determination of cardinal and fundamental
matters affecting their employment.

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