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1. Company information Present tense
 Name of the company  Centro Group Events - Events logistics
 Trade’s name  Centro Group Events - Events logistics
 Company’s activity  Company organizer of business and social events
Company history Past tense
"Central Group Events" is an innovative company is one in terms of new trends for the realization of social and famil
y events seeking to enter the market in the city ofMedellín in order to meet their needs in
terms of this type of service providing personalized advice, support and the best service.
History of the company in detail Advertising has "Central Group Events" knows the importance of relying on one company that legarantice absolute tranquility in all d
been traditionally done? etails of the Organization and conduct of an event,
 What kind of advertising and what for this reason we train constantly to advise and respond with its proactivity to the trust deposited in our work. Looki
issues were addressed? ng
 What were the objectives of previous for not only being a provider of your company,but can become your strategic partner in logistics and organization of
campaigns? events.
 What are the characteristics of your Strategies of promotion
product or service? -Install posters or posters advertising, Manage brochures or flyers with the description of the products,
 What is the current position of your P.O.P. material, Radio notice, Web page and Advertising guideline in all my wedding.
product in the market? OBJECTIVE GENERAL
Return to prior studies and taking data for the transformation of enterprise organization of events "Central Group
Events" in an excellent establishment applying Strategic Marketing that meets the needs of your potential customers
and future.
• Design strategies of market to promote and position the services of our company organizing of events social and b
usiness in the city of Medellin.
• Formulate ideas and applying Strategic Marketing oriented products and the loyalty of the clients of the company
"Central Group Events"
Services for family events such as first communions, baptisms,
birthdays, marriages and anniversaries are offered them respective packages
which contain:
 Custom image, decoration, and wardrobe advice.
 Rental of room.
 Round glass of champagne.
 Ponque table decoration.
 Tables and chairs dressed.
 Food and waiters
 Custom image, decoration and design advice.
 Rental and room decor.
 Round glass of champagne.
 Background music.
 Cutlery, utensils, napkins. Meals, soft drinks and drinks.
 Dressed tables and chairs.
 Waiters.
 Flowers and arrangements.
 Table of trunk for envelopes and gifts.
 Advice personalized for image, decor and costumes.
 Hall, Church in general.
 Food buffet includes refreshments, tables and chairs dressed.
 Floral arrangements.
 Background music.
 The ponque table decoration.
 Cutlery, napkins, tea, soda and champagne table.
 Recordings of video and photos of the event.
 Rent room, waiters, liquor.
Current position of the product.
Although there enough competition, Central logistics Group of events, to managed to stay in the market, due to its
capacity for innovation, seeking the satisfaction ofthe customer according your suggestions, complaints and claims.
With this we have the opportunity to improve our service.
3. The product or service Present tense

Description of the product or service with all its By being a service, not has features physical.
 Physical (if it has)  Does not apply.
 Chemical characterization (if it has)  Does not apply.
 Packaging (if it has)  Does not apply.
 Benefits  Does not apply.
 Our service was published with success thanks to market research that took place. Many competitors, it
 Trajectory (how long was it released)
has remained on the market.
 Lifecycle Legislation  Does not apply.
4. SWOT matrix (Strengths, Weaknesses, Present tense
Opportunities and Threats)
 Weaknesses (they are internal to the
 Opportunities (they are external, what the S1: Offers broad portfolio to ho
sale opportunities are) ld events. W1: Being an SME needed many references to enter the m
 Strengths (they are internal) Threats S2: It arket.
boasts variety of suppliers to o W2: Disadvantage with other companies who have more e
(they are external)
rganize events. xperience in the subject.
S3: Low cost infrastructure. W3: Not having a wide portfolio of clients since we
S4: Variety of menus. are a new company in the market
S5: Advertising and promotion
S6: Quality of service
FACTORS S7: Excellent human talent


O1: Llow cost 1. Use marketing techniques, a 1. Find a strategic location, which is close to our future clie
O2: Great market nich chieving best prices to attract c nts, in this way increase our contacts and Yes our clientele.
e. lients (O1, S5, S3, S1) Attractive facilities in better locations, creating value for cu
O3: Great opportunity 2. Know the preferences of stomers
for growth due to the customers, offer eye-catching 2. (W3, O3)
large number of dema and quality menu, offering our 3. Improve the advertising sector to let residents know
nd services, with competitive about our services. (W1, D3, O1)
prices, excellent quality and 4. Emphasize the service providing a high level in comparis
thereby increase sales and our on with our competitors.O3 (W2,03)
customers, our service
differentiation. (O1, O3, S1, S
2, S4).
3. Generate employment amon
g the inhabitants of the commu
nity. (O2, S2)

T1. Default providers 1. 1. Our company will
T2. The great competi In order to avoid the breach to ensure the exclusivity and originality of our services, i.e., t
tion that already exist customers, it boasts qualified s hat each event is translated forever in the memory of those
s in the market taff working oras extras if present. (T2, W1, W2)
T3. Failing to fidelity t it is necessary to comply with a 2. Demonstrate professionalism in each one of the events t
o our segment schedule of activities. (S6, S7 o thus gain credibility, offer a complete service to our custo
, T1, T3). mers, get the job done right is our best letter ofintroductio
In low seasons create promotio n. (T1, T2, T3, W1, W2, W3)
ns and offers in our services. (
T2, S3, S5, S6,)
Present tense

5. Budget
It’s the money assigned to PERIOD YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3
the project. TOTAL INCOME $232.896.825 $244.541.666 $256.768.750
UNITS SOLD $83.1241 $87.280 $91.644
SALE PRICE $2.802 $2.942 $3.089
ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES $23.913.176 $25.108.834 $26.364.276

ADMINISTRATOR $12.890.488 $13.535.012 $14.211.763

SELLER $8.622.688 $9.053.822 $9.506.513
COUNTER $2.400.000 $2.520.000 $2.646.000

EXPENSES OF SALE $163.438.500 $171.610.425 $180.190.946

RAW $160.618.500 $168.649.425 $177.081.896
OTHER EXPENSES $2.820.000 $2.961.000 $3.109.050
NET FLOW $75.545.149 $47.822.407 $50.213527
6. Consumer/Target Audience Present tense
Our services offered in the organizer of events CENTRAL GROUP EVENTS are aimed at all persons, professionals, housewives,
Describe the three types companies or schools, and anyone who needs to organize a social or family event since we are in a very appropriate place where our
of consumers: segment are students we are near universities, colleges where we can make inroads into this market.
 End consumer: The person who Market potential: is made up of people who live in the city of Medellín with greaterneed for social and family events.
consumes the product, but Current market: to a large extent are students at nearby educational institutions thatrequire companies to organize their grade, birthda
doesn’t decide on the purchase. y parties, also forums, workshops and theme parties.
 Real consumer or objective:
The person who makes the Events logistics company supply is aimed at the inhabitants of nearby areas and on average has posted that attended by 80 people a
purchase decision. day distributed thus:
20% among 16 people from 10-24 years
 Potential Consumer: The person
70% among 56 people in the 25-35 years
who has a provisional contact
10% between 8 people aged 35 onwards
with the product or who will be
the consumer in the future.
Potential consumers would buy the products and services of CENTRAL GROUP EVENTS by necessity, by good quality in each of the
Describe the profiles
services, the ease of finding these products close to their training centers, for affordable prices, comfort and good care to buy these
 Demographic profile
 Geographic profile
Psychographic Medellin is a municipality in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia, with 2.263.095 inhabitants (DANE 2012). It
profile has an approximate extension of 197 square kilometers.Form part of the area Metropolitan. Medellin is known for being a smart city
with great technological advances its tourism, parks, and it has been pole of the progress of the region over the past years.

-Demographic profile
* Age
* Religion
* Gender
* Ethnic origin
* Marital status
-Geographic profile
* Size of the city
* Habitat
* Region
* Number of inhabitants
* Density
* Climate
-Psychographic profile
* Activities
* Style of life
* Attitudes
* Interests
Present tense
7. Competition/Positioning
According to Michael Portes must assess the rivalry between competitors, for this we should divide them into 2 groups:
Describe the type of competition  • Competition direct: the location with which is has provides advantage on the competitors, in addition to a plan and volume of s
your product or service has:
ales much greater to others business
 Direct
 Hint They are:
 Main Competition  Las Palmeras Casa de Eventos
 El Romeral
 Agasajos la Antigua
 Banquetes Casa Mónaco

• Indirect competition: competition that has is located in another area far

away andonly offers services for children's parties and Piñatas.
Present tense

8. Project objectives • Retention of consumers, keep existing consumers through excellent service and attention to the customer without set aside the prom
otions or offers.
Describe the goal to be achieved • Public relations activities, which usually manage to get positive impacts with its marketing strategies a company.
in your project. • Market share, designing a simple system to check whether each customer servedduring a marketing campaign is a new or existing cu
stomer and compare the numbers of new customers every day to measure progress toward the goal.
• Advertising, to publicize the product or service, inform about the advantages thatwould
involve the acquisition, persuade and make service unique in the eyes of theconsumer, positioning the brand.

Present tense
Them technical of collection of the information are the form or method of use to collect the information on a topic particular that want
9. Market research know. Such collection should be performed using a process step by step, planned for results that contribute favorably to parrot each of
the proposed objectives
Explain the market research you With the elaboration of the SWOT matrix could do a diagnostics real of our company, tells us, how we are, how we are
have made in your project: which going, which gives us the main element requiredfor decision-making, which is none other than the awareness of reality, when we
are the latest changes of consumers know our reality almost always we know what to do.
and the target public? We saw clearly what are our weaknesses, our opportunities, our strengths and our threats and elements than by having them clear,
gives us a global and comprehensive vision of our real situation.
We observed that it is essential to thoroughly prepare a SWOT matrix, as it is almost everything you need to make decisions timely and
appropriate to each situation that arises, and is likely, few situations to take us by surprise.
With the analysis PESTEL and gave a view macro of all them factors that will affect, the project, is made an analysis of the environment
economic, geographical, political, social, cultural and legal to level national e international.

- Now you can see, all the factor both internal and external, influence much regarding the decision of the customer when purchasing
our services that is why we are constantly researching to be prepared and Supplement the needs of the consumer.
Present tense

Central Group Events started with a small shop located in a strategic sector of the city of Medellin, now we offer our virtual services,
10. Schedule using social networks like WhatsApp, Instagram, Blogs and Facebook. We will increase sales and recognition of services while
maintaining a direct distribution channel (is the shortest connection between the fabricator or producer and the end consumer).
Include the distribution channels
for the products of your project:
 Direct
 Indirect

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