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It’s that Time of Year!

Dear Grade 2 Families, October 23, 2019

We are firmly into the fall season now and it’s a good time for a check-in on how and what
your child is doing in Grade Two. Today the online booking opens for Student-Parent-Teacher
Conferences (November 5, 6, 7). I would like to encourage and extend an invitation for ALL families
to attend.

We will be enjoying a Halloween theme day on Thursday, October 31! Classroom activities are
planned and we will also be joining other primary classes for some Halloween fun. Students are invited
to wear costumes but are asked to keep toy weapons and facemasks at home. I would also
encourage a change of clothing to be at school; sometimes costumes can be uncomfortable or
cumbersome or may not wish to be worn during outside play times. After the trick-or-treating I am also
asking for Halloween candy to remain at home to be enjoyed there. We would like to optimize your
child’s learning and success during the day, which is a challenge when children are sugar crashing
and consuming multiple candy items.

As the weather is in full fall glory, with rainy and muddy days, please make sure that your child
has a pair of inside shoes, extra socks & a change of clothes at school.
A note from Mr. Wunder for P.E. footwear (which also serves as inside shoes):
In PE class, it is important for students to have proper footwear. We do lots of running, stopping, shuffling,
climbing and kicking while we learn about the fundamental movement skills. Proper footwear has a tongue,
can be tightened, and has a rubber bottom. If you’re unsure about your child’s shoes, please ask them how
often their shoes come off during class, especially when performing a kicking motion. This should give you an
indication of whether or not your child’s shoes are adequate for gym.
If you are unable to get proper shoes, or have any questions, please let me know!
Paul Wunderlich (Mr. Wunder)

We are also participating in the Operation Christmas Child program this year and are collecting
new items for a child to open on Christmas. We cannot accept tooth paste this year, but there are
many items (please see last emailed newsletter for ideas) that would be great for a child to open this
Christmas season. So if you are able to donate please send in your items to our class in early November
(not sure of end date as of yet, but it is early to mid- November).

A reminder to continue to keep up to date with our classroom website,

On our website you can find a calendar of events, class newsletters, learning video’s and links as well
as links to help practice the skills we are working on. On that note, QBES is trying to do their
environmental part and will be emailing newsletters and posting to the QBES website, there are no
paper copies being sent home-please make sure to stay informed!

Please note the following upcoming dates:

October 24- Conference Adjustment Day, School not in session
October 25- Provincial Pro-D, students do not attend
October 30- Pumpkin carving with KSS Leadership classes
October 31- Halloween Costume and Fun Day
November 1- Pro-D, students do not attend

I look forward to seeing you for Conferences,

Thank you,
Bonnie Willers

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