A Novel Slew-Rate Enhancement Technique One-Stage Operational Amplifiers

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Jaime Ramirez-Angulo

Klispch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Box 30001,/Dept. 3-0, Las Cruces, NM 88003-0001

Abstract. An efficient technique to improve the slew rate 11. SLEW-RATE ENHANCEMENT TECHNIQUE
of one stage op-amps is introduced and verified. It
operates by enhancing the output current by almost an Fig. l a shows a conventional one-stage operational
order of magnitude without increasing the supply current amplifier that consists of a differential-input stage and
under static or small signal conditions. The technique is a three-mirror current differencing network (unity-
only requires the addition of two transistors to a
conventional one-stage operational amplifier.
gain mirrors are assumed) with slew-rate given by
SR=Ibias /Camp.Fig. lb shows a modified version of
this op-amp denoted onwards as a slew-rate
I. INTRODUCTION enhanced op-amp. In order to improve slew rate
matched transistors MR and MRP are added on the
Slew-rate is one of the most fundamental limitations input side of the P-mirror transistors. These
for large signal operation of analog systems [l].In transistors are biased (with VR) in order to operate in
class A amplifiers, i.e. one-stage and two-stage the triode region. They act as non-linear resistors that
operational amplifiers, slew-rate (SR) is determined generate a small drain-source voltage, VsdQ, when
by the bias current, Ibias, according to the well the drain current has the quiescent value IdQ=Ibias/2
known relation SR=Ibias/C,, [l] (where C,, is the and a large Vsd voltage when the drain current takes
compensation capacitance). Increasing the slew-rate in its maxi" value Idmax=Ibias. This is illustrated in
class A amplifiers is achieved at the expense of Fig. IC. which shows a plot of id vs. Vsd for a
augmenting Ibias, which as a consequence increases constant value VSG=VDD-VR (this plot is one of the
the static power dissipation. If both, the supply constant VSG curves for the output transistor
voltage requirements (which are determined by the characteristic). It can be seen that, as the current
overdrive voltages VDS,,=VGSVTH) and the gain- changes from Ibias/2 to the maximum value Ibias, the
bandwidth product, GB, are to be maintained source-drain voltage changes from a relatively small
constant, then, given that larger transistor sizes are value, VsdQ, to a value Vsdmax, which is much
required for larger quiescent currents, this causes the larger than VdsQ. The output current of the
high frequency (parasitic) poles' to be decreased and operational amplifier, (Iout=io-io') is determined by
the phase margin of the op-amp to be degraded. To the source-gate voltage of the P-output mirror
minimize this problem, class AB differential-input transistors. The source-gate voltage for these
stages can be used in one-stage op-amps [4]-[6] while transistors equals the sum of the source-gate voltage
class AB output stages are used in two-stage (Miller) of the input mirror transistor plus that of the source-
op-amps [3]. These allow for maximum output drain voltage of triode mode transistor MR (or MRP).
currents, Iomax, which can be much larger than the Because of this, when the current in the input mirror
differential-pair bias current. One-stage op-amps are transistor takes the maximum value Ibias (i.e., when
appropriate for applications where rail-rail input an abrupt change in the input differential voltage
swing is required [7]. The main problem of one-stage takes place), the output current becomes much greater
op-amps, that use class AB differential-input stages, than Ibias and thus charges or discharges the
is that this type of circuitry is relatively complex so compensation (or load) capacitor much faster than in
that it requires increased Silicon area, and/or a conventional OTA. The main advantage of this
BiCMOS technology, and/or increased voltage supply technique is that it is very simple since it requires
requirements. In this paper, we introduce a very only two additional transistors and it also allows
simple slew-rate and bandwidth enhancement flexibility in programming (with VR) the slew-rate of
technique for one-stage op-amps that does not the operational amplifier without changing its input
increase (siguficantly) the static power consumption. range or without increasing the supply requirements.

0-7803-3636-4/97 $10.00 0 1997 IEEE 7

111. SIMULATION RESULTS simulations: N-differential pair transistors W/L=6/2,
N-mirror transistors W/L=10/2, P-Mirror transistors
Fig. 2 shows SPICE simulations which enables us to and P-cascode transistors W/L=15/2, resistor
compare the transient response of the conventional simulating transistors (MR,MRP) W/L=25/2,
operational amplifier and that of the slew-rate Ibias=60pA and VR=3.8V. A breadboard prototype,
enhanced operational amplifier of Fig. lb. Equal using transistor arrays (with W/L=2000/2) fabricated
device sizes and bias currents are used for the trough MOSIS allowed the experimental verification
simulations of both circuits. For the simulations, the of the proposed technique at slew-rate values scaled
Operational amplifiers are connected as voltage down by approximately a factor 100 (due to
followers (input signal applied to the positive input breadboard parasitics). A "buffered' test chip version
and the output is connected to the negative input) with the transistor sizes indicated above but scaled up
and a 4V, square pulse waveform was applied at by a factor 100 has been fabricated and the
their input. It can be seen, from Fig. 2, that the rise experimental results are in good agreement with
and fall times of the conventional operational simulation results.
amplifier are much larger than those of the slew-rate
enhanced operational amplifier. Fig. 2b shows the IV. CONCLUSION
transient load (or compensation) capacitor currents. It
can be observed that in the slew-rate enhanced A new and simple technique to enhance slew-rate in
operational amplifier the peak transient current is one-stage operational amplifiers was introduced and
almost five times larger than that of the conventional verified by means of SPICE simulations. It was also
operational amplifier. Rise and fall times of the slew- verified experimentallyusing a breadboard prototype.
rate enhanced operational amplifier are 3OnS and The technique requires only two additional transistors
40nS respectively while the conventional operational and also allows improvement of bandwidth and noise
amplifier has rise and fall times of 120nS and 130nS characteristics. This improvement requires just slight
respectively. Fig. 3 compares the DC increase of the static power dissipation of the op-amp
transconductance characteristic Iout vs. Vin (input but the voltage supply requirements remain the same.
signal applied to positive input terminal, negative The circuit presented here can be easily modified to
input and output terminals grounded) of the implement circuits with rail-rail common-mode input
conventional operational amplifier and the slew-rate signal swing.
enhanced operational amplifier. The effect of REFERENCES
transistors MR,MRP when they change from triode to
saturated mode can easily be noticed. They cause an P.R. Gray and R.G. Meyer,"Analysisand Design of
abrupt change in 1out.which leads to a maximum Analog Integrated Circuits," John Wiley & Sons,
output current which is almost a factor six larger for Third Edition, New York 1993
the slew-rate enhanced operational amplifier than for
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the conventional operational amplifier. SPICE Integrated Circuits for Signal Processing," John
simulations of the frequency response are shown in Wiley and Sons, New York, 1986, chapter four.
Fig. 4.It can be seen that the bandwidth of the slew-
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two (from 5.6MHz for the conventional operational Bicmos . and Bipolar operational amplifier
amplifier to 10MHz for the slew-rate enhanced architectures with rail to rail common-mode input
version). Equivalent input noise voltage spectral- voltage swing,"Proceedings of the 1994 Int. Symp. on
density is decreased from 30nV/dHz for the Circts. and Syst., May 39 June 2, 1995
conventional operational amplifier to 22 nV/dHz for
the slew-rate enhanced version. These improvements Seevinck, E. and Waseenar, R.F."Aversatile CMOS
linear transconductor/square law function circuit,"
are achieved at the expense of increasing slightly the
,IEEE J. Solid-State Circts, vol. SC-22, No.3, pp. 366-
static power consumption (from 1.8mW for the 377, 1987.
conventional operational amplifier to 2.3mW for the
slew-rateenhanced operational amplifier). Simulations J. Ram'rez-Angulo, "Low Voltage, High Slew Rate
were performed using 2p.m CMOS P-well MOSIS Bipolar and BiCMOS op-amp architectures with
technology parameters and load capacitor values: rail to rail common mode input and output swing
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2, 1994

i i

Fig. 1 (a) Conventional cascode OTA (b) Slew-rate enhanced OTA (c) Output characteristics of MR,MRP


’ OuA

slev-rate. en anced op-amp

Fig. 2 Comparison of transient response of op-amps in voltage follower mode: (a) Load capacitor currents
(b) Output and input waveforms

. .
... ..


200uA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .

OuA . ...- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-200uA . - ._ . . . . . . . . . .

-3.OV . -2.ov -1 .ov 0.0v 1.ov 2.0v 3.0V
0 i(rout) 0 i(routp)

Fig. 3 Comparison of DC transconductance characteristics of conventional and slew-rate enhanced oy-amps.


Fig. 4 Frequency response of op-amps in voltage follower configuration


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