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Minerals and Energy Resources

Substances found in Earth’s crust with definite internal structure

Classification of Minerals
Classified into metallic, non-metallic and energy minerals

Mode of Occurrence

In the cracks, joints of igneous In the layers of sedimentary In the residual material of In alluvial deposits and In ocean beds
and metamorphic rocks e.g. tin, copper rocks. e.g. coal weathered rocks e.g. bauxite valley floors e.g. gold e.g. manganese

Metallic Minerals
Minerals that contain metals


Ferrous Minerals Non-Ferrous Minerals

Minerals that contain iron Minerals that donot contain iron

Major ferrous minerals in India Major non-ferrous minerals in India

Iron-ore Manganese Copper Bauxite

Important mineral for industries, found in Found in Odisha, Found in Rajasthan, Found in Madhya Pradesh,
Odisha, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Karnataka Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka Madhya Pradesh, Jahrkhand Chhattisgarh and Odisha

Non Metallic Minerals

Mica Energy Resources Limestone

Found in Jhakhand, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh Energy or power to run industries Found is Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh

Types of energy resources

Conventional Sources Non-Conventional Sources

In use for a long time non-renewable Come into use recently, renewable

Coal Petrol Natural Gas Nuclear energy Solar Wind energy Biogas Tidal energy
Found in Assam, Found in Assam, Found in Gujarat, Jharkhand, energy Tamil Nadu, Gobar gas In Gujarat
West Bengal, Gujarat, Mumbai High Rajasthan, Rajasthan Andhra plants installed
Jharkhand, Odisha Mumbai High Kerala Pradesh, in rural India
Electricity Geo-Thermal energy
Produced by two ways-hydroelectricity In Ladakh and
(renewable) and thermal (non- renew able) Himachal Pradesh

Conservation of Minerals and Energy Resources

Mineral Energy Resources

Reduce wastage Reuse wherever possible Recycle metals Reduce wastage Using non-conventional sources of energy

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