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Presented to:
As a Fulfillment of Requiretment for
S-1 Degree English Education Program

NPM. 14240014

Study Program : English Education

2018 M / 1439 H


But the bounty of your Lord-proclaim (Al Dhuha: 11).1

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’an Text and Translation, (Kuala Lumpur : Islamic Book Trust,


This script would highly be dedicated to :

1. My parents, my mother Nuriha and my father Saibun, Thanks for your pray for my successful in


2. My first advisor, Ahmad SubhanRoza, M.Pd. and my second advisor Suhono, M.Pd, thanks all of

your assistance, so I could finish my thesis.

3. All my friends 2014, in English Dapaetement of IAIM NU Metro, thanks for your support.

4. The headmaster and students of MTs Ma‟arifRoudlotutTholibin Metro, thanks for becoming

important part in my research.

5. My almamater IAIM NU Metro Lampung.


The researcher was born in Bandar Jaya, on June 03rd, 1996, and the researcher was the third girl

of four children of Mrs. Nuriha and Mr. Saibun. The researcher‟s educations were followed:

1. SD Negeri 2 Bandar Jaya, graduated in 2008

2. MTs NrgeriPoncowati, graduated in 2011

3. MA NegeriPoncowati, graduated in 2014

4. Strata -1 English Education DapartmentIAIM NU Metro Lampung in 2014.


First of all, the researcher would like to praise to Allah SWT for his blessing in other to

he can finished this scientific thesis proposal. This main goal of this thesis proposal to fulfill on

requirement in accomplishing the S-1 degree of this English Education at IAIM NU Metro

Lampung. The title of this thesis is IMPROVING STUDENTS‟ WRITING ABILITY IN



In this opportunity the researcher would like to express his deepest and gratitude

especially to:

1. Dr. Mispani, M.Pd. I., as the dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIM NU Metro


2. Muhammad Yusuf, M.Pd., as the dean of English Education Departemen of IAIM NI

Metro Lampung.

3. Mai Zuniati, M.Pd., as the chief of English Education Departemen of IAIM NI Metro


4. Ahmad SubhanRoza, M.Pd., as my first advisor, and Suhono, M.Pd. as my the second

advisor thanks all of your assistance, so I could finish my thesis.

5. All lectures of the English Education Departement of IAIM NU Metro Lampung who

have given taught and given the best and the benefit of their experience to researcher.

6. Headmaster and all teacher of MTs Ma‟arifRoudloututTholibin Metro. Thanks for

your giving me permits to conduct my researcher.

7. My parents and my families; who have me support in finishing my thesis proposal

8. All of students of MTs Ma‟arifRoudlotutTholibin Metro. Thanks for being me


Finally, my god bless and reward them in return of their help and the researcher

would also like to appreciate any constructive criticism in order to improve this

researcher. The researcher hopes this thesis would be useful to all readers.

Metro, March, 2018

The researcher

NPM 14240014


COVER………………………………………………………………………………………… i
NOTA DINAS …………………………………………………………………………………..iii
APROVAL PAGE……………………………………………………………………………….iv
ADMINITATION PAGE………………………………………………………………………..v
DEDICATION OF PAGE……………………………………………………………………...vii
CURICULLUM VITAE………………………………………………………………………..viii
TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………………………………………...xi
LIST OF TABLE……………………………………………………………………………….xiv
LIST OF APPENDICES………………………………………………………………………..xv

1.1.Definition of Key Terms................................................................................................1

1.2.The Reason of Study......................................................................................................2

1.3.Background of Study.....................................................................................................2

1.4.Identification of The Problem........................................................................................6

1.5.Problem of The Study....................................................................................................6

1.6.Objective of the Study ..................................................................................................7

1.7.The Significant of The Study.........................................................................................7

2.1. Writing Ability..........................................................................................................................9
2.1.1. The Definition of Writing..........................................................................................9
2.1.2. Components of Writing ...........................................................................................14
2.1.3. The Types of Writing...............................................................................................17
2.1.4. Strategies of Writing................................................................................................17
2.1.5. The Teachinig Leraning...........................................................................................18
2.2. Peer Response Group..............................................................................................................21
2.2.1. The Definition of Peer response group ...................................................................21
2.2.2. Aspects Of Peer Response Group............................................................................22
2.2.3. Process Of Peer Response Group............................................................................23
2.2.4. Qualities Of Successful Response Group................................................................22

2.2.5. Procedure Of Peer Esponse Group..........................................................................25

2.2.6. The Example Of Writing Descriptive Text Using Peer Response Group...............25

2.3. Descriptive Text......................................................................................................................27

2.3.1. Definition Of Descriptive Text................................................................................27
2.3.2. Generic Structure Of Descriptive Text....................................................................29
2.3.3. Steps Of Expandig Descriptive Text .......................................................................30
2.4. The Relevance Of Study........................................................................................................32


3.1. Research Design .........................................................................................................33
3.2. Research Variable ......................................................................................................37
3.3 Indikator Of Variable .................................................................................................38
3.4. Research Setting and Subject......................................................................................39

3.5. Research Instrument ...................................................................................................39
3.6. Research Data ............................................................................................................43
3.7. Data Analysis .............................................................................................................46
3.8. Validity and Realiability Data....................................................................................48
3.9. Criteria of Success ...................................................................................................50


4.1. Descriptive Of The Research .........................................................................52
4.2. Data Dicussion ...............................................................................................73


5.2. Suggestion ..................................................................................................................76



1. Table 1 Pre Survey.........................................................................................................5

2. Table 2 Components Of Writing .................................................................................15

3. Table 3 The Example Of Writing Descriptive Text Using Peer Response Group......25

4. Table 4 Students‟ Activity To Be Observed Cycle 1...................................................59

5. Table 4 Students‟ Activity To Be Observed Cycle 2...................................................68


1. Cycle of Class Action Research ........................................................................................34



Writing is a skill which must be taught and practiced. Writing is essential features of learning in a
language because it provides a very good means of foxing the vocabulary, spelling, and sentence patterns.
Peer response groups are a form of cooperative learning. Peer response groups afford an opportunity for
generate ideas; support and encourage each other during the composing process; and provide an increased
sense of audience for each other. Descriptive text used to describe something. It could be people, place,
thing, etc, it could also be an abstract object such as an opinion, or idea, love, hate or relief, etc, in this
case as a product of writing, the text function of reflect what was being described to the readers.

The design of this research was Classroom Action Research (CAR). In collection the data the
researcher used observation, test, questionnaire and documentation. Then the data obtained was analyzed
by comparing its progress in each cycle using parentage measurement. This research was done in 2
cycles. The subject of this research were 26 students of eighth grade of MTs Ma‟arifRoudlotutTholibin
Metro in academic year 2017/2018.

Based on the result of classroom action research, it can be inferred that the peer response group
can improve the students‟ writing ability. The number of success students from cycle I up to cycle II has
reached 12 become 26 of 30 students. It means that, there were 26 (80,00%) of 30 students already passed
the test, and only 4 (20,00%) of them were failed. By this number, the researcher concludes that the
minimum target of success, that is 80% of the students in a class, has been achieved in cycle 2, and it
proves that the peer response group can be positively improve the students‟ writing ability at students in
eighth grade of MTs Ma‟arifRoudlotutTholibin Metro academic year 2017/2018.

Keywords: Writing Ability, Peer Response Group, Descriptive Text.



This chapter outlines a general picture of what this study deals with. Certainly, this study is

intended the corelation between writing ability and spelling mastery, the introduction discusses about

definition of key trems, bacground of the study, identification of problem, formulation of the problem,

objective of the study, scope of the study, significance of the study, and hypothesis.

1.1 Definition Of Key Trems

Definiton of the trems have given in order to avoid misunderstanding between the researcher

and the readers. The following were some definitions of important terms used in the researcher, they

were : wwriting ability, peer response group and descriptive text.

1.1.1 writing ability

writing ability is “the most important means of access to the vast repository of knowladge

literate cultures, those fact alone demand that students in school should gain the fullest,

deepest, and richest means of using the cultural technology of writing. Equity of access and

full participation both rest on that”2

1.1.2 Peer Response Group

Peer response groups are an important part of writing as a social activity. Peer

response groups are especially suited to certain orientations in the ESL field-for instance,

communicative competence.3

Peter Knapp and Megan Watkins, Gendre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing
Writing , (Sydney: A UNSW Pers BOOK, 2005),p.7
James H. Bell, “ Using Peer Response Groups in ESL Writing Classes”. TESL Canada Journal,
Calgary: The Languages Institute at Mount Royal College, March 1991, Vol.8, No.2, p.66

1.1.3 Descriptive Text

Descriptive is a word picture. It tells the reader about apples to the senses, so it tells how

some to describe the smells, tastes, and/or sounds. A good description is a word picture, to tell

imagine the object, place, or person in his or her mind.4

1.2 Reason of the Study

As the reasons why the researcher chosen title of this are:

1) Peer response group could emerge the students motivation in following the teaching learning

process and make students more active than before.

2) Students writing ability one of important skills in English and it is required to be improved in

order to get the result of which is expected.

1.3 Background of The Study

Writing is a skill which must be taught and practiced. Writing is essential features of learning in a

language because it provides a very good means of foxing the vocabulary, spelling and sentence

pettern.5 Writing is important to know as much as possible about your readers, knowing your

readers will help you decided what to say and how to say it.

Writing is a system for interpersonal communication using various style of language. It plays

fundamental role in our personal and professional lives. In academia, writing has become central

as a measure for academic success. Student attempt to gain more control over improvement of

English writing skill.6 Writing is usually conceived of as the construction of written sentence, or

of controlled paragraphs, with little or no linguistic freedom and no content freedom being offered

to the writer.

Writing is a skill which must be taught and practiced. Writing is essential features of learning

in a language because it provides a very good means of foxing the vocabulary, spelling, and

Rizkarizkia, et. al., Know-Want-Learn Strategy In Teaching Reading Descriptive Text, Sidoarjo:
Journe English Education Department, Vol. 1, No.2, 2013
Patel. M.F, Jain M. Praven, English Language Teaching Method Tools And Techniques, Jaipur:
Sunrise Publisher And Distribution, 2008, p. 125
Maryam Bijamiet. al. Peer Feedback in Learning English Writing: Advantages and Disadvantages,
Journal of Studies in Education, Penang : Vol. 3, No.4, 2013, p. 92

sentence pattern.7 Realizing that writing is very important for English learners, it is essential for

English teacher to encourage the student to write. They seem to have difficulties in deciding what

strategy and media must be used and how to teach writing appropriately, but they must be able to

find out the ways of how make writing easier and be the fun activities for the student to learn.

Furthermore, in this research, the researcher used Peer Response Group to improve students‟

writing ability in descriptive text. It helped the students understand what they talk about that

suitable with the text easily and make them able in describing the text objects.

Peer Response Groups could provide a particularly rich opportunity to develop both oral

language and social skills. Further, it seems likely that the developed of these skill ought to

facilitate written language.8The use of peer response groups in writing classroom has become

increasingly popular in recent years as emphasis has shifted from product to process.9

Gloria and Joan stated as below:

Peer response groups provide an opportunity for peer to developed criteria for evaluation and
to practice evaluating their own written text and that of orders. Peer response groups allow the
writing instructor to move toward an equitable balance between teacher-centred instruction
and students- centred opportunities not only for comprehensible input but also for
comprehensible output and for “negotiated interaction” which are considered crucial factors in
L2 acquisition. Negotiation requires attentiveness and involvement, both of which are
necessary for successful communications. Peer response groups are a form cooperative
language learning, the benefits of which are researched these benefits include academic
achievement and language development as well as improved social relations and increased
self-confidence to name of few. Peer response groups afford an opportunity for such
interaction. Members of a group, through conversation, help each other generate ideas;
support and encourage each other during the composing process; and provide and increased
sense of audience for each other.10

A descriptive text is a piece of writing that is intended to convey meaning to the reader

through sensory details and provides image to the reader”.11 Descriptive text used to described

something. It could be people, place thing, etc, it could also be an abstract object such as an opinion,

Patel. M.F, Jain M. Praven, English Language Teaching., p.125
Doris Prater& Andrea Bemudes, Using Peer Response Groups With Limited English Proficient
Writers, Bilingual Researcher Journal, Houston: Winter/Spring, Vol.17, No. 1&2,1993, p.103
Doris Prater& Andrea Bermudez, Using Peer Response Groups, p.99
Gloria M.Tang, Joan Tithecott, Peer Response in ESL Writing, TESL Canada Journal, Calgary:
Spring, Vol. 16, No.2, 1999, p.21
Sumarsih, DediSanjaya, TPS as Effective Technique to Enhance the Students‟ Achievement on
Writing Descriptive Text”, Journal English Language Teaching, Medan: Canadian Center of Science and
Education, Vol. 6, No.12 2013, p. 108

or idea, love, hate, or belief, etc. In this case as a product of writing, the text functions to reflect what

was being described to the readers.

Teaching descriptive text was apart of teaching reading at MTs Ma‟arifRoudlotutTholibin

Metro started from the basic structure when the students just recognize the word. When come to

comprehend the descriptive text, student faced up the problem. It was not easy to make students

understand quickly about writing ability in descriptive text. To comprehend the descriptive text

writing text student must know about what they face up.

Based on data that researcher has, the students of VIII MTs Ma‟arifRoudlotutTholibin have

two problems to comprehended the descriptive text. The students could not recognize the word

because their lack of understanding about to write the descriptive text was not a simple thing. There

were a lot aspects to make students that could write the descriptive text effectively and efficiently.

Pre Survey

The score of the eight grade of students at MTs Ma‟arifRoudlotutTholibin

No Students Names Note
1 Firdazulfatuazzami 70 Complete
Fahminur 60 Incomplete
Imronrosadi 60 Incomplete
Andriyadisamsularif 65 Incomplete
Aniskuryah 70 Complete
Akiatussahidah 60 Incomplete
Chafidlaturrahman 60 Incomplete
Ahmad syaini 60 Incomplete
Anisaturrahmah 70 Complete
Ahmad nurkholis 65 Incomplete
Source:Documentation pre survey in MTs Ma’arifRoudlotutTholibin Metro.

In this research, peer response group was used as an alternative aid for helping students to

improve their writing ability at MTs Ma‟arifRoudlotutTholibin Metro. It was assumed they by using

peer response group in teaching writing they would be able to create way in front of the class while

presenting the material. By using an appropriate method, the students an understand the material and

interest to write descriptive text. Furthermore, the students expected to make proress in writing ability

descriptive text with their increasement in vocabulary, structure and meaning.

Related to the discussion above, the researcher would like to concuct a researcher entitled

“Improving Students‟ Writing Ability In Descriptive Text Using Peer Response Groups At The

Eighth Grade of MTs Ma‟arif Roudlotut Tholibin In Academic Year 2017/2018”. By using this

activities, the students‟ could be able and impove their motivation with the right procedure.

1.4. Identification Of The Problem

Based on the background discussed above, the ressearcher would like to identify the problem

as follow:

1. The material given not interesting because was monotonous

2. The teacher rather not motivative in choosing method or techique.

1.5. Problem Of The Study

Based on the problem in the background above the researcher focused her researcher on the

following question:

“How could the Peer Response Groups Improve The Students‟ Writing Ability In Descriptive

Text At The Eighth Grade of MTs Ma‟arif Roudlotut Tholibin Metro in Academic Year


1.6.Objective Of The Study

The objective of research was to improve the students‟ writing ability by Using Peer

Response Group In Descriptive Text At The Eighth Grade Of MTs Ma‟arif Roudlotut Tholibin Metro

In Academic Year 2017/2018.

1.7. Significant Of The Study

There were two significant of the study as:

a. Theoritical

1.) For the Headmaster

a.) As input in order to increase the quality of education especially at MTs Ma‟arif

Roudlotut Tholibin Metro.

b.) As refrence in order to be used by all of people at school.

2.) For The Teacher

a.) As alternative media in teaching writing ability

b.) As motivation to help students in solving their problem in teaching writing ability

c.) As refrence to teach the student in writing ability in effecient way and time

3.) For The Students

To increase their knowladge about angllish lesson especially writing ability.

b. Practical

1.) Giving inspiration and innovation for school to increase the quality of education

especially in teaching learning activities of MTs Ma‟arif Roudlotut Tholibin Metro.

2.) As a partial to fulfilment of requirement for S-1 Degree english Educatiion Program

In Islamic Institute of Ma‟arif NU Metro.

3.) Giving motivation for students to follow the teaching learning process.



2.1. Writing Ability

2.1.1 The Definition of Writing

The concepts are planned of subject in writing skill. Writing to learn of practice

describe of something from of writing from our imagination to write or put it in paper or

book. So, in this concept of writing are planned to achived pf the purpose to the students

could write something from their ideas.

Writing is an activity that can usefully be prepared for by work in the other skill of

listening, speaking and reading. This preparation can make it possible for words that have

been used receptively to come into productive use. 12

Accoarding to Petter Knapp, writing is “the most important means of access to the

vest repository of knowladge of literate cultures. Those facts alone demand that students

in school should gain the fullest, deepest, and richest means of using cultural technology

of writing. Equity of access and full participation both rest on that.”13 Writing is “forms of

communication that use the medium of language, but they do so quite diffrently. It is

usual to think that they are simply diffrent aspectes of the same thing”.14

Kennedy in James suggested that writing was an important step toward shifting

rhetoric from purely oral to written discorse, a process that he described as the

“letteraturizzazione” of rhetoric, or the shift in rthorical focus from oral to written

language. This process underlies our own emphasis on composition in public schools and


I.S.P. Nation, Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing, (New York: Routledge, 2009),p. 113
Petter Knapp and Megan Watkins, Gendre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing
Writing, (Sydney: A UNSW Press Book, 2005),p.7.
Peter Knapp anda Megan Watkins, Genre, Text, Grammar, p.15.
James D. Williams, Preparing to Teach Writing: Research, Theory, and Practice, (New Jesey:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.,2003 ),p.15.

Isocrates proposed in James that three necessary factors make a good rhetorician they were:

Talent, instruction and practice. Of these three, telent was the most important.
Isocrates had no hesitation in affirming that his teaching was the best, and he gave
students ample practice, but he admitted that he could not provide anyone with talent.
This view dominated wastrent Schools until modern times, resulting in hinger
education that was primaliry for the intellectual elite. When american universities
began adopting open admission policities in the 1960s, the role talent plays in
education, regardless of level, became a hot topic. It continues to be important in
composition studies because so many teacher, stuents, and parents believe that good
writing is the result of talent rather than effort.16

Writing can be thought of as conversation with people who are absent: when your

turn to speak comes, it helps to remind yourself of what they have said. Besides, „it‟s always

easier to draw from the storehouse of memory than to think up something original‟


Based on the explainations above could be concluded that three were three factors to

make a good rhetorician they were talent, instruction, and practice. But of those three factors,

the talent was the imprortant factors to make a good rhetorician.

Almost all of the writing ussualy comes from the design of the sentence which is

written based on the content that is produced from the concers which was heard by them

before. Because writng is one of the language skills in communication and thingking. Then,

we can state there are combinatiions of teaching and unique activity in writing. In other

words, teaching writing is different from teaching other language skills

Accoarding to Jeremy Harmer; the reason for teaching writing to student of English

as a foreign language include rainforcement, language development, learning style, and most

importanly, writing as a skill in its own right. Writing as a skill by far the most important as

speaking, listening and reading. Student need to know how to write ;etters, how to put written

reports together, hot to replay to asvertisement, and increasingly, how to write using

James D.Williams, Preparing to Teach Writing, p.15-16
Alastair Fowler, How to Write, (New York: Oxford University Pres, 2006),p.6.

electronic media. They need to know some of writing‟s special conventions (punctuation,

paragraph, contraction). Jus as they need to know how to pronounce spoken English


Based on the definition above, the researcher can be conclude that; it can be said that

writing is an important means of indirect conveys meaningful and expressive information

from the writer to the reader in from of writing language. By writing language learners can

express their feelings, thingking, ideas, thougehts, emotions, attitudes, etc.

Writing is a skill which must be taught and practiced. Writing is essential features of

learning in a language because it provides a very good means of foxing the vocabulary,

spelling and sentence pettern. 19relizing that writing is very important for english learners, it is

essential for English teacher to encourage the students to write. They seem to have dificulties

in deciding what strategy and media must be able to find out the ways of how make writing

easier and be the fun activities for the students to learn.

According to James D. Williams taht “writing is a board term that ussualy refers to

ficion and jurnalism, whereas composition refer to academic writing. Particularly the sort of

writing that students produce in an English or composition class”.20 We can assume that

writing was an important part of the curriculum throughhout the 50- year life of the school.

Writing is not an aesy subjec, because it is not only transcribing language in written symbols

but also thingking process.

Writing is something used a production mode for learning, reinforcing, or testing

grammatical concepts.21 Writing is thought made palpable part of social dialectic that enables

us to check our perceptions develop our ideas, modify and continue our thingking, sharing

Jeremy Harmer. How To Teach English. (Edinburgh Gate of Harlow: Addison Longman Wsley,
Patel. M.F., Jain. M.Praven, English Language Teaching Methode Tools and Techniques,(Jaipur:
Sunrise Publisher And Distributor, 2008).p.125
James D. Williams, Op.Cit.,p.2.
H.Dougles Brown. Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach To Language Pedagogy, Second
Edition, (san fransisco : longman,2001), p.344.

allows writers to hear what that their ideas sound like and to solocint feedback as they

continue to think about a topic, dreft, or revise.

Writing is situation specific and that good writers are people who can apply difrent

conventions to diffrent writing conditions.22 Writing skill deals with the ability to arrage the

graphic system such as in writen communication in order that the reader can understand the

massage or the information.

Writing is a board term that ussualy refers to fiction and journalism, whereas

composition refers to academic writing, particulary the short of writing that students produce

in a English or sombination class.23

It has been explained that writing is combination of physical and phychological

aspect. A writer who wants to produce a piece of writing must thingk how those aspects work

together in writing process.

On way of helping the learners is by making writing tasks more realistic, by realiting

practice to a specifict purpose instead of asking them write simply for the sake of writing. We

can provide in order to make writing tasks more purposeful it is concerned with an

explanation of the variouse technique and procedure that we used.

From the statment above, it can be concluded that writing is process of transferring

idea into written form. In transferring idea, someone must be skillful in using graphic,

structure and other language aspects. Therefore, it is obviouse that writing involves many

language components. Writing is also a valuable part of language course since it involves the

thingking activities in order that the language is communicative.

2.1.2. Components of Writing

James D. Williams, Op.Cit.,p.68
James D. Williams, Preparing to Teach Writing, Research, Theory, and Practice, (New Jersey:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2003),p.2

In the following section, we examine this question in the context of the stages of the

writing proces: prewriting, draftring, revising and editing. A brief description of each stages


1. Prewriting : the period where writes get ready to write-gathering information,

organizing ideas, identifying audience and purpose, and selecting genre.

2. Daftring : the prodution stages of getting ideas down using complete sentences

and reflecting the general conventions of writing.

3. Revising : the time writers review their work, checking for clarity of massage,

word choice, and organization.

4. Editing : the process of checking written work for the conventions of writing and

any lingering concrerns with voice, tone and style.24

According to Nation, one way of focusing attention on different aspects of

writing is to look at writing as a process. One possible division of the writing

process contains the following seven sub process.

1. Considering the goals of the writer

2. Having a models of the reader

3. Gathering ideas

4. Organizing ideas

5. Turning ideas into written text

6. Reviewing what has been written

7. Editing.25

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concluded that tree were

several components of writing. If the writer would like to be a good writer, he or she

have to understand about those component.

vicki urquhart and monette mclever. Teaching Writing In The Content Areas, (virginia: Association
For Supervision And Curriculum Development, 2005),P.11
Nation I.S.P., op.cit., p.114

According to Heaton state of composition of writing.26

a. Content

30-27 Excellent to very good, knowledgeable, substantive, through

development of thesis, relevant to assigned logic.

26-23 Good to average: some knowledge of subject, adequate range,

limited development of thesis mostly relevant to topic, but I

21-17 sock detail.

Fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject, little substance,

16-13 inadequate development of topic.

Very poor: does not show knowledge of subject, non-substantive,

not pertinent, or not enough to evaluate.

b. Organization

20-18 Excellent to very good: fluent expression, ideas clearly

stated/supported, succinct, well organized, topical sequencing,


17-14 Good to average: somewhat choppy, loosely organized but main

ideas stand cut, limited support, logical but incomplete

13-10 sequencing.

Fair to poor: non-fluent, ideas confused or disconnected, lacks

9-7 logical sequencing and development.

Very poor: does not communicate, no organization, or not

enough to evaluate.

c. Vocabulary

J.B. Heaton, Writing English Language Tests, (London :Longman Group UK Limited, 1988),p.146

20-18 Excellent to very good: sophisticated range, effective word/idiom

choice and usage, word from mastery, appropriate register.

17-14 Good to average: adequate range, occasional errors of word/

idiom form, choice, usage but measuring not obscured.

13-10 Fair to poor: limited range, frequent errors of word/idiom form,

choice, usage, meaning confused or obscured

9-7 Very poor: essentially translation, little knowledge of English

vocabulary, idioms, words form, or not enough to evaluate.

d. Language use

25-22 Excellent to very good: effective complex construction, few

errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/ fungtion,

articles, prounouns, preposition.

21-18 Good to average: effective but simple constructions, minor

problems in complex contructions, several errors of agreement,

tense, number, word order/ function, articles, prounouns,

preposition but measuring seldom obscured.

17-11 Fair to poor: major problem in simple/ complex constructions,

frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word

order,/ function, articles, prounouns, prepositions, and/ or

fragment, run-one, deletions, measuring confused or obscured.

10-5 Very poor: virtualy no mastery, of sentence construction rules,

dominant by errors, does not communicate/ not enough to


e. Mechanics

5 Excellent to very good: demostrates mastery of conventions, few

errors of spellingm punctuation, capitalizations, paragraphing.

4 Good to average : accasional errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, pragraphing but measuring not obscured.

3 Fair to poor: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, praghraping,poor handwriting, measuring

confused or obscured.

2 Very poor : no mastery of conventions, dominated by errors of

spelling, punctuation, capitalization, praghraping, handwriting

illegible, or not enough to evaluate.

2.1.3. The Types of Writing

There are five of writing, they are :

1) Iminative

At the beginning level of learning to write, students‟ will simply “ write down”

English letters, worsd, and possibly sentence in order to learn the convention of

the orthographic code.

2) Intensive (controlled)

Writing is sometimes used as aproduction mode for learning, reinforcing or

testing grammatical concepts.

3) Self-writing

A significant proportion of classroom writing may be devoted to self-writing or

writing with only the self in mind as an audience.

4) Display writiing

It was noted earlier that writing within the school curricular context is a way of


5) Real writing

While virtually every classroom writing task will have an element of display

writiing in it, some classroom to an admittance in need of those massages.27

Based on the explanation above could be knew that there five types of writing

they were imitative, intensive, self-writing, display writing and real writing. For

the writer could be choose one of these types in his or her good writing. ]

2.1.4. Strategies of Writing

When the writer want to write something to inform his massage, there were

some strategies could be choosen by him. These strategies could be explanation

as follow :

1) Strategy training

Learners should have familliar and well-practised strategies to follow to :

1) Commit the spelling of a few newly met word to memory;

2) Find the spelling of a needed word when writing;

3) Decide how prounonce a bewly met word when reading, these

strategies should be made up of activities that already been practised

in class.

2) A strategy

The activities described above in the section on deliberate memorisation

can be put into a sequence that can be followed as far as is necessary for.

3) A strategy of finding the spelling of a word

Before lookong up the spelling of a word in a dictionary, the learner

should make an informed guess about how the words that should the

same an, if possoble, chacking that the spelling fits known rules.

4) A strategy for deciding how to prounounce a written from.

H. Douglas Brown, Op.Cit.,p.343

First, if the word looks like known words, the learner can try help

pronunciation. Second, breaking the word into parts could help with

getting the stress in the right place. Thrid, seek confirmation by asking

somehow who might know or by using a dictionary.28

Based on explanation above could be understood that were serval strategies

in order to become a good writer. Ten strategies that explained by vivian above could

be used in writing.

2.1.5. The Teacing Writing

In the writing and other foreign language have other skills especially listening

and speaking. Another way to look at the aunthenticity issue in classroom writing is

to distinguish between real writing and display writing. Real writing, as explained by

Ann Raimes is writing when the reader doesn‟t know the answer and genuinely wants

information. In many academic/school contexts, however, if the instructor is the sole

reade, writing is primarily for the display of a student‟s knowladge.29

Based on the citation above could be explained that teaching writing was

giving the knowladge to someone else to explore their ideas in writing.

As Gordon Taylor suggested that:

If we are to write well we need to know( as well as we can) what we are

talking about. In order to find out what, preciselly, we are talking about we
need to write. Pushing ourselves to write will often reveal that we know more
about a subject than we at first supposed; it should just as often reveal large
gaps in our understanding of matters we thought ourselves fairy sure of. In
writing we bring knowladge into being, we record and preseve it. Writing is
the seed, the fruit and the pickle of our understanding.30

Before we write, we need to determine what to write; we should have

something meaningful to convey. Writing is one of the four language skills taht

I.S.P Nation, Op.Cit., p.21-22
H. Douglas Brown, Teaching By Participles., (New York: Longman,2000),p.340
Gordon Taylor, A Student’s Writing Guide, How To Plasn And Write Succesful Essays, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2009,p2

should be taught by the English Teacher. Recognition of the compositional nature of

writing has changed the face of writinf classes. Based on the reseacher‟s pre-

observatio, writing teacher were mostly concerned with the final product of writing of

example the final product of the report, the narative, the procedure, the story and what

the product should look like.

Douglas H. Brown states that the earlier micro skills apply more

appropriately to imitative types of writing task, while the macro skills are essential

for the successful mastery of responsive and extensive writing.

1) Produce graphemes and orthographic patterns of English

2) Produce writing at an effecient rate of speed to suit the purpose.

3) Produce an acceptable core of word and use appropriate word order


4) Use acceptable grammatical system (e.g., tense, agreement,

pluralization), patterns, and rules.

5) Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.

6) Use cohensive devices in written discourse.

Macro Skills

7) Use the theoritical forms and conventions of writing discourse.

8) Approproately accomplish the communicative function of writtrn text

accoarding to form and purpose.

9) Convey links and connections between events, and communicate such

relation as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given

information, generalization, and explification.

10) Distinguish between literal and implied meanings when writing.

11) Correctly convey culrurally specific reverences in the context of the

written text

12) Develop and use a battery of writing strategies, such as accuartely

assessing the audience‟s interpretation, using prewriting devices, writing

with fluency in the first drafs, using paragrases and synonyms, soliciting

peer and instructor feedback, and using feedback for revising and


It means that a good deal of ettention was placed on “model” composition

that the students would emulate and how well a student‟s final product measured up

against a list of criteria including content, organization, vocabulary use, gramatical

use and mechanical consideration such as spelling and pronunciation.

Shih in Douglas states that there are some process approaches to writing

instruction in teaching writing, those are:

1) Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written product;

2) Help students writers to understand their own composing process;

3) Help them to build repertoires of strategies for prewriting, daftring and


4) Give students time to write and rewrite;

5) Place central importance on the process of revicion;

6) Let students discover what they to say as they write;

7) Give students feedback throughout the composing process (not just on

the final product) as they attempt to bring their expression closer and

closer to intention;

8) Encourage feedback from both the instructor and peers;

9) Include individual conferences bettwen teacher and students during the

process of composition.32

H. Douglas Brown,Language Assesment-Principles and Classroom Practices, (New York: Pearson
Education Inc.,2004), p.221
H. Douglas Brown, Teaching By Principle, Op.Cit.,p.335-336

The process approach to writing above is an attempt to take adventage of the

nature of the written code (unlike conversation, it can be planned and given an

unlimited number of revisions before its “relase”) to give students a chance to think

as they write.

The researher concluded that the current emphasis on process writing must of

course be seen in the perpective of a balance between process and product. The

product is, after all, the unlimate goal; bit is the reason that the students go through

the process of prewriting, dafting, revising and editing.

2.2. Peer Response Group

2.2.1. The Definition of Peer Response Group

Peer response group could provide a particulary rich opportunity to develop

both oral language and social skills. Further, it seems likely that the development of

these skills tought of facilitate written language. Guided by the substantial body of

evidence that supports the use of cooperative groups.33

The use peer response groups is supported by general theories of langueage

learning, principles of cooperative learning, the cognitive process theory of writing,

and theories of second language acquisition.34

Based on the definition above the researcher councluded that peer response

group was one of cooperative langueage learning. The benefits include academic

achievement and laguage development as well as improved social relations and

increased self-confidentce to name a few.

2.2.2. Aspects of Peer Response Group

Doris Prater, Andrea Bermudez, Using Peer Response Group With Limited English Proficient
Writers, Bilingual Researcher Journal, Houston: vol.17, No.1&2, 1993, p.103
Gloria M.Tang and Joan Tithecoott, “Peer Response in ESL Writing”Journal Revue TESL Du
Canada, Calgary: Vol.16, No.12, 1999,p.21

Reasercher in peer response group has focused on a number of

aspects, among them (a) the kind of intractiion that takes place during the activity; (b)

the revision of the writing as a result of the intraction; and (c) the perceptions of

students toward the activity,

1. Peer intraction

They concluded that the adventage ESL students they studied were able

to focus on local and global discourse issue; and that peer became “aware

of how their writing affected readers... and could share knowladge about

written text.

2. Impact on Revisio

The students who participated in peer feedback performed as well as

those who received teachers‟ feedback; that teacher feedback resulted in

improvemen in grammar whereas peeer feedback resulted in revision

made to content, organizationm and vocabulary; and that altought the

procedure did not produce significantly improved L2 composition, “the

data suggested that the technique [did] not result in grammatically

inferior writing” on the part of the peer response group members.

3. Students‟ Perception

The finding of researcher on the perceptions of students and their reason

for those perceptions indicate that for most students, peer review is

perceived as a beneficial technique.35

2.2.3 Process of Peer Response Group

The peer response group has serval steps in its process. Accoarding to

McQuade and Sommers cited by Ronald Baron said that the process of peer response

group they are:

Ibid., p.22-23

1. Observation

Observation are nonjudgmental statments about what writers have done

in composing drafts of the paper. These statements may address any

component of the essay from the content of organizational level to the

sentence or word level. The observations may cause writers to revise thei

papers, or they may reasure writers that what they attempted to do in

recognizable to an independent reader.

2. Evaluation

Move beyond marely describing what the writer has done to assessing the

strengths and weakness of the draft under consideration by the group.

However, the responsibility and authority to do something about the

evaluations rest with the writer of the essay. A viable option for any

writer is to ignore the comments made by members of the response


3. End Comments

End comments provide writers with guidance which should help them set

goals for the next draft of the essay and formulate an achievable plan of

revising to meet those goals.36

Based on the explanation above has become clear that students with a clear

explanation of the task they will be asked to perform for each other, but even more

valuable are the student examples included in the text.

Ronald Barron, What I Wish I Had Known about Peer-Response Group but Didn’t, The English
Journa, Mennesota: Vol.80, No.5, 1991, p.25

2.2.4. Qualities of Successful Reponse Group

There are serval qualities of successful response group requires the following


1. Tolerating and respecting other members in the group

Good response-group members recognize that althought all compositions

need to be comprehensible to other people, not all papers have to be

writen in the same way and for the same purpose. Students should also

recognize that not all members of their group will be of equal value to

them at the same point in the writing process, but by the time they have

“finished” their paper, all groups members will have been of some value

to them.

1. Working outside of class

If students have revised their drafts to the best of their own ability prior

to meeting with the group, the grooup will be able to devote its time to

what the writers could not accomplish on their own. In additioon, writers

will have an incentive for seeking the response of others, either to find

out how well their own revisions have worked or to seek better

alternatives than they have been able to generate on their own.

2. Focusing the groups

Writers should thingk about what kind of assistance they are seeking

from groups, as they draft their papers, it recomended that stuednts write

reminders for themselve about those the nature of the advic they need, so

they will not forget to ask about those items during their groups sesions.

3. Presenting alternative, not ultimatums

The phrasing of suggestions for revisong is as important as the nature of

the comments. The key point for students to remember is that they are

making suggestions. Presenting alternatives for revision makes clear to

writers that group members want to help them improve their papers while

at the same time allowing the writers to maintain ownership of thei

compositions, an important consideration if students are going to improve

as writes.

4. Indicated both strengths and areas where revision is needed

Students do not always know, or at least they are not always sure, what is

most effective in their own papers. Sometimes writers can be too close to

their own compositions. Fresh ideas and pharasing do not always seem

original because the writer has worked with those items over a period of

time. Reading a draft supportively by focusing on its strenghts also

provides the writer with an incentive for revising.37

Based on the explanation above can be concluded that the purposes of a

composition course should be to make students more confident and more independent

writers. Peer reponse groups help accomplish this purpose. Good responders tend to

become better writers. For most students, as their abiligy as responders improves,

their ability to revise their own compositions also improves because they have a

better sense of how to approach the task.

2.2.5. Procedure Of Peer Response Group

There were steps to used Peer Response Group in teaching writing, they were

1. Students in class assigned to small group were randomly to 4-5 response group.


2. Teacher explains how the group would function and modeled how to response to

a piece of writing.

3. Teacher read students‟ composition to the group.

4. The group members listened and told the writer specific things they liked about

the composition (description, strong verb, an action sequence, use of dialogue,


5. Writer asks for help on a particular part of the composition that students thought

could be improved.

6. Members of the group told the writier parts of the composition that they wanted

to know more about (elaboration) or that were confuding to them.

7. Students were directed to refer to specific parts of the text so that their comments

would not be too general to be useful.

2.2.6. The Example of Writing Description Text Using Peer Response Group

My Idol

Emma Charlotte Duerre Wasto was born in paris, France, 15 April 1990. She

is Hermione Granger of Harry Potter movie. Her nickname is Emma. She is the

daughter of Chris Waston and Jacqueline Leusby. She lived in Paris untill the age of

five before she moved with her mother and younger brother, Alexander to Oxford.


Emma has wavy broen hair. Her height is 165 cm. She is a generous, friendly

and determined person. She also said that she is a little bit stubborn. Emma loves

dancing, singing, tennis, and art.

Name Physical apperance Character


1 The introduction is clear

(pengenalan objek sangat jelas)

2 The description of physical appearance is clear

(penjelasan secara fisik jelas)

3 The description of the character is clear.

(penjelasan secara jelas)

No Organization Yes No

1 The text is begun with a good introduction.

(teks dimulai dengan introduction yang bagus )

2 The text has clear description (text mempunyai descriptive text

yang jelas)

3 The text is using good coherences.

(text menggunakan keselarasan yang baik)

No Vocabulary Yes No

1 The is using effective words choice.

(text menggunakan pilihan kata yang tepat)

2 The text is using good words to describe objects.

3 The text is using variouse vocabularies

(text menggunakan kosa kata yang bervariasi)

No Language use Yes No

1 The text has few errors of the tense and number .

(text mempunyai sedikit kesalahan pada tense)

2 The text has few errors in using pronoun.

(text mempunyai sedikit kesalahan pada penggunaan)

3 The text has few errors in using to be/ lingking verb

1. Berilah (minimal 2 poin) komentar positif tentang tulisan temanmu.

2. Berilah (minimal 2 poin) saran terhadap tulisan temanmu.

3. Apakah kamu setuju dengan pendapat temanmu? Mengapa?

2.3. Descriptive Text

2.3.1 Definition Of Descriptive Text

There are many text can be used to teaching reading process. It can be

applied to increase and improve the students‟ reading comprehension. One of them is

descriptive text.

“ A descriptive text is a piece of writing that is intended to convey meaning to the

reader through sensory details and provides image to the reader” 38

The purpose of description is to create a picture using word.39 It means that

descriptive text is talking about a spesifc thing human or animal.

“ Descriptive is a word picture. It tells the reader about appeals to the senses, so it tell

how some to describe the smells, sastes, or sound. A good description is a word picture, to tell

imagine the object, place or person in his or her mind.40

A factual description deffers from a information report because it describes a specific

subject rather a general group. Social fungtion or cummunicative approach of descriptive text

is to describe a particular include: desciprion of a particular building, description of a specific

animal, desciprion of a specific person. It is means that descriprive to describe and vivid

Doris Prater, Andrea Bermudez, Op.Cit., p. 104
Sumarsih, Dedi Sanjaya, Op.Cit.,p.108
Karen Blanchard, Ready to Write A first Composition, 2nd ed., (New York : Weshley Publising
Company, 1994), p. 57

impression of a person, place object or event. For the statmens by experts can make a

summery of described text is to describe a particular persone, place, thing, object or event that

uses simple present tense that is purpose is to tell about the subject by describing its features

without including personal opinions.

Constructing a factual description has an opening paraghraph introducing the subject

of the description, followed by a series of paraghraph each describing one featur of the

subject. There can also be a final concluding section that signals the end of the description.

In schematic structure, high achiervers show their good control about the schematic

structure of descriptive text. They also show their capacity in applying the linguistic features

of descriptive text, such as : specific participant (Goat), written in present tense ( it is

herbivore), lingking verbs (Farm goat is docile), adjectives (wild,strong).41 The factual

description Scaffold :

1) A general opening statement in the first paraghraph:

This statement introduces the subject of the description to the audience, it can

give the audience brief details about the when, where, who, or what of the


2) A series of paragraphs about the subject :

Each paragraph usually begins with a topic sentence, the topic sentence previews

the details that will be contained in the remainder of the paragraph.

3) A concluding paragraph (optimal)

The concluding paragraph signals the end of the text.

Based on definition above the researcher concluded that descriptive text its a way to

describe a persone, place, object or event. It describe specifically.

2.3.2. Generic Structure Of Descriptive Text

Rizka Rizkia, et. Al ., Know- Want Learn Strategy in Teaching Reading Descriptive Text., Sidoarjo:
Journe English Education Department, Vol. 1, No 2, 2013

here are three part of descriptive text as Pardiyono maintain that three parts of

descriptive, they are :

a. Communicative purpose, that is to describe an object (human and non-human)

b. Rhetorical structure, three are two parts of rhetorical structure

1. Identification, that is statement that consist of one topic to describe;

2. Description, that is consist of the details description about object that identify

in identification, and

c. Grammatical petterns, it is needed to understand that in descriptive paraghraph,

descriptive sentence is used and using present forms.42

Based on steatement above, the researcher concludes that descriptive text is a group

of word which related to each other logically that describes an object and has function to

reflect what is being described to the reader. Moreover, students‟ descriptive text reading

comrehension is the ability of the students to procedure or compose a descriptive text

correctly that can be shown by the descriptive text that is made by them that fulfill such

criteria of good descriptive text.

2.3.3. Steps of Expanding Descriptive Text

In teaching descriptive text, the teacher must have the steps of expanding in orther

can improve the students‟understanding about the text. The teacher must plan what he is

going to do by specifying. There are several steps to expand the descriptive text, they are:

a. The goal to be reached

(For intance, revise to make the text clearer)

b. The characteristics of the text to be examined

(for instance, revise the local or global aspects of the text).

Junita Siahaan, An Analysis of Students’ Ability and Difficulties in writing Descriptive Text, Journal
of English and Education, 2013, Vol.1, p. 119

c. The means that can be used to reach the defined goals ( for instance, correct

the text several times insuccession).43 That, the writers have to remembering

those steps in order to their massage in their writing can be understood easly.

2.4. The Relevance of Study

In accomplishing the research, the researcher used the previous research dailing with

the topic of the study as guidance. The researcher that related to the researcher‟s study has

been done by Agus Imron Mahadi entitled “Improving Students‟ Writing Abilities Through

Peer Feedback Technique At Class VII D of SMP Negeri 1 In Academic Year of 2012/2013”.

Her research shown that the student‟s improvement after learning writiing descriptive text by

using peer-feedback technique. It is proved by the mean score of the students‟ writing in the

post test(78,40), which is hinger than that in the pre-test (58,84). These achivement prove that

the implementation of peer feedback technique can improve the student‟ abilities in writing

descriptive text. 44

The second is research by Stephanie Dix and Gail Cawkwell entitled “The Influence

of Peer Response : Building a Teacher and Student Expertise in the Writing Classroom”. This

research concluded that teachers report a lack of confidence when teaching writing. Drawing

on the National Writing Project develop in the USA, a team of researchers from the

University of Waikato (New Zeland) and teachers from primary and secondary school in the

region collaborated to “talk” and “do” writing by building a community of pratice. The effects

of writing workshop experiences and the transformation this has on teacher‟ profesional

identities, self- efficacy, and their students‟ learning provide the researcher focus. This paper

draws mostly on data collected during the first cycle of the two-year project. It discusses the

influence of peer response a case study teacher worksho[ experience that trasnformendher

Sumarsih, Dedi Sanjaya, Op. Cit., p. 109
Annie Piolat, Jean Yves Roussey. “ Narative and Descriptive Text Revising Strategies and
Procedures”. (Europan Journal ofPsychology of Education). Provence: Universte de Provence, 1991, Vol. VI,
No.2, . 156

profesional identify, building her confidence and deepening her understandings of self as

writer and ultimately transforming this experiense into her writing classroom practice.45

As in the research of student‟s descriptive text in writing ability at the eight grade

MTs Roudlotut Tholibin Metro,the researcher describes in comparative study of using peer

response group on student‟s writing ability in descriptive text at the eighth grade in MTs

Roudlotut Tholibin Metro at academic year of 2017/2018. The differencess are the located of

the learners, a qualitative research, and the design of this research is a classroom action

research design of this research is a classroom action research design to increase student‟s

writing ability in descriptive text.

Agus Imron Mahadi, Improving Students Writing Abilities Through Peer Feedback Teaching At
Class VII of SMP Negeri 1 mlati in the Academic Year of 2012/201, ( A Thesis); Faculty of Language and Arts
Yogyakarta, 2014, p. Xv.



This chapter present the researcher methodology used in this research. There are

research design, research setting and subject, research instrument, research data and data

collecting technique, data anlysis and validity and realiability.

3.1. Research Design

This research uses classroom action research because the research to know the

improvement of peer response group on writing ability in descriptive test at second years of

MTs Roudlotut Tholibin of Metro at the academic year 2017/2018

The researcher is called classroom action research. Action research is a strategy

teacher can use to investigate a problem or area of interest specific to their profesional


Action research is a method for improving and modifying the working system of a

classroom in school. The researcher and principal are able to study their problems of teaching

scientifically. It is an objective oriented method. The action research project does not

contribute in the fund of knowladge but it improves and modifies the current practies.47

Action research can applied to such areas as curriculum development, teaching strategies, and

school reform.”48

Alberta, Action Research Guide, Public Education Work: The Alberts Teachers‟ Assosiation Ata,
Yogesh Kumar Singh, Fundamental Of Research Methodology And Statistics, (new delhi: new age
international ltd. publishers,2006),p.261
Donald Ary, Lucy Cheser Jacobs, Chris Sorensen, Asghar Razavieh, Intoduction To Research In
Education, (Belmont: Wadsworth, 2010), P.513

Here is figure 1 of circle of Classroom Action Research49

From the action research process above, the researcher can conclude thet „plan‟ is the

first step to prepare the teaching process in the class; „act‟ is the step to appliying of planning;

„observe‟ is the activity to observe the application of teaching and learning in the calssroom;

and then „reflect‟ is to determine students successful in learning. In this process, the cycle is

done by continually up to the problem can be solved.

1. Preliminary

This step is to identifying a clssroom problem. The researcher looks for the

information from studens of MTs Roudloutut Tholibin Metro. By doing interview to know

what the problem of students is teaching writing.

Anne Burn, Cooperative Action Researcher For English Language Teacher, New York, Cambridge
University Prss, 1999. P.33

2. Planning

In this step to prepare the classroom instructional strategy to be develop in

the study so solve the instructional problems. The instructional strategy has been

based on information theoritically could solve the problems. It is the strategy that the

focus of the research is to be prepares, tested, revised and tested again untill it proves

effective to solve the problems. In this actifity, researcher will prepare the teaching

strategy, design a lessom plan, material, and media and determine the criteria of


3. Acting / Implementing

The next step after the planning step to implement the peer response group

and writing ablity that has been planned, here the steps in acting:

a. Pre-activity

1) The first teacher gives greetings to students and asked their condition in the first


2) Teacher checking the attendance list of student.

3) Teacher gives some question to reminds the students about the last material in the


4) Teacher gives the students motivation to participate in the learning process

actively in English program.

5) The lst teacher explaine the purpose of the learning English material.

b. Main Acrivity


1) Teacher gives the stimulus to the students to explore about procedure of writing.

2) Teacher gives explannation and example about the writing ways.


1) Teacher gives the students how to do perfect writing.

2) Teacher gives the students planned question method.


1) Teacher evaluates the learning process thet has been done.

2) Teacher gives the students positive feed-back.

c. Post Activity

1) The teacher and students make conclusions about learning process that has been

done by teacher and students.

2) The teacher infroms the students about next meeting lesson material and close the


4. Observing

The instrument will be used to observstion method is observation tool. This

instrument is used by the rsearcher to get information about the condition of studying

students and teache, MTs Roudlotut Tholibin Metro, and it also use to know the snake

and ladder inclassroom for teaching writing ability of students.

Observing in the process of collecting data indicating the students of the strategy in

solving the problems. Observation focus in the data related to the criteria of success that

have decided. The observing step was conducted in the same time with acting or

implementing step. There is one activity that will be observed in this research by

researcher is writing ability in descriptive text using peer response group.

5. Reflecting

In this section resercher will reflec the students learning process, reflect is the process

of analyxing the data to determine the extent to which the success of the strategy in

solcing the problem. A teacher in the learning activities require the arrangement of

activities or the way that the learning process is going success.

The first using planning, in the planning the teacher will prepare the necessary

material or material in the teaching learnig process, next. Acting, acting after planning

preparationsall ready, so, will be succed in the palnning process. Next, pbservation, in thr

process of collecting data identificating the success of the strategy in solving the problem

in the learning process. And then, reflection, reflection conducted to determine and define

the data that has been collected to demonstrate the extent to which the success of solving

the problem in the teaching and learning process, it mean that how can planted question

improve writing ability of MTs Roudlotut Tholibin Metro 2017/2018.

3.2 Research Variable

A variable refers to a characteristic or attribute of an individual or on organizing that

can be measured or observed and that varies among the people or organization being

studied.50 There are two variable in this research, they are :

Independent Variable

Independent variable are those that (probably) cause, influence, or affect outcomes. They are

also called treatment, manipulated, antecedent, or predictor variable.51Peer response group is

independent variable (X) in this research.

1. Dependent variable

Dependent variable are those that depend on the independent variables ; they are the

outcomes or result of the influence of the independent variables. Other names for dependent

variable are criterion, outcome, and effect variables.52 Dependent variable (Y) in this research

is writing ability in descriptive text.

Jhon W. Creswell. Third Edition Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Approaches. New Delhi : SAGE Publications inc 2009. P. 149
Ibid, p.60
Ibid, p.60

3.3. Indicator Of Variable

In this research, the researcher has indicator in each variable. They are shown below :

Indicator of variable X (peer response group) like as follow:

1. Interaction

2. Revision

3. Perception

4. Evaluation

Indicator of variable Y ( writing ability )

1. Content

2. Organizing

3. Vocabulary

4. Language use

5. Mechanic

3.4 Researcher Setting And Subject

3.4.1. Research Setting

for making easier of researcher research setting is related with the place where is the

located will be conducted the research. In this case, the researcher will conduct the

research in MTs RoudlotutTholibin Metro in academic year 2017/2018.

3.4.2. Research Subject

Basically the subject of this research is limited at the VIII MTs RoudlotutTholibin

Metro In Academic Year 2017/2018. The students of eight are taken as researcher subject

of the study because they have poor skill in writing ability.

3.5. Research Instrument

In this research, the researcher used two kinds of instrument. The first instrument is

main sources of information and the second one supported the process of analysis itself. The

instrument used is text test, questionnaire guide and observation note, they are used to know

the result of learning process students in learning process. Ideally, other teacher/ researcher as

collaborators, and students are each given the opportunity to voice what thing and feeling as

well as experienced during the study.

1. Observation

Observation is in which the researcher takes field notes on the behavior and actives of

individuals at the researcher site. In these field notes, the researcher records, in an

unstructured or semi structured way.53 It was used to get the data about the students and the

teacher activities in teaching and learning process. The observation will be conducted to

process of discussion in classroom about descriptive text, how far the students active in

learning process. Observation technique to complete the data gathered from field. It will be

used to note finding and improvement during action step in the cycle. The guideline of the

field notes encompassed :

a. Observation of peer response group

1) Interaction

2) Revision

3) Perception

4) Evaluation

b. Observation of Writing ability in Descriptive Text

1) Content

2) Organizing

3) Vocabulary

4) Language use

Ibid, p.148

5) Mechanics

2. Test

In order to discover how students are thinking and using the target language (English).

The researcher will do the test. Accordingto Douglass Brown that “test is a method of measuring

a person‟s ability or knowledge in a given domain”.54

The researcher will conduct writing test technique. The from of the test was direct test

item of writing ability because the writer put the students in individual and asked them to perform

a based on the topic given, the topic was “ presenting of a case, giving arguments and retelling

arguments”. The writer analyzed the result of the test and gave score. Harmer states that test a rest

item is direct if it asks candidates to perform the communicative skill which is being test. The test

will be conducted to action classroom which consist of 30 students in from of writing ability

descriptive text to evaluate students‟ writing ability before and after the treatment. The scoring

system will pay attention to the attention to the four aspects of writing ability scoring : content,

organizing, vocabulary, and language use.

This is used to measure the person‟s competence and to achieve the objective. The data

was collected by giving writing test. Writing ability was conducted twice, there are pre-test and

post-test. The from of the test in direct writing test and the teacher gave scores on content,

organizing, vocabulary, and language use

a. Pre-test

The researcher was given the pre-test to the students at the first meeting, the purpose

of the pre-test is to know how far the students‟ skill in understanding topic in description text

before being given the treatment.

H. Douglas Brown, Teacing by Principle: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedogogy, New
York : A Person Education Company, 2001, 2nd. P.384

b. Post- test

The post-test was give in the last meeting after doing treatments to find out whether

the treatments gave any contribution to the students‟ achievement in the class or not. The

improvement can be seen if the average score of post-test is higher than pre-test.

3. Questionnaire

Questionnaires invlove predermined question presented in writing feom and thus they

also assume adaquate literacy skills on the part of those survyed.55

It means that questinnaire is some question that was prepared before by researcher

and also the answer of question in multiple choice. The result of questionnaire techique in

research is how the problem in learning process, how the motivation of students, and also how

the participation of students in following the lesoon, it will be conducted in cycle I also cycle

II of the research.

4. Documentation

According to Ary That :

The term documents here refers to a wide range of written, physical, and visual

materials, including what other outhors may term artifacts.

Documentation may be personal, such as autobiographies, diaries, and letters :

official, such as files, reports, memoranda, or minutes : or ducuments of popular culture, such

as book, films, and videos.56

The researcher uses ducument as instrument to get fact and reality information since

long time about the researcher will collect data about photos activity and student‟ activities.

Anne Burn. Op.Cit., p.129
Donald Ary,, Op., p.442

3.6. Researcher Data

Researcher data mean the researcher will get some data of two variable they are how

peer response group implemented in field or in the class, beside of it, the researcher will get

the score of English capability of students in writing, the researcher use some data collecting

techenique like as follows:

3.6.1 Learning Process

Observation is istrument of research to know the method implemented in

learning process so it is used to complete the data gathered from field. It will be used

to note finding and improvement during action step in the cycle. The guideline of the

field notes encompassed:

Observation towards the students like as follow :

a. Researcher prepare some instrument for knowing the activity of students in

implementiing planted question method.

b. Researcher pay attention how the motivation of students following the learning

process espesially in implementing planted question.

c. The researcher will prepared some components in learning process they are data

of active in learning, data of passive in learning and data of enthusiasm in


d. After knowing the result of data of achive in learning, data of passive in learning

and data of enthusiasm in learning.

e. Researcher give the conclusion.

The researcher using the observation technique foe knowing the result in

cycle I and Cycle II especially in learning process, the result process from teacher

also process from the students, is the any improving in motivation, active in

process and also passive in learning process, researcher combine among result in

cycle in cycle I and also Cycle II, it will be conducted in cycle I and also cycle II

of the researcher.

3.6.2. Score of Writing

The researcher will give pre-pest and post test to know the students‟ skill in writing

ability in descriptive text abd after teaching writing in descriptive text using peer response


a. Pre Test

The purpose of giving pre test is to know how far the student‟s skill in

writing in descriptive text before treatment. It‟s mean that teaching writing in

descriptive text by using peer response group. In this activity, the researcher gave

them the questions in test from to know their skill first in writing, the some

technique like as follow:

1. Researcher prepare to answer question in descriptive text from.

2. Researcher divide text question sheet to all sample in research.

3. Test cosist tens questions.

4. After driving the tense question sheet the researcher collect the result and

analyze of it.

5. Researcher give the score to every students in ansewering tense question


6. Researcher give the conclusion and will implemeted the new methode to

know how effective the method can make the score in writing better.

b. Post test

The purposeof giving post is to measure the students progress and result of

the teaching-learning activities whether the students skill in writing indescriptive text

improve or not after applaying the reatment in post test.

1) After doing and implemented the peer response group.

2) Researcher divide text questiion sheet to all sample in reseaech.

3) Test consist test questions

4) After dividing the tens questions sheet the researcher collect the result

and analyze of it.

5) Researcher give the score to every students in answering tens question


6) Researcher give the conclusion is the any improving in writing score of

students in cycle I

If the score of writing in cycle I improving not satisfied, so the

researcher do the peer response group in cycle II to improve the score of


3.6.3. Motivation and Participation

In this case researcher using questionnaire will be given to the students in order know

their participation and motivation during teaching learning proces, the questionnaire guide

enclosures. It will be conducted in cycle I and Cycle II.

Procedure in using quesionnaire techique like as follow :

a. Researcher prepare some question technique in multiple choice from.

b. Researcher divide questionnaire sheet to all sample in research.

c. Quesionnaire consist about tens question talking abour motivation in learning

English generaly.

d. Questionnaire consist about two variable discussed in research.

e. After dividing the questionnaire sheet the researcher collect the result and analyze

of it.

f. Researcher give the conclusion.

The result of the questionnaire technique for knowing the object of research

condition first time after using post test and it will become the capital of researcher to

overtake some problems whose students always face them in their learning


3.7 Data Analysis

The students do the task, in this research researcher use two type of research

like as follows :

a. Qualitative data

Qualitative data will be obtained by conducting quesioner and

observation on the process of learning to speak. Data analysis can be

done by using observation method researcher get data of observation and

will analyze for knowing some activities of students in learning process,

do they active of passive in following study and observation belong to

qualitative data. Test as the vital instrument, researcher get data of test

and will analyze for knowing score in writing.

b. Quantitative data

The use for getting data of researcher usually use test techique, test as the

vital intrument, researcher get data of test and will analyze for knowing

score in writing, do they passed or failed in scoring, in it is belong to

quanititative data and also qualitative data, generally there section to

analyze data they are:

1. Result of data 1 analized by quesionare for knowing the how the

partticipation and also the motivation of learning process following

by students.

2. Result of data 2 by observing for knowing the method implementes

in learning process in good condition, enough condition leess in

implementing of method.

3. Result of data 3 analized by test for knowing the ability of writing

ability of students in descriptive text.

3.8 Validity and Reliability Data

3.8.1. Validity

“ Validity is an important key to ffective research”.57 “validity is an essential

criterion for evaluating the quality and acceptability of research”.58

1. Democratice Validity

The validity democratice colaborative respect to levels of research and

inclusion of a variety of sound. Ideally, orther teacher/experts as

collaborators, and students are given the opportunity to voice that thing

and feeling as well as exprienced during the study.

2. Result Validity

The validity of the result contains the concept that bring a class action

result successful in the result also depends on the validity of the

implementation process of the research, which is the criterion next.

3. Process Validity

It should be note that the competance of researchers in the related field is

crucial desire process quality and level of ability to make observations

and making questionnaire. Then, necessary competance another to make

observation can be comlete. It short, researcher in the observe of

competance the studied and in the gathering of data through participant

Louis Cohen. Lawrence Manion & Keith Morrison. Research Methods in Education. New York:
Routlege. 2007.p.133
Anne Burn. Op.Cit., p.160

observation is crucial process quality measures data collectiong data

about the process.

4. Catalytic Validity

Catalytic validity associated with hinger levels of understanding achive

reality the life of class and how to manage the change in it, including

changes understanding and students to their new understanding of the

role of the teacher must be lived in the learnig process communicative.

All effort to meet the demands of catalytic validity is done throught cycle

action planning, implementation, observation, and reflection.

5. Dialogic Validity

Typically, the value or goodness research is meintiored through spear

review for publication in academic done by peers reseach othe action,

which if need, be allowed to examined all the data crude associated with

being critized.

The criteria dialodgic validity can also be met when the studey was

began takes place, in parallel with the fulfillmentthe democratic criteria.

3.8.2 Reliabiliti

“Test reliability is defined as the exant to which the result can be considered

consistent or stable.”59 “Reliability is second element that determines the quality of our

measurment instrument60. In this study to get the reliability of the data. That have been

collected without manipulation. The researcher make the result of observation and students

score in each cycle and pre-test.

3.9. Criteria Of Success

James Dean Brown. Teaching In Language Program. New Jersey : Prentice Hill Recent. 1996.p.192
Daniel Mujis. Doing Qualitative Research in Education. London : Sage Publications. 2004.p.71

in action research there are some cycle process. Here the researcher will be stopped

this cycle if the students will have gotten the target of criteria of success. The criteria of

success for students learning activity if the studentss doing the activities as follow:

1. Achivement

Achivement aspects can be got by score of students test from the end of each cycle. The

target of score if 75% of students accomlishes the test. The minimum passing grade in

this research (KKM)is 70.

2. Atmosphere

a. Observation

Here the researcher use observation sheet for the observation of peer response group

is students understand about the instruction, students active in question, students

understand about the question. And the observation of writing ability indescriptive

text is imitative, intensive, responsive, interpersonal, transactional, and extensive. The

target of this section is if the conditions are better.

b. Questionnaire

Here the researcher use questionnaire with 10 question. The result of questonnaire

technique in researcher is how the problem in learning process. How the motivation

of students, and also how the participation of stuents in following the lesson.



4.1 Description of The Research

In this research, the researcher as English teacher and as the collaborator conducted the

researcher in two cycles and each cycles consist of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In this

cycle was done on 17th March 2018 then the second cycles was done on March 25th, 2018.

1. Cycle 1

Cycle 1 consist of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The researcher conducted the

pre-test to know the student‟ writing ability before giving a treatment and it used as comparison score

with post-test, the types of this test was descriptive text. The students described something and the

others response about the description.

Based on the result of the pre-test score, the researcher got the total score of pre-test. The total

score 1810, so that the average score are 60,33 the researcher was getting the highest score is 90 and

the lowest score is 35 based on pass the exam with score 72 with the percentage 13,33%. It can be

seen from the table of student‟s score at the pre-test in cycle I.

a. Planning

Planning held on March 17th, 2018. In this step, the researcher prepared the teaching strategy,

designed a lesson plan, prepared the material and media, and determined the criteria of success.

Based on the result of pre-test score, the researcher has identified and found the problem after

talking student‟s pre-test score. Therefore, the researcher directly prepared the lesson plan such as: the

material (topic), media, task and evaluation for the second meeting.

b. Acting

Acting in cycle I was done in 2 meeting with time allocation 2x45 minutes per meeting.

1) First Meeting

At the firstly in the meeting as usually researcher greet all the students in the

class, ask about their conduction, remembering and invite them for always say thanks

to Allah as the owner of the Universe, because until this time we still in alive and

given healthy enough also a long time for us so we can meet again and learn

anymore in this class. The next teacher gave an example of descriptive text as usually

for getting and invited their focus in learning process about the topic. At that time the

students look ready and quite to listen the next that researcher gave.

Furthermore the researcher explain about descriptive text through the peer

response group, after students understand, the researcher asked one group to come in

front of the class and gave a picture to be described in front of the class. When their

friends‟ describing was fanny, but lost of them still focused and support their friend to

practice in front of the class by well.

The first meeting in cycle I was on March 17th , 2018, with the basic

competence was responding the meaning and rhetoric-step within the essay which in

using the variety of written language accurate, fluently and communicatively in daily

life context and access knowledge in describing the text however, as researcher

mentioned before, this researcher focus on building students understanding the

meaning of text, organizing the text and vocabulary mastery to improve their writing

ability. So, in this acting step, the researcher will apply the description through peer

response group to improve students writing ability. In this first meeting, the material

to be taught is about home life.

The teaching learning process in the first meeting (1) teacher began the

lesson by greeting students and then gave them motivation to participant in the

purpose of the learning process activity. (2) teacher explained the objective and the

purpose of the learning. (3) teacher investigated the students previous knowledge

about description by asking them the steps of peer response group they know. (4)

teacher gave the stimulus to the student to explore more about peer response group

by giving the some examples such as a picture to the described and the others (5)

teacher asked the students to described the picture. (6) teacher gave the students

further explanation about the steps and functions of the description, (7) teacher gave

the students chance to ask if there is something that they still didn‟t understand about

the material, (8) teacher instructed the students to make a group consist 2-3 students

each group then asked them to discuss more about the description that have been

presented by understanding its usage and finding another example and its meeting.

While the students discussed the material, the teacher went around the class to

maintain its order and helped the students who were still having trouble with the

material which was presented, (9)teacher together with student made conclusion

about learning process that had been done, (10) teacher informed the students about

the next meeting lesson material and closed the class.

While the students practiced in front of the class and collecting the paper

after practice, researcher made scoring for each students based on their perform and

paper were collected. The result some of the students can do the task and practice the

description by understanding the meeting of text, organizing the text, and vocabulary

mastery were using in the text.

After all the students practice in front of the class, the researcher had finished

in scoring for each students that we discussed and conclude, the result were some the

students writing ability can improve by peer response group. Finally we closed our

learning process by praying to Allah and greeting.

2) Second meeting

Second meeting in cycle 1 was on March 18th 2018, with the basic

competence was still responding the meaning and rhetoric step within the essay

which is using the variety of written language accurately, fluently and

communicatively in daily-life context and to access knowledge in a description. In

this second meeting, the material to-be taught is about home life .

The teaching learning process in the second meeting are (1) teacher began

the lesson by greeting students and then gave them motivation to participant in the

purpose of the learning process activity. (2) teacher explained the objective and the

purpose of the learning. (3) teacher investigated the students previous knowledge

about description by asking them the steps of peer response group they know. (4)

teacher gave the stimulus to the student to explore more about peer response group

by giving the some examples such as a picture to the described and the others (5)

teacher asked the students to described the picture. (6) teacher gave the students

further explanation about the steps and functions of the description, (7) teacher gave

the students chance to ask if there is something that they still didn‟t understand about

the material, (8) teacher instructed the students to make a group consist 2-3 students

each group then asked them to discuss more about the description that have been

presented by understanding its usage and finding another example and its meeting.

While the students discussed the material, the teacher went around the class to

maintain its order and helped the students who were still having trouble with the

material which was presented, (9)teacher together with student made conclusion

about learning process that had been done, (10) teacher informed the students the next

meeting (March 19th 2018) will be a post-test exam, so teacher asked the students to

review the material that had been learn in their home, and then closed the class.

c. Observing

1) First meeting

At firstly in the meeting as usually researcher greet all the student in the

class, ask about their condition, remembering and invite them for always say thanks

to Allah as the owner of the universe. The next teacher gave an example of short

description in expression and body language as usually for gating and invite their

focus in learning process about the topic, at that time the students look ready and

quite to listen the dialogue the researcher gave. There were two kinds of activity to be

observed in this research. Those were teacher‟s activity and student‟s activity. The

observing step was conducted in the same time with implementing step. When the

teacher and the students were still on the teaching learning process, the observed was

doing his job by observation check list.

From the table of the students activity, the researcher reported that there were

still several activities that the researcher did not do well. The teacher did not explain

the important of increasing vocabulary knowledge to improve writing ability and

doing explanation to check students‟ prior knowledge about the description; the

researcher also did not explain and give clear explanation about peer response group

and did not deliver the lesson material affectively. The steps of the teaching learning

process that the researcher suggested to the teacher did not done well.

2) Second meeting

There were two kinds of activity to be observed in this research. Those were

teacher‟s activity and students activity. The observing step was conducted in the same

time with implementing step. When the teacher and the student still on the teaching

learning process, the observe was doing his job by observing both teacher activity and

students activity by using observation check list.

From the table of students activity, the researcher reported that there were

still several activities that the researcher did not do well. The teacher did not explain

the important of increasing vocabulary knowledge to improve writing ability and

doing explanation to check students‟ prior knowledge about the description; the

researcher also did not explain and give clear explanation about peer response group

and did not deliver the lesson material affectively. The steps of the teaching learning

process that the researcher suggested to the teacher did not done well.

Furthermore, students activity were also crucial to measure the

successfulness on of the teacher learning process. There are 4 students activities that

the researcher considered as criteria of active students. The table below is the

students activity that was being observed.


students‟ activity to be observed

No Students’ activity Percentage
Criterion Total

Good 10 33,33%
1 Interaction
Bad 20 66,67%

2 Revision Good 10 33,33%

Bad 20 66,67%

3 Perception Good 10 33,33%

Bad 20 66,67%

4 Evaluation Good 13 43,33%

Bad 17 56,67%

Based on the table above shows that not all the students active in the teaching

learning process. The skill intellectual, there were 10 students (33,33%) who get

activity, and 20 students (66,67%) who get bad activity, and all of the students

(100%). The revision, there were 10 students (33,33%) who get good activity, and 20

students (66,67%) who get bad activity, and all of the students (100%). The

perception, there were 10 students (33,33%) who get good activity, and 20 students

(66,67%) who get bad activity, and all of the students (100%). And the evaluation,

there were 13 students (44,33%) who get good activity, and 17 students (56,67%)

who get bad activity, and all of the students (100%).

Based on the students writing ability, there are only 12 (40%) of 30 students

in class that active in following cycle I second meeting in teaching learning process.

It means that, there were still 18 (60%) students that did not take a good part in

teaching learning process actively.

a. The Result Of Students Interview Cycle I

The researcher provide interview in the end of cycle I to know the students

English learning experiences. In this interview the researcher asked to the students

about students interesting in English lesson, experiences and their progress when

learning writing.

In this interview, the researcher found that actually, the student interested any

progress when learning writing. Many of them did knew about peer response group.

b. The result of students test cycle I

The test was given to the students to get score. The test used to determine the

score of students after studying the material using peer response group. In this

research used pre-test and post-test to get the students writing ability using peer

response group.

Based on the result of tests, and during the process of tests, the researcher

concluded that the students enthusiast in following the test. But there were some

students failed in the test.

c. Observation

The observation given to indicated the success of strategy in solving the

classroom problems. The researcher conducted the observation to knew how

implementation of peer response group in teaching learning writing and observes the

phenomenon during process of teaching writing.

Based on the result of observation in cycle I, there are only half students the

success in collaboration of practicing writing.

d. Documentation

In this instrument conducted to get the fact and reality information since long

time about MTs Ma‟arifRoudlotutTholibin Metro. For example the photos of students

activities get as the authentic evidence of research. The photos in cycle I. there were

several students that look more active in following the learning process.

e. Field note

The field note conducted to get data objectively, which can not be recode

through observation sheet, such students activities during the treatment. Their

reaction or other guidance which can be used which in analysis and reflection. This

note been prepared systematically and given interpretation by research.

In this first meeting of cycle I, the researcher as usually researcher greet all

the students in the class, ask about their condition then the researcher remembering

and invite them for always say thanks to Allah as the owner of the universe. And

body language as usually for gating and invite their focus in learning process about

the topic. At that time the students look ready and quite to listen the description that

researcher given. This situation in better that the situation in pre-test. The next step

was giving simulation for them to see their knowledge about topic.

In the second meeting of cycle I, the stimulation of the class more quite then

the first meeting. The students more focus playing attention the material given by the

researcher but it is time this meeting there were still some students shy to practice or

explanation result in front of the class.

d. Reflecting

In this step, the researcher concluded that cycle I did not run well because

most of students did not achieve the standard score. It can be seen from the result of

pre-test I score. Beside that, most of students score had increased although of

condition of learning process was controlled enough.

From the result of observing in cycle I there were some problem that found,

as follow :

a. There were some students that shown unenthusiastic to the teacher‟s


b. Some students not be able to cooperation well

c. Some students were shy to asked and answered question.

Based on the result of reflection in cycle I, there were some matter to be

revision in cycle II, as follow :

a. Teacher gave more detail explanation about the topic and gave question

after explanation the topic.

b. Teacher guided the students who not be able to cooperated with their


c. Teacher gave stimulus to the students, for example by giving reward to

the students brave answered the question.

2. Cycle II

a. Panning

Based on observation and reflection in cycle I, it showed that cycle I was successful

yet. Therefore, the researcher and teacher tried to revise the several problems that

appeared in cycle I arranged the planning for continuing in cycle II. The researcher

prepared the lesson plan such as the material, media and task.

b. Acting

The description of the teaching learning in cycle II was not different from the

previous cycle. In every stage the teacher tried to make class active. She tried to make

students enjoy in the class. Something she gave a song for motivation to the students. The

description of the result in cycle II could be interpreted as follow:

1) First Meeting

The first meeting in cycle II was conducted on March 22th 2018 with the basic

competence was responding the meaning and rhetoric step within the essay which using the

variety of written language accurately. Fluently and communicatively in daily life context

and to access knowledge in peer response group. It was started by greeting the students. At

the day at situation in the class was really discipline and quite, and the students look ready for

learn. At this meeting researcher going to explained about description by using peer response

group. As usually researcher speak in English and express it in happiness and till keep smile.

While of that researcher seen some students really focus and repeat the researcher‟

explanation, then researcher thing a moment that actually they were really focus and

enthusiastic in learning process.

However, as researcher mentioned before, this researcher focus on building students‟

understanding the meaning of the text, organizing the text, and vocabulary mastery to

improve their writing ability. So, in this acting step, the researcher will apply the peer

response group process to improve students‟ writing ability. In this first meeting, the material

to be taught is about description the pictures related with the season.

The teaching learning process in the first meeting are: (1) teacher began the lesson by

greeting students and then gave them motivation to participant in the purpose of the learning

process activity. (2) teacher explained the objective and the purpose of the learning. (3)

teacher investigated the students previous knowledge about description by asking them the

steps of peer response group they know. (4) teacher gave the stimulus to the student to

explore more about peer response group by giving the some examples such as a picture to the

described and the others (5) teacher asked the students to described the picture. (6) teacher

gave the students further explanation about the steps and functions of the description, (7)

teacher gave the students chance to ask if there is something that they still didn‟t understand

about the material, (8) teacher instructed the students to make a group consist 2-3 students

each group then asked them to discuss more about the description that have been presented by

understanding its usage and finding another example and its meeting. While the students

discussed the material, the teacher went around the class to maintain its order and helped the

students who were still having trouble with the material which was presented, (9)teacher

together with student made conclusion about learning process that had been done, (10)

teacher informed the students about the next meeting lesson material and closed the class.

2) Second Meeting

The Second meeting was conducted on March 23th 2018, with the basic competence

was still responding the meaning and rhetoric step within the essay which is using the variety

of written language accurately, fluently and communicatively in daily-life context and to

access knowledge in a description. In this second meeting, the material to-be taught is about

description the text of Crystal Place National Sport Canter.

The teaching learning process in the second meeting are (1) teacher began the

lesson by greeting students and then gave them motivation to participant in the purpose of

the learning process activity. (2) teacher explained the objective and the purpose of the

learning. (3) teacher investigated the students previous knowledge about description the text

of Crystal Place National Sport Canter by asking them the step peer response group they

know, (4) teacher gave the stimulus to the student to explore more about the description the

text of Crystal Place National Sport Canter by giving them some examples of description the

text Crystal Place National Sport Canter usage. (5) teacher asked the students to make more

examples about the description the text of Crystal Place National Sport Canter usage they

know. (6) teacher gave the students further explanation about the steps of description the text

Crystal Place National Sport Canter, its functions and its examples (7) teacher gave students

chance to ask if there is something that they still didn‟t understand about the material. (8)

teacher instructed the student make a group consist 2-3 students each group and then asked

them to discuss about Crystal Place National Sport Canter that have been presented by

understanding its usage and finding another example and its meaning. While the students

discussed the material, the researcher went around the class to maintain its order and helped

the students who were still having trouble with the material which was presented. Researcher

gave a suggestion for them, (9) Teacher together with students made conclusions about

learning process that had been done, (10) Teacher informed the students that next meeting

will be a post-test exam, so teacher asked the students to review the material that had been

learnt in their home, and then closed the class by praying to Allah and greet the students.

c. Observing

1) First Meeting

In this step, the researcher presented two meeting in teaching learning writing

by using peer response group technique. The researcher gave material and made the

students interested more.

There were two kinds of activity to be observed in this researcher. Those

were teacher‟s activity and students activity. The observing step was conducted in the

same time with implementing step. When the teacher and the students were still on

the teaching learning process, the observer (researcher) was doing job by observing

both teacher‟s activity and students‟ activity by using observation check list.

From the table of the students activity, the researcher reported that there were

still several activities that the teacher did not do well. The teacher did not explain the

important of increasing vocabulary knowledge to improve writing ability and doing

exploration to check students‟ prior knowledge about description, the teacher also did

not explain and give clear example of peer response group and did not deliver the

lesson material effectively. The steps of the teaching learning process that the

researcher suggested to the teacher did not do well.

2) Second Meeting

In this step, the researcher presented two meeting in teaching learning writing

by using peer response group technique. The researcher gave material and made the

students interested more.

There were two kinds of activity to be observed in this researcher. Those

were teacher‟s activity and students activity. The observing step was conducted in the

same time with implementing step. When the teacher and the students were still on

the teaching learning process, the observer (researcher) was doing job by observing

both teacher‟s activity and students‟ activity by using observation check list.

From the table of the students activity, the researcher reported that there were

still several activities that the teacher did not do well. The teacher did not explain the

important of increasing vocabulary knowledge to improve writing ability and doing

exploration to check students‟ prior knowledge about description, the teacher also did

not explain and give clear example of peer response group and did not deliver the

lesson material effectively. The steps of the teaching learning process that the

researcher suggested to the teacher did not do well.

Furthermore, students activities were effective to measure the successfulness

of the teaching learning process. There are 4 students activities that the researcher

considered as criteria of active students. The table below is the students activity that

was observed.

Table 4

students‟ activity to be observed

No Students’ activity Percentage
Criterion Total

Good 24 80,00%
1 Interaction
Bad 6 20,00%

2 Revision Good 25 83,33%

Bad 5 16,67%

3 Perception Good 25 83,33%

Bad 5 16,67%

4 Evaluation Good 26 86,67%

Bad 4 13,33%

Based on the table above shows that not all the students active in the teaching

learning process. The skill intellectual, there were 24 students (80,00%) who get good

activity, and 6 students (20,00%) who get bad activity, and all of the students (100%).

The revision, there were 25 students (83,33%) who get good activity, and 5 students

(16,67%) who get bad activity, all of the students (100%). The perception, there were

25 students (83,33%) who get good activity, and 5 students (16,67%) who get bad

activity, all of the students (100%). The evaluation, there were 26 (86,67%) who get

good activity, and 4 (13,33%) who get bad activity, all of the students (100%).

Based on the students writing ability, there are 24 (80,00%) of 30 students in

class that active in following cycle II second meeting in teaching learning process. It

means that, there were only 6 (20,00%) students that did not take good in teaching

learning process activity.

1) The Result Of The Students Interview Cycle I

The researcher provide interview in the end of cycle II to know the students‟

knowledge of peer response group, in this interview the researcher asked to the

students about their experience during learning process using peer response group.

Based on the interview, the researcher found all of the students more active in

following progress when learning writing using peer response group. They have

understood about peer response group. And they have more confidence to practice in

front of the class.

2) The Result Of Students’ Test Cycle II

The test was given to the students to get score. The test used to determine the

score of students after studying the material using peer response group. In this

researcher used pre-test and posttest to get the students‟ writing ability using peer

response group.

Based on the result of tests, and during the process of test, the researcher

concluded that all of students enthusiast in following the test. Almost of them were

success in following the test.

3) The Observation Cycle II

The observation given to indicated of strategy in solving the classroom

problems. The researcher conducted the observation to know how the implementation

of peer response group in teaching writing and observes the phenomenon during

process of teaching writing.

There are four aspects of students‟ activities to be observed and the result are

as follow :

A) Skill intellectual

a) Good : 24 students : 80,00%

b) Bad :6 students : 20,00%

B) Revision

a) Good : 25 students : 83,33%

b) Bad :5 students : 16,67%

C) Perception

a) Good : 25 students : 83,33%

b) Bad :5 students : 16,67%

D) Evaluation

a) Good : 26 students : 86,33%

b) Bad : 4 students : 13,33%

Based on the result of observing in cycle II, the students that success in

collaboration of practicing writing increased then the observation in cycle I. it means

that the students more practice and active in learning process.

4) The Documentation Of Cycle II

The documentation conducted to get the fact and reality information since in

the class. Based on the photos of students‟ activity as the authentic evidence of

research, all of students seen more active in following the learning process. Beside

that they were more confidence to practice in front of the class.

5) Field Note

The field note conducted to get data objectively, which can not be recode

through observation sheet, such students activities during the treatment. Their

reaction or other guidance which can be used which in analysis and reflection. This

note been prepared systematically and given interpretation by research.

In the firsr meeting cycle II, it was started by greeting, at that day the

situation in the class was really dicipline and quite, and the students look ready for

learn. At this meeting researcher gooing to explain about description by using peer

response group. As usuallu researcher speak in English and express it in happiness

and still keep smile. While of that researcher seen some students really focus and

repeat the explanation, then resesarcher think a moment that actually they were focus

and enthusiastic in learning process. After that, researcher gave the stimulate for them

to see their knowledge and idea.

In the second meetig cycle II, the situation of the class more quite then the

first meeting in cycle I. The students more focus in playing attention the material

given by the researcher. Based on the activity than cycle I. Event they more enjoy,

quite and more confident in doing the task and when practice to described by using

peer response group in front of the class.

6) The Result Students’ Post-Test

From the result score of post-test the students‟ score are increase. In pos-test,

there were 27 (90,00%) students who get score 80 and there were still 3 (10,00%)

students that did not take a good part in teaching learning process actively. It can be

seen from the table of students score at post test.

Based on the result the researcher found that the higehst score in 100 and the

lowest score is 7. While the average score is 83,33. Baseed on the creteria of

competeness standard (CS), there were 27(90,00) of 30 students got score 80. Most of

the students could pass the standard score. It means that cycle II was sucessful.

d. Reflecting

In cycle II, teaching process was going quite well. Teacher delivered the lesson

material effectivelly, solved students problem preciely and evaluating the learning

process perfecly. The students were also become more active in learning activity, and it

was one of indications that the teaching learning process was succeesed.

Based on the researche‟s observation in cycle II, it was found that the result of

students‟ learning by using peer response group was better that in result of students‟

learning by peer response group wa better than in cycle I, so it can be inferred, as follow :

a. Students was more active in learning activity.

b. Students was understand more about the description by using peer responde


c. Students was felt not shy to asked and aswered quwstion.

Based on the result of the researcher above, the researcher concluded that

most of the students could pass the standard score. It meqans that cycle II was


4.2. Data Disussion

The data has been collected in this researcher‟s activity in delevering the

lesson material, students activity in learning activity and students‟ post test score.

The students will take a good adventage of peer response group process if

they can understand the rule and how to use it in a proper way. Complete

understanding of discussion process only can be achived by delevering that rule in a

good way. Up-proper way of delevering the material will cause incomplete

understanding of the students, teacher‟s activity in delevering the lesson material in

cycle I not going well. However, it had been improved in cycle II. As we can knew

that the teacher was able to accomplish the learning process steps that the researcher

suggested quite well in sycle II. It is mean that the teaching learning process had been

going as the researcher expected to be. This is a good progress in case of building the

active participation of the students in class toward the learning activety. By this

number, the rsearcher concluded that the steps of the teaching learning process that

the researcer suggesed had been done quite well.

In the same time, because of the teacher‟s performance has been become

more active and meaningful. As the researcher said before, student‟ activities are also

crucial to measure the successfulness of the teaching learning process. The more

active the students, the more possibilities for them to get good understanding of the

lesson material that teacher give.

In cycle I, there are only 7 (23,33%) of 30 students in class that achive in

following cycle I first meeting in teaching learning process. It means that, there were

still 23 (76,67%) students did not take a good part of teaching learning process

activelly. And in second meeting, there are only 12 (40,00%) of 30 students in class

that active in following cycle I second meeting in teaching learning process. It means

that, there were still 18 (60,00%) students that did not take a good part in teaching

learning process actively.

In cycle II, there are 19 (63,33) of 30 students in class that active following

cycle II first meeting in teaching learning process. It means that, there were still 11

(36,67%) students that did not take a good part in teaching learning process actively.

And in second meeting, the number of achive students has reached 26 (80,00%)

students, and keep increased in postest. This is a good progress in case of building the

achive participation of the students in class toward the learning actively. By this

number, the researcher concluded that the steps of the teaching learning process that

the researcher suggested had been done quite well.

After all, the most important point to focus on this research is the increasing

of students‟ writing ability using peer response group. This point reflected from

students‟ writing ability using peer response group. This point reflected from

students‟ post test score cycle I and II. By this number, the researcher conducted that

the minimum target of success from researcher, that is 80 of the students in a class,

has been achived in posttest after second cycle.



5.1 Conclusion

Based on the result of classroom action research, it can be inferred as follow :

1. The implementation of peer response group can improve the students‟ writing ability at the

eighth grader of MTs Roudlotut Tholibin Metro. It can be seen based on the students‟ score in

pre-test to post test I and to post test II.

2. Based on the data findings and discussion on the chapter IV, the researcher draws a

conclusion that the peer response group can improve that the students‟ writing ability. The

number of students from cycle I up to cycle II has reached 12 become 26 of 30 students. It

means that, there were 26 (80,00%) of 30 students already passed the test, and only 4

(20,00%) of them were failed. By this number, the researcher concludes that the minimum

target of success, that is 80% of the students in a class, has been achieved in cycle 2, and it

proves that the peer response group can be positively improve the students‟ writing ability at

students in eight grade of MTs Ma‟arif Roudlotut Tholibin Metro academic year 2017/2018.

5.3. Suggestion

Based on the result of the researcher above, the researcher would like to suggestion as


1. For students

a. The students must be active in learning process aspecially English subject.

b. The students are suggested to increase their writing ability through peer response


2. For English Teacher

a. The English teacher should have variouse technique like peer response group to teach

English. Especially to develop the student‟s writing ability.

b. The English teacher should prepared some books to improve their knowledge

especially in English subject.

c. The English teacher should prepared lesson plan to make the students more active

and learning more suggested for another research to develop this research can be a



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