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2 Specifications

Domain A. Skills

The skills are subdivided into three categories:

 Subdomains A1 to A4: General skills (cross-profile level);

 Subdomains A5 to A9: Natural sciences, mathematical and technical skills (beta profile level);
 Subdomains A10 to A15: Physics - specific skills.

The first category with general, profile-transcending skills is not further specified in this syllabus. The
specifications of sub-domains A5 to A9 are coordinated with the syllabus commissions on chemistry and
biology. Some skills or parts thereof will not be tested on the central exam. For the sake of
completeness, these skills are included in the syllabus, but printed in italics and in gray.

Subdomain A1. Use information skills

Objective The candidate can purposefully search for, assess, select and process information.

Subdomain A2. To communicate

The candidate can adequately communicate in writing, orally and digitally in the public domain on topics
from the relevant field.

Subdomain A3. Reflect on learning

Attainment target When acquiring professional knowledge and skills, the candidate can reflect on his
own interest, motivation and learning process.

Subdomain A4. Study and profession

Objective The candidate can indicate how natural science knowledge is used in studies and professions
and can use this as a basis for expressing his interest in studies and professions.

Subdomain A5. To investigate

Objective The candidate can carry out research instructions in contexts based on questions and draw
conclusions from the research results. The candidate uses consistent reasoning and relevant
mathematical and mathematical skills.

Specification The candidate can use consistent reasoning and relevant mathematical and mathematical

1. recognize a natural science problem;

2. reduce a natural-scientific problem to one (or more) research question (s);

3. make connections between a research question and natural science knowledge;

4. where necessary, formulate a hypothesis for a research question and formulate expectations;

5. prepare a work plan for conducting a scientific study to answer one (or more) research question (s);

6. to make relevant observations and to collect (measurement) data for answering a research question;
7. process and present measurement data in a manner that helps answer a research question;

8. draw conclusions based on the collected data from an investigation that is in line with the research
question (s) of the research;

9. the execution of a study and the evaluation of conclusions, using the concepts of validity, accuracy,
reproducibility and reliability;

10. present a scientific study.

Subdomain A6. To design

Objective The candidate can prepare, execute, test and evaluate a technical design in contexts based on
a given problem, using relevant concepts, theory and skills and valid and consistent reasoning.

Specification The candidate can make use of relevant concepts, theory and skills and valid and
consistent reasoning:

1. analyze and describe a technical design problem;

2. prepare a program of requirements and wishes for a design;

3. make connections between scientific knowledge and tasks and properties of a design;

4. provide different (partial) elaborations for tasks and characteristics of a design;

5. make a substantiated design proposal for a design, taking into account the program of requirements,
priorities and preconditions;

6. build a prototype of a design;

7. test and evaluate a design process and product, taking into account the schedule of requirements;

8. make proposals for improving a design;

9. present a design process and product.

Subdomain A7. Modeling

Objective The candidate can analyze a problem in contexts, select an adequate model, and generate and
interpret model outcomes. The candidate makes thereby using consistent reasoning and relevant
mathematical and mathematical skills.
Specification The candidate can use consistent reasoning and relevant arithmetic and mathematical

1. identify and select relevant quantities and relationships in a problem situation;

2. by making assumptions and making simplifications to limit a scientific problem to a researchable


3. in the case of a scientific problem, select a model suitable for studying the problem;

4. make a substantiated estimate for parameter values of a model based on data;

5. formulate testable expectations about the behavior of a model;

6. calculate a model with a suitable time step;

7. evaluate a model based on outcomes, expectations and (measurement) data;

8. present a model study.

Subdomain A8. Natural scientific instruments

Objective The candidate can use a set of instruments that are relevant to the natural sciences in
contexts, where necessary with attention to risks and safety; this concerns instruments for data
collection and processing, subject language, subject conventions, symbols, formula language and
arithmetic operations.

Specification The candidate can:

1. acquire and select information from written, oral and audio-visual sources with the help of ICT: halen
extract data from graphs, tables, drawings, simulations, diagrams and diagrams; look up quantities,
units, symbols, formulas and data in suitable tables;

2. analyze, display and structure information, data and measurement results in graphs, drawings,
diagrams, diagrams and tables with the help of ICT;

3. explain what is meant by the significance of measured values and display the results of calculations in
the correct number of significant figures;

when dividing and multiplying,

the result is given in as many significant digits as the given measurement with the smallest number of
significant digits;

whole numbers obtained by counting discrete objects are not covered by the rules of significant figures
(this also applies to mathematical constants and monetary amounts);
4. indicate with which techniques and devices the most important quantities from the natural sciences
are measured;

5. responsible use of materials, instruments, organisms and the environment.

Subdomain A9. Appreciate and judge

Objective The candidate can give a reasoned opinion in contexts about a situation in nature or a
technical application, and distinguish between scientific arguments, normative social considerations and
personal views.

Specification The candidate can:

1. Give a substantiated judgment about a situation in which natural science knowledge plays an
important role, or make a well-founded choice between alternatives for issues of a natural scientific

2. Make a distinction between scientific arguments, normative social considerations and personal views;
3. Justify facts with sources;

4. Assessing the reliability of information and determining its value for answering the relevant issue.

Subdomain A10. Knowledge development and application

Objective The candidate can analyze in contexts how physical and technological knowledge is developed
and applied.

No further specification

Subdomain A11. Technical-instrumental skills

Objective The candidate can handle materials, instruments, equipment and IT applications relevant to
physics in a responsible manner.

Specification The candidate can:

1. use knowledge about materials, measuring instruments and devices for conducting experiments
and technical designs with regard to the subject content mentioned in the domains,
At least the following materials, measuring instruments and devices:
- measuring tape, measuring glass, stopwatch and scale;
- tuning fork, tone generator, loudspeaker, microphone, oscilloscope, GM counter;
- force gauge, lever, air-cushion track, strobe;
- (liquid) thermometer, joule meter, spring; - power supply device, adjustable resistance;
2. make use of knowledge about ICT applications for conducting experiments with regard to the
subject content mentioned in the domains
at least the following applications:
- computer with sensors, light gate;
- video measurement, measurement software;
- software for processing and analyzing measurement data.

Subdomain A12. Arithmetic and mathematical skills

The candidate can apply a number of mathematical and mathematical skills relevant for physics
correctly and routinely in problem situations specific to physics.
Specification The candidate can:
1. perform basic math skills,
 calculate with proportions, percentages, fractions, powers and roots;
 calculate the circumference and area of a circle, a triangle and a rectangle; Berekenen
calculate the volume of a bar and a cylinder;
 calculate the area and volume of a sphere.
2. applying mathematical techniques, the reducing formulas;
 reasoning in proportion (straight, inverted, quadratic, inverted quadratic);
 solving linear and second-degree equations;
 applying xn;
given in a rectangular triangle with two sides or with one side and one corner, calculating
the other sides and angles, using sine, cosine, tangent and the Pythagorean theorem;
graphic addition and decomposition of vectors; Tekenen draw graphs for a measurement
series; drawing up job requirements for linear relationships; Tekenen draw graphs with the
help of a job description; reading diagrams, including diagrams with axis interruptions;
interpolate and extrapolate in diagrams and tables; drawing the tangent on a curve and
determining the steepness; Bepalen determine the area under a graph;
3. Perform calculations with known quantities and relationships and use the correct formulas
and units,
 formulas as stated in the subject sub-domains;
 Substituting formulas;
 Derive and check units in physical formulas.

Subdomain A13. Professional language

The candidate can interpret and produce the specific professional language and professional
terminology, including formula language, conventions and notations.

No further specification (See A8)

Subdomain A14. Subject-specific use of the computer

Objective The candidate can use the computer for modeling and visualizing phenomena and processes,
and for processing data.

No further specification (See A8)

Subdomain A15. Quantify and interpret

Objective The candidate can quantify physical quantities and relate mathematical expressions to
relationships between physical concepts.

Specification The candidate can:

1. use reasoned estimates for unknown quantities when solving physical issues;

2. estimate the order of magnitude of a quantity or outcome in advance and evaluate afterwards to
what extent the outcome of an issue can be correct;

3. reasoning with physical connections.

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