News Item

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News item is a text which informs readers about

events of the day. The events are considered

newsworthy or important. (News item adalah teks
yang memberikan informasi tentang kejadian /
peristiwa harian. Peristiwa harian ini dianggap
pantas dijadikan berita atau [bisa dibilang] penting)
Artinya, jika ada suatu peristiwa penting yang patut
diketahui oleh banyak orang, maka peristiwa ini
pantas dijadikan berita. Nah, teks berita itulah yang
dinamakan dengan news item. Namun, jika ada
peristiwa yang tidak pantas diketahui oleh orang
banyak, maka peristiwa tersebut jelas tidak layak
dijadikan berita.
1. Main Events (Newsworthy event): Kejadian
utama yang pantas dijadikan berita.
2. Elaboration (Background event): Penjelasan
mengenai latar belakang adanya peristiwa
tersebut; orang-orang yang terlibat dalam
peristiwa tersebut; tempat peristiwa terjadi;
dan lain-lain..
3. Resource of Information [Source] : Sumber
berita; komentar para saksi; pendapat para
ahli; dan lain-lain.
a. Informasi singkat tertuang dalam headline
b. Memfokuskan pada kejadian
c. Menggunakan action verb
d. Menggunakan material process
e. Dominan menggunakan saying verbs
f. Banyak menggunakan adverb of time, adverb
of place, adverb of manner.
Seven Killed in Accident on Jalan Sultan

Newsworthy Event
Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car
and a truck at 10:35 p.m. on Jalan Sultan last night.
Backgroud Event
The dead were all passengers in the car. Police believe the car
may have been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck
by a truck coming from the opposite direction. The driver of
the car may not have been using his lights, as the truck driver
said he did not see the car approaching.
The police said the car should not have been trying to pass
the bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Jalan Sultan. In
addition, the police reported that the car–a small Japanese
car–should not have been carrying more than five people. The
names of the victims are not yet known.
Landslide in Bukittinggi
Two people died while four others were wounded in
a landslide at a yard behind a house near Teleng
market in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra on Tuesday.
Killed were 3-year-old Yusuf, who was the son of a
kiosk owner at the market, Bujang, and 22-year-
old Meli, who was a visitor to the market. The
injured were rushed to the Achmad Muchtar and
Yarsi hospitals.
Bukittinggi Deputy Mayor Ismet Amziz said Tuesday
it was suspected that recent heavy rainfall had
caused the landslide.
Generic Structure of News Item
1. Main event: News item text presents the daily
newsworthy. In this example of news item text, the
first paragraph is the main event. It informs the
reader that a landslide happened

2. Elaboration: The second paragraph of this

example of news item gives further explanation
about the main event that the two victim were 3
and 22 years old while the injured were brought to

3. Resource of information: The last paragraph is

the official statement from the expert or the
authority which strengthen the news of the main

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