Masons Sheet

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Githyanki Soldier/Fighter Longsword- +7 1D8+6 slash FREEDOM!!!
AC 18 Handaxe(*2)+7 1D8+6 Slash I will do anything to
HP 46 Warhammer +7 1D8+6 Bludgeon kill an ilithid
Initiative -1 Zerthimon was right,
Speed 30 gith should be united

Str 18 +4
Dex 9 -1
Con 13 +1
Int 16 +3
Wis 12 +1
Cha 6-2

Acrobatics -1
Animal handling 1
Arcana 6
Athletics 7
Deception -2
History 6
Insight 1
Intimidation 1
Investigation 3
Medicine 1
Nature 3
Perception 4
Performance -2
Persuasion -2
Religion 3
Sleight of hand -1
Stealth -1
Survival 1

Languages: Common, gith, Deep speech, Elvish

Proficient in: All armor, all weapons, shields, smiths tools, tinkers tools
Chainmail, explorers pack, astal tuning fork,
560 GP
Hat of disguise_ look like anyone as long as hat is worn (half elf, long ears, purple eyes is main
Fighting style- Dueling: When wielding one melee weapon, +2 to attack rolls
Second wind- Use bonus action to heal 1D10+5 once per rest
Action surge- One extra action per rest
War Caster: Adv. on concentration checks, Can perform somatic spell components while
holding a shield, can cast a spell as an attack of opportunity
Extra attack- 1
Githyanki psionics- Once per long rest, can cast jump (3X jump distance for 1 minute) and misty
step- bonus action, teleport to a space within 30 feet

MAGIC Spell save DC=14, Spell attack bonus 6


Invisible mage hand

Friends, conc. 1 min, Adv on charisma saves against a single target, after the minute ends the
target becomes hostile

Minor illusion

1ST LVL: 3 slots

Absorb Elements

Shield: 1 reaction, +5 AC until the start of your next turn, take no damage from magic missile

Find Familiar:

Thunderwave: Range 15 foot cube from self, everything takes a constitution saving throw. On a
fail, take 2D8 damage, and get knocked back 10 feet. On a success, half damage, no


Llyr aiseen
Dewi eil
Regus Ilali
Malik Baryoom

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