Lesson 1 Single

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Days 1 and 2

Lesson Plan #1
Using a Personal Computer

Performance Objective: Working independently, eighth graders will accurately identify

and use six parts of a personal computer, recognize and operate the word processing software,

and boot a computer when they need to format and type documents in one out of one attempt.

Resources or Materials Needed: Desktop computers for each student, overhead

projector and screen, computer hardware labeling worksheet, Padlet link

(Computer/Keyboarding Unit 2019)

Time: 100 minutes or two 50-minute class periods

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities:

1. Have students make a list of all the parts of a computer that they know

2. Have students share their lists

3. Note any mention of software as part of the computer

4. Use a presentation software such as https://wordart.com/ (Word Cloud Art Creator 2019)

to generate a word cloud of computer hardware parts to display and discuss

5. Create a second word cloud of computer software to display and discuss

6. Inform students of objectives and give students a Padlet link (Computer/Keyboarding

Unit 2019)
Step 2: Content Presentation:

7. Using the word cloud for computer hardware, ask students to write a definition of

computer hardware.

8. Show the following

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cXEOWAStq4&feature=youtu.be (“All GCFGlobal.org®

content is available for free at edu.gcfglobal.org.”)

9. Define computer hardware

10. Ask students to compare their definitions to what they learned from the video and make

corrections as needed.

11. Show the following

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94lT9Ywuhd4&feature=youtu.be (“All GCFGlobal.org®

content is available for free at edu.gcfglobal.org.”)

12. Ask students to demonstrate where the power button is located on a desktop computer

13. Using the word cloud for computer software, ask students to write a definition of

computer software.

14. Show the following

video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTdSs8kQqSA(“All GCFGlobal.org® content is

available for free at edu.gcfglobal.org.”)

15. Ask students to compare their definition to the video and make corrections as

needed. Ask students to list two types of software.

16. Show the following

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYgy4rjV4J0&feature=youtu.be (“All

GCFGlobal.org® content is available for free at edu.gcfglobal.org.”)

17. Define word processing application.

18. Show students examples of word processing software programs.

Step 3: Learner Participation:

19. While sitting at the desktop computer, have students label a diagram of the parts of a


20. Allow students to practice powering on the computer by pressing the start button and

watching the booting process.

21. Ask students to look over the keyboard and make a list of questions they have about the

layout of the keyboard.

22. Let students practice moving the cursor around the screen(monitor) to become familiar

with using the mouse.

23. Point out the software applications on the screen. Challenge students to see if they

recognize the word processing software icon.

Step 4: Assessment: (See Appendix A)

24. Given a worksheet to label, students will label the parts of the personal computer


25. Students will define hardware, software, and computer applications.

26. Students will be asked to demonstrate their understanding of how to turn on a personal

computer by using the power button to boot their computer.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities:

27. Each day for the remainder of the course, students will boot their computers when they

come into the classroom. They will interact with the hardware of the computer as well as the

software and manipulate the mouse and keyboard to input information into the computer
Lesson Plan Summary: The learning theory that most aligns with this lesson plan is

behaviorism. The strategies of instruction associated with behaviorism are most appropriate for

teaching objective one. Learning to operate a computer requires students learn to execute

specific commands (stimulus) to get a desired outcome (response). The stimulus is given, and

the student must provide the proper response such as defining hardware and software, using the

power button to turn on the computer, manipulating the keyboard and mouse to input

information, and labeling the parts of a computer.

Appendix A

Please label the parts of the computer using the word bank provided.

Word Bank: Monitor, Keyboard, Printer, Mouse, CPU, Speakers

Appendix A
Worksheet Page 2

1.Define computer hardware.

2. Define computer software and name two types of software.

3.Define a computer application.

4.Raise your hand when you are ready to have your teacher watch you use the power

button to boot your computer.

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