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Start with a route from Baños, Baño - Puyo, and enjoy the beautiful waterfalls
Agoyán is the highest waterfall in the Ecuadorian Andes. It is located approximately 7
km from the city of Baños. It is formed by the waters of the Pastaza River that sink 61
meters into a ravine located in the Western Cordillera.
In 1987, the Ecuadorian government inaugurated the Agoyán hydroelectric plant,
which has been part of the country's electricity network since then. The plant was built
upstream of the waterfall, in order to preserve it.
The mantle of the bride
The mantle of the bride has been adopted because the waters of the waterfall have
become the mantle of the bride, there has been an interesting story, it has been told in
the antiquity of the smugglers of the license of the cane that is produced in The Puyo,
used a way to save the animal guards with terrible terrible confrontations. You have a
view of different angles of the set between the beautiful waterfall and the biodiversity
of the place.
The Paílon Del Diablo
Passing the mantle of the bride, the path is chosen for the impression most impressed
waterfall footprint Pailón del Diablo, due to the shape of the rock in the stone and the
waterfall seems to fall on a large paila and on the mountain the rock It has the face of
the devil, it is the most tourist not only for the Ecuadorians but also for the foreigners
belonging to the community of Rio Verde, its population is small but it has a great
culture and history.
Rafting: It is a sporting activity and recreational that consists of traveling the
riverbed in the direction of the current (downstream), usually about some kind of
boat or raft.
Canopy: Bathrooms has a variety of places where you can perform in this city
from 250 meters, up to 1000 meters another of the places where we can perform
canopy you can find this services with several lines between cloud forests, rivers
and ravines this activity can be done Both children and adults.
Kayak: It is a sport that can be practiced only by experts. In the eastern part of
Baños in the Río Negro is the river Topo, according to some experts is one of the
most technical rivers and better to perform this sport, in addition to the beauty of
the environment and the biodiversity of the sector.

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