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Tuesday Meeting (Subject Selection):

General rule of thumb - only enrol in two folio subjects

Advice to students - only a recommendation, students can choose to continue to enrol
Students are pulling out of the course mid way due to the workload
“Just so you know…” “General recommendation is two…” - No discouragement towards students

Progress Reports (Year 11) and Performance Improvement Plan Data (Year 12) Meeting:
Looking at ‘exiting’ students from the classes - no point in writing reports on students who haven’t
been present
Keeping track of student progress - what is the importance of consistently reviewing student data
Preparing students for the new school year
Concerns about double handling comments, reviews, and data
Importance of keeping track of documentation throughout the year - physical and digital.
Finding correlations between attendance, class motivation, coursework progression and wellbeing
Contacting parents to review student progress/motivation

Year 12 English Meeting:

Proposed SAC topics for comparative
Brainstorming the topics, thinking about what may work in terms of how much students can write in
relation to the topic
The wording of the SAC topic is essential in the decision of the final topic - setting it up so students
can have scope and a contention
Basing the structure and wording from old exams - has the potential trouble of making the topic too
broad. Exams go for much longer.
“HOW” - open ended essay questions
Has the challenge of providing a SAC that covers all English classes - equity. Some teachers focused
heavily on freedom, others identity.
Some teachers prefer to not know the topic in order to not influence the student’s responses
Holiday homework - 2019 English Exam Preparation Booklet
Teachers use Insight Study Guides

Year 11 & 12 Mentor Meeting

Sorting out SEAS applications for mentees. Students have not taken it upon themselves to make sure
that they have completed all aspects of their VTAC application.
Is following up on students in Year 12 about their VTAC and SEAS a normal practice for other
schools? What is the benefit of doing this in a traditional high school?

Staff Meeting
Importance of moderation
Importance of being transparent with the VCE ATAR calculations and how SACs contribute to the
Indicative grading before students head into the exam
What is the importance in keeping reliable and extensive records of marks? Why do their marks
matter? What is your responsibility to the students in terms of marking and ranking students (VCE)?

Celebration Day (8:30am to 12:30pm) protocols and procedures

Outline of celebration day program including entry and exit to the school ground, alcohol and drug
protocols and consequences, behaviour throughout the day, letter to parents outlining these
expectations of behaviour and consequences.
Staff meetings/briefing to discuss the management of Celebration Day
Students deemed to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs to be managed by staff in the
Cottage Theatre. Parents will be contacted.
Students will not be admitted after 9:30am
Students will be leaving at 12:30pm and will not be allowed back in. There will be teachers monitoring
the park.
Evacuation planning and procedures
What is our duty of care in events such as this? Have we considered all safety and wellbeing issues?

Staff Survey Results

Summative assessment on the school and its teachers in order to target areas for improvement
This will also lead to the formation of the school’s strategic plan

Year 12 Meeting
Preparation for 2020 in terms of timetabling and staffing for Year 12
Student safety for Celebration Day and yearbook. 2019 celebrations went poorly (alcohol, broken
glass, fighting)
Chronicle entries for students to supply Mentors with positive reference (importance of reporting and
providing feedback)
Chronicle entries on Compass are templated to provide the necessary and relevant information for the
Indicative grades and grade distribution (using the VCAA 2018 template)
Exploration and familiarisation with the Compass portal -
Transitioning the students into a new year within 2 teaching sessions (holiday homework, unit
overview, get-to-know-the-students, Mentor groupings)
Teacher laptops belong to the department (not personal)
Evaluating students’ future in terms of successful completion of Year 12 (consideration of attendance,
completed coursework, redemption, and pending SACs)

Literature meeting
Further planning day
Professional development ideas for the end of the year (learning disorders, mandatory reporting,
teaching morning routine - shared learning intention, embedding teaching strategies into the
professional learning programs, table talk - topics and/or questions for discussion in morning tea,
changing the session into an interactive dynamic, grabbing teacher and/or interests, setting up
documents for 2020)
Organising and finalising the Year 11 exam
Transition sessions (holiday homework, student preparation, engaging/reengaging potential students)
Continuous reporting
Year 12 revision sessions (what each teacher will cover)

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