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A simple continental rift classification

Article  in  Tectonophysics · December 2011

DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.10.004


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Olivier Merle
Université Clermont Auvergne


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Tectonophysics 513 (2011) 88–95

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A simple continental rift classification

Olivier Merle
Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
CNRS, UMR 6524, LMV, F-63038 Clermont-Ferrand, France
IRD, R 163, LMV, F-63038 Clermont-Ferrand, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A continental rift is conventionally described as a thinning process of the lithosphere ultimately leading to
Received 30 April 2011 the rupture of the continent and the formation of a mid-oceanic ridge. Rifting is the initial and fundamental
Received in revised form 6 October 2011 process by which the separation of two continents into two tectonic plates takes place. Previous classifica-
Accepted 8 October 2011
tions, particularly the one into “active” and “passive” rifting, are briefly presented, together with their limita-
Available online 14 October 2011
tions. The new classification presented here links continental rifts to the major plate tectonics structures
which are at the origin of their formation. Thus, four types of rift can be defined: the subduction-related
Continental rift rift, the plume-related rift, the mountain-related rift and the transform-related rift. A number of examples
Tectonics representative of these four types of rift are then presented. This classification is shown to lie at the heart
Active rift of our understanding of the major plate tectonic processes at work on Earth.
Passive rift © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tectonic plate

1. Introduction continental crust preserves its original thickness. Following uplift

and volcanism, the crust is thinned by extension in the final stage of
Rift formation has long been the focus of attention for researchers and deformation.
numerous studies have been carried out in order to understand the cause The great diversity of extensional modes illustrates their dependence
and the mode of lithospheric extension (e.g. Brun, 1999; Corti et al., 2003; upon numerous physical parameters. The following are generally consid-
Dewey and Hancock, 1987; Illies, 1981; Keen, 1985; Khain, 1992; Morgan ered to exert a strong control on the deformation of the lithosphere: the
and Baker, 1983; Neugebauer, 1983; Neumann and Ramberg, 1978; Pal- rate of extension (e.g. England, 1983; Kuznir and Park, 1987; Perez-
mason, 1982; Ruppel, 1995; Ziegler, 1992). Gussinye et al., 2006), the geothermal gradient (e.g. Buck, 1991), the rhe-
A continental rift is conventionally described as a thinning process ological profile of the lithosphere (e.g. Huismans and Beaumont, 2011;
of the lithosphere ultimately leading to the rupture of the continent Martinod and Davy, 1992; Richard and Froidevaux, 1986), the thickness
and the formation of a mid-oceanic ridge and sea-floor spreading. ratio between the crust and the lithospheric mantle (e.g. Hopper and
The rifting process, however, does not always continue to completion Buck, 1996), any ancient discontinuities and lithospheric heterogene-
and many rifts become inactive before the point at which new ocean- ities (e.g. Petit and Deverchère, 2006) and the magmatic intrusions
ic crust is formed. (e.g. Parsons and Thompson, 1993; White and McKenzie, 1989).
The process of lithospheric thinning deserves special attention. These parameters combine variously to form rifts as diverse as (1) nar-
Basically, the thinning of the lithosphere may result from one of row rifts (e.g. the East African Rift or the Cenozoic European Rift) versus
two distinct mechanisms. Firstly, thinning may result from horizontal rifts whose width is greater than the lithospheric thickness (e.g. The
extension of the continental lithosphere, in which far-field stresses Basin and Range province or the Aegean extensional area) (e.g. Brun,
generated within, or at the boundaries of, the lithosphere create the 1999; Buck, 1991); (2) asymmetric versus symmetric extension on a
extensional field. In this case, both the crust and the lithospheric crustal or lithospheric scale (e.g. Keen et al., 1987; Morgan and Baker,
mantle are simultaneously stretched right from the start of the rifting 1983; Wernicke, 1981) or (3) magmatic rifts versus exceptionally
process. Secondly, thinning may result from a heat source acting on non-magmatic rifts (Perez-Gussinye and Reston, 2001).
the base of the lithosphere, due the ascent of a mantle plume to the Since all these rift types, whether narrow or wide, or exhibiting
base of the lithosphere. In the earliest stages of this deformation, asymmetric or symmetric extension, may be formed in different tec-
the lithospheric mantle is thinned by thermal erosion but the tonic environments, these characteristics cannot be used to classify
rifts with respect to the tectonic stresses at the origin of the deforma-
tion. In other words, different tectonic environment may create rifts
E-mail address: that display great geometric or kinematic similarities.

0040-1951/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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O. Merle / Tectonophysics 513 (2011) 88–95 89

Thus, any geometric or kinematic classification is incomplete since by crustal doming and abundant vulcanicity (i.e. flood basalt) during
it does not take into account local mechanical parameters, which the early stage, with graben formation and sedimentation occurring
generate specific extensional modes that interfere with the tectonic at a later stage. Conversely, “passive” rifting exhibits graben forma-
cause of the rifting process. tion and lacustrine or even marine sedimentation in the first stage,
However, one of the goals of geology is to determine the root followed by volcanism at a later stage. This distinct tectonic evolution
causes of the tectonic structures, and to propose a coherent evolution gives simple criteria by which to identify “active” or “passive” rifts
of these structures in relation to plate tectonics. A rift classification from field studies.
that is both based on plate tectonics and is easy to apply would be Despite its usefulness, this classification is limited. Firstly, “active
very useful in the understanding of first order geological data includ- rifting” has been shown to be rare on Earth and only the East African
ing that from tectonics, geophysics, petrology, geochemistry or Rift is acknowledged to fall into this category, although some authors
stratigraphy. suggest that this process has played a major role in the opening of the
The aim of this article is to propose a simple classification by Atlantic Ocean (e.g. Morgan, 1983; Wilson and Guiraud, 1992).
which all of the world's rifts can be easily classified. As it covers all Secondly, this classification is far from being clear-cut. Numerous
large-scale plate tectonic structures, this classification does not ex- rifts display a tectonic evolution that combines “passive” and “active”
clude any, and defines them all without ambiguity. Post-orogenic ex- mechanisms (Michon and Merle, 2001; Ruppel, 1995; Wilson, 1993;
tension, which results from tensional stresses within orogenically Ziegler and Cloetingh, 2004), making it difficult to place them unam-
overthickened crust and is associated with the collapse of an orogen, biguously into one of these two categories.
is not considered as a rifting process but rather as a return to the nor- During “passive” rifting, stretching of the lithosphere may trigger
mal crustal condition. Therefore, this type of extension is not taken a destabilization of the underlying asthenosphere and generate a
into account in the classification. small-scale convective upwelling whose effect mimics that of “active”
rifting (Huismans et al., 2001). According to some authors (Channel
2. “Active” and “passive” rifting and Mareschal, 1989; Merle and Michon, 2001), this “active” compo-
nent in “passive” rifting may also result from the formation of a man-
This classification is a dynamic one as it is based upon the forces tle lithospheric root following continental collision. This root forces
that initiate rifting. Burke and Dewey (1973) were the first to imagine the asthenosphere away from itself, generating upward movement
that a rift may result from the ascent of a mantle plume to the base of of the asthenosphere toward the base of the adjacent lithosphere. In
the lithosphere. This process was termed “active rifting” by Sengör other words, “active” upwelling of the asthenosphere is common in
and Burke (1978), and subsequently mantle-activated rifting by many “passive” rifts and is not linked to an underlying mantle plume.
Condie (1982). Inherent in this classification is the fact that the Conversely, for mechanical reasons, some authors think that “ac-
mantle upwelling is an active process in the deformation. However, tive” rifting is not able to produce complete rupture of the lithosphere
the term “active” rift can be misleading since there is another sense (i.e. to the point of oceanic crust formation) and that a component of
of the term in which active and inactive rifts are distinguished based “passive” rifting is needed (e.g. Mulugeta, 1985). This component
on whether extension is ongoing or not (Park, 1988). may be provided by deviatoric stresses resulting from lateral gradi-
“Active” rifting is the opposite of “passive” rifting (Sengör and Burke, ents of gravitational potential energy due to the doming created by
1978); in the latter the extension of the lithosphere results from region- the underlying mantle plume (Stamps et al., 2010). Such combina-
al stresses located within, or at the boundaries of, the lithosphere. It em- tions of “active” and “passive” components therefore make it difficult
phasizes that the mantle upwelling is a passive mechanism resulting to distinguish the appropriate model when studying a natural case.
from thinning of the lithosphere by extension. “Passive” rifting has In addition, the difference in tectonic evolution between “active”
been termed lithosphere-activated by Condie (1982). and “passive” rifting disappears during the final stage of deformation
This classification has proved very useful since “active” and “pas- when the asthenosphere reaches shallow levels of the plate and trig-
sive” rifts, due to their very different causes, follow definable and con- gers abundant partial melting and magmatic intrusions (e.g. Corti
trasting tectonic evolutions (Fig. 1). “Active” rifting is characterized et al., 2003; Morley, 1994).

Uplift and
Graben and
Sedimentation No volcanism
Crust Crust

Lithospheric Thermal erosion



Asthenosphere Asthenosphere
Fig. 1. The early stage of the tectonic evolution for “active” (A) and “passive” rifting (B). “Active” rifting displays lithospheric uplift and volcanism resulting from thermal erosion at
the base of the lithosphere, whereas “passive” rifting displays graben formation and sedimentation without volcanism as a result of horizontal extension of the lithosphere.
Author's personal copy

90 O. Merle / Tectonophysics 513 (2011) 88–95

3. Sengör's classification is the formation of an oceanic ridge. In our classification, the mid-
oceanic ridge is a central point toward which all rifts converge, re-
This classification, restated by Sengör and Natal'in (2001), was gardless of the tectonic setting that initiates them.
first proposed by Sengör (1995). It is a hierarchical classification If we now consider the causes of rifting, it is significant that the
that combines dynamic, kinematic and geometric information. four other active tectonic environments, namely subduction zones,
Firstly, all rifts are separated into two major categories (rank 1) mountain chains, mantle plumes and transform faults, can all be re-
based on their dynamics (i.e. “active” and “passive” rifts). These sponsible for the formation of a continental rift. No other cause for
two major categories are then subdivided into four kinematic types the formation of a continental rift has ever been demonstrated on
of rift families (rank 2) based on plate boundary characteristics, Earth. In the classification, these four tectonic environments are the
namely divergent plate boundaries, convergent plate boundaries, four points of departure for any process of rifting, in the same way
conservative plate boundaries, and plate interior. Further kinematic as the oceanic ridge is viewed as being the point of arrival.
subcategories are defined based on these four types of rifts families These kinematic considerations inferred from plate tectonics can
(rank 3). Geometric characteristics are then added to the kinematic be represented on a diagram where each type of rift appears
subcategories. (Fig. 2). According to this, four types of rift can be defined, each
For example, the “active” rift category (rank 1: dynamic) splits resulting from one of the four tectonic environments at the origin of
into two families (rank 2: kinematic): Intraplate rift and divergent- their formation. These four types of rift are: the subduction-related
plate boundary rift. This second generation is subdivided into Rift rift, the plume-related rift, the mountain-related rift and the
with previous doming and rift without previous doming (rank 3: kine- transform-related rift (Fig. 1). All rifts found on Earth can be classified
matic) to which four geometric characteristics are added: Solitary according to this diagram.
rift, rift stars, rift chains, rift nets. This is the simplest example of the This classification opens interesting perspectives. It shows that
classification as a fourth kinematical rank is introduced for certain rifts formed in a similar tectonic environment can follow different
types of “passive” rift. The classification is illustrated in table form, structural evolutions, and it allows us to understand why. In essence,
and resembles a family tree with 20 category boxes (Fig. 2 in Sengör this classification lies at the heart of our understanding of the major
and Natal'in, 2001). plate tectonic processes at work on Earth. In the following sections,
This classification gives much more information about the differ- we provide some natural examples to illustrate and reinforce this
ent types of rifts than the “active/passive” classification, especially view.
about the tectonic environment associated with the rifting process.
However, the fact that the initial categories (dynamic, kinematic 5. Subduction-related rifts
and geometric) do not overlap makes the classification complicated
and sprawling, and overall difficult to handle. It is also questionable The classic relationship between subduction and rifts is the forma-
whether the abundance of kinematic subcategories adds anything to tion of back-arc basins, which result from the roll-back of the subduct-
the clarity of the final classification. ing slab. This situation generally occurs in response to the aging of the
Certain limitations of this classification become apparent when subduction zone, to a slow down of the convergence rate, or to a tempo-
using it. For example, In the European Cenozoic Rift, the grabens of rary plate divergence (e.g. Honza, 1993; Tamaki and Honza, 1991;
this Oligocene rift system do not all fall into the same category. The Uyeda and McCabe, 1983).
Limagne graben is considered to be a pack-ice type rift (rank 4), Several examples of this mechanism have been described on
the Rhine graben as an impactogen (rank 4) and the Bresse graben Earth, and some of them have evolved to the point of oceanic crust
as a pull-apart rift (rank 3) (Sengör and Natal'in, 2001). Moreover, formation, for example the Sea of Japan (e.g. Jolivet et al., 1994), the
the Rhine and Limagne grabens belong to the sub-categories of Black Sea (e.g. Nikishin et al., 2001) or the Agero-provencal basin
convergent-plate boundary rifts (rank 2) and continental collision- (e.g. Seranne, 1999). The structural evolution of back-arc basins is
related rifts (rank 3) whereas the Bresse graben belongs to the that of “passive” rifting.
sub-category of conservative-plate boundary rifts (rank 2). The fact Subduction-related rifts may also exhibit extensional terrains
that a group of grabens, which clearly all formed at the same which are different to those of classic back-arc basins, for example
time and during the same tectonic episode of regional extension, the Basin and Range Province in the USA. Here, the primary cause of
are allocated to different categories in the classification scheme, the continental extension is the subduction of the Farralon and Pacific
shows that the unifying conditions which prevailed during their plates under the North-American continent. The Eo–Oligocene mag-
formation on the larger scale of the European Plate are being matism bears a subduction zone signature and thus the Basin and
masked by the complexity of the classification. Range Province is classified as a subduction-related rift. However, it
In other words, while the purely dynamic classification (“active” was not until the East Pacific Rise descended beneath the North
and “passive” rifts) does not account for the great variety of dynamic American plate that extension within the continent began (Verall,
processes that take place during rift formation, Sengör's classification, 1989), since this event deeply modified the kinematic and thermo-
through being too complicated, artificially separates grabens that mechanical state of the overlying continent. Moreover, the detach-
formed at the same time and during the same tectonic events. ment of the Farallon slab, which sank into the mantle (Jones et al.,
1992; Keith, 1986), generated “active” upwelling of the astheno-
4. A new simple classification sphere. Thus, the Basin and Range Province exhibits many character-
istics of “active” rifting during its main Mio–Pliocene stage. As a
There are six active tectonic environments represented on the result, the US Cordillera collapsed and there was rapid extension
Earth's surface, as defined by the kinematics of tectonic plate bound- over a very wide zone (1500 × 1500 km) leading to the formation of
aries: continental rifts, oceanic ridges, subduction zones, hot spots, metamorphic cores complexes, together with abundant vulcanicity
mountain chains and transform zones. All of these tectonic environ- (Coney, 1987; Wernicke, 1981; Wernicke et al., 1987). Simultaneous-
ments correspond to lateral boundaries of tectonic plates, with the ly, the Pacific/North-American plate boundary was evolving into a
exception of the hot spot which results from mantle plume activity conservative plate boundary.
at the base of a plate. From a tectonic point of view, the Earth's surface The Wudalianchi volcanic field, located to the west of the Sea of
is inactive away from these specific tectonic environments. Japon, in China, provides another example of rifting resulting from
Continental rifts and mid-oceanic ridges are genetically linked subduction-related extension. More precisely, the extension in this
since the ultimate evolution of a rift in the continental lithosphere, volcanic province is a result of the accumulation and thickening of a
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O. Merle / Tectonophysics 513 (2011) 88–95 91

Mantle Plume

Subduction Transform
Zone Subduction-related Mid Transform-related Fault
Rift Oceanic Rift


Mountain Chain

Fig. 2. Continental rift classification according to the four tectonic environments at the origin of their formation (see text for explanation).

stagnant portion of the Pacific plate as it subducts beneath the Eurasian Two examples of mountain-related rifts can be cited. Deformation
plate. This creates “active” upwelling of the asthenosphere, which in in the foreland of the Himalaya mountain chain has occurred within a
turn triggers volcanism, uplift and crustal extension (Zhao et al., triangular area bounded to the west by the Tien Shan–Baikal wrench
2009; Zou et al., 2008). Although the deformation mimics that of “ac- zone, which is over 4000 km long (Cobbold and Davy, 1988). The
tive” rifting, it does not result from the activity of a mantle plume but northern tip of this wrench zone is the Lake Baikal rift. Although the
instead from the specific evolution of the subduction zone locally, location and the evolution of the Baikal rift has been influenced by
thus putting it into the group of subduction-related rifts. many local factors, the rifting process mainly results from the eastward
These two natural examples of subduction-related rifts (i.e. The escape of the Amuria–North China plate during the general tectonic
Basin and Range Province and the Wudalianchi volcanic field) reveal evolution of Asia (e.g. Petit and Deverchère, 2006; Zonenshain and
that this type of rift may follow very contrasting structural evolution Savostin, 1981). Since far-field stresses due to the India/Asia collision
based on the tectonic history of the individual subduction zone. It is are the primary cause of the lateral escape, this collision is also respon-
noteworthy that, depending on their structural evolution, subduction- sible for the initiation of the Baikal Rift (Deverchère, 1999; Petit and
related rifts can be classified as “active” or “passive” rifts, or even Deverchère, 2006).
cross from one to the other over time. The European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS) is one of the most
studied rifts in the world. Its tectonic and magmatic evolution is
6. Mountain-related rifts very complex and many competing models have been proposed to
explain its formation (e.g. Bergerat, 1987; Bois, 1993; Bourgeois
During continental collision the overstacking process generates et al., 2007; Chorowicz and Deffontaines, 1993; Dèzes et al., 2004;
horizontal stresses that can produce major deformation in the fore- Merle and Michon, 2001; Neugebauer, 1978; Sengör, 1976; Sobolev
land over distances that reach far away from the actual suture zone. et al., 1996; Stampfli et al., 1998; Tapponnier, 1977; Ziegler, 1994).
This is beautifully illustrated by the lateral extrusion of eastern Asia Although the model of a mantle plume – or several “baby” mantle
resulting from the India/Asia collision (e.g. Cobbold and Davy, 1988; plumes – beneath Western Europe were once popular to explain
Molnar and Tapponnier, 1975; Tapponnier et al., 1982). For lateral ex- Tertiary volcanism (Granet et al., 1995; Hoernle et al., 1995; Wilson
trusion to occur, plate boundary conditions play a major role and the and Downes, 1991), most models, especially the most recent ones,
deformation in the foreland is associated with strike-slip faults and clearly show the role of alpine compression in the formation of the
crustal block rotations over thousands of kilometers. According to nu- grabens (e.g. Bourgeois et al., 2007; Dèzes et al., 2004; Merle and
merical modeling, extensional deformation in the foreland may also Michon, 2001).
result from the formation of the deep lithospheric root below the col- As with other models of rifts in the world, the presence of both an
lision zone (Channel and Mareschal, 1989; Fleitout, 1984; Fleitout “active” and “passive” component during the formation of the ECRIS
and Froidevaux, 1982). indicates that the traditional “active/passive” classification is inade-
These deformations can cause rifts that are the direct consequence quate and cannot be used as a basis for understanding the primary
of mountain range formation (i.e. mountain-related rifts). Again, cause of the rift formation. It is outside the scope of this paper to pre-
kinematical and mechanical characteristics of the extension triggered sent the different tectonic models proposed for the ECRIS. However, it
by far-field stresses can be understood only by studying multiple local is important to note that, in all the models for the ECRIS formation,
physical parameters such as the heterogeneities in the lithosphere, the role of the Alps is highlighted, placing it indisputably in the cate-
ancient crustal discontinuities, local thermal conditions, etc. gory of mountain-related rifts.
Author's personal copy

92 O. Merle / Tectonophysics 513 (2011) 88–95

7. Plume-related rifts to the North American plate (e.g. Crowell, 1979; Hill and Dibblee,
1953; Powell and Weldon, 1992). These deformations were amplified
As noted above, rifts resulting from the ascent of a mantle plume to the south-east to bring about the opening of the Gulf of California,
to the base of the lithosphere are rare on Earth. This observation is which lies along the same strike-slip plate boundary.
not necessarily true for the past, for example during the opening of As an example of a combination of basic mechanisms at work in
the Atlantic Ocean where the role of mantle plumes (i.e. Iceland, transform-related rifts, the Ngaoundere and Abu Gabra rifts in Africa
The Acores, Tristan da Cunha, St Helena) is a subject of debate (e.g. are Precambrian structures which were reactivated as transform faults
McHone, 2000; Morgan, 1983; Wilson and Guiraud, 1992). during the opening of the Atlantic. The tectonic system is that of pull-
On Earth, the only potential example of a plume-related rift is the apart basins which formed along a dextral fault (i.e. The Ngaoundere
East African Rift (e.g. Davies, 1998; Ebinger et al., 1989; Griffiths and rift) that terminates in a horsetail associated with purely extensional
Campbell, 1990; Pik et al., 2006). If we consider the tectonic evolution basins (i.e. The Abu Gabra Rift) (Browne and Fairhead, 1983).
of this rift, the two stages of “active” rifting may be identified. For in-
stance, for the Main Ethiopian Rift, the first tectono-magmatic event 9. Discussion
was a voluminous episode of flood basalts and the formation of the
Ethiopian and Somalian Plateaus (i.e. uplift) at about 30 Ma. The It would be interesting to determine a specific tectonic evolution
phase of rifting itself started later, during the Mio–Pliocene, with for each of the four types of rift as defined by the new classification.
the activation of large border faults, the formation of the Ethiopian From this perspective, the classification into “active” and “passive”
Rift Valley and a diffuse magmatic event (see review of these two rift is still very useful because it defines two contrasting tectonic
events in Corti, 2009).
Since the study of global seismic tomography by Ritsema et al.
Crust Oceanic
(1999), the hypothesis of a super-plume rooted at the core/mantle
Passive Lithosphere
boundary below South-Africa has been favored. According to the inter- Rifting
pretation of tomographic data, this broad thermal upwelling would Lithospheric
have propagated in a N–NE direction beneath East Africa and would Mantle
be responsible for the formation of the Somalian and Ethiopian Plateaus
(e.g. Conrad and Gurnis, 2003; Ebinger and Sleep, 1998; Gurnis et al.,
2000; Lithgow-Bertelloni and Silver, 1998). Due to the uncertainties of Subduction
the method, the way the super-plume rose within the mantle and its
possible separation into multiple smaller plumes are still highly debat-
ed (e.g. Furman et al., 2006; Kendall et al., 2006; Meshesha and Shinjo,
Roll back
2008) Asthenosphere of the slab
In the East African Rift, the rapid rotation of the near-surface stress A
field during the episode of rifting (Bonini et al., 1997; Bosworth et al.,
1992; Ring et al., 1992; Strecker et al., 1990) strongly suggests that
lithosphere-generated stresses (i.e. a “passive” rifting component) Crust
Active Oceanic
greatly aided the fracturing of the lithosphere in recent times (i.e. Lithosphere
Pleistocene). Again, as with some of the examples of subduction- or
mountain-related rifts, a combination of “active” and “passive” process- Thermal
es can occur during the global evolution of the deformation.
8. Transform-related rifts
Asthenospheric Asthenosphere

Transform-related rifts form in association with conservative plate

boundaries, which is probably the simplest tectonic environment in
which to initiate rifting. The extension is achieved by the formation
of pull apart basins along major strike slip faults (e.g. Aydın and B
Slab detachment
Nur, 1982; Burchfield and Stewart, 1966; Crowell, 1974), either at
restraining bends or at horsetail terminations, and the basins thus
formed display many different shapes. Extensional duplexes may Active Continental
Rifting lithosphere
also be observed along bends or stepovers.
Thermal erosion

When pull-apart basins form along major regional transform faults,

os c
th ni
L i cea

the extension can continue to completion, with the formation of a new


oceanic ridge. For example, the Alpine Tethys Ocean which formed be-
tween the Gibraltar transform fault to the south and the North-Pennine
transform fault to the north (Bernoulli and Lemoine, 1980; Handy et al., upwelling
2010; Kelts, 1981; Laubscher and Bernoulli, 1977; Lemoine et al., 1986 ;
Stampfli and Borel, 2002)
The emblematic example of a transform-related rift is the Dead
Sea, which is formed along an offset of the transform fault which sep- Asthenosphere
Accumulated slab
arates the Arabian Plate and the Palestinian block (Freund et al.,
1968). This transform fault accommodates the northward displace-
ment of the Arabian Plate resulting from the activity of the Red Sea C
oceanic ridge. Another well-known example can be found along the
San Andreas–San Gabriel fault in California (e.g. The Ridge Basin), Fig. 3. Distinct tectonic evolutions in subduction-related rifts. A “passive” process is
where the deformation is related to the north-westward shift of the expected for slab roll-back (A) whereas an “active” process is expected for slab detach-
Pacific Plate – with part of the coast of California attached – relative ment (B) and for stagnant slab (C). C is inspired by Zou et al. (2008).
Author's personal copy

O. Merle / Tectonophysics 513 (2011) 88–95 93

Tectonic evolution This first attempt, necessarily incomplete, to define the tectonic
'Active' and 'Passive' processes evolution of the four types of rift of the new classification is summa-
ACTIVE rized in Fig. 4. By thus addressing the problem of the tectonic evolu-
Plume-related rifts tion of rift systems, this new classification shows that many
(Possibly with a passive component at a late stage) processes acting at a plate scale are still poorly understood, in partic-
ular the mechanical decoupling between plate motions (i.e. elastic
PASSIVE deformation) and the movements of the underlying asthenosphere
Mountain-related rifts
(Possibly with an active component at a late stage) (i.e. very viscous fluid deformation) in the case of subduction and
continent–continent collisions. These processes are thought to be of
paramount importance in rift formation. This outline of the tectonic
Slab retreat PASSIVE
evolution of the four types of rift in the new classification is intended
Subduction-related rifts Stagnant slab ACTIVE to draw attention to these fundamental processes.

Slab detachment ACTIVE

10. Concluding remarks

Transform-related rifts PASSIVE

Whatever the causes of rifting, many of them combine “active”
and “passive” mechanisms during their evolution. The active/passive
Fig. 4. Tectonic evolution for each type of rift in term of “passive” or “active” processes classification, although it allowed a better understanding of the
(see text for explanation). extensional processes, is inadequate. It seems useful to propose a
new classification based upon the causes of rifting in terms of plate
evolution which are easily recognizable in the field, especially during tectonics. Each rift can be easily identified according to the major
the early stages of the rift (Fig. 1). In the mind of its promoters, this structure of the plate tectonics which causes its initiation, namely
classification is genetic: the active rift results from the rise of a mantle the subduction zone, the continental collision zone, the mantle
plume whereas the passive rift is related to all other tectonic environ- plume and the transform fault.
ments. In others words, in the framework of the new classification, No classification is perfect, and even the new one presented here is
“active” rifting corresponds to plume-related rifts and “passive” rift- not completely clear-cut. For example, it is clear that far-field stresses
ing is associated with the three other types of rifts, namely due to subduction or collision can be superimposed onto intraplate ac-
subduction-, mountain- and transform-related rifts. tivity due to a mantle plume. A composite mantle-subduction-related
In terms of tectonic evolution, the “active” mechanism is related to rift or mantle-collision-related rift may also develop in a few specific
the upwelling of hot mantle material at the base of the lithosphere. cases.
Clearly, active upwelling of the asthenosphere can occur without a However, by referring to the major structures of plate tectonics,
mantle plume, and can be activated instead by subduction or during this classification provides a fresh look at these major structures,
mountain building. For this reason, the subduction-related and and reveals the diversity of their consequences. For example, two
mountain-related rifts may, potentially, reveal “active” processes in mountain-related rifts like the Baikal and the ECRIS show that stres-
their tectonic evolution, and to investigate further we need to define ses transmitted in the foreland of a mountain chain can produce dif-
the tectonic origin of this type of active mantle upwelling. ferent rifting processes. The same is true for subduction-related
According to the literature (see section on “Subduction-related rifts: the Basin and Range Province, the Sea of Japon, or the volcanic
rifts”), the evolution of subduction zones is very diverse and it is possi- province of Wuliadanchi reveal that subduction can produce episodes
ble to define three different cases (Fig. 3). The classic case is slab retreat of rifting whose evolution is very varied.
While this classification might not define the specific tectonic fea-
(i.e. roll-back process) which causes the formation of a back-arc basin in
the continent. This evolution does not cause any destabilization of the tures of each type of rift – no classification can achieve that illusive
asthenosphere and extension results from regional stresses located at goal –, it does provide a tectonic guide for the understanding of the
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asthenosphere, the latter is destabilized and active upwelling occurs the origin of the continental rifts observed on Earth.
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