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FICHA: 1852603



Data collection is the activity that involves the collection of information within a certain

context. After gathering this information, the time will come for data processing, which

consists of working with what is collected to convert it into useful knowledge. The different

instruments that exist for this activity are the basic elements that extract the information

from the consulted sources, are the supports that justify and somehow give validity to the

research, are wide and varied and range from a simple file, to a Complex and

sophisticated survey.

As an example, you can see a survey aimed at consumers with the objective of knowing

the acceptance that a healthy product can have. The survey was carried out with specific

questions that will allow us to obtain information that shows the viability of the product.

1. Defina brevemente el objetivo de la encuesta (cuál es la razón de realizarla, por

ejemplo conocer la opinión de las personas acerca del producto o servicio que van

a implementar, conocer la opinión acerca del empaque del producto……entre


We will implement a survey that allows us to know the acceptance that our product may

have (handmade cookies).

2. Dar el nombre a la encuesta (éste debe estar directamente relacionado con el

objetivo de la misma, es decir tenga en cuenta el objetivo para saber el nombre)

Do you think you have a healthy diet?

3. Realizar como mínimo 7 preguntas respecto al objetivo de la encuesta, haciendo

uso de los WH Questions.

Why have a healthy diet?

What do you do to follow some kind of diet?

When you eat food do you read the labels to know their composition?

Why invest in healthy eating for you and your family?

When you visit the nutritionist to assess your health and eating condition, are you worried?

Why should you try handmade cookies, which could help give you more balance in your

How to implement a newer healthier lifestyle, through a balanced and nutritious diet which

will allow you to take better care of your health.


The great threat that arises with the issue of poor diet in consumers is because we are

not aware of the serious consequences that this bad practice can lead to. The diseases

that can occur are diabetes, gastritis, obesity, heart disease. If we do not have a good

diet, it will affect the every day functions that we perform while at work. For this reason it

is essential to start with a balenced meal by cutting the content of sugar and fats in meals.

With a healthier diet rather than dieting by losing weight, it is also very important to be

familiar with the ingredients presented in food. We also must know the nutritional content

of our food such as the carbohydrates, fats, proteins and calories. If we know the content

of the products that we consume, we will have a food stability, that will allow us to be less

exposed to diseases related to poor diet.

Taking into account each of these data extracted from the pages that are cited in

cybergraphy, healthy eating is not being the priority. Regardless of the health

consequences that can cause this type of food, people easily and comfortably access

easily to pay for a street product that does not provide any nutritional content. As a result

of this, we have decided to undertake an idea to offer and deliver food products that bring

more benefits to the body. We started this project where we are offering artisan cookies,

which contain a good source of calories and protein which are affordable for consumers.

Do you think you have a healthy diet?


Why is it important to have a healthy diet?

What are you doing to follow some kind of diet?

When you eat food, do you read the labels to know their composition?

Why should you invest in healthy eating for you and your family?

When you visit the nutritionist to assess your health and eating condition, are you worried?

Why should you try handmade cookies when it could give you more balance in your diet?

How should a person implement a new healthier lifestyle, through a balanced and

nutritious diet that allows you to take care of your health?


From the above it is concluded that a professional way to get to know the acceptability of

a project is through the data collection instruments, since these according to the type of
data we need to obtain offer us the technique indicated, for our In this case, the survey

was used, which is one of the most used methods.

It should be noted that the questionnaire is a format written in the form of an interrogation

to obtain information about the variables that are investigated, can be applied personally

or by mail and individually or collectively and must reflect and be related to the variables

and their indicators.



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