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The Ultimate Guide To Master

Project Management

Marlon A. Frando MBA, PMP, ASQ-CMQ/OE

The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

Table of Contents

                                                                                                              Page no.

Introduction                                                                                               2

Your Career Goals and Motivation                                                        4

What’s Not                                                                                                  5

Which One is Better–Online or Classroom?                                         6

Mastering Construction and Engineering Projects                             8

Why The Course Assessment                                                                 9

Master Certi cate in Project Management Program                         13

The Importance of Training Certi cate                                                14

Valid Training Certi cate Why It’s Important                                       15

The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management                        16

Interpretation To The Ultimate Guide                                                  18

Other Training Path                                                                                  22

Your Career Matters To Us                                                                     23

Summary                                                                                                    24

Questions? Email to                   page 1   

The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management


The construction industry e ects to economic development to a country is

critically signi cant.

A strategic plan are set through various projects and initiatives to achieve the
overall objectives structured by the government.

As a result private businesses and investment follow the trail to take

advantage of the construction boom created by economic development

In view of the above, the construction industry remains a huge driver of

economic progress.

The primary reason construction industry and engineering profession are

direct benefactors.

Consequently, professionals who are prepared and ready to face these once
in a lifetime career opportunity will be rewarded greatly and the others as
well – during the construction boom.

Therefore, a project management knowledge and skills speci c in the

construction projects is the most valuable, competitive di erentiation if you
want to succeed in your eld.

And these keep us motivated at 3Web Project with our commitment to do

what we should do. And this aim to help you achieve your career and
personal goals faster and easier than you ever thought possible.                             page 2
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

3Web Project is o ering training designed to facilitate employment transition

for professionals whether seeking to work in the national, or international
environment, and abroad.

With our experience both in the Philippines and in the Middle East countries
led us to discover  the"  big gaps"  between working in local and abroad
particularly in the construction industry.

It is these gaps that 3Web Project wants to ll in so that professionals in their

respective engineering eld or in the construction industry will be able to
develop a professional advantage.

Doing nothing can negatively impact the career progression of construction

and engineering professionals; and also it's the primary reason of low salary
o ers because of stagnant career especially when applying for local jobs and
abroad, if this knowledge and skills gap remain unlearned.

You don't need to experiment with ten (10) more years of experience in your
eld anymore guring out your perfect career; whereas 3Web Project have
articulated already through the recommended career path for you to succeed
as discuss in this Ultimate Guide.

This free digital copy of “The Ultimate Guide to Master Project Management:
Construction and Engineering Projects” was based from our experience of
project management training in the past years and for you to get the
maximum bene ts of training.

How you can take advantage of career opportunities using project

management skills speci c in construction and engineering projects?                             page 3
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

We break it down to illustrate for your self-examination to determine if you

got what it takes to reach your professional goals and become successful.

So let’s begin…

Your Career Goals and Motivation

You can achieve success in project management if you are driven with a
career goals and objectives – but not when you treat your profession as a
normal job.

Every time you have accomplished something each year that get you closer
to your career goals for example (your short term goal) for the sole purpose
to achieve a higher career goals (long term goal), then it can be achieve

No matter the obstacles that comes your way, it does not matter because
you understand well that you need to be resolve to surmount immediate
career challenges.

So you need to ask yourself, your “WHY”?

Why do you want to succeed in your eld?

If you can answer this million dollar question in a blink of an eye, then you
will most likely to succeed; if not, surely you won’t.

But there’s hope as you continue reading this ultimate training guide…                               page 4
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

What’s Not

This training will not work if you don’t have any related experience in
construction and project management. Then jump into classroom training
specially if your age is 22-27 years old (development stage 0-5 years of
experience). And you expect after the classroom training or online training
you will signi cantly know it all or worst to become a project manager.

It will not work that way.

Being competent in project management takes years of experience, time,

e ort, hard work, dedication, and a formal training combined strategically to
t your professional needs.

A two (2) years’ experience engineer can’t become a competent project

manager or a project engineer with that short period of time–even when you
completed all 3Web Project training.

Or a professional with 5 years’ experience can become expert in project

management even you completed the project managers course and Advance
Master Certi cate.

Again it requires experienced in your engineering eld, exposure to

construction project coupled with your project management skills. However,
the knowledge and skills you will learn while taking the formal training at
your development stage especially for young professionals is de nitely an
“unfair advantage”.                                              page 5
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

Which One is Better–Online or Classroom?

Online Training

Obviously, the online format is not that popular compared to the classroom
format. However, in terms of knowledge retention, we have proven the
online is far more e ective than the classroom training. Why? For two

  irstly, due to longer duration of training, usually 3-7 weeks of study on

the video lessons.
 Secondly, the Course Assessment is the key wherein trainees are
required to take multiple choice and objective type exam.
For the above reasons, trainee performance in the course assessment ranges
from “pro cient to highly pro cient”. This provide satisfaction on trainee’s
investment in professional development and con dence in project

So professionals who are in their career development stage, with experience

of between 0-5 years of experience, the Online training format is highly

But NOT recommended to take the 2-Day classroom directly.

If you are in mid-career stage 6-10 years of experience and above, you have
the options to take either the Online or the Classroom at your convenience.

Here are the training course you can take through the ONLINE format – from
development stage to management stage:                              page 6
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

  undamentals of Managing Construction Projects

 Project Planning Scheduling & Control
 Advanced Construction Project Management
 Project Managers Course
Click the link above to for more information and details.                             page 7
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

The exception:

The only exception to this rule to take the 2-Day Classroom training directly is
for trainees whose aim is to learn the advance knowledge and skills in project
management as a professional advantage and for career enhancement. And
you need to con rm this statement before taking the 2-Day Classroom if you
fall in the category of development stage (0-5 years of experience) only.

Here are the training course you can take through the 2-Day Classroom:

  dvanced Construction Project Management

 Project Managers Course                                        page 10
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management                                        page 8
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

Why the Course Assessment

The Course assessment is only administered for the Online training format
due to longer duration (3-7weeks). And this is the advantage of taking the
Online format, where trainees can evaluate their performance and
knowledge retention eventually gain con dence on the project management
and construction.

That’s why it should be the training path to take whatever your career stage
particularly those with no experience in construction industry and young
professionals as explained in the succeeding guide.

2-Day Classroom Training

If you have substantial related experience of six (6) years and above in
construction and engineering projects, whether with an owner developer,
design consultant, contractor, and related engineering allied services then,
the 2-Day Classroom Training will best t your training needs.

In the same manner those who are already occupying a senior position such
as Project Manager, Construction Manager, Project In-charge, Project
Engineer, Project Coordinator, Site Engineer, Design Engineer, etc. the project
management skills, standards, best practice, and current trends you will
about to learn is all you need to blend with your valuable experience.

Not to mention of the formal training certi cate as evidence required by

employer and project stakeholders.

Due to the nature of the 2-Day fast-track classroom training, this is NOT
recommended for those with minimal experience in construction projects or
those in their career development stage (0-5 years of experience).                                        page 9
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

Project Managers Course June 15 & 16, 2019 @ Hop Inn Hotel, Alabang
Muntinlupa City. (Fully Book)

1. Project Managers Course                                        page 11
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

Advanced Construction Project Management June 22 & 23, 2019 @ Hop Inn
Hotel Alabang Muntinlupa City. (Fully Book)

1. Advanced Construction Project Management                                        page 12
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

Master Certi cate in Project Management Program

The Master Certi cate in Project Management Program is the latest training
certi cate program we have created– from combination of current training
and format. It help elevate further your level of competency which will
separate you from the rest of project management practitioners.

How it works? You can achieve the Master Certi cate Program as shown

  dvanced Master Certi cate in Project Management = Project Managers

Course taking the Online + Classroom
 Advance Master Certi cate in Construction Management = Advanced
Construction Project Management taking the Online + Classroom
Questions? Email to                                        page 13
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

Why training Certi cate are important for professionals and what are the
immediate bene ts?
 You need a training certi cate as a skill and quali cation requirements
when applying for a job and to distinguish yourself from the rest in your
 In addition, you need a training certi cate to attach with your cv which is
related to the position you’re applying or during approval to join an
ongoing project.
 To demonstrate to employers and project stakeholders your skills and
competency in project management.
 Your certi cate serve as evidence of your formal training in project
management that ful l quali cations and competency requirements.
 Project management is one of the top quali cation you can have in your
repertoire for professionals in construction and engineering eld.                                        page 14
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

Why training Certi cate are important for organizations?

 Training certi cates are required by company from key project sta and
this certi cates to be attached in technical documents during tender.
 Employees who demonstrate transferable knowledge and skills acquired
through training and be able to apply it in running projects, will likely
ensure longer employability than those who does not.
 Get promoted faster in exchange of greater responsibility because of the
current trends and in-demand skills in project management.
 To comply with regulatory and government authority to evaluate and
approved quali cations of company sta .
Valid Training Certi cate in the Last 3-5 years

You will be required as you progress in your profession a certi cate as

evidence of continues learning.

This is the reason continues training for every 3-5 years maximum is needed
to satisfy employment requirements, particular to unique opportunities from
distinct project stakeholders.

Engineers, architects, and construction professionals will be required to

attached/upload their latest training certi cate in the last 3-5years, not more
than this timeframe.

It’s an added advantage to facilitate interview and approval process when

applying for a job, accreditation by government department, and attachment
during tender, and approval to join a project team.                                        page 15
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

Table 1: The Ultimate Guide to Master Project Management from New

Graduates to Seasoned Professionals

Item Training Career Stages

No. Format
0-5years of 6-10 years of 11-17 years 18 years
experience experience of experience above



Training>>> Choose from Or PMC
starter pack

2 Classroom N/A ACPM or ACPM & PMC ACPM &

Training>>> Both

3 Online + N/A AMCPM & AMCPM & AMCPM &


Training>>>                                       page 16
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management


FMCP- Fundamentals of Managing Construction Projects

PPSC- Project Planning, Scheduling, & Control

ACPM – Advanced Construction Project Management

PMC – Project Managers Course

AMCPM – Advanced Master Certi cate in Project Management

AMCCM – Advanced Master Certi cate in Construction Management

  oth the AMCPM and AMCCM certi cate can only be achieve through
both Online + Classroom training as follows:
 AMCPM certi cate can be achieve with Project Managers Course
(PMC)Online + Classroom training; and
 AMCCM certi cate can be achieve with Advanced Construction
Project Management (ACPM) Online + Classroom training.                                          page 17
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

Important Notes:
 Professionals with 0-5 years of experience must take FMCP rst before
taking any Classroom Training as a preparatory course; this will provide
an overview to highly driven young trainees who wish to take the
advanced classroom training.
 However, with 0-5 years of experience can take the ACPM & PMC Online
Training with a 3-7 weeks durations + course assessment; the online
training was proven to be e ective due to longer time to study and the
course assessment.
 There is no short cut to become competent in project management; you
need to study and learn, and combined with related experience in your
 The word “Experience” means, the total nos. of experience in
construction and engineering eld such as construction, design and
consultancy, contractor, owner/developer, and related allied engineering
Interpretation Guide to Master Project Management

(refer to Diagram I & Table 1).

How to use this Ultimate Guide?

Match below your “Career Stage” and choose the recommended training path
to start your training.                                        page 18
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

1. Career Development Stage (0-5 years of related experience)

Select from any of the three (3) training paths or options to begin:

  raining Path 1, Beginner: Fundamentals of Managing Construction

 Training Path 2, Jumpstart: Fundamentals of Managing Construction
Projects(FMCP) & Project Planning, Scheduling, Control(PPSC)
 Training Path 3, Smart pack: Fundamentals of Managing Construction
Projects(FMCP); Project Planning, Scheduling, Control(PPSC); and
Advanced Construction Project Management(ACPM)                                        page 19
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

Important Notes:
 The above are ONLINE Training only.
 Those who wish to take the 2-Day classroom training directly, must rst
complete at least the FMCP in order to have an overview and basic
knowledge in project management; otherwise it will not be allowed to
take directly the 2-Day classroom training.
 The only exception to this case, to take the 2-Day Classroom training is
for trainees whose aim is to learn the advance knowledge and skills in
project management as a professional advantage and for career
 Some trainees with 0-5 years or minimal related construction project
experience may fail to follow the discussion during the 2-Day classroom
training because of unrealistic expectations.
 Taking the 2-Day Classroom advanced training will NOT instantly make
someone quali ed to be a construction manager or project manager.
Take note, however, that to become competent in project management,
construction, and engineering projects require considerable degree of
both experience and formal training.                                        page 20
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

  ut this is NOT the case with the Online training where duration would
take 3-7 weeks of study + course assessment which is critical in
knowledge retention and gain con dence in project management topic.
Empirical evidence shows those who completed the Online training
demonstrated signi cant acquisition of knowledge and skills as a result
gain con dence on project management and construction projects skills.
 Therefore for this reason, trainees in career development stage (0-5
years of related experience) can immediately take ACPM & PMC for the
“Online Format”.
1. Mid-Career Stage (6-10 years of related experience)
Select from any of the three (3) training paths or options to begin:

  raining Path 1: FMCP, PPSC, & ACPM

 Training Path 2: Advanced Construction Project Management (ACPM) &
Project Managers Course (PMC)
 Training Path 3: Advanced Master Certi cate in Project Management
(AMCPM) & Advanced Master Certi cate in Construction Management
(AMCCM)                                        page 21
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

1. Management & Executive Stage (11-17 years of related experience &

Select from any of the two (2) training paths or options to begin:

  raining Path 1: ACPM & PMC

 Training Path 2: Advanced Master Certi cate in Project Management
(AMCPM) & Advanced Master Certi cate in Construction Management
Other Training Path

With today’s generation of millennial, post graduate study and training path
are within arm reach, among them are:

 Masters Degree in Project Management
 Masters Degree in Construction Management ,etc.
The aim of having a post graduate study in project management is satisfying
the requirements of formal training required for top project management
position like PM, CM, SE, PE, and site engineers.

This formal education and training certainly put your career at higher level of
competition with your career in project management. But the cost can be a
big                                        page 22
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

hindrance to pursue this education or training path; Not to mention the

dedication and time you will spend.

Relatively the cost of each could range from Php 80k to Php 500k plus. And
most of professionals couldn’t a ord this amount.

Your career matters to us.

That’s why we created the best options for your professional advancement
combining project management, construction, engineering project to develop
a competitive skills to get ahead.

Within this Ultimate Guide we have outline how easy to manoeuver your
profession to reach a competency level and establish quali cation
requirements and career advantage in construction and project

From >>>1.) Fundamentals >>> 2.) To Advanced Courses, and >>>3.) To the
Master Certi cate in Project Management Program.

With our project management training designed to combine experience both

local and abroad, training based on international standards, best practice,
and current trends in construction project management…

The price range from beginner’s training, advanced courses, and the master
certi cate ranges from Php 1,953 to Php 10, 250.0 at present.

Which is 1/10th of the cheapest project management post graduate study

you can nd in the market today.                                         page 23
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

Though we knew beforehand that this is not for every professionals – but for
those who are looking for best strategy to shorten your learning curve to
achieve your professional goals, then this Ultimate Guide to Master Project
Management is de nitely a game changer only to those who are serious to
improve/excel in their career.

Therefore, few will take charge in the direction of their profession and get far
ahead in their eld because of project management career advantage – this
alone will make you at advantage from the pack.

We believe however, that 3Web Project Management training is at par or

even better with the other training and education available today. When you’ll
follow a de ne career path as illustrated in this Ultimate Guide, then you can
achieve a successful career in construction projects than you ever thought
possible.                                        page 24
The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

In Summary
Becoming successful in project management, construction, and engineering
projects is predictable.

Your career stage doesn’t matter either, whether in career development, mid-
career, management, and executive stage - you can become competent and
turn expert.

With your experience plus a formal training in project management is surely

a di erentiation and advantage by following a de ne steps and the
recommended training path.

Indeed you can enjoy the bene ts and blessings of a thriving, successful
career throughout your life. It’s in your hands to make it happen.

Now it’s your turn.

To your career success,

Marlon Frando MBA, PMP, ASQ-CMQ/OE

Founder & Training Director


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The Ultimate Guide To Master Project Management

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