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My article of choice is from the New York Times. It is entitled “U.S.

Orders Freeze of

Foreign Aid, Bypassing Congress”, written by Edward Wong on August 7th 2019


congress.html?action=click&module=RelatedCoverage&pgtype=Article&region=Footer). It

reports the government’s intentions to cut down the funding of foreign aid programs in what it

terms as the need for “an accounting” of all the “unobligated resources”. The move is aimed at

saving between $2-$4 billion spent on funding foreign aid initiatives. The need to cut this

funding had been raised following the U.S. budget deficits. The need for proper management of

funds provided by the federal government is a move towards accountability that determines

whether the money given for initiatives is used properly.

Currently, the U.S. has a budget deficit of $960 billion and this deficit is expected to be

$1 trillion by 2020 and $2 trillion by 2028. One of the means of reducing this deficit is believed

to cut expenditures that do not directly help the American citizens, like foreign aids. The best

way to cut these expenses is freeze expenditure on expenses that are deemed not helpful to the


Reflection: I have discovered that there is an urgent need for the government to increase

its income base in order to sustain the increasing demand and expenditure. This will ensure that

the government has enough to give out in form of foreign aid without suppressing the needs of

its citizens. In my place of work, I will advice the management to cut down unnecessary aids

which don’t bring about any positive contributions to the organizations. This will enable the

company to have more funds to finance its operations.

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