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Mr. Vu's English Classes (https://www.facebook.

com/vuclass) - Class materials


Text 1 (the entrance test)

Many kids have to attend classes outside school, even in the weekend. They do not have time to do things they
like such as: playing with friends, visiting their grandparents, going fishing, or sharing time with their parents,
etc. Besides, the lessons from schools are enough for children to learn. They also have to do a lot of homework.
Text 2
Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) might help organization improve its financial performance by
establishing a good relationship with prospective investors, so it would have better access to capital. It is
because many investors factor CSR into their investment decisions.
Text 3
My parents, based on our family tradition of majoring in economics, which was thought to be helpful for me in
case I need any family support, advised me to choose economics. They also understood that I prefer social
science subjects to natural science ones so economics would be the best choice for me.
Text 4
My colleague, instead of attending a hot university as many of his peers did, he followed in his father’s
footsteps and chose a less fancy school to become a teacher. This is understandable since living with his father
helps him to see his father’s standards of morality and the values of teaching. Consequently, becoming a good
teacher like his father is always his life-long dream.
Text 5
I am from Vietnam, so after reading your article, with national pride, I should raise voice against your
complaints about my country.
Text 6
With the experience associated with the inspiration by successful businesses who overcame their finance
problems that I watched on a TV show named “Being rich is not tough”, my passion for business was further
Text 7
When I was a child, my mother was so busy at work that she could only served my family with meals of one or
two dishes. The lack of food diversity in my family’s meals was, besides the lack of cooking time, also due to
the fact that the only kind of food that was always available in every house at that time without refrigerators was
dried fish. Other kinds of food needed to be purchased on every single day.
Text 8
Grade could motivate students to work hard to achieve academic excellence by turning in thoroughly researched
and well-written papers.

Mr. Vu's English Classes ( - Class materials

Text 9
In 2015, I led a team of researchers responsible for designing a survey questionnaire. This duty faced a great
challenge as no agreed procedure for data collection and structuring was available. That lack had caused serious
problems for us. For example, team members all worked spontaneously, therefore, sometimes the team could
not meet the deadlines as expected. This lack of time management also was the reason for low team
productivity. In addition, due to the lack of reference framework for the whole team, it leads to inconsistencies
and overlaps in the questionnaire structure. More seriously, the quality of questionnaire building process could
not be monitored due to the unavailability of step-by-step guidelines. Hence, the teams often worked but did not
know which stages they were at or which indicators they should follow to ensure that they were going on the
right track.
Text 10
Firstly, young children are meant to learn very fundamental skills for their daily lives. At such an early age,
their intelligence as well as awareness, not to mention their patience and skills, are not good enough for a new
language. A five-year-old child, for instance, who may not know how to use his mother tongue appropriately, is
not likely to be attracted by a new language. As a matter of fact, it is not natural for young kids to learn a
foreign language. At their very early stage of life, they should be taught to brush their teeth, to put on clothes,
etc. Such things are good enough at keeping children busy. A foreign language for young kids is merely
something that will cause them confusion.
Text 11
Brinkley has made biased claims about Vietnam based on his personal experiences. Many foreign visitors
mentioned that they are impressed with a wide variety of animals here, especially in the countryside. Their
experiences obviously contradict that of Brinkley, who found few dogs, cats, and birds during his time in
Vietnam. However, this does not necessarily mean that Vietnam is lacking in these animals. It could simply be
that Brinkley was not lucky as far as animal sighting is concerned. In fact, Vietnam boasts one of the largest
varieties of animals in the South-East Asia, according to Asian Animal Protection Association’s official data
published last year.

Fun Activity
Teen Vọng Cổ Geisha
Xem film riết anh ghiền rồi, anh thường hay mộng mơ nơi xứ anh đào nè. Cô nào mà xinh bằng em, anh
cứ mơ hoài à! Làm sao đây?
Anh ơi nhà anh Việt Nam đó, nào phải đất nước Phù Tang đâu, mà sao cứ mơ mộng hoài à. Ngốc ơi,
Ngốc ơi...
Em mua kimono mặc như geisha, như con chim sơn ca làm vui anh nha. Hay em mua khăn lông trùm
như ninja, anh ơi mơ đâu xa người yêu quanh ta.
Có em rồi mà còn mơ ước. Ước em rồi mà đòi ước thêm. Người yêu ơi anh có được em là anh có phước,
sao anh thẩn thờ, người yêu anh đang đứng trước anh nè.

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