SPE 122199 Applications of An Advanced Dynamic Underbalance Perforating Eastern Venezuela

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SPE 122199

Applications of an Advanced Dynamic-Underbalance Perforating System

for Improved Oil Production in Development Wells: Case Histories From
Eastern Venezuela
C. Casas, A. Mattey, O. Molina, A. Larez, PDVSA E&P; J. Mata, M. Fam, R. Fernandez, Halliburton

Copyright 2009, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2009 SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference held in Cartagena, Colombia, 31 May–3 June 2009.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been
reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

The deep reservoir sandstones of the El Furrial and Pirital oilfields, located in northern Monagas state, eastern Venezuela, are
famous for their high degree of geological complexity and heterogeneity. Typical well completions in this area consist of
natural flow from multiple intervals through perforations in cemented casing. However, conventional perforating guns used
in these completions cause additional near-wellbore formation damage that adversely affects well productivity and results in
reduced productivity indexes in these wells.

There have been significant efforts in recent years to implement new methods and technologies to produce cleaner
perforations and better production rates. One of these technologies is a new dynamic underbalance perforation system which
allows precise management of the underbalance differential pressures to produce a relatively clean perforated tunnel while
minimizing formation damage. Application of this system results in improved connectivity between the reservoir and
wellbore which allows substantial improvement in oil production rates.

Formation petrophysical properties are used to determine whether an interval is a suitable candidate for application of this
technology. A separate nodal analysis model is created for every reservoir interval in each well. These models are designed to
represent the actual and expected production conditions and account for reservoir heterogeneity. In the El Furrial and Pirital
fields, reservoir properties can vary widely: permeabilities from 0.1 to 1,000 mD; porosities from 9 to 18%; oil gravities from
22º to 32º API; static pressures from 6,000 to 8,000 psi; and confined compressive strengths from 7,000 to 20,000 psi.

This paper presents case histories from wells in eastern Venezuela to illustrate the production benefits derived from this
advanced perforating system technology. In three wells, supporting evidence demonstrates that near-wellbore damage caused
by this new innovative underbalance perforation system is close to zero, resulting in over 100 % increase in the productivity
index. In the fourth case history, we discuss the reasons why the actual well production rates did not achieve the rates
projected by nodal analysis.

Discovered in 1986, the El Furrial field is currently considered to be one of the largest oil producing fields in Venezuela, with
a current production rate of approximately 425,000 BOPD. Located on the north flank of the eastern Venezuela basin (Fig.
1), the field is currently produced and operated by Petroleos De Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA). Since its discovery, it has
produced over 2 billion bbl of approximately 25oAPI oil. Proven reserves total over 4.1 billion bbl and estimated oil in place
is more than 8.6 billion bbl.

The field is formed of an east-northeast to west-southwest asymmetric anticline bounded by reverse faults to the north and
south and strike-slip faults to the east and west. The stratigraphic sequence of the main reservoir sections consists of
sandstone and shale formed during the Oligocene and Cretaceous epoch (Fig. 2). The main oil producing formations are the
Naricual of the Oligocene age and the Los Jabillos of the Cretaceous age.
2 SPE 122199

The Naricual formation reservoir thickness varies from 1,600 to 1,800 ft, with an average 1,000 ft of net oil sandstone. The
Los Jabillos formation reservoir thickness is 500 to 1,100 ft thick, with an average of 300 ft of net oil sandstone.

Fig. 1-Location map, Furrial and Pirital fields.

Conversely, the Pirital field, also indicated in Fig. 1, is located about 20 km west
of the El Furrial field on the north flank of the eastern Venezuela basin.
Currently the field is operated by Petroleos De Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA). It was
discovered in 1989 and has about 4.997 billion bbls of oil in place, in addition to
approximately 2,002 billion bbls of liquid condensate and an estimated 2.237
billion bbls of recoverable liquid hydrocarbon reserves. The field is formed of an
asymmetric anticline with its axis oriented N75°E. The field is structurally
formed of two main (east/west) blocks separated by a faulted zone. The Fig. 2-Stratigraphic column, Furrial & Pirital
stratigraphic sequence of the main reservoir sections consists of sandstone and fields.
shale formed during the Oligocene and Cretaceous epoch. The primary oil
producing formation is the Naricual of the Oligocene age, while the Los Jabillos formation of the Cretaceous age is
considered a secondary reservoir target. The Naricual formation reservoir thickness is about 1,700 ft, while the Los Jabillos
reservoir thickness is approximately 1,200 ft. Typically, the reservoir characteristics of the Naricual formation are more
favorable than those of the Los Jabillos, especially in terms of porosity and permeability.

Conventional and Static Underbalance Perforating Techniques

Conventional and/or static underbalance perforating techniques are commonly used in hydrocarbon well completion and
production. However, this method has drawbacks in terms of production efficiency. The sudden and violent impact of the
explosive charges used when perforating through casing, cement and reservoir rock can pulverize the perforated materials
which, in turn, partially blocks the reservoir rock pores. Pulverization leads to the creation of a low permeability crushed
zone in the formation surrounding the perforated tunnel, as shown in Fig 3. To overcome damage caused by perforations, a
post-perforation cleanup operation, such as a mini-frac or acid treatment, may be required to enhance production performance
and improve reservoir to borehole connectivity. An ideal perforation tunnel that allows optimum production should contain
neither debris nor a permeability damaged zone as demonstrated in Fig. 4.

Fig. 3-Damage zone surrounding perforated tunnel. Fig. 4-An ideal perforation tunnel
SPE 122199 3

A New Dynamic Underbalance Perforating System

One recently introduced perforation technique is the dynamic underbalance perforating
system shown in Fig. 5 which features an ability to precisely manage the transient pressure
occurring instantaneously after the perforation process has occurred. The system is known to
minimize, or eliminate, near wellbore damage using a pre-designed perforation assembly
that allows surge back from the formation. Surging back promotes instantaneous removal of
fines blocking the pores and improves production flow rates.

This new dynamic underbalance perforating system known as SurgeProTM uses a dynamic
wellbore simulator to accurately model and predict the effects of pressure transients during
the perforating event. This system allows the optimization of underbalance surge for a
specific reservoir condition. The technique incorporates both advanced software and
hardware to easily custom-engineer perforating assemblies and procedures that deliver the
greatest value from dynamic fluid surges in the milliseconds following explosive charge
detonation. Regardless of initial wellbore pressure conditions, this system can create a
dynamic underbalance that vastly improves perforation cleanup and maximizes its
effectiveness. It is not necessary to reduce shot density to achieve an impressive

Understanding and managing pressure behavior during and after a perforating event is
essential to achieving optimal well productivity from any perforating treatment. Based on
proprietary analytic procedures and exclusive licensed modeling programs, simulation
software accurately predicts dynamic pressures created in a specific perforating system, Fig. 5-New design perforating
thereby enabling the system design to be modified so the optimum underbalance surge is
achieved to enhance effective penetration.

Sub-models contained in the software are physics-driven and rely on measurable or estimated actual input parameters, and
not curve-fitting or hidden calculations. The program is ideal for predicting:

• Wellbore, perforation and gun pressurizations

• Wave propagation--fluid injection/production
• Perforation behavior and damage
• Completion integrity--burst, collapse and packer

Additionally, the model is based on a proprietary analysis

developed from:

• API Section IV perforation flow laboratory studies

• Time-matching finite difference modeling
• High-speed pressure measurements
• Empirical field data

The custom-engineered dynamic model design and perforating

assembly (Fig. 6) can be modified by increasing the gun volume
and by the addition of specially designed vents and chambers to
optimize surge behavior. As a result, the system ensures a dynamic
underbalance regardless of initial pressure conditions that are
present before the guns are fired; the effect is created with the
application of a special fast-opening surge assembly. These
Fig. 6-Perforating assembly in borehole.
assemblies, referred to as vent and surge chambers, are run within
the gun string in conjunction with gun carriers or spacers. The
detonating cord (a single detonation train without any delays) opens the vent and surge chambers while simultaneously
activating the perforating string. Once triggered by the cord, a potassium perchlorate mixture inside the vent and surge
chamber shifts a shear sleeve to uncover the flow ports in the chamber, which then creates communication between the
wellbore annulus and the chamber and allows the dynamic underbalance surge to occur. Thus, a dynamic underbalance can
be a created in a well where perforating in an underbalance condition would otherwise not be possible.
4 SPE 122199

Case Histories
The first three case histories discussed below are related to completions in the Cretaceous Los Jabillos sandstone formation of
the El Furrial field, while the fourth case concerns perforations in the Oligocene Naricual formation of the Pirital field.
Case History I
Well F-A is located on the eastern side of the Cretaceous reservoir of the El Furrial field. It was completed as an oil producer
in 2002. The completion includes 4 ½-in. tubing and a total of 129 ft of perforations from four zones located in the interval
between 15,153 and 15,349 ft. Shown on the left side of Fig. 7 is the theoretical flow rate contribution profile. The top zone
between 15,153 and 15,210 ft was predicted to contribute more than 60% of the total production. Initial testing indicated a
production rate on the order of 2,300 BOPD using a ½-in. choke. Three different evaluations were performed later using the
production logs shown in Fig 7. The first production log was performed several days after the well was placed on production
in November 2002. The log results indicated a total production of 2,014 BOPB and a downhole flowing pressure Pwf of
5,697 psi. The top interval located between 15,153 and 15,210 ft contributed more than 60% of the total production as

Approximately three years later, in September 2005, a second production log was run. This logging run indicated a fall in
production to 1,791 POBD and with a change in Pwf to 5,330 psi. There was a slight change in the production contribution
profile. About a year later, in October 2007, a third production log was run which indicated a further drop in production rate
to 1,098 BOPD and in Pwf to 4,380 psi. More importantly, a dramatic change in the production contribution profile was
indicated. The bottom zone between 15,324 and 15,349 ft was now providing the maximum contribution of about 40% to the
production, while the top zone between 15,153 and 15,210 ft (which initially contributed over 60%) had fallen to about 30%
of the total production. This reduction in production rate contribution by the top zone was believed to be related to some sort
of damage or blockage of the perforation tunnels.

With the rapid increase in oil demand in early 2008, a workover campaign was performed on several wells in the El Furrial
field using the best and most recent technologies available for optimizing production rates. Several options were evaluated
for this well (F-A), and it was decided to re-perforate the four intervals using dynamic underbalance perforating. The new
advanced dynamic underbalance perforating system was chosen for this operation.

Theoretical Flow Profile % PL Nov.,2002 PL Sep.,2005 PL Oct.,2007 PL Feb.,2008


Qo = 2014 POBD Qo = 1746 POBD
Pwf = 5697 psi Qo = 1791 POBD Pwf = 5322 psi
Pwf = 5330 psi Qo = 1098 POBD
15260-15276 Pwf = 4380 psi


0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 20 60 0 20 40 60 80
0 20 40 60 80 0 40 80

Fig. 7-Flow rate contribution profiles, Case 1, Furrial field, theoretical (left) and actual over time.

Fig. 8-Pre-job nodal analysis results. Fig. 9-Results of buildup test after underbalanced perforating.
SPE 122199 5

Prior to reperforating, a pre-job prediction, using a nodal analysis model, was performed based on the latest production data.
The results of this pre-job analysis are shown in Fig. 8. The analysis indicated an estimated production rate of about 1,100
BOPD and a Pwf of 5,050 psi at ½-in choke size, using a matched skin of 25 and an effective permeability of 14.5 mD.

Using the newly developed dynamic underbalance perforating system, the four sandstone intervals were perforated followed
by an evaluation using production logs and a build-up test. The results of the production log run in February 2008, shown on
the extreme right side of Fig. 7, reveal a total production rate of 1,746 BOPB and a Pwf of 5,322 psi using a ½-in. choke. A
better matching production flow profile was achieved with the top zone contribution of more than 50%, as expected. The
results of the build-up test, shown in Fig. 9, indicated a skin of 7.12, thereby indicating substantial damage reduction
attributed to using the underbalance perforation mechanism.

In summary, the application of the new dynamic underbalance perforating system resulted in a 648 BOPD increase in
production. An increase of 648 BOPD is an approximate 59% production improvement and higher downhole flowing
pressure due to the reduction of damage and optimum production contribution of the four perforated zones. The productivity
index after re-perforation had jumped to 0.91 bbl/psi compared to 0.35 bbl/psi before reperforation. This change translates to
about a 160% improvement in productivity index.

Case History II
Well F-B reached a total depth of 15,070 ft (measured depth) and was completed as an oil producer in April 2008 using 4 ½-
in. tubing in the Los Jabillos sandstone formation of the Cretaceous age. The well is located at the crest of the anticline
toward the eastern side of the El Furrial field. The petrophysical properties of the target sandstone intervals of this well are
relatively poor compared to other wells in the area. These shaly sandstone units have porosities of 9 to 11 %, permeabilities
ranging from 19 to 108 mD, and formation pressures between 8,357 and 9,953 psi. Of the ten sandstone bodies encountered
in the Los Jabillos formation of this well, only three (JAB2-01, JAB3-02 and JAB3-03) were chosen to be completed and
produced as highlighted in Table 1. The selection was based mainly on the petrophysical properties and the net pay thickness
of the sand bodies, as well as consideration of some operational criteria.
To p Botto m T hick. Net Pay Porosity Sw Vsh K
ft ft ft ft % % % mD
JAB1-01 15,083 15,084 1 1 9.6 46 19 19
JAB2-01 15,106 15,151 45 41.5 11.8 27 13 108
JAB3-01 15,164 15,167 3 2 11.9 33 10 74
JAB3-02 15,198 15,225 27 24 11.2 28 25 38
JAB3-03 15,247 15,275 28 26 10.9 24 23 45
JAB3-04 15,302 15,315 13 9 10.1 33 25 23
JAB4-01 15,374 15,393 19 19 10.7 21 17 99
JAB5-01 15,400 15,402 2 2 11.7 24 15 86
JAB5-02 15,429 15,437 8 8 9.4 30 19 26
JAB6-01 15,486 15,495 9 8 10 29 24 23

Table 1. Petrophysical properties of the target sandstone intervals of Well F-B.

The initial completion proposal was designed to first perforate the JAB3-03 sandstone unit using a conventional perforating
system followed by hydraulic fracturing stimulation. Perforation of the JAB3-02 and the JAB2-01 sandstone units would
follow. The predicted percentage contribution from the three zones is illustrated by the brown bars in Fig. 10. This figure
shows that over 60% of the production is expected to come from the JAB2-01 sandstone and about 18% from the JAB3-03
sand unit considering that it will be stimulated by hydraulic fracturing.

Fig. 10- Predicted and actual contribution from three zones. Fig. 11-Pressure build-up test derivative diagram.
6 SPE 122199

Slightly deviating from the plan, the 28 ft of JAB3-03 sandstone was perforated but used a 2 7/8-in. deep penetrating six spf
perforating guns in combination with the new dynamic underbalance perforating system rather than a conventional
perforating system. Once the JAB3-03 sand was perforated, it was opened for production. A production log was run followed
by a build-up test to evaluate production performance. Production log results indicated a production rate of 580 BOPD with a
downhole flowing pressure Pwf of 5,870 psi. Results of the build-up pressure test derivative diagram shown in Fig. 11
revealed a reservoir effective permeability of about 6 mD and, most importantly, indicated a negative skin of -1.34.

Based on these results, it was decided to cancel the previously planned hydraulic fracturing job since the sand unit appeared
to be already stimulated and free of damage. The JAB3-02 and JAB2-01 sandstone units were perforated later on using the
same type gun combined with the new dynamic underbalance perforating system. A production log was later run to verify the
production contribution from each zone. The production flow profile as recorded by the production log is demonstrated by
the green bars in Fig. 10. They match very closely the theoretically predicted flow profile. The total of 1,784 BOPD was the
recorded production rate of this well from the three sandstone units, JAB3-03, JAB3-02 and JAB2-01, with a Pwf of 5,947
psi using a 3/8-in. choke.

The application of the new dynamic underbalance perforation technology was very successful in this well since it saved the
operator the cost and time of a hydraulic fracturing operation for the JAB3-03 sandstone unit. The negative skin value
registered by the build-up pressure test was a good indication that the perforation technique resulted in an undamaged
production tunnel.

Case History III

Well F-C was drilled at the crest of the El Furrial field anticline. Based on the successful production experience from
previous wells, the operator decided to use dynamic underbalance perforating to complete this well. A total of 24 sand units
of the Cretaceous Los Jabillos formation were considered Top Bottom Thick. Net Pay Porosity Sw Vsh K
for completion using the newly developed dynamic ft ft ft ft % % % mD
underbalance perforating system technology. An estimated Jab02_01 14814 14818 4 4 9.5 24.0 25.5 8
Jab02_02 14832 14837 5 5 9.4 19.0 23.2 10
259 ft of effective net shaly sandstone pay units Jab02_03 14851 14860 9 9 10.8 15.1 19.9 25
distributed over the interval between 14,814 and 15,369 ft Jab03_01 14870 14891 21 20 10.2 13.7 28.8 13
were considered the main oil producing target zones for Jab03_02 14894 14907 13 13 10.0 13.0 22.2 20
Jab03_03 14912 14916 4 4 8.8 17.6 23.0 9
this well (see Table 2) and, therefore, were perforated. Jab03_04 14921 14926 5 4 9.0 16.1 23.6 10
Jab03_05 14952 14977 25 22 9.7 18.4 25.2 10
The formation is composed mainly of fine-to-medium- Jab03_06 14982 14990 8 8 9.6 17.1 31.2 6
Jab03_07 14993 15007 14 12 9.0 19.0 28.1 7
grained siliceous, occasionally feldspathic sandstone with Jab04_01 15026 15043 17 17 11.1 18.7 23.8 19
shale intercalations composed of a mixture of illite and Jab04_02 15048 15058 10 8 9.6 19.1 28.0 9
kaolinite minerals. Porosity is 8 to 11%, permeability is 5 Jab04_03 15068 15071 3 3 10.9 22.1 26.2 11
Jab04_04 15075 15092 17 17 11.3 14.8 20.1 29
to 33 mD, and water saturation varies between 13 and Jab04_05 15096 15100 4 4 9.9 18.2 22.8 12
42%. Formation pressure was measured before casing the Jab05_01 15129 15134 5 4 10.1 17.3 32.1 7
well and indicated values in the range from 5,667 to 6,327 Jab05_02 15136 15166 30 30 10.5 18.7 23.1 15
Jab05_03 15187 15190 3 3 9.9 37.5 33.9 5
psi in the Los Jabillos formation units (JAB02 to JAB07).
Jab05_04 15192 15228 36 35 10.9 16.5 22.9 21
Jab06_01 15243 15250 7 6 9.2 17.3 33.4 5
Based on the petrophysical properties of the 24 sand units, Jab06_02 15270 15273 3 3 8.0 35.6 14.5 7
Jab06_05 15322 15327 5 4 8.1 42.7 17.0 5
the nodal analysis model results shown in Fig. 12
Jab06_06 15331 15337 6 6 8.6 27.4 3.9 33
indicated an estimated production of about 2,000 BOPD Jab07_01 15364 15369 5 3 8.7 35.5 25.0 5
with a downhole flowing pressure of 4,880 psi. Also a
Table 2-Pay units Well F-C, Furrial field.
production flow rate profile was predicted and illustrated
on the left side of Fig. 13.

Immediately after the 24 sandstone units were perforated

using the new system technology, an evaluation using
production logs, as well as a build-up test, were
performed to define the well’s production potential and
the optimal production choke size for final completion.
The production log results are shown on the right side of
Fig. 13, indicating total production of 1,760 BOPD and a
downhole flowing pressure of 5,442 psi. The majority of
the oil production contribution was proven to be coming
from the JAB04 and JAB05 sandstone units as indicated
by the production log recorded in June 2008.
Fig. 12-Estimated production from nodal analysis
SPE 122199 7

The flow profile of this log is shown on the right

graph of Fig. 13 indicating a good match to the
prediction of the theoretical profile shown on the
left graph of Fig. 13

Comparison of the production rate of this well to

other nearby wells in the area reveals the benefit
of using the new dynamic underbalance
perforating system. For example, the production
records for well F-X indicate a production rate of
870 BOPD using a 5/16-in. choke. The production
rate of well F-Y is 1,056 BOPD using a 5/8-in.
choke and the latest production for well F-Z was
about 435 BOPD using a ¼-in. choke.

The higher rate of production of well F-C of

1,760 BOPD can be attributed to the successful
application of the new dynamic underbalance
perforation technology and its ability to minimize
or eliminate formation damage, thereby resulting
in better production performance.

Case History IV
Located in the Pirital field, well P-D was drilled
to a total measured depth of 17,855 ft and was
mechanically completed in the Naricual formation Fig. 13- Theoretical and actual production flow rate profiles.
as a monobore in October 2007 using 5 ½-in.
tubing. The primary reservoir objective was 159 ft
of the NAR-3 sandstone unit between 17,503 and
17,569 ft and between 17,577 and 17,675 ft, as
shown in Fig. 14.

The NAR-3 sandstone unit of the Oligocene

Naricual formation is divided into two sand
bodies by an eight-foot shale bed. The
petrophysical properties of the upper sand body is
slightly better than that of the lower one, as
shown in Fig. 14 and Table 3.

In April 2008, the lower 40-ft sandstone section

of the NAR-3 unit was perforated between 17,635
and 17,675 ft using the new dynamic
underbalance perforating system. Upon opening
the well using a ¼-in. choke, a wellhead pressure
of 950 psi was recorded. Well testing with
portable surface equipment and a ¼-in. choke
resulted in a wellhead pressure of 900 psi, an oil
production rate of 470 BOPD with 28 º API
gravity, and a gas to oil ratio of 133 ft3/bbl. An
additional 40 ft of the lower sandstone body of the
NAR-3 was perforated between 17,595 and
17,635 ft using the new system. However, on
opening the well, it was evident that there was no
change in the wellhead pressure. Since the results
of the second 40-ft perforation were not in Fig. 14-Well logs for NAR-3 interval, well P-D Parital field.
accordance with expected production based on the
petrophysical analysis, the operator decided to reperforate the same interval between 17,595 and 17,635 ft using another
dynamic underbalance system available in the marketplace. Once again there was no change in the wellhead pressure after
reperforating the interval from 17,595 to 17635 ft using the “PURE” perforating system. When considering the final
production and wellhead pressure results obtained after using the two dynamic underbalance systems (the SurgeProTM
8 SPE 122199

followed by the PURE), it was concluded that the performance of

the perforating system was not a factor affecting the poor
production results. Instead, it was the reservoir and its fluid
properties combined with possible formation damage during
drilling that were considered the main, possible factors behind the Table 3. Petrophysical properties of the two NAR-3 sand
relatively poor production results. bodies, Pirital Well P-D.

• The application of a new dynamic underbalance perforating system resulted in a significant increase in production
rate ─ up to 59% ─ as demonstrated in the Case History I.
• The Application of this technology has also resulted in optimization of production profiles as well as improvement
in productivity indices from 0.35 bbl/psi to 0.91 bbl/psi; these values amounted to as much as 160% improvement as
demonstrated in Case History I.
• Case History II demonstrated that the new dynamic underbalance perforating system can help eliminate formation
damage and reduce the need for hydraulic fracturing.
• The application also resulted in as much as a 100 % increase in production rates when compared to adjacent wells as
illustrated in Case History III.
• Case History IV indicated that failure to obtain expected production results may be due to factors other than the
perforation technique employed.

bbl= barrels
BOPD= barrels oil per day
K= permeability, mD
Kh= permeability height, mD/ft
P= pressure in psi
Pi= initial pressure, psi
Pwf= downhole flowing pressure, psi
Qo= production rate, BOPD
spf= shots per foot
Sw= water saturation, %
Vsh= shale volume, %
Ф= porosity in %

The authors would like to thank the management of PDVSA E&P, Eastern Division and its technical committee for
reviewing and making recommendations to this article. Special recognition goes to the Northern District and the El Furrial
and Pirital fields’ management teams for allowing the release and publication of these case studies.

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