Expansion of Business Thru Social Media - 3

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Expansion of Business thru Social Media (With Language Translation)

741.4 million Population in Europe

1. Use social media to drive traffic to ecommerce stores.

- Funnel the ecommerce store of e24/7 through paid Facebook advertising.

2. Make official page of e24/7 (With Language Translation)

-Use plenty of videos on social media to keep the audience engaged and growing
(Testimonials, benefits to health)


-Instagram and Pinterest - If your product has a strong visual element. For example
if your store sells clothing or unique items that need to be seen.

-LinkedIn- Great for products geared to businesses and professionals.

-Pay per Click Advertising
Paid search ads and ads through Google are currently the premiere PPC ad system.
You’ll want to get started with Google AdWords, and the tools are easy to use.

3. Build brand awareness by using targeted influencers on social media to market

the products.

- Face or endorser of e24/7 or pictures of e24/7

4. Use social media to tell brand story and successfully differentiate from the

- Testimonials

- Health Benefits

5. Create clear and urgent calls to action

Create incentives by offering limited time promotions and discounts, and use action-
based language: “Click here…” or “Enter to win…”

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