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Selamat S.T Nuy!



What an impressive achievement!

Hope you'll always find yourself
as happy as now, take a well
earned rest, You’ve earned it!!

-AADE with ❤

Happy Graduation Tania
From Ayu-Aza-Ci Tem

Happy graduation day idot sayang,

selamat atas gelar sarjananya ya.
Semoga sukses selalu kedepan
Keep by my side in any situation
From lif’s with love ♥️♥️

Will you merry me?

Happy graduation!
and welcome to the
“real life”


“Happy engagement
irma & ichsan”

from intan yuliasari


- Gian -
Congratulation lina ku sayang,
semoga berkah ya ilmu dan
Ciee Sarjana Ekonomi, sukses
terus dan semangat ya!!!
Dari temanmu yg cantik:

Congratulation Peni cantik,

selamat ya sayang udah jadi
Sarjana Ekonomi, semoga cepet
dapet kerja, sukses selalu,
semangaaat teruuus!!!
Dari :
Lina Cwantiiikk
"Happy Graduation Ashri
NurAzizah. Teringin doa untuk
kesuksesanmu! Bukan hanya
dalam meraih ilmu, tapi juga
dalam mengamalkan pada
kehidupan ini. Semoga bisa kuliah
di Bandung ya! Love you"

Happy Graduation
Eko Sumiyanto, S.Si
Your success now is just the first step
you will do for next. Life is still go on.
Be successful, be useful, be strong
woman. Congratulation for your
From Ayu
Happy graduation

From your friends

Zei & Uci

"Happy graduation, Aling, S.Psi!

Semoga ilmunya berkah. Rajin rajin
kerjanya, biar bisa beli vespa. Tapi
jangan terlalu rajin. Nanti ga bisa
nyari live musik lagi.


“Selamat atas sidangnya
teteh, lancar terus ke
depannya dan semoga jadi
wanita karir yang sukses”
salam sayang dari
adik-adik tercinta

Selamat hari guru

~ Elis Linda K.Spd ~

From : 9.11
Happy Birthday
Lucia Setiawan
26 Tahun


"Happy Graduation"
HBD Intan....Sales Terbaik Aku...
Tambah Cantik
Tambah Langsing
Tambah Sexy
Tambah Banyak Jualannya...❤❤

Barakallah Nurul Nadya DwiNanda,

S.E 👩🎓 Semoga gelar yang
didapat berkah & bermanfaat untuk
banyak orang, semangat revisian,
selamat melamar & cepet dilamar 😍
From : Ratih H.P
Congraduation Siti
Fatimah Alawiah,
Baarakallaah fii 'ilmi
Semangat menempuh S1

Lanara turns 3
Dear My Bestfriend,
Congratulations Endah Tri Widanarti, dr. We were waiting
for this moment together. We’ve been through a lot of
hard times. But in the end, I believe that we can do it.
You are very special to me. Forgive me for what I’ve done
to you in the past. I’m so grateful to have you in my life.
Let’s reach the top together, be a hero, and make a lot of
people proud of us. You’re going to be a great doctor and
I still remember that you want to be a lecturer, you will be
the best one, my successful bestfriend. Aamiin.
Your Sister,
Diana Setyariani, dr.

Dear My Bestfriend,
Congratulations Nadira Sovia, dr. We were waiting for
this moment together. We’ve been through a lot of
hard times. But in the end, I believe that we can do it.
You are very special to me. Forgive me for what I’ve
done to you in the past. I’m so grateful to have you in
my life. Let’s reach the top together, be a hero, and
make a lot of people proud of us. You’re going to be a
great doctor and marry a man that you really love in the
future, my successful bestfriend. Aamiin.
Your Sister,
Diana Setyariani, dr.
Dear my luvly dena
Happy wedding!! Best wishes on this
wonderful journey, as you build your
new lives together.
We happy for u! Love u my best friend.

From your bridesmide :

Ajeng, dian, iqlima, shely, winda

Happy Graduation
dr. Ita Fatati,Sp.OG(K)

Happy Graduation
Clarisa Amelia Christian!
Happy Graduation

~ Ananda ~

Happy Graduation

~ Ananda ~


~ Ananda ~
Happy Graduation 🎓
Semoga ilmu & gelarnya
berkah yaa ❤


Happy Graduation 🎓
Semoga ilmu & gelarnya
berkah yaa ❤

Happy Graduation 🎓
Semoga ilmu & gelarnya
berkah yaa ❤
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Obos Raqesh

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