Building J

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Roof corrugated metal roofing sheets as instruction of

1 supervisor/monitor (bongkar atap seng sesuai instruksi dari pengawas


Roof trusses, rafters, purlins and fascia as instruction of

supervisor/monitor (bongkar kuda-kuda, rafter, gording dan lispland

sesuai instruksi dari pengawas lapangan/monitor)

Ceiling lining and ceiling frame as instruction of supervisor/monitor

3 (bongkar plafond dan rangka plafond sesuai instruksi dari pengawas


Timber single door frame with timber door as instruction of

4 supervisor/monitor (bongkar kosen pintu tunggal dan daun pintu

sesuai instruksi dari pengawas lapangan/monitor

Door frame Type Pj-2 for single door, overall size 0.80m wide x 2.90m

high consisting of 110 x 50mm timber members and 110 x 20mm fixed

seven rows timber vent louvre infill above and attached three-bay

window frame 1.89m wide x 1.85m high, all as shown on drawing RF-

11(A) (kosen pintu dengan ukuran 0.80m x 2.90m tinggi, dengan

gandengan tiga kosen jendela dengan ukuran 1.89m x 1.85m tinggi dan

ventilasi tujuh papan jalusi sesuai gambar RF-11(A))

Timber window frame as instruction of supervisor/monitor (bongkar

kosen jendela sesuai instruksi dari pengawas lapangan/ monitor)

Concrete paving external & internal as instruction of

supervisor/monitor (bongkar ubin abu-abu bagian dalam dan veranda

sesuai dengan instruksi dari pengawas lapangan/monitor)


1 Plain Concrete Grade 15Mpa (mutu beton 15Mpa)

a 100mm thick ground floor slab (100mm tebal lantai rabat beton)

100mm thick ground floor slab around building (100mm tebal lantai

rabat beton keliling bangunan

Fill to jambs of existing openings to take timber frames (isi dengan

beton vertikal kosen jendela dan kosen pintu

2 Plain Concrete Grade 25Mpa (mutu beton 25Mpa

a Ground beams (slof beton)

b Columns above ground level (kolom diatas permukaan tanah)

3 Rough formwork to bekisting kasar untuk

a Sides of ground beams (sloof beton

b Sides of columns above ground level (kolom diatas permukaan tanah)

c Faces of fill to jambs of openings (bekisting untuk isi jendela dan pintu)

Edge of 100mm high concrete around building (pinggir beton keliling!


4 Reinforcement (besi beton

8mm diameter bars as ligatures in ground beams (begel untuk Sloof

dia 8mm)

8mm diameter bars as ligatures in columns below & above ground

b level (begel untuk kolom dibawah dan diatas permukaan tanah dia.


10mm diameter bars in ground beams (besi polos untuk Sloof dia


10mm diameter bars in columns below & above ground level (besi
polos untuk kolom dia. 10mm)


Cement and sand render (plesteran

Two coat render comprising first coat of 13mm cement and sand (1:3)

and finish coat of 2mm cement paste as specified (2 x plester dengan

plesteran pertama 13mm dan plesteran kedua 2mm)

Render to surfaces of new concrete columns (plesteran permukaan

kolom baru)

Render to surfaces of existing block wall (plesteran permukaan tembok


Floor tiling (lantai keramik

Approved glazed ceramic tiles fixed with cement mortar on screed,

joints pointed with approved cement (lantai dasar keramik bak mandi

yang dipasang dengan kedap air, gunakan semen khusus untuk ujung


| 400 x 400mm tiling to floors of classroom (400 x 400 lantai keramik

ruang kelas

400 x 400mm tiling to floors of veranda (400 x 400 lantai keramik


5 400 x 100mm high ceramic tile skirting (400 x 100 plint keramik)




FOLLOWING (menyediakan semua material berikut

Roof Trusses Ta7 (kuda-kuda Ta7)

C75 x 40 x 1mm cold formed lipped channel top chord (1/6.11m and

1/7.81m long per truss) (baja balok tekan dengan ukuran 1/6.11m dan

1/7.81m panjang untuk satu unit)

C75 x 40 x 1mm cold formed lipped channel bottom chord (1/8.24m

long per truss) (baja balok tarik dengan ukuran 1/8.24m panjang per

masing-masing unit)

C75 x 40 x 1mm cold formed lipped channel ties and struts - 2/0.64m,

2/0.93m, 2/0.99m, 2/1.41m, 2/1.47m and 2/2.03m long per truss

(baja pendukung kuda-kuda masing-masing dengan ukuran 2/0.64m,

2/0.93m, 2/0.99m, 2/1.41m, 2/1.47m dan 2/2.03m untuk satu unit)

C75 x 40 x 1mm cold formed open channel back-to-back web stiffeners

(3/0.25m long per truss) (plat pengikat dengan ukuran 3/ 0.25m

panjang untuk satu unit)

12-14 x 25 self drilling metal tek screws for jointing truss at the

workshop (72 per truss) (sekrup ukuran 12-14 x 25, 72 buah untuk

satu kuda-kuda)

Cut steel members to size and make one steel roof truss as shown on

drawings, including screwing all attachments (pemotongan baja sesaul

ukuran untuk pembuatan satu kuda-kuda baja lihat gambar)

Rafter (kuda-kuda tanpa rangka)

C75 x 40 x 1mm cold formed lipped channel rafter 2/6.11m and

2/7.81m long (kuda-kuda baja C75 x 40 x 1mm tanpa rangka 2/6.11m

dan 2/7.81m panjang)

12-14 x 25 self drilling metal tek screws for jointing rafters (6 per
rafter) (sekrup ukuran 12-14 x 25, untuk satu kuda-kuda 6 buah)

Cut steel sections, plates, angle brackets, etc and screw attachments to

two lengths of steel rafters (pemotongan baja, plat, plat siku, dan lain-

lain kemudian dilas menjadi dua bagian dari kuda-kuda tanpa rangka)

Purlins (gording)

C45 x 35 x 1mm "topspan" or approved equivalent steel channel

purlins (gording baja)

E 12-14 x 25 self drilling metal tek screws for fixing purlin on site (12-

14 x 25 sekrup untuk memasang gording baja di lokasi)

F12-14 x 25 self drilling metal tek screws for jointing of top span on

site (4 screws per joint) (12-14 x 25 sekrup untuk penyambungan

gording top span)

Fascia (lisplank baja)

C75 x 40 x 1mm cold formed lipped channel fascia fixing to end of top

chord for fixing fascia (baja C75 x 40 x 1mm pasang pada ujung kaki

kuda-kuda untuk pemasangan lisplank baja)

Bent plate 230mm girth colorbond fascia (seng plat berwarna dengan

lebar toal 230mm)

12-14 x 25 self drilling metal tek screws for fixing fascia to end of top

chord on site (12-14 x 25 sekrup untuk pemasangan plat lisplank pada

kakikuda-kuda dilapangan

Supply and Install the following hold down plates, brackets and

bolts (kontractor menyediakan dan pasang plat pengikat dan


200 x 75 x 6mm mild steel hold down plate built into concrete 150mm
deep for rafters HD1 (plat ditanamkan 150mm ke dalam beton, ukuran

200 x 75 x 6mm HD1)



B 60 x 60 x 6mm steel angle hold down plate 400mm lenght built one

end to concrete columns HD2 as showing on drawing (besi siku HD

ukuran 60 x 60 x 6mm dengan panjang 400mm dan salah satu ujung

ditanam ke kolom beton seseuai gambar HD2)

C 60 x 60 x 6mm steel angle hold down plate 180mm lenght built one

end to concrete columns HD3 as showing on drawing (besi siku HD

ukuran 60 x 60 x 6mm dengan panjang 180mm dan salah satu ujung

ditanam ke kolom beton seseuai gambar HD3)

D M8 galvanised bolt not exceeding 100mm long with nut and 2/40 x

40 x 3mm washers (baut diameter 8mm dengan mur dan cincing)

CEILING (plafond)

C45 x 35 x 1mm "topspan" to support ceiling framing (C45 x 35 x 1mm

untuk support rangka plafond)

30 x 30 x 1mm hollow SHS fixed to block wall with dynabolt (besi

kotak hollow 30 x 30 x 1mm dipasang pada dinding dengan dynabolt

untuk mensuport rangka plafond

13mm deep x 0.35 x 0.42mm thick "topspan" cold formed or approved

equivalent light steel ceiling battens (13mm dalam x 0.35 x 0.42mm

tebal baja rangka plafond yang disetujui)

12-14 x 25 self drilling metal tek screws for fixing ceiling battens to
trusses on site (sekrup untuk memasang rangka plafond ukuran 12-14

x 25)

Supply and install 6mm internal ceiling lining in approximately 1.2 x

0.6m panels, laid to pattern as per drawings, fixed to underside of light

steel battens (suplai dan pemasangan plafond triplex 6mm bagian

Il dalam

12-14 x 25 self drilling metal tek screws suitable for fixing 6mm

plywood lining to light steel ceiling batten (sekrup 12-15x25 untuk

pemasangan 6mm plafond triplex)

Extra for 0.60 x 0.60m access hatch in 6mm plywood ceiling (extra

untuk lubang inspeksi platfond tripleks)

25 x 25mm dressed timber cornice fixed along joint of ceiling and

block wall (kayu lis 40 x 10mm pinggir plafond dan batako)

WINDOWS, DOORS AND HARDWARE (Pek. Jendela, Pintu, Pengganti

Allow for protecting the finished work as required (pemeliharaan dan

penyelesaian pekerjaan)

Window frames and door frames (kosen jendela dan kosen pintu)

Supply all materials and make window frames and door frames using

dressed, seasoned and anti-termite chemically treated approved

hardwood for paint finish (suplay semua material dan pembuatan

kosen jendela dan kosen pintu

Four-bay window frame Type J1 overall size 2.65m long x 1.85m high

consisting of 110 x 50mm timber members and 110 x 20mm fixed

seven rows timber louvre infill above as shown on drawing RF-11(A)

(kosen jendela empat lubang dengan ukuran 2.65m x 1.85m tinggi dan
papan jalusi tujuh daun ukuran 110 x 20mm sesuai gambar RF-11 (A)

Four-bay window frame Type 2 overall size 2.65m long x 1.85m high

consisting of 110 x 50mm timber members and 110 x 20mm fixed four

rows timber louvre infill above as shown on drawing RF-11(A) (kosen

jendela empat lubang dengan ukuran 2.65m x 1.85m tinggi dan papan

jalusi empat daun ukuran 110 x 20mm sesuai gambar RF-11 (A)



One-bay triangle ventilation window frame Type Va overall size 0.80

wide x 0.73m high consisting of 110 x 50mm timber members and 110

x 20mm fixed six rows timber vent louvre infill, as shown on drawing

Rf-11 (A) (kosen ventilasi segitiga satu lubang dengan ukuran 0.80m

lebar x 0.73m tinggi dan dipasang enam papan jalusi sesuai gambar RA


Door frame Type P1 for single door overall size 0.90m wide x 2.90m

high consisting of 110 x 50mm timber members and 110 x 20mm fixed

seven rows timber vent louvre infill above, all as shown on drawing RF-

11 (A) (kosen satu pintu dengan ukuran 0.90m x 2.90m tinggi dan di

atasnya ada ventilasi tujuh papan jalusi sesuai gambar RF-11 (A)

Door frame Type Pj-2 for single door, overall size 0.80m wide x 2.90m

high consisting of 110 x 50mm timber members and 110 x 20mm fixed

seven rows timber vent louvre infill above and attached three-bay

window frame 1.89m wide x 1.85m high, all as shown on drawing RF-

11(A) (kosen pintu dengan ukuran 0.80m x 2.90m tinggi, dengan

gandengan tiga kosen jendela dengan ukuran 1.89m x 1.85m tinggi dan

ventilasi tujuh papan jalusi sesuai gambar RF-11(A))

TRANSPORT TO SITE the following doors and window

components (berikut ini transportasi ke lokasi komponen pintu

dan jendela

Four-bay window frame Type ji

Four-bay window frame Type 2

One-bay triangle ventilation window frame Type Va

Door frame Type P1

Door frame Type Pj-2

INSTALL the following window frames and door frames (upah

kerja pemasangan kosen jendela dan kosen pintu)

B Four-bay window frame Type J1

C Four-bay window frame Type 12

One-bay triangle ventilation window frame Type Va

Door frame Type P1

Door frame Type Pj-2

Louvre carriers and glass blades (rangka nako dan kaca naco)

Pair of "Dicky" No 182328 dark grey painted or equivalent approved

steel lockable adjustable louvre carriers with clips for seven blade

152mm wide louvres (rangka nako tujuh daun merek "Dicky" No


Pair of "Dicky" No 182328 dark grey painted or equivalent approved

steel lockable adjustable louvre carriers with clips for nine blade

152mm wide louvres (rangka nako sembilan daun merek "Dicky" No


152 x 6mm thick clear float glass louvre blade about 0.60m long with

rounded, polished edges (kaca nako 150 x 6mm dengan ukuran 0.60m


Steel bars square of window security (besi teralis untuk pengaman


Glass panes for timber windows (kaca mati dan daun jendela


0.62 x 1.07m high glazed timber window with glass (daun jendela panil

ukuran 0.62 x 1.07m tinggi lengkap dengan kaca

0.62 x 1.32m high glazed timber window with glass (daun jendela panil

ukuran 0.62 x 1.32m tinggi lengkap dengan kaca

0.60 x 1.07m high glazed timber window with glass (daun jendela panil

ukuran 0.60 x 1.07m tinggi lengkap dengan kaca

Supply and fix 5mm thick clear float glass, in panes exceeding 0.64m2

and not exceeding 1m2, fixed to timber frames with beads (daun

jendela kaca mati)



Dressed, seasoned and anti-termite chemically treated hardwood

for paint finish (meni kayu atau cat dasar),

10 x 20mm glazing beads (kayu lis)

Window Hardware (perangkat jendela

Lockwood' or approved equivalent 50mm chromium plated barrel bolt

(50mm grendel jendela)

Lockwood EF100 series' or approved equivalent 100mm satin finish

stainless steel butt hinges (100mm engsel jendela sesuai specificasi)

Lockwood' or approved equivalent 200mm long window stay (hak

angin 200mm atau yang disetujui mirip)

Doors (pintu

Soild core flush door for paint finish (daun pintu panel dari kayu jati)

40mm door approximately 0.82 x 2.15m high (40mm tebal daun pintu,

dengan ukuran 0.82m x 2.15m tinggi)

40mm door approximately 0.72 x 2.15m high (40mm tebal daun pintu,

dengan ukuran 0.72m x 2.15m tinggi)

Door hardware (perangkat keras)

"Lockwood" entrance set or approved equivalent security lock (kunci


Pair of "Lockwood EF100 series" or approved equivalent 100mm satin

finish stainless steel butt hinges (engsel pintu sesuai specificasi)

A The contractor shall apply the antitermite chemical to all timber

before using to carry out the construction work (kontraktur harus

mengcat semua kayu dengan bahan kimia anti-rayap sebelum

digunakan untuk konstruksi)

Apply two coats (with brush) of "Innalin" teer special or approved

equivalent antitermite chemical to surfaces of all timber for window

frames and door frames (mengcat dua kali gunakan kuas/pincel

dengan "innalin teer special atau bahan kimia anti-rayap lain yang

disetujui sama ke seluruh permukaan kosen jendela dan kosen pintu)

Sub Total for Doc

ROOFING (Pek. Atap)

Allow for guarantees as required (jaminan

Colorbond pre-painted steel roofing sheet and accessories (cat dasar

atap seng)

10.42mm thick "custom orb" colorbond or approved equivalent

corrugated steel roof sheeting with one and a half corrugations side

laps, fixed with self drilling screws to steel purlins as specified and in

|accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations (seng

gelombang "custom orb" colorbond 0.35mm dipasang dengan sekrup

pada baja gording)

Supply and fix roofing sheets (pengadaan dan pasang atap seng)

Ridge capping 450mm girth (bubungan)

Barge capping 250mm girth (seng plat bagian samping)

Cut ridge capping and hip capping to profile of roofing sheets (potong

bubungan agar rata dengan gelombang atap seng sesuai gambar)

Turn up end of roofing sheet along ridge (silu atau bengkokkan ujung

seng pada bubungan sesuai gambar)



PAINTING (Pek. Pengecatan)

Prepare and apply one coat of acrylic sealer undercoat and two

coats of acrylic semi-gloss paint cat dasar)

Paint surfaces of rendered new concrete columns (cat kolom beton


Paint surfaces of rendered internal existing walls (cat plesteran

dinding existing bagian dalam

Paint surfaces of rendered external existing walls (cat plesteran

dinding existing bagian luar

Sand, stop, apply one coat of approved oil-based wood primer, one

undercoat and two coats of gloss enamel or similar paint to wood

surfaces (amplas, cat dasar)

Paint surfaces of internal plywood ceiling lining (cat plafond bagian


Paint surfaces of doors (cat dinding daun pintu)

Paint surfaces of door frames, infill, etc (cat dinding kosen pintu)

Paint surfaces of window frames, infill, etc (cat dinding kosen jendela)

Painting to existing surfaces (cat permukaan existing)

Remove existing paint from walls and clean surfaces to receive new

paint (bersihkan cat lama di dinding sebelum dicat)

Re-paint internal surfaces of rendered existing walls (cat dinding

existing bagian dalam

Re-paint external surfaces of rendered existing walls (cat dinding

existing bagian luar)


Measurement and Prices

A Allow for the complete electrical installation including conduits, all

wiring and accessories, light fittings, power outlets, earthing, lightning

protection system, commissioning and testing, data submissions,

etc. (menyediakan sarana instalasi listrik dan acessoriesnya) Note

Distribution board (Distribusi board)

Supply and install 100A 8-pole distribution board (DB) complete

with wall box and all electrical components including 32A N/A

main safety switch, all as per drawings and as specified

(pengadaan dan pemasangan 100A 8-koneksi distributionboard

lengkap dengan box dinding sesuai dengan gambar dan


Distribution panel 40 x 60 cm

MCB 1 phase 63 A / 220 V

MCB 1 phase 40 A / 220 V

RCD Circuit Breaker 1 phase 20A/220 V

MCB 1 phase 16 A/220 V

Grounding Rod 5/8" plus BCC 16 mm2

Supply and install 25 mm diameter upvc conduits, 1.5mm2 two-

core cable & 2.5 mm2 two core and earth cable, accessories, etc to

complete installation following the drawing (pipa listrik 25mm

diameter upvc, 1.5mm2 dua kabel dan satu kabel ke tanah,

accessories dan lain-lain)

Cable 3x2.5 mm2, NYM type

Cable 2x1.5 mm2, NYM type

PVC Pipe o 25 mm2


Supply and install the Flourecent Lamp 2x36 w, Flourecent lamp

1x36 w weatherproof (completed), combination power outlet

10A/220 V & switch control included accesories (wall box and pvc

conduit $ 20 mm2) refer to specification or Equivalent.

* 30W ceiling mounted batten type flourescent light fitting with opal

diffuser as "Thorn" UL136-H or approved equivalent (pasang lampu

florecent 2 x 36 di bawah plafond "Thorn" UL136-H)

1 x 36W bare batten flourescent light fitting with guard wire and

weatherproof as "Thorn" CB136HMK4 + WG36MK4 or approved

equivalent (pasang lampu floresent 1 x 36W pada baja atap)

Double power outlet with safety shutter (doubel stop kontak)10 A

/220 V

One-way-one-Gang Switch 10 A/220V


Open stone-lined drains (saluran air terbuka)

Trim and compact base of drains ( ratakan dan padatkan dasar saluran

Plain concrete grade 25 Mpa (beton tidak bertulang 25 Mpa)

100mm thick concrete slab to base of drain, laid to falls (tebal beton

100mm dasar saluran

100mm thick concrete walls of drains (tebal beton 100mm untuk

dinding saluran

Smooth formwork to 100mm high edges of base of drains (bekisting

halus 100mm tebal untuk sisi dasar saluran

Smooth formwork to faces of walls of drains (bekisting halus untuk

dinding saluran
Sub Total ford

GIEXTERNAL ELECTRICAL SERVICES (full installation) (Instalasi listrik

Excavate trench not exceeding 1m deep for electrical conduit (galian

tanah untuk pipa listrik)

75mm thick approved sand bedding under

conduit (urugan pasir dibawah pipa


Backfill excavated material into conduit

trench and compact (provisional)

(pengurugan kembali dengan bekas galian

pada lajur konduit dan dipadatkan

Remove surplus excavated material

(membuang bekas galian dari lokasi)

Heavy duty uPVC conduits laid in trench including joints in the running

length, conduit fittings, etc, all as specified (pipa konduit uPVC yang

dibentangkan sepanjang lajur galian, konduit titik lampu dan lain-lain,

semua sesuai spesifikasi)

25mm diameter conduit laid in trench (40mm diameter pipa listrik

yang dipasang dalam lajur)

Heavy duty uPVC conduit above ground fixed to the structure including

mechanical protection (sambungan pipa listrik dalam pipa uPVC di


25mm diameter conduit (40mm diameter pipa listrik

TPS V75 or equivalent PVC/PVC copper conductor cables drawn into

conduits including draw wire (kabel di dalam tembaga dan

dilindungi oleh PVC)

4mm2 two-core and earth cable (4mm2 dua kabel dan satu kabel ke


Sub T.

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