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Andrie Naytan E. Ceriola


Reaserch Questions:

1. What is the poem about? What is the them of the poem?

2. What current global issue can you relate to the theme of the poem?

3. What moral can we take from the theme of the poem in relation to the current

global issue presented.


Maya Angelou's poem "Equality" is about the way people see her and

treat her, and how she wants to be treated. Maya Angelou's poem speaks of

how she tries to let people see how she is no different from them. She speaks

her message loud and clear and her rhythm never changes that everyone

should treat equally even thought you are a white, natural, brown, black person

we still need to respect each other . But, society stays deaf and blind to anything

she says or does.

Maya wants society to treat her equally as everyone else. They look at

her equally now, but there are still people out there today who have prejudice

views on certain people. Those people are still fighting and they will speak their

message loud and clear until the world, as Ms. Angelou says, "takes the

blinders from its vision, and the padding from its ears."

Maya Angelou's words characterize African- Americans in a positive spotlight,

encouraging them to embrace the melanin in their skin. Black is beautiful. Black

is powerful. African- Americans deserve to feel a sense of pride when speaking

of their culture. Black deserves to be celebrated. Nevertheless, this problem is

still among us.


" your skin Color does not define you"

In the poem ‘Equality’ by Maya Angelou the themes of equality, racism

and discrimination. It tells everything about they need proper way of treating

them equally, some of the lines are more on discrimination that they need to be

respect, free from the others and learn to accept who they are. Equality is

treating everyone the same. Equality aims to promote fairness, but it can only

work if everyone starts from the same place and needs the same help


Gender equality is a human right, but our world faces a persistent gap

in access to opportunities and decision-making power for women and men. The

current issue until now Men are more powerful in the field of work and making

a decision rather than Women, we still see a word of racist or maybe a

discrimination for a Women that we need to stop it. Guaranteeing the rights of

women and giving them opportunities to reach their full potential is critical not

only for attaining gender equality, but also for meeting a wide range of

international development goals. Empowered women and girls contribute to the

health and productivity of their families, communities, and countries, creating a

ripple effect that benefits everyone.

We need to describe the word gender in the socially-constructed roles

and responsibilities that societies consider appropriate for men and women.

Gender equality means that men and women have equal power and equal

opportunities for financial independence, education, and personal



Equality isn't here yet; therefore, we are stuck in these chains. We all

are, until everyone sees what is truly happening. Until everyone can

understand. Like Maya Angelou constantly done, "Equality, and I will be free."

Maya Angelou's "Equality" is not meant to be a call to revolution. It is

simply depicting the message of waiting. We have been here. We have said the

same things over and over again. We have been wanting this one basic human

right for years, Decades, Centuries. We have been protesting for our rights,

fighting for our respect and writing our struggles in history. For the current issue,

gender Equality does have a Equal power and opportunities for men and

women. In today’s generation, we need to see what happened in the real world

to become more aware that everyone should be equal and practice to having a

good attitude to gain Respect to others and by itself.

We need to accept who they are and We need to embrace the world with

full of love without any hesitation just like our friends, families, classmate, and

our love ones because no one can judge us except God and we live for a happy

life not to a judgement world or to criticize others.


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