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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures

(A Supplement to RHD Management Manual)
Volume 1

January 2005
Issue 1
Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures



Chapter 1: Annual Confidential Report
Chapter 2: Office Procedure
Chapter 3: Inspections and Returns
Chapter 4: Employees Welfare
Chapter 5: Bangladesh Service Rules
Chapter 6: Departmental Examination
Chapter 7: Disciplinary Proceedings
Chapter 8: Establishment
Chapter 9: Record, Record Room and Weeding out of Records
Chapter 10 : Transfer of Office (Charge)
Chapter 11 : General Accounting Procedure
Chapter 12 : Schedule of Power
Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures


This guidebook contains 12 office procedures, which has been drawn from the earlier RHD
Manual (94) and cover the responsibilities of individual RHD Officers. These procedures refer to
many different Government of Bangladesh Rules and Regulations, extracts of which have been
included for reference only. The latest Rules and Regulations should be referred to directly for
all practical purposes, as this guidebook is uncontrolled. Update of these chapters was
undertaken under the South West Road Network Development Project (SRNDP) under ADB
Loan No. 1708-Ban (SF) in 2003. All other chapters of the RHD Manual (94) were also updated
by SRNDP and have been incorporated into volumes 2 onwards of these RHD Management
Manuals. Therefore the RHD Manual (94) is now superseded.

The procedures mentioned in this document shall be taken as a guiding approach, not a
complete list of office procedures, which RHD officers are to deal with. Development of further
procedures will take place may be drawn and included in this book as the implementation
process for the RHD Management Manual proceeds and updating every year as necessary.

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Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures


ACE Additional Chief Engineer

ACR Annual Confidential Report
AE Assistant Engineer
AFA Assistant Financial Administrator
AMIE Associate Member of Institution of Engineers
AMO Authorized Medical Officer
ARO Assistant Research Officer
ATD Advice Transfer Debit

BPATC Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center

BSR Bangladesh Service Rules

C&AG Comptroller & Auditor General

CAO Chief Accounts Officer
CE Chief Engineer
CL Casual Leave
CGA Controller General Accounts
CMLA Chief Martial Law Administrator
CPWA Central Public Works Accounts 'A' Code
CSO Countersigning Officer

DA Disciplinary Authority
DA Daily Allowance
DAA Director, Audit & Accounts
DA&A Director, Audit & Accounts
DAO District Accounts Officer
DDO Drawing & Disbursing Officer
DG Director General
DO Demi-Official

ECG Electrocardiogram
ED Establishment Division
EE Executive Engineer
EL Earned Leave
EO Enquiry Officer

GSDA Government Servants Discipline and Appeal Rule

LPR Leave Preparatory to Retirement

MoE Ministry of Establishment

MoF Ministry of Finance
MO Medical Officer
MoC Ministry of Communications

ORU Officer Reported Upon

PHE Public Health Engineering

PSC Public Service Commission
PW Public Works

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Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures

PWD Public Works Department

RHD Roads and Highways Department

RIO Report Initiating Officer

SAE Sub-Assistant Engineer

SDE Sub-Divisional Engineer
SE Superintending Engineer
S&GA Services and General Administration
SRO Statutory Regulatory Order
SRNDP Southwest Road Network Development Project

TA Traveling Allowance
TOT Training of Trainers
T&P Tools & Plants

UDA Upper Division Assistant

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Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 1 – Annual Confidential Report



General Guidelines

The Annual Confidential Report (ACR) forms are filled in by reporting officers to assess
performance of officers working under them. This is written annually, but it is incumbent upon the
superior officers to continually guide, coach and counsel the officers who are reported upon. Where
a corrective action is necessary or a commendation has to be made, this should be done promptly
and the reporting officer should not simply wait to record his observations at the end of the year.

The reporting officer should keep records of various occurrences, which have a bearing on the
performance of sub- ordinate officers in an "Incident File". His observations should be recorded at
least every third month. This will also be a guide to his successor.

In the ACR form RIO means the Report Initiating Officer, who is the immediate administrative
superior of the Officer Reported Upon (ORU). It is his/her responsibility to initiate the ACR form in
duplicate. The department supplies ACR forms to the officers.

Similarly CSO is the Countersigning Officer who is the immediate superior of the RIO and would be
expected to initiate the latter's ACR.


Initiation and submission of ACR in time is very important. Even in the ACR form itself there is a
column in this respect. (Item: 3.11-lnitiative for writing and countersigning of ACR). The process
should start as early as 15th of October for completion by the end of February next. The details of
time schedule are shown in Annexure - 1A.



The objective of the Annual Confidential Report is to describe the performances, integrity, quality
etc. of an officer during a particular calendar year which eventually demonstrates an overall
assessment of the character with respect to a grading. Generally the immediate higher officer of
ORU is responsible to fill up the certain columns provided in the form for this purpose.

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Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 1 – Annual Confidential Report

The RIO must ensure impartiality, objectivity and uniformity in the standard of reporting. The RIO

Be as objective as possible

Be clear and direct, not ambiguous or evasive in his/her remarks

Avoid exaggerations and gross understatements.

Channel of Reporting

The channel of reporting of ACR as per present practice for different category of officers is shown in
Annexure - 1B. It can be seen that there is no column for making comment on the performance of
AE/SDE by the Additional Chief Engineer concerned. Similarly the Chief Engineer also makes no
comment on the performance of any Executive Engineer.

Since there is no column in the form for such remarks, he should give his remarks in separate
sheet where ever he considers necessary and attach it with ACR.

Concerned Ministry/Division/Department will notify the channel of submission of ACRs within the
organization, indicating who will be the RIOs, CSOs or other superior authorities in respect of
gazetted officers under its administrative control.

An RIO will be responsible for initiating ACR Form -I, in respect of Officers working under him/her
for a minimum period of 3 months.

If an officer has not completed 3 months of service under an RIO, the ACR should be initiated by
the previous RIO, where the previous RIO is not readily available, the ACR could be filled in by
CSO. Part of ACR covering more than 9 month can be treated for a full calendar year.

The ACR will be filled in by the CSO and sent to next higher authority in the event of RIOs:


Imprisonment, or temporary suspension

Prolonged stay abroad

Retirement including the period on LPR, resignation, dismissal

Documents to be placed with ACR

The following reports, copies may be placed with the ACR:

Copies of award granted by the President

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Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 1 – Annual Confidential Report

Letters of appreciation issued by the Government

Letters of appreciation issued by the Head of the Department

Copies of letters imposing any penalty as specified in the Discipline and Appeal rule

Copy of communication conveying the displeasure or reprimand by the appointing authority or the
next higher authority

Letters of appreciation from other agencies if it is confined to the appreciation of services rendered
for beyond the normal call of duty with the prior approval of competent authority.

Medical Report to be obtained

Medical officer's report

There is provision of Medical examination in the ACR. The name of Medical Officer (MO) for
different location of officers are shown below. The ORU should present himself along with ACR
form to the relevant medical officer for obtaining medical report.

ORU’s Location Rank Medical Officer

(a) For Officers posted at All Class I A Professor/an associate professor of
Dhaka, Rajshahi, a medical College (intimation to be
Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal sent to Principal, superintendent of
(b) For Officers posted at All Class I Civil Surgeon
Division/District and Sub- Deputy Civil Surgeon of the district.
Divisional Headquarters.

Medical examinations of an Additional Chief Engineer will include among other routine tests, X-ray,
and ECG reports.

Medical fitness category

Medical fitness of an officer will be evaluated on the following basis.

Category A : An officer who has not been definitely disabled on

account of a serious defect.

Category B : An officer who suffered from a serious defect which

has disabled him partially but he is fit to perform

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Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 1 – Annual Confidential Report

certain type of duties i.e. secondary work.

Category C : An officer is completely incapacitated.


The column pen-picture (5th part) is a very important part of ACR, which is required to be filled up
with great care, objectivity and perception. It should contain personality; professional ability, loyalty,
reliability as well as a reference of job assignment with an indication how well the tasks assigned
have been accomplished.


Great care is required in filling the column of Integrity (part 6th). Instances which create suspicion
about the integrity of a Government servant should be noted from time to time and action to verify
the truth of such suspicion should be taken expeditiously by making confidential enquiries
departmentally. At the time of writing of ACR, the diary be consulted and the material in it should be
utilized for filling the column.

Adverse Remark

The grading of below average in overall grading will be considered as adverse remark.

In case CSO does not agree with the RIO and grades the ORU as 'Average' and general remarks
written by him contradicts/overrules the adverse remarks made by RIO, the adverse remarks will be
considered as not applicable.

However he (CSO) should give reasons in brief specifying his disagreement for particular item of
assessment, specifically in case of adverse remarks, as his remarks are to be construed as correct

It will be the responsibility of the custodian to communicate the adverse remark to the officers
concerned within a period of 2 (two) months from the date of receipt.

When an adverse remark has been made in the ACR by RIO or CSO, the extract of the related
portion only of the ACR should be furnished to ORU by the Ministry/Division/Department for
clarification. The Ministry/Division will ask for the comments of the RIO/CSO. Decision of the
Ministry/Division on the representation will be considered final and this will be communicated to
ORU through the normal command channel.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 1 – Annual Confidential Report

Observations requiring improvements in job-performance and indicating need for training will not
constitute adverse remarks: but shall be communicated to the officers reported upon for his

A confidential report containing adverse remarks should not be taken into consideration until they
have been.

Communicated in writing to the ORU and a decision taken on this representation given by ORU.

ACR Grading

The Bengali format for writing of ACR for Class I gazetted Officers (Form No.290 Gha-Corrected)
consist of 8 pages which has replaced the previous English form of 12 pages.

In the present format, the Officers are evaluated on 25 items (maximum score of 4 points on each)
and may be evaluated on the following 5 category:

Outstanding Very good Good Average Below average

95-100 85-94 61-84 41-60 Below 40

An officer will be considered "outstanding" only when he/she sets a unique example of sense of
responsibility or an extraordinary service to the people or so efficient a service that results in
remarkable achievements for the organization. An outstanding grading is to be given only in very
exceptional cases.

ACR form for Non-gazetted Technical Personnel

The Sub-Assistant Engineers of the Department are quite high in number. As per recruitment rule,
one-third posts of Asst. Engineer are filled up by promotion from amongst the Sub- Assistant
Engineer. As such proper assessment of performance of a Sub-Assistant Engineer is very
important. A separate ACR form is used for Sub-Assistant Engineers (class 2 officers).

The channel of reporting in case of SAE is in the order of SDE (Reporting Officer) EE
Countersigning officer) and SE (Next Officer- countersigning). A separate ACR form is used for
Sub-Assistant Engineers (class 2 gazetted officers). All ACR should be kept in the office of the CE,

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 1 – Annual Confidential Report

Annexure - 1A

ACR Communication Channel and Activity Calendar

Phase Agency Activity
I. Initiation 15 October Ministry/Division Remind each RIO to submit ACRs within
/ Department 31 January next.

15 October Same as above Notify RIO/CSO name and designation of the

serial officers to whom ACR will be sent.

II. Reporting 01 November RIO Requests AMO to draw up programmes for

medical check up of ORU. Copy to Civil

01 November RIO Initiates ACR Form in respect of ORU.

15 November ORU Fill in Part II

31 December AMO Medical check up completes with comments

from AMO, on the ACR form part I.

III. Report 31 January RIO Completes Parts III and IV


15 February RIO Submits to CSO.


Custodian of ACR: ACR of all gazetted officers should be kept under one AE/SDE. Proper
information regarding ACR position should be maintained in register as well as computer.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 1 – Annual Confidential Report

Annexure - 1B


Immediate higher
Officer Reported
SL No. Reporting Officer Officer Custody
1 2 3 4 5
(1) AE/SDE Ex. Engr. (EE) Supt. Engr. (SE) CE
(2) Ex. Engr. (EE) Supt. Engr. (SE) Addl. Chief Engr (ACE) Ministry
(3) Supt. Engr. (SE) Addl. Chief Engr (ACE) Chief Engr. (CE) Ministry
(4) Addl. Chief Engr (ACE) Chief Engr. (CE) Secretary Ministry
(5) Chief Engr. (CE) Secretary Minister Ministry

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 2 – Office Procedure



The office procedure of the department shall be on the basis of guidelines issued by the
Registers required for each office are as follows:

Sl. No. Name of Register

Register of correspondences received (known as Receipt Register)
Register of correspondences despatched (known as Issue Register)
Register of important and urgent correspondences
Register of representations pending disposal
Delivery book for delivery of papers in Sections
Memo book for certain specified subjects
Peon book
Attendance Register
Service postage stamps register
Dealing Clerks Diary
Register of files
Register of pending files for issue of timely reminders
Register of receipt of returns
Monthly statements of papers received and disposed of
Monthly statement of closed and pending files
Proforma of inspection by official in-charge
Proforma of inspection by officers
Register of inspections
List of files etc. to be consigned to the record Room
Form of requisition slip from record room
Register of files sent out of the record Room
Elimination or destruction of register

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 2 – Office Procedure


Punctuality should be strictly enforced of every staff member by noting time of arrival while putting
his initials in the date column of the Attendance Register and staff members should reach 5
minutes earlier than the prescribed time so that they may actually start working at the scheduled
time. The register for Sub-ordinate and Ministerial staff and Class-IV staff should be kept on the
table of the Head of the Office/Officer In-charge/Section. Officer while the register for the Gazetted
officers will be kept in the room of the Head of the Department or the senior most officers in the
campus. Each Class-IV staff should attend the office well before the scheduled time for proper up
keeping of office room. Every Government Servant is expected to apply for leave, if he is not in a
position to attend the office at prescribed hour.

Punishment for Late Coming

For persistent late coming without applying for leave, action should be taken against the defaulters
as per existing rule.
There should be periodical check-up and surprise visits by the Superior officers to ascertain that all
Government employees are observing punctuality.


For specific procedure in the Department in the office of the Chief Engineer, Additional Chief
Engineer, Superintending Engineer, Executive Engineer, Sub-Divisional Engineer, following
guidelines may be adopted.

Receipt in the Office of the Chief Engineer and the Additional Chief Engineer

There is a Central Receipt & Despatch Section, to receive & despatch all Dak & letters. The
confidential/secret and DO letters addressed to various officers are sent by the in-charge of this
section to the concerned officers. The DO letters are opened either by the officer himself or by the
person authorized by him for the purpose. These letters after perusal by the officer are sent to the
Central Receipt Section.
All other letters received in the office of the Chief Engineer are opened and marked by the Section
In-charge of Receipt Section and after that the DO, letters, 'letters from Government and Director
Audit-Accounts/CAO and Telegrams are submitted to the Chief Engineer in 'Dak-Pad' with a
covering proforma showing the date and total number of letters received and columns provided for
the initials of Chief Engineer, Additional Chief Engineer and other officers who are required to put
their initials in token of having seen the Dak. This Dak-Pad is first sent to the Chief Engineer. All
such letters after return of the Dak-Pad are entered into Receipt Register and sent to concerned

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 2 – Office Procedure

cells and sections. Separate Registers are used for letters received from the Government,
DAA/CAO and DO letters and telegrams from Sub-ordinate Offices and other Departments.
The remaining Dak after marking by the in-charge of receipt section is entered into separate
registers maintained for each Section and Cell in which only date and Despatch Number of letters
received are mentioned and these are sent to concerned sections and cells where the official of the
concerned section puts his initials in token of receipt of such letters. These letters are afterwards
entered into Receipt Registers of respective Sections after perusal & marking by the section in-
charge/Cell in-charge or the officer in-charge of the Cell.

Despatch from the Office of the Chief Engineer and the Additional Chief Engineer

There is a central despatch section in the office of the Chief Engineer and the Additional Chief
Engineer. All the letters before sending to despatch section are given file numbers by the section
with date and then sent to the despatch clerk after entering into a peon book. The signatures of the
despatch clerk(s) are taken in that peon book, thereafter these letters are despatched through a
common despatch register. Separate despatch registers are also maintained for confidential and
secret letters.

Receipt and Despatch in the Circle Offices

In the Circle Offices the head assistant will open the dak and he will distribute it to various sections
for disposal after perusal by the Superintending Engineer. When the Superintending Engineer is on
tour the dak and other routine cases will be disposed of by the Assistant Engineer attached to the
Circle and head assistant and diary challan of the same with necessary remarks showing how the
cases have been disposed of should be put up to the Superintending Engineer on his return along
with the office copies of letters issued in his absence. Separate receipt and despatch registers of
the following category will be maintained:
Chief Engineer
Each Divisional Office in the Circle separately

Receipt and Despatch in the Divisional and Sub-Divisional Offices

For the Divisional and Sub-Divisional Offices, it is the duty of the officer concerned to have their
official dak brought to them daily and to open it themselves. When a Divisional Officer is on tour the
Assistant Engineer may open the dak and dispose of the ordinary cases and a diary challan of the
same with necessary remarks showing how the cases have been disposed of should be put up to

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 2 – Office Procedure

him on his return along with the office copies of letters issued in his absence. In the event of
Divisional Officers on long tour important cases may be sent to him in his camp office.
When a Sub-Divisional Engineer is on tour his Sub-Divisional Clerk may open the dak, dispose of
urgent cases and put up them along with the un-disposed dak to the SDE on his return to the
Headquarters. However, he may receive important cases requiring immediate personal attention in
his camp office when necessary.
Transmission of dak through special messenger should be avoided, as far as possible. In Divisional
Offices, the receipt and despatch registers will be maintained separately as follows:
Chief Engineer
Director Audit and Accounts/Works/RHD/Chief Accounts Officer
Superintending Engineer
Sub-Divisional Officer in the Division

Confidential/Secret/Demi-Official Letters

All confidential letters/Secret letters/Demi-Official letters should normally be opened by the officer
concerned or any officer authorized by him and such letters shall be sent to the officers direct and
maintained by the head of the individual office.


No officer except the Chief Engineer/Additional Chief Engineer and the officers dealing on behalf of
the Chief Engineer/Additional Chief Engineer should correspond on any matter direct with an
immediate superior authority to the officer under whom he is serving or with Government except in
cases of extreme urgency, in which he must send copies of his communications to his immediate
superior and the Chief Engineer.

Chief Engineer’s Office

All papers and files should be submitted to the Chief Engineer, Additional Chief Engineer or any
other officer concerned through the section in-charge and officer in-charge for which channel may
be prescribed from time to time by the Chief Engineer/Additional Chief Engineer.

Superintending Engineer's Office

All papers before and after submission to the Superintending Engineer and after his disposal will be
routed through the respective Section in-charge.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 2 – Office Procedure

Divisional Offices/Sub-Divisional Offices

All papers other than Technical will be put up to the Executive Engineer through the Divisional
Accountant or Office Assistant. In Sub-Division Offices all papers should be routed through Sub-
Divisional Clerk (UDA).


Refer to Chapter 9 of this Manual for details.


Whenever any paper, order, technical literature, circular, magazine, gazette notification etc. are to
be circulated for general information amongst the officers, a docket as shown in Annexure - 2A
may be used for the purpose.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 2 – Office Procedure

Annexure –2A

Office of the
Roads and Highways Department


Memo No. ____________ Dated:


1. This is to be circulated to officers as per serial no, each officer forwarding it to the next one
and the last receiving officer will send it back to this office.

2. This should not be retained for more than two days and if required, the same can be
obtained after a month:

Signature of the Officer


Date of
Sl. No. Officer Receipt-Return Signature Remarks

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Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 3 – Inspections and Returns




All Executive Engineers, Sub-Divisional Engineers and Sub-Assistant Engineers are expected to
spend as much time as possible on supervision of works and for enforcement of specifications of
the works. The officer engaged on supervision shall ensure that works are executed according to
the sanctioned estimates and contract agreements for the works. It should also be ensured that
proper quality control measures are adopted and circulars issued on the subject are complied by all

The senior officers such as Additional Chief Engineer, Superintending Engineer while inspecting
the works shall satisfy themselves that the system of management prevailing is efficient,
economical and proper accounts and returns are maintained. It shall also be the responsibility of
the inspecting officers to see that no works are carried out without sanctions, budget provisions etc.
The inspecting officers shall also ensure that the necessary budget provision is fully utilized and no
excess over the budget provisions is made and works are executed according to schedule of
powers delegated to various officers.

Haltage (Minimum Day and Night Halts)

The Government attaches greater importance to the inspection both at and outside the
headquarters by senior officers. There should not be any tendency on the part of officers to move
fast over the work-site and return to head quarter.

Effective supervision/inspection of works, solving problems of people, official, the department

labour, contractor etc can be better done by making more day and night halts at work site.

A day halt is defined as a period of time of minimum 4 (four) hours spent at site/site-office/office of
the concerned project discussing with concerned people official/non-official etc.

Daily Diaries (Note Books)

This Note Book is to be kept by every Engineer up to the rank of Superintending Engineer and
should contain dated original rough Memoranda on which the entries in the accounts are made,
showing the gangs of labourers counted, the check measurements taken of the work and materials

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 3 – Inspections and Returns

received and any other information collected to assist in preparing the accounts and verifying the
entries made in them.

Tour Programme and Tour Notes

Inspections should be well planned so as to cover the maximum work during the inspection and
proper tour programmes should be prepared in advance by the senior officers and a copy of the
same should be sent to the next higher authority, subordinate staff so that the subordinate staff and
contractors may be available at the time of the inspection of higher officer. This however does not
debar an officer from touring without tour programme as in the engineering profession; frequent and
surprise inspections are also essential.

Inspection reports detailing the inspections carried out, instructions given to the sub-ordinates and
other important points should be prepared and a copy of the same should be sent to the next higher
officer for information and subordinate officers for compliance. A proper system should be evolved
in each office to ensure timely compliance of inspections reports. A register to watch the same shall
be maintained in the office of inspecting officer and office inspected.

Test Checking

Test checking of measurement & countersigning of completion reports:

The responsibility of test checking the measurements of works lies with the Executive Engineer and
Sub-Divisional Engineer but this does not debar the Superintending Engineer from test checking of
the measurements, of any work, which he likes to test check.

The norms for test checking by Executive Engineer, Sub-Divisional Engineer and Sub-Assistant
Engineer have also been detailed in job descriptions, which should be adhered to by the officers
while carrying out inspections of office and works.



The Head of the office should inspect his office at least once in a year and ensure that prescribed
procedures are followed:

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Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 3 – Inspections and Returns

Inspection of the Office of the Superintending Engineer/Executive Engineer by the

Chief/Additional Chief Engineer

The Additional Chief Engineer shall inspect at least once a year the office of the Superintending
Engineers working under his control. The compliance reports on the inspection report of the
Executive Engineer’s office should be submitted to the Additional Chief Engineer/Chief Engineer
through the Superintending Engineer within 2 months and that the for Superintending Engineer's
within one month.

Inspection of the office of the Executive Engineer and Sub-Divisional Engineer by the
Superintending Engineer

The SE shall inspect the Divisional Office under him once a year and shall forward the reports of
inspection to the Additional Chief Engineer in the prescribed form detailing therein the results of his
examination of initial accounts, accounts of stock, T&P and stock manufacture/register of works
and other divisional accounts and papers, mode of preparation of estimates, contract agreements,
contractors accounts revenue registers and office work. He will further see that the authorised
system of accounts is maintained throughout the Division and examine the books of the Divisional
officers and their subordinates and see that the matters relating to the primary accounts are
attended by the Divisional/Sub-Divisional Officers and Divisional Accountant and the accounts fairly
represent the progress of each work. He will examine the register of works so as to keep vigilance
over the expenditure of works. The compliance of inspection report shall be furnished within 2

The SE's in their inspections of Sub-Divisional Offices should carefully examine that the accounts
are maintained properly. Sub-Divisional Officers carryout adequate checks, gives proper
instructions and fulfils the instructions given by higher officers. The inspection of the prescribed
number of Sub-Divisions under his Circle shall be carried out by the SE. The compliance report of
the same shall be furnished by Sub-Divisional Engineer through the Divisional Officer to the
Superintending Engineer within a period of 2 months of receipt from the SE.

The SE will bring serious irregularities noticed in his inspection to the notice of the Additional Chief

Inspection of the Sub-Divisional Office by the Executive Engineer (Divisional Officer)

The Divisional Officer should inspect each Sub-Divisional Office in his Division at least once a year.
More frequent inspections should be made of those Sub-Divisions in which the Divisional Officer
noticed that there is a laxity of supervision on the part of Sub-Divisional Engineer. The Divisional

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 3 – Inspections and Returns

Officer's report will be framed in an approved form. The compliance of the inspection report should
be furnished by the Sub-Division to the Divisional Officer within a period of one month of the receipt
of the report from the Divisional Officer. Any serious irregularity or violation of rules by the Sub-
Divisional Officer should be brought to the notice of the SE by Divisional Officer.

Compliance of Previous Inspection Reports

Previous reports should be referred to by the Inspecting Officer, and if it is found that any
irregularity noticed, have not been corrected, the same should be prominently noted as matters on
which instructions have been issued but not attended to. The report should also, as a rule, show
briefly what steps have been taken to remedy the defects previously noticed.

Inspection of Sub-Division by Divisional Accountant

The Divisional Accountant should inspect the accounts and records of the Sub-Divisional Offices
periodically or at least once a year under orders of the Divisional Officer and check the percentage
of the initial accounts. The defects noticed should be reported to the Divisional Officer for orders but
the Divisional Accountant will be responsible for explaining personally the defects of the procedure
and imparting necessary instructions thereon to the Sub-Divisional Officer and their staff.



The projects and works can be managed and planned properly through returns only. The working
of office can also be controlled and supervised properly if there is a system of collecting proper
returns. The management by returns cannot be over emphasized. In RHD where the Department is
required to execute works and projects, maintain proper accounts and run big office establishment,
there should be a calendar of returns, which an office is required to furnish. A list of periodical
returns due to the office from the sub ordinates and which are required to be submitted to the
superiors should be kept by head of office and other staff for ready reference. No regular periodical
returns may be called without the consent of the Chief Engineer or the Government. Steps should
be taken to prepare the returns in times to ensure their punctual submission, as delayed returns
may not serve any useful purpose.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 3 – Inspections and Returns

Only Useful Returns to be called

In view of the importance of keeping down the number and complexity of returns to the lowest limit
of actual requirements, any officer of the Department is at liberty at any time to suggest to his
immediate superior, discontinuance or modification of any form in use or of any return which has to
be submitted by or through him by the order of the higher authority, provided that he can show
satisfactorily that circumstances have rendered the form or the return in its existing shape useless
or unsuitable for the purpose for which it was originally required and well considered suggestions of
this nature may be forwarded through the proper departmental channels to the Chief Engineer at
any time.

Proper Scrutiny of Return

The various returns received in the office should be properly examined, scrutinised and recorded.
The returns from the sub-ordinate offices, should serve a useful information for picking up the
defects, bottlenecks and instances of slow progress and the subordinate offices should be given a
proper feed back and advice to overcome the bottlenecks and defects. The superior officers should
try to solve the bottlenecks and defects noted by them through the returns and also inform the
superior officers, if any action is to be taken by them for expediting the matter.

Various types of Returns

The various returns may pertain to:

i) Works progress reports both financial and physical

ii) Budget-First review, revised estimates and final review
iii) Accounts returns including returns furnished to C&AG
iv) Returns of T&P and machinery
v) Establishment returns
vi) Stores
vii) Natural calamity, rainfall etc
viii) Inspection reports, pre and post monsoon reports of bridges and buildings
ix) Statistics of roads
x) Quality control returns
xi) Revenue.

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Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 4 – Employees Welfare



For any organization to run efficiently, it is necessary to keep the officers and staff happy and
satisfied. The department may run welfare centres where facilities like newspapers, magazines,
books and if possible, indoor, outdoor games and other recreational facilities are provided. It is a
good idea to have sports meet and cultural programmme organized at Circle or Zonal level and
prizes are distributed to outstanding participants among the staff. This will encourage the
employees to put their energies to sports and constructive activities beyond office hours. However,
on the welfare issues the circulars/directives of the Ministry of Establishment should always be


a) To achieve its goal, a Welfare Committee will be formed with Superintending Engineers and
Executive Engineers and the other Engineer officers in the Zone who will provide advice in
respect of welfare of the employees.

b) The Additional Chief Engineer, Zone will be Advisor to the Welfare Committee.

c) The composition of committee will be as follows:

i) Senior most Superintending Engineer in the Zone/or at Zonal HQ - Chairman

ii) All others Superintending Engineers - Member
iii) Executive Engineer(s) - Member
iv) Executive Engineer at Zonal Head
Quarter or as nominated by the Chairman - Member Secretary
v) Representatives from staff - Member


The Chairman of the Employees Welfare Committee in consultation with Zonal Additional Chief
Engineer will nominate one subordinate officer or an Executive Engineer (preferably from the Zonal
Head Quarter) as Staff Welfare Coordinating Officer, who will also work as Member Secretary of
this Committee. The functions of the committee will mainly cover the following, but not limited to it.

a) Organizing social activities i.e. sports, picnics, clubs etc, selecting and nominating employees
to participate in zonal gatherings on welfare aspects.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 4 – Employees Welfare

b) Give encouragement to cultural activities and improvement to welfare facilities.

c) Give assistance to employees in securing medical treatment through contacts with medical
d) Advice employees during social problems faced by them & difficulties encountered thereof.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules



The existing organization of the Roads and Highways Department was adopted in June 1983 as
per report of the Martial Law Committee on organizational set up known as Enam Committee. The
posts are borne both under Revenue and Development budget. The posts shown under revenue
head are permanent posts and officers are treated as cadre officers recruited through the Public
Service Commission. The posts under Development budget are temporary in nature requiring year
to year sanction. The Class I development posts are recruited by the Ministry while other
development posts and non-gazetted revenue posts are recruited by the Head of the Department.

The entry to services for Engineering cadre-posts take place at the level of Assistant Engineer
recruited through competitive examinations conducted by the Public Service Commission. As per
recruitment rule two-third posts are recruited direct on the basis of merit, district quota, reserved
quota etc. while one-third posts are filled up by promotion from amongst the Sub-Assistant

There are various type of posts under Development heads relating to specific projects of specified
duration and at the same time there are development posts permanent in nature not relating to any
particular project. Presently there is no practice of lateral entry to the Department to positions of
senior level and cadre-officers fill up most of the Development posts.

Some of the salient features of Bangladesh Service Rules such as recruitment, appointment, leave,
seniority, retirement, pension etc. have been discussed in the form of abstract in this chapter to
enable the Engineer Officers in respect of their applications and uses.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules


The Government has issued order, rules, ordinances, office memorandum, etc., on service matters
from time to time applicable to all Government departments including Roads and Highways. There
have been amendments issued from time to time. A separate file for such amendments shall be
maintained in each office. Some of the important rules/regulations along with a short description of
abstract are given below for ready reference and guidance of the Departmental Officers. These
always to be seen along with the latest amendments.

The Bangladesh Civil Services (Re-organization) Order, 1980

Amended in 1986 as per SRO-347/L/86/ME/IC-4/85 dated 31.8.86.

This order of 1980 creating 14 (Fourteen) Cadre of Services was amended in 1986. The total
number of cadres was increased to 30 and Roads and Highway is shown under serial 24.

Ref: SRO 1-L/81/ED/(R-11)-R-70/80 dated 1.1.81 Cabinet Secretariat -Establishment Division and
amended vide SRO-92-L/86/ME/(RV) R-1 PXIV/84 dated 13.2.85

In these rules, procedure for recruitment, direct, promotion, period of probation etc have been

No person shall be confirmed in the concerned service unless he has successfully completed the
foundation training of three months duration, passed such departmental examination as may be
prescribed by order of the Government from time to time and also served the period of probation.

The requirements for Chief Engineer, Additional Chief Engineer, Executive Engineer, Sub-
Divisional Engineer and Assistant Engineer altogether 6 categories of officers have been issued by
Ministry of Communications order no. vide SRO 92-L/85/ME/(RV)R-1(P-XIV)/84 dated 13.02.1985
have been enclosed in Annexure – 5A.

The requirements for Senior Economist, Director-Audit & Accounts, together with Sub-Assistant
Engineer and other Class-III & Class-IV employees (Altogether 98 categories of officers/staff) have
been issued vide order no. SRO 29-L/85 dated 09.01.1985 from Ministry of Communications. Out
of these 98 categories, 14 categories are gazetted officers (non-cadre) the requirements for those
posts have been enclosed in Annexure – 5B.

The requirements for further 43 categories non-gazetted staff of RHD have been issued vide order
SRO 28-L/ 85 dated 9.1.1985 from the Ministry of Communications.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

District Quotas
District quota and other quotas in connection with the recruitment of gazetted, non-gazetted
employees for Government, Semi-Government, Corporation etc. have been issued vide Memo
No.MER/R-1/S-13/84-149(250) dated 28.07.1985 of the Ministry of Establishment.

This also elaborates the distribution of post on the basis of merit, different reserved quotas for
freedom fighter, females, tribal people, ansar, village defence party, etc. The district quota for all the
64 districts has been fixed on the basis of population.

Recruitment Rule
As per recruitment rule, all entry to the posts of Engineers is made at the level of Assistant
Engineer. For cadre posts the officers are recruited through competitive examinations conducted by
PSC for two-third posts, the selection being made on the basis of merit, district quota, reserved
quota etc. The remaining one-third posts are filled up by promotion from amongst the Sub-Assistant
Engineers with 5 (five) years experience as SAE.

Age on 1st Appointment

Ref: Saw-Maw/R-1/S-22/85-220(150) dated 29-10-85 of the Ministry of Establishment.
This defines age of entry to different cadre services.

Condone of Excess Age

Excess age can be condoned in exceptional cases:
"Unless any rule directs otherwise, the Heads of Department other than the Inspector General of
Police, may in exceptional cases where they are competent to make the appointment, and for
reasons to be recorded in writing, condone an excess in age over the prescribed limit."

Recorded Age: (Rule 9 of EBSR -1st part):

"A declaration of age, made by an applicant for Government service, at the time of, or for the
purpose of, entry into Government service shall be deemed to be binding on the person who has
made it and no revision of such a declaration shall be allowed to be made by him at a later date for
any purpose whatsoever."

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules


Authority of Appointment

(i) For Ist Class officers – The Ministry of Communications

(ii) For Class-II officers and Class-III & Class-IV employees – The Chief Engineer of Roads and
Highways Department.

Fundamental Conditions of Appointment

An officer/official on appointment is expected to follow certain rules, regulations, code of conduct,

etc. These have been described in details in "The Government Servants Conduct Rules 1979."

As per this rule, a Government Servant is required to declare his assets at the time of entry to
service and annual return of assets in the month of December showing any increase or decrease in
the property (Rule 13(1)(2).

No Government Servant shall construct a building whether intended to be used for residential or
commercial purpose without permission of the competent authority (Rule 12). Any purchase, sale or
disposal of movable or immovable property exceeding Taka 15,000.00 needs approval of the
competent authority (Rule -11 (1)).

Joining Time
Subject to the General conditions that the authority ordering the posting may in any case curtail,
and that Government may in any case extend, the amount of joining time admissible Rule-80 in
chapter-XI of Bangladesh Service Rules Part-I, a Government Servant is entitled to joining time to
enable him:

(a) to join a new post to which he is appointed while on duty in his old post; or

(b) to join a new post –

(i) on return from leave on average pay of not more than four month’s duration or from
combined vacation and leave on average pay amounting to not more than four
months, or

(ii) when in the opinion of the authority who granted the leave, the Government Servant
has not had sufficient notice of his new appointment, on return from leave other than
that specified in sub-clause (i); or

(c) to travel from the port of disembarkation or, in the case of arrival by aircraft from its first
regular port in Bangladesh and/or to organize his domestic establishment when he returns
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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

from leave out of Bangladesh of more four months’ duration including any vacation if
combined with leave, or

(d) to proceed :–

(i) on return from leave from a specified place to join a post in a remote station which is
not easy of access, or

(ii) on departure on leave on relinquishing charge of a post in a remote station which is

not easy of access, to a specified place.

As per the Rule-81 in chapter-XI of Bangladesh Service Rules Part-I, the amount of joining time
admissible under the first three clauses of Rule-80 is determined as follows:

(a) For preparation, six days; and

(b) For that portion of the journey which the Government servant travels or might travel
– one day for each:
By railway 250 miles.

By ocean steamer 200 miles.

By river steamer 80 miles.

By motor-vehicle, or horse-drawn conveyance plying for public hire 80 miles.

In any other way 15 miles.

Provided that for travel by steamer, any longer time actually occupied in the journey
shall be allowed; and

(c) For any fractional portion of any distance prescribed in clause (b) one extra day:

Provided that such joining time is subject to a maximum of 30 days, and in cases falling under
clause (c) of Rule-80, if the Government Servant so desires, to a minimum of 10 days.

Note: For further detail refer Chapter-XI of Bangladesh Service Rules, Part-I.

Transfer of Staff
As per service conditions the Government (appropriate authority) may transfer any employee at any
time subject to the provisions of rules and regulations and in the interest of the public service.

A brief description on transfer is given below along with some memos, circulars, etc. in the
Annexure – 5C.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

(a) Gazetted Staff:

Employees on transferable posts are generally required to be transferred on completion of 3 years
of service.

(b) Non-gazetted Staff:

As per memo No.ED/S41-3/83-257(100) dated 13-6-83, of the Ministry of Establishment Class III
and Class IV employees have been exempted from transfer on completion of 3 (three) years of

As per memo No.ME(AD-3)-38/84-76 dated 23-2-86 of the Ministry of Establishment the following
principles have been stated for the transferable employees of Class III and Class IV:

(a) they can be transferred to other offices located at their places of work if required;
(b) if no such facility exists, they can be transferred to the nearest such places available;
(c) there should not be any time limit for transfer of this category of employee;
(d) they can be transferred only on administrative reasons.
Transfer of Officials and cancellation of transfer order.
Ref: Memo No.Saw-Ma/Uoo-Ni-1-57/86-33(200) dated 21-1-88 of the Ministry of Establishment.

As per the circular the principle of transfer has been outlined as follows:

(a) All considerations to be taken before issue of transfer order. All transfers are to be made in
public interest except when the incumbent himself seeks transfer.

(b) All transfer order should clearly mention date of release and date of joining to the
transferred post.

(c) Cancellation, change, postponement in the order of transfer cannot be made by the office
issuing the order. This can be made by the next higher authority.

(d) The authority issuing the order of transfer can postpone the same temporarily only on
ground of health.

(c) Deputation
As per memo No.R11/IC-1/72-63 dated 25-5-72 of the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, Establishment
Division, deputation Pay/allowance and special pay on account of deputation has been stopped for
all employees on deputation from Government to government to autonomous/semi-autonomous or
local bodies etc.

As per memo No.R II/D-23/74-43 dated 20-5-74 the period of deputation is not to exceed 3 (three)
years. The condition of deputation will be as mentioned at serial No.3 of Establishment Manual.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules


The Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959

The Prescribed Leave Rules 1959, provides procedure of Earned Leave (EL) to temporary and
permanent Government Servants, medical leave, etc. Some of the special features are as follows:

Earned Leave: A Government Servant on completion of continuous 3 years service shall with full
pay earn leave 1 day for 11 days spent on duty (days spent on leaves other than Casual Leave
shall be excluded from counting) and the maximum accumulation of such leave shall be 4 months
and 6 months on medical certificate or for the purpose of rest and recreation, pilgrimage or
education or in case of LPR.

A Government Servant on completion of 3 years continuous service shall with half pay earn leave 1
day for 22 days spent on duty (days spent on leaves other than Casual Leave shall be excluded
from counting) and the accumulation of such leave shall be without limit. Leave on half pay may be
converted into leave on full pay at the rate of 1 day for day’s up to a maximum of 1 (one) year on
medical certificate.

A Government Servant who has not completed 3 years of continuous service shall with full pay
earn leave 1 day for 22 days of duty and the maximum accumulation is 30 days and with half pay
earn leave 1 day for 30 days of duty to be utilized on medical certificates.

Leave not due may be granted to a permanent Government Servant on half pay up to a maximum
of 1 (one) year if it is on medical certificate or 3(three) months if it is not on medical certificate during
the whole period of service. On return from such leave, the Government Servant shall not earn
fresh leave until the advance leave is adjusted.

(a) Maximum leave admissible at a time is one year and if supported by medical certificates 2

(b) A Government Servant ceases to be on government employment after continuous 5 years

of absence from duty with or without leave.

LPR (Leave Preparatory to Retirement)

The maximum amount of leave that a Government Servant can take at a time without medical
certificate is 12 months in terms of Rule 7 of the prescribed leave rules as per which the LPR is
given 6 months on average pay and 6 months on half average pay.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Extraordinary Leave: Rule 3(1)

Extraordinary Leave for which no leave salary is admissible may be granted to any Government
Servant in special circumstances.

(a) When no other leave is by rule admissible; or

(b) When other leave is admissible but the Government servant concerned applies in writing
for the grant of extraordinary leave.

Except in the case of a Government Servant in permanent employment, the duration of

extraordinary leave shall not exceed three months on any one occasion.

General observations on leave

(a) Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right

(b) A Government servant, who is dismissed or removed from the public service; but is
reinstated on appeal or revision, is entitled to count his former service for leave

(c) No Government servant who has been granted leave on medical certificate may return to
duty without producing a medical certificate of fitness

(d) Leave at the credit of a Government servant lapses on the date of his retirement but if he
proceeds on LPR before due date of retirement, leave may be extended beyond the date
of superannuating but it must not be beyond the age of 58 years of the officer concerned.

Maternity Leave
Ref: BSR (Part -1). 127(1)

The authority competent to fill her post substantively may grant to a female Government Servant
maternity leave which is not debited against the leave account on full pay at the rate she was
drawing at the time of taking leave for a period which may extend up to the end of 3 months from
the date of its commencement or to the end of 6 (six) weeks from the date of confinement
whichever is earlier.

"Provided that such leave with pay and allowance shall not be admissible more than twice during
the tenure of service of a female Government Servant".

Note: Maternity Leave as admissible under sub-rule (1) may also be granted to a temporary female Government
Servant provided that she has been in Government service for at least 9 (Nine) months immediately proceedings
the date of delivery".

Refer Gm, Avi, I bs 186 Ag/Awe/cÖwe-2/QywU-3/2001 ZvwiL 9-7-2001 w_ªt / 25-3-1408 evs as in Annexure – 5D on
the revision of the maternity leave rule of BSR (Part-1) 197.
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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Casual Leave (CL)

Ref No. ED(Reg-61)Chuti-14/81-24(5001) dated 8.4.82 CMLA. Establishment Division Memo No.
Sqn-No. (Reg-5) 431/83-10(500) dated 29.5.84 of the Ministry of Establishment.

The period of Casual Leave is 20 (twenty) days in a calendar year.

10 (Ten) days casual Leave can be given at a time with the exception of employee in Chittagong
Hill Tracts for which the period may be 15 days.

Casual Leave can either be affixed or prefixed with any gazetted holiday and for such case the
period of CL should be maximum 3 days.

No body is allowed to go abroad on Casual Leave.

Recreation Leave and Allowance

As per Bangladesh Service (Recreation Allowance) Rules, 1979, all government officers/staff are
entitled to get 15 days leave with one month’s salary after every three years of service (Finance
memo no. Ao Mo/Ao Bi (Basto–1)/Bhata-16/96/176 dated 12-7-1999 copy enclose in Annexure –

Ex-Bangladesh Leave
Government official can avail his earned leave outside of Bangladesh subject to the approval of
competent authority. The EX-Bangladesh Leave to the Government officials will be sanctioned by
CE-RHD for Class III and Class IV, and by the competent authority of Government in case of Class
I officers. It is not authorized for the officials who are outside at Bangladesh to perform official duty
or training programme to apply for leave or extension of leave (Memo. of Est. order no. Sa Mo (Bi
Dhi-4)-Chhuti-7/87-52(200) dated 8/9/87.

As per Prime Minister’s Office Circular no. dated 7/1/2002 embargo
has been enforced to sanction Ex-Bangladesh leave except emergency medical treatment, and to
perform Hajj. Also refer Prime Minister’s Office Circular no. dated
7/1/2002 for further information.

However, if Ex-Bangladesh leave is necessary on personal ground then Prime Minister’s approval
is needed. (Refer Prime Minister’s office order no. (1000) dated 31-3-92 and
Prime Minister’s office order no. – 145 (500) dated 16-10-1995) – shown in
Annexure – 5F.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Again Prime Minister’s Office Circular no. dated 4/2/2002, there is
no restriction to sanction Ex-Bangladesh leave for higher studies, research/fellowship and attending


Bangladesh Civil Service (Roads and Highways) composition and Cadre Rules 1980

Ref: Notification dated 1.9.80 of Establishment Division SRO 312-L/80/ED/IC/S II-14/80-109.

Para 9: Seniority:

The seniority of the members of the service at the stage of the entry shall be determined in the
order of merit as declared by the Public Service Commission at the time of making
recommendation for appointment.

Departmental promotion vis-à-vis direct recruit

Ref: Memo No.1/16/69-D11 dated 31-12-70 Cabinet Secretariat (Establishment Division)

Officers promoted to the higher grade in a continuous arrangement and as a regular measure in a
particular year shall as a class be senior to those appointed by direct recruitment in the same year.

Consultation with Public Service Commission

Ref: Memo No.ED(R-11 )S-32/80-56 dated 11-09-1980.

Sometimes Ministry/Division fixes seniority of officers without consulting the Establishment Division
or the Public Service Commission. The correct legal position in this regard is that if the seniority of
an officer is affected it would amount to affecting the terms and conditions of service and the case
may then fall under article 140(2)(c) of the constitution and in such case consultation with the Public
Service Commission is a constitutional requirement. For this reason, it is incumbent on
Ministries/Divisions to consult the Establishment Division.

Fixation of seniority of temporary/Adhoc appointments

Ref: Memo No. ME(R-11 ) S-34/84-78(500) dated 22-4-84 of the Ministry of Establishment,
Regulation Wing.

As per circular, the seniority of adhoc appointees against revenue posts as well as the seniority of
temporary appointees against development posts but requiring regularization by the PSC, shall
count their seniority, upon regularization either by PSC or on the basis of any special Government

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

instruction from the date of their original adhoc/temporary appointment. In case where the original
date of appointment is the same, the regular appointees (original appointment through PSC) should
be senior to the adhoc/temporary appointees regularized later on.

The above order will be subjected to the following conditions:

(a) that the adhoc/temporary appointees were appointed on the basis of recruitment rules/
prescribed procedures approved by competent authority;

(b) they possessed all the prescribed qualifications for being appointed to the posts;

(c) they have unbroken and continuous service and have satisfactory service record.


Provident Fund
The General Provident Fund Rules 1979

Ref: Notification of the Ministry of Finance No. MF(ru)- 1 (5)/79/28 DATED 8.8.79 & No. MF(FD)/R-
11/PF-5/85/151 dated 10.8.79.

These rules come into force with effect from the first day of July 1979.

The Government Servants till completion of 2 years of service have been made optional
subscribers and on completion of 2 years continuous service before or after the commencement of
these rules, shall join the Fund as compulsory subscribers.

The Government Servant may at his option discontinue subscription to the Fund on attainment of
the age of 52 years.

The amount of advance from the Fund for House Building purpose has been raised to 36 months
pay subject to the ceiling of 80% of the total amount to the credit of the subscriber concerned.

Taka 5,000.00 can be paid to the heirs of a subscriber without the production of usual legal

The Government and Autonomous Bodies Employees Benevolent Fund and Group
Insurance Ordinance, 1982 (Ordinance No. XXXIX of 1982)
This has come into force with effect from 25th November 1982 and applicable to every employee
wherever he may be.

A fund known as "Government and Autonomous Bodies Employees Benevolent Fund" was

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Every employee shall be liable to pay to the Benevolent Fund a monthly subscription equal to one
per cent of his pay or such lesser percentage as may be prescribed or forty Taka whichever is less
and the amount of such subscription shall as far as possible be deducted at the source from his pay
and credited or remitted to the Benevolent Fund.

Default in the payment of the subscription either for the reasons that the pay of the employee was
not drawn due to his inadvertence, negligence or fault or any other reason whatsoever shall not
affect his right or right of his family to receive the benevolent grant provided for in section 10; but
the amount of unpaid subscriptions may be deducted from the benevolent grant.

Benevolent grants to be paid from the benevolent Fund

(a) if any employee is declared by the prescribed medical authority to have been completely
incapacitated physically or mentally to discharge the duties of his employment and is for
that reason removed from service; or

(b) dies during the continuance of his employment or if he being a retired employee, dies
within 10 years from the date of superannuation.

In the event of death, the family shall be entitled to receive a benevolent grant from the fund
according to specified table for a period of fifteen years or up to the date on which the employee
attains or might have, if he were alive, attained the age which does not exceed the age of
superannuation by 10 years, whichever is earlier.

Provided that in the case of an employee who dies after having drawn benevolent grant under this
section, the said period of ten years shall be reckoned from the date from which he began drawing
such grant.

‘Family’ means

(a) in the case of a male employee, the wife or wives and in the case of a female employee,
the husband of the employee; and

(b) the legitimate children, adopted children (in the case of a Hindu employee only), parents,
minor brother, unmarried, divorced or widowed sisters of the employee residing and
dependent upon him.

Group Insurance
Subject to the provision of this Ordinance and the rules, in the event of the death of an employee,
occurring by whatsoever cause, during the continuance of his employment, the Board of Trustees
shall pay to the family of the deceased employee a sum equal to the employee's pay for 24 months,

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

subject to the maximum of one lakh taka, the basis for calculation of the sum being the pay last
drawn by him.

Every employee, other than class III or class IV employee shall be liable to pay to the Insurance
Fund as premium such sum of money as may be prescribed and the amount of such premium shall
be deducted at the source from his pay, etc.

Default in the payment of premium either for the reason that the pay of the employee was not
drawn or due to his negligence or fault or for any other reason whatsoever shall not affect the right
of his family to receive the sum assured in the event of the death of the employee; but the premium
remaining unpaid at the time of his death may be recovered from the sum assured.

On the death of an employee, the sum assured shall be paid to such member or members of his
family or such person or persons as he might have nominated in accordance with the rules made in
the ordinances.

The Board may in addition to any other grants admissible under the ordinance, sanction the
following grants to an employee or a member of his family namely:

(a) a lump grant equal to 2 months pay of the employee in case of extreme financial distress
which is not occasioned on account of actions or omissions on the part of the employee

(b) a lump grant, not exceeding Tk. 1000.00 for marriage of daughter of an employee or of a
deceased or invalidated or retired employee, whose pay or pay last drawn, as the case
may be, does not exceed Tk. 500.00 per month provided that such grant shall not be given
more than once.

(c) Scholarship, not exceeding Tk. 100.00 p.m. per child for pursuing studies by the children
of an employee or of a deceased or invalidated or retired employee from such period and
on such terms and conditions as the Board may determine.

A claim from the benevolent grant or from the sum assured under the Ordinance shall be registered
by submitting application in the prescribed form within 6 months of the death or invalidation, as the
case may be of the employee concerned.

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Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules


For disciplinary action of any nature against a government servant, the following rules/ordinances
are applicable as per specific need.

(a) The Government Servants (special provisions) Ordinance, 1979. Ordinance No. XI of 1979

(b) The Public Employees Discipline (Punctual Attendance) Ordinance 1982, Ordinance No.
XXXIV of 1982

(c) The Public Servants (Dismissal on Conviction) Ordinance, 1985, Ordinance V of 1985

(d) The Government Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Rules of 1985

(e) The Government Servants (Special Arrangement) Ordinance 1979.

Privileges and facilities admissible to a Government Servant under suspension, leave

including LPR etc
Ref: No. ED (Reg-IV)-202/83-39 dated 10th May 1983 of CMLA Sectt. Establishment Division.

While there exist specific orders on some of these points, there is no express order on others. For
the information of all concerned, the position in the matter of admissibility or otherwise of the
aforesaid privileges and facilities to the above-mentioned categories of Government Servants is
summed up in the following paragraphs.

A Government Servant under suspension is entitled to: -

(a) Subsistence grant at the rate of one-half of his basic pay under rule 71 of BSR, Part 1,
corresponding to FR 53(b),

(b) House-rent allowances in full, as drawn before suspension (vide Finance Division (Regn.)
Memo No. MF/R-II/HR-1/77- 260(500), dated 25th September, 1978), or

(c) Reside in Government accommodation, subject to payment of house-rent at the same rate
at which he was paying it before suspension,

(d) Medical allowance in full, as drawn before suspension [vide Memo. quoted in clause (2)

(e) Dearness allowance, half of the dearness allowance admissible before suspension.

A Government servant under suspension is not entitled to:

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

TA and conveyance allowances, as he does not perform any official tour during suspension.

Telephone at residence, orderly, newspaper, and entertainment allowance or entertainment


A Government servant on leave (including LPR) on average pay, half average pay or extra-ordinary
leave is entitled to: -

(a) Leave salary as admissible under normal rules (except when on extra-ordinary leave),

(b) House-rent allowance, in full, as drawn before proceeding on leave [vide Finance Division
Memo quoted in clause (2)],

(c) Retain Government telephone at his residence during leave of any kind, [Refer Telephone
Policy in case revised], except when on LPR [vide Establishment Division OM No. G-1/ IT-
61/72-575, dated 1-12-72 (para 6)],

(d) Subscribe newspaper at Government cost if leave (excluding LPR) does not exceed one

(e) Medical allowance, in full, as drawn before proceeding on leave [Refer Finance Divisions,
relevant Memo].

A Government Servant on leave (including LPR) on average pay, half average pay or on extra-
ordinary leave is not entitled to:

(1) T A and conveyance allowances, as he does not perform any official duty during

(2) Orderly, entertainment allowances or entertainment expenditure.

Principles of Residential Telephone Admissibility of Telephone during LPR.

Ref: Memo No. Saw-Maw (AD-2) 8A-17/86-397 dated 3.8.88 of the Ministry of Establishment.

(a) Officers of the rank of Deputy Secretary and above will get the privilege of residential
telephone during the period of LPR provided they had such facility before proceeding on
LPR. The cost of the facility will be borne by the government upto the prescribed limit

(b) Such officers can also apply for conversion of the government residential telephone into a
private one provided that he has no other telephone on clearance from the Ministry of
Establishment. Cost of privatisation and shifting of the telephone if any is to be borne by
the officer.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules


The Public Servants (retirement) Act of 1974 (Act No. XII of 1974)

Public Servants includes any person who is for the time being in the service of the Republic or any
Corporation, nationalized enterprise or local authority or who on the basis of having at any time
been in the service of Bangladesh, purports to claim any right to employment in the service of
Republic, but does not include any person who:

i) is a member of any defence service,

ii) is a teacher or any employee of any University,

iii) is employed in or under a commission, committee or board set up for a temporary period
for specified purpose,

iv) is a contingent or work-charged employee or worker as defined, and

v) holds any office, which is filled by election or nomination under any law.

Subject to the provision, a public servant shall retire from service on the completion of the fifty-
seventh year of his age provided that the Government or any authority authorized by the
Government in this behalf may extend the service of public servant who is a physician or teacher
beyond the date of his retirement for a period not exceeding 3 years etc.

A government servant shall not be eligible for pension if a departmental proceeding is pending as
per provision 10 of the act as stated below:

“If any judicial proceedings instituted by the government or as the case may be, employer or any
departmental proceedings are pending against a public servant at the time of his retirement or as
the case may be ceasing to be in service, he shall not be entitled to any pension or other retirement
benefits, except his subscriptions to any provident fund and the interest there on, till the
determination to him of any pension or other retirement benefits shall be subject to the findings in
such proceedings”.

A public servant may opt to retire from service at any time after he has completed 25 years of
service by giving notice in writing to the appointing authority at least 30 days prior to the date of
his intended retirement, provided that such option once exercised shall be final and shall not be
permitted to be modified or withdrawn.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

The Government may, if it considers necessary in the public interest so to do, retire from service
a public servant at any time after he has completed 25 years of service without assigning any

Making over/taking over charges by Government Servant on the last working day,
before a holiday or holidays.
Ref: Memo No.ED (Reg-IV)-186/83-58 dated 16-6-83.

On the day of completion of the 57 year of age, a public servant stands superannuated. Making
over charge is a mechanism for relieving a public servant of his official duty and responsibility. It
has nothing to do with superannuation. Superannuation can neither be postponed nor be
advanced. It occurs by operation of law. So it is better either to make arrangement for making over
and taking over charge on the day of superannuation even if it is a holiday or there should be some
device for making and taking over charge before the start of holidays with clear stipulation that it
shall be effective on the day of superannuation.


The service of a Government Servant does not qualify for pension unless it conforms to the
following three conditions (BSR-258):

(a) The service must be under the government (appointed by the government)

(b) The service must be more than 10 years without any break

(c) The service must be paid by the government.

Resignation of the public service or dismissal or removal from it for misconduct or insolvency or in
efficiency not due to age or failure to pass a prescribed examination entails forfeiture of past
service. Resignation for an appointment to take up another appointment, service in which counts is
not a resignation of the public service (BSR 300)


Pension are divided into 4 Classes

(a) Compensation pensions

(b) Invalid pensions
(c) Superannuating pensions
(d) Retiring pensions.

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Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Family Pension

Ref: MFP (FD) Regn-1 /3P-22/82/147 dated 21.12.82 of the Ministry of Finance.

(a) In the event of death before retirement, the family pensions payable to the family of the
deceased government servant by fulfilling certain conditions as described in the recent
order. (please refer Annexure – 5G)

(b) In the event of death after retirement, pension (surrender/commutation) will be paid to his
family by fulfilling certain conditions as described in the recent order. (please refer
Annexure – 5H)


Ref: Ministry of Finance's Memo no. Ao Mo/ B Dhi – 1/3 P – 28/85/62 dated 5.7.89.

(a) In the case of a government servant who has rendered 10 years service or more qualifying
for pension, a gratuity payable to him on retirement or to his family in the event of his
death will be calculated at the following rates for each Taka of his pension surrendered.

i) if qualifying service is 10 years or more but less than 15 years Tk.230.00

ii) if qualifying service is 15 years or more but less than 20 years Tk. 215.00
iii) if qualifying service is 20 years or more Tk. 200.00

(b) The pension amount is paid on the completed year of qualifying service as follows:

Qualifying Service Scale of pension as percentage of emoluments

10 years … 32%
15 years … 48%
20 years … 64%
25 and above … 80%

Note: These are some portions of important rules/regulations. There are other rules/regulations, which must be
followed, in the relevant cases.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Annexure - 5A
(Page 5.19 to 5.20)

Bangladesh Civil Service (Roads and Highways)

Name of the Age limit for

specified post direct Method of recruitment Qualification
of the service recruitment
1 2 3 4 5
1. Chief Engineer By promotion from amongst 18 years experience in the
the Additional Chief Engineer concerned service including 3
(Civil) and Additional Chief years experience as Additional
Engineer (Mechanical) Chief Engineer
2. (a) Additional (a) By promotion from 15 years experience in the
Chief Engineer amongst the concerned service including 2
(Civil) Superintending Engineers years experience as
(Civil) Superintending Engineer in the
relevant field.
(b) Additional (b) By promotion from
Chief Engineer amongst the Do
(Mechanical) Superintending Engineers

3. (a) Superintending (a) By promotion from (i) Bachelors Degree in

Engineer (Civil) amongst the Executive Engineering or its equivalent
Engineers (Civil) from a recognized University
or passed Section A & B of
A.M.I.E.; and
(b) Superintending (a) By promotion from (ii) 12 years experience in the
Engineer amongst the Executive concerned service including 5
(Mechanical) Engineers (Mechanical) year’s experience as
Executive Engineer in the
relevant field.
4. (a) Executive (a) By promotion from 7 years experience in the
Engineer (Civil) amongst Sub-Divisional concerned service in the relevant
Engineers (Civil) field.
(b) Executive (a) By promotion from
Engineer amongst Sub-Divisional Do
(Mechanical) Engineer (Mechanical)
5. (a) Sub-Divisional Not exceeding 30 By promotion from amongst (a) For promotion - 4 years
Engineer (Civil) years; relaxable the Assistant Engineer (Civil) experience in the concerned
up to 35 years for and if none, is found suitable, service
persons already by direct recruitment.
in Government
(b) For direct recruitment –
(i) Bachelor’s Degree in
Engineering or its equivalent
in the relevant field from a
recognized University or
passed Sections A&B of
AMIE; and
(ii) 4 years experience as
Assistant Engineer in any
Government Department or
Body corporate or reputed
Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.19
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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Name of the Age limit for

specified post direct Method of recruitment Qualification
of the service recruitment
1 2 3 4 5
(b) Sub-Divisional Not exceeding 30 By promotion from amongst (a) For promotion - 4 years
Engineer years; relaxable the Assistant Engineer experience in the concerned
(Mechanical) up to 35 years for (Mechanical) and, if none is service.
persons already found suitable; by direct (b) For direct recruitment –
in Government recruitment. (i) Bachelor’s Degree in
service. Engineering or its equivalent
in the relevant field from a
recognized University or
passed Sections A&B of
A.M.I.E.; and
(ii) 4 years experience as
Assistant Engineer in any
Government Department or
Body corporate or reputed
6. (a) Assistant - (i) 1/3rd by promotion from (i) For promotion - Diploma in
Engineer (Civil) amongst the Sub- Civil Engineering from an
Assistant Engineers Institute recognized by the
(Civil); and Government and 5 years’
experience as Sub-Assistant
In accordance (ii) 2/3rds by direct (ii) For direct recruitment - In
with the recruitment accordance with the
provisions of the provisions of the Bangladesh
Bangladesh Civil Civil Service (Age,
Service (Age, Qualification and Examination
Qualification and for Direct Recruitment) Rules,
Examination for 1982.
Rules, 1982.
(b) Assistant (i) 1/3rd by promotion from (i) For promotion - Diploma in
Engineer amongst the Sub- Mechanical Engineering from
(Mechanical) Assistant Engineers an Institute recognized by the
(Mechanical); and Government and 5 years
experience as Sub-Assistant
In accordance (ii) 2/3rds by direct
(ii) For direct recruitment - In
with the recruitment
accordance with the
provisions of the
provisions of the Bangladesh
Bangladesh Civil
Civil Service (Age,
Service (Age,
Qualification and Examination
Qualification and
for Direct Recruitment) Rules,
Examination for
Rules, 1982.

By order of the President

Additional Secretary

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Annexure – 5B
(Page 5.21 to 5.24)

Gazetted: Roads and Highways

Name of the Age limit for

specified post direct Method of recruitment Qualification
of the service recruitment
1 2 3 4 5
1. Senior Economist (a) By promotion from For promotion – 5 years service
Economist. in the feeder post.

For direct recruitment –

(a) First Class Master’s Degree
or Second Class Master’s
Degree with Second Class
Honours in Economics or
Transport Economics or
Commerce or Statistics from
a recognised University.

(b) In case there is more than (b) Ten years experience of

one post. which at least five years shall
be in transport economics or
economic planning and
evaluation of transport


(i) 50% by promotion; and (i) Ph. D. in any of the above


Not more than 45 (ii) 50% by direct recruitment. (ii) Five years experience of
years, relaxable which at least two years shall
for departmental be in transport economics or
candidates. economics planning and
evaluation of transport

2. Economist Not exceeding 35 By promotion from Traffic For promotion – 7 years service
years, relaxable Survey Officer. If no suitable in the feeder post.
in cases of candidate is available for
department promotion by direct For direct recruitment –
candidates. recruitment. (i) First Class Master’s Degree
or Second Class Master’s
Degree with Second Class
Honours in Economics or
Transport Economics or
Commerce or Statistics from
any recognised University.

(ii) 5 years experience in

research in transport planning
and economics, particularly in
economic feasibility studies,
and evaluation of road

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.21

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Name of the Age limit for

specified post direct Method of recruitment Qualification
of the service recruitment
1 2 3 4 5
3. Traffic Survey 21 to 27 years, Direct recruitment (i) First Class Master’s Degree
Officer relaxable upto 35 or Second Class Master’s
years for Degree with Second Class
Departmental Honours in Economics,
candidates. Transport Economics or
Statistics from a recognised
(ii) 2 years experience in traffic
survey or in economics
planning and evaluation of
transport projects particularly
road projects.
4. Tabulating By promotion from Statistician Three years service in the feeder
Statistician post.

5. Geologist 21 to 27 years Direct Recruitment First Class Master’s Degree or

Second Class Master’s Degree
with Second Class Honours in
Geology or Soil Science from any
recognised University.

6. Director, Audit and By transfer of an Officer on As per Government prescribed

Accounts♣ deputation from the rules.
Comptroller and Auditor
General (CAG) Bangladesh.

7. Accounts Officer By transfer an officer on (a) As per Comptroller and

deputation from the Auditor General’s Recruitment
Comptroller and Auditor Rules.
General (CAG). If no suitable
candidate is available on (b) For promotion – 8 years
deputation, by promotion from service as Superintendent, 8
Superintendent, Accountant years service as Accountant
and Accounts Assistants in and 12 years service as
Accounts Branch of the RHD. Accounts Assistant.

8. Deputy Director, 35 to 40 years By promotion from Assistant For promotion – 7 years service
Security Director, Security. If no in the feeder post.
suitable candidate is available
for promotion by direct For direct recruitment – Technical
recruitment. Trained and qualified in the
following courses from the
respective training Institutions: -
(i) Junior Officers Counter
Sabotage Course from
National Security Intelligence
Training School, Dhaka.

(ii) Officers Course Operation

Control from Civil Defence,
Academy, Dhaka.

(iii) Specialist Instructor’s course

Serial no. 6 is a cadre post under BCS - Audit and Accounts.
Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.22
Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Name of the Age limit for

specified post direct Method of recruitment Qualification
of the service recruitment
1 2 3 4 5
in Rescue from Civil Defence
Academy, Dhaka.
(iv) Specialist Instructor course in
Casualty from Civil Defence
Academy, Dhaka.
(v) Portable Chemical Fire
Extinguishers course from
Fire Service Training School,

(b) 10 years experience in

Government or local authority
service in any administrative

(c) Graduate from a recognised


9. Assistant Director, 30 to 35 years By promotion from Senior For promotion - 3 years service in
Security. Security Officers. If no the feeder post.
suitable candidate is available For direct recruitment –
by direct recruitment. (a) Technical: Trained and
qualified in the following
training course from the
respective training

(i) Junior Officers Courter

Sabotage Course from
National Security Intelligence
Training School, Dhaka.

(ii) Officers Course Operation

Control from Civil Defence
Academy, Dhaka.

(iii) Specialist Instructor Course in

Rescue from Civil Defence
Academy, Dhaka.

(iv) Portable Chemical Fire

Extinguishers course from
Fire Service Training School,

(b) 5 years experience in

Government or local authority
service in any Administrative
post out of which at least 3
years must be in some
Gazetted post.

(c) Graduate from a recognised

10. Evaluation Officer 21 to 27 years By direct recruitment (a) Master’s Degree in Business
Administration or Second

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.23

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Name of the Age limit for

specified post direct Method of recruitment Qualification
of the service recruitment
1 2 3 4 5
Class Master’s Degree in
Management, Economics or
Statistics from a recognised
11. Statistician 21 to 27 years By direct recruitment (a) Second Class Master’s
Degree in Statistics or
Economics from any
recognised University.
12. Administrative By promotion from For promotion - 5 years service
Officer Superintendent/Head as Superintendent/6 years
Assistant/Selection Grade service as Selection Grade
Stenographer. Stenographer and 8 years’
service as Head Assistant.
13. Senior Security 21 to 27 years, By promotion from the For promotion - 5 years service in
Officer relaxable upto 35 Security Officers. If no the feeder post.
years for suitable candidate is available
Departmental for promotion by direct For direct recruitment – Technical
candidate recruitment. Bachelor’s Degree from a
recognised Institute preference
will be given to a candidate
having following training: -
(a) Junior officers counter
sabotage course from N.S.I.
Training School.
(b) Officers course operation
control from Fire Service and
Civil Defence Training
(c) Specialist Instructors course
in Rescue or Casualty Service
from the Fire Service and Civil
Defence Training Complex.
General – 3 years service as
Security Officers preferably in the
Roads and Highways
Department or similar
14. Divisional By transfer on deputation As per Comptroller and Auditor
Accountant from the Comptroller and General’s recruitment rule.
Auditor General, Bangladesh.
If no candidate is available on For promotion – 4 years service
deputation by promotion from in the feeder post.
the Senior Accounts Clerk.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Annexure - 5C
(Page 5.25 to 5.38 )

e`jx welqK wewa I mviKzjvi

mvavibZt e`jxi ‡¶‡Î wb‡æv³ bxwZ Abymib Kiv n‡q _v‡K - e`jxi bxwZgvjv cvi‡mv‡bj g¨vby‡q‡j D‡j−L
Kiv n‡q‡Q | wb‡æ Dnv Av‡jvwPZ n‡jv Ges KwZcq mswk−ó mviKzjvi I ¯§viK mshy³ Kiv n‡jv |

1| (K) e`jx ej‡Z GKRb miKvix Kg©Pvix GK¯’vb n‡Z Ab¨¯’v‡b `vwqZ¡MÖn‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ Mgb‡K eySvq|
i“j 5(56) we,Gm,Avi, cvU©-1, Gm, Avi, bs 2(18)|

miKvix Kg©Pvix wj‡q‡b I †Wcy‡Uk‡b e`jx n‡Z cv‡ib| wbR¯^ AwffveK wefvM/ms¯’vi GK ¯’vb
n‡Z Ab¨ ¯’v‡b ev GK c` n‡Z wfbœ c‡` wKsev AwffveK ms¯’vi evB‡iI †Wcy‡Uk‡b wb‡qvM wKsev
e`jx n‡Z cv‡ib|

(L) GKB Kg©¯’‡j GKc` n‡Z wfbœ c‡` †hvM`vb Kiv‡KI e`jx ejv nq| wbR¯^ wefv‡Mi evB‡i wb‡qvM
ev e`jx nIqv‡KI †Wcy‡Ukb ejv nq [i“j 24(1)| weGm Avi cvU©-1]|

2| A`¶Zv/`Åe©¨env‡ii Rb¨ miKvix Kg©Pvix‡K wbæc‡`I e`jx Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i [weGmAvi 24(1)]|
e`jxKvix KZ©…c¶ m¯‘ó n‡j miKvix Kg©Pvixi Av‡e`‡bi †cÖw¶‡ZI e`jx Ki‡Z cv‡ib| GB ai‡bi
e`jxi †¶‡Î weGmAvi cvU©-2(99) wewag‡Z e`jx ågbfvZv cÖvc¨ n‡eb bv| Z‡e GB e`jx me©`v
Rb¯^v‡_© n‡Z cv‡i|

3| (K) 1g I 2q †kÖbxi Kg©KZ©vMb †`‡ki †h †Kvb ¯’v‡b PvKzix Kwi‡Z eva¨| Z‡e Zuvnv‡`i‡K, we‡kl K‡i
2q †kÖbxi Kg©KZ©vMb‡K, wbR¯^ wefv‡M A_ev wWcvU©‡g›Uvj wiwRq‡b GKwU hyw³msMZ mgq ch©šè,
Z_v wZb ermi, PvKwi Kivi my‡hvM cÖ`vb Ki‡Z n‡e| ZvQvov 2q †kÖbxi Kg©KZ©vMb‡K hZ`Åi m¤¢e
wbR¯^ wefv‡M envj ivL‡Z n‡e|

(L) 3q I 4_© †kÖbxi Kg©Pvix‡`i‡K Nb Nb e`jx Kiv hv‡e bv| 3q †kÖbxi Kg©Pvix‡`i e`jx ïaygvÎ
wbR¯^ wefv‡M ev wWcvU©‡g›Uvj wiwRq‡bi g‡a¨ mxgve× ivL‡Z n‡e Ges hZ`Åi m¤¢e wbR¯^ †Rjvq
envj ivL‡Z n‡e| 4_© †kÖbxi Kg©Pvix †h Awd‡m wb‡qvM jvf K‡i‡Qb, D³ Awd‡mi GjvKvi evwn‡i
†Kvb Awd‡m e`jx Kiv hv‡e bv| (Gm GÛ wR, G, wWcvU©‡g‡›Ui ¯^viK bs AvB wm-23/62 Zvs
25/8/1962 Bs)

4| †Kvb e`jx †hvM¨ c‡` GKRb †emvgwiK miKvix Kg©Pvix GKvwaKμ‡g 3 eQ‡ii AwaKKvj PvKzix
Ki‡eb bv| (ms¯’vcb) wefv‡Mi ¯^viK bs BwW/Gm G - 1/82-227 Zvs 6/5/1982 Bs, 232(100)
Zvs 24/5/1982, 264(10) Zvs 11/6/1982, 265(100) Zvs 11/6/1982|

5| cve©Z¨ †Rjv mgŇni †Kvb c‡` e`jxK…Z GKRb miKvix Kg©Pvixi envj _vKvi †gqv` n‡e `yB ermi
Ges GB wbqg cve©Z¨ †RjvmgŇni Ges †Rjv mgŇni Awaevmx PvKyixRxwe‡`i †¶‡Î GKB fv‡e
Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.25
Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

cÖ‡hvR¨ n‡e| (bs B wW(wUwc/wmGBP wU) -5(1) 83-198 (150) Zvs 26/6/1983 Bs Ges Gg B
Avi/wW Gg/(wm GBP wU)/BDwcwmI-5(1) 83-264 Zvs 20/10/1983 Bs)|

6| hZ`Åi m¤¢e PvKwiiZ ¯^vgx I ¯êx‡K GKB ¯’v‡b †cvwós cÖ`vb Kwi‡Z n‡e| (bs wc, Gm/Wwe−D G-
95/77-147(39) Zvs 1/2/1977 Bs|

7| mvavibZt erm‡ii gvSvgvwS mg‡q Kg©KZ©vi mšèv‡bi cov‡kvbvi weNœ NwU‡q GK Kg©¯’j n‡Z Ab¨
Kg©¯’‡j e`jx Kiv hv‡e bv|

8| Aemi MÖn‡Yi cÅe©eZ©x wZb ermi mg‡q bZzb Kg©¯’‡j mvavibZt e`jx Kiv hv‡e bv| (Gg B Avi
(†iM-4)-175/83-87 Zvs 25/8/1983Bs)

9| †Kvb miKvix Kg©Pvix‡K Zvi B”Qvi wei“†× d‡ib mvwf©‡m †Wcy‡Uk‡b wb‡qvM †`qv hv‡e bv|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.26

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

cÖavb mvgwiK AvBb cÖkvm‡Ki mwPevjq
ms¯’vcb wefvM
kvLv GmG-1

bs BwW/GmG1-1/82-265(100), ZvwiL, 11B Ryb, 1982|

welqt e`jx‡hvM¨ c‡` 3 erm‡ii AwaKKvj Kg©iZ †emvgwiK miKvix Kg©Pvix‡`i e`jx|

ms¯’vcb wefv‡Mi 6-5-1982 Zvwi‡Li BwW/GmG-1-1/82-227 b¤^i ¯§viK gŇj GKB c‡` 3 ermi
AwZμvšè nIqvi Ae¨ewnZ cŇeB Avcbvi gšêYvjq/wefvM I Dnvi Aaxb¯’ `ßi/cwi`ßi mgŇni mswk−ó
Kg©KZ©vMY bÅZb c‡`/¯’v‡b e`jxi Av‡`k cvb †mB w`‡K Avcbv‡K we‡kl `„wó ivLvi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv

2| welqwUi cÖwZ cybivq Avcbvi `„wó AvKl©Y Kwiqv Aby‡iva Kiv hvB‡Z‡Q †h, ms¯’vcb wefv‡Mi 24-
5-1982 Zvwi‡Li BwW/GmG-1-1/82-232(100) b¤^i Ges 11-6-1982 Zvwi‡Li BwW/GmG-1-1/82-
264(100) b¤^i ¯§vi‡K (ci c„ôvq gyw`ªZ) GB wel‡q cÖ`Ë e¨vL¨v mv‡c‡¶, Avcbvi gšêYvjq/wefvM Ges
ZrAaxb¯’ mKj miKvix `ßi/cwi`ßi BZ¨vw`‡Z e`jx‡hvM¨ c‡` Kg©iZ Kg©PvixMY hvnv‡Z 3 ermi cÅY©
nBevi Ae¨ewnZ cŇeB bÅZb c‡`/¯’v‡b e`jxi wb‡`©k cvb †mB w`‡K mZK© `„wó ivwL‡eb Ges cÅe© nB‡Z
h_vh_ cÖ‡qvRbxq wb‡`©k Aaxb¯’ mKj‡K cÖ`vb Kwi‡eb|

3| GB wb‡`©k Avcbvi gšêYvjq/wefvM Ges Aaxb¯’ mKj `ßi/cwi`߇i eZ©gvb ch©v‡q 15B Ryb,
1982 Ges cieZx©‡Z cÖwZ ermi 31†k wW‡m¤^‡ii g‡a¨ Kvh©Kix Kiv nBqv‡Q GB g‡g© GKwU cÖZ¨qb cÎ
ms¯’vcb wefv‡M cvVvBevi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv nBj|

4| D‡j−wLZ e¨vL¨vq cÖ`Ë KviY¸wj Qvov Ab¨ †Kvb Kvi‡Y e`jxi wb‡`©k e¨wZμg Kwi‡Z nB‡j,
welqwU mswk−ó Kg©Pvix 3 ermiKvj AwZμg Kwievi AšèZtc‡¶ 3 gvm cŇe© ms¯’vcb wefv‡Mi we‡ePbvi Rb¨
cvVvB‡Z nB‡e Ges GB wel‡q ms¯’vcb wefv‡Mi cÖ`Ë gZvgZ PÅovšè ewjqv we‡ewPZ nB‡e|

d‡qRDwÏb Avng`
ms¯’vcb wefvM|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.27

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

¯§viK bs BwW/GmG1-1/82-232/(100), ZvwiL : 24-5-1982Bs|

Dc‡iv³ wel‡q AÎ wefv‡Mi 6-5-82 Zvwi‡Li BwW/GmG-1-1/82-227 bs ¯§vi‡Ki AvswkK

ms‡kvabμ‡g wbgœewY©Z e¨vL¨v cÖ`vb Kiv nBj t

(K) Kg©Pvix (÷vd) I Kg©KZ©v (Awdmvi) mK‡ji †¶‡ÎB cŇe©i RvixK…Z Av‡`k cÖ‡hvR¨ nB‡e
hw` eZ©gv‡b cÖPwjZ wbqgvbyhvqx c`wU e`jx‡hvM¨ nBqv _v‡K|

(L) 1982-1983 mv‡ji ev‡RU ˆZixi Kv‡R †h mg¯è Kg©Pvix I Kg©KZ©v RwoZ Av‡Qb Zvnv‡`i
†ejvq Dc‡iv³ Av‡`k 31†k RyjvB‡qi g‡a¨ Kvh©Kix Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

(M) we‡klÁ I KvwiMix ai‡Yi c‡` †h mg¯è Kg©Pvix I Kg©KZ©v wb‡qvwRZ Av‡Qb Dc‡iv³
Av‡`k e‡j Zvnvw`M‡K AK¯§vr e`jx Kwi‡j KvR K‡g©i e¨vNvZ m„wó nB‡Z cv‡i ewjqv G mg¯è †¶‡Î
Dc‡iv³ Av‡`k h‡_vchy³ we‡ePbvi ci wkw_j Kiv hvB‡Z cv‡i| G mg¯è †¶‡Î mswk−ó gšêYvjq/wefvM
†Kvb we‡kl Kg©Pvix I Kg©KZ©v‡K GKB c‡` ivLvi cÅY© †hŠw³KZv cÖ`k©b Kwiqv welqwU ms¯’vcb wefv‡M
cvVvB‡Z nB‡e| ms¯’vcb wefvM †hŠw³KZv cix¶vcÅe©K GB wel‡q †h wm×všè MÖnY Kwi‡eb ZvnvB PÅovšè
ewjqv MY¨ nB‡e|

(N) RvZxq ivR¯^ †ev‡W©i PjwZ Avw_©K erm‡ii ivR¯^ Av`v‡qi myweav‡_© D³ †ev‡W©i Kg©Pvix I
Kg©KZ©vM‡Yi wba©vwiZ mgq mxgv wkw_j Kwiqv 1982 m‡bi Ryb gv‡mi †k‡l Kvh©Kix Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

2| cŇe©i 6-5-1982 Zvwi‡Li Av‡`k Ab¨vb¨ †¶‡Î AcwiewZ©Z _vwK‡e|

d‡qRDwÏb Avn‡g`
ms¯’vcb wefvM|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.28

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

¯§viK bs BwW/GmG-1-1/82-264/(100), ZvwiL, 11B Ryb, 1982|

Dc‡iv³ wel‡q AÎ wefv‡Mi 24-5-82 Zvwi‡Li BwW/GmG-1-1/82-232(100) b¤^i ¯§vi‡Ki

Abye„wËμ‡g wbgœwjwLZ e¨vL¨v cÖ`vb Kiv nBj t -

(K) †h mg¯è Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix Ges Zuvnv‡`i ¯êx Df‡q GKB ¯’v‡b miKvix/Avav-
miKvix/¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ ms¯’vq PvKzixiZ Av‡Qb Zvunv‡`iI GKB c‡` 3 erm‡ii AwaKKvj PvKzix nB‡j e`jx
Kiv hvB‡e| Z‡e G‡¶‡Î bÅZb e`jxi ¯’v‡b Df‡qi Dc‡hvMx c` _vwK‡Z nB‡e Ges Dfq‡K GK m‡½ e`jx
Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

(L) BwZcŇe© RvixK…Z †cÖm †bv‡Ui welqe¯‘ Mfxifv‡e ch©v‡jvPbv I cybtwe‡ePbvi ci miKvi
wm×všè MÖnb Kwiqv‡Qb †h, ‡emvgwiK Kg©Pvixw`‡Mi cyÎ-Kb¨vMY ¯‹z‡j-K‡j‡R Aa¨qbiZ _vKvi Kvi‡Y GB
e`jxi Av‡`‡ki †Kvb e¨wZμg Kiv hvB‡e bv|

2| GB wb‡`©k Avcbvi gšêYvjq/wefvM Ges Aaxb¯’ mKj `ßi/cwi`ßi/¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cÖwZôvbmgŇn

Kvh©Kix Kiv nBqv‡Q GB g‡g© wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv †Mj|

d‡qRDwÏb Avn‡g`
ms¯’vcb wefvM|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.29

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

cÖavb mvgwiK AvBb cÖkvm‡Ki mwPevjq
ms¯’vcb wefvM
kvLv GmG-1

bs BwW/GmG-1-3/83-257(100), ZvwiL XvKv, 13B Ryb, 1983|

welqt GKB c‡` wZb ermi PvKzixi ci Ab¨Î e`jx msμvšè|

cÖavb mvgwiK AvBb cÖkvm‡Ki mwPevj‡qi ¯§viK bs 7013/7-wmf-1 ZvwiL 12-8-82, 7013/7-
wmf-1, ZvwiL 12-1-83 I ms¯’vcb wefv‡Mi Avav-miKvix cÎ bs BwW/GmG-1-3-/83/41(50), ZvwiL 25-
1-83 mŇΠRvbv‡bv hvB‡Z‡Q †h, GKB c‡` Kg©iZ Awdmvi‡`i hw`I Ab¨Î e`jx Kivi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv
nBqvwQj wKš‘ Dnv m¤•ÅY©iƒ‡c ev¯èevwqZ Kiv nq bvB| cÖavb mvgwiK AvBb cÖkvm‡Ki mwPevjq nB‡Z c`Ë
QK Abymv‡i †h cÖwZ‡e`b BwZg‡a¨ ms¯’vcb wefv‡M ‡cÖiY Kiv nBqv‡Q, Dnv‡Z cÖK…Z Z_¨ mwbœ‡ewkZ nq bvB
ewjqv Rvbv wMqv‡Q|

2| eû msL¨K gšêYvjq/wefvM Ges Dnvi Awab¯’ `ßi/cwi`ßi/¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ ms¯’v BwZcy‡e©

RvbvBqvwQ‡jb †h, hvnv‡`i PvKzix GKB c‡`/¯’v‡b wZb ermi AwZμvšè nBqv‡Q Zuvnv‡`i‡K Ab¨Î e`jx
Kivi c`‡¶c MÖnY Kiv nB‡Z‡Q, ¯’jvwfwl³Ki‡Yi †hvM¨ Kg©KZ©v evQvB Kiv nB‡Z‡Q Ges mnmv e`jx
Kwi‡j Kv‡Ri e¨vNvZ m„wó nB‡e| wKš‘ Avm‡j A`¨vewa Zuvnviv †Kvb mwVK c`‡¶c MÖnY K‡ib bvB ewjqv
Awf‡hvM cvIqv wMqv‡Q| weMZ 22-5-83Bs Zwi‡L gšêxcwil` wm×všè wbqv‡Qb †h t

(K) miKvix I wewfbœ ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ ms¯’v/`ßi/cwi`ßi Ges Ab¨vb¨ ms¯’vq e`jx‡hvM¨ Kg©KZ©v
hvnviv GKB ¯’v‡b/GKB c‡` wZb esm‡ii AwaKKvj hveZ Kg©iZ Av‡Qb, Zuvnv‡`i Awej‡¤^ e`jx Kwi‡Z

(L) Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvixe„›` Aek¨ GB Av‡`‡ki AvIZvfy³ b‡n|

(M) gšêxcwil‡`i Dc‡iv³ wm×všè m¤•ÅY©iƒ‡c ev¯èevwqZ Kwi‡Z nB‡e| Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi
Kg©Pvixe„›`‡K BwZcŇe© e`jx Kwiqv nqivbx Kiv nBqv _v‡K Ggb †Kvb NUbv NwUqv‡Q wK bv Dnv
wbi‡c¶fv‡e Z`šè Kwiqv ms¯’vcb wefv‡M GKwU cÖwZ‡e`b 2 (`yB) mßv‡ni g‡a¨ cvVv‡bvi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv

4| D‡j−wLZ gšêxcwil` wm×v‡šèi †Kvb e¨wZμg NwU‡j mswk−ó Kg©KZ©vi wei“‡× k„sLjv fs‡Mi `v‡q
miKvix AvBb I miKvix wewa Abymv‡i PvKzixPz¨wZmn †h †Kvb kvw¯ègÅjK e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kiv nB‡e|

‡gRi (Ae:) Avwj Avng` Lvb

hyM¥ mwPe (G wc wW)
ms¯’vcb wefvM|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.30

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

ms¯’vcb gšêYvjq
DaŸ©Zb wb‡qvM-1 kvLv

bs-mg/Dwb 1-57/86-18(100), XvKv, 13B Rvbyqvix, 1987/28†k †cŠl, 1393|

Awdm ¯§viK
welqt miKvix Kg©KZ©v‡`i wb‡qvM/e`wji wel‡q AevwÂZ Z`exi/mycvwik msμvšè|

Mfxi D‡Ø‡Mi mv‡_ j¶¨ Kiv hv‡”Q †h, A‡bK Kg©KZ©v eZ©gv‡b Kg©¯’j ‡_‡K e`wji Av‡`k Rvix
Kivi ciI bZzb Kg©¯’‡j †hvM`vb K‡ib bv| eis hv‡Z bZzb Kg©¯’‡j †hvM`vb Ki‡Z bv nq GR‡b¨
Kvj‡¶cY K‡ib Ges e`wj evwZ‡ji Rb¨ AevwÂZ Z`we‡ii Avkªq †bb| ZvQvov A‡bK Kg©KZ©v we‡kl ¯’v‡b
ev we‡kl c‡` hvIqvi Rb¨I Z`we‡ii Avkªq †bb| G ai‡Yi Z`wei 1979 mv‡ji miKvix Kg©Pvix (AvPiY)
wewagvjvi AvIZvq Am`vPiY e‡j MY¨ Kiv nq Ges Zv kvw¯è‡hvM¨ Aciva|

welqwUi cÖwZ mswk−ó mKj Kg©KZ©vi `„wó cybivq AvKl©Y Kiv hv‡”Q Ges G ai‡Yi Z`we‡ii Avkªq †bqv
†_‡K weiZ _vKvi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv n‡”Q| hviv G ai‡bi Z`we‡ii Avkªq †b‡eb, 1979 mv‡ji miKvix
Kg©Pvix (AvPiY) wewagvjvi AvIZvq Zuv‡`i wei“‡× e¨e¯’v †bqv n‡e Ges mswk−ó Kg©KZ©vi evwl©K †Mvcbxq
cÖwZ‡e`‡bI Zv mwbœ‡ewkZ Kiv n‡e|

‡gv: kvgmyj nK wPk&Zx


Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.31

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

ms¯’vcb gšêYvjq
DaŸ©Zb wb‡qvM-1 kvLv

bs-mg/Dwb 1-57/86-33(200), XvKv, 21†k Rvbyqvix, 1988/6B gvN, 1994|

welqt Kg©KZ©v‡`i e`wji Av‡`k Rvix cÖm‡½|

miKvi D‡Ø‡Mi mwnZ j¶¨ Kwi‡Z‡Q †h, Kg©KZ©v‡`i e`wj Kiv nB‡j Zuvnv‡`i A‡b‡KB e`wji
Av‡`k evwZj ev cwieZ©b Kiv‡bvi cÖqvm MÖnY K‡ib| GB cÖeYZv DˇivËi e„w× cvB‡Z‡Q| KL‡bv KL‡bv
Ggb Ae¯’vi m„wó nq †h, miKvi‡K e`wji Av‡`k evwZj ev cwieZ©b Kwi‡Z nq| GB Ae¯’v KvswLZ bq|
miKvi welqwU we‡ePbv Kwiqv wbgœiƒc wm×všè MÖnY Kwiqv‡Q t

(K) e`wji Av‡`k Rvix Kwievi cŇeB mew`K we‡ePbv Kwiqv †`wL‡Z nB‡e| Rb¯^v_©‡K
AMÖvwaKvi w`‡Z nB‡e Ges Zz”Q Kvi‡Y e`wj cwinvi Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

(L) e`wji Av‡`‡k e`wjK…Z Kg©KZ©v K‡e cyivZb Kg©¯’j Z¨vM Kwiqv bZzb Kg©¯’‡j †hvM`vb
Kwi‡eb, Zvnv cwi¯‹vifv‡e D‡j−L Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

(M) †Kvb Kg©Pvixi e`wji Av‡`k Rvix nIqvi ci Zvnv †KejgvÎ †h ch©v‡qi Awdm nB‡Z e`wji
Av‡`k Rvix Kiv nBqv‡Q, †mB ch©v‡qi GK avc Dc‡ii Awdm nB‡Z evwZj, cwieZ©b ev ¯’wMZ Kiv nB‡e|

(N) †KejgvÎ ¯^v¯’¨MZ Kvi‡Y †Kvb e`jx mvgwqKfv‡e ¯’wMZ Kwievi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv †`Lv w`‡j,
Dnv mwPe ev whwb e`wj Kwiqv‡Qb †m ch©v‡q ¯’wMZ Kiv hvB‡e|

2| mswk−ó mKj‡K GB wm×všè h_vh_fv‡e cÖwZcvjb Kwievi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv hvB‡Z‡Q|

RvwKi Avn‡g` Lvb

Dc-mwPe (GmG)|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.32

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

cÖavb mvgwiK AvBb cÖkvm‡Ki mwPevjq
ms¯’vcb wefvM
kvLv GmG-1

bs-BwW/GmG 1-74/83-252(300) ZvwiL t 6-6-1983 Bs|

B`vwbs j¶¨ Kiv wMqv‡Q †h Kg©KZ©v‡`i GK ¯’vb/c` nB‡Z Ab¨Î e`jx Kwi‡j Zuvnviv e`jxK…Z
c‡`/¯’v‡b h_v mg‡q †hvM`vb Kwi‡Z A‡nZzK wej¤^ K‡ib| GB wej‡¤^i d‡j bvbvwea cÖkvmwbK RwUjZvi
m„wó nq Ges mswk−ó gšêYvjq/wefvM/`߇ii Rb¨ weeªZKi Ae¯’vi m„wó nq| AZGe, miKvi wbgœwjwLZ wm×všè
MÖnY Kwi‡Z eva¨ nBqv‡Qb t

(K) †h †¶‡Î ¯’vb cwieZ©b cÖ‡qvRb, †m mKj †¶‡Î e`jxi Av‡`k Rvixi 7 (mvZ) w`‡bi g‡a¨
Kvh©¨fvi Aek¨B n¯èvšèi cÅe©K bÅZb c‡` †hvM`vb Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

(L) †h †¶‡Î ¯’vb cwieZ©b cÖ‡qvRb, †m mKj †¶‡Î e`jxi Av‡`k Rvixi 14 (†PŠÏ) w`‡bi g‡a¨
Aek¨B Kvh©¨fvi n¯èvšèi cÅe©K bÅZb c‡` †hvM`vb Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

2| Dc‡iv³ wb‡`©‡ki e¨wZμg NwU‡j mswk−ó Kg©KZ©vi wei“‡× k„sLjv fs‡Mi `v‡q miKvix AvBb I
mswk−ó wewa Abymv‡i PvKzixPz¨wZmn †h ‡Kvb kvw¯ègÅjK e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kiv hvB‡Z cv‡i|

(G,Gd,Gg, Gnmvbyj Kexi)

ms¯’vcb mwPe|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.33

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

ms¯’vcb gšêYvjq
cÖkvmb kvLv-3

24-04-94 Bs
bs-mg/cÖt-3/wb‡qvM-e`wj-4/93 (Ask-1)-272 ZvwiL:11-01-1401 evs

welq t ms¯’vcb gšêYvjqvaxb †`‡ki gvV ch©v‡q Kg©iZ Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡`i e`wj‡hv‡M wb‡qvM
ev e`wj msμvšè bxwZgvjv|

mÅÎ : ms¯’vcb gšêYvjq nB‡Z 13-03-91Bs Zvwi‡L RvixK…Z mg(cÖt-3)-3/88-160(68) msL¨K ¯§viK|

Dc‡ivwj−wLZ welq I mŇÎi †cÖw¶‡Z wbgœ¯^v¶iKvix wb‡`©wkZ nBqv RvbvB‡Z‡Qb †h, eZ©gvb Ae¯’vi
‡cÖ¶vc‡U welqwU cybivq ms¯’vcb gšêYvj‡q cix¶v Kiv nBqv‡Q| welqwU cyb-we‡ePbvi ci miKvi Dc‡iv³
¯§vi‡Ki AvswkK ms‡kvab Kwiqv _vbv, †Rjv I wefvMxq Kwgkbvi Awd†m wb‡qvwRZ Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi
Kg©Pvix‡`i wbR †Rjvq ev e`wji Rb¨ cÖvw_©Z †Rjv I wefv‡M e`wji †¶‡Î wb‡gœv³ wb‡`©k cÖ`vb Kwi‡Z‡Qb

(K) GKB wefvMvaxb GK †Rjv nB‡Z Ab¨ †Rjvq PvKzix‡Z e`wji †¶‡Î mswk−ó `yBwU †Rjvi
†Rjv cÖkvmK؇qi gZvgZ jBqv wefvMxq Kwgkbvi e`wji Av‡`k Rvix Kwi‡eb| cvi¯•wiK mg‡SvZvi
gva¨‡g e`wji (mutual transfer) †¶‡ÎI GKB wbqg cÖ‡hvR¨ nB‡e|

(L) AvšètwefvMxq e`wji †¶‡ÎI D‡`¨vM MÖnYKvix †Rjv cÖkvmK Zuvnvi wefvMxq Kwgkbv‡ii
gva¨‡g cÖ¯ève ms¯’vcb gšêYvj‡q cvVvB‡eb| GB gšêYvjq cÖv_x©Z †Rjvi †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki gZvgZ Zuvnvi
wefvMxq Kwgkbv‡ii gva¨‡g msMÖn Kwi‡e| cÖ¯èvweZ e`wji †¶‡Î †k‡lv³ Kg©KZ©v؇qi m¤§wZ cvIqv †M‡j
ms¯’vcb gšêYvjq mivmwi GB e`wji Av‡`k Rvix Kwi‡e Ges mswk−ó mKj KZ…©c¶‡K AewnZ Kwi‡e|

(M) Dc‡iv³ (K) I (L) G ewY©Z †¶‡Î cŇe©i PvKzix †eZb, †cbkb I QywUi Rb¨ MYbv Kiv
hvB‡e| Z‡e †R¨ôZvi †¶‡Î MYbv Kiv hvB‡e bv Ges e`wji gva¨‡g wbR †Rjvq ev e`wji Rb¨ cÖvw_©Z
†Rjvq GBi“c wb‡qvM be wb‡qvM ewjqv MY¨ nB‡e|

(G.Gg.Gg, dinv`)
Dc-mwPe (cÖt-1)|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.34

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

ms¯’vcb gšêYvjq
cÖkvmb kvLv-3


13-03-31 Bs
bs-mg/(cÖt-3)-3/88-160(68)| ZvwiL : 28-11-97 evs

welq : Z…Zxq I PZy_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡`i†K e`wj‡hv‡M wb‡qvM ev e`wj msμvšè bxwZgvjv|

mÅÎ : ms¯’vcb gšêYvj‡qi 13-6-88Bs Zvwi‡Li mg(cÖt-3)-107/86-244(50)

Dwj−wLZ ¯§vi‡Ki mŇΠwbgœ¯^v¶iKvix Avw`©ó nBqv RvbvB‡Z‡Q †h, welqwU AÎ gšêYvj‡q cybwe©‡ePbv
Kiv nq| welqwU cybwe©‡ePbvi ci miKvi Dc‡iv³ ¯§vi‡Ki AvswkK ms‡kvab Kwiq Dc‡Rjv, †Rjv I
wefvMxq Kwgkbvi Awd‡m wb‡qvwRZ Z…Zxq I PZz_© ‡kÖbxi Kg©Pvix‡`i wbR †Rjvq ev e`jxi Rb¨ cÖvw_©Z
†Rjv I wefv‡M e`wji †¶‡Î wb‡gœv³ wb‡`©k cÖ`vb Kwi‡Z‡Qb t-

(K) GKB †Rjv I wefvM nB‡Z Ab¨ †Rjv I wefv‡Mi Aaxb PvKzix‡Z e`wji Av‡e`bKvix Kg©Pvix
Zvnvi †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki wbKU `iLv¯è Kwi‡eb| †Rjv cÖkvmK wefvMxq Kwgkbv‡ii gva¨‡g D³ Kg©Pvixi
Av‡e`b cÎ mswk−ô †Rjvi †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki wbKU AMÖvqb Kwi‡eb| mswk−ó †Rjvq c` Lvwj _vwK‡j A_ev
cvi¯•wiK mg‡SvZvi (mutual transfer) gva¨‡g †Kvb Kg©Pvix wbR †Rjvq ev e`jxi Rb¨ cÖv_x©Z †Rjvq
hvB‡Z ivRx _vwK‡j wb‡qvMKvix †Rjv cÖkvmK Zvnvi Ae¨vwnZ cÖ`v‡b wbR †Rjvq ev e`jxi Rb¨ cÖv_x©Z
†Rjvq †hvM`v‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxq Awdm Av‡`k Rvix Kwi‡eb|

(L) Avšè: wefvMxq GBiƒc e`wji †¶‡Î hw` wefvMxq Kwgkbvi ms¯’vcb gšêYvj‡qi wbKU Av‡e`b
†cÖiY K‡ib, Zvnv nB‡j ms¯’vcb gšêYvjq D³ Av‡e`b mivmwi mswk−ó wefvMxq Kwgkbvi ev †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki
wbKU e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi Rb¨ AMÖvqb Kwi‡e|

(M) Dc‡iv³ (K) I (L) G ewY©Z †¶‡Î cŇe©i PvKzix †eZb, †cbkb I QywUi Rb¨ MYbv Kiv
hvB‡e| Z‡e †R¨ôZvi †¶‡Î MYbv Kiv hvB‡e bv Ges e`wji gva¨‡g wbR †Rjvq ev e`wji Rb¨ cÖv_x©Z
†Rjvq GBiƒc wb‡qvM be wb‡qvM ewjqv MY¨ nB‡e|

(†gvt kvgmyj Bmjvg)

Dc-mwPe (cÖt-1)|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.35

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

ms¯’vcb gšêYvjq
cÖkvmb kvLv-3
bs-mg/(cÖt:-3)-107/86-244(50) 13B Ryb, 1988/ 30†k †R¨ô, 1395|
welqt Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡`i e`wj‡hv‡M wb‡qvM ev e`wj msμvšè bxwZgvjv|
mÅÎ : (1) AÎ gšêYvj‡qi 24-12-1985 Zvwi‡Li GgB(GwW-3)-59/83-740 (500),
(2) 3-3-1986 Zvwi‡Li GgB(GwW-3)-59/83-91(600) Ges
(3) 20-7-1987 Zvwi‡Li mg(cÖt-3)-59/83-422(1000) b¤^i ¯§viK|
miKv‡ii wewfbœ gšêYvjq/wefvM/`ßi/Awa`c߇i Kg©iZ wKQy Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡K
GKvšè gvbweK Kvi‡Y Zvnv‡`i wbR †Rjvq e`wj‡hv‡M wb‡qvM ev cvi¯•wiKfv‡e e`wj‡hv‡M wb‡qv‡Mi Rb¨
Dc‡i D‡j−wLZ ¯§viKÎq Rvix Kiv nBqvwQj| †`Lv hvB‡Z‡Q †h, †h me `ßi/Awa`߇ii †Rjv, Dc‡Rjv
ch©v‡q †Kvb kvLv bvB ZvnvivI ms¯’vcb gšêYvj‡qi gva¨‡g GBme `߇i e`wji Rb¨ Av‡e`b †ck
Kwi‡Z‡Qb| Ggb wK †h me Kg©Pvix mvgwiK ev‡RU nB‡Z †eZb/fvZv MÖnb K‡ib, ZuvnvivI wbR †Rjvq
Aew¯’Z †emvgwiK ev‡RUf‚³ ev wfbœ wb‡qvMKvix KZ…©c‡¶i c‡` e`jxi Rb¨ Av‡e`b †ck Kwi‡Z‡Qb| †h
mg¯è †¶‡Î wb‡qvMKvix KZ…©c¶ Ges wb‡qvMwewa wfbœ †mB mg¯è †¶‡Î GB ai‡Yi e`wj ev wb‡qv‡Mi Av‡e`b
we‡ePbv Kivi †Kvb AeKvk bvB| KviY cÖ‡Z¨KwU e`wj ev wb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î c‡`i mswk−ó wb‡qvM wewai kZ©
Aek¨B cvjbxq|
2| welqwU cybwe©‡ePbv cÅe©K Dc‡i D‡j−wLZ ¯§viKmgÅn ms‡kvab Kwiqv miKvi wbgœwjwLZ bxwZgvjv
MÖnY Kwiqv‡Qb :
(1) GKB wb‡qvMKvix KZ…©c‡¶i Aaxb¯’ `߇i hw` mggv‡bi c` _v‡K, Z‡e Kg©Pvixi
Av‡e`bμ‡g, h_vm¤¢e gvbweK, wKsev cvi¯•wiK ¯^v‡_©i Kvi‡Y, D³ wb‡qvMKvix KZ…©c¶ wb‡qvM wewa‡Z
GBiƒc e`wji kZ© _vwK‡j †KejgvÎ Zuvnvi Aaxb¯’ Kg©Pvix‡K Zuvnvi Aaxb¯’ `߇i e`wj Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb|
wb‡qvM wewa‡Z GBiƒc e`wji kZ© bv _vwK‡j h_v wbq‡g Dchy³ KZ…©c¶ KZ…©K wb‡qvM wewa ms‡kvab bv Kiv
ch©šè, GB ai‡Yi e`wj Kiv hvB‡e bv|
(2) miKvix Awd‡mi †Kvb Kg©Pvix‡K ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ/Avav-¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ ms¯’vq e`wj Kiv hvB‡e bv
Ges ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ/Avav-¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ ms¯’vi Kg©Pvix‡KI Abyiƒcfv‡e miKvix Awd‡m e`wj Kiv hvB‡e bv|
2(1) Aby‡”Q` Abyhvqx e`wji D‡Ï‡k¨ ms¯’vcb gšêYvj‡qi gva¨‡g Av‡e`b †cÖiY Kwi‡Z nB‡e bv|
3| Dc‡iv³ bxwZgvjv Abyhvqx GB me welq wb®•wË Kivi Rb¨, mKj gšêbvjq/wefvM‡K Aby‡iva Kiv
nBj| 2bs Aby‡”Q‡`i bxwZgvjv AbymiY Kwievi D‡Ï‡k¨ Aaxb¯’ `ßi/Awa`߇ii cÖwZ Dchy³ wb‡`©k Rvix
Kwievi Rb¨ mKj gšêYvjq/wefvM‡K Aby‡iva Kiv hvB‡Z‡Q|

(†gvnv¤§` Ave`yj MwY)

Dc-mwPe (cÖt-1)|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.36

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

ms¯’vcb gšêYvjq
kvLv GwW-3

10-2-1987 Bs
bs-GgB(GwW-3)-38/84-100 ZvwiL : 27-10-93 evs

welq : Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡`i GK¯’vb nB‡Z Ab¨Î nqivbx gÅjK e`wj cÖm‡½|

mÅÎ : gšêxcwil` ˆeVK bs gc‰e-18/800 ZvwiLt 22-5-80 (Abywjwc mshy³) Ges GgB(GwW-3)-
38/84-76 ZvwiLt 23-2-86 I GgB(GwW-3)-38/84-631 ZvwiLt 10-9-86Bs|

AÎ gšêYvj‡qi Dwj−wLZ ¯§viK mŇΠDc‡iv³ wel‡q gšêxcwil` Gi 22†k †g 1980Bs Zvwi‡L
AbywôZ wm×v‡šèi Av‡jv‡K (ˆeVK bs-gc‰e-18/80) mswk−ó mKj gnj‡K Rvbv‡bv nBqvwQj †h Z…Zxq I PZz_©
†kªYxi Kg©Pvix e`wji Av‡`‡ki AvIZvfy³ b‡n| cieZx©‡Z wKQy msL¨K gšêYvjq/wefvM/`ßi/cwi`߇i
Zvnv‡`i Aaxb¯’ Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡`i‡K Ab¨Î e`wji ¯^c‡¶ †hŠw³KZv cÖ`k©b Kwiqv D‡j−L
K‡ib ‡h D³ Kg©Pvix‡`i g‡a¨ †Kvb †Kvb Kg©Pvix‡K cÖkvmwbK Kvi‡Y Ab¨Î e`wj Kiv cÖ‡qvRb| Bnvi
†cÖw¶‡Z Avšètgšêbvjq ch©v‡q Av‡jvPbvi gva¨‡g e`wj‡hvM¨ Kg©Pvix‡`i ZvwjKv Pzovšè Kwiqv gnvgvb¨
ivóªcwZ mgx‡c wb‡gœv³ mycvwik mgÅn †ck Kiv nq t-

(K) Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi e`wj‡hvM¨ c‡` Kg©PvixMY‡K e`wji cÖ‡qvRb nB‡j cÖ_‡g Zvnv‡`i‡K
GKB Kg©¯’‡j Ab¨ Awd‡m e`wj Kiv hvB‡Z cv‡i|

(L) GKB Kg©¯’‡j Ab¨ Awd‡m e`wji-myweav bv _vwK‡j wbKUZg Awd‡m e`wj Kiv hvB‡Z cv‡i|

(M) Zvnv‡`i †ejvq e`wji Rb¨ †Kvb wbw`©ó mgqmxgv _vwK‡e bv|

(N) ïaygvÎ cÖkvmwbK cÖ‡qvR‡bB GB `yB †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡K e`wj Kiv hvB‡e|

2| gnvgvb¨ ivóªcwZ Dc‡iv³ mycvwik gvjv Aby‡gv`b Kwi‡j Dnv gwšêcwil` Gi 19†k Rvbyqvix,
1986Bs Zvwi‡L AbywôZ ˆeV‡K (ˆeVK bs gc‰e-3/86) M„nxZ nq| D³ wm×v‡šèi Av‡jv‡K 10-9-86Bs
Zvwi‡L †h ¯§viK Rvix Kiv nq, Dnvi mwnZ e`wj‡hvM¨ Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡`i ZvwjKv mswk−ó
gšêYvj‡q †cÖiY Kwiqv D‡j−L Kiv nq †h ZvwjKv ewn©fÅZ †Kvb Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡K GK¯’vb nB‡Z
Ab¨Î e`wj Kiv hvB‡e bv|

3| Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡`i mvwe©K Kj¨vY msμvšè welq ms¯’vcb gšêYvj‡qi AvIZvfų weavq
gwšêcwil` Gi Av‡jvP¨ wm×všè ev¯èevqb m¤•‡K© AÎ gšêYvjq `vqx|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.37

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

4| gwšêcwil` KZ…©K M„nxZ wm×všè jsNb Kwiqv Z…Zxq I PZy_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡`i e`wj Kiv nB‡j, Dnv
Aek¨B Ônqivbx-gÅjKÕ ewjqv aiv nB‡e Ges GB wm×všè jsNb Kiv ÔAm`viPi‡YiÕ mvwgj nB‡e|

5| B`vwbs j¶¨ Kiv hvB‡Z‡Q †h †Kvb †Kvb `ßi/cwi`ßi gwšêcwil‡`i Dwj−wLZ wm×všè jsNb Kwiqv
Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡`i‡K Ônqivbx gÅjKÕ e`wj Kwi‡Z‡Qb| D`vniY ¯^iƒc D‡j−L¨ †h grm¨ I
cïcvjb Z_¨ `ßi, Lvgvi evox,

XvKv Zvnv‡`i 10-1-87Bs Zvwi‡Li ¯§viK bs gcZ`/2G-5/86-24/1(5) Av‡`k gva¨‡g Kzwgj−v AvÂwjK
Awd‡mi wcqb Rbve Rqbvj Av‡e`xb‡K mg c‡` ivRkvnxi grmª I cïcvjb AvÂwjK Z_¨ `߇i e`wj
Kwiqv‡Qb| GB e`wji Av‡`k Aek¨B Ônqivbx gÅjKÕ| GZ`&e¨ZxZ Ab¨vb¨ KwZcq `ßi/cwi`ßi nB‡Z
Ônqivbx gyjKÕ †h mg¯è Z…Zxq I PZz_x †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡`i‡K e`wj Kiv nBqv‡Q Zvnv wb‡gœ D‡j−L Kiv nBj:

(K) cwiPvjK, bvwm©s cwi`ßi, gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv|

(L) eb msi¶‡Ki `ßi, c−vb‡Ukb mv‡K©j, Lyjbv|

mswk−ó Kg©Pvix‡`i bvg GZ`m‡½ cwiwk‡ó ms‡hvRb Kiv nBj|

6| GgZve¯’vq Dwj−wLZ Kg©KZ©v KZ…©K Z…Zxq I PZz_© †kªYxi †h mg¯è Kg©Pvix‡K Ab¨Î e`wj Kiv
nBqv‡Q Zvnv‡`i e`wji Av‡`k Awej‡¤^ cÖZ¨vnvi Kwiqv gwšêcwil` Gi wm×všè ev¯èevq‡bi j‡¶¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq
Kvh©¨Kix e¨e¯’v MÖn‡bi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Rvbv‡bv nBj| †h mg¯è Kg©KZ©v gwšêcwil‡`i wm×všè jsNb Kwiqv‡Qb
Zvnv‡`i wei“‡× k„sLjv wewa Abyhvqx e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi Aby‡iva Kiv nBj| GB m¤•‡K© wK Kvh©¨Kix e¨e¯’v MÖnY
Kiv nBqv‡Q DnvI AÎ gšêYvjq‡K RvbvBevi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv nBj, hvnv‡Z gwšêcwil‡` †cÖwiZe¨ ev¯èevqb
AMÖMwZi cÖwZ‡e`‡b Z_¨ ms‡hvRb Kiv hvq|

(Gg,AvKgj †nvmvBb)

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.38

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Annexure - 5D
(Page 5.39 to 5.41)

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

A_© gšêYvjq, A_© wefvM
ev¯èevqb I cÖwewa AbywefvM
cÖwewa kvLv-2

ZvwiL 9-7-2001 wLªt / 25-3-1408 evs |

Gm, Avi, I bs 186 Ag/Awe/cÖwe-2/QywU-3/2001| MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`†ki msweav‡bi 133

Aby†”Q‡`i kZ©vs‡k cÖ`Ë ¶gZve‡j ivó«cwZ, evsjv‡`k miKvix Kg© Kwgkb Gi mwnZ civgk©μ‡g,
Bangladesh Service Rules (Part-1) Gi wbæi“c AwaKZi ms‡kvab Kwi‡jb, h_vt

Dcwi-D³ Rules Gi Rule 197 Gi Sub-Rule (1) Gi cwie‡Z© wbæi“c Sub-Rules (1), (1A) Ges
(1B) cÖwZ¯’vwcZ nB‡e, h_vt

″(1) Where a female Government servant applies for maternity leave, the authority
mentioned in rule 149 or, as the case may be, rule 150 shall grant such leave for a period of four
months from the date of commencement of the leave or her confinement for the purpose of
delivery, whichever is earlier.

(1A) Maternity leave under this rule shall not be admissible more than twice during the
tenure of servcie of a female Government servant.

(1B) The Maternity leave granted under this rule shall not be debited against the leave
account of the female Government servant and she shall be entitled to receive full pay for the
leave period at the rate she was drawing at the time of taking such leave".

ivó«cwZi Av‡`kμ‡g

(ˆmq` gykZvK)
AwZwi³ mwPe
A_© wefvM

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.39

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

bs Ag/Awe/cÖwe-2/QywU-3/2001/82 (2000) ZvwiLt 09/07/2005 wLªt

Abywjwc m`q AeMwZ I cÖ‡qvRbxq Kvh©μg MÖn‡Yi wbwg‡Ë †cÖiY Kiv nBjt

1| gwšêcwil` mwPe, gwšêcwil` wefvM, XvKv|

2| gÅL¨ mwPe, cÖavb gšêxi Kvh©vjq, cyivZb msm` feb, XvKv|
3| mwPe, ivó«cwZi Kvh©vjq, e½feb, XvKv|
4| gnv wnmve wbix¶K I wbqšêK, evsjv‡`k AwWU nvDR, 189 knx` ˆmq` bRi“j Bmjvg ¯§iYx, KvKivBj,
5| mwPe/fvicÖvß AwZwi³ mwPe †hvMv‡hvM gšêYvjq/wefvM (Zvnvi Aaxb¯’ mKj Awd‡m Bnvi Abywjwc †cÖi‡Yi
R‡b¨ Aby‡iva Kiv nBj)|
6| mwPe, evsjv‡`k miKvix Kg© Kwgkb, cyivZb wegvb e›`i, †ZRMvuI XvKv|
7| wnmve gnv wbqšêK (†emvgwiK) evsjv‡`k †m¸b evwMPv, XvKv|
8| wmwRwWGd, evsjv‡`k, XvKv|
9| wefvMxq Kwgkbvi, ................................................................................. wefvM|
10| †Rjv cÖkvmK ...................................................................| (Zvnvi Aaxb¯’ Awdm mgŇn Bnvi
Abywjwc †cÖi‡Yi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv nBj)|
11| cÖavb wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZ©v, ........................................................ mKj gšêYvjq/wefvM|
12| †Rjv wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZ©v .................................. (Zvnvi Aaxb¯’ Awdm mgŇn Bnvi Abywjwc †cÖi‡Yi Rb¨
Aby‡iva Kiv nBj)|
13| A_© wefv‡Mi mKj Kg©KZ©v|

(Avt nvt †gvt wRqvDj nK)

wmwbqi mnKvix mwPe
†dvbt 9561131

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.40

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

†hvMv‡hvM gšêYvjq
moK I †ijc_ wefvM
cªkvmb kvLv|

G/1Gg-16/92-125 ZvwiLt 23-01-2002 wLªt

m`q AeMwZ I cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi Rb¨ Abywjwc †cÖiY Kiv nj|
1| cÖavb cÖ‡KŠkjx, moK I Rbc_ Awa`ßi, moK feb, igbv, XvKv|
2| gnv cwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q, †ijfeb, XvKv|
3| †Pqvig¨vb, weAviwUG, G‡jbevox †ZRMuvI, XvKv|
4| †Pqvig¨vb, weAviwUwm, ivRDK GwfwbD, XvKv|
5| wbe©vnx cwiPvjK, XvKv hvbevnb mgš^q †evW©, bMi feb, XvKv|
6| wR, AvB, we, Avi, evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q, cyivZb †ijfeb, XvKv|
7| wnmve i¶b Kg©KZ©v, moK I †ijc_ wefvM, †hvMv‡hvM gšêYvjq|

(†gvt Rvdi wmwÏK)

wmwbqi mnKvix mwPe (cÖkvmb)
†dvbt 8619273

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.41

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Annexure - 5E
(Page 5.42 to 5.43)

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

A_© gšêYvjq, A_© wefvM
ev¯èevqb I cÖwewa AbywefvM
ev¯èevqb kvLv-1
28-3-1406 evs
bs Ag/Awe (ev¯è-1)/fvZv-16/95/176 ZvwiL t 12-7-1999 Bs
Awdm ¯§viK
welq t miKvix Kg©KZ©v‡`i kÖvwšè we‡bv`b QywU I fvZv cÖ`vb|
wbæ¯^v¶iKvix Avw`ó nBqv RvbvB‡Z‡Qb †h, Bangladesh Services (Recreation Allowance)
Rules, 1979 Abyhvqx mKj miKvix Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix cÖwZ wZb eQi Ašèi QywU cvIbv mv‡c‡¶ bÅb¨Zg 15
w`‡bi AwR©Z QywUmn GK gv‡mi gÅj †eZ‡bi mgcwigvb A_© kÖvwšè I we‡bv`b fvZv wnmv‡e cÖvc¨ nb | wKš‘
A_© wefv‡Mi Awdm ¯^viK bs- Ag/Awe (ev¯è-4)Gd we-12/86/29 ZvwiL 3-7-1988 Bs/ 20-3-1395 evs
gŇj †M‡R‡UW †Kvb Kg©KZ©v ‡h A_© eQ‡i wPË we‡bv`b fvZv MÖnb Kwi‡eb, †mB A_© eQ‡i Drme fvZv cÖvc¨
nB‡eb bv g‡g© kZ© Av‡ivc Kivq Ges ev¯è‡e cÖwZ A_© eQ‡i Drme fvZvi cwigvb 2 (`yB) gv‡mi gÅj
†eZ‡bi mgvb Ges wPË we‡bv`b fvZvi cwigvb GK gv‡mi gÅj †eZ‡bi mgvb nIqvi †Kvb Kg©KZ©v msMZ
Kvi‡Y wPË we‡bv`b fvZv MÖnb K‡ib bv |
2| Kg©KZ©v‡`i `¶Zv e„w×i Rb¨ kÖvwšè we‡bv`‡bi Acwinvh©¨Zv we‡ePbv Kwiqv Drme fvZv MÖnb m‡Z¡I mKj
Kg©KZ©vi cÖvc¨Zv Abyhvqx kÖvwšè we‡bv`b QywU I fvZv MÖnb wbwðZ Kivi j‡¶¨ miKvi welqwU ch©v‡jvPbvcÅe©K
A_© wefv‡Mi Awdm ¯^viK bs-Ag/Awe(ev¯è-4)Gd we-12/86/29 ZvwiL 3-7-1988 Bs/ 20-3-1395 evs
Gi cÖ_g Aby‡”Q‡`i †klvs‡k ewY©Z ÓZ‡e †NvwlZ (†M‡R‡UW) †Kvb Kg©KZ©v †h Avw_©K erm‡i wPË we‡bv`b
fvZv MÖnb Kwi‡eb, H A_© erm‡i wZwb †Kvb Drme fvZv cÖvc¨ nB‡eb bvÓ kZ©wU GZØviv evwZj Kivi wm×všè
MÖnb Kwiqv‡Q |
3| GB wm×všè 01-7-1999 ZvwiL nB‡Z Kvh©Ki nBqv‡Q ewjqv MY¨ nB‡e |
Zvs 12-7-99
(†gvt kvgmy‡¾vnv)
hyM¥-mwPe (ev¯èevqb I cÖwewa)
†dvb t 869507
bs Ag/Awe (ev¯è-1)/fvZv-16/95/176/1(55) ZvwiL t 28-3-1406
m`q AeMwZ I cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖn‡bi Rb¨ Abywjwc †`Iqv nBj t-
1| gwšêcwil` mwPe/gÅL¨ mwPe, cÖavb gšêxi Kvh©vjq, XvKv |
2| gnv wnmve wbix¶K I wbqšêK, evsjv‡`k, XvKv |
Zvnvi Aaxb Awdm¸wj‡Z Bnvi Abywjwc †`Iqvi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv nBj |

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.42

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

3| mKj gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi mwPe/fvicÖvß mwPe .................................................

Zvnv‡`i Aax‡b Awdm¸wj‡Z Bnvi Abywjwc †`Iqvi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv nBj |
4| Dc-wbqšêK, evsjv‡`k miKvix gy`ªvYvjq - cÖÁvcbwU evsjv‡`k †M‡R‡Ui cieZ©x msL¨vq cÖKvk Kwiqv
†M‡R‡Ui GKkZ Kwc A_© wefv‡M †cÖiY Kivi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv nBj |

Zvs 12-7-99
(†gvnv¤§` BDQyd)

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.43

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Annexure - 5F
(Page 5.44 to 5.48)

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

cÖavbgšxêi Kvh©vjq
cyivZb msm` feb

cÎ msL¨v (1000) ZvwiL t

31-3-92 Bs
17-12-98 evsjv


welq t we‡`k åg‡Yi AbygwZ cÖ`vb msμvšè|

miKvix A_ev e¨w³MZ Kv‡R Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i we‡`k åg‡Y AbygwZ cÖ`v‡bi †¶‡Î miKvi wb¤§iƒc
bxwZgvjv Abymi‡Yi wm×všè MÖnY K‡i‡Q;

1| wb¤§wjwLZ Kg©KZ©vM‡Yi we‡`k åg‡Y gvbbxq cÖavb gšxêi Aby‡gv`b cÖ‡qvRb n‡et-

(K) A_©vq‡bi Drm wbwe©‡k‡lt

1) gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi mwPe/fvicÖvß AwZwi³ mwPe/fvicÖvß hyM¥ mwPe;

2) cwiKíbv Kwgk‡bi m`m¨;
3) Awa`ßi cÖavb Ges ¯^kvwmZ/¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ ms¯’vi cÖavb wbe©vnx/e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK
(c`ex hvB †nvK) huv‡`i †eZbμg 8600-9500 UvKv I Z`Åa©; Ges
4) gšêxM‡Yi e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v (e¨w³MZ ågY e¨wZ‡i‡K)|

(L) evsjv‡`k miKvi/¯^kvwmZ ms¯’v/¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ ms¯’vi A‡_©i ms‡k−l _vK‡j †eZbμg 7800-
9000 UvKv I Z`Åa© †eZbμ‡gi mKj Kg©KZ©v|

2| A_©vq‡bi Drm wbwe©‡k‡l RvZxq msm‡`i ¯•xKvi, mycÖxg †Kv‡U©i Pxd Rvwóm, Pxd B‡jKkb
Kwgkbvi, gnv wnmve wbix¶K I wbqšêK Ges cvewjK mvwf©m Kwgk‡bi †Pqvig¨vb wb‡R‡`i Ges
Aaxb¯’ Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i we‡`k åg‡Y Aby‡gv`b cÖ`vb Ki‡eb|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.44

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

3| wbæwjwLZ Kg©KZ©vM‡Yi we‡`k åg‡Y mswk−ó gšêYvj‡qi `vwq‡Z¡ wb‡qvwRZ gšêx/cÖwZgšêxi Aby‡gv`b
cÖ‡qvRb n‡et-

(K) åg‡Y evsjv‡`k miKvi/ms¯’v wKsev ˆe‡`wkK F‡Yi A‡_©i ms‡k−l bv _vK‡j 1bs Aby‡”Q‡`
ewY©Z Kg©KZ©v Qvov gšêYvjq I Awa`ßi/cwi`߇i Kg©iZ RvZxq †eZbμg 6300-8050
UvKv I Z`Åa© †eZbμ‡gi mKj Kg©KZ©v Ges ¯^kvwmZ/¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ ms¯’vq Kg©iZ RvZxq
†eZbμg 7100-8700 UvKv Gi E‡a©i †eZbμ‡gi mKj Kg©KZ©v|

(L) åg‡Y evsjv‡`k miKvi/¯^kvwmZ ms¯’v/¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ ms¯’vi A‡_©i ms‡k−l _vK‡j Aby‡gvw`Z
ev‡R‡U A_© eivÏ (ˆe‡`wkK gy`ªvmn) mv‡c‡¶ 2850-5155 UvKv †_‡K 7100-8700 UvKv
†eZbμ‡gi mKj Kg©KZ©v|

4| wb¤§wjwLZ Kg©KZ©vM‡Yi we‡`k åg‡Y mswk−ó gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi mwPe/fvicÖvß AwZwi³/hyM¥-mwPe Gi

Aby‡gv`b cÖ‡qvRb n‡et-

(K) åg‡Y evsjv‡`k miKvi/ms¯’v wKsev ˆe‡`wkK F‡Yi A‡_©i ms‡k−l bv _vK‡j gšêYvj‡q Kg©iZ
RvZxq †eZbμg 6300-8050 UvKv Gi wb‡¤§i Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix Ges Awa`ßi/cwi`߇i
Kg©iZ RvZxq †eZbμg 2850-5155 UvKv †_‡K 8400-7250 UvKv Gi Ašèf©Å³ mKj

(L) åg‡Y evsjv‡`k miKvi/ms¯’vi A‡_©i ms‡k−l _vK‡j †eZbμg 2850-5155 UvKv Gi wb‡¤§i
mKj Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix|

5| ˆe‡`wkK åg‡Y evsjv‡`k miKvi/¯^kvwmZ ms¯’v/¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ ms¯’v wKsev ˆe‡`wkK F‡Yi A‡_©i
†Kvb ms‡k−l bv _vK‡jt-

(K) wefvMxq Kwgkbvi, †Rjv cÖkvmK Ges Dc‡Rjv wbe©vnx Awdmv‡ii Awd‡m Kg©iZ RvZxq
†eZbμg 6300-8050 UvKv Gi wb‡¤§i †eZbμ‡gi 1g I 2q †kªYxi Kg©KZ©v‡`i we‡`k
åg‡Y ms¯’vcb mwP‡ei Aby‡gv`b cÖ‡qvRb n‡e| GB `ßimg‚‡ni A‡NvwlZ Kg©Pvix‡`i we‡`k
åg‡Yi AbygwZ mswk−ó wefvMxq/†Rjv ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©vMY cÖ`vb Ki‡eb|

(L) Awa`ßi/cwi`߇ii 2q †kªYxi Kg©KZ©v I A‡NvwlZ Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i (2850-5155 UvKv

Gi wb‡¤§i †eZbμ‡gi) we‡`k åg‡Yi AbygwZ Awa`ßi/cwi`ßi cÖavb cÖ`vb Ki‡eb Ges
gšêYvjq‡K AewnZ Ki‡eb|

(M) ¯^kvwmZ ms¯’v/¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ ms¯’vi RvZxq †eZbμg 7100-8700 UvKv Ges Gi wb‡¤§i
†eZbμ‡gi mKj Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i we‡`k åg‡Y Aby‡gv`b mswk−ó ms¯’vi cÖavb cÖ`vb
Ki‡eb Ges cÖkvmwbK gšêYvjq‡K AewnZ Ki‡eb| wek¦we`¨vj‡qi fvBm P¨v‡ÝjiMY 7100-
8700 UvKv †eZbμ‡gi D‡×©i mKj wk¶KM‡Yi AbwaK wZb gv‡mi we‡`k åg‡YI Aby‡gv`b
cÖ`vb Ki‡eb|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.45

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

6| Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i åg‡Y ˆe‡`wkK F‡Yi A‡_©i ms‡k−l _vK‡j hw` Pzw³i g‡a¨ Zv AšèfÅ©³ _v‡K
Ges ågYKvj AbwaK 15 w`b nq Z‡e mswk−ó gšêYvj‡qi gšêx/cÖwZgšêx Ges Pzw³i g‡a¨ Ašèf©‚³ bv
_vK‡j wKsev ågYKvj 15 w`‡bi AwaK n‡j cÖavbgšêxi Aby‡gv`b cÖ‡qvRb n‡e|

7| mKj Aby‡gv`bKvix KZ„©c‡¶i wbKU Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i we‡`k åg‡Yi cÖ¯ève †ckKv‡j wb‡¤§i
Z_¨vw` cÖ`vb Ki‡Z n‡et-

(K) åg‡Yi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv Ges åg‡Yi D‡Ï‡k¨i mv‡_ g‡bvbxZ Kg©KZ©vi Dc‡hvwMZv
(L) ågYKvj (we‡`‡k Ae¯’vb Ges hvZvqv‡Zi mgq c„_Kfv‡e D‡j−L Ki‡Z n‡e)
(M) e¨‡qi Drm Ges åg‡Y evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii A‡_©i ms‡k−l _vK‡j ev‡R‡U (ˆe‡`wkK gy`ªvi
ev‡RUmn) †gvU eivÏ, nvj bvMv` e¨wqZ A_© cÖ¯vè weZ åg‡Yi ci w¯’wZ Ae¯’vi weeiYx I LvZ
Iqvix e¨‡qi wefvRb
(N) FY Pzw³i Ašèf©Å³ åg‡Yi ‡¶‡Î åg‡Yi †gqv` 15 w`‡bi AwaK n‡j åg‡Yi d‡j miKvi
†hfv‡e jvfevb n‡e Zvi eY©bv
(O) cÖK‡í wb‡qvwRZ Kg©KZ©vM‡Yi †¶‡Î Aby‡gvw`Z cÖKí Q‡K we‡`k ågY Ges G msμvšè e¨‡qi
mywbw`©ó A‡_©i ms¯’vb
(P) weMZ GK eQ‡ii ågb weeiYx (åg‡Yi ZvwiL †_‡K cÅe©eZ©x GK eQ‡ii) Ges
(Q) we‡`‡k Õ‡Wwj‡MkbÓ †cÖi‡Yi †¶‡Î †h ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v‡K †cÖi‡Yi Aby‡iva Kiv n‡q‡Q Zvi
8| e¨w³MZ Kv‡R we‡`k åg‡Yi †¶‡Î GKB ch©v‡qi KZ©„c‡¶i Aby‡gv`b cÖ‡qvRb n‡e Ges Giƒc
åg‡Y miKvi/ms¯’v/F‡Yi A_© e¨q RwoZ _vK‡e bv|

9| åg‡Yi cÖ¯ève Aby‡gv`‡bi cŇe© mswk−ó KZ©„c¶ wewfbœ mgq we‡`k ågY/cÖwk¶‡Yi wel‡q RvixK…Z
mKj bxwZgvjv (†hLv‡b hv cÖ‡hvR¨) Abym„Z n‡q‡Q wK bv Zv wbwðZ Ki‡eb|

10| `jMZfv‡e we‡`k åg‡Yi †¶‡Î `‡ji m‡ev©”P ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvixi ågY Aby‡gv`bKvix
KZ©„c‡¶i wbKU †_‡K mK‡ji åg‡Y Aby‡gv`b cÖ‡qvRb n‡e|

11| gšêYvj‡qi `vwqZ¡cÖvß gšêx I mwPe/fvicÖvß AwZwi³/hyM¥-mwPeM‡Yi GK‡Î we‡`k ågY mvaviYfv‡e
cwinvi Kiv n‡e| RvZxq ¯^v‡_© we‡kl †¶‡Î (†hgb wek¦e¨vsK I AvB, Gg, Gd BZ¨vw`i evwl©K mfv,
`vZv †Mvôxi mfv BZ¨vw`) GK‡Î we‡`k ågY Acwinvh© n‡j AZ¨šè mxwgZ †¶‡Î Gi e¨Z¨q Kiv
†h‡Z cv‡i|

12| we‡`‡k ågYKv‡j ¯^vgx/¯êx (¯•vDm) mnMvgx/AbzMvgx n‡j Zuvi †¶‡ÎI GKB KZ©„c‡¶i Aby‡gv`b
cÖ‡qvRb n‡e| G msμvšè cÖ¯èv‡e e¨‡qi Drm eY©bv Ki‡Z n‡e Ges †Kvb μ‡gB GB åg‡Y evsjv‡`k
miKvi/ms¯’v/F‡Yi A_© e¨q Kiv hv‡e bv|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.46

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

13| ¯^kvwmZ ms¯’v‡K Awc©Z (†Wwj‡M‡UW) ¶gZv †cÖl‡Y wb‡qvwRZ/Kg©iZ Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i ‡¶‡ÎI
cÖ‡hvR¨ n‡e, Z‡e Giƒc we‡`k åg‡Yi AbygwZ cÖ`v‡bi welq gÅj wb‡qvMKvix KZ©„c¶‡K AewnZ
Ki‡Z n‡e|

14| mswk−ó gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi mwPe/fvicÖvß AwZwi³ mwPe/hyM¥-mwPe Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i ˆe‡`wkK

ågY/cÖwk¶Y bxwZgvjvi AbymiY wbwðZ Ki‡eb| cÖ‡Z¨K gšêYvjq/wefvM‡K mKj ˆe‡`wkK ågY
msμvšè GKwU evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b cieZ©x eQ‡ii Rvbyqvix gv‡mi g‡a¨ cÖavbgšêxi Ae‡jvK‡bi Rb¨
†ck Ki‡Z n‡e|

15| GB Av‡`k Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki n‡e Ges G msμvšè cŇe©i mKj Av‡`k evwZj e‡j MY¨ n‡e|

ivóªcwZi Av‡`kμ‡g

(Wt KvgvjDwÏb wmwÏKx)

cÖavbgšêxi mwPe|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.47

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

cÖavbgšêxi Kvh©vjq
cyivZb msm` feb
16-10-1995 Bs
cÎ msL¨v ZvwiL 1-07-1402 evsjv

welq t we‡`k åg‡Yi AbygwZ cÖ`vb msμvšè|

mÅÎ t cÖavbgšêxi Kvh©vj‡qi 31-3-92 Bs/17-12-98 evs Zvwi‡Li Av‡`k bs


Dc‡iv³ wel‡q mŇΠewY©Z Av‡`‡ki 10 bs Aby‡”Q‡`i bx‡P wb‡¤§v³ kãgvjv †hvM n‡e, Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h,
evsjv‡`k miKvi/ms¯’vi A_ev ˆe‡`wkK F‡Yi A‡_©i ms‡k−l _vK‡j †h †Kvb `jMZ åg‡Y gvbbxq
cÖavbgšêxi Aby‡gv`b cÖ‡qvRb n‡e|

2| mŇΠewY©Z Av‡`k Dc‡iv³ g‡g© ms‡kvwaZ e‡j we‡ewPZ n‡e| G Av‡`k Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki n‡e|

(Avãyj−vn& nvi“b cvkv)

cÖavbgšêxi mwPe|

16-10-1995 Bs
bs ZvwiL 1-07-1402 evsjv
m`q AeMwZ I cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi Rb¨ Abywjwc †cÖiY Kiv nj t

01| ¯•xKvi, RvZxq msm`|

02| cÖavb wePvicwZ, mycÖxg †KvU©|
03| cÖavb wbe©vPb Kwgkbvi|
04| †Pqvig¨vb, miKvix Kg© Kwgkb|
05| gnv wnmve wbix¶K I wbqšêK|
06| gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi mwPe/fvicÖvß AwZwi³ mwPe/ fvicÖvß hyM¥-mwPe|
07| mKj gšêx g‡nv`‡qi GKvšè mwPe|
08| mKj Awa`ßi/cwi`߇ii cÖavb|
09| mKj ¯^-kvwmZ ms¯’v/¯^vqËkvwmZ ms¯’v cÖavb|
10| mKj wefvMxq Kwgkbvi|

(Gg myjZvb gvngy` Lvb)

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.48
Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Annexure - 5G
(Page 5.49 to 5.54)

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

A_© gšêYvjq
A_© wefvM
cÖwewa kvLv-1

bs Ag/ Awe/wewa/†cbkb/3-wc-26/94/17
01-06-1994 Bs
ZvwiL t 18-02-1401 evs


welq t ‡emvgwiK miKvix PvKz‡i‡`i †cbkb gÄyix msμvšè cÖPwjZ wewa/ c×wZ mnRxKiY|

AemiRwbZ †cbkb I cvwievwiK †cbkb msμvšè eZ©gvb AvBb Kvbyb Ges cÖPwjZ wewa-weavb I c×wZi
RwUjZvi Kvi‡Y A‡bK †¶‡Î miKvix PvKz‡i‡`i †cbkb gÄyix wejw¤^Z nq| Dnv wbimbK‡í †cbkb gÄyix
msμvšè cÖPwjZ wewa ms‡kvab I c×wZ mnRxKi‡Yi j‡¶¨ mswk−ó mKj KZ…©c‡¶i gZvgZ MÖnY cÅe©K miKvi
wb‡æ ewY©Z wm×všè MÖnY Kwiqv‡Qb|

2| AemiRwbZ †cbkb
2.01| Kj¨vY Kg©KZv©

Aemi MÖnYKvix miKvix PvKz‡i‡`i †cbkb †KBm cÖwμqvKi‡Y mnvqZv Kivi Rb¨ cÖ‡Z¨K
gšêYvjq/wefvM KZ…©K GKRb Kg©KZv©‡K ÔKj¨vY Kg©KZv©Õ wnmv‡e g‡bvbxZ Kwi‡Z nB‡e| Awdm
cÖavb Zuvnvi Kv‡Ri weeiY w¯’i Kwiqv w`‡eb|

2.02| mvwf©m eyK msi¶Y

mswk−ó gšêYvjq/wefvM/Awdm, bb-‡M‡R‡UW PvKz‡i‡`i 2 (`yB) Kwc mvwf©m eyK h_vh_ fv‡e cÅiY
Kwiqv cÖwZ ermi nvj bvMvZ Kwievi cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kwi‡eb| mvwf©m ey‡K †Kvb NlvgvRv/
A®•óZv MÖnY‡hvM¨ nB‡e bv, ®•ófv‡e wjwLZ _vwK‡Z nB‡e| mvwf©m ey‡K Rb¥ ZvwiL msL¨vq I
K_vq wjwL‡Z nB‡e| gÅj mvwf©m eyK wb‡qvMKvix KZ…©c‡¶i Awd‡m iw¶Z _vwK‡e, Z‡e D³ PvKz‡i
e`jx nB‡j mvwf©m ey‡Ki gÅj KwcwU PvKz‡ii e`jxK…Z Kg©¯’‡j †cÖiY Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

wØZxq KwcwU mswk−ó PvKz‡ii wbKU n¯èvšèi Kwi‡Z nB‡e| †Kvb msMZ KviY e¨ZxZ Ômvwf©m eyKÕ nvj
bvMv` bv _vwK‡j mswk−ó cÖkvmwbK KZ„©c¶ `vqx Kg©KZv©/Kg©Pvix‡`i wei“‡× `vwqZ¡/KZ©e¨ Ae‡njvi
`v‡q kvw¯ègÅjK e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kwi‡eb|

cÖwZ ermi †di“qvix gv‡m mvwf©m eyK nvj bvMv` Aek¨B Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.49

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

2.03 Kg©KZv©‡`i PvKzixi weeiY msi¶Y

cÖkvmwbK gšêYvjq/ wefvM †M‡R‡UW miKvix PvKz‡i‡`i PvKzix msμvšè mKj Z_¨vw` h_v Kg©KZv©‡`i
wb‡qvM PvKzix‡Z ¯’vqxKiY, c‡`vbœwZ, c`vebwZ, kvw¯è, QywU, D”PZi †¯‹j (UvBg †¯‹j), wm‡jKkb
†MÖW †¯‹j cÖ`vb, Aemi MÖnY, g„Zy¨ BZ¨vw` hveZxq Z_¨ msi¶‡Yi Rb¨ †K›`ªxqfv‡e cwiwPwZ b¤^i
cÖ`vb Kwiqv msi¶Y Kwi‡eb| m¤¢e nB‡j GB me Z_¨ Kw¤•DUv‡i msi¶‡Yi e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kwi‡Z

2.04| Aemi MÖnYKvix‡`i ZvwjKv cÖbqY

cÖkvmwbK gšêYvjq/wefvM/Awa`ßi/cwi`ßi/`ßi ¯^-¯^ wbqšêYvaxb miKvix PvKz‡i‡`i g‡a¨ hvnviv
cieZx© cwÄKv e‡l© Aemi cÖ¯‘wZ QywU‡Z hvB‡eb Zuvnv‡`i bvg, c`ex, Kg©¯’j Rb¥ ZvwiL, I Aemi
cÖ¯‘wZ QywU Avi‡¤¢i ZvwiL D‡j−L cÅe©K GKwU ZvwjKv cÖwZ Rvbyqvix, GwcÖj, RyjvB, A‡±vei ˆÎgvwmK
wfwˇZ nvj bvMv` Kwiqv ZvwjKvq Abywjwc mswk−ó PvKz‡ii `ßi cÖavb AwWU Awdm I Avevmb
cwi`߇i (miKvix evmvq emevmKvix‡`i †¶‡Î) Aemi cÖ¯‘wZ QywU Avi‡¤¢i Zvwi‡Li Kgc‡¶ GK
ermi cŇe© †cÖiY Kwi‡eb| AZtci Awdm cÖavb ZvwjKvfy³ PvKz‡i‡`i wbKU nB‡Z †cbkb gÄyixi
Av‡e`bcÎ cÖkvmwbK KZ…©c‡¶i wbKU Rgv w`‡eb| cÖkvmwbK KZ…©c¶ cix¶v wbix¶v cÅe©K cÖvß
†cbkb gÄyix Av‡e`bcÎ cvuP gv‡mi g‡a¨ mswk−ó AwWU Awd‡m Av‡e`bKvix‡K AeMZ ivwLqv,
†cÖiY Kwi‡eb|

2.05| Aemi MÖn‡Yi cŇe© B, Gj, wc, wm, (cÖZ¨vkvgÅjK †kl †eZb cÎ)
(Expected Last Pay Certificate)
miKvix PvKz‡i Aemi cÖ¯‘wZ QywU‡Z Mg‡bi 11 (GMvi) gvm cŇe© Zuvnvi Aemi cÖ¯‘wZ QywU‡Z
hvIqvi Zvwi‡L Ges Aemi MÖn‡Yi cŇe©i Zvwi‡L †kl AvniY‡hvM¨/wbav©iY‡hvM¨ †eZ‡bi wfwˇZ
AwWU Awdm/ Avqb I e¨qb Kg©KZv© B, Gj, wc, wm, (ms‡hvRbx-1) Rvix Kwi‡eb| D³ †eZb c‡Î
Aemi MÖn‡Yi cÅe© ch©šè hw` †Kvb evwl©K †eZb e„w× _v‡K †m‡¶‡Î ewa©Z †eZ‡bi cwigvY I ZvwiL
D‡j−L Kwi‡Z nB‡e| Aemi cÖ¯‘wZ QywU‡Z hvIqvi Zvwi‡L cÖvc¨ QywU, fwel¨ Znwe‡ji my` mn Rgv
Ges miKv‡ii cvIbv msμvšè Z_¨vw` AwMÖg wnmve Kwiqv D³ B, Gj, wc, wm-‡Z D‡j−L Kwi‡Z
nB‡e| B, Gj, wc, wm cÖvwßi ci PvKzix msμvšè †Kvb cwieZ©b NwU‡j cÖkvmwbK KZ…©c¶ KZ©„K AwWU
Awdm I mswk−ó PvKz‡i‡K AeMZ ivwL‡Z nB‡e|

2.06| †cbkb gÄyixi mgqmxgv

†cbk‡bi Av‡e`b cÎ cÖvwßi 5 (cvuP) gv‡mi g‡a¨ cÖkvmwbK/†cbkb gÄyiKvix KZ…©c¶ mswk−ó
PvKz‡i‡`i PvKzixi weeiYx/mvwf©m eyK nvj bvMv` Kwi‡eb Ges mswk−ó PvKz‡ii PvKzixi †kl 3 (wZb)
erm‡ii †iK‡W©i wfwˇZ Zuvnvi wbKU miKv‡ii †`bv-cvIbv AwMÖg wnmve Kwiqv mswk−ó KZ…©c‡¶i
wbKU nB‡Z bv`vex cÖZ¨vqb cÎ msMÖn Kwi‡eb| AZtci miKv‡ii cvIbv A‡_©i wnmve wbi“cb Ges
Dnv Av`v‡qi e¨e¯’v Kwiqv KZ…©c¶ †cbkb gÄyixcÎ Rvix Kwi‡eb Ges †cbkb cwi‡kvacÎ
(wcwcI) Rvixi Rb¨ †cbkb gÄyixi KvMRcÎ mswk−ó AwWU Awd‡m †cÖiY Kwi‡eb| †cbk‡bi
wcwcI‡Z Zuvnvi DËivwaKvixi bvg, †cbkbv‡ii mwnZ m¤•K©, ˆeevwnK Ae¯’v I eqm BZ¨vw` D‡j−L
_vwK‡Z nB‡e| cÖPwjZ wc, wc, I, Gi cÖ_g c„ôvq Dnv Ašè©fz³ _vwK‡e (ms‡hvRbx-2)|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.50

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

2.07| AwMÖg Zvwi‡Li (Post-Dated) †PK cÖ`vb

AwWU Awdm †cbkb gÄyixi KvMRcÎ cÖvwßi 1 (GK) gv‡mi g‡a¨ KvMRcÎ hvPvB Kwiqv †cbkb
msμvšè mKj AwWU AvcwË cÖkvmwbK KZ©„c¶ I AwWU Awdm KZ„©K wb¯•wË KivBqv †cbkb
cwi‡kva cÎ (wcwcI) Rvix Kwi‡eb| Gj wc Avi Av‡`‡ki wZb gvm Av‡M evi gv‡mi QywUi Avw_©K
gÄyix I cÖwf‡W›U dv‡Ûi me©‡kl w¯’wZ cÖ`v‡bi Av‡`k (mswk−óè gšêYvjq/wefvM/Awa`ßi/`ßi KZ…©K)
GKB mv‡_ Rvix Kwi‡Z nB‡e| mswk−ó PvKz‡i Av‡`k cÖvwßi ci wej `vwLj Kwi‡eb| wej cÖvwßi ci
cÖvc¨ QywUi (m‡ev©”P 12 gv‡mi gÅj †eZ‡bi mgcwigvY) UvKv I fwel¨r Znwe‡ji RgvK…Z myy`mn
(cÖ‡hvR¨ †¶‡Î) UvKv Aemi cÖ¯‘wZgÅjK QywU‡Z hvIqvi 2 (`yB) gvm cŇe© AwWU Awdm †cvó †W‡UW
†P‡Ki gva¨‡g mswk−ó PvKz‡ii Awdm cÖav‡bi wbKU †cÖiY Kwi‡eb|
Awdm cÖavb mswk−ó PvKz‡i‡K Aemi cÖ¯‘wZ QywU‡Z hvIqvi 1 (GK) gvm cŇe© D³ †PK n¯èvšèi
Kwi‡eb| wcwcI mn Avby‡Zvwl‡Ki UvKv Aemi MÖn‡Yi 3 (wZb) gvm cŇe© AwWU Awdm †cvó †W‡UW
†P‡Ki gva¨‡g mswk−ó PvKz‡ii Awdm cÖav‡bi wbKU ‡cÖiY Kwi‡eb Ges Awdm cÖavb mswk−ó PvKz‡i‡K
Aemi MÖn‡Yi 1 (GK) gvm cŇe© D³ wcwcI †PK AvbyôvwbKfv‡e n¯èvšèi Kwi‡eb|

2.08| KZ©…e¨ Ae‡njvi Kvi‡Y kvw¯ègÅjK e¨e¯’v

‡cbkb gÄyixi mv‡_ RwoZ †Kvb PvKz‡i hw` wba©vw©iZ mgqmxgv Abyhvqx †cbkb †KBm wb¯•wˇZ
e¨_© nb, Zvnv nB‡j mswk−ó PvKz‡ii wei“‡× `vwqZ¡nxbZv/KZ©e¨ Ae‡njvi `v‡q k„sLjv I Avcxj wewa
Abyhvqx kvw¯ègÅjK e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kiv nB‡e|
2.09| †cÖl‡Y _vKvKvjxb mg‡q m¨vjvix I †cbkb Kw›UªweDkb

‡`‡ki Af¨šè‡i wewfbœ ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ/Avav-¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ ms¯’v/K‡cv©‡ikb/ivóªvqZ¡ evwYwR¨K e¨vsK/A_©

jMœx cÖwZôvb/¯’vbxq miKvi cÖwZôvb mgy‡n †cÖl‡Y wb‡qvwRZ _vKvKvjxb mg‡qi Rb¨ miKvix
PvKz‡i‡`i jxf m¨vjvix I †cYkb Kw›UªweDkb miKvix Lv‡Z Rgv †`Iqvi eZ©gvb cÖ_v wejyß Kiv
nBj| GB myweav cŇe© †cÖl‡Y wb‡qvwRZ miKvix PvKz‡i‡`i Rb¨I cÖ‡hvR¨ nB‡e| Z‡e we‡`kx
miKvi/ms¯’vq †cÖl‡Y Kg©iZ miKvix PvKz‡i‡`i jxf m¨vjvix I †cbkb Kw›UªweDkb cÖ`v‡bi cÖ_v
cÖPwjZ wewa Abyhvqx Pvjy _vwK‡e|

2.10| weZwK©Z PvKzixKvj

weZ©wKZ PvKzixKvj ev` w`qv Aewkó †cbkb‡hvM¨ PvKzix 25 (cuwPk) ermi A_ev Z`y‡×©i †¶‡Î cÅY©
nv‡i †cbkb gÄyi Kwi‡Z nB‡e| weZ©wKZ PvKzixKv‡ji Kvi‡Y †cbkb AvUKvBqv ivLv hvB‡e bv|

2.11| †cbkb †KBm wb¯•wËi AMÖMwZ cwi`k©b

wba©vwiZ mgqmÅPx Abyhvqx †cbkb gÄyix Kvh©μg m¤•bœ Kiv nB‡Z‡Q wKbv Zvnv mswk−ó
cÖkvmwbK/†cbkb gÄyiKvix Awdm I AwWU Awd‡mi DaŸ©Zb Kg©KZv© g‡bvbxZ Kj¨vb Kg©KZv©i
gva¨‡g wbqwgZ gwbUwis Kwiqv cwi`k©b ewn‡Z gšèe¨ wjwce× Kwi‡eb|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.51

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

2.12| mvgwqK †cbkb cÖ`vb

†h mKj †cbkb †KBm Ôbv`vex cÖZ¨vqb cÎÕ A_ev †cbkb Ab¨vb¨ cª‡qvRbxq KvMR cÎvw`i Afv‡e
wb¤•wË Kiv m¤¢e bv nq †mB mKj †¶‡Î mswk−ó PvKz‡i/DËivwaKvixi Av‡e`bμ‡g cÖvc¨
Avby‡Zvwl‡Ki kZKiv 80 fvM Ges cÖvc¨ cÅY© bxU †cbkb mvgwqK fv‡e cÖ`vb Kwi‡Z nB‡e|
cieZx©Kv‡j AbwaK 6 (Qq) gv‡mi g‡a¨ mswk−ó Awdm cÖ‡qvRbxq KvMRcÎvw` msMÖn Kwiqv †cbkb
†KBmwU Pzovšè Kwi‡eb| Ab¨_vq D³ 6 (Qq) gvm AwZμvšè nIqvi Ae¨ewnZ ci mvgwqKfv‡e cÖ`Ë
bxU †cbkb, †cbkbv‡ii wbR¯^ weeiYxi wfwˇZ Pzovšè Kwi‡Z nB‡e Ges Avby‡Zvwl‡Ki evKx Ask
cwi‡kva Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

2.13| ‡cbkb mgc©b

eZ©gv‡b GKRb PvKz‡i Zvunvi MÖm †cbk‡bi kZKiv 50 fvM mgc©b Kwiqv GKKvjxb Avby‡ZvwlK
cÖvc¨ nb| †h mKj PvKz‡i GB Av‡`k Kvh©Ki nIqvi Zvwi‡L A_ev Zvnvi c‡i Aemi MÖnY
Kwi‡eb, Zvnviv B”Qv cÖKvk Kwi‡j Aewkó MÖm †cbk‡bi 50 fvMI GKev‡i mgc©b Kwiqv Dnvi
cwie‡Z© cÖPwjZ wewbgq nv‡ii A‡a©K nv‡i Avby‡ZvwlK MÖnY Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb| D³ Aewkó 50 fvM
MÖm †cbkb GKev‡i mgc©‡bi welqwU †cbk‡bi cÖ_g Av‡e`bc‡Î mywbw`©ó fv‡e D‡j−L Kwi‡Z
nB‡e, cieZx© mg‡q ev LÛ LÛ fv‡e mgc©‡bi †Kvb Av‡e`b MÖnY†hvM¨ nB‡e bv|

3| cvwievwiK †cbkb
3.01| DËivwaKvix g‡bvbqb
cvwievwiK †cbk‡bi †¶‡Î mswk−ó PvKz‡i PvKzix‡Z _vKv Ae¯’vq A_ev cieZx© †h †Kvb mg‡q Zvunvi
cwiev‡ii †h †Kvb GK ev GKvwaK m`m¨‡K Zvunvi †cbk‡bi m¤•ÅY© ev Ask we‡k‡li DËivwaKvix
g‡bvbqb Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb| g‡bvbq‡bi AeZ©gv‡b Ges g„Z †cbkbv‡ii ¯êx/A_ev cwiev‡ii †Kvb
m`m¨ bv _vwK‡j cvwievwiK †cbkb I Avby‡ZvwlK cÖ`v‡bi †¶‡Î Zvnvi me©‡kl wbqšêYKvix KZ…©c¶
DËivwaKvix wbY©q Kwi‡eb| g„Z †cbkbv‡ii ¯êx cybivq weevn e܇b Ave× nb bvB GB g‡g© ¯’vbxq
†cŠimfv/BDwbqb cwil` †Pqvig¨vb/ †g‡UªvcwjUb GjvKvi †¶‡Î IqvW© Kwgkbv‡ii mvwU©wd‡K‡Ui
wfwˇZ me©‡kl wbqšêYKvix Kg©KZv© cÖ`Ë mvwU©wd‡KU MÖnY‡hvM¨ nB‡e| (ms‡hvRbx-3)| †KvU©
nB‡Z ÒmvK‡mkb mvwU©wd‡KUÓ cÖ`v‡bi eva¨evaKZv _vwK‡e bv|

3.02| cyÎ mšèv‡bi eqmmxgv

cvwievwiK †cbk‡bi †¶‡Î cyÎ mšèv‡bi eqm mxgv 21 nB‡Z 25 ermi DbœxZ Kiv nBj| cÖPwjZ
weav‡bi †hB mKj †¶‡Î cyÎ mšèv‡bi †Kvb eqm mxgv eZ©gv‡b D‡j−L bvB, †mB mKj †¶‡Î eqm
wbwe©‡k‡l mKj cyÎ mšèvb cvwievwiK †cbkb cÖvc¨ nB‡eb|
3.03| AweevwnZv/weaev/ZvjvK cÖvßv Kb¨vi eqmmxgv
‡cbkbvi‡`i Aemi MÖn‡Yi ZvwiL nB‡Z †gvU 15 ermi †gqv`Kvj cÅwZ©i †Kvb mgqKvj Aewkó
_vwK‡j GB Av‡`k Kvh©Ki nIqvi ZvwiL nB‡Z Aewkó mgqKv‡ji Rb¨ AweevwnZv/weaev/
ZvjvKcÖvßv Kb¨v eqm wbwe©‡k‡l m‡e©v”P 15 ermi †gqv`Kv‡ji Aewkó mgqKvj cÅwZ© ch©šè
cvwievwiK †cbkb cÖvc¨ nB‡eb|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.52

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

3.04| cÖwZeÜx mšèvb

cÖwZewÜZvi Kvi‡Y DcvR©‡b A¶g mšèvb GB Av‡`k Kvh©Ki nIqvi ZvwiL nB‡Z AvRxeb
cvwievwiK †cbkb cÖvc¨ nB‡eb| wbqšêbKvix KZ…©c¶ cÖwZeÜx mšèv‡bi cÖwZeÜxZvi ¯^c‡¶ cÖvß
Wv³vix mb` cÎ cÖwZ¯^v¶i Kwiqv †cbkb ‡ccv‡ii mv‡_ Rgv w`‡eb|

3.05| weaev ¯êxi †¶‡Î

cŇe© cÖPwjZ wbqg Abyhvqx †h mKj weaev ¯êx GB Av‡`k Kvh©Ki nIqvi Zvwi‡L cvwievwiK †cbkb
cvB‡Zb/cÖvc¨ nB‡Zb A_ev cieZx© mg‡q cÖvc¨ nB‡eb, Zvunviv cybwe©evn bv Kwi‡j GB Av‡`k
Kvh©Ki nIqvi ZvwiL nB‡Z AvRxeb cvwievwiK †cbkb cÖvc¨ nB‡eb| Z‡e Zvnviv †cbkb mgc©b
Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb bv|

3.06| Aemi MÖn‡Yi c‡i g„Zz¨i †¶‡Î cvwievwiK †cbk‡bi nvi

GKRb PvKz‡i Aemi MÖn‡Yi cŇe© g„Zz¨ eiY Kwi‡j Zvunvi cwievi †h nv‡i cvwievwiK †cbkb cÖvc¨
nB‡Zb, Aemi MÖn‡Yi ci g„Zz¨ eiY Kwi‡j GB Av‡`k Kvh©Ki nIqvi ZvwiL nB‡Z GKB nv‡i
Zvnvi cwievi /g‡bvbxZ e¨w³ cvwievwiK †cbkb cÖvc¨ nB‡eb|

3.07| AvÍnZ¨vi †¶‡Î †cbkb

AvÍnZ¨vi Kvi‡Y g„Z PvKz‡ii cwievi A_ev Zvunvi g‡bvbxZ (hw` _v‡K) e¨w³‡K ¯^vfvweK g„Zz¨i
b¨vq cÖPwjZ wewa Abyhvqx cvwievwiK †cbkb I Avby‡ZvwlK cÖ`vb Kiv nB‡e|

4| †cbkb msμvšè Ab¨vb¨ welqvejx

4.01| Ri“ix wfwËK †cbkb cÖ`vb

eva¨ZvgÅjK Aemi, A¶gZvRwbZ Aemi, †¯^”Qvq Aemi, g„Zz¨RwbZ Kvi‡Y †cbk‡bi †¶‡Î
Av‡e`b cÎ cÖvwßi 2 (`yB) gv‡mi g‡a¨ cÖkvmwbK KZ©c
„ ¶ Ges cieZx© 1 (GK) gv‡mi g‡a¨ AwWU
Awdm mKj AvbyôvwbKZv mgvcbv‡šè †cbkb gÄyix I wcwcI Rvix Kwi‡eb| Ab¨_vq GB ¯§vi‡Ki
2.12 Aby‡”Q` Abyhvqx mvgwqK †cbkb cÖ`vb Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

4.02| evwl©K †Mvcbxq cÖwZ‡e`b

†cbkb gÄyixi †¶‡Î miKvix PvKz‡ii evwl©K †Mvcbxq cÖwZ‡e`b we‡ePbvi cÖ‡qvRb nB‡e bv|

4.03| cÖkvmwbK KZ…©c¶ KZ…©K mZ¨vwqZ Z_¨vw` MÖnY

cÖkvmwbK KZ…©c¶ KZ…©K mZ¨vwqZ Rb¥ ZvwiL, bwgwb (g‡bvbxZ DËivwaKvix), cÖwZ¯^v¶i, bgybv
¯^v¶i BZ¨vw` AwWU Awd‡m cybt hvPvB e¨wZ‡i‡KB M„nxZ nB‡e| Z‡e Gwd‡WwfU Øviv Rb¥ ZvwiL
cwieZ©b Kwi‡j Zvnv MÖnY‡hvM¨ nB‡e bv|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.53

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

4.04| evox fvov msμvšè `vex

miKvix PvKz‡i‡`i †¶‡Î PvKzixi †kl 3 (wZb) erm‡ii †iK‡W©i wfwˇZ evox fvov cÖ`vb msμvšè
Avevmb cwi`ßi/mswk−ó Awdm nB‡Z Ôbv`vex cÖZ¨vqbcÎÕ cÖ`v‡bi Aby‡iva I Zvnv Av`v‡qi `vwqZ¡
cÖkvmwbK KZ„©c¶ cvjb Kwi‡eb| GK gv‡mi g‡a¨ Avevmb cwi`ßi cÖv_x©Z Ôbv`vex cÖZ¨vqbcÎÕ
cÖ`v‡b e¨_© nB‡j D³ AemiKvixi wbKU evox fvov msμvšè †Kvb cvIbv bvB ewjqv MY¨ Kiv

4.05| wW-nvd I wcwcI

AwWU Awdm wW-nvd (Disburser's half) Ges wcwcI h_vh_fv‡e cÅiY Kiv wbwðZ Kwi‡e| KvM‡Ri
gvb DbœZ Kiv Ges †cbkb eBwU fvjfv‡e euvav‡bvi e¨e¯’v ms¯’vcb gšêYvjq MÖnY Kwi‡e|

4.06| XvKv gnvbMixi †cbkbviM‡Yi †cbkb cÖ`vb

XvKv †Rjv wnmve i¶Y Awdm nB‡Z eZ©gv‡b hvunviv †cbkb D‡Ëvjb K‡ib Zvunv‡`i †cbkb wnmve
gnv wbqšêK (wmwRG)/mswk−ó cÖavb wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZv©i (wmGI) Kvh©vjq nB‡Z cÖ`v‡bi e¨e¯’v MÖnY
Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

4.07| †cbkb dig

GB Av‡`k Rvixi ZvwiL nB‡Z ms‡kvwaZ †cbkb dig (ms‡hvRbx-4) Ges cvwievwiK †cbkb dig
(ms‡hvRbx-5) e¨eüZ nB‡e| ms¯’vcb gšêYvjq cÖ‡qvRbxq chv©ß dig mieiv‡ni e¨e¯’v Kwi‡e|
di‡g D‡j−wLZ Z‡_¨i evwn‡i Avi †Kvb Z_¨ Aemi MÖnYKvix/DËvwaKvixi wbKU PvIqv hvB‡e bv|
ms‡hvRbx dig-4 Ges 5 wfbœ is Gi nB‡e| bZzb dig bv cvIqv ch©šè cyivZb dig e¨envi Kiv

4.08| fwel¨r Znwe‡j my`

†h mKj e¨w³ fwel¨r Znwe‡j Rgv UvKvi Dci my` MÖnY Kwi‡Z Awb”QyK Zvunv‡`i fwel¨r Znwe‡ji
my` Gi cwie‡Z© miKv‡ii Zid nB‡Z Puv`v/Aby`vb cÖ`v‡bi welq cieZx©‡Z we‡ePbv Kiv nB‡e|

5| GB ¯§vi‡K ewY©Z wm×všè mgyn Av‡`k Rvixi ZvwiL nB‡Z Kvh©Ki nB‡e|
6| GB ¯§viK e‡j †cbkb msμvšè cÖPwjZ wewa/ c×wZ Ges Av‡`k / ¯§viK BZ¨vw`i mswk−ó Ask
ms‡kvwaZ nBqv‡Q ewjqv MY¨ nB‡e|
7| GB ¯§^vi‡K ewY©Z nq bvB Ggb †Kvb welq m¤•‡K© eZ©gv‡b cÖPwjZ wewa-weavb/c×wZ/Av‡`k
cwieZ©b/cwiea©b/ms‡kvab bv nIqv ch©šè ejer _vwK‡e|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.54

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

Annexure - 5H
(Page 5.55 to 5.57)

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi

A_© gšêYvjq, A_© wefvM
ev¯èevqb I cÖwewa AbywefvM
cÖwewa kvLv-1

bs Ag/Awe/wewa-1/3wc-20/95/93/(2000), ZvwiL t 30-09-95Bs / 15-06-1402 evsjv

welq t †emvgwiK miKvix PvKz‡i‡`i †cbkb gÄyix msμvšè cÖPwjZ wewa/c×wZ mnRxKiY ¯§vi‡Ki 3.05
Dc-Aby‡”Q‡` ewY©Z weaev ¯êxi AvRxeb †cbkb cÖvc¨Zv cÖm‡½|

mÅÎ t A_© wefv‡Mi ¯§^vi‡Ki b¤^i Ag/Awe/wewa/†cbkb/3wc-26/94/17, ZvwiL t 01-06-1994Bs

Dc‡iv³ welq I mŇÎi Av‡jv‡K weaev ¯êxi AvRxeb †cbkb cÖvc¨Zv m¤•‡K© cix¶vμ‡g miKvi wbæ wjwLZ
wm×všè MÖnY Kwiqv‡Qbt-

A_© wefvM KZ„©K RvixK…Z 01-06-94 Bs Zvwi‡L †emvgwiK miKvix PvKz‡i‡`i †cbkb gÄyix msμvšè cÖPwjZ
wewa/ c×wZ mnRxKi‡Yi Ag/Awe/wewa/†cbkb/3wc-26/94/17 b¤^i ¯§^vi‡Ki 3.05 Dc-Aby‡”Q‡` hvnvB
_vKzK bv ‡Kb Dnv GZØviv ms‡kvwaZ we‡ePbvq †cbkb ‡fv‡Mi †gqv`Kvj I nvi wbwe©‡k‡l weaev ¯êx
cybwe©evn bv Kwi‡j 01-06-94Bs ZvwiL nB‡Z cyY© nv‡i AvRxeb †cbkb cÖvc¨ nB‡eb|

(‡gvt Av‡bvqvi DwÏb)

Dc-mwPe (cÖwewa)

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.55

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

PZz_© Aa¨vq
wewea mvKz©jvi
G÷vwe−k‡g›U g¨vby‡qj 1995 (f-2, c„t 780) nB‡Z msKwjZ
evsjv‡`‡ki gnv wnmve wbix¶K I wbqšê‡Ki Kvhv©jq
43, KvKivBj moK, XvKv-1000|

bs wmGwR/c×wZ-2/009/42 ZvwiL t 1-2-96Bs

Awdm Av‡`k

welq t †emvgwiK miKvix PvKz‡i‡`i †cbkb gÄyix msμvšè cÖPwjZ wewa/ c×wZ mnRxKi‡Yi ¯§vi‡Ki
3.05 Dc-Aby‡”Q‡` ewY©©Z weaev ¯êxi AvRxeb †cbkb cÖvc¨Zv cÖm‡½ |

mÅÎ t- †cbkb mnRxKiY msμvšè A_© gšêYvj‡qi cÎ bs Ag/Awe/wewa/†cbkb/3wc-26/94/97, ZvwiL

Dc‡iv³ Av‡`‡k wKQy wKQy ‡¶‡Î A®•óZv weivRgvb _vKvq K‡›Uªvjvi †Rbv‡ij Ae GKvD›Um †ek
wKQy mywbw`©ó D`vniY mn gšêYvj‡qi Kv‡Q e¨vL¨v †P‡q cvVvb| †h welq¸wj‡Z e¨vL¨v PvIqv n‡qwQj †m
welq¸wj Ges A_© gšêYvjq KZ…©K cÖ`Ë e¨vL¨v cÖ‡Z¨KwU D`vni‡Yi cv‡k QK AvKv‡i wb‡æ DׄwZ Kiv nj t-
A_© wefv‡Mi Reve 01-06-1994 Bs
wnmve gnv wbqšêK Kvh¨©vj‡qi wRÁvmv
ZvwiL nB‡Z eZ©gv‡b cÖPwjZ
1| (K) †h mKj weaev ¯êx 01-06-1994Bs Zvwi‡Li cŇe©B 15 (K) 1-6-94Bs ZvwiL nB‡Z AvRxeb
ermi cvwievwiK †cbkb †fvM Kwiqv‡Qb Zuvnviv cvwievwiK †cbkb cvB‡eb| Z‡e 1-
RxweZ _vwKqv ˆeae¨ Rxeb hvcb Kwi‡j AvRxeb 6-1994Bs Zvwi‡Li cŇe© †Kvb
cvwievwiK †cbkb cvB‡eb wKbv? D`vniY ¯^i“c ejv e‡Kqv cvB‡eb bv|
hvq †h weaev ¯êx wg‡mm ÔKÕ 15 erm‡ii cvwievwiK
†cbkb ev 15 erm‡ii Ae¨wqZ mgq cvwievwiK
†cbkb †fvM 31-05-85Bs Zvwi‡L mgvß Kwiqv‡Qb
wZwbI RxweZ _vwKqv cyb weevn bv Kwi‡j 01-06-
1994Bs ZvwiL nB‡Z cvwievwiK †cbkb cÖvc¨ wKbv ?
(L) hw` cÖvc¨ nb Z‡e †Kvb c×wZ Zuv‡`i †cbkb wbav©iY (L) cÖPwjZ wbqg/ c×wZ Abyhvqx
Kiv n‡e| cvB‡eb|
(M) †hgb wg‡mm ÔKÕ Zuvnvi g„Z ¯^vgxi bxU †cbkb (M) ¯^vgx †hB nv‡i cÖvc¨ wQ‡jb †mB nv‡i
1000/- UvKvi A‡a©K †cbkb 31-06-1994 ZvwiL weaev ¯êx cvB‡eb| Z‡e 1-6-94
D‡Ëvjb Kwiqv _vwK‡j wZwb 01-06-1994 ZvwiL Zvwi‡Li cŇe©i †Kvb e‡Kqv cvB‡eb
nB‡Z gvwmK 500/- UvKv cÖvc¨ nB‡eb bv, Zuvnvi bv|
¯^vgxi bxU †cbkb 1000/- UvKv wnmv‡e cÖvc¨

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.56

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 5 – Bangladesh Service Rules

A_© wefv‡Mi Reve 01-06-1994 Bs

wnmve gnv wbqšêK Kvh¨©vj‡qi wRÁvmv
ZvwiL nB‡Z eZ©gv‡b cÖPwjZ
(N) gvwmK 1000/- ev 500/- UvKv hvnvB cÖvc¨ nq Zvnvi (N) wewfbœ mg‡qi ewa©Z nv‡ii myweav
mv‡_ 31-05-85 nB‡Z 31-05-94 ch©šè wewfbœ †cbkb wbav©i‡Yi †¶‡Î cvB‡eb|
mg‡q wewfbœ nv‡i ewa©Z †cbkb †hvM Kwiqv 01-06- Z‡e 01-06-94 Zvwi‡Li cŇe©i
1994 ZvwiL nB‡Z cÖvc¨ nB‡eb wK bv ? e‡Kqv cÖvc¨ nB‡eb bv|

2| †h mKj †cbkbvi 01-06-94 Zvwi‡Li cŇe© ev c‡i 15 2| weaev ¯êx RxweZ _vwKqv ˆeae¨ Rxeb
ermi ev 15 erm‡ii AwaKiY †cbkb †fvM Kwiqv hvcb Kwi‡j AvRxeb cvwievwiK
g„Zz¨eiY Kwiqv‡Qb A_P Zvunvi weaev ¯êx RxweZ Av‡Qb †cbkb cÖvc¨ nB‡eb| Z‡e 01-06-
ZuvnviI cybt weevn bv Kwi‡j AvRxeb cvwievwiK †cbkb 94 Zvwi‡Li cŇe©i †Kvb e‡Kqv
cÖvc¨ nB‡eb wK bv? cÖ`vb Kiv nB‡e bv|

3| 30-09-95 Zvwi‡Li D³ Av‡`‡k cÅY© nv‡i D‡j−L Kiv 3| ¯^vgx †hB nv‡i †cbkb cvBqvwQj
nBqv‡Q, cÅY© nvi ewj‡Z weaev ¯êx †h nv‡i †cbkb Dnv‡K eySv‡bv nBqv‡Q|
cvB‡ZwQ‡jb Bnv‡K eySv‡bv nBqv‡Q, bv weaev ¯êxi ¯^vgx ‡h
nv‡i †cbkb cvBqvwQ‡jb Dnv‡K eySvBqv nBqv‡Q?

4| wecZœxK (¯^vgx) cvwievwiK †cbk‡bi AwaKvix nB‡j wZwb 4| wecZœxK (¯^vgx) Gi †¶‡Î AvRxeb
D³ Av‡`k e‡j AvRxeb cvwievwiK †cbkb cÖvc¨ nB‡eb cvwievwiK †cbk‡bi myweav cÖ‡hvR¨
wKbv? hw` nq Zuvnvi †¶‡Î cybtweev‡ni kZ© cÖ‡hvR¨ nB‡e b‡n|
wKbv ?

A_© gšêbvj‡qi cÖ‡Z¨KwU D`vniY-Gi †¶‡Î Avw_©K cÖvc¨Zv m¤•‡K© †h kZ© mv‡c‡¶ Av‡`k mgyn cÖ`vb
K‡i‡Qb †mB Av‡`k mgņni Dc‡i D‡j−wLZ A_© gšêYvj‡qi †cbkb mnRx Ki‡Yi gÅj Av‡`k †h ZvwiL †_‡K
Kvh©Ki n‡q‡Q GB e¨vL¨v¸‡jv cÖwZwU e¨vL¨vi A_© Abymv‡i GKB ZvwiL †_‡K Kvh©Ki Kiv n‡e| GK K_vq
e¨vL¨v mgyn Kvh©Ki Kivi †¶‡Î †h Avw_©K kZ© Av‡ivc Kiv n‡q‡Q ïaygvÎ †mB AskUzKz Qvov Ab¨vb¨ me
wel‡q e¨vL¨v mgyn cwicÅY©fv‡e Kvh©Ki n‡e e‡j Avw`ó n‡q Rvbv‡bv hv‡”Q|

(gxbv cviwfb)
AwZtDc-gnvwnmve wbix¶K I wbqšêK (c×wZ)
ZvwiL t 9/2/96 Bs

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 5.57

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 6 – Departmental Examination



For entry to cadre posts, [Assistant Engineer] the eligible candidates are required to appear in the
examination conducted by the Bangladesh Public Service Commission (PSC) as per provision of
Bangladesh Civil Service (Age, Qualification and Examination for Direct Recruitment) Rule, 1982.

The examination for recruitment to the cadre posts of Bangladesh Civil Service (Roads and
Highways) consist of the following subjects:

(a) Seven papers on compulsory subjects 700 marks.

(b) Academic attainments 600 "
(c) Viva voce test 200 "
(d) Psychological and Intelligence test 100 "
1600 marks.

Unless the Commission (PSC) otherwise directs, a candidate may opt for answering the questions
of the written paper either in Bengali or in English.

Qualifying Mark

The minimum pass marks is 45% in the aggregate in written examination, 40% in viva voce test,
and 40% in the psychology and intelligence tests. PSC selects as per provision of recruitment and
cadre strength.

Bengali 2 papers = 200, English 2 paper = 200,

General Knowledge = 200, Maths = 100



As per Bangladesh Civil Service Recruitment Rules, 1981 for the purpose of confirmation in
service, a person initially appointed to a service shall be required to undergo the following courses.

(a) Foundation course

This course is compulsory for the newly recruited officers of Bangladesh Civil Services
including Roads and Highway Department. The normal course duration is 4 months and is
held at The Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) Savar or at

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 6.1

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 6 – Departmental Examination

regional centres at Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi and Khulna. Normally the regional
centres conduct courses for non-gazetted staff, but due to large back-log, special
programme for 2 months Foundation course has been introduced at BPATC regional
centres and other locations. The back-log is excepted to be cleared by 1992 and there
after the duration of foundation course will become 4 months as prescribed in the
Bangladesh Recruitment Rules 1981.

b) No person shall be confirmed in the concerned service unless he has successfully

completed the training (Foundation Training), passed such DEPARTMENTAL
examinations as may be prescribed by order of the Government and also served the
period of probation.

Pay-Scale Examination Rules 1986

Ref: Memo No. RHE/2M-6/88-602 dated 24.03.1988 of the Ministry of Communications.

As per this rule for promotion to the pay scale of 2800-4425* one has to qualify in the examination
conducted by PSC which has been made compulsory. The guidelines are as follows: -

(a) Officer on cadre service on completion of 4 years service is eligible to appear in the
examination conducted by PSC starting from 5th to 9th year of service

(b) An officer failing to qualify after appearance in maximum 3 (three) nos. will not be allowed
to participate in the examination of 10th and 11th year of service

(c) For such cases an officer will be again allowed to appear in 3 examinations starting the
year 12th to 15th of service

(d) In case of failure in the examination, the officer will be allowed the pay scale of 2800-
4425* automatically. However he will be debarred for promotion to subsequent scale of

(* The pay scale is to be Tk. 7200 - 10840 as per revision of Nation Pay Scale 1997)

Foundation Training Course

Normally the duration of foundation training course will be four months. The subjects for foundation
training course will cover: -

(a) Bangladesh studies, history culture, resources and other aspects of the country

(b) Public Administration -Structure and functions etc

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 6.2

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 6 – Departmental Examination

(c) Economic development, welfare programmes, planning, budget, aid programmes, accounts
etc. An extension of foundation training course by about 15 days may be made and during
this period the officer who are to work in Roads and Highways Department are made
conversant with the procedures both administrative and accounts of Roads and Highways
Department. They can be introduced to the Departmental Manuals and taught by the officers
of department as members of guest faculty. Alternatively two weeks training can be given in
the department itself after the completion of foundation training course.

Departmental Examination

The examination will be conducted by PSC twice yearly (if possible in June -December) for 3
subjects (a) Act, Rule & Procedures (b) Accounts (c) Civil/Mechanical Engineering.

The qualifying mark is 60%.

The officer is expected to clear the examination in one or several attempts.

The Bangladesh Civil Service (Roads & Highways) Probational Training and Department
Examination Rule 1992 is shown in Annexure - 6A.

Training and Examinations

On entry to the Department, each Engineer is required to sit for the following
training/examination: -

(a) Foundation General About 4 months For confirmation in the service

(b) Departmental General/Accounts 300 Marks Do
Examination Technical
(c) Promotion Conducted by PSC - For eligibility to the higher
Examination scale Tk. 7200-10840

Foundation Training and Departmental examination are compulsory for all officers of Roads and
Highways Department with exceptions in the cases as provided by order and rules.

Advance Courses
BPATC is also conducting other courses besides Foundation Training Course:

i) Advance course on Administration and Development

ii) Senior Staff Course
iii) Short course
(a) Conduct & Discipline Course
Issue 1 January 2005 Page 6.3
Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 6 – Departmental Examination

(b) Human Relations Course for Police & Security Officers

(c) Team-Building Courses for Field-level Officers and Public Representatives
(d) Short Administrative Management Course
(e) Training of Trainers Course (TOT)
(f) Financial Rules & Discipline Course
(g) Computer Orientation and Application Course
(h) Research Methodology Course
(i) Office Management Course
(j) Public Enterprises Management Course etc.

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 6.4

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 6 – Departmental Examination

‡iwRóvW© bs wW G - Annexure - 6A

evsjv‡`k †M‡RU

AwZwi³ msL¨v
KZ…©K cÖKvwkZ
iweevi, gvP© 1, 1992
MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi
‡hvMv‡hvM gšêYvjq

ZvwiL, 11B dvêyb 1398 evs/24†k †deª“qvix, 1992 Bs

Gm,Avi I bs 43-AvBb/92- MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡bi 133 Aby‡”Q‡`i kZ©vs‡k cÖ`Ë ¶gZve‡j
ivóªcwZ, D³ msweav‡bi 140 (2) Aby‡”Q‡`i weavb †gvZv‡eK evsjv‡`k miKvix Kg© Kwgk‡bi mwnZ
civgk©μ‡g wbæiƒc wewagvjv cÖYqb Kwi‡jb t-

1| msw¶ß wk‡ivbvgv - GB wewagvjv evsjv‡`k wmwfj mvwf©m (moK I Rbc_) Gi wk¶vbwemM‡Yi

cÖwk¶Y I wefvMxq cix¶v wewagvjv, 1992 bv‡g AwfwnZ nB‡e |
2| msÁv - welq ev cÖms‡Mi cwicš’x wKQy bv _vwK‡j, GB wewagvjvq -

(K) ″KwgkbÓ A_© evsjv‡`k miKvix Kg© Kwgkb;

(L) ″ZdwmjÓ A_© GB wewagvjvi mwnZ ms‡hvwRZ Zdwmj;
(M) ″cÖwk¶Y cÖwZôvbÓ A_© †jvK cªkvmb cªwk¶Y †K›`ª ev GB wewagvjvi D‡Ï‡k¨ cyiYK‡í miKvi
KZ…©K wba©vwiZ Ab¨ †Kvb cÖwZôvb;
(N) ″wefvMxq cix¶vÓ A_© wewa 4 G D‡j−wLZ wefvMxq cix¶v;
(O) wk¶vbwek A_© evsjv‡`k wmwfj mvwf©m (moK I Rbc_) Gi ¯’vqx kyb¨ c‡` cÖviw¤¢Kfv‡e wbh~³
†Kvb e¨w³,
(P) wk¶vbwek A_© Bangladesh Civil Service Recruitment Rules, 1981 Gi Rule 6 G
D‡j−wLZ †gqv` Ges D³ rule Abymv‡i ewa©Z ev ewa©Z ewjqv MY¨ †gqv` Bnvi Ašèfy©³ nB‡e |
3| eywbqvw` cÖwk¶Y
(1) miKvi cÖ‡Z¨K wk¶vbwek‡K Zvnvi wk¶vbwekKv‡j Bangladesh Civil Service Recruitment
Rules, 1981 Gi Rule 7 Gi Abymv‡i †Kvb cÖwk¶Y cÖwZôvb eywbqvw` cÖwk¶Y `v‡bi e¨e¯’v
Kwi‡e |
(2) Dc-wewa (1) Gi Aax‡b miKvi eywbqvw` cÖwk¶‡Yi e¨e¯’v Kwi‡j mswk−ó wk¶vbwek D³
cÖwk¶‡Y AskMÖnb Kwiqv Dnv mdjZvi mwnZ mgvß Kwi‡jb |

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 6 – Departmental Examination

(3) mswk−ô cÖwk¶Y cÖwZôvb eywbqvw` cÖwk¶‡Yi cvV¨μg, cix¶v c×wZ I Ab¨vb¨ cÖmswMK welq
wba©viY Kwi‡Z cvwi‡e, Z‡e miKvi cÖ‡qvvRb‡ev‡a D³ cÖwZôvb‡K Zrm¤•‡K© cÖvmswMK wb‡`©k
w`‡Z cvwi‡e |
(4) cÖ‡Z¨K cÖwk¶Yv©_©x mdjZvi mwnZ eywbqvw` cÖwk¶Y mgvß Kwiqv‡Qb wKbv Zrm¤•‡K© mswk−ô
cÖwZôvb, cªwk¶Y mgvwßi ci, miKv‡ii wbKU GKwU cÖwZ‡e`b ‡ck Kwi‡e Ges GBiƒc
cÖwZ‡e`b mswk−ô cÖwk¶Yv_©xi evwl©K †Mvcbxq cÖwZ‡e`‡bi bw_‡Z iw¶Z _vwK‡e |
(5) ‡Kvb cÖwk¶Yv©_©x mdjZvi mwnZ eywbqvw` cÖwk¶Y mgvß Kwi‡Z bv cvwi‡j Dnv mgvß Kwievi
Rb¨ miKvi Zvnv‡K cybivq my‡hvM w`‡Z cvwi‡e |
4| wefvMxq cix¶v t
(1) wk¶vbwekKvj AwZμvšè nBevi cy‡e©B cÖ‡Z¨K wk¶vbwek‡K Zdwm‡j ewY©Z cvV¨μg Ges
wewagvjvi weavb Abymv‡i AbyywôZ wefvMxq cix¶vq cvm Kwi‡Z nB‡e |
(2) Zdwm‡j ewY©Z cvVμgfų cÖ_gcÎ (cy¯èK e¨ZxZ) I wØZxq cÎ (cy¯èKmn) Gi Dci
cyicÖ‡KŠkjx ev hvwšêK cÖ‡KŠkjx wbwe©‡k‡l mKj wk¶vbwe‡ki Ges Z…Zxq c‡Î ÔKÕ Ask (cy¯èK
e¨ZxZ) Gi Dci ïaygvÎ cyicÖ‡KŠkjx‡`i I ÔLÕ Ask (cy¯èK e¨ZxZ) Gi Dci ïaygvÎ hvwšêK
cÖ‡KŠkjx‡`i cix¶v M„nxZ nB‡e |
(3) wefvMxq cix¶v Kwgkb KZ©„KM„nxZ I cwiPvwjZ nB‡e|
5| wefvMxq cix¶vi mgqmyPx, BZ¨vw`- cÖwZ ermi `yBevi m¤¢e nB‡j Ryb I wW‡m¤^i gv‡m, wefvMxq
cix¶v AbywôZ nB‡e Ges Kwgkb D³ cix¶vi m¤¢^ve¨ mgqmÅPx I Avbymvw½K Z_¨vw` miKvi‡K AewnZ
Kwi‡e Ges miKvi Kwgk‡bi Pvwn`v †gvZv‡eK Zrm¤•‡K© cÖ‡qvRbxq Kvh©μg MÖnY Kwi‡e|
6| wefvMxq cix¶v cv‡ki b¤^i t
(1) Zcwm‡ji ewY©Z cvV¨μ‡gi wZbwU c‡Î cÖwZwU †¶‡Î †Kvb wk¶vbwek wefvMxq cix¶vq
kZKiv 60 b¤^i cvB‡j Zvnv‡K K…ZKvh© ewjqv †Nvlbv Kiv nB‡e|
(2) Kwgkb cÖ‡Z¨K wk¶vbwe‡ki cix¶vi djvdj †M‡R‡U cÖKvk Kwi‡e|
7| GKvwaKevi wefvMxq cix¶vi my‡hvM - †Kvb wk¶vbwem Kg©KZ©v wefvMxq cix¶vq Zdwm‡j D‡j−wLZ
mKj ev †Kvb wbw`©ó c‡Î GKev‡i K…ZKvh© nB‡Z bv cvwi‡j wZwb †h c‡Î ev cÎmgy‡n AK…ZKvh© nb,
Zvnvi wk¶vbwewkKv‡j †mB cÎ ev cÎmgŇni cix¶vq AskMÖnY Kwievi Rb¨ Zvnv‡K miKvi GK ev
GKvwaKevi my‡hvM cÖ`vb Kwi‡Z cvwi‡e|
8| cÖkœcÎ - (1) Zcwm‡j ewY©Z cÖ_g I Z…Zxq c‡Îi cÖkœcÎ miKv‡ii g‡bvbxZ Kg©KZ©v KZ©„K cÖYxZ
(2) wØZxq c‡Îi cÖkœcÎ gnv-wnmve wbix¶K A_ev ZrKZ…©K g‡bvbxZ Dc-wnmve wbqšê‡Ki
wb‡æ b‡nb Ggb GKRb Kg©KZ©v KZ…©K cÖbxZ nB‡Z nB‡e |
9| Zcwmj ms‡kvab - miKvi cÖ‡qvRb†ev‡a, Kwgk‡bi mwnZ civgk©μ‡g, miKvix †M‡R‡U cÖKvwkZ
cÖÁvcb Øviv Zdwmj ms‡kvab Kwi‡Z cvwi‡e|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 6.6

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 6 – Departmental Examination

evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, gvP© 1, 1992

[wewa 2 (L) `ª&óe¨]
we wm Gm (moK I Rbc_) Gi wk¶vbwek Kg©KZ©v‡`i wefvMxq cix¶v cvV¨μg
cÖ_g cÎ
AvBb, wewa I c×wZ (cy¯èK e¨ZxZ)
(mKj wk¶vbwe‡ki Rb¨)
mgq t 3 N›Uv
cÅY© b¤^i t 100 (cvk b¤^i 60)

cvV¨ welqmgÅn t

(K) Official Secrets Act 1923 (XIX of 1923)

(L) miKvix m¤•wËi wbivcËv I K¬vwmdvBW g¨v‡Uwiqvj e¨env‡ii wb‡`©kvejx |
(M) Government Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1985
(N) Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1979
(O) Rules of Business, 1975 (With upto date amendments)
(P) wm, wc, Wwe−D ÔwWÕ ‡KvW
(Q) Bangladesh Public Service Commission Regulations, 1979
(R) Bangladesh Civil Service Recruitment Rules, 1981
(S) MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`†ki msweavb
(T) The Public Employees (Punctual Attendance) ordinance, 1982 (XXXIV of 1982)
(U) The Government Servants (Special Provision) Ordinance, 1979 (XI of 1979)
(V) mwPevjq wb‡`©kgvjv, 1976 (ms‡kvabxmn)

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 6.7

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 6 – Departmental Examination

evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, gvP© 1, 1992

wØZxq cÎ
(mKj wk¶vbwe‡ki Rb¨)
wnmve (cy¯èK mn)
mgq t 3 N›Uv
cÅY© b¤^i t 100 (cvk b¤^i t 60)

cvV¨ welqmgÅn t

(K) Bangladesh Financial Rule

(L) Bangladesh Service Rules, Part-1 and Part II (with upto date amendments)
(M) Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules.
(N) Treasury Rules, (Volume I and II)
(O) General Provident Fund Rules, 1979.
(P) Public Servants (Retirement) Act, 1974 I Aemi MªnY
wewa, 1975|
(Q) Civil Accounts Code
(R) Group Insurance Ordinance, 1982 XXXIX of 1982
(S) Public Demands Recovery Act 1913 (III of 1913)
(T) Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959
(U) ev‡RU cÖ¯‘zZKiY
(V) moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii Avw_©K gÄyix / e¨q ¶gZv |
(W) wewfbœ gšêYvjq / wefvM / `ßi cÖavb‡K A_© gšêYvjq KZ©„K
¶gZv cÖ`vb|

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 6.8

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 6 – Departmental Examination

evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, gvP© 1, 1992

Z…Zxq cÎ
K Ask cyicÖ‡KŠkjx‡`i Rb¨
(cy¯èK mn)
mgq t 3 N›Uv
cÅY© b¤^i t 100 (cvk b¤^i 60)

cvV¨ welqmÅn t

1| evsjv‡`‡ki AvenvIqv I Pvwn`v Dc‡hvMx Ges cÖvß m¤•` Abyhvqx Dc‡hvMx moK wbg©v‡bi Rb¨
cwiKíbv I wWRvBb cÖbqY |
2| wewfbœ ai‡bi †mZzI Kvjfv‡U©i wWRvBb| evsjv‡`‡ki cwi‡ekMZ Ae¯’vq †Kvb ai‡bi †mZz I
KvjfvU© Dc‡hvMx †m mg‡Ü gšèe¨|
3| †mZzi Rb¨ cvB wWRvBb, Kvwós cvBj wjdwUs I WªBwfs|
4| msKU c_ c×wZ AbymiY Kwiqv eo I RwUj cÖKí g¨v‡bR‡g›U|
5| †mZz I KvjfvU©, iv¯èvNvU BZ¨vw`i cÖ‡qvRbxq Ges mg‡qvc‡hvMx †givgZ|
6| moK, †mZz I `vjv‡bi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq mKj ai‡bi wbg©vY mvgM©ª©xi ¸bv¸b cix¶v Ges Dc‡hvMxZv
evQvB (mvBU I j¨ve‡iUix Dfq ¯’v‡bB) moK, †mZz ev `vjv‡bi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq wfZ AbymÜvb Ges
wfwË ˆZixKiY|
7| moK I †mZz wbg©v‡Yi AaywbKZg cÖhyw³ Ges AvaywbKZg hbÎcvwZ|
8| gvbe m¯•` Avni‡Yi cwiKíbv cÖYqb Ges gvbe m¤•‡`i myôy Ges m‡ev©”P e¨envi|
9| `vjvb ˆZixi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq wfwË AbymÜvb, `vjvb wWRvBb I Dnvi wbg©vY BZ¨vw` |

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 6.9

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 6 – Departmental Examination

evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, gvP© 1, 1992

Z…Zxq cÎ
L Ask - hvwšêK cÖ‡KŠkjx‡`i Rb¨
(cy¯èK e¨ZxZ)
mgq t 3 N›Uv
cÅY© b¤^i t 100 (cvk b¤^i 60)

cvV¨ welqmgÅn t

1| ‡c‡Uªvj I wW‡Rj Bwćbi Kvh©bxwZ eY©bv AskmgÅn, Dfqwea Bwćbi `nb cÖwμqv, jyweª‡Kkb I
kxZjxKiY cÖwμqv, ‡eªªK I cvIqvi UªvÝwgkb|
2| Bwćbi μwU wPwýZKib I Dnvi mgvavb, BwÄb óvU© Ges †eªK I óvb© cÖwμqv, BwÄb e¨eüZ
jyweª‡K›UmgÅŇni †¯•wmwd‡Kkb|
3| BwÄb Ifvinwjs
4| moK ‰Zix‡Z †h ai‡Yi hšêcvwZ, hvbevnb †gwkbvix cÖ‡qvRb Zvnv‡`i wewfbœ ai‡bi e¨envi
i¶Yv‡e¶Y I †givgZ |
5| hvbevnb Ges hšêcvwZ e¨eüZ B‡jwUªK¨vj K‡¤•v‡b›UmgÅn Ges hvbevnb/hšêcvwZ Iq¨vwis (Wiring)
6| nvBI‡q IhvK©k‡c/†gwkbk‡c e¨eüZ hšêcvwwZ †hgbt ‡j`, wWªj, †kcvi BZ¨vw`i e¨envi Ges
i¶Yv‡e¶Y, my¶§Zv cwigvcK (Precision measurement) hšêcvwZmgÅn Ges Dnv‡`i e¨envi|
7| wewfbœ ai‡bi †dix Ges Dnv‡`i BwÄbmgÅn, †dix Pvjbv Ges wbivcËv wewamgÅn|
8| I‡qwìs (ˆe`y¨wZK I M¨vm) Ges M¨vm KvwUs (Gas Cutting)|
9| hvbevnb PjvP‡ji wbivcËv wewamgÅn, hšêcvwZ Ges LyPiv hšêvsk msi¶‡Yi wewfbœ c×wZ|
10| gvbe m¤•` Avni‡Yi c−¨vb I ‡cÖvMÖvgKiY, gvbe m¤•‡`i m‡e©v”P Ges myôy e¨envi |

ivóªcwZi Av‡`kμ‡g
Gg, G, iwKe
hyM¥-mwPe (cÖt)

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 6.10

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 7 – Disciplinary Proceedings



A pre-requisite for an effective, orderly and uninterrupted functioning of any Government is that its
employees work in a disciplined manner. Relevant rules, ordinances now in use are mentioned
below. These are to be considered along with the present amendments.

i) The Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1979

ii) The Government Servants (Special Provisions) Ordinance, 1979.

iii) The Public Employees Discipline (Punctual Attendance) Ordinance 1982.

iv) The Government Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1985 (GSDA-Rule 1985).

v) The Public Servants (Dismissal on Conviction) Ordinance, 1985.

vi) The Public Servants' (Retirement) Act, 1974.

The main features of the rules, ordinances, acts are outlined in brief.

The Conduct Rules prescribe code of conduct for Government Servants, the Government
Servants (Special Provision) Ordinance, 1979 provides punishment for any activity, which
causes disaffection, obstruction, long absence from duties etc.

The Public Employees Discipline Ordinances provides measure for non-punctual attendance.
The Government Servants Discipline Appeal Rule '85 is widely used for awarding minor-major
penalties to Government Servant.

The Public Servants Ordinance 1985 provides dismissal on conviction of criminal offence.

The retirement act stipulates retirement on completion of 57 year of age, as well as provision of
retirement on completion of 25 years of service both from the side of public servant and
Government on certain requirements.

Under the rules and ordinances requisite powers have been given to concerned authorities to
enforce discipline. It is necessary for all Government employees to fully understand the
provisions of these rules/ordinances/acts to ensure that their offices function properly. Failure to
correctly apply these rules will defeat the purpose for which they have been made. It is,
therefore, important that these rules are studied with due care so that no deficiency is later
encountered in applying them to individual specific cases.

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 7.1

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 7 – Disciplinary Proceedings

Constitutional Requirement

The rules have been framed in conformity with Article 135 of the Constitution of Bangladesh, which
embodies certain safeguards against arbitrary dismissals/punishment of civil servants as given

(a) No person who holds any civil post in the service of the Republic shall be dismissed or
removed or reduced in rank by an authority subordinate to that by which he was

(b) No such person shall be dismissed or removed or reduced in rank until he has been given
reasonable opportunity of showing cause why that action should not be taken.

It is necessary that a Civil Servant must be informed after the enquiry is completed of the proposed
punishment by the appointing authority and should be given final opportunity of making
representation against the proposed action.

Protection of rights and privileges conferred by any law or agreement. Nothing in these rules shall
operate to deprive any Government Servant of any right or privilege to which he is entitled:

(a) By or under any law for the time being in force

(b) By the terms of any agreement subsisting between such person and the Government at
the commencement of these rules.

Application of these Rules

These rules apply to all Government Servants in the Department except work-charged
establishment who are required to be covered under work-charged service rules.

The causes, which may warrant disciplinary action against an employee, may be: -

i) Absence from duty, tardiness carelessness etc.

ii) Absence from duty station♣

iii) Breakage or loss of property

iv) Inefficiency

v) In-subordination

The decision of cabinet division issued on this matter vide memo no. gcwe/gcÖm/2(115)/wewea/99-2002 and vide
memo no. gcwe/gcÖm/2(144)/2003/170 ZvwiL 12-11-2003 and reiterated by MoC memo no. mcÖ/mR-1/2002(Ask)-691 ZvwiL
07-12-2003 may be referred.
Issue 1 January 2005 Page 7.2
Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 7 – Disciplinary Proceedings

vi) Violation of law or rules and regulations or deliberately neglecting to enforce the
deliberately neglecting to enforce the law

vii) Misconduct

viii) Misappropriation of public property and funds

viii) Immorality

ix) Lack of integrity including violation of a recognized code of ethics or the breach of conduct

x) Taking part in active politics and membership of a subversive group. This list is not
exhaustive. But anything that could be unbecoming of an officer/official may invite
disciplinary action.


Preliminary Enquiry

This is very important stage and utmost care is needed while conducting preliminary enquiry.
Essential requirements of a preliminary enquiry are as under:

i) Officer detailed for preliminary enquiry must be equal or superior in rank to the person
complained against

ii) The complainant, if any, and all those who are supposed to have personal knowledge of
the allegations, must be contacted, examined and their statements recorded and got
signed by them

iii) No oath be administered to the witness

iv) The person complained against may or may not be associated with the enquiry at this

v) If certain allegations appear prima-facie and correct, all documents may be taken in
custody, and a report sent to the disciplinary authority

vi) In respect of each allegation, a list of witnesses and documents on which to rely, should
be prepared and sent to the disciplinary authority

vii) Along with the preliminary enquiry report, draft charge sheet, statement of allegations,
documents and statements in original, are to be sent to the disciplinary authority through
proper channel.

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Chapter 7 – Disciplinary Proceedings

The entire original record of preliminary enquiry should be submitted to the disciplinary authority. It
is of no use to send copies of statement of witnesses because the disciplinary authority must have
original papers.

Suspension (Rule 11 of GSDA - Rule of '85)

Meaning of Suspension

It means refraining a Government Servant from performing his normal duties without losing his job.
Suspension means interruption or temporary deprivation of office or privilege or cessation of some
amount from salary, allowances or wages. Suspension in itself is not a penalty. It is neither a
punishment nor a reduction in rank. It does not affect rank, grade, post or scale of pay.

(a) Who can order suspension:

The following authorities can order suspension:

i) Appointing authority

ii) Any other authority empowered by Government

(b) When can suspension be ordered:

Suspension can be ordered in the following circumstances:

i) (a) When a disciplinary proceedings is contemplated or is pending;

(b) Where a case in respect of any criminal offence is under investigation or trial;

(c) When it is considered that the officer or official can tamper with record or influence
witness being in position of authority

ii) Government Servant detained in custody whether on criminal charge or otherwise tour
a period exceeding 48 hours shall be deemed to have been suspended with effect
from the date of detention by an order of the appointing authority provided that he has
an opportunity to plead his case in the court. (please refer Annexure - 7A)

iii) When a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service is set
aside by a court of law, but the disciplinary authority decides to hold further enquiry on
the allegations on which the penalty was imposed, the Government Servant shall be
deemed to have been placed under suspension by appointing authority with effect
from the date of original order of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement.

(c) Suspension when comes into effect Suspension normally comes into effect from the date
of the issue of order, no matter when it reaches the delinquent. But if the suspended

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employee holds a charge, suspension may come into effect from the date he hands over
charge or other officer assumes charge.

It cannot be retrospective thereto.

(d) When revoked and by whom

Suspension can be revoked at any time by:

i) the authority which made the order;

ii) the authority which is deemed to have made the order;

iii) by any authority to which that authority is subordinate

(e) Suspension may be set-aside on the following grounds:

i) When ordered in defiance or without compliance of statutory rules;

ii) When issued with mollified intentions;

iii) When ordered on extraneous circumstances in misuse of authority;

iv) When issued by an authority not competent

(f) Suspension does not continue in the following situations:

i) After retirement

ii) If resignation is accepted mere tendering of resignation carries no meaning.

Payment for the Period of Suspension

During the period of suspension, the delinquent official is entitled to subsistence grant only as
may be admissible under the rules applicable to him. It is equivalent to one half of his pay, full
house rent, full medical allowance and half dearness allowance.

The suspended Government Servant shall attend office if desired by the competent authority.
For any work of insubordination during the period of suspension, it is not proper to stop payment
of subsistence grant. The competent authority may initiate another enquiry on this account.

Other privileges while under suspension

i) Travelling allowance:

When a Government Servant under suspension is required to perform a journey to attend

the departmental enquiry against him, he may be allowed travelling allowance as for a
journey on tour from his headquarter to the place where departmental enquiry is held or

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from the place at which he has been permitted to reside during the suspension to the
place of enquiry

ii) Headquarters:
A Government Servant under suspension is required to remain at his headquarters and he
can leave headquarter only after obtaining permission from the competent authority

iii) House Rent Allowance:

A Government Servant under suspension will be allowed House Rent Allowance or

Government accommodation, which he was enjoying, prior to being placed under

iv) Medical Allowance:

The Government Servant under suspension is entitled to the same benefits, which he was
entitled to before suspension.


Steps to be followed

Specific guidelines for imposition of penalties, which can be seen in rule 4(5)

For imposing major penalty as prescribed in Rule 7(1), a detailed procedure of enquiry is to be
followed and for better appreciation, the various steps may be divided in the following three broad

i) Actions in the office of Disciplinary Authority (DA)

ii) Actions in the office of the Enquiry Officer (EO)

iii) Actions in the office of DA on receipt of the report from EO.

Preparation of charge sheet

Actions in the office of Disciplinary Authority

In case where a preliminary enquiry has been done and the draft charge sheets and draft statement
of allegations are available, the DA will frame charges against the delinquent official after the draft
charge sheet and draft statement of allegations have been taken into account.

In case, where no preliminary enquiry has been conducted, the DA shall prepare the charge sheet
and statement of allegations, which shall be communicated to the delinquent official in writing. He
shall be required to submit within a time to be specified, a written statement indicating:
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i) whether he admits the truth of all or any of the charges;

ii) what explanations of defence, if any, he has to offer;

iii) whether he desires to be heard in person.

The proforma of the memorandum is given in Annexure - 7B.

Inspection of Records

The Government Servant shall be permitted to inspect and take extracts from such official record
that he may specify for preparing his defence provided they are relevant. The delinquent official
may also consult relevant files; but he shall not have access to the note portion of the file or any
record considered by the DA as not relevant to the case. Some precautions are necessary at the
time of showing records to the delinquent official. They are:

i) Record should be shown to the delinquent official in the immediate presence of the
Disciplinary Authority or a fairly senior officer. It should never be left to the care of a lower
functionary of the office

ii) The delinquent official should be allowed to take extracts from the record only with pencil.
Even ball pen should not be permitted

iii) No inkpot or any other material should be kept in close vicinity where the record is being

Appointment of Enquiry Officer

When the written statement is received, or no such written statement is received within the
specified time, the disciplinary authority may take one of the following courses of action for
enquiring into the charges, which have not been admitted:

i) either himself enquire into the matter or

ii) appoint a Board of Enquiry or
iii) appoint an Enquiry Officer.
The proforma of the order is given in Annexure - 7C & Annexure - 7D.

The Disciplinary Authority may nominate any person subordinate to him to conduct the case termed
as "Conducting Officer" before the Enquiry Officer.

Once the Enquiry Officer is nominated the Disciplinary Authority shall send following records to EO:

i) A copy of the complaint on the basis of which the enquiry was initiated

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ii) A copy of the charge-sheet, statement of allegations, and memorandum

iii) The written statement received from the delinquent official

iv) List of witness-prosecution as well as defence

v) List of documents which have to be relied upon by the delinquent official and the

vi) Copy of order nominating the conducting Officer.

Actions in the office of the Enquiry Officer

(a) Enquiry Officer will start enquiry within 7 (seven) days after receiving the appointment

(b) Enquiry will continue everyday

(c) Enquiry Officer will submit the enquiry report to the appointing authority within 7 (seven)
days from the completion of enquiry

(d) Checking of records - As soon as the record is received by the Enquiry Officer he should
check the record and make attempts to obtain such record that has not been transmitted
to him and is considered relevant to the case

(e) Summoning the parties - He should thereafter fix a date and summon both the parties to
appear before him

In the case of the delinquent officials’ failure to appear on the appointed date despite clear
service of summons, the Enquiry Officer could proceed with the inquiry even in his

(f) On the first appearance of the Delinquent Official - When the Government servant who
has not admitted any of the charges in the written statement of defence, or has not
submitted any written statement of defence, appears before the Enquiring Authority, such
authority shall ask him whether he is guilty or has any defence to make and if he pleads
guilty to any of the charges, the enquiring authority should record the plea of guilt, sign the
record and obtain the signatures of the Government servant thereon

(g) List of witness and documents - At the commencement of the enquiry in respect of
charges that have not been admitted, the Enquiring authority shall ask the presenting
officer to submit the list of witness and documents

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On having received the list the Enquiring authority shall summon the relevant evidence as
per list and record the evidence giving opportunity to the conducting officer for examination
and cross-examination

(h) Summoning of documents - When documents have to be summoned, the Enquiry Officer
shall give notice to the Disciplinary Authority to discuss and produce the documents within
specified time

(i) The Enquiring Authority has a right to examine the relevancy of the document to be
summoned and if it is satisfied, it shall send a requisition for the production of the
document; by such date as may be specified, to the authority in whose possession the
documents are kept. If the documents are not adjudged relevant they may not be
requisitioned but reasons for this should be recorded

(j) Oral evidence - The prosecution side has the right to lead its evidence first. The order in
which the witness have to be examined should be left to the conducting officer

(k) The delinquent official should invariably be present during the course of oral enquiry. The
delinquent official should, therefore, get an opportunity to cross-examine the prosecution

(l) The Enquiry Officer may also put questions to any witness to divulge the truth in the case
at any stage of the enquiry

(m) Ambiguity of any kind created during the course of examination, may be cleared by cross-
examination by both the parties

(n) The statement of witness may be recorded in question answer form with full signature of
the witness in the last page and initials in every page

(o) When the statement ends, the Enquiry Officer should record and sign a certificate on the
statement which may be read as follows:

"Read out and admitted to be correct"

(p) Partially heard case:

(q) In partially heard cases, the succeeding Enquiry Officer need not start the enquiry afresh,
unless he has reasons to be recorded in writing that the enquiry conducted by his
predecessor is not according to rules or that it is patently prejudicial to either of the parties

(r) Permission to advance new evidence:

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If it appears necessary, before the prosecution case is closed the Enquiry Authority may in
its discretion, allow the Conducting Officer to produce evidence not included in the list given
to the Government Servant or may recall and re-examine any witness. But in such a case
the Government Servant should be entitled to have, if he demands it, a copy of the list of
further evidence proposed to be produced

(s) The Enquiry Authority may also allow an opportunity to the delinquent official to produce
new evidence, if in his opinion the production of such evidence is necessary in the interest
of justice.

(t) Whenever the Enquiring Authority refuses to call a witness or a document as listed in the
list of any party he should record his reasons in writing.

Preparation of the Enquiry Report

After hearing the arguments, the EO should prepare a narrative report, where he should spell out
his findings on each charge together with the reasons thereof separately.

The EO should not suggest any punishment. He should rest content with only making out his
findings whether a charge is proved or not proved.

If during the course of enquiry a different charge is established, findings on that charge may be
given, provided the delinquent official has either admitted the charge or has had an opportunity of
defending himself against them.


Disciplinary Action

Actions in the office of the Disciplinary Authority, after the enquiry report is received:

(a) The Disciplinary Authority should consider and record findings on each charge. The
Disciplinary Authority may remand the enquiry report to Enquiring Authority for reasons to
be recorded, for de novo (afresh), if some lacunae have been left over

(b) When Major penalty is to be imposed:

If a major penalty is to be imposed, the disciplinary authority should:

i) Serve 2nd show cause notice upon the accused Government Servant with a
direction to reply within 7 (seven) working days

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Chapter 7 – Disciplinary Proceedings

ii) Furnish to the delinquent official a copy of the report of the Enquiring Authority and
its finding together with reasons for disagreement, if there be any

iii) Give him a notice stating the penalty proposed to be imposed and calling him to
submit within a specified time such representation as he may wish to make on the
proposed penalty. The proforma of the show cause notice is given in Annexure - 7E

iv) Where consultation with Public Service Commission is necessary for class-1 and
class-2 Government Servants, the Disciplinary Authority should send to the
commission the record of the inquiry, the notice given to the Government Servant
and his representation, if any, for the advice of the commission. (If the Appointing
Authority is not pleased with the reply of the accused Government Servant and the
appointing authority decide to impose major penalty then opinion to be obtained
from the Bangladesh Public Service Commission for, 1st class and 2nd class
Government Servants)

Appointing Authority will take final decision as follows:

• The Government Servants whose pay scale is less than Tk. 7100-8700, the
Secretary of the concerned Ministry will take decision

• The president will take decision whose pay scale is more than scale of the
Tk. 7100-8700

v) Thereafter, the Disciplinary Authority shall consider the advice of the Commission as
also the representation of the delinquent official and shall determine the penalty and
pass orders

(c) When minor penalty is to be imposed:

If a minor penalty is considered proper, orders may be passed accordingly and in this case
no show cause notice be given to the delinquent Official. But if PSC were to be consulted
its advice would be sought and considered before orders are issued.

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Chapter 7 – Disciplinary Proceedings

Provisions regarding officers on deputation (Rule 14(1)):

When the services of a Government Servant (to whom these rules apply) are lent to any Public
Sector Organization or any Autonomous body, referred to as the ‘Borrowing Authority’, the
borrowing authority shall have the power of the authority for the purpose of suspension and for
taking disciplinary proceedings against him. Whenever such an action is taken, the borrowing
authority should forth with inform the lending authority of the circumstances leading to the
Government Servants suspension or the commencement of disciplinary proceedings as the case
may be.

Appeals (Rule 17-24)

The provisions of appeal and review are the most important safeguards provided in these rules for
the protection of the Government Servants against arbitrary, unjust, malafide actions of the
disciplinary authorities. It also affords an opportunity to the appellate or reviewing authority to see
that rules are being followed and that arbitrary actions or extreme leniency has not been the

There are specific provisions for appeals against orders of Disciplinary Authority. It has been laid
down that orders made by the President (Rule 16) are non-appealable. However where an order by
which a Government Servant is aggrieved was made by the President, the Government Servant
may apply to the President for review of the order (Rule 23).

Limitation period (Rule 18)

An appeal may be preferred within three months of the date on which the delinquent official was
informed. This period may be extended by the appellate authority if he has grounds to believe that
delay has been caused for sufficient reasons.

Form and contents of appeal (Rule-19):

i) Each appeal will be signed by the person submitting it;

ii) Shall be addressed to the authority to which the appeal lies;

iii) Shall contain all material statements and arguments on which the appellant relies;

iv) Shall not contain any disrespectful or improper language;

v) Shall be complete in it.

All appeal should be submitted through proper channel. However, advance copy may be submitted
direct to the appellate authority.

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Chapter 7 – Disciplinary Proceedings


Departmental Enquiry vis-à-vis Criminal Trial

When a criminal offence is alleged:

(a) Disciplinary action may be started in addition to the proceedings in the court

(b) Both cases may be processed simultaneously but final disposal of departmental
proceeding will be deferred till finalization courts verdicts.

Minor Penalties

As per Government Servants Discipline and Appeal Rule, there are 5 minor and 4 major penalties
vide Rule 4(1). The following are the minor penalties:

i) Censure

ii) Withholding for a specified period, of promotion or of increment otherwise than for
unfitness for promotion or financial advancement in accordance with the rules or orders
pertaining to the service or post

iii) Stoppage for a specified period, at an efficiency bar in the time scale, otherwise than for
unfitness to cross such bar

iv) Recovery from payer gratuity of the whole or any part of any pecuniary loss caused to
Government by negligence or breach of order

v) Reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale.

Major Penalties

The following are major penalties:

i) reduction to a lower post or time-scale;

ii) compulsory retirement;

iii) removal from service;

iv) dismissal from service

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Chapter 7 – Disciplinary Proceedings


When a Government Servant placed under suspension is re-instated, the authority competent to
order reinstatement should invariably state in its order how the period of suspension is to be treated
and what pay and allowances are to be given for such period. If the Government Servant is not fully
exonerated he may be allowed such proportion of pay and allowances as the competent authority
may prescribe.

If the delinquent official is acquitted of the charge, by the court of law even by giving benefit of
doubt, the entire period will be treated, as duty and he will be entitled to full salary for the period of

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Annexure - 7A




NO._______________________ DATE ___________________

1. Whereas a disciplinary proceeding against Janab

________________________________ (Name and Designation of the Government
Servant) is contemplated / pending.


Whereas a case against Janab _____________________________ (Name and

Designation of the Government Servant) in respect of a criminal offence is under
investigation / trial.

2. Now, therefore, the undersigned in exercise of the powers conferred by - Rule 11 (1) of
the Government Servants Discipline Appeal rule of 1985 Janab ___________________
is placed under suspension with immediate effect.

3. Subsistence grant will be allowed as per rule.

Signature & Designation of the

Disciplinary Authority

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 7 – Disciplinary Proceedings

Annexure - 7B




No.________________________Dhaka, the _____________19

1. Janab _________________________________________is hereby informed that it is

proposed to hold an enquiry against him under Government Servants Discipline and
Appeal rule 1985. The allegations on which the enquiry is proposed to be held are set out
in the enclosed statement of allegations and the charges framed on the basis of the said
allegations are specified in the enclosed statement of charges.

2. Janab ______________________________________is hereby required to submit to the

undersigned a written statement of his defence within a period of 10 working days from the
date of receipt of this communication and also:

(a) to state whether he desires to be heard in person;

(b) to furnish the names and addresses of the witnesses, if any whom he wishes to call
in support of his defence; and

(c) to furnish a list of documents, if any, which he wishes to produce in support of his

3. Janab __________________________ is further informed that if for the purpose of

preparing his defense, he wishes to inspect and take extracts from any official records, he
should furnish a list of such records to the undersigned so that arrangements may be
made to provide proper facilities for the purpose. He should, however, note that if in the
opinion of the undersigned such records are not relevant for the purpose or if against the
public interest to allow him access to such records he will not be permitted to inspect or
take extract from such records.

4. Janab_______________________________is further informed that if I. the written

statement of his defence is not received on or before the date specified above, the enquiry
is liable to be held expert.

5. The receipt of this memorandum may be acknowledged.

Janab___________________________ Signature and Designation

____________________________of the Disciplinary Authority.

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Chapter 7 – Disciplinary Proceedings

Annexure - 7C



NO.___________________________ DATE_______________

1. Whereas an enquiry under Government Servants Discipline and Appeal Rule 1985 is
being held against Janab __________________________________

(Name and Designation of the Government Servant)

2. And whereas the undersigned considers that an Enquiry Officer / a Board of Enquiry
should be appointed to enquire into the charges framed against him.

3. Now, therefore, the undersigned hereby appoints Janab

Sarbajanab _________________________________________ (Name and Designation
of the Enquiry Officer/Personnel of a Board of Enquiry) as Enquiry Officer/Board of
Enquiry to enquire into the charges framed against Indent memo of the said Janab. The
procedures described in the rule should be followed.
4. Also Janab_____________________ is hereby appointed as a conducting officer to
conduct the case.
All papers, records are also furnished herewith.

Signature & Designation

of the Disciplinary Authority.

NO.__________________________ DATE_______________
Copy forwarded to:
1. Janab ______________________________________________
(Name and Designation of the Enquiry Officer)
2. Janab ______________________________________________
(Name and Designation of the Government Servant)
3. Other concerned, if any.

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Annexure - 7D



NO._________________ DATE __________________


1. Whereas an enquiry under Government Servants Discipline and Appeal Rule 1985 is
being held against Sarbajanab
(Name and Designation of the Government Servants}.

2. And whereas the undersigned considers that an enquiry Officer should be appointed to
enquire into the charges framed against them.

3. Now, therefore, the undersigned, under Rule _____________ hereby appoints Janab,
(Name and Designation of the Enquiry Office) to conduct an enquiry into charges framed
against them. The procedure prescribed in the rule shall be followed in the proceedings.

4. Also Janab _________________________________ is hereby appointed as a conducting

officer to conduct the case.

All required papers, records are also furnished herewith.

Signature and Designation

of the Disciplinary Authority

NO.__________________________ DATE _______________

Copy forwarded to:

1. Janab _____________________________________________
(Name and Designation of the Enquiry Officer)

2. Janab ______________________________________________
(Name and Designation of the Government Servant)

3. Other concerned, if any.

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Chapter 7 – Disciplinary Proceedings

Annexure - 7E



No. ____________________________ Date _________________


(Disciplinary Authority)

To: _________________________

(Concerned Government Servant)


Ref: __________________________________

1. I am directed to say that the Enquiry Officer appointed to enquire into certain charges
framed against you has submitted his report.

2. On a careful consideration of the report, and in particular of the conclusion reached by the
Enquiry Officer in respect of the charges framed against you, it has provisionally been
decided that (here insert. the penalty). Before this action is taken you are given an
opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed to be taken. Any representation,
which you may make in that connection, will be considered before taking the proposed
action. Such representation if, any should be made in writing and submitted to reach the
undersigned not later than 15 days from the receipt of this letter by you.

3. The receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged.

Signature and Designation

of the Disciplinary Authority

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 8 – Establishment



The organization of the Roads and Highways Department was adopted in June 1983 as per report
of the Martial Law Committee on organizational set up known as Enam Committee. The set up was
shown both under revenue and development budget` Many project posts under Development
heads were abolished due to completion of projects and many more new posts were created both
under development and revenue head.


Broadly there are 2 types of establishment in the Department regular and work charged.

Regular establishment may again be permanent or temporary in nature. Work charged staffs are
paid on monthly basis while those on Muster roll are paid on daily basis.

Permanent Establishment

The expenditure is charged to revenue budget.

Temporary Establishment

The expenditure is also charged to Revenue budget. These posts are generally sanctioned on
temporary basis. For all such temporary posts annual retention are required.

Work-charged establishment

The expenditure is charged direct to work and treated to be very much temporary in nature. The
pay bills are passed and paid by the Executive Engineer. They are engaged for technical
supervision of works, supervision of departmental labour, stores, machinery etc. Their services are
expected to be dispensed with as soon as the wok is completed or abandoned. Since some works
are always going on in the department, it becomes very difficult to retrench the senior members of
work-charged staff and engage new hands. This results in long continuous service in work charged
establishment. Such persons claim privileges and benefits that are available to the regular staff.
Their numbers also goes on increasing. Looking to the huge number of work charged staff, the
Government completely banned the fresh recruitment of any person on work charged basis from
January 1986 as per circular dated 23.01.1986 (Annexure - 8E).

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Chapter 8 – Establishment

Muster Roll Staff

These are staff engaged on Muster Roll and paid on daily basis charged to work.

In order to execute works of short duration, it becomes sometimes necessary to engage

labour/personnel for a specific period on daily basis of time known as staff on Muster Roll. No letter
of appointment is given and their wages are paid on daily basis charging to work or project on the
basis of 'no-work no-pay'.

It may be mentioned here that engagement of staff under Muster Roll has been stopped as per
directive of the Ministry in the year 1988. (Ref: Ministry's memo No.A-/1-E- 7/88-343(3) dated

According to this order appointment of any Muster Roll casual staff to be paid on monthly basis was


The entry to service for engineering cadre posts takes place at the level of Assistant Engineer
recruited through competitive examination conducted by the Public Services Commission. As per
recruitment rule two third posts are recruited directly on the basis of merit, district quota, reserved
quota while one-third posts is filled up by promotion from amongst the Sub-Assistant Engineers.

For promotion from the lowest cadre of Assistant Engineer to higher post Government has
prescribed certain experiences and qualifications (Refer Annexure - 5A, in Chapter 5).

Method of
Post Experience
Chief Engineer Promotion Total service 18 years including
3 yrs as Addl. CE
Additional Chief Promotion Total service 15 years including
Engineer 2 yrs as SE
Superintending Promotion Total service 12 years including
Engineer 5 yrs as EE
Executive Promotion Total service 7 years
Sub-Divisional Promotion Total service 4 years

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Chapter 8 – Establishment


For officers and staff in regular establishment, rules exist for recruitment, service conditions,
promotion, confirmation, retirement, pensionery benefit/discipline and appeal etc. These are dealt in
details at Chapter -5, Bangladesh Service Rules.

For work-charged staff, rules are provided in the East Bengal financial rules, which were adopted in
1953. Extracts of rule no. 214, 215, 216 and 217 concerning work charged establishment are at
Annexure – 8A.


In the year 1969, the Government decided to bring fifty percent of posts in the work-charged
establishment existing for ten years or more under regular establishment. The notification-dated
28.3.69 is Annexure – 8B.

The Government also made some guideline for appointment of work-charged staff into regular
posts as per circular dated 05-08-1980 (Annexure – 8C):

"The vacancies in the regular establishment should as a matter of policy, be filled up first by
appointment from amongst work-charged and contingent staff on the basis of seniority and subject
to fulfilment of requisite qualification."

The Government completely stopped appointment of staff under work-charged establishment in

January 1986 as per circular dated 23-01-1986 (Annexure – 8D).

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Chapter 8 – Establishment

Annexure – 8A


The nature, authority, condition of services etc., are provided in the East Bengal financial rules
adopted in 1953. Concerning rules are:

Rule 214

Works establishment will include such establishment as is employed upon the execution, or the
immediate technical supervision of a specific work or sub-works of a specific project or upon the
subordinate supervision of the departmental labour, stores, and machinery, in connection with such
a work or sub-works. When employees borne on the temporary establishment are employed on
work of this nature, their pay should, for the time being, be charged direct to the work.

Rule 215

The Superintending Engineers and Divisional Officers may subject to limits of pay of Rs. 275/- per
mensem for each post, sanction the entertainment of work-charged establishment and fix the pay of
qualified candidates at a rate equal to the minimum of the scale prescribed for permanent
Government Servants, holding corresponding permanent posts, subject to the condition that
provision for the same has been made in a separate sub-head of the sanctioned estimate. The
grant of higher initial pay to the incumbents will require the sanction of Government.

Rule 216

In all cases, the previous sanction of the divisional officer or the Superintending Engineer or the
Chief Engineer, as the case may be, is necessary. Orders communicating sanction should
specify in respect of each appointment:

i) the consolidated rate of pay;

ii) the period of sanction; and

iii) the full name of the work and the nature of the duties on which the man engaged should
be employed.

Rule 217

Members of the work-charged establishment are not entitled to any pension or to leave salary or
travelling or other allowances except in some cases.

N.B.: By administrative under

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 8.4

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 8 – Establishment

Annexure – 8B



No. SHA/RI/1 S-33/69/71 (350) Dated Dacca, 28th March 1969.

Subject: Conversion of temporary posts into permanent ones and contingent and work
charged staff into regular establishment.

In super session of all previous orders on the subject noted above Government have been pleased
to decide in consultation with the Finance Department as follows:

1. All temporary class III and class IV posts of permanent nature which have been in existence
for five years or more may be converted into permanent ones in consultation with the Fin.

2. All posts in class III and class IV which are paid from contingency and continuing for ten
years or more may be brought into regular establishment in consultation with Finance

3. Fifty percent of the non-gazetted posts in the work charged establishment existing for ten
years or more may be brought into regular establishment in consultation with Finance

All Departments and Directorates are requested to take up the question of converting the
temporary posts into permanent ones and bringing the posts paid from contingency and 50% of
the posts in the work charged establishment into regular establishment on the principle
enunciated in items 1, 2 and 3 respectively in consultation with the Finance Department.

Sd/- L.R. Khan

Deputy Secretary to the
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

1. All Deptts. of the Sectt. (Section wise).
2. All AFA’s
3. All Dtes.
4. Secy., PSC, EP
5. All Commrs. of Divisions
6. All Dy. Commrs.
7. All Dist. Judges.

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 8.5

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 8 – Establishment

Annexure – 8C




O.M.No. ED (Reg-III) M-48/80-62(500) Dated: 5/8/80

Subject: Conversion of temporary posts into permanent ones and Contingent and
work-charged staff into regular establishment

Government have reviewed the above issue in the light of the recommendations of the Committee
for Enquiry on Improvement of Service Conditions of Non-Gazetted employees, set up under order
No.ED/SW-II-I/5-110, dated 1/4/80 of this Division and have decided that:

(1) All Ministries/Divisions/Departments/Offices should take immediate steps for conversion of

temporary posts into permanent ones and contingent & work charged staff into regular
establishment in accordance with the decisions contained in Memo No.SGA/R 1/1 S-
33/69/71 (350), dated 28.3.69 of the then S&GA Deptt. of the Government of the People’s
Republic of Bangladesh and No.Estb/R1/S-46/72/55, dated 21.4.72 of this Division (Copy
enclosed), which have continued applicability.

(2) The vacancies in the regular establishment should, as a matter of policy, be filled up first
by appointment from amongst work-charged and contingent staff on the basis of seniority
and subject to fulfilment of requisite qualifications.

(3) While implementing the decision of conversion of temporary posts into permanent ones
the instructions contained in this. Division letter No.ED(AD-II)-157/79-523(75) and
No.ED(AD-II)- 157/79-524(75), dated 29.5.79 shall have to be kept in view.

(4) This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance.

Sd/- Md. Ramjan Ali Mia,

Deputy Secretary (R-I)
Establishment Division

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 8.6

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 8 – Establishment

Annexure – 8D

Chief Martial Law

Administrator’s Secretariat
Old Sangsad Bhaban
Tejgaon, Dhaka
23 January 1986

7002/18/Civ-I (Part)
See Distribution

Appointment of Work-Charged Basis

It has been decided by the Government that the appointment on work-charged basis is stopped
with immediate effect to facilitate settlement of cases of work-charged staff awaiting absorption /

Lieutenant Colonel
for Principal Staff Officer



All Ministries / Divisions

All Departments / Directorates / Corporation, etc.
All Accountant Generals


PS to All Ministers / State Ministers / Deputy Ministers / Advisers

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 8.7

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 9 – Record, Record Room and Weeding out of Records




The consignment, arrangement, preservation and weeding out of record are very important in
Government Offices. There must be a well-bound register known as 'File index' showing therein
different subjects for which files are opened or expected to be opened. The list of subjects will vary
from office to office and it is required to be ascertained by the Head of the Office. Each subject may
be given a code no. or short abbreviation.


(a) A comprehensive Records Manual should be designed by each department consistent

with established record keeping principles and practices, where such rules exist they may
be revised to meet the fresh demand of scientific record management principles based on
the needs of the particular record creating agency.

(b) A detailed Record Retention Schedule be drawn up and it should be reviewed periodically
at sufficiently high level to make it more effective.

(c) The most unwanted place should not be earmarked for housing the records.

(d) Records rooms should be centrally located to ensure quick access to the users without
exposing the users to sun, rain etc., where it is not possible, there should be covered
passage leading to the record room.

(e) While constructing new record rooms, provision may be made for built-in shelves on the
walls, which will increase the space available for storage.

(f) Record rooms should be provided with index Cabinets, exhaust fans, vacuum cleaners,
fluorescent lights and fire extinguishers and other modern equipment and accessories
subject to availability of funds.

(g) Wheeled ladders, which can be hooked to the horizontal rods, on the top of the open steel
racks, should be provided.

(h) Naphthalene or any suitable chemical should be used preservation of records and proper
anti-termite treatment should be given in record rooms.

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 9.1

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 9 – Record, Record Room and Weeding out of Records

(i) Record wings are headed by quite senior persons in the department under the charge of
departmental officers.

(j) Senior Executives should keep themselves informed of the problems of the records of
department and should discuss periodically and evolve ways and means to solve them.

(k) Steps should be taken to appoint trained archivists and existing Work Assistants will be
imparted training necessary for the purpose by department Archives.

Classification of Records (‡iK‡W©i †kÖYxweb¨vm):

On the issue of classification and preservation of office record the 'Secretariat Instructions 1976'
in para 87 (Revised in 1998) states as below:

msi¶‡Yi D‡Ï‡k¨ †iKW©mgyn wbæwjwLZ 4wU †kÖYx‡Z fvM Kwi‡Z nB‡e:

(1) ÕKÕ (Ka) †kÖYx-¯’vqx †iKW©mgyn : AwZkq h‡Zœi mwnZ msi¶‡Yi cÖ‡qvRb Ges hvnvi ¯’vb Ab¨ wKQÅi Øviv cyiYxq
b‡n, ¯’vqx gy‡j¨i GBiƒc AZ¨vek¨Kxq bw_¸wj GB †kÖYxi Ašèf©y³| mvavib wbqgvbÅmv‡i, wbæ ai‡Yi bw_¸wj GB
†kÖbxi Ašèf©y³ nB‡e :

A) bxwZ (policy), AvBb (legislation), wewa (rules), Ges wbqgKvbÅb (regulation), msμvšè ¸i“Z¡cyY© wel‡qi
Dci Av‡jvPbv I Av‡`k m¤^wjZ bw_mgyn;

Av) eivZmyÎ (reference) wb‡`©‡ki e¨vcv‡i my`xN©Kv‡ji Rb¨ cÖvq cÖ‡qvRb nB‡Z cv‡i, GBiƒc ¸i“Z¡cyY©
Av‡`‡ki cye©`„óvšè (precedent) welqK bw_mgyn;

B) hvnv‡`i e¨vcv‡i ¯’vqxfv‡e msi¶Y Kiv cÖ‡qvRb, GBiƒc ¸i“Z¡cyY© e¨w³eM© m¤•wK©Z bw_; Ges

C) ivó«xq `wjjcÎ (state documents), †hgb mwÜcÎ (treaties) Ges we‡`‡ki mwnZ Pzw³cÎ
(agreements with foreign countries)

(2) ÕLÕ (Kha) †kÖbx-Aa©-¯’vqx †iKW© : 10 ermi A_ev Z`ya© mg‡qi Rb¨ GB bw_mgyn iw¶Z nB‡e | ¯’vqxfv‡e
ms¶‡Yi Rb¨ h‡_ó ¸i“Z¡cyY© bq, wKš‘ 10 ermi Kvj A_ev Dnv‡`i Dc‡hvwMZv Abymv‡i Z`ya©Kv‡ji Rb¨
msi¶Y‡hvM¨ ¸i“Z¡en bw_ GB †kÖYxi Ašèfz©³ | D`vnib¯^iƒc miKvix Kg©Pvixw`‡Mi mvwf©m †iKW©msμv¯è, DbœqY
cÖKí msμv¯è, ev‡RU msμv¯è, miKvi KZ…K wewfbœ mg‡q MwVZ Kwgkb/KwgwUi ¸i“Z¡cyY© cÖwZ‡e`b msμv¯è Ges
miKv†ii ¸i“Z¡cyY© wbev©nx Av‡`k msμv¯è bw_mgyn GB †kÖYxi Ašèfz©³ | GB bw_mgyn mswk−ó gšêYvjq/wefv‡M
†iKW©K…Z, myPxcÎK…Z Ges 3 erm‡ii Rb¨ iw¶Z nB‡e | Bnvi ci H¸wj mwPevj‡qi bw_cÎ ms¶YvMv‡i
cvVvB‡Z nB‡e |

(3) ÕMÕ (Ga) †kÖYxi mvavib bw_: 3 nB‡Z 5 ermi Kv‡ji Rb¨ GB bw_mgyn iw¶Z nB‡e | †h bw_mgy‡ni Dc‡hvwMZv
mxwgZ Ges †iKW©fz³ nBevi ci gvÎ K‡qK erm‡ii Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRb nB‡Z cv‡i, H¸wj GB †kÖYxi Ašèfz©³ |
D`vnib¯^iƒc μq weμq msμv¯è, A¯’vqx c` m„Rb msμv¯è, Kg©KZv©‡`i e`jx msμv¯è cÖwk¶b msμv¯è, bw_mgyn|
mywbw`©óKv‡ji Rb¨ gšêYvjq/wefv‡M iw¶Z nIqvi ci webó‡hvM¨ GB bw_mgy‡ni myPxcÎKi‡Yi cÖ‡qvRb bvB |

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 9.2

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 9 – Record, Record Room and Weeding out of Records

†bvU: ¯’vqx bw_mgyn †iKW©K…Z, myPxcÎK…Z (A_ev Ab¨wea Dcv‡q AbywjwcK…Z nB‡e Ges mwPevj‡qi bw_cÎ
msi¶YvMv‡i/bw_i¶Ycwi`߇i (Secretariat Record Room/Directorate of Archives) gyjwjwci mwnZ
bŨbc‡¶ 3wU cÖwZwjwc Rgv Kwi‡Z nB‡e |

(4) ÕNÕ (Gha) †kÖYx i“wUb †iKW© : 1 ermi Kv‡ji Rb¨ GB bw_mgyn iw¶Z nB‡e| mvaviYZ: ermiKvj AwZΓg
nBevi ci, †h bw_mgy‡ni cÖ‡qvRbxqZv Avi _vwK‡e bv, GBiƒc gvgywj A_ev ¯^íKvjxb cÖK…wZi KvMRcÎ GB
†kÖYxi Ašèf‚©³| GB KvMRc‡Îi myPxcÎKiY Kiv nB‡e bv Ges 1 ermi ci Bnv webó Kiv nB‡e|

Weeding out of Records


(a) Weeding out or destruction of record is required to get rid of the un-necessary records to
make room for the required, necessary and permanent record in the record room.

(b) The records are retained for a period of one year, three to five years, ten years and above
or permanently depending on the nature of the record and its importance and likely use
even for reference purposes. The records are classified and retained as per revised
'Secretarial Instructions 1976' (excerpts are shown in page 9.2) and accordingly a
retention schedule is given below:


a) The Government orders/procedures issued time to time should be followed for the
purpose of retention.

b) The retention schedule given is to be followed only in cases where there is no

specific Government orders/procedures.

Retention Schedule of Records

Description Category Remarks

1. Sangsad
i) General Aspects 'Ka' Need keep only the standing
orders and instructions etc
weeding out the superseded
ones as and when they become
ii) Assurances and undertakings
a) For departments reported upon or 'Kha' Subject to a copy of the report
predominantly concerned. being retained
b) For other interested departments 'Kha' Permanently, The state Archives
may be consulted
iv) Cut-motions, resolution calling attention notices
a) Admitted and answered/discussed 'Kha' Before any file is destroyed
cases containing material of
great precedence/reference

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 9.3

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 9 – Record, Record Room and Weeding out of Records

Description Category Remarks

v) Question
a) Disallowed, lapsed or withdrawn 'Kha' Either initially or at the time of
vi) Legislation 'Ka'

2. Enlistment of Contractors
i) Register of enlisted contractors ' Kha'
ii) Rules regarding enlistment of contractors 'Kha'
ii) Miscellaneous correspondence regarding enlistment 'Kha'
iv) Enlistment of individual contractor 'Kha' After refund of security & deletion
of name from the list
3. Inspection Bungalow
i) Rules regarding occupation of inspection bungalow & ' Ka'
rest houses
ii) Register showing accommodation, dead stock articles 'Kha'
iii) Correspondence regarding occupation 'Ga'
4. Office
i) Telephone
a) Rents 'Ka'
b) Miscellaneous correspondence 'Kha'
ii) Type Writers (photo machine), duplicating machine & 'Ga'
computers – maintenance
iii) Delegation of powers
a) Orders regarding delegation of powers to ' Ka'
b) Miscellaneous correspondences 'Kha'
iv) Committee
a) Miscellaneous correspondence regarding 'Kha' After the committee has been
formation of committee at state levels dissolved.

b) Miscellaneous correspondences regarding 'Ga'

formation of committee at district levels
c) Specific committees of the department involving 'Ga'
departmental representatives
d) Final recommendations & decisions of the 'Ka'
v) Seminar & conference
a) General correspondence 'Ga'
b) Individual file of the conference & efforts for 'Kha'
implementation of decisions
vi) Advertisement
a) Rules regarding issue of advertisement 'Ka'
vii) Tour & inspections
a) Government orders & rules regarding tours 'Ka'
b) General correspondence regarding tours and 'Kha'
c) Miscellaneous files of tour programmes 'Ga'
viii) No dues certificates 'Ga'
ix) Dues of various departments 'Kha'
x) Visits 'Ga'
xi) Service of summons 'Kha'
xii) Restricted GT sheets & maps 'Ka'
xiii) Projects reports 'Kha'
xiv) Plantation register at sectional, sub-divisional & 'Ka' Till maturity and auction
divisional levels
xv) Bench marks 'Ka'

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 9.4

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 9 – Record, Record Room and Weeding out of Records

Description Category Remarks

xvi) Elections
a) Rules & organization 'Ka'
b) Miscellaneous correspondence 'Kha'
5. Works
i) Estimates register of sanctioned estimate
a) Sanctioned estimates for original works (Major 'Kha'
b) Sanctioned estimate for original works (Minor) 'Kha'
c) Sanctioned estimate for petty works & 'Ga'
estimates for repair & maintenance
d) Preliminary estimates for Major & Minor works 'Ga'
e) Preliminary estimates for petty works for repairs 'Ga'
& maintenance
ii) Completion
a) Completion reports for original repair works 'Kha'
b) Completion plans for works roads & bridges 'Ka'
iii) Tenders
a) Rules/Instructions regarding issue of notice 'Ka'
inviting tenders
b) Register of tenders 'Kha'
c) Unaccepted tenders 'Ga' To be retained till inspection and
d) Tenders for contract of works & repairs 'Ga' To be retained till inspection and
iv) Works
a) Measurement books 'Ka'
b) Muster-roll files 'Ga' Settlement of claims after
c) Repairs & maintenance 'Kha'
d) Construction/Extension 'Kha'
6. Law Suits
i) Interpretation of Government acts rules /contract 'Ka'
ii) Civil suits against the Government 'Kha'
iii) Cases against Government servants for his action in 'Kha' After the final decision of the
official capacity case/appeal
iv) Arbitration 'Kha'
v) Correspondence regarding an action of any legislation 'Ka
and rules framed there under
vi) Contracts for works 'Kha'
7. Establishment
i) Recruitment & service matters, continuance/ abolition/
revival of Posts
a) Conversion of temporary posts into permanent 'Kha'
b) Creation of posts 'Kha'
c) Upgrading of post 'Kha'
d) Annual estimates of vacancies 'Ga'
e) Recruitment 'Ga'
f) Relaxation of qualifications for recruitment 'Ka'
g) Relaxation of age in appointment 'Kha'
h) Appointment of dependent of deceased 'Ga'
i) Posting & transfer 'Ga'
j) Promotions & reversions 'Ga'
k) Resignations 'Gha' After acceptance
l) Deputation of officer 'Kha'

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 9.5

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 9 – Record, Record Room and Weeding out of Records

Description Category Remarks

m) Personal files 'Ka'
n) Leave account 'Ga'
o) Casual leave account 'Gha'
p) Matters relating to screening of officers 'Ga'
ii) Training & examinations
a) Training
1) Within country 'Gha'
2) Within department 'Gha'
3) Abroad 'Ga
b) Departmental examinations
1) Framing of rules 'Ga'
2) Holding of examinations & results 'Ga'
c) Prosecution of further studies
1) Rules/Orders/Instruction 'Kha' Till new rules framed
2) Permission 'Ga'
d) Staff Union/Association:
1) Recognition 'Ka'
2) Representation 'Kha
8. Complaints Enquiries & Disputes
i) Complaints 'Ga'
ii) Anonymous 'Gha
iii) Preliminary enquiries 'Ga'
iv) Departmental enquiries 'Kha'
9. Review & Appeals
i) Cases against Government servants for his action in 'Kha'
official capacity
ii) Appointment of officer in charge 'Ga'
iii) Civil suits / Writs / Petition / Appeals/ Arbitration & 'Kha'
litigation cases
iv) Civil suits against the Government 'Kha'
10. Reports & meetings
i) Annual administration report 'Ga'
ii) PAC reports Archive department may be
a) Tender committee report 'Ga'
b) Study reports 'Kha'
c) Committees/commissioner of enquiry 'Kha'
iii) Notice agenda and proceedings of inter-departmental Appropriate period to be
meetings prescribed by department
a) Committee at Government level 'Ga'
b) Committee at district level 'Ga'
c) Specific committees of the department 'Ga'
d) Recommendations & decisions 'Kha'
iv) Seminar & conferences
a) Arrangement for meeting and conferences 'Ga'
b) Decision & implementation 'Ka'
11. Accounts
i) Budget estimates
a) Budget estimates 'Ga'
b) Register showing expenditure as per heads of 'Ga'
c) Broad sheet for the watching of receipts of 'Ga'
accounts from disbursing officers
d) Comparison & reconciliation sheets, statement 'Ga'
of reconciliation of accounts
e) Final statement of anticipated excess & savings 'Ga'

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 9.6

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 9 – Record, Record Room and Weeding out of Records

Description Category Remarks

f) Monthly statement of liabilities & commitments 'Ga'
g) Application & sanction of re-appropriation of 'Gha'
h) Supplementary estimates/advance out of 'Ga'
contingency fund
i) Appropriation accounts 'Ga' After meeting of PAC held &
matter settled
ii) Registers, bills & statements
a) Cash book 'Ka'
b) Register showing receipts & disposal of 'Kha'
cheque, drafts, postal MO etc.
c) Imprest/Temporary advance account 'Ga'
d) Ledger/Ledger account 'Ka'
e) Receipts/Cheque books 'Kha'
(used/partly used)
f) Register of receipts/cheque 'Kha'
g) Cash challans 'Kha'
h) Register of cash challans 'Kha'
i) Bill register 'Kha'
j) Register of retrenchment 'Kha'
k) Register of special recoveries 'Kha'
12. Pay/TA bills etc
i) Bills
a) Salary bills 'Ka'
b) TA bills 'Ga'
c) Contingent bills & other 'Ga'
bills/vouchers/acknowledgements (those
retained in the office)
ii) Register
a) Register of pay & allowance drawn by gazetted 'Ka'
b) TA bill register 'Ga'
c) Register of TA claims submitted for 'Ga'
countersignature to controlling authority
d) Register of undisbursed pay & allowances 'Ga'
e) Register of payment made by postal MO 'Ga'
f) Register of contingent charges 'Ga'
g) Stock register of revenue stamps & register 'Ga'
showing service stamps
h) Register showing service stamps used and their 'Ga'
balance in hand
i) Register of trunk calls 'Ga'
j) Register of deposits & repayments 'Ka'
k) Register for watching encashment of bills 'Ga'
l) Register of loans and advances & statements 'Ka'
m) Register of irrecoverable advances written off 'Ga'
n) Bill transit register 'Gha'
o) Log book 'Ga'
p) Register of honorarium 'Ga'
iii) Circulars/Orders
a) Circular/amendments issued by the 'Ka'
Government (Finance Ministry, etc)
b) Office orders issued by head of 'Ka'
department/head of office
c) Delegation of powers orders 'Ka'
iv) Audit & inspection
a) Audit reports 'Kha' After the objections settled

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 9.7

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 9 – Record, Record Room and Weeding out of Records

Description Category Remarks

b) Internal check 'Ga'
c) Inspection reports 'Ga'
d) Audit by chief accounts officer 'Kha'
e) Audit objections 6 months old 'Kha'
f) Pre-audit-sanction for investigations of claims 'Kha'
g) Draft paras 'Kha' After PAC meeting & objections
v) Others
a) No demand certificate 'Ga'
b) Absentee statement 'Ga'
c) Detailed disbursement A/C of advances 'Ka'
d) Application for advance for purchase of 'Ga'
conveyance, house building etc.
e) Sanctions 'Ga'
f) Declaration of officers as head of department 'Ka'
g) Declaration of officers as drawing & disbursing 'Ka'
h) Loan & advances 'Kha' After the clearance of advance
i) Transfer of compulsory deposit 'Kha' After final/repayment
j) Shortages/frauds/embezzlement 'Kha' After closure of case
k) Miscellaneous correspondence 'Ga'
vi) Contracts & agreement
a) Bonds/agreements/deeds etc (including 'Kha' After the contract is completed &
indemnity bonds) of contractors/supplier in case of audit objections raised
settled. Settlement of last claim
vii) Nominations
a) Nominations of all kinds 'Ga' After payment of claims
viii) Pensions
a) Applications for pensions/declaration by the 'Ga' After retirement
Pensioners Report of Medical Board etc.
b) Certificate regarding pensions & other papers in 'Ga' After retirement
respect of pension & monthly statements
c) Register showing receipt & disposal of 'Ga' After retirement
application for pension
13. Stores
i) Stores registers
a) Stationery register/consumable stock register 'Gha'
b) Dead stock register. Register of tender/earnest 'Ka'
c) Register of railway receipt transport/register of 'Ga'
tender forms
d) Register of unserviceable/obsolete articles 'Kha' After disposal of items by auction
or otherwise
e) Survey report 'Kha' After disposal of items by auction
or otherwise
f) Sale account 'Kha' After disposal of items by auction
or otherwise
g) Indents (copies) 'Ga'
ii) Files
a) Purchase 'Ga'
b) Repairs and maintenance 'Ga'
c) Auction 'Ga'
d) Transfer 'Ga'
e) Written off 'Ga'
f) Physical verification 'Ga'
g) Refund of security deposit 'Ga'

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 9.8

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 9 – Record, Record Room and Weeding out of Records

Description Category Remarks

14. Library
i) Library (register)
a) Register of books 'Ka'
b) Register of news papers etc. 'Gha'
ii) Files
a) Purchase 'Ga'
b) Maintenance 'Ga'
c) Physical verification 'Ga'
d) Storage/Auction 'Ga'
e) Subscription 'Gha'
f) Bills, acts, ordinances 'Ka'
g) Rules, regulations, codes, manuals 'Ka'

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 9.9

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 10 – Transfer of Office (Charge)



The general instructions for transfer of charge by the officers are issued by
Government/Department as well as codal provisions are followed. A copy of the charge
papers/report should be sent to the Chief Engineer or immediate higher officer and the controlling
officer. In respect of officers of the rank of Superintending Engineer and above a copy is sent to the
Secretary of the concerned Ministry. Normally every officer of the department receives order of
transfer along with the instructions for handing/taking over charges by local arrangement from the
transferring authority. If there is no such instructions, the officers should proceed on transfer to
take-over or handover charge based on the instructions issued by the superior officers where there
should be specific mention who will move first.


In case of any sudden casualty occurring or any emergent necessity arising for an officer to quit his
charge the next senior officer of the Department present will take over the charge. When the person
who takes charge is not a Gazetted Officer, he must at once report the circumstances to his
nearest departmental superior and obtain further instructions from him. The latest order in this
connection will get precedence and should be referred in all such cases.


The charge report should be sent duly countersigned by the next higher authority in the following

i) When charge is taken of a vacant post either newly created or lying unfilled

ii) When the charge is handed over or taken over to/from a non-gazetted official

iii) In case where the officer proceeds on CL without formal handing over charge and then the
CL is converted into leave of any kind, a certificate from the next higher authority
regarding date and hour of proceeding on leave i.e. forenoon or afternoon and return there
from may be sent to the Chief Engineer/Controlling Officer.

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 10.1

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 10 – Transfer of Office (Charge)


The charge reports should be made in the prescribed Govt. form where applicable (for SDEs,
SAEs) and should contain the names of officers (both relieving and relieved) in block letters below
their signatures. The purpose for transfer of charge and the reference of order affecting the charge
should also be noted in the report. In cases where the transfer of charge involves assumption of
responsibility for cash, stores etc. the following instructions should be observed:

(a) The cash book or the imprest account should be closed on the date of transfer and a note
recorded in it over the signatures of both relieved and the relieving officers, showing the
cash and imprest balances, number of unused cheques, stamp value, receipt books etc.
made over and received by them respectively

(b) The relieving officer should bring to notice any thing irregular or objectionable in the
conduct of business that may have come officially to his notice. He should examine the
accounts, count the cash, inspect the stores, count, weigh and measure certain selected
articles in order to test the accuracy of the Returns. He should also describe the state of
account, records, the deficiency or defect in work, cash or stores, taken over from the
predecessor within a reasonable time of one month. Failure to do so will render him
responsible for quantity and quality

(c) The charge report should be made in standard form in practice.


No officer or subordinate should delay making over charge whose reliever has arrived nor can he
leave the station before the arrival of his successor without the previous permission of his
immediate superior.


A register showing the period of incumbency of each officer who has held charge of the Division
and of the several Sub-Divisions should be kept in every Divisional Office. A similar register of the
incumbent of the Sub-Division i.e. Sub-Divisional Engineer, Sub-Assistant Engineer and Official in-
Charge of stores should be maintained in each Sub-Divisional Office.

Such register should also be kept in the office of Superintending Engineers, Additional Chief
Engineers showing the incumbency of each of the gazetted officer working in that office. A display
board showing the period of incumbency of the officers in each office should be maintained.

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Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 10 – Transfer of Office (Charge)



While handing over charge, the Relieved Officer shall for the benefit of his successor leave detailed
handing over note which will contain specific mention of the following points.

A copy of the note shall be submitted to the Chief Engineer, Additional Chief Engineer in case of
transfer of Superintending Engineer and Executive Engineer only:

(a) List of pending final bills and refund of security deposits giving dates of actual completion

(b) List of pending claims of contractors

(c) List of pending extension of time limit cases

(d) Note regarding sanctioned works and works in progress with special reference where
progress is slow giving bottle-necks and defects, works requiring revised sanctions and list
of work in progress without sanction and circumstances under which they were started

(e) Pending draft paras, inspection reports, advance paras, inspection reports of DAA (W), CE
and ATDs/Cash Settlement

(f) Pending cases of departmental inquiries mentioning the names of persons under
suspension and progress achieved

(g) Number of pending fixation cases of staffs both regular and work- charged, pension and old
TA claims

(h) Miscellaneous Advances, PW Deposits, Temporary Imprest giving full explanation for the

(i) Grievances of staff

(j) Pending tenders

(k) Stock position (likely requirement of scarce materials)

(l) Position of engagement of reserve quota of different categories

(m) Removal of public grievances

(n) Position of court cases and recovery ordered

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 10 – Transfer of Office (Charge)

(o) Details of roads, bridges, and buildings works identified for completion before monsoon or
any other fixed date and their present position

(p) Land Acquisition cases, encroachments

(q) Public Accounts Committee paras

(r) Pending Annual Confidential Reports

(s) Confidential Reports of contractors

(t) Confidential files and record

(u) Register of files and registers

(v) Progress report files

(w) Note about Quality Control and Research.

Note: (Strike off the un-applicable items)



In case of transfers the cash book and the register of un-disbursed salary and travelling allowance
or imprest account should be closed on the date of transfer, and a note recorded in it, over the
signature of both the relieved and relieving officers, showing the cash and imprest balances and the
number of unused cheques, made over and received in transfer by them respectively.

The receipts of cash and store balances should be prepared by the relieved officer, but the relieving
officer should note any inaccuracies therein so that he may pass such orders in respect of any
deficient articles as may be necessary.

It is the duty of the relieving officer to inspect with the relieved officer some of the important
works but in the case of transfer of a divisional charge, the relieved officer should accompany
the relieving officer in the inspection of the different stations only when so directed by the
Superintending Engineer.

The relieved officer should give the relieving officer a list and memorandum showing all the works in
hand and the orders remaining to be compiled with and of such matters as particularly requiring his
attention, with full explanation of any peculiarity of circumstances or apprehended difficulties. He
should also furnish the relieving officer with a complete statement of all unadjusted claims with

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 10 – Transfer of Office (Charge)

reasons for their not having been adjusted, and a report as to any complication likely to arise owing
to their non-adjustment.

A relieving divisional officer should mention specially in his transfer report whether the accounts
may be considered fairly to represent the progress of the works.

In the case of the transfer of a division the report of completion of transfer should, except in special
circumstances, be submitted within a fortnight of such transfer. In the case of any disagreement
between the relieved and relieving officers, a reference should be made to the SE.

The transfer report of a sub-divisional charge, on receipt by the EE should be scrutinised by him
and remarks given. The report should then be forwarded to the SE who after passing such orders,
as may be necessary, should return it to the EE for record in the divisional office.

Special Points about Mechanical Staff

In addition to various points detailed above the charge report of mechanical staff should contain
details of available machinery, machinery under repairs, idle machinery, machinery beyond
economical repairs, utilization programme of machinery, surplus machinery, log-books, realization
of revenue, transfer of machinery from one division to other.

Charge report of Sub-Assistant Engineer

In addition to various points mentioned in the charge report of Sub-Divisional Engineers in paras
above the Sub-Assistant Engineers while handling/taking over shall carryout joint inspection of
works and arrange actual handing/taking over of stores, material at site accounts, after physical
counting, checking, weighing and measuring. He shall also handover the various registers and
returns, muster rolls, MBs etc. to the relieving officer. The copies of charge reports should be sent
to the Sub-Divisional Engineer in triplicate who will forward two copies of the same with his remarks
to the Executive Engineer. The Executive Engineer shall return a copy of the report to the Sub-
Divisional Engineer after orders. The Executive Engineer will bring any serious irregularity to the
notice of the Superintending Engineer.

Charge report of officer or officials in-charge of Stores

The Relieving Officer should takeover entire stores from the relieved officer by actual counting,
weighing, measuring and any discrepancy like shortage and incorrect maintenance of ledger and
registers should be brought to the notice of higher officer.

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 10 – Transfer of Office (Charge)


In addition to various instructions given above the superior officers may prescribe specific
instructions for handing/ taking over of charge of a particular office due to special and peculiar
circumstances of that office.

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Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 11 – General Accounting Procedure



All transactions, receipts and expenditures to which any officer is a party in his official capacity must
be brought to account without delay.

For keeping and rendering accounts, the Roads and Highways Department will be guided as per
directives issued by the Comptroller and Auditor-General. The following five Accounts code are at
present applicable for maintenance of government accounts:
Deleted: [for establishment payment]
(a) Account Code Vol.-I - General Principles and methods of government Accounts.
Deleted: Thana
(b) Account Code Vol.-II - Treasury Accounts i.e. for the guidance of the Upazila and District
Accounts Officers.
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
(c) Account Code Vol.-III - Departmental Accounts for RHD, PWD, PHE, etc.
(d) Account Code Vol.-IV - Accounts kept in Accounts Offices (CAOs and CGA)
(e) Central Public Works Account Code – Specialised code compiling financial, treasury and
accounting procedure applicable for RHD, PWD, PHE.


i) Volume-I - of the code, contains the functions of the Auditor-General of Bangladesh in

relation to Government Accounts and the main direction regarding general principles and
methods of accounts issued by the Comptroller and Auditor-General of Bangladesh

ii) Volume-II - of the code contains the directions issued by the Comptroller and Auditor-
Deleted: Thana
General relating to initial accounts kept by the Treasuries (now Upazila and District
Deleted: Audit and
Accounts Officers) and the form in which they render accounts to the Chief Accounts
Officer and/or to the CGA

iii) Volume-III - of the code contains Comptroller and Auditor- General's directions regarding
the initial and subsidiary Accounts kept by Public Works officers (RHD, PWD & PHE) and
Deleted: Audit and
accounts submitted by these officers to the respective Chief Accounts Offices

iv) Volume-IV - of the code contains mainly the instructions to the ‘forms’ in which accounts
have to be kept in Accounts offices under the control of the Controller General of Accounts
and the procedure to be adopted in keeping them. The instructions relating to the
Deleted: public
preparation of certain pro-forma accounts by certain government departments have also
been included in this volume

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 11 – General Accounting Procedure

v) CPWA Code - this code embodies rules and instructions regarding financial, accounting
and audit procedure to be observed generally in connection with transactions relating to
Public Works.


Head of Accounts
The Comptroller and Auditor General has issued new classification chart (authority given to him by
Article 131 of the Constitution) for government budgeting and accounting with effective from fiscal
year 1998-99. This chart has been issued in a separate booklet as annex to Account Code Vol.-I.

Before the issue of the new classification a classification called as list of major and minor heads of Formatted
accounts issued by the Comptroller and Auditor General according to which the Accounts of the
Roads and Highways Department used to be classified under the major head-minor head system of
Deleted: The
classification, the RHD related heads were as follows: Deleted: lists
Deleted: are
Receipt Heads Deleted: have been issued by the
56 - Roads, Bridges and Ferry Ferry receipts toll on Bridges other receipts. Comptroller and Auditor-General. ¶
Deduct-Refunds Deleted: previously in use
Disbursement Heads
168 - Roads, Bridges and Ferry ORIGINAL WORKS

Communications Repairs.
Directions and establishment
Tools and Plant.
Deduct-charges recoverable from other Government,
Departments etc.
Development Heads Deleted: 2.3
Receipts and Disbursement
266 - Capital Accounts of Civil Works outside the Deleted: WILL

Deleted: Comptroller and Auditor

New Classification Of Codes General of Bangladesh have
introduced the New Classification
Chart as per Article 131 of the
Some highlights/examples of this New Classification. constitution. This new classification
was started from 1998-99 financial
year for preparation of budget and
There are 4 Levels in this 13 digit codes. To classify any transaction use of this 13 digit codes accounts. This chart is based on
computerization of budgeting and
are essential. accounting system.¶

There are 4 Levels in this 13 digit
codes. To classify any transaction this
13 digit codes are essential.¶
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Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 11 – General Accounting Procedure

Level Digit Identification

1 1 Constitutional/Statutory
2 2 Ministry/Division
2 Department/Directorate
3 4 Operational Unit or Development Project
4 2 Economic Group
2 Details of Economic Group

Constitutional Code (Level-1)


1 Consolidated Fund Receipts

2 Consolidated Fund Revenue Expenditure (Charged)

3 Consolidated Fund Revenue Expenditure (Others)

5 Consolidated Fund Development Expenditure

6 Public Accounts of Republic Receipts

7 Public Accounts of Republic Payments

Functional Code (Level-2)

Relevant Code Range for Ministry of Communications 5000-5199

5001 Secretariat (The Ministry)

5031 Bangladesh Railway
5041 Roads and Highways Dept.

Functional Code (Level-3) (Operational Unit or Development Projects)

For Example:

0000 Roads, Bridges, and Ferries (for Receipt)

0001 Chief Engineer, RHD (for Payment)
0010 Security Office under RHD (for Payment)
5450 Upazila Connection Road Project

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 11 – General Accounting Procedure

These codes are applicable for all Ministries, Department and Projects and the code number
varies according to types of receipt or expenditure.

Economic Code (Level-4)

For Example:

4936 Repairs and Maintenance of Roads and Bridges

2111 House Rent receipts
2211 Toll Collection, Bridges

The following Chart shows a typical example of frequently used accounts classification of RHD
transactions under 13-digit code classification structure.

Consolidated fund - Receipts RHD RECEIPTS 13-DIGIT CODE

Receipts from ferries 1-5041-0000-2039
Tolls on Roads 1-5041-0000-2221
Tolls on Bridges 1-5041-0000-2211
Sale of Tender 1-5041-0000-2366
House Rents 1-5041-0000-2111
Registration Fees 1-5041-0000-1816
Administrative Fees - Other 1-5041-0000-1876
Inspection Fees 1-5041-0000-2015
Testing Fees 1-5041-0000-2017
Fines and Penalties 1-5041-0000-1901
Leases of waterways and ponds 1-5041-0000-1261
Sale of other items and scrap 1-5041-0000-2371
Non-Commercial Sales 1-5041-0000-2376
Other Tolls and levies 1-5041-0000-2231
Use of government vehicles 1-5041-0000-2037
Hiring charges machinery and equip. 1-5041-0000-2131
Audit Fess 1-5041-0000-2029
Other leases; land 1-5041-0000-2151
Recovery of Excess payment 1-5041-0000-2671
Departmental Charge 1-5041-0000-2049
Licence Fees 1-5041-0000-1854
Sale of Plant and Seedlings 1-5041-0000-2356
Sale of Timber 1-5041-0000-2346
Miscellaneous Revenue 1-5041-0000-2681
Non-tax revenue – Gifts 1-5041-0000-2621

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 11 – General Accounting Procedure


Gas Bill Collection - Titas 1-3237-0000-2117

Gas Bill Collection - Bakhrabad 1-3237-0000-2119
Gas Bill Collection - Jalalabad 1-3237-0000-2121
VAT Collection 1-1133-0000-0311
Income Tax Collection 1-1141-0000-0111
Turnover tax 1-1141-0000-0921
Printing and Stationery 1-0751-0000-2316
Consolidated fund - Revenue Repairs & Maintenance–Roads & Bridges 3-5041-0001-4936
expenditure (voted)
Repairs of Machinery and Equipment 3-5041-0001-4916
Office Building Repairs 3-5041-0001-4921
Residential Building Repairs 3-5041-0001-4926
Contingent Staff Salaries 3-5041-0001-4804
Hiring Charges 3-5041-0001-4893
Acquisition of Assets-Machineries 3-5041-0001-6813
Acquisition of Assets-Bridges 3-5041-0001-6835
Acquisition of Assets-Afforestation 3-5041-0001-6845
Consolidated fund – Development Construction of 2nd Bogra City Bypass 5-5041-5042-7021
Expenditure♣ Road
Construction of Gafargaon-Barmi road 5-5041-6560-7021
Sikarpur-Doarika Bridge 5-5041-6510-7026
Construction of Tongi-Ashulia-Savar-EPZ 5-5041-5530-7021
Cox’s Bazar Marine Drive project 5-5041-6250-7021
Public Accounts of Republic – Security Deposits-Receipts 6-1051-0000-8391
RHD Cheques 6-1051-0000-8657
Deposit Works 6-1051-0000-8401
Miscellaneous Deposit 6-1051-0000-8418
Inter-Departmental Transfers 6-1051-0000-8861
Public Accounts of Republic – Security Deposits–Payments 7-1051-0000-9391
Remittance to treasury 7-1051-0000-9821
Deposit Works 7-1051-0000-9401
Miscellaneous Deposit 7-1051-0000-9418
Inter-Departmental Transfers 7-1051-0000-9861

Level 3 code (4 digits) for every development project under RHD is shown in each year’s Annual Development
Budget (ADB). Here, a few of them are shown as examples.
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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 11 – General Accounting Procedure


Establishment Expenditure

All personal claims of the Government Servants serving in Roads and Highways Department
irrespective of whether gazetted or non-gazetted are settled by the Accounts Offices after pre-audit
of the bills.

In Dhaka, the Chief Accounts Officer, Roads and Railways Division is responsible for issuing
cheques for personal payments after pre-audit of the personal claims. All gazetted officers (self-
drawing officers) submit their bills (Salary, TA, DA etc.) to the Chief Accounts Officer’s Office. The
latter after pre-auditing the claims issue account payee cheque individually to all the gazetted
officers who in their turn en-cash the cheques from Bangladesh Bank through their Bankers.

Like-wise, the Drawing and Disbursing officer (DDO) submit separate bills for permanent and
temporary staffs of their establishment to the Chief Accounts officer (CAO). The Chief Accounts
Officer after scrutiny of the bills issues crossed cheques in favour of the drawing and disbursing
officers who are responsible for encashing these cheques direct from the Bangladesh Bank. After
encashment of these cheques, the DDOs disburse the salary etc. to the non-gazetted staffs
through an acquaintances roll if the payment is heavy but if the payment is not so large then it is
made on the office copies of the bills.

The bills for contingent payments of the offices of Roads and Highways Department situated in
Dhaka are also submitted to the Office of the CAO who issues cheques in favour of the DDOs. The
DDOs then encash these cheques and meet contingent expenditure.

The Chief Accounts Officer is responsible for maintaining accounts of all such personal claims and
contingent expenditure of the Roads and Highways Department.

Roads and Highways Department is required to verify the figures booked in the office of the Chief
Accounts Officer with their own on monthly basis and reconcile figures where necessary.

Outside Dhaka, the gazetted officers of RHD are required to submit their personal claims to the
office of the District Accounts Office. The District Accounts Officers after scrutiny of these bills
record pay orders on the bills and issue cheques drawn on the Bangladesh Bank branch where
there is such a branch outside Dhaka or on the Sonali Bank for making payments.

In similar manner, the DDOs of the Department submit the bills of their establishment to the District
Accounts Officers. The District Accounts Officers in their turn, after scrutiny of the bills, if find in
order, record pay order on the bills and issue cheques drawn on the Bangladesh Bank branch

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 11 – General Accounting Procedure

where there is such a branch outside Dhaka or on the Sonali Bank for making cash payment to the
DDOs on presentation of the cheque. Thus DDOs after obtaining money disburse the money to the
staffs through the office copy of the pay bills.

The DDOs in the like manner submit bills for contingent payments to the District Accounts Officers
and obtain cash in the same way as above and thus meet contingent expenditure.

The District Accounts Officers are responsible for maintenance of their accounts.

The District Accounts Officer then send classified accounts to the Divisional Controller of Accounts
between 7th to 10th of the month following to which the accounts relate. The Divisional Controller of
Accounts then send the consolidated accounts of their region to the Controller General of Accounts.


The Divisional Officers of the Roads and Highways Department are the primary Disbursing Officers
authorised to issue cheques to the contractors or to the suppliers, or to obtain cash by issuing self-
cheques for payment to the work-charged employees or to incur expenditure on works-
contingencies for the execution of works. They also collect some of the Departmental receipts of
the Division and deposit them direct into the Bank (popularly termed as ‘Remittance to Treasury’).

The classified accounts of these receipts and disbursements (including the transactions of sub-
ordinate official acting on their behalf) are compiled under their supervision by the Accountant
posted to their offices by the DG, Works Audit Directorate and are submitted to the Chief Accounts
Officer, MoC within 10th day of the month following to which the accounts relate.

The Chief Accounts Officer is responsible to consolidate the receipts and expenditure of all the
Divisional Offices including the expenditure pertaining to the department booked in his office and to
send them to the Controller General of Accounts for incorporation in the Civil Accounts of the
country and also to the Secretary (the Principal Accounting Officer), Ministry of Communications.

The Controller-General of Accounts consolidates all the expenditure of the Roads and Highways
Department after obtaining accounts from the CAO and DAOs and submits it to the Ministry of

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 11 – General Accounting Procedure


Divisional Officer and his relation with the Divisional Accountant

The Divisional Officer is the primary Disbursing Officer of the Division, responsible not only for
ensuring financial regularity of the transactions of the whole division but also for the maintenance of
the accounts of the transactions correctly and in accordance with the rules in force.

The Divisional Officer is required to keep accounts and to submit it punctually to the Chief Accounts
Officer with a copy to the Director Audit and Accounts, RHD. He is responsible for accounts
keeping and in that matter he will be assisted by his Divisional Accountant. He must see that his
accounts are posted from day to day and that the Accountant carries out his duties regularly and
punctually. The responsibility for the corrections in all respects, of the original records of cash and
stores, receipts and expenditure, rests with the Divisional Officer who will, before submitting the
monthly accounts carefully examine the books, returns and papers from which the same are

To assist Divisional Officer in the discharge of responsibilities referred to above, the Director
General, Works Audit Directorate will post Divisional Accountant to each Divisional Office.

The Functions of Divisional Accountant are threefold

i) as accountant, i.e. as the compiler of accounts of the Division in accordance with the
prescribed rules

ii) as primary auditor, i.e. as the representative of the Audit Department, charged with the
responsibility of applying certain preliminary check to the initial accounts, vouchers etc.

iii) as financial assistant, i.e. as the general assistant and adviser to the Divisional Officer in
all matters relating to the accounts and budget estimates, or to the operation of financial
rules generally.

The Divisional Accountant is expected to see that the rules and orders enforce are observed in
respect of all the transactions of the Division which come within his sphere of duties. If he consider
that any transaction or order affecting receipts or expenditure is such as would be challenged by
Audit, it is his duty to bring this fact to the notice of the Divisional Officer with a statement of his
reasons, and to obtain the orders of that officer. It will then be his duty to comply with the orders of
the Divisional Officer, but if he has been overruled and is not satisfied with the decision, he should
at the same time make a brief note of the case in the Register of Divisional Accountant’s Audit
objections, Form 60 and place the register before the Divisional officer so that latter may have an

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 11 – General Accounting Procedure

opportunity either of accepting the Divisional Accountant’s advice on reconsideration and ordering
action accordingly or of recording for the information of Audit his reasons for disregarding that


Accounts from sub-division

For compilation of accounts in the Divisional Offices, the Sub-Divisional Officers are required to
send the following returns along with the Sub-Divisional Accounts to the Divisional Office:


(1) Cash Book (supported by Vouchers) [Form 1 – PWA 1 or Form 2 – PWA 3]

(2) Abstracts of Stock Receipts and Issues [Forms 9 & 10 – PWA 5 & 6]

(3) Extracts from the Register of Stock Receipts & Issues [Forms 8 – PWA 4]

(4) Accounts of Receipts and Issues of Tools and Plant [Forms 13 & 14]

(5) A Works Abstract - A for each Major work in progress [Forms 33 – PWA 10]

(6) A detail list of Works Abstract – A [Form 94]

(7) A Works Abstract - B for each Minor work in progress [Forms 34 – PWA 11]

(8) A detail list of Works Abstract – B for each Minor Work in progress [Form 94]

(9) A Petty works Requisition and Account for each Petty Work in progress [Forms 32]

(10) A detail list of ‘Petty Works Requisition and Account’ for each Work in progress [Form

(11) A detail Statement of Materials [Form 35]

(12) Transfer Entry Orders [Form 53 – PWA 7]

(13) Statement of Receipts, Issues and Balances of Road metals [Form 16]

(14) Cash Balance Report [Form 5 – PWA 2]

(15) Sales Account [Form 19]

(16) Survey Reports (Form 18]

(17) List of Monthly Sub-divisional Accounts [Form 93].

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 11 – General Accounting Procedure


(1) Balance Return of Stock [Form 11].


(1) Register of Tools & Plant [Form 15].


(1) Reports of verification of stores (including materials at site of works), immediately after
each verification.

Accounts from Division

The monthly accounts of the Divisional Officer, which he requires to send to the Chief Accounts
Officer, MoC should be supported by as many as 25 documents but now-a-days generally the
accounts accompany the following documents:

(1) Monthly Accounts (Memo of Receipts & Charges) [Form 80 – PWA 42]

(2) Schedule of Works Expenditure (List of Payments) [Form 64 – PWA 27]

(3) Register of Revenue Realised [Form 46 – PWA 9]

(4) Consolidated Contingent Bill (with necessary vouchers attached) [Form T.R. 32]

(5) Schedule Dockets (with necessary Vouchers, Transfer Entry Orders, Survey Reports, and
Sale Accounts attached) [Form 61 – PWA 24]

(6) Schedule Docket of Percentage Recoveries (Form 62 – PWA 25]

(7) Stock Account (with Sales Account in Form 19) [Form 73 – PWA 29]

(8) Schedule of Debit to Stock [Form 72 – PWA 28]

(9) Schedule of Purchases [Form 68 – PWA 30]

(10) Schedule of Misc. PW Advance [Form 70 – PWA 32]

(11) Schedule of Credit and Debits to miscellaneous Heads of Accounts [Form 76 – PWA 40]

(12) Schedules of Credits and Debits to Remittances [Form 77 – PWA 39]

(13) Schedule of Deposits [Form 78 – PWA 34]

(14) Schedule of Deposit work (with report of progress of expenditure) [Form 65 – PWA 33]

(15) Account of Receipts of Tools & Plant [Form 13]

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A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 11 – General Accounting Procedure

(16) Account of Issue of Tools & Plant (with Survey Report of Stores, Form 18- Sales
Account, Form 19 and Acknowledgement [Form 13]

(17) List of Accounts submitted to Audit [Form 83 – PWA 44].

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 11.11

Roads and Highways Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 12 – Schedule of Powers



Schedule of power is a set of defined authorities given to different category of officers by executive
orders of the Government for proper implementation of works. This set of schedule of power is
meant for the execution of local funded projects only. For aided projects, the powers will be as per
agreement between the loan giving agency and the Government.

These powers will enable various officers to take decisions promptly there by reducing time over-
run, provide check on misuse of Government money and fix up responsibility.

A Table is given on the next page for ready reference, which shows the existing financial powers
frequently exercised by the RHD officers. The references of the concerned orders are also
mentioned so that the officers can consult the original order, if needed.

A verbatim reproduction of ‘Delegation and Sub-delegation of Financial Powers’ for both the
Revenue Budget and the Development Budget issued by the Finance Division, Ministry of Finance
are shown in Annexure - 12A and Annexure - 12B of this Chapter.

Recently Ministry of Finance has issued amendments to Delegation and Sub-delegation of

Financial Power on both the Revenue and Development Budget vide their memo bs-Ag/Awe/(e¨twbt-

1)/wWwc-1/2000/212 ZvwiLt 14-8-2004Bs Ges bs-Ag/Awe/Dt1/wewea-76/02/625 ZvwiLt 1/07/2004

respectively which have been attached to Annexure - 12A and Annexure - 12B accordingly.

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 12.1

Roads and Highway Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 12 – Schedule of Powers
Subject Nature of Types of Designation of the Power Reference Remarks
Work Estimates/Tender Officer
1 Technical Original Work Original Estimates Chief Engineer Full Power Ministry of The technical sanction is being given mostly on a piece meal
Sanction (Development Addl. Chief Engineer Full Power Communications’ work-basis in the form of passing detailed estimate based on
Work) Superintending Engineer Tk. 25 lacs memo no BPR/IM- design.
Executive Engineer Tk. 5 lacs 24/83-329

Supplementary Addl. Chief Engineer Tk. 5 lacs Ministry of On condition that as per CPWD code para 65, permission of
Estimates Superintending Engineer Tk. 2 lacs Communications’ competent authority is to be obtained in case the value of S.T
Executive Engineer Tk. 25,000 memo no is more than 10%.
180 dt.11.3.90 To avoid as far as possible, the preparation and approval of
supplementary estimate, the original estimate should be
prepared and approved diligently.

As per Para 96 of CPWD Code, any development of a project

thought necessary while a work is in progress, which is not
fairly contingent on the proper execution of the work as first
sanctioned, must be covered by a supplementary estimate
accompanied by a full report of the circumstances which
render it necessary. The abstract must show the amount of the
original estimate and the total of the sanction required
including the supplementary amount.

Excess Work Addl. Chief Engineer Tk. 10 lacs Ministry of On condition that as per CPWD code para 65, permission of
Superintending Engineer Tk. 5 lacs Communications’ the competent authority is to be obtained in case the value of
Executive Engineer Tk. 1 lacs memo no excess work is more than 10%.
180 dt.11.3.90 Excess work should not be undertaken without valid reasons
and by infringement of the public interest.

Revised Estimates All The powers to CPWD Code para On condition that as per CPWD Code 71 an officer of RHD
accord technical 70 may pass excesses over estimates provided that the excesses is
sanction to not more than 5% of the amount sanctioned and does not
revised exceed the amount upto which he is entitled to accord sanction
estimates are the to an original estimate.
same as their
powers to As per CPWD code Note 2 of para 71 no officer of the RHD is
accord original entitled to pass any excess over a revised estimate sanctioned
sanction by a higher authority than himself.

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 12.2

Roads and Highway Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 12 – Schedule of Powers
Subject Nature of Types of Designation of the Power Reference Remarks
Work Estimates/Tender Officer
Repair Original Estimates Superintending Engineer Full Power Ministry of Provided lump sum budget provision exist.
Works Communications’
Executive Engineer Tk. 0.5 lacs memo no BPR/IM-
24/83-329 dt.11.5.83

Revised Estimates All The powers to accord CPWD code para 70 On condition that as per CPWD Code 71 an officer of
technical sanction to RHD may pass excesses over estimates provided that the
revised estimates are excesses is not more than 5% of the amount sanctioned
the same as their and does not exceed the amount upto which he is entitled
powers to accord to accord sanction to an original estimate.
original sanction
As per CPWD code Note 2 of para 71 no officer of the
RHD is entitled to pass any excess over a revised
estimate sanctioned by a higher authority than himself.

2 Acceptance Original Original Tender Superintending Engineer Tk. 1 crore Ministry of The Chief Engineer should not be responsible for
of Tender Work and Executive Engineer Tk. 10 lacs Communications’ acceptance of any original tender. He should be the
Repair work Sub-divisional Engineer Tk. 20,000 memo no BPR/IM- authority for approval of special cases referred to him by
24/83-329 dt.11.5.83 the Supt. Engineer. In case of foreign purchase the CE
can accept tender upto Tk. 1 crore.
Addl. CE will have full/concurrent powers in respect of
subjects assigned to him.
The enhanced powers are subject to the condition that
technical sanction has been accorded by the competent
The existing and enhanced powers are subject to to the
condition that the lowest tender is accepted and the
accepted tender does not exceed the sanctioned estimate
by more than 10% where the lowest tender can not be

Supplementary Addl. Chief Engineer Tk. 10 lacs Ministry of Approval should be taken from the next higher authority
Tender Superintending Engineer Tk. 5 lacs Communications’ of the officer accepting the tender
Executive Engineer Tk. 1 lacs Memo No. BPRT/4c-
21/80-180 Dt.

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 12.3

Roads and Highway Department
A Guide to RHD Office Procedures
Chapter 12 – Schedule of Powers
Subject Designation of the Power Reference Remarks
3 Write off of irrecoverable value of stores or public money Chief Engineer Tk. 1 lac Ministry of Communications’ memo
other than those caused by fraud or negligence of Addl. Chief Engineer Tk. 1 lac no BPR/IM-24/83-329 dt.11.5.83
individuals. Superintending Engineer Tk. 25,000

4 Disposal of Govt. Property/ dismantling and selling of Chief Engineer Tk. 1 lac Ministry of Communications’ memo
unserviceable buildings Addl. Chief Engineer Tk. 50,000 no BPR/IM-24/83-329 dt.11.5.83
Superintending Engineer Tk. 10,000

5 Declaring property stores unserviceable/ surplus (for sanction Chief Engineer Tk. 3 lac Ministry of Finance Division’s
of survey report) Addl. Chief Engineer Tk. 50,000 Memo No: AM/AB/ BN: 1/DP-
Superintending Engineer Tk. 30,000 1/2003/63 dt. 7.3.2000

6 Sale of unserviceable/ surplus materials which have been so Chief Engineer Full Power Ministry of Finance Division’s Subject to fulfillment of conditions
declared by competent authority (for sanction of survey Addl. Chief Engineer Full Power Memo No: AM/AB/ BN: 1/DP- for open auction/tender/quotation.
report) Superintending Engineer Tk. 50,000 1/2003/63 dt. 7.3.2000
Executive Engineer Tk. 25,000

7 Loss due to depreciation of stock Chief Engineer Tk. 20,000 Ministry of Communications’ memo
Addl. Chief Engineer Tk. 20,000 no BPR/IM-24/83-329 dt.11.5.83
Superintending Engineer Tk. 20,000

8 Loss on the store due to fraud or negligence of individuals Chief Engineer Tk. 30,000 Ministry of Finance Division’s
Addl. Chief Engineer Tk. 10,000 Memo No: AM/AB/ BN: 1/DP-
Superintending Engineer Tk. 5,000 1/2003/63 dt. 7.3.2000
Executive Engineer Tk. 2,500

9 Local purchase of stationery articles Chief Engineer Tk. 10,000 Ministry of Communications’ memo
Addl. Chief Engineer Tk, 2,000 no BPR/IM-24/83-329 dt.11.5.83
Superintending Engineer Tk. 1,000
Executive Engineer Tk. 5,00

10 Petty purchase related to works Executive Engineer Tk. 500 Ministry of Communications’ memo
Sub-divisional Engineer Tk. 100 no BPR/IM-24/83-329 dt.11.5.83
1. For item (4) the decision that the building is unserviceable shall have to be given by the Government. The market value of the building will be the value as on that
day (i.e. the day on which the value is determined).
2. For item (8) the power will be exercised only where the loss is made by such officer against whom the Chief Engineer is competent to take disciplinary action.
3. For item (9) the purchase is to be made through quotations.
4. The Additional Chief Engineer will exercise full power in respect of subjects assigned to him.

Issue 1 January 2005 Page 12.4

Annexure - 12A


Avw_©K ¶gZv Ac©Y


Avw_©K ¶gZv cybt Ac©Y

A_© gšêYvjq
A_© wefvM
e¨q wbqšêY AbywefvM

ZvwiL t 24-11-1406 evs/ 07-3-2000Bs

Avw_©K ¶gZv Ac©Y

Avw_©K ¶gZv cyb:Ac©Y

A_© gšêYvjq
A_© wefvM
e¨q wbqšêY AbywefvM

ZvwiLt- 24-11-1406 evs / 07-3-2000 Bs


μwgK bs welq cÎ c„ôv

1| Avw_©K ¶gZv Ac©Y 3


1| Avw_©K ¶gZv cyb:Ac©Y 7


3| AcªZ¨vwkZ e¨q e¨e¯’vcbv LvZ nB‡Z 20

A_© eivÏ cÖms‡M RvixK„Z cwicÎ
Avw_©K ¶gZv Ac©Y
MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi
A_© gšêYvjq, A_© wefvM
e¨q wbqšêY AbywefvM|

Awdm ¯§viK
bs-Ag/Awe/e¨:wb:-1/wWwc-1/2000/64 ZvwiL t 24-11-1406 evs / 07/03/2000 wLªt

welqt - gšêYvjq/wefvM‡K cÖ`Ë Avw_©K ¶gZvi ms‡kvab (Abybœqb)|

wb‡`©kμ‡g Rvbv‡bv hvB‡Z‡Q †h, A_© wefvM KZ©„K MZ 15-08-1983 Zvwi‡L RvwiK…Z GgGd
(Bwm-1) wWwc-6/83/378 bs Awdm ¯§viKgŇj cÖkvmwbK Kvh©μ‡gi mwnZ mvgÄm¨ ivwLqv gšêYvjq/wefvM
mgÅn‡K Avw_©K ¶gZv Ac©‡Yi GK Av‡`k Rvwi Kiv nq| cieZ©xKv‡j D³ Av‡`‡k cÖ‡qvRb Abyhvqx KwZcq
ms‡kvab Avbqb Kiv nq| ms‡kvwaZ AvKv‡i A`¨v`wa Dnv Kvh©Ki Av‡Q|

2| DcwiD³ Avw_©K ¶gZv Ac©Y msμvšè Av‡`k Rvwii ci B‡Zvg‡a¨ `xN© mgq AwZevwnZ nBqv‡Q| GB
`xN© mg‡q miKv‡ii cÖkvmwbK Kvh©μ‡g D‡j−L‡hvM¨ cwieZ©b mvwaZ nBqv‡Q| miKv‡ii Kvh©wewagvjv
ms‡kvwaZ nBqv‡Q| Avw_©K e¨e¯’vcbvq ms¯‹vi Kvh©μg M„nxZ nBqv‡Q Ges GB Kvh©μ‡gi AvIZvq 1jv
RyjvB, 1998 nB‡Z miKv‡ii ev‡RU cÖYqb I wnmve msi¶‡b byZb †kªYxweb¨vm c×wZ cÖeZ©b Kiv nBqv‡Q|
GZبZxZ KwZcq wel‡q gšêYvjq/wefvM‡K cÖ`Ë Avw_©K ¶gZv Ach©vß ewjqv cªZxqgvb nB‡Z‡Q| GB
†cÖ¶vc‡U cÖkvmwbK KvRKg© `ª“ZZvi mwnZ m¤•v`‡bi myweav‡_© cÖkvmwbK gšêYvjq/wefvM‡K AwaKZi
Avw_©K ¶gZv cÖ`v‡bi j‡¶¨ Dcwi-D³ Awdm ¯§viKwU evwZjcÅe©K GB Awdm ¯§viKwU Rvix Kiv nBj| †h
mKj welq A_© wefv‡Mi we‡ePbvi Rb¨ †cÖiY Kwi‡Z nB‡e Zvnvi GKwU ms‡kvwaZ ZvwjKv msjMœx AvKv‡i
GB ¯§vi‡Ki mwnZ mshy³ Kiv nBj|

3| gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi `vwqZ¡cÖvß mwPe (fvicÖvß mwPe Bnvi Ašèfy©³) Zvunvi gšêYvjq/wefvM, mshy³
wefvM (Attached Department), Awa`ßi Ges Aat¯èb AwdmgŇni cÖvwß Ges gšêYvjq/wefvM KZ©K „ wbqwšêZ
ev‡RU gÁzwi nB‡Z †h e¨q wbe©vn nB‡e †mB wel‡q gÅL¨ wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZ©vi `vwqZ¡ cvjb Kwi‡eb Ges
wb‡æv³ AYykvmbmgÅn cÖwZcvjb wbwðZ Kwi‡ebt-

(K) Zvunvi gšêYvjq/wefvM, mshy³ wefvM, Awa`ßi wKsev Aa:¯èb AwdmmgÅn‡K †h D‡Ïk¨ A_©
eivÏ Kiv nq †mB D‡Ï‡k¨B Zvnv †hb e¨wqZ nq;
(L) A_© e¨‡qi †¶‡Î †hb cÖPwjZ wewa-weavb K‡Vvifv‡e AbymiY Kiv nq| j¶¨ ivwL‡Z nB‡e †h
†Kvb †¶‡ÎB †hb cÖ‡qvR‡bi AwZwi³ A_© e¨q Kiv bv nq| miKvix A_© e¨‡qi †¶‡Î
cÖ‡Z¨K‡K GBiÅc mZK©Zv Aej¤^b Kwi‡Z nB‡e †hBiÅc mZK©Zv mvaviY weP¶YZv m¤•bœ
GKRb e¨w³ Zvnvi wbR¯^ A_© e¨‡qi †¶‡Î Kwiqv _v‡Kb;
(M) ev‡R‡U wewfbœ †Kv‡Wi wecix‡Z eivÏK…Z A‡_©i g‡a¨ †hb cÖK…Z e¨q mxgve× ivLv nq;
(N) A_© wefv‡Mi cÅe© m¤§wZ e¨wZ‡i‡K m¤•ÅiK gÄywi cvIqv hvB‡e GB 3cÖZ¨vkvq †hb †Kvb A_©
e¨q Kiv bv nq;
(O) mKj cÖKvi cÖvwß I e¨q mwVK †Kv‡W †kªYxweb¨vmcÅe©K hvnv‡Z wnmvefy³ Kiv nq;

(P) cÖwZ gv‡m cÖavb wnmvei¶Y Kg©KZ©v KZ…©K e¨wqZ A‡_©i wnmve msμvšè †h mKj Z_¨ cÖ`vb
Kiv nq Zvnvi mwnZ hvnv‡Z wnmv‡ii m½wZ (Reconciliation) weavb Kiv nq| †h mKj
gšêYvjq/wefv†Mi wnmve wefvMxqKiY Kiv nBqv‡Q cÖavb wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZ©v wbqwgZ Zvunvi
wnmv‡ei mwnZ H mKj gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi Aat¯èb AwdmmgŇni wnmv‡ei m½wZ weav‡bi
e¨e¯’v Kwi‡eb|
(Q) AwWU AvcwË †hb `ª“Z wb¯•wË Kiv nq|
4| gšêYvjq/wefvMmgÅn Zvunv‡`i Avw_©K ¶gZvi g‡a¨ hZUzKz m½Z we‡ePbv Kwi‡e ZZUzKz mshy³
wefvM, Awa`ßi I Aat¯èb AwdmmgÅn‡K Ac©Y Kwi‡Z cvwi‡e| mKj miKvix Awd‡m cybt¶gZv Ac©‡Yi
†¶‡Î mgi“cZv (Uniformity) Avbq‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ A_© wefvM KZ©„K cybt¶gZv Ac©‡Yi (Sub-delegation)
GKwU byZb bgybv (Model) A_© wefv‡Mi 07-03-2000 Zvwi‡Li Ag/Awe (e¨twb-1)/wWwc-1/2000-63 b¤^i
¯§viK Abyhvqx Rvix Kiv nBqv‡Q| Bnvi Av‡jv‡K gšêYvjq/wefvMmgÅn cybt¶gZv Ac©Y Kwi‡Z cvwi‡e|

5| mgq mgq cwieZ©b mv‡c‡¶ dvÛv‡g›Uvj I mvwc−‡g›Uvwi i“jm, †Rbv‡ij wdb¨vwÝqvj i“jm, †UªRvwi
i“jm BZ¨vw`i AvIZvq gšêYvjq/wefvMmgÅn‡K †h Avw_©K ¶gZv Ac©Y Kiv nBqv‡Q Zvnviv Dnv cÖ‡qvM Kwi‡Z

6| ms‡hvwRZ ZvwjKvq ewY©Z welqvw` e¨ZxZ cÖPwjZ wbqg/c×wZ Abyhvqx †h mKj wel‡q Ab¨vb¨
gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi mwnZ civgk© Kwievi Avek¨KZv iwnqv‡Q †mB mKj welq A_© wefv‡M †cÖiY bv Kwiqv
cÖkvmwbK gšêYvjq/wefvM mswk−ó gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi mwnZ civgk© Kwi‡e|

7| Awc©Z ¶gZvi AvIZvfy³ mKj wel‡q gšêYvjq/wefvM mswk−ó cÖavb wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZ©v eivei
gÁzix Av‡`k Rvix Kwi‡e| D³ Av‡`‡k wb‡æv³ welqmgÅn D‡j−L Kwi‡Z nB‡e t

(K) GB Awdm ¯§vi‡Ki gva¨‡g Awc©Z ¶gZvi AvIZvq gÄyix Av‡`k Rvix Kiv nBqv‡Q; Ges
(L) Aby‡gvw`Z ev‡R‡U GZ`y‡Ï‡k¨ A_© eivÏ ivLv nBqv‡Q Ges Dnv †_vK eivÏ AvKv‡i ivLv
nq bvB|

GBi“c †¶‡Î gÄyix Av‡`k A_© wefvM KZ©„K c„ôv¼b Kwievi cÖ‡qvRb nB‡e bv|

8| ms‡hvwRZ ZvwjKvi Ašèf©y³ msjMœxi AvB‡UgmgŇni †¶‡Î gšêYvjq/wefvMmgÅn KZ©„K RvixK…Z gÄyix
Av‡`kmgÅn A_© wefv‡Mi mswk−ó AbywefvM KZ©„K c„ôvw¼Z nIqvi ci cÖavb wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZ©v eivei †cÖiY
Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

9| ev‡R‡U A_© eivÏ Kiv nq bvB A_ev ev‡R‡U †h A_© eivÏ Kiv nBqv‡Q Zvnv Ach©vß nB‡j GBi“c
†¶‡Î AwZwi³ A_© `vexi cÖ¯ève A_© wefv‡M †cÖiY Kwievi mgq A_© wefv‡Mi 07-03-2000Bs Zvwi‡Li
Ag/Awe (e¨twbt-1) wWwc-1/2000/62 b¤^i cwic‡Î ewY©Z c×wZ AbymiY Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

10| GB Awdm ¯§vi‡Ki gva¨‡g cÖ`Ë Avw_©K ¶gZv cieZ©x Av‡`k bv ‡`Iqv ch©šè ejer _vwK‡e|

mshy³ t- eY©bvg‡Z

(Wt AvKei Avwj Lvb)

A_© wefvM

bs-Gg,Gd (Bwm-1) wWwc-1/2000/64(7000) ZvwiL t 07-3-2000 Bs/24-11-1406 evs|

AeMwZ I cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi Rb¨ Abywjwc †cÖiY Kiv nBjt -


(wd‡ivR Avn‡g`)
Dc-mwPe (e¨twbt)
A_© wefvM

weZiY t -

(1) gwšêcwil` mwPe/gÅL¨ mwPe, cÖavbgšêxi Kvh©vjq/mwPe, ivóªcwZi Kvh©vjq|

(2) gnv-wnmve wbix¶K I wbqšêK, evsjv‡`k|
(3) mwPe/fvicÖvß mwPe, mKj gšêYvjq/wefvM|
(4) ‡Pqvig¨vb, RvZxq ivR¯^ †evW©|
(5) gnvgvb¨ ivóªcwZi GKvšè mwPe|
(6) gvbbxq cÖavbgšêxi GKvšè mwPe|
(7) gvbbxq gšêx/cÖwZgšêx/Dc-gšêxM‡Yi GKvšè mwPe|
(8) A_© wefv‡Mi mKj kvLv|


A_© wefv‡Mi we‡ePbvi Rb¨ †cÖwiZe¨ welqvw`i ZvwjKv|

1| mswk−ó A_© ermi ewnf©yZ †h †Kvb Avw_©K A½xKvi|

2| ev‡RU eiv‡Ïi AwZwi³ e¨‡qi cÖ¯ève|
3| Aby‡gvw`Z ev‡R‡U mywbw`©ªófv‡e eivÏ bvB GBi“c AbveZ©K e¨‡qi cÖ¯ève|
4| (K) †kªYxweb¨vm Pv‡U©i msÁv Abymv‡i A_©‰bwZK †Kv‡W©i †eZb I fvZv †kªYx nB‡Z Ab¨ A_©‰bwZK
†kªYx‡Z cybt Dc‡hvRb
(L) `vq hy³ e¨q nB‡Z `vqhy³ bq Ggb e¨‡q A_ev `vqhy³ e¨‡q cybt Dc‡hvRb|
5| (K) c` m„wó|
(L) A¯’vqx c` msi¶Y|
(M) c‡`i †eZbμg, gh©v`v/c`wei cwieZ©b|
(N) c` ¯’vqxKiY|
(O) IqvK©PvR©W/Kw›Ub‡R›U Kg©Pvix‡`i bZzb wb‡qvM A_ev wbqwgZ cÖwZôv‡b Avbqb|
6| ev‡R‡U mywbw`©ófv‡e eivÏ bvB GBi“c mKj cÅZ© Kv‡Ri Rb¨ bZzb e¨‡qi cÖ¯ève|
7| cÖvK-¯^vaxbZv Kv‡ji Avw_©K `vex|
8| mgq we‡k‡l m¤•vw`Z K‡Vvi kªgmva¨ ev K…wZZ¡cyY© Kv‡Ri Rb¨ miKvix Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡K 2500/-
UvKvi D‡×© A_ev GKB erm‡i GK ev‡ii AwaK m¤§vbx cÖ`vb|
9| ‡eZb I fvZvw`, ågY I e`jx msμvšè e¨q, fwel¨ Znwej, †cbkb I Avby‡ZvwlK wbqšêYKvix
wewaweavb I Ab¨vb¨ Avw_©K wewaweavb m¤^wjZ Av‡`k mgÅn BZ¨vw`i e¨vL¨v|
10| ‡eZb I fvZvw` m¤•wK©Z PvKzixi kZ©vw`i cwieZ©b|
11| Ki, ïé, wd, †mm Av‡ivc msμvšè cÖ¯èvemn miKvix cÖvwßi Dci cÖfve †d‡j Ggb †h †Kvb cÖ¯ève|
12| cÖv_wgK wb‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î wewa †gvZv‡eK cÖ‡hvR¨ ewa©Z †eZb e¨ZxZ AvMvg ewa©Z †eZb gÄyi|
13| ev‡RU eivÏ ewnfÅ©Z Aby`vb gÄyi|
14| ¯’vqx AwMÖg ev Bg‡cÖó ewnfÅ©Z 30 (wÎk) nvRvi UvKvi AwZwi³ AwMÖg D‡Ëvjb|
15| ev‡RU eivÏ Ges gy`ªY, †jL mvgMÖx, digm I cÖKvkbv Awa`ßi KZ©„K mswk−ó mvgMÖxi AcÖvc¨Zv mb`
cÖvwß mv‡c‡¶ 45 (cuqZvwj−k) nvRvi UvKvi AwaK g‡bvnvix `ªe¨vw` ¯’vbxqfv‡e μq|
16| wgwUs/Kbdv‡iÝ/cÖwk¶Y †Kv‡m©i cÖwZwU Abyôv‡b nvév Avc¨vq‡bi Rb¨ RbcÖwZ 12 (evi) UvKv Ges
†gvU 600 (QqkZ) UvKvi AwaK e¨q|

17| RvwjqvwZ, MvwdjwZ A_ev Ab¨vb¨ Kvi‡Y 05 (cuvP) j¶ UvKvi AwaK Abv‡`q ¶wZ Ae‡jvcb|
18| miKvix Kg©Pvix‡K cÖ`Ë Abv‡`q FY/AwMÖg Ges FY/AwMÖ‡gi AwR©Z my` Ae‡jvcb|
19| (K) we‡`‡k miKvixfv‡e ågYKvix †Kwe‡bU gšêx KZ©„K Avc¨vqb e¨q eve` 500 (cuvP kZ) gvwK©b
Wjvi Ges mievn I †mevi Aaxb Ab¨vb¨ e¨q eve` 200 (`yBkZ) gvwK©b Wjv‡ii AwaK e¨q|
(L) we‡`‡k miKvixfv‡e ågYKv‡j cÖwZgšêx/Dcgšêx KZ©„K Avc¨vqb e¨q eve` 400 (Pvi kZ) gvwK©b
Wjvi Ges mievn I †mevi Aaxb Ab¨vb¨ e¨q eve` 150 (GKkZ cÂvk) gvwK©b Wjv‡ii AwaK
(M) cÖwZwbwa `‡ji cÖavb wn‡m‡e mwPe/fvicÖvß mwPe KZ©„K Avc¨vqb e¨q eve` 300 (wZb kZ) gvwK©b
Wjvi Ges mievn I †mevi Aaxb Ab¨vb¨ e¨q eve` 100 (GKkZ) gvwK©b Wjv‡ii AwaK e¨q|
20| we‡`‡k wb‡qvwRZ miKvix ev ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cÖwZôv‡bi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i fvZvw` wba©viY|
21| Avw_©K ms‡k−l m¤^wjZ welqvejx, we‡klZ: wØcvw¶K/AvšèR©vwZK mg‡SvZv ¯§viK/Pzw³/wUªwU m¤•v`b
Avg`vbx I ißvbx bxwZ cÖYqb, wewb‡qvM bxwZ cÖYqb, gÅj¨ bxwZ cÖYqb, kªg bxwZ cÖYqb I ïé bxwZ
22| gšêYvjq/wefvM/wWcvU©‡g›U/WvB‡i±‡i‡Ui Aaxb¯’ Awdm mgŇni wnmve msKjb c×wZi cwieZ©b|
23| FY msMÖn (Floatation of Loan) msμvšè hveZxq welq|
24| cÖZ¨¶ ev c‡iv¶fv‡e ev‡RU ewnfyÅ©Z Avw_©K ms‡k−l m¤^wjZ Ab¨ †h †Kvb welq|
25| A_© wefv‡Mi mv‡_ civgk©μ‡g †_vK eiv‡Ïi e¨envi msμvšè bxwZgvjv Pzovšè bv nIqv ch©šè Gi“c
eiv‡Ïi wefvRb Aby‡gv`b|
26| miKvix Kvh©wewagvjvq ewY©Z cÖK…Z A_ev m¤¢ve¨ miKvix ivR‡¯^i `vexi cwiZ¨vM, gIKzd ev ivR¯^
avh©KiY (Assignment of revene) wKsev Gi wecix‡Z A½xKvi cÖ`vb|
27| ‡Rbv‡ij dvBb¨vwÝqvj i“j&m (wR Gd Avi), †UªRvix i“j&m GÛ mvewmwWqvix i“j&m mn A_© e¨q msμvšè
cÖPwjZ wewa-weavb mgÅn wkw_j Kivi cÖ‡qvRb Av‡Q Ggb A_© e¨‡qi cÖ¯ève|

Avw_©K ¶gZv cyb:Ac©b
MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi
A_© gšêYvjq, A_© wefvM
e¨q wbqšêY AbywefvM
Awdm ¯§viK bs-Ag/Awe/e¨:wb:-1/wWwc-1/2000/63 ZvwiL t 24-11-1406 et / 07-03-2000wLªt

welq t gšêYvjq/wef‡Mi Aaxb Attached Department Ges Aat¯èb Awd‡mi cÖavb‡K

AwaKZi ¶gZv Sub-delegation m¤•wK©Z|

miKv†ii ev‡RU I wnmve c×wZ‡Z bZzb †kªYxweb¨vm cÖeZ©bmn A_© e¨e¯’vcbvq ¸i“Z¡cÅY© ms¯‹vi
Kvh©μg ev¯èevq‡bi d‡j Avw_©K ¶gZvi Sub-delegation G cwieZ©‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv †`Lv w`qv‡Q| wefvMxq
cÖavb I Aat¯èb Awd‡mi cÖavb‡K cÖkvmwbK Kvh©m¤•v`‡b B‡Zvcy‡e© †h cwigvY Avw_©K ¶gZv cÖ`vb Kiv
nBqv‡Q AwaKvsk †¶‡ÎB Zvnv eZ©gv‡b Ach©vß ewjqv cÖZxqgvb nB‡Z‡Q| ZvB mswk−ó Kg©KZ©vMY hvnv‡Z
cÖkvmwbK Kvh©μg AwaKZi ¯^vaxbZvi m‡½ `ª“Z m¤•v`b Kwi‡Z cv‡ib, †mB D‡Ï‡k¨ A_© wefv‡Mi MZ
29†k RyjvB 1985 Zvwi‡Li I Gg bs Gg Gd (Bwm-1)/wWwc-4/85/158, ZvwiL 29-07-1985 bs ¯§viKwU
evwZjμ‡g GZ`m‡½ hy³ Avw_©K ¶gZvi Sub-delegation g‡WjwU Rvix Kiv nBj|

2| evwZjK…Z DcwiD³ Sub-delegation g‡W‡ji b¨vq bZzb g‡WjwU‡Z gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi Aaxb

Attached Department Ges Aat¯èb Awdmmgy‡ni cÖavb‡K mywbw`©ªó Avw_©K ¶gZv cÖ`vb Kiv
nBqv‡Q| Aat¯èb Awdmmgy‡ni cÖavb‡K K¨vUvMwi-1, K¨vUvMwi-2, K¨vUvMwi-3, GB 3wU †kªYx‡Z fvM
Kiv nBqv‡Q| wefvMxq/AvÂwjK ch©v‡qi AwdmmgÅn K¨vUvMwi-1, †Rjv ch©v‡qi Awdmmgyn
K¨vUvMwi-2, Ges Dc‡Rjv/_vbv ch©v‡qi Awdmmgyn K¨vUvMwi-3, ch©v‡qi Ašèf©Å³ nB‡e| ïaygvÎ
Avw_©K ¶gZv cÖ‡qv‡Mi D‡Ï‡k¨ GBi“c †kªYx wbav©iY Kiv nBqv‡Q| Bnvi m‡½ mswk−ó Kg©KZ©vi
c`gh©v`vi (Status) †Kvb m¤•K© bvB|

3| cÖkvmwbK gšêYvjq/wefvM GB g‡Wj AbymiY cÅe©K Dnvi Aaxb wefvMxq cÖavb Ges Aat¯èb Awdm
cÖav‡bi g‡a¨ Avw_©K ¶gZv Ac©b Kwiqv Av‡`k Rvix Kwi‡eb| GB Av‡`‡ki Kwc gnvwnmve wbqšêK,
cÖavb wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZ©v, †Rjv wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZ©v, Dc‡Rjv/_vbv wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZ©v Ges A_©
wefv‡M †cÖiY Kwi‡Z nB‡e| cÖ‡qvRb‡ev‡a †Kvb Kg©KZ©v †Kvb K¨vUvMwify³ nB‡eb Zvnv D‡j−L
cÅe©K Av‡`k Rvix Kwi‡eb|

4| cÖm½Z: D‡j−L¨ †h, miKvix we‡kl Av‡`k e‡j B‡Zvg‡a¨ †h mg¯è Kg©KZ©v‡K we‡kl Avw_©K ¶gZv
cÖ`vb Kiv nBqv‡Q Zvnviv Dnv h_vixwZ cÖ‡qvM Kwi‡eb| Z‡e ms‡hvwRZ g‡W‡j cÖ`wk©Z †Kvb
AvB‡U‡gi Avw_©K ¶gZv hw` we‡kl Av‡`‡k cÖ`Ë H AvB‡U‡gi ¶gZvi PvB‡Z †ekx nq †mB†¶‡Î
GB g‡W‡j cÖ`wk©Z ¶gZv mswk−ó Kg©KZ©v cÖ‡qvM Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb|

5| Sub-delegation Av‡`k my¯•ófv‡e D‡j−L _vwK‡Z nB‡e †h, g‡W‡j ewY©Z ¶gZv cÖ‡qv‡M mswk−ó
Kg©KZ©v cÅY© ¶gZvevb| Z‡e GB †¶‡Î cÖ‡hvR¨ wewa-weavb, miKvix Av‡`k/wb‡`©k h_vh_fv‡e
AbymiY Kwi‡Z nB‡e Ges mswk−ó AvB‡U‡gi AbyKz‡j cÖ‡qvRbxq ev‡RU eivÏ _vwK‡Z nB‡e|

6| Awc©Z Avw_©K ¶gZv cÖ‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î mswk−ó Kg©KZ©v‡K wb‡¤§v³ welqmgÅn m¤•‡K©I mZK©Zv Aej¤^b
Kwi‡Z nB‡e t-

(K) ‡h D‡Ï‡k¨ A_© eivÏ †`Iqv nBqv‡Q wVK †mB D‡Ï‡k¨B Dnv e¨q Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

(L) A_© e¨‡qi †¶‡Î cÖ‡hvR¨ wewa-weavb, miKvix Av‡`k/wb‡`©k BZ¨vw` K‡Vvifv‡e AbymiY
Kwi‡Z nB‡e| GB †¶‡Î j¶¨ ivwL‡Z nB‡e †h, †Kvb †¶‡ÎB †hb cÖK…Z cÖ‡qvR‡bi AwZwi³
A_© e¨q Kiv bv nq|
(M) ev‡R‡U wewfbœ AvB‡Ug/†Kv‡Wi AbyKŇj eivÏK…Z A‡_©i g‡a¨B cÖK…Z e¨q mxgve× ivwL‡Z
(N) A_© gšêYvj‡qi cÅe© m¤§wZ e¨wZZ evwl©K/m¤•ÅiK ev‡R‡U cÖvwßi cÖZ¨vkvq †Kvb e¨q Kiv
(O) mKj †kªYxi cÖvwß I e¨q mwVKfv‡e †kªYxweb¨vm cÅe©K h_vh_ wnmve †Kv‡Wi Aaxx‡b †`LvB‡Z
(P) cÖ‡Z¨K gv‡mi †k‡l mswk−ó AwWU Awd‡mi m‡½ Avq-e¨‡qi wnmve mgš^q Kwi‡Z nB‡e|
(Q) AwWU AvcwË `ª“ZZvi m‡½ wb¯•wË Kwi‡Z nB‡e; Ges
(R) A_© gšêYvj‡qi wb‡`©k Abymv‡i wnmve I Avw_©K weeiYx/ wi‡cvU©mgÅn wbf©yjfv‡e wbw`©ó mg‡qi
g‡a¨ `vwLj Kwi‡e nB‡e|

7| GB Av‡`k Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki nB‡e|

mshy³ t- Avw_©K ¶gZvi Sub-delegation Gi bZzb g‡Wj

(Wt AvKei Avwj Lvb)

A_© wefvM

bs-Gg,Gd (Bwm-1)wWwc-1/2000/63(7000) ZvwiL t 07/03/2000 Bs/24-11-1406 evs

AeMwZ I cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi Rb¨ Abywjwc †cÖiY Kiv nBjt -


(wd‡ivR Avn‡g`)
Dc-mwPe (e¨:wb:)
A_© wefvM|

weZiY t
(1) gwšêcwil` mwPe/gÅL¨ mwPe, cÖavbgšêxi Kvh©vjq/mwPe, ivóªcwZi Kvh©vjq|
(2) gnv-wnmve wbix¶K I wbqšêK, evsjv‡`k|
(3) mwPe/fvicÖvß mwPe, mKj gšêYvjq/wefvM|
(4) ‡Pqvig¨vb, RvZxq ivR¯^ †evW©|
(5) mKj wefvMxq cÖavb|
(6) gnvgvb¨ ivóªcwZi GKvšè mwPe|
(7) gvbbxq cÖavbgšêxi GKvšè mwPe|
(8) gvbbxq gšêx/cÖwZgšêx/Dc-gšêxM‡Yi GKvšè mwPe|
(9) A_© wefv‡Mi mKj kvLv|

Avw_©K ¶gZvi Sub-delegation Gi bZzb g‡Wj
Aat¯èb Awdmmgyn
μt AvB‡Ug wefvMxq cÖavb K¨vUvMix-1 Gi K¨vUvMix-2 Gi K¨vUvMix-3
bs Kg©KZ©v Kg©KZ©v Gi Kg©KZ©v
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 A¯’vqx c` m„wó| kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

2 c` wejyßKiY| kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

3 ev‡RU eiv‡Ïi GKB A_©‰bwZK †KvW †i‡Äi g‡a¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨
cyb: Dc‡hvRb| cyb: Dc‡hvRb Kiv hvB‡e| Z‡e kZ©
_v‡K †h,
(K) †eZb †KvW nB‡Z Ab¨ †Kvb
†Kv‡W cyb: Dc‡hvRb Kiv hvB‡e bv|
(L) eivÏK…Z A‡_©i g‡a¨ cyb:
Dc‡hvRb mxwgZ ivwL‡Z nB‡e|
(M) cieZ©x A_© erm‡i GKB e¨‡qi
cybive„wËi m¤¢vebv iwnqv‡Q Ggb
†Kvb †¶‡Î cyb: Dc‡hvRb Kiv
hvB‡e bv|
4 Abybœqb ev‡R‡U cÖwZ †¶‡Î 25 j¶ UvKv| cÖwZ †¶‡Î 5 kÅb¨ kÅb¨
byZb cÅZ© Kv‡Ri j¶ UvKv|
5 Abybœqb ev‡R‡U ev‡RU eivÏ mv‡c‡¶ 2 j¶ UvKv ev‡RU eivÏ kÅb¨ kÅb¨
Ab¨vb¨ bZzb mv‡c‡¶ 50
e¨‡qi cÖkvmwbK nvRvi UvKv
6 miKvix m¤•wËi
(K) e¨env‡ii
A‡hvM¨ /cwiZ¨³ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨
feb weμq/
aŸsm Kiv|

(L) m¤•wË cÖPwjZ wewaweavb cvjb mv‡c‡¶ cÖPwjZ cÖPwjZ wewaweavb kÅb¨
e¨env‡ii A‡hvM¨ 3.00 j¶ UvKv ch©šè| wewaweavb cvjb cvjb mv‡c‡¶ 30
†NvlYv mv‡c‡¶ 50 nvRvi UvKv ch©šè|
nvRvi UvKv

(M) e¨env‡ii cÖKvk¨ wbjvg/†UÛvi/†Kv‡Uk‡bi k‡Z© cÖKvk¨ wbjvg/ cÖKvk¨ wbjvg/ cÖKvk¨
A‡hvM¨ `ªe¨ cÅY© ¶gZv †UÛvi/ †UÛvi/†Kv‡Uk‡bi wbjvg/
mvgMÖx weμq| †Kv‡Uk‡bi k‡Z© 50 nvRvi †UÛvi/
k‡Z© cvjb UvKv ch©šè| †Kv‡Uk‡bi
Aat¯èb Awdmmgyn
μt AvB‡Ug wefvMxq cÖavb K¨vUvMix-1 Gi K¨vUvMix-2 Gi K¨vUvMix-3
bs Kg©KZ©v Kg©KZ©v Gi Kg©KZ©v
mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© k‡Z© 25
¶gZv| nvRvi UvKv

(N) miKvix fÅwg GK erm‡ii Rb¨ cÖKvk¨ GK erm‡ii GK erm‡ii Rb¨ GK erm‡ii
BRviv| wbjvg/†UÛvi/†Kv‡Uk‡bi k‡Z© cÅY© Rb¨ cÖKvk¨ cÖKvk¨ Rb¨ cÖKvk¨
¶gZv wbjvg/†UÛvi/ wbjvg/†UÛvi/ wbjvg/†UÛvi/
†Kv‡Uk‡bi †Kv‡Uk‡bi k‡Z© †Kv‡Uk‡bi
k‡Z© cÅY© cÅY© ¶gZv| k‡Z© 20
¶gZv| nvRvi UvKv

(O) K¨vbwUb GK erm‡ii Rb¨ cÖKvk¨ GK erm‡ii GK erm‡ii Rb¨ GK erm‡ii

BRviv| wbjvg/†UÛvi/†Kv‡Uk‡bi k‡Z© cÅY© Rb¨ cÖKvk¨ cÖKvk¨ Rb¨ cÖKvk¨
¶gZv| wbjvg/†UÛvi/ wbjvg/†UÛvi/ wbjvg/†UÛvi/
†Kv‡Uk‡bi †Kv‡Uk‡bi k‡Z© †Kv‡Uk‡bi
k‡Z© cÅY© cÅY© ¶gZv| k‡Z© 10
¶gZv| nvRvi UvKv

(P)Ab¨vb¨ fvov/ GK erm‡ii Rb¨ cÖKvk¨ GK erm‡ii GK erm‡ii Rb¨ GK erm‡ii

BRviv Av`vq| wbjvg/†UÛvi/ †Kv‡Uk‡bi k‡Z© cyY© Rb¨ cÖKvk¨ cÖKvk¨ Rb¨ cÖKvk¨
¶gZv wbjvg/†UÛvi/ wbjvg/†UÛvi/ wbjvg/†UÛvi/
†Kv‡Uk‡bi †Kv‡Uk‡bi k‡Z© †Kv‡Uk‡bi
k‡Z© cÅY© cÅY© ¶gZv| k‡Z© 20
¶gZv| nvRvi UvKv

7 RvwjqvwZ, wba©vwiZ kZ© mv‡c‡¶ cÖwZwU †KB‡m wba©vwiZ kZ© wba©vwiZ kZ© wba©vwiZ kZ©
MvwdjwZ, Pzwi 30 nvRvi UvKv ch©šè| mv‡c‡¶ cÖwZwU mv‡c‡¶ cÖwZwU mv‡c‡¶
A_ev Ab¨vb¨ †KB‡m 10 †KB‡m 5 nvRvi cÖwZwU †KB‡m
Kvi‡Y fvÛvi ev nvRvi UvKv UvKv ch©šè 2500 UvKv
miKvix A‡_©i ch©šè ch©šè
Abv‡`q gyj¨

8 Avcxj `vwL‡ji wba©vwiZ wewagvjv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© wba©vwiZ wba©vwiZ wewagvjv kÅb¨
cÖ¯èvebv bvB ¶gZv| wewagvjv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY©
GBi“c †¶‡Î mv‡c‡¶ cyY© ¶gZv|
Av`vj‡Zi ¶gZv|
ivq/Av‡`k A_ev
cÖPwjZ wewa
Abyhvqx A_©
cÖZ¨vc©Y Av‡`k
cÖ`v‡bi ¶gZv|

Aat¯èb Awdmmgyn
μt AvB‡Ug wefvMxq cÖavb K¨vUvMix-1 Gi K¨vUvMix-2 Gi K¨vUvMix-3
bs Kg©KZ©v Kg©KZ©v Gi Kg©KZ©v

9 miKvix wefvMxq cÖav‡bi ¯^xq `vex e¨ZxZ `ßi cÖav‡bi `ßi cÖav‡bi ¯^xq kÅb¨
Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvixi AbwaK 15 erm‡ii e‡Kqv ¯^xq `vex e¨ZxZ `vex e¨ZxZ
¯^vaxbZv cÅe© `vex `vexmgÅn| AbwaK 6 AbwaK 3 erm‡ii
mgÅn Qvov e‡Kqv erm‡ii e‡Kqv e‡Kqv `vexmgÅn|
`vex AbymÜv‡bi `vexmgÅn|

10 mieivn I †mevi
(A_©‰bwZK †KvW
Gi AvIZvq)
AvB‡U‡g e¨‡qi

(K) †Kvb cÖPwjZ wewaweavb cvjb mv‡c‡¶ cÅÅY© cÖPwjZ cÖPwjZ wewaweavb cÖPwjZ
AvB‡U‡g mywbw`©ó ¶gZv| wewaweavb cvjb cvjb mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© wewaweavb
eivÏ _vwK‡j| mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv| cvjb
¶gZv| mv‡c‡¶ cÅY©

(L) †Kvb Dchy³ KZ©„c¶ KZ©„K Aby‡gvw`Z Dchy³ KZ©„c¶ Dchy³ KZ©„c¶ Dchy³
AvB‡U‡g mywbw`©ó wefvRb Abyhvqx Ges cÖPwjZ KZ©„K KZ©„K Aby‡gvw`Z KZ©„c¶ KZ©„K
eivÏ bv wewaweavb cvjb mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv| Aby‡gvw`Z wefvRb Abyhvqx Aby‡gvw`Z
_vwK‡j| wefvRb Abyhvqx Ges cÖPwjZ wefvRb
Ges cÖPwjZ wewaweavb cvjb Abyhvqx Ges
wewaweavb cvjb mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© cÖPwjZ
mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv| wewaweavb
¶gZv| cvjb
mv‡c‡¶ cÅY©
11 †givgZ,
msi¶Y I
e¨q gÄyix:
K) miKvix ev‡RU eivÏ _vKv mv‡c‡¶ erm‡i Kjvg 3 Gi Kjvg 3 Gi (2) Kjvg 3 Gi
hvbevnb †givgZ 1wU hvbevn‡bi †¶‡Î Abya© (2) I (3) Gi I (3) Gi kZ© (2) I (3)
20000/- UvKv| Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h, kZ© cvjb cvjb mv‡c‡¶ Gi kZ© cvjb
mv‡c‡¶ Abya© Abya© 5000/- mv‡c‡¶ Abya©
(1) miKvix hvbevnb †givgZ 10,000/- UvKv| 3,000/-
KviLvbv KZ©„K cÖZ¨vwqZ nB‡Z nB‡e UvKv| UvKv|
†h,Zvnviv D³ †givgZ Kwi‡Z Amg_©|

Aat¯èb Awdmmgyn
μt AvB‡Ug wefvMxq cÖavb K¨vUvMix-1 Gi K¨vUvMix-2 Gi K¨vUvMix-3
bs Kg©KZ©v Kg©KZ©v Gi Kg©KZ©v
(2) GZ`mswk−ó cÖPwjZ wewaweavb I
miKvix Av‡`k wb‡`©k AbymiY
Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

(3) DשZb KZ©„c‡¶i e¨q gÄyix

GovBevi D‡Ï‡k¨ †gvU †givgZ e¨q
wefvRb Kiv hvB‡e bv|

(L) hšêcvwZ ev‡RU eivÏ _vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ev‡RU eivÏ ev‡RU eivÏ _vKv ev‡RU eivÏ
BKz¨Bc‡g›U, ¶gZv| _vKv mv‡c‡¶ mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© _vKv mv‡c‡¶
Awdm miÄvgvw` cÅY© ¶gZv| ¶gZv| Abya©
I AvmevecÎ 1,500/-
†givgZ| UvKv|

(M) evBmvB‡Kj cÅY© ¶gZv| cÅY© ¶gZv| cÅY© ¶gZv| cÅY© ¶gZv|

(N) fvov Kiv ev‡RU eivÏ _vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© Kjvg-3 Gi Kjvg-3 Gi k‡Z© kÅb¨
feb/ wiKzBwRmb ¶gZv| Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h, fvovi k‡Z© AbwaK AbwaK 2500/-
Kiv feb Pzw³/wiKzBwRkb AvBb Abyhvqx 2500/-
†givgZ| †givg‡Zi `vwqZ¡ miKvi KZ©„K
enb‡hvM¨ n‡Z n‡e|

12 gyjab e¨‡qi
e¨‡qi gÄyix :
(K) hvbevnb kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

(L) hšêcvwZ, GKKvjxb AbwaK 50 nvRvi UvKv| 3bs Kjv‡g 3bs Kjv‡g 3bs Kjv‡g
BKz¨Bc‡g›U, Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h, Dwj−wLZ Dwj−wLZ kZ©vejx D‡j−wLZ
Awdm miÄgvvw` (1) cÖ‡qvRbxq ev‡RU eivÏ _vwK‡Z kZ©vejx cvjb cvjb mv‡c‡¶ kZ©vejx
AvmevecÎ μq| nB‡e| mv‡c‡¶ AbwaK AbwaK 10,000/- cvjb
(2) cÖ‡hvR¨ wewaweavb I miKvix 15,000/- UvKv| mv‡c‡¶
Av‡`k/wb‡`©kvejx AbymiY Kwi‡Z UvKv| AbwaK
nB‡e| 5,000/-
(3) DשZb KZ©„c‡¶i Aby‡gv`b UvKv|
GovBevi D‡Ï‡k¨ †gvU e¨‡qi
wefvRb Kiv hvB‡e bv|

(M) Kw¤•DUvi/ ev‡RU eivÏ _vKv mv‡c‡¶ cyY© 3bs Kjv‡g 3bs Kjv‡g kÅb¨
Kw¤•DUvi ¶gZv| Dwj−wLZ Dwj−wLZ kZ©vejx
mdUIq¨vi/ Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h, kZ©vejx cvjb cvjb mv‡c‡¶

Aat¯èb Awdmmgyn
μt AvB‡Ug wefvMxq cÖavb K¨vUvMix-1 Gi K¨vUvMix-2 Gi K¨vUvMix-3
bs Kg©KZ©v Kg©KZ©v Gi Kg©KZ©v
Kw¤•DUvi (1) ev‡RU eivÏ _vwK‡Z nB‡e| mv‡c‡¶ AbwaK AbwaK 10,000/-
hšêvsk μq| (2) GB †¶‡Î cÖ‡hvR¨ wewa weavb I 20,000/- UvKv|
miKvix Av‡`k/wb‡`©k cvjb Kwi‡Z UvKv|

(N) evB-mvB‡Kj ev‡RU eivÏ _vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© 3bs Kjv‡g 3bs Kjv‡g kÅb¨
μq ¶gZv| Dwj−wLZ Dwj−wLZ kZ©vejx
Z‡e GB †¶‡Î cÖ‡hvR¨ wewa weavb I kZ©vejx cvjb cvjb mv‡c‡¶ cÅY©
miKvix Av‡`k/wb‡`©k AbymiY mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv|
Kwi‡Z nB‡e| ¶gZv|

13 mvnvh¨, gÄyixi
e¨q gÄyix:
(K) e„wË cÖ`vb kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨
(L)Aby`vb gÄyix kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

14 ‡Kvb c‡` UvBg kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

†¯‹‡j wb‡qvMcÖvß
cÖviw¤¢K †eZb

15 wefvMxq cix¶v Abya© 1,000/- UvKv| kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

mswk−ó Kv‡Ri
Rb¨ wewa
Abymv‡i miKvix
Kg©Pvix‡K m¤§vbx

16 wd mswk−ó Kv‡R cÅY© ¶gZv| Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h, †Kvb kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨
wbhyw³i gÄyix| GKK †¶‡Î 1,000/- UvKv Ges
erm‡i 2,000/- UvKvi AwaK nB‡e

17 ågY fvZv wej AwMÖg †bIqv bv nB‡j, cyY© ¶gZv| 3bs Kjv‡g kÅb¨ kÅb¨
`vwL‡ji wba©vwiZ AwMÖg †bIqv nB‡j åg‡Yi 12 gv‡mi Dwj−wLZ
mgq mxgv g‡a¨ D‡ËvwjZ AwMªg mgš^q Kwi‡Z kZ©vejx cvjb
wkw_j| nB‡e| Ab¨_vq, AwMÖg Av`vq‡hvM¨ mv‡c‡¶ cÅY©

Aat¯èb Awdmmgyn
μt AvB‡Ug wefvMxq cÖavb K¨vUvMix-1 Gi K¨vUvMix-2 Gi K¨vUvMix-3
bs Kg©KZ©v Kg©KZ©v Gi Kg©KZ©v
nB‡e| ¶gZv|

18 evm¯’v‡bi Afve, Abya© GK eQi| 3bs Kjv‡gi kÅb¨ kÅb¨

†Q‡j-‡g‡q‡`i Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h, Abyi“c|
†jLv cov, (1) evm¯’v‡bi Afve, †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i
wPwKrmvMZ A_ev †jLvcov, wPwKrmvMZ A_ev Ab¨
gvbweK Kvi‡Y †Kvb gvbweK Kvi‡Y cwievi‡K
e`jxK…Z ¯’v‡b ¯’vbvšèi Kwi‡Z Amg_© nB‡j,
e`jxi 6 gv‡mi (2) AwMÖg D‡Ëvj‡bi Qq gv‡mi g‡a¨
g‡a¨ †hvM`vb †dir cÖ`vb Kwi‡j|
Kwi‡Z bv cvwi‡j
†mB †¶‡Î ågY
fvZv wej
mgqmxgv wkw_j|

19 e`jxK…Z cÅY© ¶gZv| Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h e`jxi 3bs Kjv‡gi kÅb¨ kÅb¨
Kg©KZ©v/ Av‡`k Rvixi ci mswk−ó Abyi“c|
Kg©Pvixi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvixi cwievi‡K e`jxK…Z
e`jxK…Z Kg©¯’‡j ¯’v‡b ågY Kwi‡Z nB‡e|
cwiev‡ii †Kvb
mgqmxgv 1gv‡m

20 miKvi KZ…©K kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

†emiKvix m`m¨
I we‡`kx
ågY fvZv Ges
ˆ`wbK fvZvi

21 †hvMv‡hvM cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv kÅb¨

wew”QbœZvi Kvi‡Y
†Kv_vI Ae¯’v‡b
eva¨ nB‡j †mB
†¶‡Î ˆ`wbK
fvZv gÄyix|

22 wbqšêY ewnfÅ©Z ¯^xq e¨ZxZ cÅY© ¶gZv | ¯^xq e¨ZxZ cÅY© kÅb¨ kÅb¨
Kvi‡Y miKvix ¶gZv | Z‡e
Aat¯èb Awdmmgyn
μt AvB‡Ug wefvMxq cÖavb K¨vUvMix-1 Gi K¨vUvMix-2 Gi K¨vUvMix-3
bs Kg©KZ©v Kg©KZ©v Gi Kg©KZ©v
Kg©KZ©v/ GB †¶‡Î
Kg©Pvix‡K Abya© Zvnv‡K mswk−ó
GK erm‡ii Kg©KZ©v/
AmvaviY QywUi Kg©Pvixi
gÄyix| wb‡qvMKvix
KZ©„c¶ nB‡Z

23 Pzw³wfwËK kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

QywU gÄyix|

24 we‡kl kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

QywU gÄyix|

25 wewfbœ cÖKvi ¯^xq e¨ZxZ cÅY© ¶gZv| Z‡e GB ¯^xq e¨ZxZ cyY© 4bs Kjv‡gi 4bs Kjv‡gi
fwel¨ Znwej †¶‡Î cÖPwjZ wewa weavb I miKvix ¶gZv | Z‡e Abyi“c| Abyi“c|
(Provident Av‡`k/wb‡`©k cvjb Kwi‡Z nB‡e| GB †¶‡Î
Fund) nB‡Z cÖPwjZ wewa
miKvix Kg©KZ©v/ weavb I
Kg©Pvix‡K AwMÖg miKvix
gÄyix| Av‡`k/wb‡`©k
cvjb Kwi‡Z
nB‡e Ges
Zvnv‡K mswk−ó
KZ©„c¶ nB‡Z

26 wbw`©ó mgq ch©šè ¯^xq e¨ZxZ Abya© 2 eQ‡ii Rb¨ ¯^xq e¨ZxZ kÅb¨ kÅb¨
fwel¨ Znwej GKwU gvÎ AwMÖg Av`vq ¯’wM‡Zi Abya© 1 eQ‡ii
nB‡Z D‡ËvwjZ ¶gZv| Rb¨ GKwU gvÎ
AwMÖg Av`vq AwMÖg Av`vq
¯’wM‡Zi ¯’wM‡Zi
AbygwZ| ¶gZv|

27 hvbevnb μq Abya© wZb gvm ch©šè mgq mxgv e„w×i Abya© `yB gvm Abya© GK gvm kÅb¨
AwMÖg D‡Ëvj‡bi cÅY© ¶gZv| ch©šè mgq mxgv ch©šè mgq mxgv
GK gv‡mi g‡a¨ e„w×i cyY© e„w×i cyY© ¶gZv|
hvbevnb μ‡qi ¶gZv|
mgqmxgv wkw_j|

Aat¯èb Awdmmgyn
μt AvB‡Ug wefvMxq cÖavb K¨vUvMix-1 Gi K¨vUvMix-2 Gi K¨vUvMix-3
bs Kg©KZ©v Kg©KZ©v Gi Kg©KZ©v

28 g„Z miKvix cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki wnm¨v cwigvY Abya© cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki wnm¨v cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki wnm¨v cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki
Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvixi 5,000/- UvKv nB‡j ¶wZcÅiY cwigvY Abya© cwigvY Abya© wnm¨v cwigvY
cwiev‡ii gyP‡jKv (Indemnity Bond) `vwLj 3,000/- UvKv 2,000/- UvKv Abya©
m`m¨‡`i †K mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv| nB‡j ¶wZcÅiY nB‡j ¶wZcÅiY 1,000/-
DËivwaKvi gyP‡jKv gyP‡jKv UvKv nB‡j
mb`cÎ Ges (Indemnity (Indemnity ¶wZcÅiY
AcÖvß eq¯‹ Bond) `vwLj Bond) `vwLj gyP‡jKv
DËivwaKvixi mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© (Indemnity
†¶‡Î ¶gZv| ¶gZv| Bond)
AwffveK‡Z¡i `vwLj
mb`cÎ `vwLj mv‡c‡¶ cÅY©
mv‡c‡¶ fwel¨ ¶gZv|
Znwe‡ji Pzovšè
A_© cÖ`v‡bi
¶gZv Ac©Y|

29 ‰ea DËivwaKvix AvBb gšêYvj‡qi mwnZ civgk©μ‡g Kjvg 3 Gi kÅb¨ kÅb¨

wba©vi‡Yi cÖ‡kœ| cÅY© ¶gZv Abyi“c

30 PvKzixi kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

NvUwZ cÖgvR©b|

31 †cbk‡bi Rb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

PvKzixi NvUwZ

32 ˆe‡`wkK cÖwk¶Y kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

msμvšè Avw_©K

33 ¯’vqx/A¯’vqx ev‡R` eivÏ _vKv mv‡c‡¶ ¯^xq kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

miKvix Kg©KZ©v/ e¨ZxZ cÅY© ¶gZv| Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h
Kg©Pvix‡K (1) Zvnv‡K mswk−ó FY MÖnxZv
FY/AwMÖg cÖ`vb| Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvixi wb‡qvMKvix KZ©„c¶
nB‡Z nB‡e|
(2) GB †¶‡Î cÖ‡hvR¨ wewa-weavb I
miKvix Av‡`k/wb‡`©k AbymiY
Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

34 GKB mv‡_ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

GKvwaK c‡`
`vwqZ¡ cvjbKvix
K `vwqZ¡ fvZv

Aat¯èb Awdmmgyn
μt AvB‡Ug wefvMxq cÖavb K¨vUvMix-1 Gi K¨vUvMix-2 Gi K¨vUvMix-3
bs Kg©KZ©v Kg©KZ©v Gi Kg©KZ©v
35 ‡cbkb gÄyix| wbix¶v Awd‡mi wi‡cvU© mv‡c‡¶ ¯^xq 3bs Kjv‡gi 3bs Kjv‡gi kÅb¨
e¨ZxZ cÅY©¶gZv| Z‡e GB †¶‡Î Abyi“c Abyi“c
Zvnv‡K mswk−ó Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvixi
wb‡qvMKvix KZ©„c¶ nB‡Z nB‡e|

36 †cbk‡bi wewbgq cÅY© ¶gZv| Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h, cÅY© ¶gZv| cÅY© ¶gZv| Z‡e kÅb¨
gÅj¨ cwi‡kva| Zvnv‡K mswk−ó Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvixi Z‡e Zvnv‡K Zvnv‡K mswk−ó
(Commutation †cbkb gÄyixi ¶gZv cÖvß nB‡Z mswk−ó Kg©KZ©v/ Kg©KZ©v/ Kg©Pvixi
of pension) nB‡e| Kg©Pvixi †cbkb gÄyixi
†cbkb gÄyixi ¶gZv cÖvß nB‡Z
¶gZv cÖvß nB‡e|
nB‡Z nB‡e|
37 miKvix `vwqZ¡ cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv
cvj‡bi Kvi‡Y
wel‡q Reve
cª`v‡b eva¨
nB‡j GB †¶‡Î
ågY fvZv

38 mvgwqKfv‡e cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv

miKvix Kg©KZ©v
/Kg©Pvixi ¯^xq
e¨ZxZ wefvMxq
Z`‡šè Dcw¯’Z
nIqvi cÖ‡qvRb
nB‡j GB †¶‡Î
ågY fvZv

39 ågYKv‡j ˆ`wbK cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv kÅb¨ kÅb¨

fvZv cÖ`v‡bi
10 w`b
mgqmxgv nB‡Z
Ae¨vnwZ cÖ`vb|

Aat¯èb Awdmmgyn
μt AvB‡Ug wefvMxq cÖavb K¨vUvMix-1 Gi K¨vUvMix-2 Gi K¨vUvMix-3
bs Kg©KZ©v Kg©KZ©v Gi Kg©KZ©v
40 Kv‡R †hvM`v‡bi cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv kÅb¨
m¤¢vebv bvB
†gwW‡Kj KwgwU
KZ©„K GBi“c
wi‡cvU© cÖvwßi ci
QywU gÄyix|

41 wPwKrmK KZ©„K cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv
cÖ`Ë mvg_¨©
(Certificate of
Fitness) MÖnY|

42 ågY fvZv AwMÖg cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv cÅY© ¶gZv kÅb¨

43 `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

c‡` GKRb
miKvix Kg©KZ©v/
wb‡qvM cÖ`vb|

44 D‡ËvwjZ/M„nxZ ¯^xq †¶Î e¨ZxZ Abya© 48wU gvwmK ¯^xq †¶Î kÅb¨ kÅb¨
fwel¨ Znwej wKw¯è ch©šè ewa©Z Ki‡Yi ¶gZv| e¨ZxZ Abya©
AwMÖg Av`v‡qi 48wU gvwmK
†¶‡Î 24wUi wKw¯è ch©šè
AwaK wKw¯è ewa©Z Ki‡Yi
msL¨v wba©viY| ¶gZv|

45 fÅwg AwaMÖnY kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨

(Gj, G) cªv°jb

46 †emiKvix/we‡`kx RbcÖwZ 12/- UvKv nv‡i Abya© 300/- kÅb¨ kÅb¨ kÅb¨
e¨w³i UvKv|
AbywôZ mfv/
m‡¤§jb/ cÖwk¶Y
†Kvm© Ges
Kwgkb BZ¨vw`i
mfvq Avc¨vqb
AcÖZ¨vwkZ e¨q e¨e¯’vcbv LvZ nB‡Z A_© eivÏ cÖms‡M RvixK…Z
MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi
A_© gšêYvjq, A_© wefvM

bs-Ag/Awe/(e¨twbt-1)/wWwc-1/2000/62 ZvwiL t 24-11-1406 evs / 07-03-2000 Bs

welq t ev‡RU eiv‡Ïi AwZwi³ A_© eivÏ cÖms‡½|

wb‡`©wkZ nBqv MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡bi Aby‡”Q` 92(1)(L) Gi cÖwZ mKj

gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi `„wó AvKl©Y Kwi‡ZwQ| msweav‡bi D³ Aby‡”Q` Abymv‡i evrmwiK ev‡R‡U AcÖZ¨vwkZ e¨q
eiv‡Ïi e¨e¯’v ivLv nBqv _v‡K| ev‡R‡U A_© ms¯’vb ivLv nq bvB A_ev ev‡R‡U ms¯’vbK…Z A_© wbt‡kwlZ
nBqv wMqv‡Q Ggb †Kvb Kv‡h©i Rb¨ AwZwi³ A‡_©i Acwinvh© cÖ‡qvRb †`Lv w`‡j AcÖZ¨vwkZ e¨q e¨e¯’vcbv
LvZ nB‡Z A_© eivÏ cÖvwßi Rb¨ A_© wefv‡M GBme cÖ¯vè e †cÖiY Kwievi mgq cÖPwjZ wbqg Abyhvqx mwPevjq
wb‡`©wkKv-1976 Gi 290 Aby‡”Q` AbymiY Kwi‡Z nq| wKš‘ AwfÁZvq †`Lv hvq †h, cÖvq †ekxi fvM †¶‡Î
cÖkvmwbK gšêYvjq/wefvM KZ©„K mwPevjq wb‡`©wkKvi D³ Aby‡”Q` h_vh_fv‡e AbymiYcÅe©K cÖ¯è^ve cÖYqb I
cÖwμqvKiY Kiv nq bv| A‡bK †¶‡Î cÖkvmwbK gšêYvjq/wefvM AcÖZ¨vwkZ e¨q e¨e¯’vcbv Lv‡Zi ev‡RU
eivχK mswk−ó A_© erm‡ii AwZwi³ cÖ‡qvRb cÅi‡Yi mwÂwZ (Reserve) wnmv‡e MY¨ K‡i| GB †¶‡Î
AwZwi³ Pvwn`vi ˆewkó¨, we‡klZt †h Kv‡Ri Rb¨ AwZwi³ eiv‡Ïi cÖ¯è^ve Kiv nBqv‡Q Zvnv cÖK…ZB Awbw`©ó
I AcÖZ¨vwkZ ai‡Yi wK bv Bnv we‡ePbv Kiv nq bv| GB mKj cÖ¯èv‡ei g‡a¨ Ggb A‡bK cÖ¯ève _v‡K hvnv
MÖnY Kiv nB‡j Ab¨ †h mKj cÖ¯ève Rb¯^v‡_© AMÖvwaKvi cvIqv Avek¨K †mB¸wj †hgb we‡ePbv Kiv m¤¢e nq
bv †Zgwb Bnvi d‡j AbvKvwçLZ ev‡RU NvUwZ wKsev Dfq cÖKvi cwiw¯’wZi m„wó nB‡Z cv‡i|

2| ewY©Z Ae¯’v, †cÖ¶vcU we‡ePbvq AcÖZ¨vwkZ e¨q e¨e¯’vcbv LvZ nB‡Z A_© eiv‡Ïi Rb¨ A_ev
ev‡R‡U A_© eivÏ Kiv nq bvB GBi“c †¶‡Î A_© wefv‡M cÖ¯ève †cÖiY Kv‡j Avw_©K wewa-weavb, Av‡`k/wb‡`©k
BZ¨vw` K‡VvifA‡e AbymiY Kwi‡Z nB‡e| GBi“c †¶‡Î ev‡RU eivÏ ewnf‚©Z AwZwi³ e¨‡qi D‡Ï‡k¨ A_©
eiv‡Ïi Rb¨ wb¤§iƒc c×wZ AbymiY Kwi‡Z nB‡et

(K) ‡Kvb gšêYvjq/wefvM nB‡Z DÌvwcZ nDK wKsev Bnvi Aaxb¯è mshy³ `ßi (Attached
Department)/Awa`ßi/cwi`ßi/Aa:¯èb Awdm/¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cÖwZôvb nB‡Z DÌvwcZ nDK,
AwZwi³ eiv‡Ïi mKj cÖ¯èveB mswk−ó cÖkvmwbK gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi gÅL¨ wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZ©v
KZ©„K Aby‡gvw`Z I ¯^v¶wiZ ¯^qsm¤•Åb© mvi-ms‡¶c AvKv‡i †cÖiY Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

(L) mvi-ms‡¶‡c wb‡æv³ welqvw` m¤•‡K© my¯•ó Z_¨vw` _vwK‡Z nB‡e t

(1) we¯èvwiZ wefvRbmn eZ©gvb A_© erm‡ii Ges AvMvgx A_© ermimgy‡ni AveZ©K I
AbveZ©K Dfq cÖKv‡ii e¨q ;
(2) ev‡R‡U cÖ‡qvRbxq A‡_©i ms¯’vb †Kb ivLv nq bvB Ges ev‡RU cÖv°jb cÖYqb Kv‡j
h_vmg‡q GB ai‡bi e¨q †Kb Abygvb Kiv hvq bvB Zvnvi KviY mn cÖ¯èv‡ei cyY©vsM
(3) wb‡æv³ Z_¨vw`mn †h ev‡RU gÄyixi wecix‡Z cÖ¯èvweZ e¨q weKjb‡hvM¨ Zvnvi
we‡k−lY t
(A) B‡Zvg‡a¨ ev‡R‡U †h eivÏ †`Iqv nBqv‡Q Zvnvi †KvW wfwËK weeiY;
(Av) D‡j−wLZ †Kv‡Wi wecwi‡Z B‡Zvg‡a¨ †h e¨q wbe©vn Kiv nBqv‡Q Zvnvi weeiY;
(B) A_© erm‡ii Aewkó mg‡qi Rb¨ D‡j−wLZ †Kv‡Wi wecix‡Z e¨‡qi †h mKj
AsMxKvi Ges cwiKíbv iwnqv‡Q A_ev B‡Zvg‡a¨ gÄyix cÖ`vb Kiv nBqv‡Q
Zvnvi weeiY;
(C) Dc‡ii (B) Dc-Aby‡”Q` D‡j−wLZ KwZcq cwiKwíZ (Contemplated) e¨q
cwinvi Kwiqv A_ev n«vm Kwiqv †Kb cÖ¯èvweZ e¨q msKzjvb Kiv hvB‡e bv
Zvnvi KviY;
(D) cÖ¯èvweZ e¨q cieZ©x ermi ch©šè †Kb ¯’vwMZ ivLv hvB‡e bv Zvnvi †hŠw³K

(M) cÖ¯èvewU cÖvwßi ci A_© wefvM Dnvi †hŠw³KZv cix¶v Kwi‡e| Acwinvh©Zvi wbwi‡L cÖ¯èvewU
MÖnY‡hvM¨ ewjqv we‡ewPZ nB‡j A_© wefvM cÖ‡qvRbxq AwZwi³ A_© eivÏ cÖ`vb Kwi‡e| GB
e¨q ÓAcÖZ¨vwkZ e¨q e¨e¯’vcbvÓ nB‡Z A_ev we`¨gvb eiv‡Ïi g‡a¨ ÓDc‡hvR‡biÓ gva¨‡g
A_ev h_vmg‡q cÖ‡qvRbxq AvbyôvwbKZv AbymiYcÅe©K Óm¤•ÅiK gÄyixÓ cÖ`v‡bi gva¨‡g
wgUv‡bv nB‡e Zvnv A_© wefvM mywbw`©ófv‡e wba©viYcÅe©K cÖkvmwbK gšêYvjq/wefvM‡K
AewnZ Kwi‡e| AZtci cÖkvmwbK gšêYvjq/wefvM A_© wefv‡Mi m¤§wZμ‡g e¨q gÄyixi
miKvix Av‡`k Rvix Kwi‡e| D³ gÄyix Av‡`‡k ev‡RU Abywefv‡Mi c„ôvsKb _vwK‡Z

(N) Dcwi-D³ (K) Ges (L) Dc-Aby‡”Q‡` ewY©Z c×wZ AbymiY e¨ZxZ ‡Kvb cÖ¯ève A_© wefv‡M
†cÖiY Kiv nB‡j Zvnv we‡ePbv e¨wZ‡i‡K mswk−ó gšêYvjq/wefv‡M †dir cvVv‡bv nB‡e|

3| mKj gšêYvjq/wefvMmgÅn‡K Dcwi-D³ c×wZ m¤•‡K© Zvnv‡`i Aaxb¯è mKj mshy³

`ßi/Awa`ßi/cwi`ßi/Aa:¯èb ms¯’v‡K AbyMÖn cÅeK
© AewnZ Kwievi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Rvbv‡bv hvB‡Z‡Q|

(Gg, byi“b bex)


weZiY t-
1| gwšêcwil` mwPe/gÅL¨ mwPe, cÖavbgšêxi Kvh©vjq/mwPe, ivóªcwZi Kvh©vjq|
2| gnv-wnmve wbix¶K I wbqšêK, evsjv‡`k|
3| mwPe/fvicÖvß mwPe, mKj gšêYvjq/wefvM|

evtmtgy-99/2000-4625Kg(2)-7000 eB, 2000

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi
A_© gšêYvjq, A_© wefvM
e¨q wbqšêY kvLv-1
bs-Ag/Awe/(e¨t wbt-1)/wWwc-1/2000/212 ZvwiL t 14-8-2004 Bs

welqt gšêYvj†qi/wefv‡Mi Aaxb (Attached Department) Ges Aat¯èb Awd‡mi cÖavb‡K Awc©Z Avw_©K
¶gZvi cyYtAc©Y (Sub-delegation) G AšèfÅ©³ μq Pzw³ Aby‡gv`b/m¤•v`b mswk−ó Avw_©K ¶gZv
μq msμvšè bxwZ I c×wZ ms¯‹vi Kvh©μ‡gi Aax‡b AvaywbK I eZ©gvb mg‡qi cÖ‡qvRb †gUv‡bvi
Dc‡hvMx K‡i miKvi B‡Zvg‡a¨ The Public Procurement Regulations, 2003 Ges Regulations Gi
Implementation Procedures Rvix K‡i‡Q| D³ Regulations Ges Implementation Procedures
Gi 57 Gi (2) I (3) wewa‡Z μq msμvšè mvwe©K ms¯‹vi Kvh©μ‡gi mv‡_ msMwZ †i‡L μqPzw³
Aby‡gv`b/m¤•v`‡bi Avw_©K ¶gZv Ac©Y, cybwe©b¨vm I mgq-mgq nvj bvMv`Ki‡Yi ms¯’vb ivLv
n‡q‡Q| G cwi‡cÖw¶‡Z μqKvh©μg‡K Av‡iv ¯^^”Q, `ª“ZZi I Kvh©Ki Kivi D‡Ï‡k¨ miKvi A_©
wefv‡Mi e¨q wbqšêY AbywefvM n‡Z MZ 7-03-2000 Zvwi‡Li Awdm ¯§viK bs- Ag/Awe/(e¨t wbt-
1)/wWwc-1/2000/63 Gi `¡viv gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi Aaxb Attached Department Ges Aat¯èb Awdm
mg~‡ni cÖavb Ges Z`wbæ Kg©KZ©v‡`i Sub-delegation Gi gva¨‡g Awc©Z Avw_©K ¶gZvq Ašèf~©³ μq
Pzw³ Aby‡gv`b/m¤•v`b mswk−ó Avw_©K ¶gZv GB Awdm ¯§vi‡Ki gva¨‡g ms‡kvab/cybwe©b¨vm Kij|
2| Dc‡i ewY©Z ¯§vi‡Ki Sub-delegation Q‡Ki μwgK 4, 10, 12(L) Gi kã, evK¨ Ges A‡_©i AsK GB
¯§vi‡Ki mv‡_ mshy³ Q‡K ewY©Z kã, evK¨ I A‡_©i AsK `¡viv cÖwZ¯’vwcZ n‡e| GQvov D³ Q‡Ki m‡½
AwZwi³ μwgK 47 Ges 48 hy³ n‡e Ges Zv‡Z GB ¯§vi‡K ewY©Z Avw_©K ¶gZv cÖwZdwjZ n‡e|
3| cÅZ©KvR m¤cv`b, cY¨/gvjvgvj/hšêcvwZ/miÄvgvw` μq Pzw³i †¶‡Î mshy³ Q‡K ewY©Z Avw_©K ¶gZv
25 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè gšêYvjq/wefvM ch©v‡qi Ges 25 ‡KvwU UvKvi D‡×© μq msμvšè gwšêcwil`
KwgwUi Aby‡gv`b cÖ‡qvRb n‡e| Abyi“cfv‡e civgk©K †mev MÖn‡Yi †¶‡Î GB ¯§vi‡K ewY©Z Avw_©K
¶gZv 5 ‡KvwU UvKv ch©šè gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi ch©v‡qi Ges 5 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×© μq msμvšè gwšêcwil`
KwgwUi Aby‡gv`b cÖ‡qvRb n‡e|
4| cÖwZ A_© eQ‡ii ïi“‡Z evwl©K μq cwiKíbv (©Annual Procurement Plan) cÖYqb cÅe©K ms¯’vi wbev©nx
cÖavb wKsev Zvui `¡viv g‡bvbxZ Kg©KZv©i wbKU n‡Z †h Aby‡gv`b MÖnY Kiv n‡e Zv cÖkvmwbK Aby‡gv`b
wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ n‡e|
5| A_© wefv‡Mi 7-03-2000 Zvwi‡Li ¯§vi‡Ki Ab¨vb¨ welq AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡e|

6| G ¯§viK/Av‡`k Awej‡g¡ Kvh©Ki n‡e Ges cybiv‡`k bv †`qv ch©šè ejer _vK‡e|

Dc-mwPe (e¨q wbqšêY-1)
A_© wefvM

bs-Ag/Awe/(e¨t wbt-1)/wWwc/2000/212 ZvwiL t 14-8-2004 Bs

m`q AeMwZ I cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi Rb¨ Abywjwc †cÖiY Kiv n‡jvt

weZiY t

1| gwšêcwil` mwPe, gwšêcwil` wefvM|

2| gÅL¨ mwPe, cÖavbgšêxi Kvh©vjq|
3| mwPe, -------------------------- gšêYvjq/wefvM|
4| m`m¨, -------------------------- wefvM/cwiKíbv Kwgkb|
5| gnv-wnmve wbix¶K I wbqšêK, evsjv‡`k|
6| A_© wefv‡Mi mKj Kg©KZv©|
7| cÖavb wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZ©v, --------------------------- gšêYvjq/wefvM|

(nvweeyj−vn †gvt gvndzRyi ingvb)
wmwbqi mnKvix mwPe
‡dvbt 7168569

μqPzw³ m¤•v`b mswk−ó Avw_©K ¶gZvi cyYtAc©Y (Sub-delegation) Gi bgybv/g‡Wj ms‡kvab/cybwe©b¨vm
Aat¯èb Awdmmgyn
μwgK K¨vUvMix-1 Gi Kg©KZ©v K¨vUvMix-2 Gi K¨vUvMix-3 Gi
bs AvB‡Ug/welq wefvMxq cÖavb (wefvMxq/AvÂwjK Kg©KZ©v (†Rjv Kg©KZ©v (Dc‡Rjv
ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v) ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v) ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v)
1 2 3 4 5 6
4| Abybœqb ev‡R‡U byZb cÖwZ †¶‡Î 1.00 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè * 1 cÖwZ †¶‡Î 15.00 j¶ cÖwZ †¶‡Î 7.00 j¶ cÖwZ †¶‡Î 3.00
cyZ© Kv‡Ri Pzw³ wbæiƒc kZ©vejx mv‡c‡¶ t UvKv UvKv ch©šè j¶ UvKv ch©šè
Aby‡gv`b/ m¤cv`b 1| Aby‡gvw`Z evwl©K ev‡RU eiv‡Ïi wefvR‡b mswk−ó KvR Ašèf©~³ (Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx (Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx (Kjvg 3 Gi
_vK‡Z n‡e| mv‡c‡¶) mv‡c‡¶) kZ©vejx mv‡c‡¶)
2| †i¸‡jkbm&, 2003 Gi ev¯èevqb cÖwmwWDi, μq cÖwμqvKiY I
Aby‡gv`b cÖwmwWDi Ges cÖPwjZ Avw_©K wewa-weavb h_vh_fv‡e
cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e|
10| mieivn †mevi
AvIZvaxb (A_©‰bwZK
†KvW 4800-4899 Gi
AvIZvq) AvB‡Ug
μq/e¨‡q gÄyix/μq
Pzw³ Aby‡gv`bt

(K) †Kvb AvB‡U‡g (K) wbæiƒc kZ© mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv t (K) cÅY© ¶gZv (K) cÅY© ¶gZv (K) cÅY© ¶gZv
mywbw`©ó eivÏ _vK‡j 1 | Aby‡gvw`Z evwl©K ev‡RU eiv‡Ïi wefvR‡b mswk−ó KvR Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx
(A_©‰bwZK †KvW 4874 Ašèf‚©³ _vK‡Z n‡e | mv‡c‡¶ mv‡c‡¶ mv‡c‡¶
e¨ZxZ) 2| †i¸‡jkbm&, 2003 Gi ev¯èevqb cÖwmwWDi, μq
cÖwμqvKiY I Aby‡gv`b cÖwmwWDi Ges cÖPwjZ Avw_©K
wewa-weavb h_vh_fv‡e cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e|

(L) †Kvb AvB‡U‡g (L) wbæiƒc kZ© mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv t (L) cÅY© ¶gZv (L) cÅY© ¶gZv (L) cyY© ¶gZv
mywbw`©ó eivÏ bv _vK‡j 1 | Dchz³ KZ©…c¶ KZ©…K Aby‡gvw`Z wefvR‡b mswk−ó KvR Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx
(A_‰bwZK †KvW 4874 Ašèf‚©³ _vK‡Z n‡e| mv‡c‡¶ mv‡c‡¶ mv‡c‡¶
e¨ZxZ) 2| †i¸‡jkbm&, 2003 Gi ev¯èevqb cÖwmwWDi, μq
Aat¯èb Awdmmgyn
μwgK K¨vUvMix-1 Gi Kg©KZ©v K¨vUvMix-2 Gi K¨vUvMix-3 Gi
bs AvB‡Ug/welq wefvMxq cÖavb (wefvMxq/AvÂwjK Kg©KZ©v (†Rjv Kg©KZ©v (Dc‡Rjv
ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v) ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v) ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v)
1 2 3 4 5 6
cÖwμqvKiY I Aby‡gv`b cÖwmwWDi Ges cÖPwjZ Avw_©K
wewa-weavb h_vh_fv‡e cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e |

(M) civgk©K †mev (M) 15 j¶ UvKv ch©šè wbæiƒc kZ© mv‡c‡¶ t (M) bvB (M) bvB (M) bvB
(Kbmvj‡UÝx mvwf©‡mm) 1 | Aby‡gvw`Z evwl©K ev‡RU eiv‡Ïi wefvR‡b mswk−ó KvR
MÖn‡bi (A_©‰bwZK †KvW Ašèf‚©³ _vK‡Z n†e |
4874 Gi AvIZvq) 2| †i¸‡jkbm&, 2003 Gi ev¯èevqb cÖwmwWDi, μq
Pzw³ Aby‡gv`b/m¤•v`b cÖwμqvKiY I Aby‡gv`b cÖwmwWDi Ges cÖPwjZ Avw_©K
wewa-weavb h_vh_fv‡e cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e |

12| gÅjab e¨‡qi Aaxb

AvB‡Ug mgy‡ni e¨‡qi
(L) cY¨/gvjvgvj/ (L) GKKvjxb 10 j¶ UvKv ch©šè *1 (L) GK Kvjxb 3.00 (L) GK Kvjxb 2.00 (L) GK Kvjxb
hšêcvwZ/miÄvgvw`/ wbæiƒc kZ© mv‡c‡¶ t j¶ UvKv ch©šè Kjvg 3 j¶ UvKv ch©šè Kjvg 1.00 j¶ UvKv
Avmevec‡Îi μq 1| Aby‡gvw`Z evwl©K ev‡RU eiv‡Ïi wefvR‡b mswk−ó KvR Gi kZ© mv‡c‡¶ 3 Gi kZ© mv‡c‡¶ ch©šè Kjvg 3 Gi
Aby‡gv`b| Ašèf‚©³ _vK‡Z n‡e| kZ© mv‡c‡¶
2| †i¸‡jkbm&, 2003 Gi ev¯èevqb cÖwmwWDi, μq
cÖwμqvKiY I Aby‡gv`b cÖwmwWDi Ges cÖPwjZ Avw_©K
wewa-weavb h_vh_fv‡e cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e |
3| DשZb KZ‚©c‡¶i Aby‡gv`b Gov‡bvi D‡Ï‡k¨ †gvU e¨‡qi
wefvRb Kiv hv‡e bv|

47| ‡UÛvi †Kv‡Ukb e¨ZxZ (K) cY¨/gvjvgvj/hšêcvwZ/miÄvwgt cÖwZ †¶‡Î GKKvjxb 15 Kjvg 3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg 3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg 3 Gi Abyiƒc
mivmwi μq gÄyix nvRvi UvKv ch©šè|
Aby‡gv`b| (L) †fŠZ †mevt cÖwZ †¶‡Î GKKvjxb 50 nvRvi UvKv ch©šè|

Aat¯èb Awdmmgyn
μwgK K¨vUvMix-1 Gi Kg©KZ©v K¨vUvMix-2 Gi K¨vUvMix-3 Gi
bs AvB‡Ug/welq wefvMxq cÖavb (wefvMxq/AvÂwjK Kg©KZ©v (†Rjv Kg©KZ©v (Dc‡Rjv
ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v) ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v) ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Public Procurement Regulations, 2003 Gi cÖweavb
18(2) Ges Appendix-A Gi ms¯’vbmn wbæiƒc kZ© mv‡c‡¶t
1| Aby‡gvw`Z evwl©K ev‡RU eiv‡Ïi wefvR‡b mswk−ó KvR
Ašèf‚©³ _vK‡Z n‡e|
2| †i¸‡jkbm&, 2003 Gi ev¯èevqb cÖwmwWDi, μq
cÖwμqvKiY I Aby‡gv`b cÖwmwWDi Ges cÖPwjZ Avw_©K
wewa-weavb h_vh_fv‡e cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e |
3| DשZb KZ„©c‡¶i Aby‡gv`b Gov‡bvi D‡Ï‡k¨ †gvU e¨‡qi
wefvRb Kiv hv‡e bv|

48| ‡UÛvi weÁvcb e¨ZxZ (K) †`‡ki Af¨šè‡i cÖwZ †¶‡Î GKKvjxb 2 j¶ UvKv ch©šè Kjvg 3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg 3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg 3 Gi Abyiƒc
†Kv‡Uk†bi gva¨‡g (L) evsjv‡`‡ki ˆe†`wkK wgkbmgŇni Rb¨ cÖwZ †¶‡Î GKKjxb 5
gÄyix/Aby‡gv`b j¶ UvKv ch©šè| Public Procurement Regulations,
2003 Gi cÖweavb 20 Gi 1 I 20 Gi 2 Ges Appendix-A
Gi ms¯’vbmn wbæiƒc kZ© mv‡c‡¶ t
1| Aby‡gvw`Z evwl©K ev‡RU eiv†Ïi wefvR‡b mswk−ó KvR
Ašèf‚©³ _vK‡Z n‡e|
2| †i¸‡jkbm& 2003 Gi ev¯èevqb cÖwmwWDi, μq
cÖwμqvKiY I Aby‡gv`b cÖwmwWDi Ges cÖPwjZ Avw_©K
wewa-weavb h_vh_fv‡e cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e|
3| DשZb KZ…©c‡¶i Aby‡gv`b Gov‡bvi D‡Ï‡k¨ †gvU e¨‡qi
wefvRb Kiv hv‡e bv|


1| cÅZ©KvR m¤•v`b I cY¨/gvjvgvj/hšêcvwZ/miÄvgvw` μ‡qi †¶‡Î Q‡K ewY©Z ¶gZvi D‡×© 25 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè Ges civgk©K †mev MÖn‡bi †¶‡Î 5 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè μ‡qi
cÖ¯ève gšêYvjq Aby‡gv`b Ki‡e|
2| cÅZ©KvR m¤•v`b I cY¨/gvjvgvj/hšêcvwZ/miÄvgvw` μ‡qi †¶‡Î 25 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×© Ges civgk©K †mev MÖn‡bi †¶‡Î 5 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×© μq cÖ¯ève μq msμvšè
gwšêcwil` KwgwU Aby‡gv`b Ki‡e|

3| gšêYvjq/wefvM †UÛvi †Kv‡Ukb e¨ZxZ mivmwi μq Ges †UÛvi weÁvcb e¨ZxZ †Kv‡Uk‡bi gva¨‡g μ‡qi †¶‡Î The Public Procurement Regulations, 2003
Gi cÖweavb 18(2) Ges 20(1) I 20(2) Ges Appendix-A Gi ms¯’vb Abyhvqx Avw_©K ¶gZv e¨envi Ki‡e|

Annexure - 12B

Dbœqb cÖKí ev¯èevqb msμvšè Avw_©K ¶gZv


A_© gšêYvjq
A_© wefvM
Dbœqb AbywefvM

ZvwiL t 10B dvêyb, 1406 evsjv/22†k †deª“qvix, 2000 Bs‡iRx

Dbœqb cÖKí ev¯èevqb msμvšè Avw_©K ¶gZv



A_© gšêYvjq
A_© wefvM
Dbœqb AbywefvM

ZvwiL t 10B dvêyb, 1406 evsjv/22†k †deª“qvix, 2000 Bs‡iRx

MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi
A_© gšêYvjq
A_© wefvM
Dbœqb AbywefvM

10B dvêyb, 1406 evs .

bs-Ag/Awe/DtMtkvt/3/96/267 ZvwiL t
22†k †deª“qvix, 2000 Bs
Awdm ¯§viK

welq t Dbœqb cÖKímgÅn ev¯èevq‡bi Rb¨ gšêYvjq/wefvM/†nWm Ave wWcvU©‡g›Um/cÖKí cwiPvjKMY‡K

Awc©Z Avw_©K ¶gZv (†Wwj‡Mkb Ae wdb¨vw݇qj cvIqvim) ms‡kvab cÖms‡M|

miKvi KZ©„K Dbœqb cÖKímgŇni ev¯èevqb Z¡ivwš^Z Kivi j‡¶ eZ©gv‡b we`¨gvb Awc©Z Avw_©K
¶gZv (†Wwj‡Mkb Ae wdb¨vw݇qj cvIqvim) ch©v‡jvPbvcÅe©K 12/04/94Bs Zvwi‡Li ¯§viK bs
Ag/Awe/DtMtkvt/94/339 Gi ms‡kvabμ‡g mshy³ ZvwjKvi eY©bv Abyhvqx gšêYvjq/wefvM/†nWm Ae
wWcvU©‡g›Um/cÖKí cwiPvjKMY‡K Avw_©K ¶gZv Ac©b Kiv nBj|

2| GB ¯§vi‡Ki gva¨‡g Awc©Z ¶gZvmgÅn iƒjm Ae weR‡bm Gi mswk−ó avivmgÅn, cÖPwjZ wewa weavb
Ges mswk−ó welqmgŇn mgq mgq RvixK…Z miKvix Av‡`k/mvK©yjvi cvjb mv‡c‡¶ cÖ‡qvM Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

3| gšêYvjq/wefvM/†nWm Ae wWcvU©‡g›Um/cÖKí cwiPvjKMY‡K GB ¯§vi‡Ki gva¨‡g Awc©Z Avw_©K

¶gZv cÖ‡qvRb‡ev‡a A_© wefv‡Mi Dbœqb DBs‡K AewnZ Kwiqv Zvnviv Zvnv‡`i Aaxb¯’
KZ©„c¶/Kg©KZ©vMY‡K cÖ`vb Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb|

4| miKvi cÖZ¨vkv K‡i †h, GB ¯§vi‡Ki gva¨‡g Awc©Z AwaKZi Avw_©K ¶gZv mswk−ó KZ©„c¶/Kg©KZ©v
miKvix wewa-weavb AbymiY Kwiqv wgZe¨wqZv, `Åi`wk©Zv I weP¶YZvi mwnZ cÖ‡qvM Kwi‡eb| GB Avw_©K
¶gZv we‡K›`ªxKi‡Yi my‡hvM MÖnY Kwiqv mswkó mK‡ji c‡¶ cÖK‡íi myôy I Z¡wir ev¯èevqb Ges miKvix A_©
e¨‡qi Revew`wnZv wbwðZ Kiv m¤¢e nB‡e ewjqv miKvi Avkv K‡i|

5| GB ¯§viK Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki nB‡e Ges cybiv‡`k bv †`Iqv ch©šè ejer _vwK‡e|

(Wt AvKei Avwj Lvb)

10B dvêyb, 1406 evs .
bs-Ag/Awe/DtMtkvt/3/96/267 ZvwiL:
22†k †deª“qvix, 2000 Bs
AeMwZ I cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi Rb¨ †cÖiY Kiv nBj :

(†kL G, †K, †gvZvnvi †nv‡mb)

Dc-mwPe (Dbœqb)
weZiY t
01. gnv wnmve wbix¶K I wbqšêK
02. mwPe, mKj gšêYvjq/wefvM
03. mKj †nWm Ave wWcvU©‡g›Um
04. wnmve gnv wbqšêK/K‡›Uªvjvi †Rbv‡ij wW‡dÝ
dvBb¨vÝ/AwZwi³ gnvcwiPvjK (A_©),
evsjv‡`k †ijc_ KZ©„c¶
Dbœqb cÖKí ev¯èevqb msμvšè Avw_©K ¶gZv


Dbœqb cÖKí ev¯èevqb msμvšè Avw_©K ¶gZv
cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
L-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
μwgK wefvMxq cÖav‡bi wbKU
welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv K-‡kªYx cÖKí (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©), M-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
bs Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
†KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©) 50 †KvwU UvKv †KvwU UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 A¯’vqx c` m„wó wb¤§wjwLZ kZ© mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZvt bvB bvB bvB bvB
I msi¶Y 1| Aby‡gvw`Z wcwmwm/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z c‡`i
D‡j−L _vK‡Z n‡e|
2| we`¨gvb c`¸wji Rb¨ wbw`©ó ev‡RU eivÏ
_vK‡Z n‡e|
3| cÖKí ev¯èevqb Kv‡ji AwZwi³ mg‡qi Rb¨
†Kvb c` msi¶Y Kiv hv‡e bv|
4| c` m„wó‡Z we`¨gvb miKvix Av‡`k I mgq
mgq RvixK…Z Av‡`kI AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
‡bvU t c` m„wói Aby‡gv`b I msi¶‡Yi Av‡`‡ki Kwc
A_© wefv‡M †cÖiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
2 eiv‡Ïi wb¤§wjwLZ kZ© mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZvt bvB bvB bvB bvB
cybt Dc‡hvRb K) †h KZ©„c¶ A_© Dc‡hvRb K‡i LiP Kivi
¶gZvevb bq †m KZ…©c¶ cybt Dc‡hvRb Ki‡Z
cvi‡e bv|
L) wb¤§ †¶ÎmgŇn †Kvb cyb:Dc‡hvRb Kiv hv‡e bv:
1) GK gÄyix †_‡K Ab¨ gÄyix‡Z|
2) A_© ermi †kl nIqvi ci|
3) Li‡Pi Ggb AvB‡Ug hv h‡_vchy³ KZ©„c¶
KZ…©K Aby‡gvw`Z nq bvB|

c„ôv bs 12 Gi 1
cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
L-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
μwgK wefvMxq cÖav‡bi wbKU
welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv K-‡kªYx cÖKí (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©), M-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
bs Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
†KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©) 50 †KvwU UvKv †KvwU UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4) ˆe‡`wkK gy`ªvq Li‡Pi eivÏ n‡Z ¯’vbxq
gy`ªvq Ges cybf©ib‡hvM¨ cÖKí mvnvh¨ n‡Z
¯’vbxq gy`ªvq|
5) wmwW f¨vU LvZ n‡Z Ab¨ †Kvb Lv‡Z (Z‡e
Ab¨ †Kvb LvZ n‡Z wmwW f¨vU Lv‡Z eivÏ
cÖ‡qvRb‡ev‡a cybt Dc‡hvRb Kiv hv‡e)
6) cÅZ© Kv‡Ri Li‡Pi Rb¨ cvewjK IqvK©m
GKvD›Um †KvW Gi G¨v‡cbwW·-6 Gi 31 I
32 Aby‡”Q‡`i kZ© cÖ‡hvR¨ n‡e|
M) Dc‡i ewY©Z kZ© mv‡c‡¶ Dbœqb cÖKímgŇni A_©
Aegyw³ I e¨envi wb‡`©wkKv Gi msjMœx -1
Abyhvqx wewfbœ A_©‰bwZK †Kv‡Wi wecix‡Z eivÏ
e›UbcÅe©K wefvRb Av‡`k Rvix Ges ms‡kvab
Ki‡Z cvi‡e|
3 Aby‡gvw`Z cÅY© ¶gZv bvB bvB bvB bvB
4 cÖK‡íi KvR wb¤§wjwLZ kZ© mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv t Kjvg 3 Gi kZ© Kjvg 3 Gi kZ© Kjvg-5 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-5 Gi
Kivi cÖkvmwbK 1) Aby‡gvw`Z wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó mv‡c‡¶ AbvevwmK mv‡c‡¶ AbvevwmK feb Abyiƒc
Aby‡gv`b KvR Ašèf©Å³ _vK‡Z n‡e Ges evwl©K ev‡RU feb I cÅZ© Kv‡Ri I cÅZ© Kv‡Ri Rb¨
eivÏ _vK‡Z n‡e| Rb¨ 4.00 †KvwU UvKv 2.00 †KvwU UvKv Ges
2) wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z cÖ`wk©Z cÖv°wjZ Ges AvevwmK feb I AvevwmK feb I cÅZ©

c„ôv bs 12 Gi 2
cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
L-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
μwgK wefvMxq cÖav‡bi wbKU
welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv K-‡kªYx cÖKí (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©), M-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
bs Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
†KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©) 50 †KvwU UvKv †KvwU UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
gŇj¨i †P‡q Kv‡Ri GKK gÅj¨ †ekx n‡e bv| cÅZ© Kv‡Ri Rb¨ 1.00 Kv‡Ri Rb¨ 75.00 j¶
†KvwU UvKv ch©šè| UvKv ch©šè|
5 Bg‡cÖó gšêYvjq cÖ‡qvRb Abyhvqx wb¤§ewY©Z k‡Z© K-‡kªYx, bvB bvB bvB bvB
Aby‡gv`b L-‡kªYx I M-‡kªYxi cÖKí cwiPvjK‡`i Rb¨ h_vμ‡g
20,000 UvKv, 15,000 UvKv, 10,000 UvKv ch©šè
B‡¤cÖó gÄyi Ki‡Z cvi‡e t
1) Bg‡cÖ‡ói A_© bx‡P 37 bs AvB‡U‡g D‡j−wLZ
mvavib kZ© cvjbcÅe©K e¨envi Kiv hv‡e|
2) cÖKí †gqv` †kl nIqvi 2gvm c~‡e© PÅovšèfv‡e
Bg‡cÖó mgš^q Ki‡Z n‡e Ges Avi †Kvb
Bg‡cÖó D‡Ëvjb Kiv hv‡e bv|
6 Dbœqb cÖK‡íi wb¤§wjwLZ kZ© mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZvt Kjvg 3 G ewY©Z kZ© Kjvg 3 G ewY©Z kZ© Kjvg-5 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-5 Gi
Mvox/hvbevnb (1) wbw`©ó ev‡RU eivÏ _vK‡Z n‡e| mv‡c‡¶ GK eQ‡i mv‡c‡¶ GK eQ‡i Abyiƒc
†givgZ (2) we`¨gvb wewa cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e| GKwU Mvoxi Rb¨ GKwU Mvoxi Rb¨
50,000 UvKv 30,000 UvKv
7 cÖK‡íi Mvoxi †c‡Uªvj, I‡qj I jyweª‡K›U μ‡qi Rb¨ ev‡RU eivÏ Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
Rb¨ †c‡Uªvj, _vKv Ges mgq mgq wcIGj e¨envi I cÖK‡íi Abyiƒc
I‡qj I hvbevnb e¨envi m¤•‡K© RvixK…Z wb‡`©kbv cvjb
jyweª‡K›U μq mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv|
8 gwbnvix `ªe¨vw` ev‡RU eivÏ mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv| Kjvg -3 Gi kZ© Kjvg -3 Gi kZ© Kjvg -3 Gi kZ© Kjvg-6 Gi
μq mv‡c‡¶ GKKvjxb mv‡c‡¶ GKKvjxb mv‡c‡¶ GKKvjxb Abyiƒc
m‡e©v”P 75,000 m‡e©v”P 50,000 UvKv| m‡e©v”P 30,000
UvKv| UvKv ch©šè e¨q

c„ôv bs 12 Gi 3
cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
L-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
μwgK wefvMxq cÖav‡bi wbKU
welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv K-‡kªYx cÖKí (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©), M-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
bs Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
†KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©) 50 †KvwU UvKv †KvwU UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ki‡Z cvi‡e|
9(K) Awdm we`¨gvb wewa I kZ© cvjb I ev‡RU eivÏ, Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
miÄvgvw` I wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó `ªe¨ Ašèf©‚³ _vKv Abyiƒc
AvmevecÎ μq mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv|
wet `ªt Awdm
miÄvg ej‡Z
IqvW© cÖ‡mmi,
BZ¨vw` eySv‡e|
9(L) Awdm miÄvg, we`¨gvb wewa I kZ© cvjb I ev‡RU eivÏ I Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
hšêcvwZ, wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó `ªe¨ Ašèf©‚³ _vKv Abyiƒc
AvmevecÎ mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv|
BZ¨vw` †givgZ
10(K) evBmvB‡Kj μq we`¨gvb miKvix Av‡`k, ev‡RU eivÏ I mswk−ó `ªe¨ Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
Ašèf©‚³ _vKv mv‡c‡¶ wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z cÅY© Abyiƒc
10(L) gUi mvB‡Kj I ev‡RU eivÏ mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
evBmvB‡Kj Abyiƒc

c„ôv bs 12 Gi 4
cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
L-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
μwgK wefvMxq cÖav‡bi wbKU
welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv K-‡kªYx cÖKí (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©), M-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
bs Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
†KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©) 50 †KvwU UvKv †KvwU UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11 eB, mvgwqKx, we`¨gvb wewa I kZ©cvjb, ev‡RU eivÏ Ges Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
msev`cÎ I wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó AvB‡Ug Ašèf©‚³ Abyiƒc
gvbwPÎ μq _vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv|
12 cÖKí we`¨gvb wewa I kZ©cvjb, ev‡RU eivÏ Ges Kjvg -3 Gi kZ© Kjvg -3 Gi kZ© Kjvg -3 Gi kZ© Kjvg -3 Gi kZ©
ev¯èevq‡bi Rb¨ wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó AvB‡Ug Ašèf©‚³ mv‡c‡¶ 1.00 †KvwU mv‡c‡¶ 75.00 j¶ mv‡c‡¶ 50.00 j¶ mv‡c‡¶ 35.00
hšêcvwZ μq _vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv| UvKv ch©šè UvKv ch©šè UvKv ch©šè j¶ UvKv ch©šè
hšêcvwZ ej‡Z
μwgK bs 13-
16 †Z D‡j−wLZ
`ªe¨vw` eySv‡e
13 gUi mvB‡Kj we`¨gvb wewa I kZ©cvjb, ev‡RU eivÏ Ges Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi kZ© Kjvg-3 Gi kZ© Kjvg-3 Gi kZ©
μq wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó AvB‡Ug Ašèf©‚³ mv‡c‡¶ 5.00 j¶ UvKv mv‡c‡¶ 3.00 j¶ mv‡c‡¶ 2.00 j¶
_vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv| ch©šè UvKv ch©šè UvKv ch©šè
14 ‡`kx †bŠKv μq we`¨gvb wewa I kZ©cvjb, ev‡RU eivÏ Ges Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc bvB bvB bvB
wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó AvB‡Ug Ašèf©‚³
_vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv|
15 hvwšêK †bŠKv we`¨gvb wewa I kZ©cvjb, ev‡RU eivÏ Ges Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc bvB bvB bvB
μq wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó AvB‡Ug Ašèf©‚³
_vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv|
16 gUi Mvox μq we`¨gvb wewa I kZ©cvjb, ev‡RU eivÏ Ges Kjvg -3 Gi kZ© Kjvg -3 Gi kZ© Kjvg -3 Gi kZ© bvB
wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó AvB‡Ug Ašèf©‚³ mv‡c‡¶ 1.00 †KvwU mv‡c‡¶ 75.00 j¶ mv‡c‡¶ 35.00 j¶
_vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv| UvKv ch©šè UvKv ch©šè| UvKv ch©šè|

c„ôv bs 12 Gi 5
cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
L-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
μwgK wefvMxq cÖav‡bi wbKU
welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv K-‡kªYx cÖKí (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©), M-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
bs Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
†KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©) 50 †KvwU UvKv †KvwU UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
17 we`y¨r I cvwbi ev‡RU eivÏ mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
wej Ges Abyiƒc
Ab¨vb¨ Ki
18 WvK, †UwjMÖvd, we`¨gvb wewa I kZ© cvjb, ev‡RU eivÏ Ges Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-5 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-5 Gi
†U‡j·, d¨v·, wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó AvB‡Ug Ašèf©‚³ (ïay gvÎ ¯’vbxq K‡ji Abyiƒc
B-†gBj Ges _vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv| Rb¨)
†Uwj‡dvb wej
19 mvwf©m †cv‡óR cÅY© ¶gZv Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
20 miKvix †cÖm ev‡RU eivÏ mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv| Z‡e miKvix †cÖm Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc XvKvi evB‡ii Kjvg-5 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-5 Gi
e¨ZxZ Ab¨vb¨ n‡Z GB KvR Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv Ges †emiKvix †cÖm Awd¸‡jvi Rb¨ Kjvg- Abyiƒc
†emiKvix †cÖ‡m n‡Z gy`ª‡Y miKvix †cÖm KZ©„c‡¶i AvcwË bvB g‡g© 3 kZ© mv‡c‡¶ 30.00
gy`ªb e¨q| mvwU©wd‡KU wb‡Z n‡e| nvRvi UvKv| G‡¶‡Î
miKvix †cÖm †_‡K
AbvcwË mvwU©wd‡KU
Mªn‡Yi cÖ‡qvRb bvB|
21 †iKW©cÎ ev‡RU eivÏ mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
cwienY LiP Abyiƒc
22 miKvix m¤•` ev‡RU eivÏ mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
cwienY e¨q Abyiƒc
23 AvBb msμvšè Õwi‡gg‡eªÝvm© g¨vbyq¨vjÕ Gi kZ© cvjb mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc bvB bvB
e¨q ¶gZv

c„ôv bs 12 Gi 6
cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
L-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
μwgK wefvMxq cÖav‡bi wbKU
welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv K-‡kªYx cÖKí (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©), M-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
bs Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
†KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©) 50 †KvwU UvKv †KvwU UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
24 AbvevwmK feb wb¤§wjwLZ kZ© mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZvt Kjvg-3 Gi kZ© Kjvg-4 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-4 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-4 Gi
fvov 1) cÅZ© gšêYvjq KZ©„K wba©vwiZ AvqZb AwZμg mv‡c‡¶ XvKv I Abyiƒc
Kiv hv‡e bv| Ab¨vb¨ wmwU
2) feb cªK…Z c‡¶ Awdm wnmv‡e e¨envi Kiv K‡c©v‡ik‡bi
n‡e| AvIZvaxb GjvKvi
Rb¨ cÖwZ gv‡m
3) XvKvi evB‡i MYcÅZ© wefv‡Mi wbe©vnx cÖ‡KŠkjx 25,000 UvKv ch©šè|
Ges XvKvi Rb¨ cÅZ© gšêYvjq GB g‡g© XvKvi evB‡i Ab¨vb¨
mvwU©wd‡KU cÖ`vb Ki‡e †h miKvix feb A_ev kn‡i cÖwZ gv‡m
cwiZ¨³ evox cvIqv hv‡”Q bv| 10,000 UvKv ch©šè|
4) A_© wefv‡Mi m¤§wZµ‡g RvixK…Z mvKy©jvi
Abyhvqx wba©vwiZ nv‡i fvov cÖ`vb Ki‡Z n‡e|
Z‡e gšêYvjq/wefvM wba©vwiZ nv‡ii †P‡q
m‡e©v”P 25% †ewk nv‡i fvov gÄyi Ki‡Z
5) cÖ‡qvRb †ev‡a gšêYvjq/wefvM/wefvMxq
cÖavb/cÖKí cwiPvjK Qq gv‡mi AMÖxg fvov
gÄyi Ki‡Z cvi‡e|
25 cÖK‡íi ev‡RU eivÏ mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv| Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
†UKwbK¨vj Abyiƒc
Kv‡Ri Rb¨
hšêcvwZi fvov

c„ôv bs 12 Gi 7
cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
L-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
μwgK wefvMxq cÖav‡bi wbKU
welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv K-‡kªYx cÖKí (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©), M-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
bs Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
†KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©) 50 †KvwU UvKv †KvwU UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
KbwμU wgKPvi
†gwkb, BZ¨vw`
26 miKvix Mvox/ K) we`¨gvb wewa I kZ© cvjb, ev‡RU eivÏ Ges Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
hvbevnb wbeÜb wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó AvB‡Ug Abyiƒc
I wdU‡bm Ašèf©‚³ _vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv|
eve` e¨q L) gšêYvjq/wefvM/wefvMxq cÖavb/cÖKí cwiPvjK
wbeÜb wd I wdU‡bm Gi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq A_©
AMÖxg D‡³vj‡bi Aby‡gv`b w`‡Z cv‡ib G
k‡Z© †h, Mvox wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z
Ašèf©‚³ i‡q‡Q Ges Mvoxi mieivn †bqv
27 cÖK‡íi Rb¨ we`¨gvb wewa I kZ©cvjb, ev‡RU eivÏ Ges Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc bvB bvB bvB
Rwg/Rjvkq wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó AvB‡Ug Ašèf©‚³
μq/wjR MÖnY _vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv|
28 civgk©K †mev we`¨gvb wewa I kZ©cvjb, ev‡RU eivÏ Ges Kjvg-3 Gi kZ© Kjvg-3 Gi kZ© bvB bvB
wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó AvB‡Ug Ašèf©‚³ mv‡c‡¶ 1.00 †KvwU mv‡c‡¶ 50.00 j¶
_vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv| UvKv ch©šè| UvKv ch©šè|
29 wK¬qvwis I we`¨gvb wewa I kZ© cvjb, ev‡RU eivÏ Ges Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
d‡ivqvwW©s wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó AvB‡Ug Ašèf©‚³ Abyiƒc
G‡R›U wb‡qvM _vKv mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZv|

c„ôv bs 12 Gi 8
cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
L-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
μwgK wefvMxq cÖav‡bi wbKU
welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv K-‡kªYx cÖKí (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©), M-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
bs Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
†KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©) 50 †KvwU UvKv †KvwU UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
30 cÖK‡í Drcvw`Z we`¨gvb miKvix bxwZ/c×wZ AbymiY mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
c‡Y¨i weμq/ ¶gZv| Abyiƒc
31 †givg‡Zi cÅY© ¶gZv| Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h, D³ `ªe¨vw` Dchy³ Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
A‡hvM¨ `ªe¨vw` KZ©„c¶ KZ©„K †givg‡Zi A‡hvM¨ e‡j †NvwlZ n‡Z Abyiƒc
weμq n‡e Ges †Lvjv `icÎ/D¤§y³ wbjv‡g weμq Ki‡Z
32 †UÛvi/†Kv‡Ukb cÖwZ †¶‡Î 10,000 UvKv ch©šè| Z‡e †UÛvi Gov‡bvi Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi ewY©Z Kjvg-6 Gi
e¨ZxZ mivmwi Rb¨ †Kvb wbw`©ó `ªe¨ A_ev GKB †kªYxfy³ `ªe¨‡K fvM kZ© mv‡c‡¶ cÖwZ Abyiƒc
μq fvM K‡i μq Kiv hv‡e bv| †¶‡Î 7,000 UvKv
33 cÖwk¶Y, wb¤§wjwLZ kZ© mv‡c‡¶ cÅY© ¶gZvt Kjvg-3 Gi kZ© Kjvg-3 Gi kZ© Kjvg-3 Gi kZ© Kjvg-3 Gi kZ©
†mwgbvi, (1) μwgK bs 37 G ewY©Z kZv©w` cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e| mv‡c‡¶ 50.00 j¶ mv‡c‡¶ 30.00 j¶ mv‡c‡¶ 25.00 j¶ mv‡c‡¶ 20.00
IqvK©kc I (2) wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z D³ AvB‡Ug Ašèf©y³ UvKv UvKv UvKv j¶ UvKv
M‡elbv e¨q _vK‡Z n‡e Ges evwl©K ev‡RU eivÏ _vK‡Z
(3) cÖkvmwbK gšêYvjq KZ©„K G mKj Kg©KvÛ
cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z
wba©vwiZ nvi I bxwZgvjv Abyhvqx Gmsμvšè
wel‡q mvaviY wb‡`©kbv, c×wZ cÖwk¶Y fvZv,
cÖwk¶‡Ki wd, Avc¨vqb nvi BZ¨vw` D‡j−L
cÅe©K mvKy©jvi Rvix Ki‡Z n‡e|
wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z G wel‡q †Kvb nvi
I bxwZgvjv D‡j−L bv _vK‡j ‡m †¶‡Î A_©

c„ôv bs 12 Gi 9
cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
L-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
μwgK wefvMxq cÖav‡bi wbKU
welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv K-‡kªYx cÖKí (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©), M-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
bs Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
†KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©) 50 †KvwU UvKv †KvwU UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
wefv‡Mi Aby‡gv`bμ‡g GZ`msμvšè mvKz©jvi
Rvix Ki‡Z n‡e|
(4) cÖwk¶Y `ªe¨vw`, gwbnvix `ªe¨vw`, nj fvov,
m¤§vbx fvZv, cÖwk¶Y fvZv, Lv`¨mvgMÖx,
IqvK©mc, †mwgbvi Abyôv‡bi Rb¨ Avc¨vqb I
cÖkvmwbK e¨q BZ¨vw`i we¯èvwiZ wefvRb
D‡j−LcÅe©K ˆÎgvwmK e¨q cwiKíbv cÖYqb
Ki‡Z n‡e Ges Zv mswk−ó mK‡ji wbKU †cÖiY
Ki‡Z n‡e|
(5) G mKj Kg©Kv‡Ûi D‡Ïk¨, m¤¢ve¨ e¨q,
Av‡qvR‡bi ZvwiL, AskMÖnYKvix/cÖwk¶K
wi‡mvm© cvm©b Gi †kªYx, c`ex I msL¨v
D‡j−LcÅe©K evsjv‡`k miKvi I Dbœqb
mn‡hvMx ms¯’vmn mKj Drm †_‡K
ev¯èevqb‡hvM¨ mKj Kg©Kv‡Ûi GKwU †hŠ_
ˆÎgvwmK/evwl©K Kg© cwiKíbv cÖYqbcÅe©K Zv
mswk−ó mK‡ji wbKU †cÖiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
34 ‡UÛvi weÁvcb 1.00 j¶ UvKvi †ekx gŇj¨i †UÛv‡ii Rb¨ BAviwW Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
Gi 26-5-92 Bs Zvwi‡L RvixK…Z c×wZ I wb‡`©wkKv Abyiƒc
Abyhvqx RvZxq ˆ`wbK cwÎKvq weÁvcb w`‡Z n‡e|
1.00 j¶ UvKv ch©šè gŇj¨i †UÛv‡ii Rb¨ Dc‡iv³
c×wZ AbymiY Kiv cÖ‡qvRb n‡e bv| Z‡e wewfbœ
Awdm/cÖwZôv‡b e¨vcK cÖPvi Ki‡Z n‡e| †UÛvi
Gov‡bvi Rb¨ †Kvb wbw`©ó `ªe¨ A_ev GKB †kªYxfų

c„ôv bs 12 Gi 10
cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
L-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
μwgK wefvMxq cÖav‡bi wbKU
welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv K-‡kªYx cÖKí (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©), M-‡kªYx cÖKí (20
bs Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
†KvwU UvKvi D‡aŸ©) 50 †KvwU UvKv †KvwU UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
`ªe¨‡K Avjv`v fv‡e fvM fvM K‡i μq Kiv hv‡e bv|
35 Aa¯èb gšêYvjq/wefvM/wefvMxq cÖavb/cÖKí cwiPvjK Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg-3 Gi
Kg©KZ©v‡`i cÖ‡qvRb g‡b Ki‡j A_© wefvM‡K AewnZ †i‡L Abyiƒc
wbKU AviI Dch©y³fv‡e Zv‡`i Dci Awc©Z ¶gZv Zv‡`i Aaxb¯’
¶gZv n¯èvšèi Kg©KZ©vi wbKU Ac©b Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| Z‡e μwgK bs
5 G ewY©Z Bg‡cÖó msμvšè ¶gZv Aaxb¯’ Kg©KZ©vi
wbKU Ac©b Kiv hv‡e bv Ges cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki bx‡P
†Kvb Kg©KZ©vi wbKU Bg‡cÖó cÖ`vb Kiv hv‡e bv|
36 IqvK©mc, μwgK bs 33 I 37 G ewb©Z kZ©vw` cvjb mv‡c‡¶ Kjvg-3 Gi kZ© Kjvg-3 Gi kZ© cvjb Kjvg-3 Gi kZ© Kjvg-3 Gi kZ©
†mwgbvi, cÖkvmwbK gšêYvjq cÖwZ †¶‡Î 1,00,000 (GK j¶) cvjb mv‡c‡¶ cÖwZ mv‡c‡¶ cÖwZ †¶‡Î cvjb mv‡c‡¶ cÖwZ cvjb mv‡c‡¶ cÖwZ
cÖwk¶Y †Kvm©, UvKv ch©šè AMÖxg D‡Ëvj‡bi Aby‡gv`b w`‡Z cvi‡e| †¶‡Î 50,000 30,000 (wÎk nvRvi) †¶‡Î 20,000 (wek †¶‡Î 15,000
M‡elYv (cÂvk nvRvi) UvKv UvKv ch©šè nvRvi) UvKv ch©šè (c‡bi nvRvi)
Kvh©μg, ch©šè UvKv ch©šè
Abyôv‡bi Rb¨
ev‡RU eiv‡Ïi
wRIwe Ges
AviwcG (wRIwe
Gi gva¨‡g)
Ask †_‡K

c„ôv bs 12 Gi 11
37| Dchy©³ cÖ`Ë ¶gZv cÖ‡qvM Kivi mgq wewfbœ KZ©„c¶‡K wb¤§ ewY©Z mvavib kZ©¸wj cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e t
(1) we`¨gvb Avw_©K I Ab¨vb¨ wewa Ges c×wZ AbymiYcÅe©K LiP Ki‡Z n‡e|
(2) mswk−ó wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z mswk−ó `ªe¨/AvB‡Ug AšèfÅ©³ _vK‡Z n‡e Ges ev‡RU eivÏ mv‡c‡¶ e¨q Ki‡Z n‡e|
(3) †h mKj †mev ev mieivn msMÖn Kiv n‡e Zvi wbw`©ó cwigvb I msL¨v wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwc †Z Aek¨B D‡j−L _vK‡Z n‡e|
(4) wej I fvDPvi Øviv cŇe©i AMÖx‡gi 85% mgš^q Kiv bv n‡j cieZ©x AMÖxg Aby‡gv`b I cwi‡kva Kiv hv‡e bv|
(5) A_© eQ‡ii 30†k Ry‡bi g‡a¨ A_ev Kg©KvÛ m¤•v`‡bi 2 gv‡mi g‡a¨ mKj AMÖxg mgš^q Ki‡Z n‡e|
(6) mKj wnmve mswk−ó A_© erm‡ii g‡a¨ m¤•bœ Ki‡Z n‡e|
(7) Aa¯èb KZ©„c‡¶i Aby‡gv`b ¶gZvi g‡a¨ ivLvi Rb¨ †Kvb AvB‡Ug †fs‡M †fs‡M μq Kiv hv‡e bv|
(8) wcwc Abyhvqx I ev‡RU eiv‡Ïi g‡a¨B LiP Kiv n‡q‡Q wK bv Ges cybf©ib `vex `vwLj I MÖnY mwVK mg‡q Kiv n‡q‡Q wK bv Zv wbwðZ Kivi j‡¶ cÖK…Z LiP I cybf©i‡bi
cÖwZ‡e`b A_©
wefv‡Mi Dbœqb DBs n‡Z RvixK…Z 5/12/99 Bs Zvwi‡Li cÎvbymv‡i cÖ¯‘Z K‡i mswk−ó mK‡ji wbKU †cÖiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
(9) cÖkvmwbK gšêYvj‡qi Aax‡b ev¯èevqbvaxb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ cÅe©eZ©x A_© erm‡i M„nxZ AwMÖg Gi mgš^q m¤•‡K© GKwU cÖwZ‡e`b mswk−ó cÖavb wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZ©v cÖkvmwbK
gšêYvjq I A_© wefv‡M RyjvB gv‡m †cÖiY Ki‡eb|
(10) 02/06/99 Bs Zvwi‡Li Ag/Awe/D:M:kv:/3/94/360 b¤^i ¯§vi‡K D‡j−wLZ welq¸wj {Dbœqb cÖKí ev¯èevqb msμvšè Avw_©K ¶gZv (A_© wefv‡M †cÖwiZe¨ welq mgŇni
ZvwjKv)} m¤§wZi Rb¨
Aek¨B A_© wefv‡M cvVv‡Z n‡e|
(11) †Wmv/†KvbUvmv/†md/Bg‡cÖó c×wZ‡Z A_© e¨env‡ii Rb¨ wba©vwiZ wewa I c×wZ Aek¨B cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e|
(12) Dbœqb mn‡hvMxi wb‡`©kbv, cÖ‡hvR¨ †¶‡Î, Aek¨B cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e Ges Dc‡i ewY©Z bxwZgvjv I c×wZi mv‡_ Dbœqb mn‡hvMx ms¯’vi bxwZ I c×wZi mv‡_ †Kvb we‡iva
†`Lv w`‡j Dbœqb mn‡hvMx ms¯’vi bxwZ I c×wZ cÖ‡hvR¨ n‡e|

c„ôv bs 12 Gi 12
MYcÖRvZšêx evsjv‡`k miKvi
A_© gšêYvjq
A_© wefvM
Dbœqb ev‡RU kv_v-1

bs-Ag/Awe/Dt1/wewea-76/02/625 ZvwiL t 1/07/2004

welq t Dbœqb cÖKímgÅn ev¯èevq‡bi Rb¨ gšêYvjq/wefvM/†nWm Ave wWcvU©‡g›Um/cÖKí cwiPvjKMY‡K Awc©Z
Avw_©K ¶gZvq (†Wwj‡Mkb Ae wdb¨vwÝqvj cvIqvim) Gi KwZcq Ask ms‡kvab msμvšè|

miKvi μq msμvšè bxwZ I c×wZi ms¯‹vi Kvh©μ‡gi Ask wnmv‡e B‡Zvg‡a¨ ÓThe Public Procurement
Regulations, 2003" Ges Regulations Gi Implementation Procedures Rvix K‡i‡Q | D³
Regulations Ges Implementation Procedures Gi mv‡_ msMwZ †i‡L A_© wefvM n‡Z 22 †deª“qvix,
2000 Zvwi‡Li Ag/Awe/DtMtkvt/3/96/267 bs cwic‡Îi gva¨‡g RvixK…Z Dbœqb cÖKí ev¯èevqb msμvšè
Avw_©K ¶gZv Ac©b Q‡Ki μwgK bs 4, 8, 12, 28, 32 Ges 34 Gi ms‡kvab Kiv n‡jv (mshy³ QK
†gvZv‡eK)| GQvov D³ cwic‡Îi Ab¨vb¨ welq AcwieZ©xZ _vK‡e|

6| G Av‡`k Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki n‡e Ges cybiv‡`k bv †`qv ch©šè ejer _vK‡e|

(RvwKi Avn‡g` Lvb)

bs Ag/Awe/Dt1/wewea-76/02/625(7) ZvwiL t 1/07/2004

AeMwZ I cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi Rb¨ †cÖiY Kiv nBjt

weZiY t
1| gwšêcwil` mwPe, gwšêcwil` wefvM|
2| gyL¨ mwPe, cÖavbgšêxi Kvh©vjq|
3| mwPe, ...................................... gšêYvjq/wefvM|
4| m`m¨, ..................................... wefvM, cwiKíbv Kwgkb|
5| wnmve gnv wbqšêK, A_© gšêYvjq|
6| A_© wefv‡Mi mKj Kg©KZ©v|
7| cÖavb wnmve i¶Y Kg©KZv©, ................................................ gšêYvjq/wefvM|

(Ave`yi iDd ZvjyK)
wmwbqi mnKvix mwPe

(A_© wefv‡Mi 22/02/2000 Zvwi‡Li ¯§viK bs Ag/Awe/DtMtkvt/3/96/267ms‡kvab/cybwe©b¨vm)

Dbœqb cÖKí ev¯èevqb msμvšè Avw_©K ¶gZv ms‡kvab/cybwe©b¨vm

cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
wefvMxq cÖav‡bi L-‡kªYx
μwg M-‡kªYx
AvB‡Ug/welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv wbKU Ac©YK…Z K-‡kªYx (20 †KvwU UvKvi
K bs (20 †KvwU UvKv
¶gZv (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×©) D‡×©), 50 †KvwU
UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4 mKj cÅZK © vR msμvšè cÅY© ¶gZv (25 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè) 7 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè 4 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè 3 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè 2 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè
Pzw³ Aby‡gv`b/ wbæiƒc kZ© mv‡c‡¶t Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx mv‡c‡¶ Kjvg 3 Gi Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx
m¤•v`b*1 (1) Aby‡gvw`Z wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwci μq mv‡c‡¶ kZ©vejx mv‡c‡¶ mv‡c‡¶
cwiKíbv Ges Aby‡gvw`Z evrmwiK μq
cwiKíbvq mswk−ó KvR Ašèf‚©³ _vK‡Z
(2) Aby‡gvw`Z evwl©K ev‡RU eiv†Ïi
wefvR‡b mswk−ó KvR Ašèf©Å³ _vK‡Z n‡e|
(3) ‡i¸‡jkb 2003, Dnvi ev¯èevqb
cÖwmwWDi, μq cÖwμqvKiY I Aby‡gv`b
cÖwmwWDi Ges cÖPwjZ Avw_©K wewa-weavb
h_vh_ fv‡e cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e|

8 gwbnvix `ªe¨vw` μq cÖ‡hvR¨ bq *2 cÖ‡hvR¨ bq *2 GKKvjxb 2 j¶ UvKv ch©šè Kjvg 5 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg 5 Gi Abyiƒc
Aby‡gv`b wbæiƒc kZ© mv‡c‡¶t

* 1 cÅZ©KvR m¤•v`b I cY¨/gvjvgvj/hšêcvwZ miÄvgvw` μ‡qi †¶‡Î 25 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×© Ges civgk©K †mev MÖn‡bi †¶‡Î 5 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×© mKj μq cÖ¯vè e miKvix μq msμvšè gwšêcwil` KwgwU Aby‡gv`b Ki‡e|
* 2 gšêYvjq/wefvM wKsev ms¯’v/cÖwZôv‡bi wbR¯^ cÖK‡íi Rb¨ cÖ‡hvR¨ †¶‡Î Kjvg 5, 6 A_ev 7 Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e|

cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
wefvMxq cÖav‡bi L-‡kªYx
μwg M-‡kªYx
AvB‡Ug/welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv wbKU Ac©YK…Z K-‡kªYx (20 †KvwU UvKvi
K bs (20 †KvwU UvKv
¶gZv (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×©) D‡×©), 50 †KvwU
UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(1) Aby‡gvw`Z wcwmwc/wcwc/
wUGwcwci μq cwiKíbv Ges
Aby‡gvw`Z evrmwiK μq
cwiKíbvq mswk−ó KvR Ašèf‚©³
_vK‡Z n‡e|
(2) Aby‡gvw`Z evwl©K ev‡RU
eiv†Ïi wefvR‡b mswk−ó KvR
Ašèf©Å³ _vK‡Z n‡e|
(3) ‡i¸‡jkb 2003, Dnvi
ev¯èevqb cÖwmwWDi, μq
cÖwμqvKiY I Aby‡gv`b
cÖwmwWDi Ges cÖPwjZ Avw_©K
wewa-weavb h_vh_ fv‡e cvjb
Ki‡Z n‡e|
12 cÖKí ev¯èevq‡bi Rb¨ cÅY© ¶gZv (25 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè) 5 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè 2 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè 1 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè 0.05 †KvwU UvKv
cY¨/gvjvgvj/hšêcvwZ wbæiƒc kZ© mv‡c‡¶t Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx mv‡c‡¶ Kjvg 3 Gi ch©šè
/ miÄvgvw` μq Pzw³ (1) Aby‡gvw`Z wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwci μq mv‡c‡¶ kZ©vejx mv‡c‡¶ Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx
Aby‡gv`b/m¤•v`b *1 cwiKíbv Ges Aby‡gvw`Z evrmwiK μq mv‡c‡¶
(hšêcvwZ ej‡Z 9 cwiKíbvq mswk−ó KvR Ašèf‚©³ _vK‡Z
(K), 10 (K) Ges n‡e|
13-16 †Z D‡j−wLZ (2) Aby‡gvw`Z evwl©K ev‡RU eiv†Ïi
miÄvgvw`/ wefvR‡b mswk−ó KvR Ašèf©Å³ _vK‡Z n‡e|
hšêcvwZ/gvjvgvj (3) ‡i¸‡jkb 2003, Dnvi ev¯èevqb

* 1 cÅZ©KvR m¤•v`b I cY¨/gvjvgvj/hšêcvwZ miÄvgvw` μ‡qi †¶‡Î 25 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×© Ges civgk©K †mev MÖn‡bi †¶‡Î 5 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×© mKj μq cÖ¯vè e miKvix μq msμvšè gwšêcwil` KwgwU Aby‡gv`b Ki‡e|
cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
wefvMxq cÖav‡bi L-‡kªYx
μwg M-‡kªYx
AvB‡Ug/welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv wbKU Ac©YK…Z K-‡kªYx (20 †KvwU UvKvi
K bs (20 †KvwU UvKv
¶gZv (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×©) D‡×©), 50 †KvwU
UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
eySv‡e bv) cÖwmwWDi, μq cÖwμqvKiY I Aby‡gv`b
cÖwmwWDi Ges cÖPwjZ Avw_©K wewa-weavb
h_vh_ fv‡e cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e|
28 civgk©K †mev MÖn‡bi cÅY© ¶gZv (25 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè) 2 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè 1 †KvwU UvKv ch©šè bvB bvB
Pzw³ Aby‡gv`b/ wbæiƒc kZ© mv‡c‡¶t Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx Kjvg 3 Gi kZ©vejx mv‡c‡¶
m¤•v`b *1 (1) Aby‡gvw`Z wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwci μq mv‡c‡¶
cwiKíbv Ges Aby‡gvw`Z evrmwiK μq
cwiKíbvq mswk−ó KvR Ašèf‚©³ _vK‡Z
(2) Aby‡gvw`Z evwl©K ev‡RU eiv†Ïi
wefvR‡b mswk−ó KvR Ašèf©Å³ _vK‡Z n‡e|
(3) ‡i¸‡jkb 2003, Dnvi ev¯èevqb
cÖwmwWDi, μq cÖwμqvKiY I Aby‡gv`b
cÖwmwWDi Ges cÖPwjZ Avw_©K wewa-weavb
h_vh_ fv‡e cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e|
32 †UÛvi/†Kv‡Ukb cÖ‡hvR¨ bq *2 cÖ‡hvR¨ bq *2 (K) cY¨/gvjvgvj/hšêcvwZ/ Kjvg 5 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg 5 Gi Abyiƒc
e¨ZxZ mivmwi μq miÄvgvw`t
Aby‡gv`b cÖwZ‡¶‡Î GKKvjxb 15
nvRvi UvKv ch©šè
(L) †fŠZ †mevt cÖwZ‡¶‡Î
GKKvjxb 50 nvRvi UvKv

* 1 cÅZ©KvR m¤•v`b I cY¨/gvjvgvj/hšêcvwZ miÄvgvw` μ‡qi †¶‡Î 25 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×© Ges civgk©K †mev MÖn‡bi †¶‡Î 5 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×© mKj μq cÖ¯vè e miKvix μq msμvšè gwšêcwil` KwgwU Aby‡gv`b Ki‡e|
* 2 gšêYvjq/wefvM wKsev ms¯’v/cÖwZôv‡bi wbR¯^ cÖK‡íi Rb¨ cÖ‡hvR¨ †¶‡Î Kjvg 5, 6 A_ev 7 Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e|
cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
wefvMxq cÖav‡bi L-‡kªYx
μwg M-‡kªYx
AvB‡Ug/welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv wbKU Ac©YK…Z K-‡kªYx (20 †KvwU UvKvi
K bs (20 †KvwU UvKv
¶gZv (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×©) D‡×©), 50 †KvwU
UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Public Procurement
Regulations, 2003 Gi cÖweavb
18 (2) Ges Appendix-A Gi
ms¯’vbmn wbæiƒc kZ© mv‡c‡¶t
(1) Aby‡gvw`Z
wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwci μq
cwiKíbv Ges Aby‡gvw`Z
evrmwiK μq cwiKíbvq mswk−ó
KvR Ašèf‚©³ _vK‡Z n‡e|
(2) Aby‡gvw`Z evwl©K ev‡RU
eiv†Ïi wefvR‡b mswk−ó KvR
Ašèf©Å³ _vK‡Z n‡e|
(3) ‡i¸‡jkb 2003, Dnvi
ev¯èevqb cÖwmwWDi, μq
cÖwμqvKiY I Aby‡gv`b
cÖwmwWDi Ges cÖPwjZ Avw_©K
wewa-weavb h_vh_ fv‡e cvjb
Ki‡Z n‡e|

34 ‡UÛvi weÁvcb cÖ‡hvR¨ bq * 2 cÖ‡hvR¨ bq * 2 (K) †`‡ki Af¨šè‡i cÖwZ‡¶‡Î Kjvg 5 Gi Abyiƒc Kjvg 5 Gi Abyiƒc
e¨ZxZ †Kv‡Uk‡bi GKKvjxb 2 j¶ UvKv ch©šè

2 gšêYvjq/wefvM wKsev ms¯’v/cÖwZôv‡bi wbR¯^ cÖK‡íi Rb¨ cÖ‡hvR¨ †¶‡Î Kjvg 5, 6 A_ev 7 Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e|

cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv
wefvMxq cÖav‡bi L-‡kªYx
μwg M-‡kªYx
AvB‡Ug/welq gšêYvjq/wefv‡Mi wbKU Ac©YK…Z ¶gZv wbKU Ac©YK…Z K-‡kªYx (20 †KvwU UvKvi
K bs (20 †KvwU UvKv
¶gZv (50 †KvwU UvKvi D‡×©) D‡×©), 50 †KvwU
UvKv ch©šè)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
gva¨‡g μq Aby‡gv`b (L) evsjv‡`†ki ˆe‡`wkK
wgkbmgŇni Rb¨ cÖwZ‡¶‡Î
GKKvjxb 5 j¶ UvKv ch©šè
Public Procurement
Regulations, 2003

(1) Aby‡gvw`Z
wcwmwc/wcwc/wUGwcwci μq
cwiKíbv Ges Aby‡gvw`Z
evrmwiK μq cwiKíbvq mswk−ó
KvR Ašèf‚©³ _vK‡Z n‡e|
(2) Aby‡gvw`Z evwl©K ev‡RU
eiv†Ïi wefvR‡b mswk−ó KvR
Ašèf©Å³ _vK‡Z n‡e|
(3) ‡i¸‡jkb 2003, Dnvi
ev¯èevqb cÖwmwWDi, μq
cÖwμqvKiY I Aby‡gv`b
cÖwmwWDi Ges cÖPwjZ Avw_©K
wewa-weavb h_vh_ fv‡e cvjb
Ki‡Z n‡e|

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