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Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2019

Abridged for Primary Care Providers
American Diabetes Association

he American Diabetes Associa- 1. IMPROVING CARE AND
tion’s (ADA’s) Standards of Med- PROMOTING HEALTH IN
ical Care in Diabetes is updated POPULATIONS
and published annually in a supple-
Diabetes and Population Health
ment to the January issue of Diabetes
Care. The ADA’s Professional Practice Recommendations
Committee, which includes physi- • Ensure treatment decisions are
cians, diabetes educators, registered timely, rely on evidence-based
dietitians (RDs), and public health guidelines, and are made collab-
experts, develops the Standards. The oratively with patients based on
Standards include the most current individual preferences, prognoses,
evidence-based recommendations for and comorbidities. B
diagnosing and treating adults and • Align approaches to diabetes
children with all forms of diabetes. management with the Chronic
ADA’s grading system uses A, B, C, Care Model, emphasizing pro-
or E to show the evidence level that ductive interactions between a
supports each recommendation. prepared proactive care team and
• A —Clear evidence from well- an informed activated patient. A
• Care systems should facilitate
conducted, generalizable ran-
team-based care, patient regis-
domized controlled trials that are
tries, decision support tools, and
adequately powered
community involvement to meet
• B —Supportive evidence from
patient needs. B
well-conducted cohort studies
• C —Supportive evidence from Population health is defined as
poorly controlled or uncontrolled “the health outcomes of a group of
studies individuals, including the distribution
• E —Expert consensus or clinical of health outcomes within the group”;
experience these outcomes can be measured in
This is an abridged version of the American terms of health outcomes (mortality,
Diabetes Association’s Standards of Medical This is an abridged version of morbidity, health, and functional sta-
Care in Diabetes—2019. Diabetes Care the 2019 Standards containing the
2018;42(Suppl. 1):S1–S194. tus), disease burden (incidence and
evidence-based recommendations prevalence), and behavioral and meta-
The complete 2019 Standards supplement,
including all supporting references, is most pertinent to primary care. The bolic factors (exercise, diet, A1C, etc.).
available at tables and figures have been renum- Clinical practice recommendations
bered from the original document for health care providers are tools that to match this version. The complete can ultimately improve health across
2019 Standards of Care document, populations; however, for optimal
©2018 by the American Diabetes Association.
Readers may use this article as long as the work is including all supporting references, outcomes, diabetes care must also be
properly cited, the use is educational and not for
profit, and the work is not altered. See www.
is available at professional.diabetes. individualized for each patient. Thus, for details. org/standards. efforts to improve population health

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will require a combination of system-​ Tailoring Treatment for Social 2. CLASSIFICATION AND
level and patient-level approaches. Context DIAGNOSIS OF DIABETES
The proportion of patients with Diabetes can be classified into the
diabetes who achieve recommended following general categories:
• Providers should assess social
A1C, blood pressure, and LDL cho- 1. Type 1 diabetes (due to auto-
context, including potential food immune β-cell destruction,
lesterol levels has increased in recent
insecurity, housing stability, and usually leading to absolute insulin
years. Nevertheless, a 2013 report
financial barriers, and apply that deficiency)
found that 33–49% of patients still
information to treatment deci- 2. Type 2 diabetes (due to a progres-
did not meet general targets for gly-
sions. A sive loss of β-cell insulin secretion
cemic, blood pressure, or cholesterol
control, and only 14% met targets for • Refer patients to local community frequently on the background of
all three measures while also avoiding resources when available. B insulin resistance)
smoking. • Provide patients with self- 3. Gestational diabetes mellitus
Diabetes poses a significant management support from lay (GDM) (diabetes diagnosed in the
financial burden to individuals and health coaches, navigators, or second or third trimester of preg-
society. After adjusting for inflation, community health workers when nancy that was not clearly overt
economic costs of diabetes increased available. A diabetes prior to gestation)
by 26% from 2012 to 2017. This is 4. Specific types of diabetes due to
Health inequities related to
attributed to the increased prevalence other causes, e.g., monogenic dia-
diabetes and its complications are
of diabetes and the increased cost per betes syndromes (such as neonatal
well documented and are heavily
person with diabetes. diabetes and maturity-onset diabe-
influenced by social determinants
The Chronic Care Model (CCM) tes of the young), diseases of the
of health. Social determinants of
is an effective framework for improv- exocrine pancreas (such as cystic
health are defined as the economic, fibrosis and pancreatitis), and drug-
ing the quality of diabetes care and environmental, political, and social
includes six core elements: or chemical-induced diabetes (such
conditions in which people live and as with glucocorticoid use, in the
1. Delivery system design (moving
are responsible for a major part of treatment of HIV/AIDS, or after
from a reactive to a proactive care
health inequality worldwide. organ transplantation)
delivery system where planned
Food insecurity (FI) is the unre-
visits are coordinated through a Diagnostic Tests for Diabetes
liable availability of nutritious food
team-based approach)
and the inability to consistently Recommendations
2. Self-management support
obtain food without resorting to • Testing for prediabetes and type
3. Decision support (basing care
socially unacceptable practices. FI 2 diabetes in asymptomatic peo-
on evidence-based, effective care
affects more than 14% of the U.S. ple should be considered in adults
population, with higher rates in of any age who are overweight or
4. Clinical information systems
some racial/ethnic minority groups, obese (BMI ≥25 kg/m 2 or ≥23
(using registries that can provide
patient-specific and population- in low-income households, and in kg/m2 in Asian Americans) and
based support to the care team) homes headed by a single mother. who have one or more additional
5. Community resources and pol-
FI is associated with increased risk factors for diabetes (Table 1). B
icies (identifying or developing risk for type 2 diabetes, subopti- • For all people, testing should begin
resources to support healthy mal glycemic control, psychosocial at age 45 years. B
lifestyles) conditions, and low treatment • If tests are normal, repeat testing
6. Health systems (to create a quality-
adherence. carried out at a minimum of 3-year
oriented culture) Community health workers intervals is reasonable. C
(CHWs), peer supporters, and lay • In patients with prediabetes and
Redefining the roles of the health leaders may assist in the delivery of type 2 diabetes, identify and, if
care delivery team and empow- diabetes self-management education appropriate, treat other cardiovas-
ering patient self-management and support (DSMES) services, cular disease risk factors. B
are fundamental to the success- particularly in underserved com- • Risk-based screening for prediabe-
ful implementation of the CCM. munities. CHWs can be part of a tes and/or type 2 diabetes should
Collaborative, multidisciplinary cost-effective, evidence-based strat- be considered after the onset of
teams are best suited to provide care egy to improve the management of puberty or after 10 years of age,
for people with chronic conditions diabetes and cardiovascular risk whichever occurs earlier, in chil-
such as diabetes and to facilitate factors in underserved communi- dren and adolescents who are
patients’ self-management. ties and health care systems. overweight (BMI ≥85th percentile)

a b r i d g e d s ta n d a r d s o f c a r e 2 019

TABLE 1. Criteria for Testing for Diabetes or Prediabetes in Asymptomatic Adults

1. Testing should be considered in overweight or obese (BMI ≥25 kg/m2 or ≥23 kg/m2 in Asian Americans) adults who
have one or more of the following risk factors:
• First-degree relative with diabetes
• High-risk race/ethnicity (e.g., African American, Latino, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander)
• History of CVD
• Hypertension (≥140/90 mmHg or on therapy for hypertension)
• HDL cholesterol level <35 mg/dL (0.90 mmol/L) and/or a triglyceride level >250 mg/dL (2.82 mmol/L)
• Women with polycystic ovary syndrome
• Physical inactivity
• Other clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance (e.g., severe obesity, acanthosis nigricans)
2. Patients with prediabetes (A1C ≥5.7% [39 mmol/mol], IGT, or IFG) should be tested yearly.
3. Women who were diagnosed with GDM should have lifelong testing at least every 3 years.
4. For all other patients, testing should begin at age 45 years.
5. If results are normal, testing should be repeated at a minimum of 3-year intervals, with consideration of more
frequent testing depending on initial results and risk status.
IFG, impaired fasting glucose; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance.

TABLE 2. Risk-Based Screening for Type 2 Diabetes or Prediabetes in Asymptomatic Children and
Adolescents in a Clinical Setting
Testing should be considered in youth* who are overweight (≥85% percentile) or obese (≥95 percentile) A and who
have one or more additional risk factors based on the strength of their association with diabetes:
• Maternal history of diabetes or GDM during the child’s gestation A
• Family history of type 2 diabetes in first- or second-degree relative A
• Race/ethnicity (Native American, African American, Latino, Asian American, Pacific Islander) A
• Signs of insulin resistance or conditions associated with insulin resistance (acanthosis nigricans, hypertension,
dyslipidemia, polycystic ovary syndrome, or small-for-gestational-age birth weight) B
*After the onset of puberty or after 10 years of age, whichever occurs earlier. If tests are normal, repeat testing at a
minimum of 3-year intervals, or more frequently if BMI is increasing, is recommended.

or obese (BMI ≥95th percentile) centage of patients have conditions overt signs of hyperglycemia, diagno-
and who have additional risk fac- such as sickle cell trait or hemoglob- sis requires two abnormal test results
tors for diabetes. See Table 2 for inopathies that skew A1C results. See from the same sample or in two sepa-
evidence grading of risk factors. “6. Glycemic Targets” in the complete rate test samples. If using two separate
2019 Standards of Care for conditions test samples, it is recommended that
Diabetes and prediabetes may be causing discrepancies. Unless there is the second test, which may either be a
screened based on plasma glucose cri- a clear clinical diagnosis based on repeat of the initial test or a different
teria, either the fasting plasma glucose
(FPG) or the 2-h plasma glucose (2-h TABLE 3. Criteria for the Screening and Diagnosis of Diabetes
PG) value during a 75-g oral glucose Prediabetes Diabetes
tolerance test (OGTT), or A1C crite-
A1C 5.7–6.4%* ≥6.5%†
ria (Table 3).
There is incomplete concordance FPG 100–125 mg/dL (5.6–6.9 mmol/L)* ≥126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L)†
between A1C, FPG, and 2-h PG, OGTT 140–199 mg/dL (7.8–11.0 mmol/L)* ≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L)†
and the 2-h PG value diagnoses more RPG ≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L)‡
people with prediabetes and diabe-
*For all three tests, risk is continuous, extending below the lower limit of the
tes than the FPG or A1C cut points.
range and becoming disproportionately greater at the higher end of the
Marked discrepancies between mea-
range. †In the absence of unequivocal hyperglycemia, diagnosis requires
sured A1C and plasma glucose levels
two abnormal test results from the same sample or in two separate samples.
should prompt consideration that the
‡Only diagnostic in a patient with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia or
A1C assay may not be reliable for that
hyperglycemic crisis. RPG, random plasma glucose.
individual, since a relatively small per-

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test, be performed without delay. If incidence of type 2 diabetes. In the Medicare reimbursement coverage
patients have test results near the mar- DPP, diabetes incidence was reduced for the Centers for Disease Control
gins of the diagnostic threshold, the by 58% over 3 years. Follow-up in and Prevention (CDC)-coordinated
health care professional should follow the Diabetes Prevention Program National DPP lifestyle intervention to
the patient closely and repeat the test Outcomes Study has shown sustained CDC-recognized organizations that
in 3–6 months. reduction in the rate of conversion to become Medicare suppliers for this
type 2 diabetes of 34% at 10 years service.
and 27% at 15 years.
TYPE 2 DIABETES Pharmacologic Interventions
The DPP’s 7% weight loss goal
Recommendation was selected because it was feasible Recommendation
• At least annual monitoring for the to achieve and maintain and likely to • Metformin therapy for prevention
development of type 2 diabetes lessen the risk of developing diabetes. of type 2 diabetes should be con-
in those with prediabetes is sug- Nutrition sidered in those with prediabetes,
gested. E Structured behavioral weight loss ther- especially for those with BMI ≥35
apy, including a reduced calorie meal kg/m2, those aged <60 years, and
“Prediabetes” is the term used for women with prior GDM. A
individuals whose glucose levels do plan and physical activity, is of para-
not meet the criteria for diabetes but mount importance for those at high
risk for developing type 2 diabetes who Several pharmacologic agents have
are too high to be considered normal. been shown to decrease the incidence
(See Table 3.) Prediabetes should not have overweight or obesity. Based on
intervention trials, the eating patterns of diabetes, although none are ap-
be viewed as a clinical entity in its proved by the U.S. Food and Drug
own right but rather as an increased that may be helpful for those with
prediabetes include a Mediterranean Administration (FDA) specifically
risk for diabetes and cardiovascular for diabetes prevention. Metformin
eating plan and a low-calorie, low-
disease (CVD). has the strongest evidence base and
fat eating plan. Additional research is
Screening for prediabetes and type demonstrated long-term safety as
needed regarding whether a low-car-
2 diabetes risk through an informal pharmacologic therapy for diabetes
bohydrate eating plan is beneficial for
assessment of risk factors or with an prevention. For other drugs, cost, side
persons with prediabetes. In addition,
assessment tool such as the ADA risk effects, and durable efficacy require
evidence suggests that the overall qual-
test is recommended to guide provid- consideration.
ity of food consumed (as measured by
ers on whether to perform a diagnostic
the Alternative Healthy Eating Index), Prevention of Cardiovascular
test for prediabetes (Table 3) and pre-
with an emphasis on whole grains, le- Disease
viously undiagnosed type 2 diabetes.
gumes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables and
Lifestyle Interventions minimal refined and processed foods, Recommendation
is also important. • Prediabetes is associated with
Recommendations heightened cardiovascular risk;
Whereas overall healthy low-
• Refer patients with prediabetes to calorie eating patterns should be therefore, screening for and treat-
an intensive behavioral lifestyle encouraged, there is also some evidence ment of modifiable risk factors
intervention program modeled on that particular dietary components for cardiovascular disease is sug-
the Diabetes Prevention Program impact diabetes risk in observational gested. B
to achieve and maintain 7% loss studies. Higher intakes of nuts, berries,
of initial body weight and increase yogurt, coffee, and tea are associated People with prediabetes often
moderate-intensity physical activ- with reduced diabetes risk. Conversely, have other cardiovascular risk fac-
ity (such as brisk walking) to at red meats and sugar-sweetened bever- tors, including hypertension and
least 150 min/week. A ages are associated with an increased dyslipidemia, and are at increased
• Based on patient preference, risk of type 2 diabetes. risk for CVD. Although treatment
technology-assisted diabetes pre- goals for people with prediabetes are
vention interventions may be Cost-Effectiveness the same as for the general popula-
effective in preventing type 2 dia- A cost-effectiveness model suggested tion, increased vigilance is warranted
betes and should be considered. B that the lifestyle intervention used in to identify and treat these and other
the DPP was cost-effective. The use cardiovascular risk factors.
Several major randomized con- of CHWs to support DPP efforts
trolled trials, including the Diabetes has been shown to be effective with 4. COMPREHENSIVE
Prevention Program (DPP), have cost savings. MEDICAL EVALUATION
demonstrated that an intensive life- The Centers for Medicare & AND ASSESSMENT OF
style intervention can reduce the Medicaid Services has expanded COMORBIDITIES

a b r i d g e d s ta n d a r d s o f c a r e 2 019

■ FIGURE 1. Decision cycle for patient-centered glycemic management in type 2 diabetes. Adapted from Davies MJ, D’Alessio
DA, Fradkin J, et al. Diabetes Care 2018;41:2669–2701.

Patient-Centered Collaborative and plans for meeting them should be history, assessment of medication-
Care created collaboratively with patients taking behavior and intolerance/
(Figure 1). side effects, physical examination,
• A patient-centered communication laboratory evaluation as appropri-
Comprehensive Medical
style that uses person-centered and ate to assess attainment of A1C
strength-based language and active and metabolic targets, and assess-
Recommendations ment of risk for complications,
listening, elicits patient preferences
and beliefs, and assesses literacy, • A complete medical evaluation diabetes self-management behav-
numeracy, and potential barriers should be performed at the initial iors, nutrition, psychosocial health,
to care should be used to opti- visit to: and the need for referrals, immu-
❍❍ Confirm the diagnosis and clas- nizations, or other routine health
mize patient health outcomes and
health-related quality of life. B sify diabetes. B maintenance screening. B
❍❍ Evaluate for diabetes complica-
• Diabetes care should be managed
tions and potential comorbid The risk assessment of acute and
by a multidisciplinary team that
conditions. B chronic diabetes complications and
may draw from primary care phy-
❍❍ Review previous treatment and treatment planning are key com-
sicians, subspecialty physicians,
nurse practitioners, physician assis- risk factor control in patients ponents of initial and follow-up
tants, nurses, dietitians, exercise with established diabetes. B visits. The risk of atherosclerotic CVD
specialists, pharmacists, dentists, ❍❍ Begin patient engagement in (ASCVD) and heart failure, chronic
podiatrists, and mental health the formulation of a care man- kidney disease (CKD) staging, and
professionals. E agement plan. B treatment-associated hypoglycemia
❍❍ Develop a plan for continuing should be used to individualize tar-
Individuals with diabetes must assume care. B gets for glycemia, blood pressure,
an active role in their care. The goals • A follow-up visit should include and lipids and to select specific
of treatment for diabetes are to pre- most components of the initial glucose-lowering medication, anti-
vent or delay complications and main- comprehensive medical evalua- hypertension medication, or statin
tain quality of life. Treatment goals tion including: interval medical treatment intensity.

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Immunizations See Sec. 5 “Lifestyle Management” should be communicated with the

Children and adults with diabetes and Sec. 12 “Older Adults” below for entire diabetes care team. A
should receive vaccinations accord- more discussion of this topic.
Nutrition Therapy
ing to age-specific recommendations.
See the CDC website for current
Other Conditions For many individuals with diabetes,
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, hepa- the most challenging part of the treat-
tocellular carcinoma, hearing impair- ment plan is determining what to eat
Assessment of Comorbidities ment, psychosocial/emotional disor- and following a meal plan. Each per-
Besides assessing diabetes-related ders, hip fractures, low testosterone son with diabetes should be actively
complications, clinicians and their in men, obstructive sleep apnea, and engaged in developing an individual-
patients need to be aware of common periodontal disease are all more com- ized eating plan. All individuals with
comorbidities that may complicate mon in persons with diabetes. See “4. diabetes should be offered a referral for
diabetes management. Comprehensive Medical Evaluation individualized MNT provided by an
and Assessment of Comorbidities” in RD who is knowledgeable and skilled
Autoimmune Diseases
the complete 2019 Standards of Care in providing diabetes-specific MNT.
Recommendation for discussion on these topics.
• Consider screening patients with Eating Patterns, Macronutrient
5. LIFESTYLE MANAGEMENT Distribution, and Meal Planning
type 1 diabetes for autoimmune
Lifestyle management is a funda- Evidence suggests that there is not
thyroid disease and celiac disease
mental aspect of diabetes care and an ideal percentage of calories from
soon after diagnosis. B
includes DSMES, medical nutrition carbohydrate, protein, and fat for
Cancer therapy (MNT), physical activity, all people with diabetes. Therefore,
Diabetes is associated with increased smoking cessation counseling, and macronutrient distribution should be
risk of cancers of the liver, pancreas, psychosocial care. Patients and pro- based on an individualized assessment
endometrium, colon/rectum, breast, viders should focus together on how of current eating patterns, personal
and bladder. The association may re- to optimize lifestyle from the time preferences (e.g., tradition, culture,
sult from shared risk factors between of the initial comprehensive medical
religion, health beliefs and goals, eco-
type 2 diabetes and cancer (older age, evaluation, throughout all subsequent
nomics), and metabolic goals.
obesity, and physical inactivity) but evaluations and follow-up, and during
The Mediterranean, Dietary
may also be due to diabetes-related the assessment of complications and
Approaches to Stop Hypertension
factors, such as underlying disease management of comorbid conditions
physiology or diabetes treatments. (DASH), and plant-based eating plans
in order to enhance diabetes care.
Patients with diabetes should be en- are examples of healthful eating pat-
Diabetes Self-Management terns that have shown positive results
couraged to undergo recommend-
Education and Support in research. In addition, research indi-
ed age- and sex-appropriate cancer
screenings and to reduce their mod- Recommendations cates that low-carbohydrate eating
ifiable cancer risk factors (obesity, • In accordance with the national plans may result in improved glyce-
physical inactivity, and smoking). standards for DSMES, all people mia and have the potential to reduce
New onset of atypical diabetes (lean with diabetes should participate antihyperglycemic medications for
body type, negative family history) in in diabetes self-management edu- individuals with type 2 diabetes.
a middle-aged or older patient may cation to facilitate the knowledge, There is inadequate research in type
precede the diagnosis of pancreatic skills, and ability necessary for 1 diabetes to support one eating plan
adenocarcinoma. However, in the ab- diabetes self-care. Diabetes self- over another at this time.
sence of other symptoms (e.g., weight management support is addition- A simple approach to glycemia and
loss, abdominal pain), routine screen- ally recommended to assist with weight management emphasizing por-
ing of all such patients is not currently implementing and sustaining skills tion control and healthy food choices,
recommended. and behaviors needed for ongoing such as the diabetes plate method,
self-management. B should be considered for those with
Cognitive Impairment/Dementia type 2 diabetes who are not taking
• There are four critical times to
Recommendation evaluate the need for DSMES: at insulin, who have limited health liter-
• In people with a history of cog- diagnosis, annually, when com- acy or numeracy, or who are older and
nitive impairment/dementia, plicating factors arise, and when prone to hypoglycemia. This visual
intensive glucose control cannot transitions in care occur. E guide shows how to control calories
be expected to remediate deficits. • DSMES should be patient centered, (by featuring a smaller plate) and car-
Treatment should be tailored to may be given in group or individual bohydrates (by limiting them to what
avoid significant hypoglycemia. B settings or using technology, and fits in one-quarter of the plate) and

a b r i d g e d s ta n d a r d s o f c a r e 2 019

puts an emphasis on low-carbohydrate to-vigorous intensity aerobic activ- (DKD), and there appears to be no
(or nonstarchy) vegetables. ity per week, spread over at least 3 need for specific exercise restrictions
days/week, with no more than 2 for people with DKD in general.
consecutive days without activity.
Moderate alcohol intake does not have Neuropathy
Shorter durations (minimum 75
major detrimental effects on long-term Decreased pain sensation and a high-
min/week) of vigorous intensity or
blood glucose control in people with er pain threshold in the extremities
interval training may be sufficient
diabetes. Risks associated with alcohol result in an increased risk of skin
for younger and more physically fit
consumption include hypoglycemia breakdown, infection, and Charcot
(particularly for those using insulin or joint destruction with some forms of
• Adults with type 1 C and type 2
insulin secretagogue therapies), weight exercise, so assessment is key, although
B diabetes should engage in 2–3
gain, and hyperglycemia (for those sessions/week of resistance exercise moderate-intensity walking with
consuming excessive amounts). People on nonconsecutive days. proper footwear may not increase risk.
with diabetes can follow the same • All adults, and particularly those
guidelines as those without diabetes if Smoking Cessation: Tobacco
with type 2 diabetes, should and e-Cigarettes
they choose to drink. For women, no decrease the amount of time spent
more than one drink per day, and two in daily sedentary behavior. B Recommendations
for men, is recommended. (One drink Prolonged sitting should be inter- • Advise all patients not to use ciga-
is equal to a 12-oz beer, a 5-oz glass rupted every 30 min for blood rettes and other tobacco products
of wine, or 1.5 oz of distilled spirits.) glucose benefits, particularly in A or e-cigarettes. B
Nonnutritive Sweeteners adults with type 2 diabetes. C • Include smoking cessation coun-
For some people with diabetes who • Flexibility training and balance seling and other forms of treatment
are accustomed to sugar-sweetened training are recommended 2–3 as a routine component of diabetes
products, nonnutritive sweeteners times/week for older adults with care. A
(containing few or no calories) may be diabetes. Yoga and tai chi may Psychosocial Issues
an acceptable substitute for nutritive be included based on individual
sweeteners when consumed in mod- preferences to increase flexibility, Recommendations
eration. While use of nonnutritive muscular strength, and balance. C • Psychosocial care should be
sweeteners does not appear to have a integrated with a collaborative,
significant effect on glycemic control, The ADA position statement “Physical patient-centered approach and pro-
they can reduce overall calorie and Activity/Exercise and Diabetes” re- vided to all people with diabetes,
carbohydrate intake. Most systematic views the evidence for the benefits with the goals of optimizing health
reviews and meta-analyses show ben- of exercise in people with type 1 and outcomes and health-related qual-
efits for nonnutritive sweetener use in type 2 diabetes and offers specific ity of life. A
weight loss; however, some research recommendations. • Psychosocial screening and follow-
suggests an association with weight Exercise in the Presence of up may include, but are not lim-
gain. Overall, people are encouraged Microvascular Complications ited to, attitudes about diabetes,
to decrease both sweetened and non- expectations for medical man-
Retinopathy agement and outcomes, affect or
nutritive-sweetened beverages and use
other alternatives, with an emphasis If proliferative diabetic retinopathy mood, general and diabetes-related
on water intake. or severe nonproliferative diabetic quality of life, available resources
retinopathy is present, then vigorous- (financial, social, and emotional),
Physical Activity intensity aerobic or resistance exercise and psychiatric history. E
may be contraindicated because of the • Providers should consider assess-
• Children and adolescents with risk of triggering vitreous hemorrhage ment for symptoms of diabetes
type 1 or type 2 diabetes or predia- or retinal detachment. Consultation distress, depression, anxiety, dis-
with an ophthalmologist prior to en- ordered eating, and cognitive
betes should engage in 60 min/day
gaging in an intense exercise regimen capacities using patient-appropriate
or more of moderate- or vigorous-
may be appropriate. standardized and validated tools at
intensity aerobic activity, with vig-
orous muscle-strengthening and Diabetic Kidney Disease the initial visit, at periodic inter-
bone-strengthening activities at Physical activity can acutely increase vals, and when there is a change in
least 3 days/week. C urinary albumin excretion. However, disease, treatment, or life circum-
• Most adults with type 1 C and there is no evidence that vigorous- stance. Including caregivers and
type 2 B diabetes should engage intensity exercise increases the rate of family members in this assessment
in 150 min or more of moderate- progression of diabetic kidney disease is recommended. B

V O L U M E 3 7 , N U M B E R 1 , W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 17

• Consider screening older adults care rather than waiting for a specific abetes management can be a useful
(aged ≥65 years) with diabetes problem or deterioration in metabol- tool for guiding MNT and physical
for cognitive impairment and ic or psychological status to occur. activity, preventing hypoglycemia, and
depression. B The ADA provides an online Mental adjusting medications (particularly
Health Provider Directory of mental prandial insulin doses). The patient’s
The ADA position statement health providers who have received specific needs and goals should dictate
“Psychosocial Care for People With additional education in diabetes. SMBG frequency and timing or the
Diabetes” provides a list of assessment consideration of CGM use. See “7.
tools and additional details. 6. GLYCEMIC TARGETS
Diabetes Technology” in the complete
Diabetes Distress Assessment of Glycemic Control Standards of Care for more discussion
Glycemic management is primar- of the use of SMBG and CGM.
Recommendation ily assessed with the A1C test, the
• Routinely monitor people with A1C Goals
primary measure studied in clin-
diabetes for diabetes distress, par- ical trials demonstrating the ben- Recommendations
ticularly when treatment targets efits of improved glycemic con- • A reasonable A1C goal for many
are not met and/or at the onset of trol. Self-monitoring of blood nonpregnant adults is <7% (53
diabetes complications. B glucose (SMBG) may help with self- mmol/mol). A
Diabetes distress (DD) is very com- management and medication adjust- • Providers might reasonably suggest
mon and is distinct from other psy- ment, particularly in individuals tak- more stringent A1C goals (such as
chological disorders. DD refers to ing insulin. Continuous glucose mon- <6.5% [48 mmol/mol]) for selected
significant negative psychological re- itoring (CGM) also has an important individual patients if this can be
actions related to emotional burdens role in assessing the effectiveness and achieved without significant hypo-
and worries specific to an individual’s safety of treatment in many patients glycemia or other adverse effects
experience in having to manage a se- with type 1 diabetes, and limited data of treatment (i.e., polypharmacy).
vere, complicated, and demanding suggest it may also be helpful in select- Appropriate patients might include
chronic disease such as diabetes. The ed patients with type 2 diabetes, such those with short duration of dia-
constant behavioral demands (medica- as those on intensive insulin regimens. betes, type 2 diabetes treated with
tion dosing, frequency, and titration; lifestyle or metformin only, long
A1C Testing life expectancy, or no significant
monitoring blood glucose, food intake,
eating patterns, and physical activity) Recommendations cardiovascular disease. C
of diabetes self-management and the • Perform the A1C test at least two • Less stringent A1C goals (such
potential or actuality of disease pro- times a year in patients who are as <8% [64 mmol/mol]) may be
gression are directly associated with meeting treatment goals (and who appropriate for patients with a
reports of DD. The prevalence of DD have stable glycemic control). E history of level 3 hypoglycemia
is reported to be 18–45%, with an in- • Perform the A1C test quarterly (altered mental and/or physical
cidence of 38–48% over 18 months. in patients whose therapy has state requiring assistance), lim-
High levels of DD significantly impact changed or who are not meeting ited life expectancy, advanced
medication-taking behaviors and are glycemic goals. E microvascular or macrovascular
linked to higher A1C, lower self-effi- • Point-of-care testing for A1C pro- complications, extensive comorbid
cacy, and poorer dietary and exercise vides the opportunity for more conditions, or long-standing dia-
behaviors. DSMES has been shown to timely treatment changes. E betes in whom the goal is difficult
reduce DD. to achieve despite diabetes self-
Glucose Assessment management education, appro-
Referral to a Mental Health Glucose monitoring is key for the priate glucose monitoring, and
Specialist achievement of glycemic targets for effective doses of multiple glu-
Indications for referral to a mental most people with diabetes. SMBG cose-lowering agents including
health specialist familiar with diabe- is an integral component of effective insulin. B
tes management may include positive therapy of patients taking insulin. • Reassess glycemic targets over time
screening for overall stress related to CGM has emerged as a complemen- based on the criteria in Figure 2 or,
work-life balance, DD, diabetes man- tary method for the assessment of glu- in older adults, Table 12.1 [in the
agement difficulties, depression, anx- cose levels. Glucose monitoring allows complete Standards of Care]. E
iety, disordered eating, and cognitive patients to evaluate their individual
dysfunction, among other issues. It is response to therapy and assess wheth- See “6. Glycemic Targets” in the
preferable to incorporate psychosocial er glycemic targets are being safely complete 2019 Standards of Care for
assessment and treatment into routine achieved. Integrating results into di- the justification for current glycemic

a b r i d g e d s ta n d a r d s o f c a r e 2 019

control recommendations. See Sec.

13 “Children and Adolescents” and
Sec. 14 “Management of Diabetes in
Pregnancy” below for A1C goals for
these populations. Table 4 summa-
rizes glycemic recommendations for
many nonpregnant adults. Figure 2
depicts factors used to determine A1C
targets for individual patients.
Level 1 hypoglycemia is defined as
a measurable glucose concentration
<70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L). Level 2
hypoglycemia (defined as a blood glu-
cose concentration <54 mg/dL [3.0
mmol/L]) is the threshold at which
neuroglycopenic symptoms begin to
occur and requires immediate action
to resolve the hypoglycemic event.
Level 3 hypoglycemia is defined as a
severe event characterized by altered
mental and/or physical functioning
that requires assistance from another
■ FIGURE 2. Depicted are patient and disease factors used to determine optimal
person for recovery.
A1C targets. Characteristics and predicaments toward the left justify more stringent
Recommendations efforts to lower A1C; those toward the right suggest less stringent efforts. A1C 7% =
• Individuals at risk for hypogly- 53 mmol/mol. Adapted with permission from Inzucchi SE, Bergenstal RM, Buse JB,
cemia should be asked about et al. Diabetes Care 2015;38:140–149.
symptomatic and asymptomatic
hypoglycemia at each encounter. C • Hypoglycemia unawareness or plications, reduce the burden of living
• Glucose (15–20 g) is the one or more episodes of level with diabetes, and improve quality of
preferred treatment for the con- 3 hypoglycemia should trigger life. Historically, diabetes technolo-
scious individual with blood reevaluation of the treatment gy has been divided into two main
glucose <70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L), regimen. E categories: insulin administered by
although any form of carbohydrate • Insulin-treated patients with syringe, pen, or pump, and blood
that contains glucose may be used. hypoglycemia unawareness or an glucose monitoring as assessed with a
Fifteen minutes after treatment, if episode of level 2 hypoglycemia meter or CGM system. More recent-
SMBG shows continued hypogly- should be advised to raise their ly, diabetes technology has expanded
cemia, the treatment should be glycemic targets to strictly avoid to include hybrid devices that both
repeated. Once SMBG returns to hypoglycemia for at least several monitor glucose and deliver insulin,
normal, the individual should con- weeks in order to partially reverse some automatically, as well as soft-
sume a meal or snack to prevent hypoglycemia unawareness and ware that serves as a medical device,
reduce risk of future episodes. A providing diabetes self-management
recurrence of hypoglycemia. E
• Ongoing assessment of cogni- support. Diabetes technology, when
• Glucagon should be prescribed
tive function is suggested with applied appropriately, can improve
for all individuals at increased risk
increased vigilance for hypogly- the lives and health of people with di-
of level 2 hypoglycemia, defined
cemia by the clinician, patient, abetes; however, the complexity and
as blood glucose <54 mg/dL (3.0
and caregivers if low cognition or rapid change of the diabetes technol-
mmol/L), so it is available should
declining cognition is found. B ogy landscape can also be a barrier to
it be needed. Caregivers, school
personnel, or family members of 7. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY patient and provider implementation.
these individuals should know “Diabetes technology” is the term Patient interest will certainly be a driv-
where it is and when and how to used to describe the hardware, de- er for more widespread use of diabetes
administer it. Glucagon adminis- vices, and software that people with technology, and this may include pri-
tration is not limited to health care diabetes use to help manage blood mary care practices caring for those
professionals. E glucose levels, stave off diabetes com- with diabetes.

V O L U M E 3 7 , N U M B E R 1 , W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 19

TABLE 4. Summary of Glycemic Recommendations for Many

• Such interventions should be
Nonpregnant Adults With Diabetes
high intensity (≥16 sessions in
6 months) and focus on diet,
A1C <7.0% (53 mmol/mol)* physical activity, and behavioral
Preprandial capillary plasma glucose 80–130 mg/dL* (4.4–7.2 mmol/L) strategies to achieve a 500–750
Peak postprandial capillary plasma <180 mg/dL* (10.0 mmol/L) kcal/day energy deficit. A
glucose† • Diets should be individualized, as
*More or less stringent glycemic goals may be appropriate for individual those that provide the same caloric
patients. Goals should be individualized based on duration of diabetes, restriction but differ in protein,
age/life expectancy, comorbid conditions, known CVD or advanced carbohydrate, and fat content
microvascular complications, hypoglycemia unawareness, and individual are equally effective in achieving
patient considerations. †Postprandial glucose may be targeted if A1C goals weight loss. A
are not met despite reaching preprandial glucose goals. Postprandial • For patients who achieve short-
glucose measurements should be made 1–2 h after the beginning of the term weight-loss goals, long-term
meal, generally peak levels in patients with diabetes. (≥1 year) comprehensive weight
maintenance programs should be
prescribed. Such programs should
SMBG 8. OBESITY MANAGEMENT provide at least monthly contact
FOR THE TREATMENT OF TYPE and encourage ongoing moni-
2 DIABETES toring of body weight (weekly
• When prescribed as part of a broad
educational program, SMBG There is strong and consistent evidence or more frequently) and/or other
may help to guide treatment deci- that obesity management is beneficial self-monitoring strategies, such
sions and/or self-management for in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. as tracking intake, steps, etc.;
patients taking less frequent insulin In patients with type 2 diabetes who continued consumption of a
injections. B are overweight or obese, modest and reduced-calorie diet; and partic-
sustained weight loss has been shown ipation in high levels of physical
In people with type 2 diabetes not to improve glycemic control and to activity (200–300 min/week). A
using insulin, routine glucose mon- reduce the need for glucose-lowering • To achieve weight loss of >5%,
itoring may be of limited additional medications. short-term (3-month) interven-
clinical benefit. For some individu- tions that use very low-calorie diets
als, glucose monitoring can provide (≤800 kcal/day) and total meal
insight into the impact of diet, physical Recommendation replacements may be prescribed
activity, and medication management • At each patient encounter, BMI for carefully selected patients by
on glucose levels. Glucose monitor- should be calculated and docu- trained practitioners in medical
ing may also be useful in assessing mented in the medical record. B care settings with close medical
hypoglycemia, glucose levels during monitoring. To maintain weight
intercurrent illness, or discrepancies Providers should advise patients who loss, such programs must incor-
between measured A1C and glucose are overweight or obese that, in gen- porate long-term comprehensive
levels when there is concern that an eral, higher BMIs increase the risk of weight-maintenance counseling. B
A1C result may not be reliable in CVD and all-cause mortality. Providers
should assess each patient’s readiness to Pharmacotherapy
specific individuals. However, sev-
eral randomized trials have called achieve weight loss and jointly deter- Recommendations
into question the clinical utility and mine weight-loss goals and interven- • When choosing glucose-lowering
cost-effectiveness of routine SMBG in tion strategies. medications for overweight or
noninsulin-treated patients. The ongo- Diet, Physical Activity, and obese patients with type 2 diabetes,
ing need for and frequency of SMBG Behavioral Therapy
consider their effect on weight. E
should be reevaluated at each routine • Whenever possible, minimize
visit to avoid overuse, particularly if Recommendations medications for comorbid con-
SMBG is not being used effectively • Diet, physical activity, and behav- ditions that are associated with
for self-management. ioral therapy designed to achieve weight gain. E
Due to the newness and complexity and maintain >5% weight loss • Weight-loss medications are effec-
of this topic, readers are referred to the should be prescribed for patients tive as adjuncts to diet, physical
discussion in “7. Diabetes Technology” with type 2 diabetes who are activity, and behavioral counsel-
in the complete 2019 Standards overweight or obese and ready to ing for selected patients with type
of Care. achieve weight loss. A 2 diabetes and BMI ≥27 kg/m 2.

a b r i d g e d s ta n d a r d s o f c a r e 2 019

Potential benefits must be weighed • Long-term lifestyle support and typical doses ranging from 0.4 to 1.0
against the potential risks of the routine monitoring of micronutri- units/kg/day. Higher amounts are re-
medications. A ent and nutritional status must be quired during puberty, pregnancy, and
• If a patient’s response to weight- provided to patients after surgery, illness. A typical starting dose is 0.5
loss medications is <5% weight loss according to guidelines for postop- units/kg/day in patients with type 1
after 3 months or if there are signif- erative management of metabolic diabetes who are metabolically stable,
icant safety or tolerability issues at surgery by national and interna- with half administered as prandial in-
any time, the medication should be tional professional societies. C sulin given to control blood glucose
discontinued and alternative med- • People presenting for metabolic after meals and the other half as basal
ications or treatment approaches surgery should receive a com- insulin to control glycemia in the pe-
should be considered. A prehensive readiness and mental riods between meal absorption.
health assessment. B Physiologic insulin secretion varies
The FDA has approved medications • People who undergo metabolic with glycemia, meal size, and tissue
for both short-term and long-term surgery should be evaluated to demands for glucose. To approach
weight management as adjuncts to assess the need for ongoing men- this variability in people using insu-
diet, exercise, and behavioral therapy. tal health services to help them lin treatment, strategies have evolved
Nearly all FDA-approved medications adjust to medical and psychosocial to adjust prandial doses based on
for weight loss have been shown to changes after surgery. C predicted needs. Thus, education of
improve glycemic control in patients patients on how to adjust prandial
with type 2 diabetes and delay pro- A substantial body of evidence has insulin to account for carbohydrate
gression to type 2 diabetes in patients now been accumulated, including intake, premeal glucose levels, and
at risk. Table 8.2 in the complete data from numerous randomized con- anticipated activity can be effective
2019 Standards of Care lists the cur- trolled clinical trials, demonstrating and should be considered.
rently available obesity drugs. that metabolic surgery achieves supe- Postprandial glucose excursions
rior glycemic control and reduction of may be better controlled by adjusting
Metabolic Surgery cardiovascular risk factors in patients the timing of prandial insulin dose
with type 2 diabetes and obesity com- administration. The optimal time to
pared with various lifestyle/medical administer prandial insulin varies,
• Metabolic surgery should be rec-
interventions. based on the type of insulin used
ommended as an option to treat
type 2 diabetes in appropriate sur- 9. PHARMACOLOGIC (regular, rapid-acting analog, inhaled,
gical candidates with BMI ≥40 APPROACHES TO GLYCEMIC etc.), measured blood glucose level,
kg/m2 (BMI ≥37.5 kg/m2 in Asian TREATMENT timing of meals, and carbohydrate
consumption. Recommendations for
Americans) and in adults with Pharmacologic Therapy for prandial insulin dose administration
BMI 35.0–39.9 kg/m2 (32.5–37.4 Type 1 Diabetes should therefore be individualized.
kg/m 2 in Asian Americans) who
Recommendations Insulin pumps and CGM systems
do not achieve durable weight loss may provide advantages in reducing
and improvement in comorbidities • Most people with type 1 diabetes
should be treated with multiple hypoglycemia.
(including hyperglycemia) with
reasonable nonsurgical methods. A daily injections of prandial and Pharmacologic Therapy for
• Metabolic surgery may be consid- basal insulin, or continuous sub- Type 2 Diabetes
ered as an option for adults with cutaneous insulin infusion. A
type 2 diabetes and BMI 30.0– • Most individuals with type 1
diabetes should use rapid-acting • Metformin is the preferred initial
34.9 kg/m 2 (27.5–32.4 kg/m 2 in pharmacologic agent for the treat-
Asian Americans) who do not insulin analogs to reduce hypo-
ment of type 2 diabetes. A
achieve durable weight loss and glycemia risk. A
• Once initiated, metformin should
improvement in comorbidities • Consider educating individuals
be continued as long as it is tol-
(including hyperglycemia) with with type 1 diabetes on matching
erated and not contraindicated;
reasonable nonsurgical methods. A prandial insulin doses to carbo-
other agents, including insulin,
• Metabolic surgery should be per- hydrate intake, premeal blood
should be added to metformin. A
formed in high-volume centers glucose levels, and anticipated
• Long-term use of metformin
with multidisciplinary teams that physical activity. E
may be associated with biochem-
understand and are experienced in Insulin Therapy ical vitamin B12 deficiency, and
the management of diabetes and Generally, insulin requirements can periodic measurement of vitamin
gastrointestinal surgery. C be estimated based on weight, with B12 levels should be considered

V O L U M E 3 7 , N U M B E R 1 , W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 21

in metformin-treated patients, (every 3–6 months) and adjusted • All hypertensive patients with dia-
especially in those with anemia or as needed to incorporate new betes should monitor their blood
peripheral neuropathy. B patient factors (Table 5). E pressure at home. B
• The early introduction of insu-
Table 5 highlights considerations Treatment Goals
lin should be considered if there
for a patient-centered approach to • For patients with diabetes and
is evidence of ongoing catabo-
choosing appropriate pharmacologic hypertension, blood pressure tar-
lism (weight loss), if symptoms
treatment of blood glucose. Figures 3 gets should be individualized
of hyperglycemia are present,
and 4 outline monotherapy and com- through a shared decision-making
or when A1C levels (>10% [86
bination therapy, including initiating process that addresses cardiovascu-
mmol/mol]) or blood glucose levels
and intensifying injectable therapies, lar risk, potential adverse effects of
(≥300 mg/dL [16.7 mmol/L]) are
emphasizing drugs commonly used in antihypertensive medications, and
very high. E
the United States and/or Europe. patient preferences. C
• Consider initiating dual therapy
• For individuals with diabetes and
in patients with newly diagnosed 10. CARDIOVASCULAR hypertension at higher cardiovas-
type 2 diabetes who have A1C DISEASE AND RISK cular risk (existing ASCVD or
≥1.5% (12.5 mmol/mol) above MANAGEMENT 10-year ASCVD risk >15%), a
their glycemic target. E ASCVD—defined as coronary heart blood pressure target of <130/80
• A patient-centered approach disease, cerebrovascular disease, or mmHg may be appropriate, if it
should be used to guide the peripheral arterial disease (PAD) can be safely attained. C
choice of pharmacologic agents. presumed to be of atherosclerotic or- • For individuals with diabetes and
Considerations include comorbidi- igin—is the leading cause of morbid- hypertension at lower risk for
ties (ASCVD, heart failure, CKD), ity and mortality for individuals with cardiovascular disease (10-year
hypoglycemia risk, impact on diabetes. Heart failure is another ma- ASCVD risk <15%), treat to a
weight, cost, risk for side effects, jor cause of morbidity and mortality blood pressure target of <140/90
and patient preferences. E from CVD. mmHg. A
• Among patients with type 2 For prevention and management
diabetes who have established of both ASCVD and heart failure, Treatment Strategies
A SC V D, s o d iu m – g luc o s e cardiovascular risk factors should be • For patients with blood pressure
cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhib- systematically assessed at least annu- >120/80 mmHg, lifestyle inter-
itors or glucagon-like peptide 1 ally in all patients with diabetes. vention consists of weight loss if
(GLP-1) receptor agonists with These risk factors include obesity/ overweight or obese, a DASH-style
demonstrated CVD benefit (Table overweight, hypertension, dyslipid- dietary pattern including reducing
5) are recommended as part of the emia, smoking, a family history of sodium and increasing potassium
antihyperglycemic regimen. A premature coronary disease, CKD, intake, moderation of alcohol
• Among patients with ASCVD and the presence of albuminuria. The intake, and increased physical
at high risk of heart failure or American College of Cardiology/ activity. B
in whom heart failure coexists, American Heart Association ASCVD • Patients with confirmed office-
SGLT2 inhibitors are preferred. C risk calculator (Risk Estimator Plus) based blood pressure ≥140/90
• For patients with type 2 diabe- is generally a useful tool to estimate mmHg should, in addition to
tes and CKD, consider use of an 10-year ASCVD risk. lifestyle therapy, have prompt
SGLT2 inhibitor or GLP-1 recep- initiation and timely titration of
tor agonist shown to reduce risk of Hypertension/Blood Pressure pharmacologic therapy to achieve
DKD progression, cardiovascular Control blood pressure goals. A
events, or both. C Recommendations
• Patients with confirmed office-
• In most patients who need the based blood pressure ≥160/100
greater glucose-lowering effect of Screening and Diagnosis mmHg should, in addition to
an injectable medication, GLP-1 • Blood pressure should be mea- lifestyle therapy, have prompt ini-
receptor agonists are preferred to sured at every routine clinical visit. tiation and timely titration of two
insulin. B Patients found to have elevated drugs or a single-pill combination
• Intensification of treatment for blood pressure (≥140/90 mmHg) of drugs demonstrated to reduce
patients with type 2 diabetes not should have blood pressure con- cardiovascular events in patients
meeting treatment goals should firmed using multiple readings, with diabetes. A
not be delayed. B including measurements on a • Treatment for hypertension should
• The medication regimen should separate day, to diagnose hyper- include drug classes demonstrated
be reevaluated at regular intervals tension. B to reduce cardiovascular events in

a b r i d g e d s ta n d a r d s o f c a r e 2 019

TABLE 5. Drug-Specific and Patient Factors to Consider When Selecting Antihyperglycemic Treatment in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

V O L U M E 3 7 , N U M B E R 1 , W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 23
*For agent-specific dosing recommendations, please refer to the manufacturers’ prescribing information. †FDA approved for CVD benefit. CHF, congestive heart
failure; CV, cardiovascular; DPP-4, dipeptidyl peptidase 4; DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis; GLP-1 RAs, GLP-1 receptor agonists; NASH, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis;
SQ, subcutaneous; T2DM, type 2 diabetes.

■ FIGURE 3. Glucose-lowering medication in type 2 diabetes: overall approach. For appropriate context, see Figure 1. CV, cardiovascular; CVOTs, cardiovascular outcomes
trials; DPP-4i, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor; GLP-1 RA, GLP-1 receptor agonist; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; HF, heart failure; SGLT2i, SGLT2 inhibitor; SU, sulfo-

nylurea; TZD, thiazolidinedione. Adapted from Davies MJ, D’Alessio DA, Fradkin J, et al. Diabetes Care 2018;41:2669–2701.
a b r i d g e d s ta n d a r d s o f c a r e 2 019

■ FIGURE 4. Intensifying to injectable therapies. FRC, fixed-ratio combination; GLP-1 RA, GLP-1 receptor agonist; Hba1c,
glycated hemoglobin; iDegLira, insulin degludec/liraglutide; iGlarLixi; insulin glargine/lixsenatide; max, maximum; PPG,
postprandial glucose. Adapted from Davies MJ, D’Alessio DA, Fradkin J, et al. Diabetes Care 2018;41:2669–2701.

V O L U M E 3 7 , N U M B E R 1 , W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 25

patients with diabetes (ACE inhib- with elevated triglyceride levels A Ezetimibe may be preferred due
itors, angiotensin receptor blockers (≥150 mg/dL [1.7 mmol/L]) and/or to lower cost.
[ARBs], thiazide-like diuretics, or low HDL cholesterol (<40 mg/dL
Treatment of Other Lipoprotein
dihydropyridine calcium channel [1.0 mmol/L] for men, <50 mg/dL
Fractions or Targets
blockers). A [1.3 mmol/L] for women). C
• For patients with fasting tri-
• Multiple-drug therapy is generally
Ongoing Therapy and Monitoring glyceride levels ≥500 mg/dL (5.7
required to achieve blood pressure
targets. However, combinations
With Lipid Panel mmol/L), evaluate for secondary
of ACE inhibitors with ARBs and • In adults not taking statins or causes of hypertriglyceridemia and
combinations of ACE inhibitors or other lipid-lowering therapy, it is consider medical therapy to reduce
ARBs with direct renin inhibitors reasonable to obtain a lipid profile the risk of pancreatitis. C
should not be used. A at the time of diabetes diagnosis, at • In adults with moderate hypertri-
• An ACE inhibitor or ARB, at the an initial medical evaluation, and glyceridemia (fasting or nonfasting
maximum tolerated dose indicated every 5 years thereafter if under triglycerides 175–499 mg/dL), cli-
for blood pressure treatment, is the the age of 40 years, or more fre- nicians should address and treat
recommended first-line treatment quently if indicated. E lifestyle factors (obesity and meta-
for hypertension in patients with • Obtain a lipid profile at initiation bolic syndrome), secondary factors
diabetes and urinary albumin- of statins or other lipid-lowering (diabetes, chronic liver or kidney
to-creatinine ratio ≥300 mg/g therapy, 4–12 weeks after initiation disease and/or nephrotic syndrome,
creatinine A or 30–299 mg/g creat- or a change in dose, and annually hypothyroidism), and medications
inine. B If one class is not tolerated, thereafter as it may help to monitor that raise triglycerides. C
the other should be substituted. B the response to therapy and inform
Other Combination Therapy
• For patients treated with an ACE medication adherence. E
• Combination therapy (statin/
inhibitor, ARB, or diuretic, serum Statin Treatment fibrate) has not been shown to
creatinine/estimated glomerular • For patients of all ages with dia- improve ASCVD outcomes and
filtration rate (eGFR) and serum betes and ASCVD or 10-year is generally not recommended. A
potassium levels should be moni- ASCVD risk >20%, high-intensity • Combination therapy (statin/
tored at least annually. B statin therapy should be added to niacin) has not been shown to
• Patients with hypertension who lifestyle therapy. A provide additional cardiovascular
are not meeting blood pressure • For patients with diabetes aged <40 benefit above statin therapy alone,
targets on three classes of antihy- years with additional ASCVD risk may increase the risk of stroke
pertensive medications (including factors, the patient and provider with additional side effects, and is
a diuretic) should be considered for should consider using moderate- generally not recommended. A
mineralocorticoid receptor antago- intensity statin in addition to life-
nist therapy. B Antiplatelet Agents
style therapy. C
Lipid Management • For patients with diabetes aged Recommendations
40–75 years A and >75 years B • Use aspirin therapy (75–162
Recommendations without ASCVD, use moderate- mg/day) as a secondary prevention
Lifestyle Intervention intensity statin in addition to life- strategy in those with diabetes and
• Lifestyle modification focusing on style therapy. a history of ASCVD. A
weight loss (if indicated); applica- • In patients with diabetes who have • For patients with ASCVD and doc-
tion of a Mediterranean eating multiple ASCVD risk factors, it umented aspirin allergy, clopidogrel
plan or DASH dietary pattern; is reasonable to consider high- (75 mg/day) should be used. B
the reduction of saturated fat intensity statin therapy. C • Dual antiplatelet therapy (with
and trans fat; increase of dietary • For patients who do not tolerate low-dose aspirin and a P2Y12
n-3 fatty acids, viscous fiber, and the intended intensity, the maxi- inhibitor) is reasonable for a year
plant stanols/sterols intake; and mally tolerated statin dose should after an acute coronary syndrome
increased physical activity should be used. E A and may have benefits beyond
be recommended to improve the • For patients with diabetes and this period. B
lipid profile and reduce the risk ASCVD, if LDL cholesterol is • Aspirin therapy (75–162 mg/day)
of developing ASCVD in patients ≥70 mg/dL on maximally tolerated may be considered as a primary
with diabetes. A statin dose, consider adding addi- prevention strategy in those with
• Intensify lifestyle therapy and opti- tional LDL-lowering therapy (such diabetes who are at increased car-
mize glycemic control for patients as ezetimibe or PCSK9 inhibitor). diovascular risk, after a discussion

a b r i d g e d s ta n d a r d s o f c a r e 2 019

with the patient on the benefits cemic treatment in adults with type creatinine or changes in potassium
versus increased risk of bleeding. C 2 diabetes. when ACE inhibitors, ARBs, or
diuretics are used. B
Cardiovascular Disease 11. MICROVASCULAR
• An ACE inhibitor or ARB is not
Recommendations recommended for the primary pre-
vention of CKD in patients with
Chronic Kidney Disease diabetes who have normal blood
• In asymptomatic patients, routine
screening for coronary artery dis- pressure, normal urinary albu-
ease is not recommended as it does min-to-creatinine ratio (<30 mg/g
not improve outcomes as long as
Screening creatinine), and normal eGFR. B
ASCVD risk factors are treated. A
• At least once a year, assess uri- • When eGFR is <60 mL/min/1.73
nary albumin (e.g., spot urinary m2, evaluate and manage potential
• Consider investigations for
albumin-to-creatinine ratio) and complications of CKD. E
coronary artery disease in the
presence of any of the follow- eGFR in patients with type 1 dia- • Patients should be referred for
ing: atypical cardiac symptoms betes with duration of ≥5 years, in evaluation for renal replacement
(e.g., unexplained dyspnea, chest all patients with type 2 diabetes, treatment if they have an eGFR
discomfort); signs or symptoms and in all patients with comorbid <30 mL/min/1.73 m2. A
of associated vascular disease hypertension. B • Promptly refer to a physician
including carotid bruits, transient experienced in the care of kidney
ischemic attack, stroke, claudica- disease for uncertainty about the
• Optimize glucose control to reduce
tion, or peripheral arterial disease; etiology of kidney disease, difficult
the risk or slow the progression of
or electrocardiogram abnormalities management issues, and rapidly
(e.g., Q waves). E progressing kidney disease. B
• For patients with type 2 dia-
Treatment betes and CKD, consider use Epidemiology of Diabetes and
• In patients with known ASCVD, of an SGLT2 inhibitor or a Chronic Kidney Disease
consider ACE inhibitor or ARB GLP-1 receptor agonist shown to CKD is diagnosed by the persistent
therapy to reduce the risk of car- reduce risk of CKD progression, presence of elevated urinary albumin
diovascular events. B cardiovascular events, or both excretion (albuminuria), low eGFR,
• In patients with prior myocardial (Table 5). C or other manifestations of kidney
infarction, β-blockers should be • Optimize blood pressure control to damage. At any eGFR, the degree of
continued for at least 2 years after reduce the risk or slow the progres- albuminuria is associated with risk of
the event. B sion of CKD. A CKD progression, CVD, and mor-
• In patients with type 2 diabetes • For people with nondialysis- tality. Among people with type 1 or
with stable congestive heart fail- dependent CKD, dietary protein type 2 diabetes, the presence of CKD
ure, metformin may be used if intake should be approximately 0.8 markedly increases cardiovascular risk
eGFR remains >30 mL/min but g/kg body weight per day (the rec- and health care costs. Table 6 summa-
should be avoided in unstable or ommended daily allowance). For rizes the staging of CKD.
hospitalized patients with conges- patients on dialysis, higher levels
tive heart failure. B of dietary protein intake should be
• Among patients with type 2 diabe- considered. B Selection of Glucose-Lowering
tes who have established ASCVD, • In nonpregnant patients with dia- Medications for Patients With
SGLT2 inhibitors or GLP-1 recep- betes and hypertension, either an Chronic Kidney Disease
tor agonists with demonstrated ACE inhibitor or an ARB is recom- The FDA revised its guidance for the
cardiovascular disease benefit mended for those with modestly use of metformin in CKD in 2016,
(Table 5) are recommended as elevated urinary albumin-to-creati- stating that metformin is contraindi-
part of the antihyperglycemic reg- nine ratio (30–299 mg/g creatinine) cated in patients with an eGFR <30
imen. A B and is strongly recommended for mL/min/1.73 m 2, eGFR should be
• Among patients with ASCVD those with urinary albumin-to- monitored while taking metformin,
at high risk of heart failure or creatinine ratio ≥300 mg/g cre- the benefits and risks of continuing
in whom heart failure coexists, atinine and/or eGFR <60 mL/ treatment should be reassessed when
SGLT2 inhibitors are preferred. C min/1.73 m2. A eGFR falls to <45 mL/min/1.73 m2,
• Periodically monitor serum cre- metformin should not be initiated for
See Figure 3 for additional atinine and potassium levels for patients with an eGFR <45 mL/min/
recommendations on antihypergly- the development of increased 1.73 m 2, and metformin should be

V O L U M E 3 7 , N U M B E R 1 , W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 27

temporarily discontinued at the time an ophthalmologist or optometrist Neuropathy

of or before iodinated contrast imag- at the time of the diabetes diag-
ing procedures in patients with eGFR nosis. B
30–60 mL/min/1.73 m2. • If there is no evidence of retinop- Screening
See Sec. 9 “Pharmacologic athy for one or more annual eye • All patients should be assessed
Approaches to Glycemic Treatment” exam and glycemia is well con- for diabetic peripheral neuropa-
above for considerations regarding trolled, then exams every 1–2 thy starting at diagnosis of type 2
appropriate pharmacologic therapy years may be considered. If any diabetes and 5 years after the diag-
for patients with type 2 diabetes and level of diabetic retinopathy is nosis of type 1 diabetes and at least
CKD. present, subsequent dilated retinal annually thereafter. B
Two clinical trials studied the examinations should be repeated at • Assessment for distal symmetric
combinations of ACE inhibitors and least annually by an ophthalmolo- polyneuropathy should include
ARBs and found no benefits on CVD gist or optometrist. If retinopathy a careful history and assessment
or CKD, and the drug combination is progressing or sight-threatening, of either temperature or pinprick
had higher adverse event rates (hyper- then examinations will be required sensation (small-fiber function)
kalemia and/or acute kidney injury). more frequently. B and vibration sensation using a
Therefore, the combined use of ACE • Telemedicine programs that use 128-Hz tuning fork (for large-
inhibitors and ARBs should be avoided. validated retinal photography with fiber function). All patients should
Referral to a Nephrologist remote reading by an ophthalmol- have annual 10-g monofilament
Consider referral to a physician ex- ogist or optometrist and timely testing to identify feet at risk for
perienced in the care of CKD when referral for a comprehensive eye ulceration and amputation. B
there is uncertainty about the etiology examination when indicated can
• Symptoms and signs of autonomic
of CKD, difficult management issues be an appropriate screening strat-
neuropathy should be assessed in
(anemia, secondary hyperparathyroid- egy for diabetic retinopathy. B
patients with microvascular com-
ism, metabolic bone disease, resistant • Women with preexisting type 1 or
type 2 diabetes who are planning plications. E
hypertension, or electrolyte distur-
bances), or stage 4 CKD (eGFR <30 pregnancy or who are pregnant Treatment
mL/min/1.73 m2) requiring discussion should be counseled on the risk of • Optimize glucose control to pre-
of renal replacement therapy for end- development and/or progression of vent or delay the development of
stage renal disease. Consultation with diabetic retinopathy. B neuropathy in patients with type
a nephrologist when stage 4 CKD de- • Eye examinations should occur 1 diabetes A and to slow the pro-
velops (eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m2) before pregnancy or in the first tri- gression of neuropathy in patients
has been found to reduce cost, improve mester in patients with preexisting with type 2 diabetes. B
quality of care, and delay dialysis. type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and then • Assess and treat patients to reduce
patients should be monitored every pain related to diabetic periph-
Diabetic Retinopathy trimester and for 1-year postpar- eral neuropathy B and symptoms
Recommendations tum as indicated by the degree of of autonomic neuropathy and to
• Optimize glycemic control to retinopathy. B improve quality of life. E
reduce the risk or slow the pro- Treatment • Pregabalin, duloxetine, or gab-
gression of diabetic retinopathy. A • Promptly refer patients with any apentin are recommended as
• Optimize blood pressure and level of macular edema, severe initial pharmacologic treatments
serum lipid control to reduce the nonproliferative diabetic retinop- for neuropathic pain in diabetes. A
risk or slow the progression of dia- athy (a precursor of proliferative
betic retinopathy. A diabetic retinopathy), or any pro- Diabetic neuropathies are a het-
Screening liferative diabetic retinopathy to erogeneous group of disorders with
• Adults with type 1 diabetes should an ophthalmologist who is knowl- diverse clinical manifestations. The
have an initial dilated and com- edgeable and experienced in the early recognition and appropriate
prehensive eye examination by an management of diabetic retinop- management of neuropathy in the
ophthalmologist or optometrist athy. A patient with diabetes is important.
within 5 years after the onset of • The presence of retinopathy is not 1. Diabetic neuropathy is a diag-
diabetes. B a contraindication to aspirin ther- nosis of exclusion. Nondiabetic
• Patients with type 2 diabetes apy for cardioprotection, as aspirin neuropathies may be present in
should have an initial dilated and does not increase the risk of retinal patients with diabetes and may
comprehensive eye examination by hemorrhage. A be treatable.

a b r i d g e d s ta n d a r d s o f c a r e 2 019

TABLE 6. CKD Stages and Corresponding Focus of Kidney-Related Care

CKD Stage† Focus of Kidney-Related Care
Stage eGFR Evidence Diagnose Evaluate and treat Evaluate and Prepare for renal
(mL/min/ of kidney cause of kidney risk factors for treat CKD replacement
1.73 m2) damage* injury CKD progression** complications*** therapy
No clinical ≥60 −
evidence of CKD
1 ≥90 + ✓ ✓
2 60–89 + ✓ ✓
3 30–59 +/− ✓ ✓ ✓
4 15–29 +/− ✓ ✓ ✓
5 <15 +/− ✓ ✓
†CKD stages 1 and 2 are defined by evidence of kidney damage (+), while CKD stages 3–5 are defined by reduced eGFR
with or without evidence of kidney damage (+/−). At any stage of CKD, the degree of albuminuria, observed history of
eGFR loss, and cause of kidney damage (including possible causes other than diabetes) may also be used to characterize
CKD, gauge prognosis, and guide treatment decisions. *Kidney damage is most often manifest as albuminuria (urine
albumin-to-creatinine ratio ≥30 mg/g Cr) but can also include glomerular hematuria, other abnormalities of the urinary
sediment, radiographic abnormalities, and other presentations. **Risk factors for CKD progression include elevated
blood pressure, hyperglycemia, and albuminuria. ***See Table 11.2 in the complete Standards of Care.

2. Numerous treatment options diabetes or prediabetes, which leaves pedal pulses should be referred
exist for symptomatic diabetic only pharmaceutical interventions. for ankle-brachial index and for
neuropathy. further vascular assessment as
Foot Care
3. Up to 50% of diabetic periph- appropriate. C
eral neuropathy (DPN) may be Recommendations • A multidisciplinary approach is
asymptomatic. If not recognized • Perform a comprehensive foot recommended for individuals
and if preventive foot care is not evaluation at least annually to with foot ulcers and high-risk feet
implemented, patients are at risk identify risk factors for ulcers and (e.g., dialysis patients and those
for injuries to their insensate feet. amputations. B with Charcot foot or prior ulcers
4. Recognition and treatment of • Patients with evidence of sen- or amputation). B
autonomic neuropathy may sory loss or prior ulceration or • Refer patients who smoke or
improve symptoms, reduce amputation should have their feet who have histories of prior lower-
sequelae, and improve quality of inspected at every visit. C extremity complications, loss of
life. • Obtain a prior history of ulcer- protective sensation, structural
ation, amputation, Charcot foot, abnormalities, or peripheral arte-
Specific treatment for the under- angioplasty or vascular surgery, rial disease to foot care specialists
lying nerve damage, other than cigarette smoking, retinopathy, for ongoing preventive care and
improved glycemic control, is cur- and renal disease and assess cur- lifelong surveillance. C
rently not available. Therapeutic rent symptoms of neuropathy • Provide general preventive foot
strategies (pharmacologic and non- (pain, burning, numbness) and self-care education to all patients
pharmacologic) for the relief of painful vascular disease (leg fatigue, clau- with diabetes. B
DPN and symptoms of autonomic dication). B • The use of specialized therapeu-
neuropathy can potentially reduce • The examination should include tic footwear is recommended for
pain and improve quality of life. inspection of the skin, assessment high-risk patients with diabe-
of foot deformities, neurological tes including those with severe
Neuropathic Pain assessment (10-g monofilament neuropathy, foot deformities, or
Neuropathic pain can be severe and testing with at least one other history of amputation. B
can impact quality of life, limit mobil- assessment: pinprick, temperature,
ity, and contribute to depression and vibration), and vascular assessment Foot ulcers and amputation, which
social dysfunction. No compelling including pulses in the legs and are consequences of diabetic neurop-
evidence exists in support of glyce- feet. B athy and/or PAD, are common and
mic control or lifestyle management • Patients with symptoms of clau- represent major causes of morbidity
as therapies for neuropathic pain in dication or decreased or absent and mortality in people with diabe-

V O L U M E 3 7 , N U M B E R 1 , W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 29

tes. Early recognition and treatment basic and instrumental activities adults; regular exercise, includ-
of patients with diabetes and feet at of daily living as they may affect ing aerobic activity and resistance
risk for ulcers and amputations can diabetes self-management and be training, should be encouraged
delay or prevent adverse outcomes. related to health-related quality of in all older adults who can safely
Clinicians are encouraged to life. C engage in such activities. B
review ADA screening recom- • Screening for early detection of • In older adults at increased risk of
mendations in “11. Microvascular mild cognitive impairment or hypoglycemia, medication classes
Complications and Foot Care” in the dementia and depression is indi- with low risk of hypoglycemia are
complete Standards of Care for fur- cated for adults 65 years of age or preferred. B
ther details and practical descriptions older at the initial visit and annu- • Overtreatment of diabetes is com-
of how to perform components of the ally as appropriate. B mon in older adults and should be
comprehensive foot examination. • Hypoglycemia should be avoided avoided. B
in older adults with diabetes. It • Deintensification (or simplifi-
Treatment should be assessed and managed cation) of complex regimens is
People with neuropathy or evidence by adjusting glycemic targets and recommended to reduce the risk of
of increased plantar pressures (e.g., pharmacologic interventions. B hypoglycemia, if it can be achieved
erythema, warmth, or calluses) may • Older adults who are other- within the individualized A1C
be adequately managed with well- wise healthy with few coexisting target. B
fitted walking shoes or athletic shoes chronic illnesses and intact cogni-
that cushion the feet and redistribute tive function and functional status Older adults are at higher risk
pressure. People with bony deformi- should have lower glycemic goals of hypoglycemia for many reasons,
ties (e.g., hammertoes, prominent (such as A1C <7.5% [58 mmol/ including insulin deficiency necessi-
metatarsal heads, bunions) may need mol]), while those with multiple tating insulin therapy and progressive
extra wide or deep shoes, and some coexisting chronic illnesses, cog- renal insufficiency. Hypoglycemic
will require custom-molded shoes. nitive impairment, or functional events should be diligently monitored
Use of custom therapeutic footwear dependence should have less strin- and avoided, whereas glycemic targets
can help reduce the risk of future foot gent glycemic goals (such as A1C and pharmacologic interventions may
ulcers in high-risk patients. <8.0–8.5% [64–69 mmol/mol]). C need to be adjusted to accommodate
• Glycemic goals for some older for the changing needs of the older
12. OLDER ADULTS adult. It is important to prevent
Diabetes is an important health con- adults might reasonably be relaxed
as part of individualized care, hypoglycemia to reduce the risk of
dition for the aging population, as cognitive decline and other major
approximately one-quarter of people but hyperglycemia leading to
symptoms or risk of acute hyper- adverse outcomes.
over the age of 65 years have diabe- The care of older adults with dia-
tes and one-half of older adults have glycemia complications should be
avoided in all patients. C betes is complicated by their clinical,
prediabetes. Older individuals with cognitive, and functional hetero-
diabetes have higher rates of prema- • Screening for diabetes complica-
tions should be individualized in geneity. Providers caring for older
ture death, functional disability, and adults with diabetes should prioritize
coexisting illnesses. They also have older adults. Particular attention
should be paid to complications treatment goals. For patients with
higher incidences of all-cause demen- complications and reduced func-
tia, Alzheimer’s disease, and vascular that would lead to functional
impairment. C tionality, it is reasonable to set less
dementia than people with normal intensive glycemic goals. Patients with
glucose tolerance. • Treatment of hypertension to indi-
vidualized target levels is indicated good cognitive and physical func-
Recommendations in most older adults. C tion may benefit from interventions
• Consider the assessment of med- • Treatment of other cardiovascular and goals similar to younger adults.
ical, psychological, functional DSMES is vital to diabetes care for
risk factors should be individual-
(self-management abilities), and older adults and their caregivers.
ized in older adults considering
social geriatric domains in older the time frame of benefit. Lipid- Pharmacologic Therapy
adults to provide a framework to lowering therapy and aspirin Special care is required in prescrib-
determine targets and therapeutic therapy may benefit those with life ing and monitoring pharmacologic
approaches for diabetes manage- expectancies at least equal to the therapies in older adults. See Figure 3
ment. C time frame of primary prevention for general recommendations regard-
• Screening for geriatric syndromes or secondary intervention trials. E ing antihyperglycemia treatment for
may be appropriate in older adults • Optimal nutrition and protein adults with type 2 diabetes and Table
experiencing limitations in their intake is recommended for older 5 for patient- and drug-specific factors

a b r i d g e d s ta n d a r d s o f c a r e 2 019

to consider when selecting antihyper- ple daily injections or continuous Management

glycemia agents. Metformin is the subcutaneous insulin infusion. A
first-line agent for older adults with • An A1C target of <7.5% (58
type 2 diabetes. mmol/mol) should be considered Glycemic Targets
The patient’s living situation in children and adolescents with • A reasonable A1C target for most
must be considered because it may type 1 diabetes but should be children and adolescents with type
affect diabetes management and individualized based on the needs 2 diabetes treated with oral agents
support. Cost may be an important and situation of the patient and alone is <7% (53 mmol/mol).
consideration. Deintensification of family. E More stringent A1C targets (such
regimens in patients taking nonin- as <6.5%) may be appropriate for
sulin glucose-lowering medications A multidisciplinary team of spe- selected individual patients if this
can be achieved by either lower- cialists trained in pediatric diabetes can be achieved without signifi-
ing the dose or discontinuing some management and sensitive to the cant hypoglycemia or other adverse
medications, so long as the individ- challenges of children and adoles- effects of treatment. Appropriate
ualized A1C target is maintained. cents with type 1 diabetes and their patients might include those with
Simplification of insulin regimens families should provide care for this short duration of diabetes and
may also be appropriate. population. lesser degrees of β-cell dysfunction
Older adults with diabetes are See “13. Children and Adolescents” and patients treated with lifestyle
likely to benefit from control of other in the complete 2019 Standards of or metformin only who achieve
cardiovascular risk factors. Evidence Care regarding the use of insulin significant weight improvement. E
is strong for treatment of hyper- pumps, blood glucose monitoring,
and CGM in pediatric patients with Pharmacologic Management
tension. There is less evidence for
lipid-lowering and aspirin therapy, type 1 diabetes. • Initiate pharmacologic therapy,
although the benefits of these inter- in addition to lifestyle therapy, at
Type 2 Diabetes
ventions are likely to apply to older diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. A
adults whose life expectancies equal Screening and Diagnosis • In incidentally diagnosed or met-
or exceed the time frames of clinical abolically stable patients (A1C
prevention trials. <8.5% [69 mmol/mol] and asymp-
• Risk-based screening for prediabe-
tomatic), metformin is the initial
Treatment in Skilled Nursing tes and/or type 2 diabetes should
pharmacologic treatment of choice
Facilities and Nursing Homes be considered in children and ado-
if renal function is normal. A
Management of diabetes is unique lescents after the onset of puberty
• If the A1C target is no longer met
in the long-term care (LTC) setting or ≥10 years of age, whichever
with metformin monotherapy, or
(i.e., nursing homes and skilled nurs- occurs earlier, who are overweight
if contraindications or intolerable
ing facilities). Individualization of (BMI ≥85th percentile) or obese
(BMI ≥95th percentile) and who side effects of metformin develop,
health care is important for all pa- basal insulin therapy should be
tients. Practical guidance is needed have one or more additional risk
factors for diabetes (see Table 2 initiated. B
for medical providers as well as the • Patients treated with basal insulin
LTC staff and caregivers. For patients for evidence grading of other risk
factors). up to 1.5 units/kg/day who do not
in the LTC setting, special attention meet A1C target should be moved
should be given to nutritional consid- • If tests are normal, repeat testing
at a minimum of 3-year intervals to multiple daily injections with
erations, end-of-life care, and changes basal and premeal bolus insulins. E
E , or more frequently if BMI is
in diabetes management with respect • Use of medications not approved
to advanced disease. In some circum- increasing. C
• Fasting plasma glucose, 2-h plasma by the FDA for youth with type 2
stances, withdrawal of medications diabetes is not recommended out-
glucose during a 75-g oral glucose
may be appropriate. side of research trials. B
tolerance test, and A1C can be used
13. CHILDREN AND to test for prediabetes or diabetes in See “13. Children and Adolescents” in
ADOLESCENTS children and adolescents. B the complete 2019 Standards of Care
• Children and adolescents with regarding the comprehensive treat-
Type 1 Diabetes
overweight/obesity in whom the
ment of children with type 2 diabetes.
Recommendations diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is
• The majority of children and being considered should have a 14. DIABETES IN PREGNANCY
adolescents with type 1 diabetes panel of pancreatic autoantibod- The prevalence of diabetes in pregnan-
should be treated with intensive ies tested to exclude the possibility cy has been increasing in the United
insulin regimens, either via multi- of autoimmune type 1 diabetes. B States. The majority is GDM with the

V O L U M E 3 7 , N U M B E R 1 , W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 31

remainder primarily preexisting type 1 recommended in both GDM and Management of Preexisting
diabetes and type 2 diabetes. The rise preexisting diabetes in pregnancy Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2
in GDM and type 2 diabetes in par- to achieve glycemic control. Some Diabetes in Pregnancy
allel with obesity both in the United women with preexisting diabetes
Insulin Use
States and worldwide is of particular should also test blood glucose pre-
concern. prandially. B Recommendation
• Due to increased red blood cell • Insulin is the preferred agent
Preconception Counseling
turnover, A1C is slightly lower in for management of both type 1
Recommendations normal pregnancy than in nor- diabetes and type 2 diabetes in
• Starting at puberty and continu- mal nonpregnant women. Ideally, pregnancy because it does not
ing in all women with reproductive the A1C target in pregnancy is cross the placenta and because oral
potential, preconception counsel- <6% (42 mmol/mol) if this can agents are generally insufficient to
ing should be incorporated into be achieved without significant overcome the insulin resistance in
routine diabetes care. A hypoglycemia, but the target may type 2 diabetes and are ineffective
• Family planning should be dis- be relaxed to <7% (53 mmol/mol) in type 1 diabetes. E
cussed and effective contraception if necessary to prevent hypoglyce-
should be prescribed and used mia. B Due to the continuous change in in-
until a woman is prepared and sulin requirements during pregnancy,
ready to become pregnant. A Similar to the targets recommend- regular monitoring of blood glucose
• Preconception counseling should ed by the American College of and insulin adjustments are necessary.
address the importance of glycemic Obstetricians and Gynecologists (the Toward the end of the third trimester,
management as close to normal same as for GDM; described below), it is common for there to be a greater
as is safely possible, ideally A1C the ADA recommended targets for need for prandial insulin (>50%) than
<6.5% (48 mmol/mol), to reduce women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes for basal insulin (<50%). Referral to
the risk of congenital anomalies, are as follows: a specialized care team experienced in
preeclampsia, macrosomia, and • Fasting <95 mg/dL (5.3 mmol/L) managing pregnancy in women with
other complications. B and either preexisting diabetes is recommended
• One-hour postprandial <140 if this resource is available. None of
Preconception Care mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) or the available human insulins have
Recommendations • Two-hour postprandial <120 been found to cross the placenta. Use
• Women with preexisting type 1 or mg/dL (6.7 mmol/L) of a basal/bolus regimen versus con-
type 2 diabetes who are planning tinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
Management of GDM
pregnancy or who have become (insulin pump therapy) is to be indi-
pregnant should be counseled on Recommendations vidualized to patients’ needs.
the risk of development and/or • Lifestyle change is an essen-
Preeclampsia and Aspirin
progression of diabetic retinopathy. tial component of management
Dilated eye examinations should of GDM and may suffice for Recommendation
occur ideally before pregnancy the treatment of many women. • Women with type 1 or type 2
or in the first trimester, and then Medications should be added if diabetes should be prescribed low-
patients should be monitored every needed to achieve glycemic tar- dose aspirin 60–150 mg/day (usual
trimester and for 1-year postpar- gets. A dose 81 mg/day) from the end of
tum as indicated by the degree of • Insulin is the preferred medica- the first trimester until the baby is
retinopathy and as recommended tion for treating hyperglycemia born in order to lower the risk of
by the eye care provider. B in GDM as it does not cross the preeclampsia. A
• Women with preexisting diabetes placenta to a measurable extent.
Pregnancy and Drug
should ideally be managed in a Metformin and glyburide should
multidisciplinary clinic including not be used as first-line agents,
an endocrinologist, maternal-fetal as both cross the placenta to the Recommendations
medicine specialist, dietitian, and fetus. All oral agents lack long-term • In pregnant patients with diabetes
diabetes educator, when available. B safety data. A and chronic hypertension, blood
• Metformin, when used to treat pressure targets of 120–160/80–105
Glycemic Targets in Pregnancy
polycystic ovary syndrome and mmHg are suggested in the interest
Recommendations induce ovulation, should be dis- of optimizing long-term maternal
• Fasting and postprandial self- continued once pregnancy has health and minimizing impaired
monitoring of blood glucose are been confirmed. A fetal growth. E

a b r i d g e d s ta n d a r d s o f c a r e 2 019

• Potentially teratogenic medications mmol/L]) admitted to the hospi- 30 min to every 2 h is required for
(i.e., ACE inhibitors, ARBs, statins) tal if not performed in the prior 3 intravenous insulin infusion.
should be avoided in sexually active months. B Several inpatient studies have
women of childbearing age who are shown that CGM use did not improve
Considerations on Admission
not using reliable contraception. B glucose control but detected a greater
Initial orders should state the type of
number of hypoglycemic events than
Postpartum Care diabetes. For best practice, hospitals
point-of-care (POC) glucose testing.
Postpartum care should include psy- should establish protocols for struc- However, a recent review has recom-
chosocial assessment and support for tured patient care and structured or- mended against using CGM in adults
self-care. der sets, which include computerized
Because GDM may represent pre- in a hospital setting until more safety
physician order entry. and efficacy data become available.
existing undiagnosed type 2 or even
type 1 diabetes, women with GDM Recommendation Antihyperglycemic Agents in
should be tested for persistent dia- • Insulin should be administered Hospitalized Patients
betes or prediabetes at 4–12 weeks using validated written or com-
puterized protocols that allow Recommendations
postpartum with a 75-g OGTT using
nonpregnancy criteria (Table 3). for predefined adjustments in the • Basal insulin or a basal plus bolus
Women should also be tested insulin dosage based on glycemic correction insulin regimen is
every 1–3 years thereafter if the 4- to fluctuations. E the preferred treatment for non-
12-week postpartum 75-g OGTT critically ill hospitalized patients
Glycemic Targets in with poor oral intake or those who
is normal, with frequency of test- Hospitalized Patients
ing depending on other risk factors are taking nothing by mouth. An
including family history, prepregnancy Recommendations insulin regimen with basal, pran-
BMI, and need for insulin or oral • Insulin therapy should be initiated dial, and correction components
glucose-lowering medication during for treatment of persistent hyper- is the preferred treatment for non-
pregnancy. Ongoing evaluation may glycemia starting at a threshold critically ill hospitalized patients
be performed with any recommended ≥180 mg/dL (10.0 mmol/L). with good nutritional intake. A
glycemic test (e.g., A1C, FPG, or 75-g Once insulin therapy is started, a • Sole use of sliding scale insulin
OGTT using nonpregnant thresholds). target glucose range of 140–180 in the inpatient hospital setting is
In women taking insulin, partic- mg/dL (7.8–10.0 mmol/L) is strongly discouraged. A
ular attention should be directed to recommended for the majority
In most instances in the hospital
hypoglycemia prevention in the set- of critically ill patients and non-​
setting, insulin is the preferred treat-
ting of breastfeeding and erratic sleep critically ill patients. A
ment for glycemic control.
and eating schedules. • More stringent goals, such as 110–
All women with diabetes of child- 140 mg/dL (6.1–7.8 mmol/L), may Insulin Therapy
bearing potential should have family be appropriate for selected patients, In the critical care setting, continu-
planning options reviewed at regular if this can be achieved without sig- ous intravenous insulin infusion has
intervals. nificant hypoglycemia. C been shown to be the best method for
achieving glycemic targets. Outside
15. DIABETES CARE IN THE Hyperglycemia in hospitalized of critical care units, scheduled insu-
HOSPITAL patients is defined as blood glucose lin regimens as described above are
Hospitals should promote the short- levels >140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L). recommended.
est safe hospital stay, providing an ef- An admission A1C value ≥6.5% (48 If the patient is eating, insulin
fective transition out of the hospital mmol/mol) suggests that diabetes pre- injections should align with meals.
that prevents acute complications and ceded hospitalization. Hypoglycemia In such instances, POC glucose
readmission. Prevention of hypogly- in the hospital is classified the same as testing should be performed imme-
cemia and hyperglycemia should be in any setting. (See Sec. 6 “Glycemic diately before meals. Patients with
goals, since adverse outcomes are as- Targets” above.) type 1 diabetes should have basal-
sociated with both.
Bedside Blood Glucose
bolus insulin plus nutritional insu-
Hospital Care Delivery
lin if they are eating. A transition
Standards protocol from insulin infusion to sub-
In the patient who is eating meals,
cutaneous insulin is recommended.
Recommendation glucose monitoring should be per-
• Perform an A1C on all patients formed before meals. In the patient Noninsulin Therapies
with diabetes or hyperglycemia who is not eating, glucose monitoring The safety and efficacy of noninsulin
(blood glucose >140 mg/dL [7.8 is advised every 4–6 h. Testing every antihyperglycemic therapies in the

V O L U M E 3 7 , N U M B E R 1 , W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 33

hospital setting is an area of active mic control, and address personal food conciliation and structured discharge
research. See “15. Diabetes Care in preferences. The ADA does not en- communication. Discharge planning
the Hospital” in the complete 2019 dorse any single meal plan. An RD can should begin at admission and be
Standards of Care for a comprehen- serve as an inpatient team member. updated as patient needs change. An
sive review of the inpatient use of outpatient follow-up visit 1 month
Self-Management in the
these medications. after discharge is recommended.
Hypoglycemia Diabetes self-management in the 16. DIABETES ADVOCACY
Recommendations hospital may be appropriate for select For a list of ADA advocacy position
• A hypoglycemia management youth and adult patients. Sufficient statements, including “Diabetes
protocol should be adopted and cognitive and physical skills, adequate and Driving” and “Diabetes and
implemented by each hospital or oral intake, proficiency in carbohy- Employment,” see “16. Diabetes
hospital system. A plan for pre- drate estimation, and knowledge of Advocacy” in the complete Standards
venting and treating hypoglycemia sick-day management are some of the of Care.
should be established for each requirements. Self-administered in-
patient. Episodes of hypoglycemia sulin with a multiple daily injection Acknowledgments
in the hospital should be docu- regimen or insulin pump therapy may
This abridged version of the Standards of
mented in the medical record and be considered. A protocol should exist Medical Care in Diabetes—2019 was created
tracked. E for these situations. by the ADA’s Primary Care Advisory Group
(PCAG), with special thanks to PCAG chair
• The treatment regimen should be Standards for Special Situations Eric L. Johnson, MD, of Grand Forks, ND;
reviewed and changed as necessary See “15. Diabetes Care in the vice-chair Hope Feldman, CRNP, FNP-BC,
to prevent further hypoglycemia Hospital” in the complete 2019
of Philadelphia, PA; Amy Butts, PA-C,
MPAS, CDE, of Weirton, WV; CDR Billy
when a blood glucose value is <70 Standards of Care for guidance on St. John Collins, DHSc, MS, of Bethesda,
mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L). C enteral/parenteral feedings, diabetic MD; Joy Dugan, MPH, DHS(c), PA-C, of
Vallejo, CA; Sandra Leal, PharmD, MPH,
ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyper-
Patients with or without diabetes FAPhA, CDE, of Tucson, AZ; Andrew
may experience hypoglycemia in the glycemic state, perioperative care, and S. Rhinehart, MD, FACP, FACE, CDE,

hospital setting. While hypoglycemia glucocorticoid therapy. BC-ADM, CDTC, of Marco Island, FL;
Jay H. Shubrook, DO, of Vallejo, CA; and
is associated with increased mortality, Transition From the Acute Care Jennifer Trujillo, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS,
CDE, BC-ADM, of Aurora, CO; with ADA
it may be a marker of underlying dis- Setting staff support from Sarah Bradley.
ease rather than the cause of increased
mortality. However, until it is proven Recommendation The complete Standards of Medical Care in
• There should be a structured Diabetes—2019 was developed by the ADA’s
not to be causal, it is prudent to avoid Professional Practice Committee: Joshua J.
hypoglycemia. Studies of “bundled” discharge plan tailored to the indi- Neumiller, PharmD, CDE, FASCP (Chair);
preventive therapies including proac- vidual patient with diabetes. B Christopher Cannon, MD; Ian de Boer, MD,
MS; Jill Crandall, MD; David D’Alessio,
tive surveillance of glycemic outliers Transition from the acute care MD; Mary de Groot, PhD; Judith Fradkin,
and an interdisciplinary data-driven setting is a risky time for all patients
MD; Kathryn Kreider, DNP, APRN,
FNP-BC, BC-ADM; David Maahs, MD,
approach to glycemic management A structured discharge plan tailored PhD; Nisa Maruthur, MD, MHS; Melinda
showed that hypoglycemic episodes to the individual patient may reduce Maryniuk, MEd, RD, CDE; Medha N.
in the hospital could be prevented. length of hospital stay and read-
Munshi, MD; Maria Jose Rdondo, MD,
PhD, MPH; Guillermo E. Umpierrez, MD,
MNT in the Hospital mission rates and increase patient CDE; and Jennifer Wyckoff, MD. ADA staff
The goals of MNT in the hospital are satisfaction. A structured discharge support includes Erika Berg, PhD; William
T. Cefalu, MD; Matt Petersen; Shamera
to provide adequate calories to meet plan should be tailored to each patient Robinson, MPH, RDN; Mindy Saraco,
metabolic demands, optimize glyce- and should include medication re- MHA; and Sacha Uelmen, RDN, CDE.


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