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Quick Rubric :) 10/24/19, 12)13 AM

Benefits of physical activity in people’s life

Your paper will be graded based on a rubrics attached below. Please make sure you use this as a
checklist as you prepare for your paper.

Proficient Accomplished Capable Beginner

25 Points 21 Points 17 Points 13 Points

Organization Piece was written in an Piece was written in an Piece had little style or Piece had no style or
extraordinary style and interesting style and voice voice
voice voice Gives some new Gives no new
Very informative and Somewhat informative information but poorly information and very
well-organized and organized organized poorly organized

Reletive Information clearly Information clearly Information somehow No relative information

relates to the main relates to the main relates to the main to the main topic
Information to
topic including several topic including some topic but no supporting
the main topic supporting examples supporting examples examples
explained in detail

Grammar, Usage Virtually no spelling, Few spelling and A number of spelling, So many spelling,
punctuation or punctuation errors, punctuation or punctuation and
& Mechanics
grammatical errors minor grammatical grammatical errors grammatical errors that
errors it interferes with the

MLA: Format, Few (if any) errors Few errors Several errors Numerous errors

heading, title,
NTR, 12 pt ,
Citation, Works

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