Housekeeping is-WPS Office

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Housekeeping   is   a   process   of   making   a   place   or   organization   clean   and   tidy.

Housekeeping   department   also   plays   an   important   role   in   hotel   line   because   it

creates a pleasant impression.

Nothing   repels   guests   more   than   poor   housekeeping.   Every   hotel’s   cleanliness
immediately  sets  the  tone  for  quality,  while  showing   guests   how  much  you  care
about them and your business.

With hotel hygiene being high on a guest’s priority list, their opinion can do grave
damage to your reputation if it doesn’t meet expectations. Just one negative review
can lose hotels around 30 guests, according to a study. It’s not surprising this can
have severe consequences in revenue losses.

But   if   hotels   invest   in   housekeeping   operations   and   establish   strict   quality

standards, this can set a clear division between you and your competitors. Good
housekeeping   can   provide   a   sure   fire   way   to   gain   the   edge,   enhance   the   guest
experience and improve your bottom line.

The hotel’s reputation is sacred. I don’t want to see and stay in a hotel that’s been
labeled filthy. Here’s why good housekeeping is imperative and the real power it has
over your success.

Travelers like me, will avoid booking hotels described as being ‘dirty’ in a review.
Cleanliness is so important to me. I prioritize housekeeping above bed and furniture
comfort, customer service, room lighting and internet access.

I choose to visit a hotel with a certain set of expectations. Being presented with a
clean room is presumed. I do not expect to be greeted by dusty furniture and stained
bedding.  So as  a  guest, my  reaction when   this  does  happen  is   justifiably one  of
shock and disgust.

Value   added   services   enhance   my   accommodation   experience   immeasurably   and

will give me positive memories they I would want to share with others. As a Guest,
I  feel   passionate about  proper  housekeeping.  Passionate enough  that   I am   more
likely to write a negative review if it falls below my own ideals.

These   kind   of   negative   reviews   hold   great   social   power   and   have   the   ability   to
severely damage hotel’s reputation and revenue potential.
Adequate   housekeeping   will   ensure   your   hotel   is   a   clean,   safe   and   comfortable
environment for travelers. It also creates a great first impression that remains with
your guests for the duration of their stay.

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